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SCUFN31-03.1A DECISIONS and ACTIONS from SCUFN-30 SCUFN31-03.1A DECISIONS and ACTIONS FROM SCUFN-30 (Status at the date of 30 June 2018) Note: DECISIONS have been kept in the list and highlighted in light grey when implemented (names now available in the GEBCO Gazetteer, for instance). Status & Decision/ Agenda Details Comments Action Item (June 2018) 1 Opening and Administrative Arrangements IHO and IOC Secretariats to prepare calls for SCUFN Complete Membership vacancies for 4 IHO and 4 IOC representatives with the aim to select upcoming SCUFN30/01 Members by March 2018, so new nominees can investigate possibility of participating in SCUFN31 (2018). Complete (IHO CL SCUFN Sec. to call for nomination for SCUFN 29/2018 and SCUFN30/02 Chair/Vice-Chair in the invitation letter to SCUFN31, SCUFN Letter election to take place at the end of SCUFN31. 02/2018) Introduction by SCUFN Chair – SCUFN ROPs - 2 Approval of Agenda SCUFN Members endorsed the amendment of Complete SCUFN30/03 SCUFN TORs and ROPs (Doc. SCUFN30-01D). SCUFN Chair/Sec to submit amendment of SCUFN Complete (email SCUFN30/04 TORs and ROPs for approval to GGC iaw with Art. 9 SCUFN Sec. 3 Oct of the GGC TORs, copy to IOC Sec. 2017) Dec. 2017. SCUFN Sec. to upload the new Edition of the SCUFN Complete. SCUFN30/05 TORs and ROPs on the IHO website when approved Amendment by GGC. rejected by GGC. 2.2 Approval of Agenda With regard to the adoption of the agenda, SCUFN Complete. Members to consider the fast-track procedure first, SCUFN30/06 then to consider how SCUFN will review JCUFN fast- track proposals submitted for SCUFN30. 3 Matters remaining from Previous Meetings Status & Decision/ Agenda Details Comments Action Item (June 2018) Review of Actions from SCUFN-29 and transfer to 3.1 the relevant agenda items SCUFN Sec. to provide all SCUFN Members with Complete. SCUFN members have SCUFN30/07 their GEBCO Gazetteer Editors username and been informed (former password so they can: that they can SCUFN29/07 - log in; receive their and - assess the new proposed feature names in codes on request SCUFN28/95) EDIT mode; (last e-mail from - make editorial corrections directly. Sec. 21 Jun 2018). SCUFN Chair/Vice-Chair/Sec to consider how Long term action SCUFN can record rationales supporting decisions made for addressing difficult cases in sessions (cook-book?, live appendix to ToRs? repository of SCUFN30/08 best practices?...), so lessons learned can be re-used (former in consistent manner in the future. SCUFN29/13) As a first step, Han/Roberta/SCUFN Chair to SCUFN31 propose and prepare the creation of a repository of typical cases. Complete. SCUFN30/09 Gazetteer (former Actions planned for Lomrog Hill are cancelled. updated 26 Feb SCUFN29/18) 2018. Proposal for Doña Idelisa Passage is kept as In progress. PENDING. Walter to liaise with the proposer to SCUFN Letter to SCUFN30/10 provide justification on the specific term and be addressed to (former information on the track lines. Then, information to ANAMAR SCUFN29/69) be reviewed by SCUFN Members by Director. correspondence. Proposal for Las Jorobadas Passage is kept as In progress. SCUFN30/11 PENDING. Walter to liaise with the proposer to SCUFN Letter to (former provide information about track lines. Then, be addressed to SCUFN29/70) information to be reviewed by SCUFN Members by ANAMAR correspondence. Director. 4 Proposals Submitted during Intersessional Period 4.1 From USA, Schmidt Ocean Institute Status & Decision/ Agenda Details Comments Action Item (June 2018) Complete. Gazetteer SCUFN30/12 Proposal for Cenotaph Seamount is ACCEPTED. updated 2 Feb 2018. Complete. Gazetteer SCUFN30/13 Proposal for Nautilus Seamount is ACCEPTED. updated 2 Feb 2018. Complete. Gazetteer SCUFN30/14 Proposal for Phobos Seamount is ACCEPTED. updated 26 Feb 2018. From USA, Center for Coastal & Ocean 4.2 Mapping/Joint Hydrographic Center, University of New Hampshire Complete. Complete. SCUFN30/15 Proposal for Inouye Seamount is ACCEPTED. Gazetteer updated 26 Feb 2018. From Republic of Palau, Territory and Boundary 4.3 Task Force, Office of the President Complete. Gazetteer SCUFN30/16 Proposal for Babeldaob Ridge is ACCEPTED. updated 26 Feb 2018. Complete. Gazetteer updated 17 Mar Proposal for East Babeldaob Ridge is ACCEPTED. & 28 May 2018. SCUFN30/17 New polygon coordinates to be provided by the New polygon proposer. received from the proposer (last e- mail from D. Idip 9 May 2018). Status & Decision/ Agenda Details Comments Action Item (June 2018) Complete. Gazetteer updated 17 Mar & 28 May 2018. Summit SCUFN30/18 Proposal for Ngedebuul Seamount is ACCEPTED. coordinates received from the proposer (last e- mail from D. Idip 10 May 2018). Complete. Gazetteer updated 17 Mar & 28 May 2018. Summit SCUFN30/19 Proposal for Rteluul Seamount is ACCEPTED. coordinates received from the proposer (last e- mail from D. Idip 10 May 2018). Complete. Gazetteer SCUFN30/20 Proposal for Ongedechuul Seamount is ACCEPTED. updated 27 Feb 2018. Complete for Imeungs Peak. Gazetteer Proposal for Imeungs [Seamount] is ACCEPTED with updated 1 Mar the generic term changed to Peak. Generic Terms SCUFN30/21 2018. Complete Subgroup will consider revising the definition of for PEAK PEAK. definition (see Doc. SCUFN31- 06.1A). Complete. Gazetteer SCUFN30/22 Proposal for Ngerbuns Seamount is ACCEPTED. updated 1 Mar 2018. Status & Decision/ Agenda Details Comments Action Item (June 2018) Complete. Gazetteer updated 18 Mar & 28 May 2018. Proposal for Belias Seamount is ACCEPTED. Summit SCUFN30/23 Coordinates of the summit to be provided by the coordinates proposer. received from the proposer (last e- mail from D. Idip 9 May 2018). Complete. Gazetteer SCUFN30/24 Proposal for Ngerdubech Seamount is ACCEPTED. updated 1 Mar 2018. Complete. Gazetteer SCUFN30/25 Proposal for Kerradel Seamount is ACCEPTED. updated 2 Mar 2018. Complete. Gazetteer SCUFN30/26 Proposal for Kiueluul Seamount is ACCEPTED. updated 2 Mar 2018. Complete. Gazetteer updated 27 Feb & 30 Jun 2018. Submission for Proposal for Ngetelngal [Seamount] is kept as the associate Rael PENDING with the generic term changed to Peak, SCUFN30/27 Kedam Ridge until the proposer makes a complementary received from the submission for the associate ridge. proposer (18 Jun 2018) and accepted by SCUFN Members (30 Jun 2018). Complete. Gazetteer SCUFN30/28 Proposal for Oldias Seamount is ACCEPTED. updated 2 Mar 2018. Status & Decision/ Agenda Details Comments Action Item (June 2018) Complete. Gazetteer SCUFN30/29 Proposal for Ngermeuangel Basin is ACCEPTED. updated 2 Mar 2018. Complete. Gazetteer updated 22 Feb, 25 May & 30 Jun 2018. Revised proposal and polygon shapefile Proposals for Ngeteklou Basin and Tbekuulii Basin for single large are kept as PENDING as the proposer is invited to basin, proposed SCUFN30/30 provide a new polygon for a single large basin as Tbekuulii composed of the two small ones, and a single Basin, received specific term for this basin1. from the proposer (last e- mails from D. Idip 9 May & 16 Jun 2018). Accepted by SCUFN members (30 Jun 2018). Complete. Gazetteer SCUFN30/31 Proposal for Ongeim'l Tketau Basin is ACCEPTED. updated 2 Mar 2018. From New Zealand, New Zealand Geographic 4.4 Board (NZGB) and New Zealand Hydrographic Office (LINZ) Complete. Proposal for Taranui Seamount is ACCEPTED with a Gazetteer SCUFN30/32 note to be added in the Gazetteer as also known as updated 12 Mar Mobil Seamount. 2018. Proposal for Te Punga Hill was considered under the Complete. fast-track procedure and is ACCEPTED with a note Gazetteer SCUFN30/33 to be added in the Gazetteer as also known as updated 12 Mar Telecom Knoll. 2018. 1 SCUFN Members will consider approving the finalized proposal by correspondence. Status & Decision/ Agenda Details Comments Action Item (June 2018) Complete. Proposed amendment by GGC to consider submitting a proposal to SCUFN by SCUFN Sec. to B-6 which proposers would be invited in the future to SCUFN30/34 Ed. 4.2.0 release their data for supporting Seabed 2030 and encouraging the GEBCO bathymetric database. proposers to release their data to IHO DCDB. Complete. Fast-track Proposal for Vaughan Seamount is Gazetteer SCUFN30/35 ACCEPTED. updated 12 Mar 2018. Complete. Gazetteer SCUFN30/36 Fast-track Proposal for Erebus Basin is ACCEPTED. updated 12 Mar 2018. Complete. Gazetteer SCUFN30/37 Fast-track Proposal for Lewis Basin is ACCEPTED. updated 13 Mar 2018. Complete. Gazetteer SCUFN30/38 Fast-track Proposal for Seelig Saddle is ACCEPTED. updated 13 Mar 2018. Complete. Gazetteer SCUFN30/39 Fast-track Proposal for Western Shelf is ACCEPTED. updated 13 Mar 2018. Complete. Gazetteer SCUFN30/40 Fast-track Proposal for Western Slope is ACCEPTED. updated 13 Mar 2018. Complete. Fast-track Proposal for Wilson Sea Channel is Gazetteer SCUFN30/41 ACCEPTED. updated 13 Mar 2018. 4.5 From USA, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Status & Decision/ Agenda Details Comments Action Item (June 2018) In progress. Re- Proposal for Demeter Pass is NOT ACCEPTED due to submission background data. Proposer to provide planned when complementary data (multibeam survey data, new multibeam SCUFN30/42 GEBCO data and data from the Ridge programme data is available (GeoMapApp)) in a future submission, and consider (last e-mail from using generic term Gap or Passage rather than Pass the proposer 13 in accordance with B-6. Mar 2018). In progress. Re- submission Proposal for Hecate Ridge is NOT ACCEPTED due to planned when background data. Proposer to provide new multibeam SCUFN30/43 complementary data (multibeam survey data, data is available GEBCO data and data from the Ridge programme (last e-mail from (GeoMapApp)) in a future submission. the proposer 13 Mar 2018). From Brazil, Geology and Geophysics Laboratory of 4.6 Rio Grande do Norte Federal University. Complete. Gazetteer SCUFN30/44 Proposal for Açu Canyon is ACCEPTED. updated 14 Mar 2018. Complete. Gazetteer SCUFN30/45 Proposal for Apodi Canyon is ACCEPTED. updated 14 Mar 2018.
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