The Study Area
THE STUDY AREA 2.1 GENERALFEATURES 2.1.1 Location and besic informations ofthe area Darjeeling is a hilly district situated at the northernmost end of the Indian state of West Bengal. It has a hammer or an inverted wedge shaped appearance. Its location in the globe may be detected between latitudes of 26° 27'05" Nand 27° 13 ' 10" Nand longitudes of87° 59' 30" and 88° 53' E (Fig. 2. 1). The southern-most point is located near Bidhan Nagar village ofPhansidewa block the nmthernmost point at trijunction near Phalut; like wise the widest west-east dimension of the di strict lies between Sabarkum 2 near Sandakphu and Todey village along river Jaldhaka. It comprises an area of3, 149 km . Table 2.1. Some basic data for the district of Darjeeling (Source: Administrative Report ofDatjeeling District, 201 1- 12, Area 3,149 kmL Area of H ill portion 2417.3 knr' T erai (Plains) Portion 731.7 km_L Sub Divisoins 4 [Datjeeling, Kurseong, Kalimpong, Si1iguri] Blocks 12 [Datjeeling-Pulbazar, Rangli-Rangliot, Jorebunglow-Sukiapokhari, Kalimpong - I, Kalimpong - II, Gorubathan, Kurseong, Mirik, Matigara, Naxalbari, Kharibari & Phansidewa] Police Stations 16 [Sadar, Jorebunglow, Pulbazar, Sukiapokhari, Lodhama, Rangli- Rangliot, Mirik, Kurseong, Kalimpong, Gorubathan, Siliguri, Matigara, Bagdogra, Naxalbari, Phansidewa & Kharibari] N o . ofVillages & Corporation - 01 (Siliguri) Towns Municipalities - 04 (Darjeeling, Kurseong, Kalimpong, Mirik) Gram Pancbayats - 134 Total Forest Cover 1,204 kmL (38.23 %) [Source: Sta te of Forest
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