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To View and Download the Full Journal The Canadian Society for Syriac Studies JOURNAL Volume 2 2002 ● James Reilly - University of Toronto ● Sidney Griffith - Catholic University of America ● Paul-Hubert Poirier - Université Laval ● Robert Kitchen - Knox Metropolitan United Church ● Amir Harrak - University of Toronto ● Marica Cassis - University of Toronto Toronto - Ontario - Canada Journal of the Canadian Society for Syriac Studies/ de la Société Canadienne des Etudes Syriaques The Journal of the CSSS is published annually, and contains the transcripts of the public lectures presented at the Society and possibly other articles and book reviews. Editor: Amir Harrak Assistant Editor: Adam Lehto Publisher: Antoine Hirsch The Canadian Society for Syriac Studies La Société Canadienne des Etudes Syriaques Society Officers 2001-2002 President: Amir Harrak Vice-President and Secretary-Treasurer: Khalid Dinno Members of the Board of Directors: Khalid Dinno, Grant Frame, Robert Hanna, Amir Harrak, Antoine Hirsch, Adam Lehto, Albert Tarzi The aim of the CSSS is to promote the study of the Syriac culture which is rooted in the same soil from which the ancient Mesopotamian and biblical literatures sprung. The CSSS is purely academic, and its activities include a series of public lectures, one yearly sympo- sium, and the publication of its Journal. The Journal is distributed free of charge to the members of the CSSS who have paid their dues, but it can be ordered by other individuals and institutions for the following fees: $25.00 for individuals and $50.00 for institutions. Payment must be made in US dollars for orders from outside Canada. See the address of the CSSS on the back cover. © The Canadian Society for Syriac Studies 2002 ISSN 1499-6367 Origins of Syriac Christianity Papers presented at a Symposium on the “Origins of Syriac Christianity” November 24, 2001 Sponsored by The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada And The Department of Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations, University of Toronto The Canadian Society for Syriac Studies Table of Contents From the Editor 1 James Reilly, 3 Forward Sidney H. Griffith, 5 Christianity in Edessa and the Syriac-Speaking World: Mani, Bar Daysan, and Ephraem; the Struggle for Allegiance on the Aramean Frontier Paul-Hubert Poirier, 21 Faith and Persuasion in the Book of the Laws of Countries: A Note on Bardaisanian Epistemology Robert A. Kitchen, 30 Becoming Perfect: The Maturing of Asceticism in the Syriac Book of Steps Amir Harrak, 46 Trade Routes and the Christianization of the Near East Marica Cassis, 62 Kokhe, Cradle of the Church of the East: An Archaeological and Comparative Study Group of Scholars, 79 Syriac in International Research Members of the CSSS for 2001-2002 84 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ FROM THE EDITOR The present volume contains papers pre- West met witnessed allegiance struggles led sented at the Symposium organized on No- by such 3rd century personalities as Barday- vember 24, 2001 by the Department of Near san and Mani and the 4th century Ephrem. and Middle Eastern Civilizations, University The first two were marked by their Aramean of Toronto, and the Canadian Society for culture whereas the latter espoused Roman Syriac Studies. The symposium explored the imperial orthodoxy, and hence the struggle “Origins of Syriac Christianity,” a difficult was translated into one between orthodoxy subject because of the total lack of literary and heresy. sources dated to the time when Christianity No one can deal with early Syriac Chris- first expanded into the Near East. The qual- tianity without discussing the second- ity of the papers, as well as the organization century Syriac author Bardaysan of Edessa. and strong participation of both the general Prof. Paul-Hubert Poirier of Laval Univer- public and the academy, contributed to the sity, who has published extensively on early success of this symposium. It is now my Christianity and Gnosticism, discussed the pleasure to present to readers at large the philosophical background of a statement papers presented by the five speakers whose made by one of Bardaysan’s disciples claim- research provided an important window into ing that without faith no one can attain firm the origins and development of Syriac conviction. Prof. Poirier was able to find the Christianity. echo of this claim in Coptic Gnosticism and The conference was officially opened by ultimately in Greek philosophy. It even re- Prof. James Reilly, Chair of the Department calls Augustine’s maxim crede ut intellegas of Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations, “believe and understand.” who rightly qualified Syriac Christianity as One of the most important sources of a bridge between two major eras, the An- early Syriac Christianity is a treatise called cient Near East and the “Islamic” (medieval The Book of Steps (4th century), which Dr. and modern) Middle East. R.A. Kitchen, of Regina, Saskatchewan, has After reviewing early Syriac Christian translated into English and which is now in sources, Prof. Sidney Griffith, of the Catho- press. Thus, he is well-qualified to discuss lic University of America, stressed the role one aspect of this work: the asceticism that of Edessa as a frontier city between Roman so clearly characterizes the early Syriac Syria and Aramean Mesopotamia, then un- church. Excesses in this domain are well der Persian rule. The city where East and known, but admirably, the Book of Steps ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Journal of the Canadian Society for Syriac Studies 2 (2002) - Page 1 From the Editor ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ reflects the human experience of a commu- hearing a 4th century poem attributed to nity trying to reach evangelical perfection Ephrem the Syrian, whose name cannot be (ܐܬܘܓ). Rather than celebrating those ignored in any discussion on the origins of who have achieved perfection, the Book of Syriac Christianity. The poem was “On the Steps accommodates those who are less- love of learning,” the wording of which re- than-perfect within the community and at- calls ancient wisdom literature, namely that tributes a dignified ministry to them. Here is of Ahiqar. Part of the poem was sung by the an early document that provides an impres- excellent choir of the Assyrian Church of sion of asceticism “in the flesh,” appreciat- the East, Toronto Parish, led by Farida. ing its inadequacies as well as its accom- Many thanks to Farida and everyone in the plishments. choir, as well as to His Grace Mar Em- The lecture by the present writer dealt manuel, who facilitated the task of the Choir with two Syriac classical sources relevant to singing in the auditorium of the University. the general theme of the symposium. While Participants also recall the presentation the Teaching of Addai and the Acts of Mār made by Dr. George Kiraz on the important Mārī suggest that Christianity entered Upper project entitled eBeth Arké, or “The Syriac Syria and Mesopotamia triumphally thanks Digital Library.” Its aim is to make available to powerful signs and wonders performed by on the Internet an eLibrary collection of out- the two missionaries, the paper highlighted a of-print books, journal articles, pictures, and few references made by them to merchants music recordings. Led by Beth Mardutho in and trade, suggesting the following: Since partnership with major university libraries, several religions, sects, and philosophies eBeth Arké is the first collection of pub- were disseminated in foreign lands by mer- lished material on Syriac studies in elec- chants and trade routes, the missionaries of tronic form using the latest in eBook Mesopotamia and Upper Syria could well technology. have done the same. At the end of the Journal, the reader will The last presentation was archaeological, find a report on the 5th International Con- focusing on the traces of the earliest Syriac gress of Syriac Studies, which took place in churches in the ruins of Babylonia. Kokhe, Kottayam, S. India, last September, as well the birthplace of the Church of the East, of- as details about a new research project in fers limited archaeological remains, but Syriac Christianity that just started at Leiden what was unearthed several decades ago is University, the Netherlands. The project will now better understood thanks to other Syriac investigate the development of an independ- remains recently uncovered in Sassanian ent identity among the West Syriac people Babylonia and the Arabian Gulf. Through on the basis of the latter's historiographical, comparison of building material, plans and exegetical, and iconographical creations. motifs, Marica Cassis, a Ph.D. candidate in The organization of the symposium and Syriac Studies at the University of Toronto, the publication of its papers were made pos- emphasized what made the remains at sible thanks to the financial support of the Kokhe unique. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Participants at the symposium also re- Council of Canada. member the pleasure and the fascination of A. H. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Journal of the Canadian Society for Syriac Studies 2 (2002) - Page 2 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ FORWARD JAMES REILLY UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO he papers published here origi-
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