For oJJidlllllSe only Guideline for Household Enumeration f.ti,t"~ M"I Cf> I ~ !I'd PEOPLE 0RIFJmD 9 • 2 • 2001 to 5 · 3 · 2001 ISSUED BY DIRECTOR OF CENSUS OPERATIONS WEST BENGAL lOB, ABDUL HAMID STREET CALCUTTA - 700 069 Phone No.: (033) 220 • 12271248-85311 210-8220 Fax No. : (033) 220 - 1227 E-mail:
[email protected] ~: ~~ T~16frrJm : "STACENSUS" GOVERNMENT OF INDIA "'!'~ MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS/GRIHA MANTRALAYA ~. \iR1TUAI ~. ~ tf1m;j OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR OF CENSUS OPERATIONS, WEST BENGAL 20B, ABDUL HAMID STREET, CALCUTTA-700 069 fl./No ......... p.~.Q.. (p.).!..qr.!..~Q99J I / 1217 (36) ~lDated ........ L7.• Q7.1.0'O'O ........ To The District Magistrate & Principal Census Officer, Commissioner & Principal Census Officer, Calcutta Municipal Corporation I Howrah Municipal Corporation. Sub: Detailed guideline on Household or population Enumeration 200 I. Ref: Guideline No. 12 Sir, I am enclosing a detailed guideline for Population Enumeration in 2001 for your perusal and follow up action. It is requested that the copies of the guideline may kindly be circulated to all the Census Officers, Charge Officers as per distribution list given below. 1. Office of the District Magistrate 4 Copies. including Additional Principal Census Officer & District Census Officer. 2. Assistant Director of Statistics & I Copy. Additional District Census Officer. 3. Sub Divisionl Officer and Sub 2 copies. Divisional Principal Censu,s Officer. 4. Block Development Officer & 4 copies. Block Charge Officer. 5. Chairman & Town Charge Officer. 4 copies. 6. Charge officer for Special Area. 2 copies. Yours faithf\:lY, Enclo .•... no. of copies as stated. ~. \-:r\1'11~ (VIKRAM SEN ) Director· Census Operations, West Bengal ii iii INDEX SL.