Interpretation 1. In this Act "advertise" means to promote, directly or indirectly, the sale or disposal of Schedule A ; "board" means the board of examiners established under this Act; "bylaws" means the bylaws of the college; "clerkship" means the training given in a pharmacy by a pharmacist to a student or graduate; "college" means the College of Pharmacists of British Columbia; "committee" means the discipline committee; "council" means the council of the college; "dispense" includes the preparation and release of a prescribed in a prescription and the taking of steps to ensure the pharmaceutical and therapeutic suitability of a drug for its intended use; "drug" means a substance or combination of substances used or intended to be used to diagnose, treat, mitigate or prevent a disease, disorder or abnormal physical or mental state, or a symptom of them, or to restore, correct or modify organic functions, in man or animal, and includes a substance or combination of substances named or included by reference in Schedule A or Schedule B; "executive" means the executive committee of the council; "facility" means a place, other than a pharmacy, from which Schedule A drugs are distributed; "graduate" means a person registered under this Act as a graduate; "inspector" means a person so appointed by the council; "interchangeable drug" means a drug of equal quality that contains, in the same dosage form, the same amount of the same active ingredients as the drug prescribed; "manager" means a pharmacist who is designated in a pharmacy licence as manager of a pharmacy; "pharmacist" means a member of the college who is (a) registered under this Act or its predecessor as a pharmacist; and (b) except in sections 3,15 and 48 (2) (c) the holder of a valid and subsisting licence issued by the college entitling him to practise as a pharmacist in the Province; "pharmacy" means a place where drugs may be dispensed, stored or sold to the public; "practitioner" means a person authorized under the law of any province to practise medicine, dentistry, podiatry or veterinary medicine; "prescription" means a direction from a practitioner that a specified amount of a specified drug be dispensed; "registrar" means the registrar of the college appointed by the council and includes a deputy registrar; "respondent" means a person notified by citation under section 34; "rules" means the rules of the college prescribed by the council; 1 RS CHAP. 326 PHARMACISTS 28 ELIZ. 2

"Schedule A drug" means a drug named or included by reference in Schedule A; "Schedule B drug" means a drug named or included by reference in Schedule B; "sell" includes barter, distribute, supply, and offer, expose, advertise or possess for the purposes of selling; "student" means a person so registered under this Act. 1974-62-1, 1976-39-1

College 2. The Pharmaceutical Association of the Province of British Columbia, incorporated under the Pharmacy Act, 1891, is continued as a corporation under the name "College of Pharmacists of British Columbia". 1974-62-2, 1976-39-2

Membership 3. Membership in the college consists of those persons who are or become pharmacists under this Act. 1974-62-3

Meetings of college 4. (1) The college shall hold an annual general meeting of the members in each year. (2) A special general meeting of the college may be called or, where the council receives a petition from not less than 75 pharmacists, shall be called, by the council. (3) Annual and special general meetings shall be called by the council under the rules. 1974-62-4

Voting, quorum, proxy 5. (1) A person who is not a pharmacist shall not vote at a meeting of the college. (2) Quorum at a meeting of the college is 25 pharmacists. (3) A person shall not act as proxy at a meeting for more than 5 pharmacists. (4) A majority of persons voting on a resolution or motion is required to pass it. 1974-62-5

Council to administer college 6. The management, administration and control of the property, revenue, expenditure, business and affairs of the college are vested in the council; but the power to buy or sell land is vested in the college. 1974-62-6

Composition of council 7. The council shall consist of not less than 8 or more than 17 persons, of whom (a) not less than 6 or more than 15 shall be pharmacists resident in the Province and elected to the council under section 8; (b) one, who need not be a pharmacist, shall be appointed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council; and 2 1979 PHARMACISTS RS CHAP. 326 (c) one shall be the person who is dean of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences at The University of British Columbia. 1974-62-7.

Election of council 8. For the purpose of electing the elected members of council, the college shall by bylaw, (a) divide the Province into electoral districts; (b) fix the number of pharmacists who are (i) members of the council; (ii) from each electoral district; and (iii) entitled to vote in each electoral district; and (c) fix the manner of holding, and of voting at, an election. 1974-62-8.

Duration of membership on council 9. A member of council holds office for a term of 2 years but ceases to be a member (a) on resignation; or (b) in the case of elected members, on ceasing to be a pharmacist, or on ceasing to practise as a pharmacist in the electoral district from which he was elected, or on suspension of his licence. 1974-62-9.

Vacancies on council 10. Where a vacancy occurs in an elected member's position on the council, the council shall appoint another pharmacist from the electoral district from which the vacating member was elected. The appointee holds office for the remainder of the vacating member's term. 1974-62-10.

Meetings of council 11. (1) Quorum at a council meeting is 6 members unless the council fixes a higher number. (2) A majority of persons voting on a resolution or motion is required to pass it. (3) A resolution agreed to in writing by every member of the council has the same effect as if passed at a meeting of the council. 1974-62-11.

Executive 12. (1) There shall be an executive committee of the council composed of (a) the president of the college; and (b) not less than 4 other council members appointed by the council at its first meeting after the college annual general meeting, to hold office until replaced by the council. (2) Where a vacancy occurs in the executive, the president of the college may appoint an interim replacement from the members of the council to hold office until the council appoints a replacement. 3 RS CHAP. 326 PHARMACISTS 28 ELIZ. 2

(3) Subject to the control of the council, the executive has power to do any of the things vested in the council under section 6. (4) Quorum at an executive meeting is 3/4 of its members. (5) The executive shall present a report of its activities at each meeting of council. 1974-62-12.

Registrar 13. The council shall appoint a pharmacist as registrar to carry out the duties imposed by this Act, the bylaws and rules, and other duties the council determines. 1974-62-13.

Registers 14. (1) The registrar shall maintain the following registers, each to contain the information required by the rules: (a) a register of the members of the college; (b) a register of pharmacists; (c) a register of pharmacies; (d) a register of graduates and students; (e) a provisional register; and (f) as many other registers as the council directs. (2) An extract from a register, certified by the registrar, is proof in the absence of evidence to the contrary of the truth of its contents in any proceeding. (3) If the council is satisfied that an entry has been fraudulently or incorrectly made, it may direct the registrar to amend a register. 1974-62-14.

Registration of pharmacists 15. (1) A person may apply to the registrar, in the form and manner prescribed by the rules, to be registered with the college as a pharmacist who (a) has graduated with a degree of bachelor of science in pharmacy from The University of British Columbia, or is registered with the Pharmacy Examining Board of Canada and has passed examinations set by the board; (b) has served the period of clerkship prescribed by the bylaws; (c) has paid the registration fee prescribed by the rules; and (d) complies with this Act, the bylaws and rules. (2) The registrar shall issue a diploma in the form prescribed by the rules to a person accepted for registration. (3) The examination referred to in subsection (1) and any other examination required by this Act, the bylaws or rules, shall, where no other person is designated, be conducted by a board of examiners, the members of which shall be appointed on the recommendation of the college council by the Lieutenant Governor in Council. At least one member shall be a member of the Faculty or Pharmaceutical Sciences at The University of British Columbia. 1974-62-15. 4 1979 PHARMACISTS RS CHAP. 326

Registration of graduates and students 16. A person who (a) has graduated with a degree of bachelor of science in pharmacy, or equivalent, from a university outside the Province; or (b) is enrolled as a student in a faculty of pharmacy at a university in Canada, may, on payment of the fee prescribed by the rules and on satisfying the registrar of his educational standing, age, fluency in English and moral character, apply to the registrar to be registered with the college as a graduate where the person applies under paragraph (a) or as a student where the person applies under paragraph (b). 1974-62-16.

Provisional register 17. (1) A person who is not a pharmacist, graduate or student registered under this Act, but who qualifies under section 16 (a), is a member of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences at The University of British Columbia and is approved by the executive, may, on payment of the fee prescribed by the rules, apply to be registered in the provisional register, subject to the terms the executive or council prescribes. (2) A person registered in the provisional register has the rights of a member of the college, other than election to the council, and is entitled to a certificate showing any terms prescribed. 1974-62-17.

Licensing 18. (1) A person shall not (a) practise as a pharmacist; (b) own a pharmacy; (c) subject to section 51, dispense or sell a drug; (d) act as agent for a pharmacist except in a pharmacy; or (e) assume or use in any form, combination or manner the words "pharmaceutical, chemist, druggist, apothecary, pharmacist, pharmacy, medicines, drugs, drug store, drug department, drug sundries", or any other words of similar import that imply or are calculated to lead others to infer that he or it is licensed under this Act unless he or it is a pharmacist, a facility or, where licensed under section 19, is a corporation in which a majority of directors are pharmacists, a hospital as defined in the Hospital Act, an association incorporated under the Cooperative Association Act or a society incorporated under the Society Act. (2) The registrar shall not issue a licence to any person unless he is satisfied that the applicant complies with this Act, the bylaws and rules. 1974-62-18; 1976-39-3.

Pharmacy licence 19. (1) A person shall not operate a pharmacy unless the pharmacy is licensed under this section. (2) An applicant for a pharmacy licence must apply to the registrar under the rules, pay the fee prescribed by the rules and satisfy the registrar that 141 5 RS CHAP. 326 PHARMACISTS 28 ELIZ. 2

(a) the pharmacy is to be under the bona fide management of a pharmacist; and (b) the premises where the pharmacy is to be located are suitable for its operation. (3) Where the registrar accepts an application he shall issue an annual licence in the name of the manager of the pharmacy for which the application was made. Where that manager ceases to manage the pharmacy, or where, subject to subsection (4), the ownership of the pharmacy changes, the licence expires. (4) Where the owner of a pharmacy, (a) becomes bankrupt, insolvent or makes an assignment for the general benefit of his creditors, the trustee in bankruptcy, liquidator or assignee may continue to operate the pharmacy for a period of not more than 6 months following the date of bankruptcy, insolvency or assignment, so long as the pharmacy is under the bona fide management of a pharmacist; or (b) in the case of a sole proprietorship, dies, the personal representatives or trustees of his estate may, subject to any terms the council may impose, continue to operate the pharmacy for a period of not more than 5 years following the date of death so long as the pharmacy is under the bona fide management of a pharmacist. (5) The manager shall notify the registrar of the names of every pharmacist, graduate or student employed in the pharmacy. (6) A pharmacist who ceases to own, operate or manage a pharmacy shall immediately notify the registrar. 1974-62-19.

Pharmacy ownership 20. A person authorized by any Act to prescribe drugs shall not, directly or indirectly, own a pharmacy. 1974-62-20.

Sale or disposal of Part 1 drugs 21. (1) Unless authorized by this Act, the bylaws or rules, a pharmacist shall not sell or dispose of a drug named or included by reference in Part 1 of Schedule A except (a) on the prescription or order of a practitioner; (b) to a pharmacist; (c) by return to the manufacturer or wholesaler of the drug; or (d) by destruction as authorized by the manager. (2) The council may prescribe rules for the sale or disposal of a drug under subsection (1). (3) Every pharmacist in a pharmacy is responsible for the protection from loss, theft or unlawful sale of all Schedule A drugs in the pharmacy. 1974-62-21; 1976-39-4.

Poison register 22. (1) Unless authorized by this Act, the bylaws or rules, a pharmacist shall not sell a drug named or included by reference in Part 2 of Schedule A except 6 1979 PHARMACISTS RS CHAP. 326

(a) to another pharmacist or practitioner; or (b) to a person who, along with the pharmacist, enters the sale in a poison register in the form in subsection (3), and, where the drug is repackaged by the pharmacist, he shall label the new package with the word "poison", the name, strength and quantity of the drug and the name and address of the pharmacy; and (c) under the terms set out in Part 2. (2) The poison register shall be open for inspection during normal business hours by the registrar, an inspector, a peace officer or at any time by any person acting under the authority of a court having jurisdiction in the matter. (3) The poison register shall contain vertical columns for the date, the name and postal address of the purchaser, the name and quantity of poison sold, the purpose for which the poison is required and the signature of the purchaser and of the seller. 1974-62-22,Sch. C.

Sale of Part 3, Schedule A drugs 23. Unless authorized by this Act, the bylaws or rules, a pharmacist shall not sell a drug named or included by reference in Part 3 of Schedule A except under the terms set out in that Part. 1974-62-23; 1976-39-5.

Schedule B drugs 24. Notwithstanding section 18, a Schedule B drug may be sold by any person under the terms set out in Schedule B. 1974-62-24.

Misrepresentation 25. A person shall not make a misleading or untruthful statement or representation in connection with the sale or purchase of a Schedule A drug. 1974-62-25.

Presence of Schedule A drugs in business premises 26. The presence of a Schedule A drug in business premises is proof in the absence of evidence to the contrary that it is kept for sale. 1974-62-26.

Manager 27. Subject to this Act, the bylaws and rules, a pharmacist named in a pharmacy licence as manager shall personally manage and be responsible for the operation of the pharmacy. 1974-62-27.

Duties of pharmacist 28. (1) Except as prescribed by the rules, a pharmacy shall not be open for business unless a pharmacist is in the pharmacy. (2) A graduate or student shall not sell or dispense a Schedule A drug unless he is directly supervised by a pharmacist. 7 RS CHAP. 326 PHARMACISTS 28 ELIZ. 2

(3) A pharmacist shall not, directly or indirectly, dispense or sell a drug except in a pharmacy, hospital or facility. 1974-62-28,31(2), 1976-39-6

Prescription copy 29. (1) A pharmacist shall retain on file the original of a prescription dispensed by him and he shall, if requested to do so, provide a copy of the prescription to the person who presented it or to another pharmacist at his direction, unless the prescriber has indicated to the contrary. (2) The copy of a prescription shall contain (a) the name and address of the patient and of the prescriber; (b) the name, strength, quantity and directions for use of the drug; (c) the dates of the first and last filling of the prescription; (d) the name and address of the pharmacy; (e) the signature of the pharmacist supplying it; and (f) an indication that it is a copy. 1974-62-29

Interchangeable drug 30. Where a practitioner indicates on a prescription that a drug of a specified manufacturer or that no interchangeable drug is to be dispensed, a pharmacist shall not dispense an interchangeable drug. Otherwise a pharmacist may use an interchangeable drug where its price to the purchaser is no more than the price of the prescribed drug. 1974-62-30

Display of diploma 31. A pharmacist shall display his diploma issued under section 15 in his place of employment in a position conspicuous to the public. 1974-62-31(1)

Discipline committee 32. (1) There shall be a committee of pharmacists to be known as the discipline committee, the members of which shall be appointed annually, or more often as need arises, by the council. (2) The committee shall consist of a chairman who shall be appointed from among the members of council, and a minimum of 4 other pharmacists. (3) Quorum of the committee is 3 unless fixed at a higher number by the council. (4) Where a vacancy occurs in the committee, the remaining members, if their number is not less than 3, may appoint a council member as a replacement to serve until the council otherwise directs. 1974-62-32

33. The council may act as the discipline committee and while so acting it is subject, with the necessary changes and so far as they are applicable, to the provisions of this Act, the bylaws and rules relating to the committee. 1774-62-33 8 1979 PHARMACISTS RS CHAP. 326

Preliminary investigation, hearing, citation 34. (1) The committee may make a preliminary investigation, and conduct a hearing into the conduct of a person registered under this Act. (2) For a preliminary investigation an inspector authorized by the committee may inspect or seize records relating to the investigation. Anything seized shall be returned within 7 days after it was seized. (3) For a hearing each member of the committee has the power and authority of a Commissioner under sections 12, 15 and 16 of the Inquiry Act. (4) The committee shall notify by citation a person who is the subject of a hearing. The citation shall (a) be in a form prescribed by the rules; (b) be served on the person personally or by registered mail directed to his last address known to the registrar, not less than 2 weeks before the stated hearing date; (c) include a statement of the nature and particulars of the conduct being investigated; and (d) include a prominent warning that the committee may proceed to hear and decide the matter in the person's absence. 1974-62-34.

Interim suspension 35. The committee may suspend a respondent's licence and privileges under this Act until the conclusion of the hearing; and notice of the suspension shall be served on him personally, or by registered mail directed to his last address known to the registrar. 1974-62-35.

Attendance by agent 36. A respondent may appear in person or by agent. 1974-62-36.

Hearing without respondent 37. The committee may, if satisfied that the respondent was served properly with notice of the hearing and no reasonable explanation is given for his absence, proceed with the hearing in his absence. 1974-62-37.

Committee's decision within one week 38. The committee shall inform the respondent not later than one week following the hearing that he is exonerated of any wrongdoing, suffering from a physical or mental ailment that renders him, in the opinion of the committee, unfit to retain his licence and privileges under this Act, or guilty of (a) misconduct, incompetence or negligence in the conduct of his profes­ sion; (b) excessive personal use of or drugs to an extent that renders him, in the opinion of the committee, unfit to retain his licence and privileges under this Act; or 9 RS CHAP. 326 PHARMACISTS 28 ELIZ. 2

(c) a breach of duty imposed on him by this Act, the bylaws or rules, or by another Act of Canada or the Province relating to the sale or use of alcohol or drugs. 1974-62-38.

Committee to report to council 39. The committee shall, not later than 2 weeks after the conclusion of the hearing, submit a summary of its findings of fact and, at its option, a recommendation of action to be taken, to the council. 1974-62-39.

Interim suspension 40. The committee may suspend a respondent's licence and privileges under this Act, or continue his suspension, until the council has acted under section 41. The suspension or continuation under this section shall not exceed 4 weeks. 1974-62-40.

Council may impose penalty 41. (1) Where the committee has not exonerated a respondent, the council may, not later than 4 weeks after the conclusion of the committee's hearing, on a resolution passed by 2/3 of its members voting on the resolution at a meeting, (a) reprimand the respondent; (b) impose conditions on the continued status of the respondent as a pharmacist, graduate or student; (c) fine the respondent not less than $100 or more than $500 for a first offence and not less than $200 or more than $1,000 for a subsequent similar offence; (d) suspend the respondent's licence and privileges for the time the council determines; and (e) cancel the respondent's licence and strike his name from the register. (2) Where the respondent notifies the council that he or his agent desires to make representations to the council respecting the penalty to be imposed, the council shall not entertain a resolution under subsection (1) until the respondent or his agent has had an opportunity to make representations. The council and the respondent, for this subsection, may agree to extend the 4 week limit referred to in subsection (1) and in section 40. 1974-62-41.

Where committee may impose penalty 42. Where the committee's decision under section 38 is unanimous, it may exercise the powers of the council under section 41 (1) (a), (b) and (c), and, with the consent of the respondent, under section 41 (1) (d) and (e). 1974-62-42.

Conviction by court 43. Subject to section 41 (2), where the council is satisfied that a person registered under this Act has been convicted by a court of an offence relating to his 10 1979 PHARMACISTS RS CHAP. 326 practice as a pharmacist, or of an indictable offence of any kind, the council may summarily take any action against that person that it is authorized to take against a respondent under section 41 (1). 1974-62-43

Surrender of licence and prohibition 44. A respondent whose licence has been suspended or cancelled shall surrender his licence to the registrar, and shall not be employed or work in a pharmacy in any capacity. 1974-62-44

Costs of proceedings 45. Except where a respondent is exonerated under section 38, the council or the committee may order him to pay the costs of the proceedings taken against him under this Act to be fixed by the council or the committee in an amount not exceeding $300 for each day or partial day of proceedings, together with disbursements. 1974-62-45

Appeal 46. (1) An appeal may be taken by a respondent within one month to the Supreme Court from a decision of the council under section 41 or 43 suspending or cancelling his licence. (2) The executive may, on terms it sees fit, including security for costs, stay the operation of any punishment or penalty imposed pending the outcome of the appeal. (3) An appeal shall be brought by notice of intention to appeal filed in a registry of the court within the month. The appellant shall serve a copy of the notice on the registrar within the month. (4) An appellant may, at his expense, obtain copies of any notes or records that may have been made in any proceeding against him under this Act. (5) The appellant shall give the registrar at least 7 clear days' notice of the place and time for the hearing. (6) The council may appear and take part in the appeal. (7) The court may give directions considered necessary to ensure the proper hearing of the appeal. 1974-62-46

Medical doctor shall report suspected unfitness 47. Where a member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia has reason to suspect that a person registered under this Act is suffering from a physical or mental ailment or an excessive personal use of alcohol or drugs that might constitute a danger to the public, he shall immediately make a report to the registrar. 1974-62-47

Bylaws and rules 48. (1) The council may make bylaws and rules. (2) Without restricting subsection (1), the council may make bylaws respecting the 11 RSCHAP 326 PHARMACISTS 28ELIZ 2

(a) qualification, training, examination and clerkship of graduates and students, (b) continuing education of pharmacists and payment of fees for it, (c) requirements for retraining a pharmacist prior to rehcensing, (d) standards of practice to be adhered to by a person registered under this Act, and in the operation of a pharmacy, (e) accreditation of facilities and their drug safety standards, (f) discipline of persons registered under this Act, and the conduct of disciplinary proceedings, and (g) inclusion of additional drugs in, or the deletion of drugs from, or imposition of terms and conditions for drugs in, Schedules A and B (3) A bylaw does not come into force until approved by the Lieutenant Governor in Council (4) Without restricting subsection (1), the council may make rules respecting the (a) conduct of meetings and elections, (b) hiring and appointment of staff, including a registrar and inspectors, to conduct the business of the college, and to police the observance of this Act, the bylaws and rules, (c) definition of staff duties and their remuneration, (d) qualification, appointment and capacity of honorary members and members of the college who do not practise, (e) form and content of registers under section 14, the diploma under section 15 and the citation under section 34, (f) payment of expenses incurred by college members on college business, (g) the scale and payment of fees, and the prescribing of forms, (h) forms for registration under this Act, pharmacy and pharmacist licences, accredited institutions, persons to be registered in the provisional register, examinations and members not practising or retired, (l) imposition of fines and suspension from practice for failure to pay fees, and (j) affiliation of the college with another organization 1974 62 48 1976 39 7

Interpretation: veterinary drugs 49. In sections 49 to 55 "animal" means an animal, alive or dead, other than man, and includes all living organisms other than plants, "medicated feed" means an animal feed that contains a veterinary drug, "minister" includes a person designated in writing by the minister, "veterinary drug" means a substance or combination of substances used or intended or represented to be used as a drug for an animal, and includes a Schedule A drug, "veterinary drug dispenser" means a person licensed under the regulations as a veterinary drug dispenser 1974 62 49

Sale restricted 50. A person, other than a pharmacist, or a veterinarian registered under the Veterinarians Act entitled to engage in private practice, shall not manufacture or sell a 12 1979 PHARMACISTS RS CHAP. 326 medicated feed or veterinary drug unless he has a valid and subsisting licence issued to him under section 51. 1974-62-50.

Licence 51. (1) On application in the form and payment of the fee prescribed, the minister may issue, on terms he or the regulations may prescribe, a licence to the applicant enabling him to manufacture or sell medicated feed or veterinary drugs. (2) Where the regulations require the presence of a veterinary drug dispenser on the premises of a licensee, the licensee shall inform the provincial veterinarian appointed under the Livestock Disease Control Act of the name and certificate number of the veterinary drug dispenser. (3) Where the minister determines that a person licensed under this section has contravened a term of his licence, the minister may cancel the licence; and for the purposes of this subsection the minister's decision is final and not subject to appeal. J 1974-62-51.

Minister may appoint inspectors 52. (1) The minister may, pursuant to the Public Service Act, appoint inspectors who may (a) enter, during normal business hours, premises in which veterinary drugs are sold to ascertain whether this Act and the regulations are being complied with; (b) examine and seize books and records relating to the use or sale of veterinary drugs; (c) inspect an agricultural or horticultural crop, product, animal, animal product or animal feed and analyse it for the presence of a substance considered by the minister to be harmful to the health of a person or animal; and (d) perform other duties imposed by the minister. (2) The minister also may appoint special inspectors who shall have the powers and duties he determines. 1974-62-52.

Destruction or prohibition of use of harmful drug 53. Where a thing analysed under section 52 (1) (c) contains a substance considered by the minister harmful to the health of a person or animal, the minister may cause the thing to be destroyed, or prohibit its sale or use for the time he considers necessary. He is not liable to pay compensation for an economic loss that may occur as a result of any action taken under this section. 1974-62-53.

Prohibition of use of veterinary drug 54. Notwithstanding anything in this Act or the regulations to the contrary, the minister may prohibit the use in the Province of any veterinary drug for veterinary purposes. 1974-62-54. 13 RS CHAP. 326 PHARMACISTS 28 ELIZ. 2

Regulations 55. For the purpose of sections 49 to 54, the Lieutenant Governor in Council may make regulations. Without restricting the foregoing he may make regulations respecting (a) the issuing of licences and the fees for them under section 51; (b) licence duration, renewal, cancellation, suspension, extent and produc­ tion; (c) the keeping and inspection of registers of licences and veterinary drug dispensers and the payment of fees; (d) the qualification of applicants under section 51; (e) the storage, transportation and sale of veterinary drugs; (f) the analysis of a thing listed in section 52 (1) (c); (g) a maximum residue content of a veterinary drug in a thing subject to analysis under section 52 (1) (c); (h) the Schedule A drugs and their amounts that may be used either to impregnate feeding mashes to prevent, control or treat animal diseases, or to prevent, control or treat specific animal diseases; (i) the training courses, training and licensing for veterinary drug dispen­ sers; (j) the presence of a veterinary drug dispenser where veterinary drugs or medicated feeds are sold; and (k) an advisory committee on veterinary drugs, and its duties, with representatives from the Ministries of Agriculture and Health, the college and The British Columbia Veterinary Medical Association. 1974-62-55, 1977-75-1

Misrepresentation of drug 56. A person shall not sell anything representing it to be a drug or a particular drug where it is not a drug or the drug represented, as the case may be. 1974-62-56

Expiry date 57. A person shall not sell a drug after a date on which the drug is indicated or labelled to expire. 1974-62-57

Recovery of payment 58. A person who sells anything in contravention of this Act shall not be entitled to recover payment for the sale. 1974-62-58

Exceptions 59. Nothing in this Act, the bylaws or rules prevents (a) a practitioner from directly supplying a drug to his patient; (b) the manufacture or sale of a proprietary medicine defined by regulation under the Food and Drugs Act (Canada) that does not contain a Schedule A drug; or 14 1979 PHARMACISTS RS CHAP. 326 (c) a wholesaler or manufacturer from selling a Schedule B drug to any person, a veterinary drug to a person licensed under section 51 or a Schedule A drug to a practitioner or pharmacist, another wholesaler or manufacturer or governments or universities for research and testing. 1974-62-59(1), 1976-39-8

Sales by wholesalers, etc. 60. Wholesalers and manufacturers of Schedule A drugs shall maintain a record of all sales of those drugs and allow an inspector under this Act to inspect the record at any time during normal business hours. 1974-62-59(2)

Offence and penalty 61. (1) A person who contravenes this Act, the bylaws or rules commits an offence. (2) The employer and manager of a person who contravenes this Act, the bylaws or rules is, whether or not the person is prosecuted for the offence, a party to and guilty of the offence. This subsection does not affect the liability of the person for the offence. (3) Where a corporation commits an offence under this Act, the bylaws or rules, an officer, director, employee or agent of the corporation who directed, authorized, assented to, acquiesced or participated in the commission of the offence is, whether or not the corporation is prosecuted for the offence, a party to and guilty of the offence. This subsection does not affect the liability of the corporation for the offence. 1974-62-60

Onus on pharmacist to prove licence 62. (1) Where the matter is in issue in a prosecution under section 61, the onus is on the defendant to prove that he is a licensed pharmacist or that he is the pharmacist named in the pharmacy licence. (2) The production of a licence purporting to be issued under this Act is proof in the absence of evidence to the contrary of the truth of its contents. 1974-62-62

Onus on person to prove item not Schedule A drug 63. The onus is on the person to prove that an item is not a Schedule A drug where it is alleged that he has sold or disposed or attempted to sell or dispose of an item (a) that purports to be a Schedule A drug; (b) in a container marked to imply that it contains a Schedule A drug; or (c) that the person has represented to be a Schedule A drug. 1974-62-63

Onus on defendant 64. Where evidence is introduced in a prosecution under this Act that a sign, title, advertisement or word has been published or used contrary to this Act, the bylaws or rules, the onus is on the defendant to prove that it was not published or used by him. 1974-62-64 15 RS CHAP. 326 PHARMACISTS 28 ELIZ. 2

Certificate of analysis 65. (1) A certificate of an analyst appointed under the Food and Drugs Act (Canada) stating that he has analysed or examined a substance and stating the result of his analysis or examination is admissible in evidence in a proceeding under this Act, and is evidence of the statements contained in the certificate. (2) The person against whom a certificate of analysis is admitted may, with leave of the court or chairman of the proceeding, require the attendance of the analyst for purposes of cross examination. (3) Reasonable notice of an intention to introduce a certificate in evidence shall be given to the person against whom it is to be used, along with a copy of the certificate. 1974 62 65

Exemption 66. The Lieutenant Governor in Council may, by order, exempt from any or all of the provisions of this Act, a (a) health unit established under the Health Act; (b) Provincial mental health facility under the Mental Health Act; (c) community care facility holding a licence or interim permit under the Community Care Facility Act, (d) Provincial tuberculosis institution under the Tuberculosis Institution Act, or (e) place from which drugs are distributed under the Venereal Disease Act. 1974-62-73


SCHEDULE A [Updated to January 16, 1979]

PART 1 Drugs that may be sold by a pharmacist to a practitioner, or on the prescription of a practitioner ("F" or "G" indicates that the drug appears in Schedule F or G to the regulations of the Food and Drugs Act (Canada)) F ACEPROMAZINE and its salts F ACONIAZIDE and its salts F ACTINOMYCIN D and its derivatives F ADRENOCORTICAL HORMONES and their salts and derivatives F ALLOPURINOL F ALPHADOLONE and its salts F ALPHAXALONE F AMANTADINE and its salts AMBENONIUM CHLORIDE F AMIKACIN F AMIKACIN F AMINOCAPROIC ACID F AMINOGLUTETHIMIDE F AMINOPYRINE and any salt, homologue or derivative thereof F 4-AMINO-N-METHYLPTEROYL GLUTAMIC ACID and its salts F AMINOPTERIN and its salts 16 1979 PHARMACISTS RS CHAP. 326

F 4-AMINO-PTEROYLASPARTIC ACID and its salts. F and its salts. F AMMONIUM . G AMPHETAMINE and its salts. F AMPHOTERICIN B and its derivatives. AMYL NITRATE. F APIOL, oil of. APROTININ. ATROPINE and its salts, and internal preparations containing more than 0.125 mg per stated dose, or other preparations containing more than 0.1% by weight. F AZACYCLONAL and its salts. F AZARIBINE. F AZATADINE and its salts. G BARBITURIC ACID and its salts and derivatives. F BEMEGRIDE. F BENACTYZINE and its salts. F BENDAZAC and its salts. F BENZOYL PEROXIDE. G BENZPHETAMINE and its salts. F BETAHISTINE and its salts. F BETHANIDINE and its salts. F BISHYDROXYCOUMARIN and its salts and derivatives. F BLEOMYCIN and its salts. F BOLDENONE UNDECYLENATE. F BRETYLIUM TOSYLATE. F BROMAL and its derivatives: bromal hydrate, brometone, bromoform. F BROMOCRIPTINE. F BUSULFAN. G and its salts. F BUTAPERAZINE and its salts. F CALCITONINS. F CALCIUM BROMIDE. F CALCIUM BROMOLACTOBIONATE. F CALCIUM CARBIMIDE. F CANDICIDIN and its salts and derivatives. F CAPREOMYCIN and its salts and derivatives. F CAPTODIAMINE and its salts. F . CARBAMYLCHOLINE. F CARBENOXOLONE and its salts. CARBIMAZOLE. F CARBOMYCIN and its salts and derivatives. F and its derivatives. F . F CARMUSTINE. F CARPHENAZINE. F CENTELLA ASIATIC EXTRACT, active principles thereof. F CEPHALOSPORIN C and its salts and derivatives cephalexin and cephaloridine. F CHLORAL and its derivatives: (except in preparations for external use containing not more than 1%), alpha-, butyl chloral hydrate, chloralformamide, chloralimide. F CHLORAMBUCIL and its salts and derivatives. F CHLORAMPHENICOL and its salts and derivatives. F CHLORAZEPIC ACID and its salts. F CHLORCYCLIZINE (except in preparations for external use only). F CHLORDIAZEPOXIDE and its salts. F CHLORISONDAMINE and its salts. F CHLORMEZANONE. F and its salts. 17 RS CHAP. 326 PHARMACISTS 28 ELIZ. 2

F CHLOROTHIAZIDE and its salts and denvatives F CHLORPHENTERMINE and its salts F and its salts F CHLORPROTHIXENE and its salts CHYMOTRYPSIN F CINCHOPHEN and its salts F CLOFIBRATE F CLOMIPHENE and its salts F CLOMIPRAMINE and its salts F and its salts F and its salts F CLOPROSTENOL and its salts and derivatives F CLOTRIMAZOLE and its salts F COLCHICINE CORTICOTROPIN (ACTH) F CROMOGLYCIC ACID and salts F CYCLIZENE F and its salts CYCLOPENTOLATE F CYCLOPHOSPHAMIDE F CYCLOSERINE and its salts and derivatives F CYTARABINE and its salts F DACARBAZINE F DANAZOL F DANTROLENE and its salts DAPSONE F DAUNORUBICINE and its salts DEANOL F DEBRISOQUIN and its salts F DEFEROXAMINE and its salts DEHYDROCHOLIC ACID, its salts and preparations F and its salts F DESMOPRESSIN and its salts DIAMINODIPHENYLSULFONE and its analogues and derivatives F DIAZEPAM and its salts F DIAZOXIDE and its salts G DIETHYLPROPION and its salts F DIETHYLSTILBESTROL and its salts and derivatives DIGITALIS, its glycosides and preparations of both thereof F DIHYDROSTREPTMYCIN and its salts and derivatives (except when sold for veterinary purposes in conformity with requirements listed below) F DIIODOHYDROXYQUIN (except in preparations for topical use on the skin) F DIMETHYLSULFOXIDE F 2 4-DINITROPHENOL and any salt, homologue or derivative thereof (except DNOC and DNOCHP when sold for agricultural purposes) F DIPHENIDOL F DIPHENYLHYDANTOIN (phenytoin) and its salts DIPYRIDAMOLE F DISULFIRAM F DISOPYRAMIDE and its salts F DOPRAMINE and its salts F DOXAPRAM F and its salts F DOXORUBICIN and its salts F DROPERIDOL and its salts F ECOTHIOPHATE and its salts F ECTYLUREA and its salts EDROPHONIUM CHLORIDE 18 1979 PHARMACISTS RS CHAP. 326

F EMBUTRAMIDE F E EPHEDRINE and its salts for internal use containing Ephedrine as the single active ingredient F ERGOT ALKALOIDS and their salts ERYTHRITYL TETRANITRATE F ERYTHROMYCIN and its salts and derivatives (except when sold for veterinary purposes in conformity with the requirements listed below or except as provided for in Schedule B) F ETHACRYNIC ACID and its salts F ETHAMBUTOL and its salts F F F ETHIONAMIDE and its salts F ETHOMOXANE and its salts F ETHOTOIN and its salts F ETHYL TRICHLORAMATE F ETRYPTAMINE and its salts F ETYMEMAZINE F FENFLURAMIN and its salts F and its salts F FENOTEROL and its salts FLORANTYRONE F FLUCYTOSINE F FLUOROURACIL and its derivatives F FLUPHENAZINE and its salts F and its salts F FLUSPIRILENE F FRAMYCETIN and its salts F FURALTADONE and its salts F FURAZOLIDONE and its salts or except as provided for in Schedule B F FUROSEMIDE F GENTAMICIN F GLUETETHIMIDE F GLYBURIDE and its salts and derivatives F GONADORELIN and its salts F GRISEOFULVIN F GUANETHIDINE and its salts F HALOPERIDOL. HEXACHLOROPHENE and its salts when more than 0 75% of hexachlorophene is present F HEXACYCLONATE SODIUM F HEXAMETHONIUM and its salts F HYDRALAZINE and its salts F and its salts F HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE and its salts F 4-HYDROXY-COUMARIN and its derivatives when sold or recommended as anticoagulants HYOSCINE () and its salts (except in inhalant preparations containing not more than 0 05% by weight) HYOSCYAMINE and its salts, in preparations for internal use containing more than 0 065 mg per stated dose, or in preparations for external use containing more than 0 125% F and its salts F IDOXURIDINE F and its salts F INDOMETHACIN F IODOCHLORHYDROXYQUIN (except in preparations for topical use on the skin) F IPRONIAZID and its salts F ISOCARBOXAZID and its salts F ISONIAZID ISOPROPAMIDE and its salts F ISOPROTERENOL and its salts (Isoprenalme) ISOSORBIDE DINITRATE 19 RS CHAP. 326 PHARMACISTS

ISOXSUPRINE HYDROCHLORIDE F KANAMYCIN and its salts and derivatives F and its salts F and its salts F L-ASPARAGINASE and its salts and derivatives F LEVODOPA and its salts F LEVOMEPROMAZINE and its salts F LINCOMYCIN F LIOTHYRONINE F LITHIUM CARBONATE F LOMUSTINE F and its salts F and its salts F LOXAPINE and its salts F MAGNESIUM GLUTAMATE HYDROBROMIDE F MAPROTILINE and its salts F MAZINDOL and its salt F MEBENDAZOLE F MECAMYLAMINE and its salts F MECHLORETHAMINE and its salts F MECLIZINE and its salts F and its salts F F MELFORMIN and its salts and derivatives F MELPHALAN F MENOTROPINS (human post menopausal urinary gonadotrophms) F MEPAZINE and its salts F F MEPHENTERMINE and its salts F F 6 MERCAPTOPURINE F MESCALINE and its salts F MESORIDAZINE F METALDEHYDE G METHAMPHETAMINE and its salts G and its salts F METHIMAZOLE F METHISAZONE F METHOIN (Mephenytoin) and its salts F METHOTRIMEPRAZINE F METHOXSALEN F METHYLDOPA and its salts F METHYLPARAFYNOL G METHYLPHENIDATE and its salts F F METHYSERGIDE and its salts and derivatives F METOCLOPRAMIDE and its salts and derivatives F METOLAZONE and its salts F METOPROLOL and its salts F METRONIDAZOLE F METYRAPONE and its salts F MIBOLERONE F MICONAZOLE and its salts F MITOMYCIN and its salts F MITOTANE F NALIDIXIC ACID F and its salts 20 1979 PHARMACISTS RS CHAP. 326

F NAPROZEN and its salts. (as defined in the Control Act (Canada), including preparations containing narcotics listed in the Schedule of the Narcotic Control Act). F NEOCINCOPHEN and its salts. F NEOMYCIN and its salts (except when sold for veterinary purposes in conformity with the requirements listed below or except as provided for in Schedule B). NEOSTIGMINE and its salts. F NIALAMIDE and its salts. F NITROFURANTOIN and its salts (except when sold for veterinary purposes in conformity with the requirements listed below). F NORTRYPTYLINE and its salts. F NOVOBIOCIN and its salts and derivatives. F NYSTATIN (except in preparations for topical use on the skin). F OLEANDOMYCIN and its salts and derivatives. F ORCIPRENALINE (Metoproterenol) and its salts. F OX AN AMIDE. F OXAZEPAM and its salts. F OXYPHENBUTAZONE and its salts. F PANCURONIUM and its salts. PAPAVERINE. F . . F PARAMETHADIONE. F PARGYLINE and its salts. PARAMOMYCIN. F PEMOLINE and its salts. F PENICILLIN and its salts and derivatives (except when sold for veterinary purposes in conformity with requirements listed below). PENTAERYTHRITOL TETRANITRATE. G . F PENTOLINIUM TARTRATE. F PERICYAZINE and its salts. F PERPHENAZINE and its salts. F PHACETOPERANE and its salts. F PHENACEMIDE. F . G PHENDIMETRAZINE and its salts. F PHENELZINE and its salts. F PHENFORMIN and its salts. F PHENIPRAZINE and its salts. G PHENMETRAZINE and its salts. F PHENTHOXATE and its salts. F PHENYLBUTAZONE and its salts. F PHENYLINDANEDIONE and its derivatives. F PHENTERMINE and its salts. F PHYSOSTIGMINE SALICYLATE. PILOCARPINE. F PIMOZIDE. PIPAMAZINE. F PIPERACETAZINE . F PIPERLIATE and its salts. F PIPOBROMAN. F PIPRADROL and its salts. F PIZOTYLINE and its salts. F POLYMIXIN B (except for topical use or for local action in the oral cavity or nasal passages). F . F PRALIDOXIME and its salts. F PRAZOSIN and its salts. PRENYLAMINE LACTATE. 21 RSCHAP 326 PHARMACISTS 28ELIZ 2

F PRIMIDONE F PROBUCOL F PROCAINAMIDE and its salts F PROCARBAZINE and its salts F PROCHLORPERAZINE and its salts F and its salts F PROMAZINE and its salts F PROPRANOLOL and its salts F PROPOXYPHENE and its salts F PROSTAGLANDINS and their salts and derivatives F PROTHIPENDYL HYDROCHLORIDE F PROTIRELIN F PROTRIPTYLINE F PYRAZINAMIDE PYRIDOSTIGMINE BROMIDE QUINIDINE F RAUWOLFIA and its alkaloids and their salts F RIFAMPIN RISTOCETIN F SALBUTAMOL and its salts F SEX HORMONES, except diethylstilbestrol and its salts and derivatives F F SODIUM NITROPRUSSIDE and its salts F SPECTINOMYCIN F SPIRAMYCIN and its salts and derivatives STREPTOKINASE-STREPTODORNASE F STREPTOMYCIN and its salts and derivatives (except when sold for veterinary purposes in conformity with requirements listed below or except as provided for in Schedule B) F STRONTIUM BROMIDE F SUCCINIMIDE and its salts and derivatives (except those compounds used for decontaminating water) F SULFINPYRAZINE and its salts SULFOXONE and its salts F SULPHONAL and alkyl sulphonals F SULPHONAMIDES and their salts and derivatives (except when sold for veterinary purposes in conformity with requirements listed below or except as provided for in Schedule B) F TAMOXIFEN and its salts F TERBUTALINE F TETRACYCLINE and its salts and derivatives (except when sold for veterinary purposes in conformity with requirements listed below or except as provided for in Schedule B) F THIABENADAZOLE (except when sold for veterinary purposes in conformity with the requirements listed below) F THIETHYLPERAZINE and its salts G THIOBARBITURIC ACID and its salts and derivatives F THIOCARLIDE F THIOGUANINE F THIOPROPAZATE and its salts F THIOPROPERAZINE and its salts F and its salts F THIOTEPA F THIOTHIXENE and its salts F THIOURACIL and its derivatives F THYROID F THYROXIN and its salts F TIMOLOL and its salts F TINADAZOLE F TOBRAMYCIN, its salts and derivatives TOLAZOLINE HYDROCHLORIDE 22 1979 PHARMACISTS RS CHAP. 326

F TOLBUTAMIDE and its salts and derivatives F F TRANYLCYPROMINE F TRETAMINE F TRIAMTERENE and its salts F TRIFLUOPERAZINE and its salts F TRIFLUPROMAZINE and its salts F TRIIODOTHYROPROPIONIC ACID F TRIMEPRAZINE and its salts F TRIMETHADIONE F TRIMETHOPRIM and its salts F and its salts F TRIOXSALEN TROPICAMIDE F F URACIL MUSTARD and its salts VACCINES, the following Brucellosis, Equine Influenza, Leptospirosis, Mink Plasmacytosis, Rabies F VANCOMYCIN F VERATRUM ALBUM and its alkaloids and salts of alkaloids F VERATRUM VIRIDE and its alkaloids and salts of alkaloids F VIDARABINE F VINBLASTINE and its salts F VINCRISTINE and its salts F VIOMYCIN and its salts and derivatives VITAMIN A in recommended daily dosage of more than 10,000 I U F VITAMIN B12 with intrinsic factor concentrate VITAMIN D in a recommended daily dosage of more than 1,000 I U F ZYLAZINE and its salts

Exemptions, for Veterinary Purposes The following drugs, their salts and derivatives, may be sold by a pharmacist for veterinary purposes, provided that the drugs are stored in an area to which there is no public access, and provided that the drugs are clearly labelled as required by Bylaw B-19 (11) or if the original container is clearly labelled as ' 'For Veterinary Use Only" and a record is kept of (a) date of sale, (b) name, address and signature of purchaser, (c) name and quantity of drug sold, (d) kind of animal and purpose for which drug is required, (e) signature of pharmacist (seller) Dihydrostreptomycin Erythromycin Neomycin Nitrofurantoin Penicillin (except ampicilhn, benzathine penicillin, carbenicilhn, cloxacillin, dicloxacilhn, hetacillin, methicilhn, nafcillm and oxacillin, their salts and derivatives) Streptomycin Sulfonamides (except sulfachlorpyndazine) Tetracycline (oral forms only) Thiabendazole

PART 2 Drugs which may be sold by a pharmacist to any person after the sale is entered in the poison register and the drug is labelled as provided in section 22 ACONITE and alkaloids and preparations thereof, except external preparations containing less than 0 2% aconitine 23 RS CHAP. 326 PHARMACISTS 28 ELIZ. 2

ALKALOIDS (all poisonous vegetable alkaloids, not specifically mentioned elsewhere in these schedules), and their salts and all poisonous derivatives thereof ARECA OIL ARSENIC and preparations and compounds thereof BELLADONNA and preparations and compounds thereof, except plasters CANTHARIDES and its derivatives and preparations CARBON TETRACHLORIDE (when labelled as such and where the label bears the skull and crossbones insignia and the following wording "POISON—Vapours and odours from this solution are POISONOUS Use only in open air or well ventilated room", and where the name of the pharmacy and when such sale is made is displayed on the container) [See Hazardous Products Act (Canada) ] CONIUM and preparations thereof COTTONROOT, the oil, derivatives and preparations CROTON OIL ETHER ETHYL CHLORIDE FORMALDEHYDE (Formalin) and preparations thereof containing over 2% formaldehyde HYDROCYANIC (Prussic) ACID HYOSCYAMUS and preparations thereof LEAD SALTS and compounds LOBELIA and alkaloids and preparations thereof, except internal preparations containing not more than 2 mg lobehne sulphate and external preparations containing not more than the equivalent of 400 mg crude lobelia MERCURIAL SALTS, except Calomel and preparations containing 5% or less of ammoniated mercury NUX VOMICA and preparations thereof OIL OF BITTER ALMONDS, unless derived of Hydrocyanic (Prussic) Acid PENNYROYAL, the oil, derivatives and preparations , except in combination with other drugs in recognized therapeutic dosage (carbolic acid), except in preparations of 5% or less POTASSIUM ANTIMONYLTARTRATE (Tartar Emetic) POTASSIUM CYANIDE and all other metallic cyanides, including cyanogas RUE, the oil, derivatives and preparations SANTONIN SAVIN, the oil, derivatives and preparations STRAMONIUM and preparations thereof STROPHANTHUS and preparations thereof STRYCHNINE or its salts in preparations containing the equivalent of 2% or less of strychnine alkaloids, strychnine, its salts or preparations, containing the equivalent of more than 2% of strychnine alkaloid may be sold under authority or licence of the Director, Fish and Wildlife Branch of British Columbia TANSY, the oil, derivatives and preparations YOHIMBE and its alkaloids and preparations

PART 3 Drugs that may be sold by a pharmacist to any person when labelled as shown below All drugs defined in section 1, together with all new drugs other than those drugs named or included in Parts 1 and 2 of Schedule A and Schedule B The following to be labelled "Poison" when repackaged in a pharmacy BARIUM SALTS, water soluble including chloride and sulphide BENZENE (benzol) BORIC (Boracic) ACID and SODIUM BORATE when labelled to the effect that the drug should not be administered to infants or children under 3 years of age BOVINE PARAINFLUENZA CEDAR OIL (leaf and wood) CHENOPODIUM OIL CHROMIC ACID and its salts 24 1979 PHARMACISTS RSCHAP 326

CREOSOTE and preparations thereof CRESOL (Cresylic Acid) and its preparations, and the homologues of Cresol and their preparations when stronger than 5% Cresol FLUORIDES for oral or topical use, but counter packages containing less than 500 mg of sodium fluoride are not required to be labelled "Poison" GAMMA BENZENE HEXACHLORIDE GUAIACOL HELLEBORE HENNA IODINE and preparations thereof when labelled "CAUTION—Keep out of reach of children" NITROBENZENE when labelled as such or as NITROBENZOL or as OIL OF MIRBANE, and when the label bears the name of the pharmacy in which the sale is made and the following wording "POISON—This chemical is POISONOUS when taken internally, inhaled or in contact with the skin HANDLE WITH CARE and avoid skin contact and inhalation of vapours" OXALIC ACID and its salts PHOSPHORUS in a free state PICRIC ACID (Tnnitrophenol) and other nitrophenols PICROTOXIN POTASSIUM HYDROXIDE POTASSIUM PERMANGANATE SILVER NITRATE SODIUM HYDROXIDE STAVESACRE TETRACHLOROETHYLENE when labelled as such and where the label bears the skull and crossbones insignia and the following wording "POISON—Vapours and odours from this solution are POISONOUS Use only in the open air or well ventilated room", and where the name of the pharmacy in which such sale is made is displayed on the container when labelled as such and where the label bears the skull and crossbones insignia and the following wording "POISON—Vapours and odours from this solution are POISONOUS Use only in open air or well ventilated room", and where the name of the pharmacy in which such sale is made is displayed on the container VIBRIOSIS (Vaginalis) WINTERGREEN OIL when labelled "CAUTION—Keep out of the reach of children" ZINC SALTS

Drugs that must be stored in an area of the pharmacy to which there is no public access after July 31, 1976 and can be sold by a pharmacist to any person Aerosol bronchodilators, Anticholinergics, Cardiovascular drugs, Dimenhy dnnate, Drug products for parenteral use, Drug products requiring refrigeration, Epinephrine and preparations thereof, Products containing more than 1 g of elemental iron per container, Ophthalmic, otic and nasal anti-infectives, Ophthalmic and otic local anaesthetics, All new drugs and ADONIS VERNALIS ALCOHOLIC MEDICINALS as defined by the Liquor Control and Licensing Board AMINOPHYLLINE, except when in combination with one or more active ingredients and not exceeding 50 mg a dose ANISOTROPINE METHYLBROMIDE ATROPINE and its salts, when exempted in Part 1 BENZONATATE BETANAPHTHOL 25 RS CHAP. 326 PHARMACISTS 28 ELIZ. 2

CARBIMAZOLE CHOLESTYRAMINE RESIN CYCRIMINE HC1 DEMECARIUM BROMIDE DESOXYRIBONUCLEASE (except when in combination with one or more active ingredients) DICYCLOMINE HC1 DI-METHIONINE except for topical use or in combination DYPHYLLINE EUCATROPINE FIBRINOLYSIN GLUTAMIC ACID HC1 HALOPROGIN HIGH FAT MEAL HOMATROPINE ISOFLUROPHATE ISOMETHEPTENE LIPOTROPES METHDILAZINE METHENAMINE and its salts NIKETHAMIDE NYSTATIN in preparations for topical use on the skin OXTRIPHYLLINE PABA COMPOUND for oral use PANCREATIN PENTYLENETETRAZOL PHENACETIN HC1 PHENYLEPHRINE HC1 for ophthalmic use over 1/8% POTASSIUM CHLORIDE POTASSIUM GLUCONATE POTASSIUM PARA AMINOBENZOATE PRENYLAMINE LACTATE PROBENECID HYDROCHLORIDE, except for topical use or in combination , except as provided for in Schedule B SODIUM ACID PHOSPHATE for oral use THEOPHYLLINE, except when in combination with one or more active ingredients and not exceeding 50 mg a dose TRIMETHOBENZAMIDE VITAMIN K 1974-62-Sch A, B C Regs 255/75, 596/75, 554/76, 6/77, 377/77, 274/78, 19/79

SCHEDULE B [Updated to January 16, 1979]

Drugs which may be sold by nonpharmacists to any person ACETONE ACETYLSALICYLIC ACID (in original packages) ACHILLEA ACID ACETIC ACID BENZOIC ACID MURIATIC 26 PHARMACISTS RS CHAP. 326


CHALK CHLORIDE OF LIME CHONDRUS CITRIC ACID COCILLANA COD LIVER OIL COPPER (except when used in an intrauterine device) CRESOL (Cresylic Acid) and its preparations and the homologues of Cresol and their preparations when weaker than 5% Cresol and sold in original bottles DIMETHICONE DIMETHYLPOLYSILOXANE DOMIPHEN BROMIDE EPHEDRINE — m cough preparations only, 11 mg or less per dose ETHYL NITRITE SPIRIT (Sweet Spirits of Nitre) GLYCERIN GLYCERYL GUAIACOLATE HEXETIDINE (in mouthwashes only) HYDROGEN PEROXIDE ICHTHAMMOL IODINE SOLUTION, 3% or less IPECACUANHA (in cough preparations only) ISPAGHULA KAOLIN LACTIC ACID LAURYLPYRIDINIUM CHLORIDE LECITHIN LINSEED LINSEED OIL MAGNESIUM HYDROXIDE MAGNESIUM SULFATE (Epsom salts) MANGANESE GLYCEROPHOSPHATE MANGANESE HYPOPHOSPHITE MERBROMIN METHYLBENZETHONIUM CHLORIDE METHYL SALICYLATE — in preparations for external use or in inhalations, 20% or less OIL OF CLOVE OXYQUINOLINE SULPHATE — in preparations for external use, 2% or less PAPAIN PECTIN PETROLATUM LIQUID PHENOL — in preparations for external use, 2% or less PHENYLEPHRINE HYDROCHLORIDE in nose drops 0 5% or less, or in preparations for internal use, 11 mg or less a dose PIPERAZINE and its salts in dosage forms suitable for small animals PLANTAGO PLANTAGO INDICA PLANTAGO SEEDS HUSKS POTASSIUM ACETATE — in preparations for external use, 5% or less POTASSIUM ALUMINUM SULPHATE (Alum-Potash Alum) POTASSIUM BITARTRATE (Cream of Tartar) POTASSIUM NITRATE (Saltpetre) POTASSIUM SULFATE PSYLLIUM PYROXYLIN QUASSIA QUILLAJA RESORCINOL RHUBARB ROOT 28 1979 PHARMACISTS RS CHAP. 326

RUE SAFROLE SALICYLAMIDE, when in combination with one or more active ingredients and not exceeding 325 mg a dose — in preparations for external use, 20% or less SALICYLIC ACID PLASTERS — 40% or less in circumscribed units, 1 cm2 or less SAMBUCUS SANGUINARIA SAPONARIA SENEGA SENNA SODIUM BICARBONATE, except in tablet form when sodium bicarbonate is the sole active ingredient SODIUM CAMSYLATE SODIUM CARBONATE SODIUM CARBOXYMETHYL CELLULOSE SODIUM CITRATE SODIUM FLUORIDE, when in mouthwashes, containing not more than 250 mg of sodium fluoride in 500 ml containers SODIUM PERBORATE SODIUM PHOSPHATE SODIUM POTASSIUM TARTRATE (Rochelle Salt) SODIUM SULFIDE SODIUM SULPHATE (Glauber's Salts) SOLUTION OF AMMONIA SQUILL (in cough preparations only) STANNOUS FLUORIDE, when in dentifrices, not more than 0 4% STANNOUS OXIDE STRONTHIUM CHLORIDE, when in dentifrices, not more than 10% SULFURATED POTASH SULPHUR TANNIC ACID TARAXACUM TARTARIC ACID TERPINEOL THIMEROSAL TITANIUM DIOXIDE TOLNAFTATE in preparations for external use, 1% or less TRICLOSAN (Irgasan DP-300) TRITICUM TURPENTINE UNDECYLENIC ACID — in preparations for external use, 6% or less UREA — in preparations for external use, 10% or less UVINUL N 539 VERBASCUM VERBENA WHITE PINE WILD CHERRY WILD STRAWBERRY LEAVES, ROOT, etc WITCH HAZEL XANTHOXYLUM YEAST YELLOW DOCK ZINC OXIDE ZINC PYRIDINETHIONE, when in antidandruff preparations, not more than 2% ZINC PYRITHIONE Preparations containing vitamins in which the recommended daily dose is equal to or less than the amount listed below 29 RS CHAP. 326 PHARMACISTS 28 ELIZ. 2

Vitamin A 5,0001 U D-pantothenic Acid 15 Omg Vitamin Bi 4 5mg Folic Acid 0 1 mg Vitamin B2 7 5mg Vitamin B12 14 0 meg Niacin 45 Omg Vitamin C 150 0 mg Niacinamide 45 Omg Vitamin D 4001 U Pyndoxine 3 Omg Vitamin E 25 I U Drugs which may be sold by nonpharmacists to any person, provided the drugs are (1) contained in a product which is registered as a proprietary medicine under Division 10 of the regulations to the Food and Drugs Act (Canada), or (2) contained in any other product when the drug's concentration does not exceed that of a product registered as in (1) above, and when the product is recommended to treat the same condition as is the proprietary medicine ACID BORIC ALCOHOL ANHYDROUS ALCOHOL ISOPROPYL ALOE ALOIN ALUMINUM HYDROXIDE ALUMINUM ZIRCONYL HYDROCHLORIDE COMPLEX AMINOACRIDINE HC1 ANTIPYRINE BELLADONNA BENTONITE BERBERINE HC1 BISACODYL BISMUTH COMPOUNDS BLACKBERRY LEAF BLACK CURRANT BLOOD ROOT BOLDO CAFFEINE and its salts CALCIUM CARBONATE CALCIUM HYPOCHLORITE CALCIUM PANTOTHENATE CALENDULA FLOWERS CALUMBA CANADA BALSAM CAPTAN CASCARA SAGRADA CELANDINE CELERY CENTAURY, MINOR CETRARIA ISLANDICA CHAMOMILE FLOWERS CHARCOAL ACTIVATED CHLORAL HYDRATE, in preparations for external use, not more than 1% CHLORHYDROL, when in antiperspirant preparations CHLOROBUTANOL CHLOROFORM CHLOROPHENESIN CHLOROTHYMOL CHLOROXYLENOL CINNAMEDRINE COLOCYNTH COLTSFOOT CREOSOTE DIASTASE OF MALT DICHLOROPHENE 30 1979 PHARMACISTS RS CHAP. 326




Queen s Printer for British Columbia © Victoria 1979