
Seven Against Thebes- , Amphiarius, , Polyneices, , Hippomedon,

Epigoni- , , Amphilocus, , , , (s. of Mecistus),

Argonauts- (leader), (strongest), Ancaeus (2nd strongest), (Heracles' beloved), Zetes and Calais (Boreades), Tiphys (1st helmsman), Ancaeus (2nd helmsman), Mopsus (seer), (seer), (wave-runner), (medic), (musician), (shape-shifter), (horseman and boxer), and Lynceus (some guy and his brother with x-ray vision), , Bellerophon, (- guy), Laertes, , Oileus, , , , , Phocus, , , Perseus, Telamon, , Polyphemus (not the Cyclops. Went with Heracles)

Caledonian Boar Hunt- Meleager, Atalanta, and , Admetus, Ancaeus (dies), Amphiarius, Asclepius, Castor and Pollux, (dies by Peleus), Jason, Idas and Lynceus, Laertes, Mopsus, Nestor, Peleus, Pirituous, Telamon, Theseus

Greeks at - (), (), (), Diomedes (Argos), (Nauplia), ( [Myrmidons]), Nestor (Pylos), Idomeneus (Crete), (), Cinyras (Cyprus), Ajax Telamon (Salamis), , Ajax Oileus (Locris), (prophet), (Phocis), , , (s. of Nestor), and (sons of Ascelpius), Sthenelus, Amphilochus, Alcmaeon, (Sceiros), Philoctetes (), (aka Pyrrhus), Antilochus

Unfaithful wives of Greek chieftains- Helen (leaves Menelaus for ), Clytemnestra (Agamemnon for Aegisthus), Meda (Idomeneus for Leucos), Aegialia (Diomedes for , Hippolytus, or Cyllabarus)

Trojans- (king, killed by Neoptolemus on altar)-- (Hecabe [queen, captured by Odysseus, becomes dog (either 1. avenged 's death on Polymnestor 2. snarled at Odysseus until she became a dog)]), (Hecuba's brother, advised Trojans to give back Helen, was spared)--, Arisbe (first wife of Priam), (son of Arisbe and Priam, interpreted the dream of Hecuba about the firebrand), Capys (father of ), Anchises (lover of Venus, crippled, father of ), Aeneas (That one guy. lol)-- (daughter of Priam, lost on Aeneas's way out of Troy), (strongest and eldest of Hecuba-Priam, killed by Achilles)---- (seer, captured by Greeks, taken by Odysseus, Sicilian colony), (Scamandrius [son of Hector and Andromache, dropped from walls of Troy]), Paris (Alexander [2nd oldest, discovered at own funeral games, once loved , killed by Philoctetes]), (second strongest, appeared as him to Hector to trick him into fighting Achilles, second husband of Helen, killed by Menelaus and Helen), Polydorus (youngest son, sent to live with Polymnestor and Ilione, Polymnestor is bribed and kills Polydorus, become tree), Polites (killed in front of Priam by Neoptolemus), (loved by one-sidedly, no one believes her prophecies, raped by Ajax Oileus in Athena's temple causing the ruin of the Greek fleets, captured by Agamemnon, killed by Clytemnestra and Aegisthus), (falls in love with Achilles, tomb of Achilles)

Trojan allies- (Amazonian warrior, Achilles killed her and weeped at her beauty, Thersites made fun of him, Achilles punched his face in), Memnon (Ethiopian king, son of and Tithonus, killed by Achilles, when he dies his followers become doves), Sarpedon (Lycian king, favorite son of , rained blood at his funeral), (Lycian under Sarpedon, healed to rescue his body, traded golden armor [worth 100 oxen] for Diomedes's bronze armor [worth 9 oxen] because of their heritage, grandson of Bellerophon)

Odyssean faction- Odysseus (leader), Eurylochus (second-in-command), Elpenor (youngest), (left on the Cyclops' island)

Aenean faction- Aeneas (leader), Anchises (father, dies in ), (Iulus [son, later founds Alba Longa, namesake of Julian family]), Achates (2nd in command)

Furies (, Eumenides, Dirae)- , ,

Muses (Camenae)- (epic poetry), (history), (astronomy), (dance), (sacred poetry), (comedy), (erotic poetry), (tragedy), (song)

Fates (Moirae, Parcae)- (weaves), (measures), (cuts)

Graeae- Deino, , Pemphredo (Hyginus adds two more- Persis and Perso)

Harpies- Aello, (Podarge),

Graces (Charities)- (Splendor), (Mirth), Thalia (Good Cheer)

Horae (Seasons, Hours)- Thallo, Arxo, Carpo (order of nature) OR , , (law and order)

Giants (attacked Olympus)- Eurymedon (king of the ), and (two strongest [killed by Heracles]), Otus and Ephialtes (Aloidae [captured in a jar (killed each other)]), Aristaios (only survivor, becomes dung beetle), Agrios (killed by the Fates), (killed by ), (killed by Athena, buried under Mt. ), Eurytus (killed by ), Gration (killed by ), Hippolytus (killed by ), Leon (head of a lion [killed by Heracles]), (killed by either Ares or ), (killed by Athena), Pelorus (killed by Ares), Polybotes (killed by by dropping an island [Nisyros] on his head. lol), Thoon (killed by Fates)

Giants- Antaeus (strong when touching mother Earth, Heracles lifts to defeat in wrestling), , Damysus ( gave his anklebone to Achilles for speed)

Cyclopes- Arges, Brontes, Steropes

Hecatonchires- Cottus, Gyes, Briareus (Obriareus, Aegaeon)

Centaurs- Centaurus, Chiron, Pholus, Nessus, Eurytion (started fight at the wedding of Pirithuous and ), Cyllaurus and Hylonome

Charioteers- (Hector's), (Achilles's), (Idomeneus's), (Aeneas's), (Patroclus's), Eurymedon (Agamemnon's), Baton (Amphiarius's), Sthenelus (Diomedes's)