of FreshwaterSciences. Aquaculture FacilityattheSchool There isa“river”thatexitsthe (2) Strong E. E., Gargominy O., O., Gargominy E., E. (2) Strong (1) Merritt, R.W., Cummins, K.W. & Berg, M.B. (2008) M.B. Berg, & Cummins, K.W. R.W., (1) Merritt, Bibliography (4) JB(1975). Wallace, (2004-13) Nueswanger, Jason(3) FWS Functional y y Establishing an Invertebrate for Water Quality Improvement Quality for Water Invertebrate Community an Establishing y y y liters the Background: residual Other Primary y y Our Goal Our Problem General Primary Energy A y y y y y y y y y y y y y viewed it asawasted . water meet River. Although this building, combines with storm water generates a 650 g/min. effluent stream. Thiseffluentthe drains from the WATERinstitute at aquaculture facility the fish January 2013, As of stream along the building’s new southern face. educational resource in the form ofan ecologically artificial functional, Develop a plantoconverttheWATER institute’s waste water an into Cytophaga Actinobacteria: of air infinehairsaroundtheir posterior spiracles.(1) of characteristic by filterers and gatherers.(1) by filterersand particulate consumption organic matterfor break plant down tissue into fineandcourse to stream ecosystemis the shredders role in from decaying leaves debris. woody detritus from to strictly aquatic.Aquaticcranefly larvae subsist of on allmanner Crane fly larvae live in awidevariety of . Not all are - and living amongst rockysubstrates.(1) are Stream amphipods environments. all aquatic almost widespread inverteb and A prolific -Sideswimmer (Order such ampoebcei (Ex: Gammaproteobacteria Periphyton: Nitrifying Biofilm: Parasites: Interstitial: Free effluent, most tissue, and decomposingplanttissue; wood living vascularhydrophyteplant mouthparts designed to tearapart ynbcei are Cyanobacteria Aquatic(Genus Crane flylarvae Microbial Shredding Bacteria Bacteria Coarse   UWM where lee turbulent where settles substrate like packs flowing vegetation Detritus stones, and Periphyton 512  per   Mostly insectlarvae with Ͳ  notable  of Shredders  as: living: woody (Hydropsychidae). hdl.handle.net   aquatic fish Winter sources    odpriinn nntsinn rcotr ave yrpyh euai,Cemtpyh toa n aoeazebratum and etrona, Maconema Cheumatopsyche venularis, Hydropsyche larvae: Food partitioning in net-spinning trichoptera  : minute.   overview Producers: Ͳ  in large    particulate  SFS.  (3) Giller, (1) 2 Gao, (2) flow the Aggregate in Escherichia      pebbles, so areas (and break      front Bacteria from  feed  In Periphyton.  Ͳ community  The   the  Flavobacteria: invertebrates PonderW. F.  is and  Between  Suspended Aquatic InsectEncyclopedia   nitrifying  flow   A The  collects debris.  guts   stone bacteria is found systems.    Annals of Entomological Society of America  mixture fungi) and Practicum     pools    mission and  or The slow.  the Responsible of down fine   Bacterial X   source  of is ifl coat biofilm   S.  of  et & Bouchet P. (2008). (2008). P. & Bouchet forms obstruction and     uorps–poorpsor   (EX:    cycles    of fast  significant and riparian organic  and fish   original   bacteria  in al. substrate Coarse  other  coli,  1 in colonize and  particles  Aerial View   bacteria    CPOM    eeorps–decompose – and  Source: the An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America (4 An Introduction North America the AquaticInsectsof to (2005). composition boulders.   of  It  B.   slow  irsmnsand Nitrosomonas for  throughout and  boulders waste.  of Amphipoda) Amphipoda)   leaf    serves  Troutnut.com Salmonella,  Malmqvist. in  then algae, involving Ͳ  Associated     riffles oi organisms lotic features the the       material  the  water Amber Ͳ Enterobacteriaceae): for   lblDvriyo atooain Freshwater of Gastropoda Diversity Global   Comparison into in Wikipedia.    and    the   sources   that  Function will generate stream SFS  Pupates The    streams:  s EPA standards for waste water, we waste for s EPAstandards the as cyanobacteria,        FPOM, Communities   soften source   also  an  Reconciliation (1998). rate, the amphipodlives in  compose   objective   the of stream  of Koskey (CPOM Tipula   and flows into theKinnikinnick and flows  with Klebsiella, (above)  important      colonizing Accessed is of in the   be of water    of FPOM,  the     polysaccharide primary  the The 7 which A RiverRunsThroughUs Benthic Functional is    or  abundant high Nitrobacter): proposed bacteria:  ) (below) bacteria  ehoiae Milwaukee dechlorinated  >   outflow   Biology substrate in CPOM of    1 column on       molecular omna relationships commensal  Tipula heterotrophic  which  the mm), is   Shigella, Bacterial  food  bacteria 01/16/2013.    . Hydrobiologia 595: 149-166. 149-166. 595: Hydrobiologia .  production This th  further organic ed.)   does notneedtobetreated. is cleanenoughthatthewater Kinnickinnic River. The discharge ground viaastormsewertothe Currently thisstreamfl  of of  course  : for   Primary  in Kendall Hunt Publishing Company Publishing Hunt Kendall from stream:      Streams  source Ex:  organic Bacterial is group  trap a film trap a  our  the   Community  Nutrients either  matrix  Yersinia.   leaves,  are broken  and weight  the matter,    is  proposed shredding and      and  of for  to producers in   influenced   materials, microbes Architecture Aquaculture    colonized    bacteria on most  design  1 Rivers.  invertebrates, Communities twigs,   dissolved  down  Composition (i.e.  break surface  Figure B Water   stream. streams    invertebrates drinking  Oxford  Nitrogen  an  dead   Glossosoma prefers Glossosoma very clean, fastmovingwater. synchronizes their , prompting a trout feeding frenzy.(3) larvae As glossosoma a turtleshell. of insects namedTrichoptera.They build thei Glossosoma is a representative from an - and plants.(1) radula to use afeedingapparatus a called Snails the world.(2) There areapproximately freshwater gastropods in 4000 species of (Class -Freshwater Snail is tokeep algae check. in the stream in Their role smallest inhabitants. the stream’s surfaces rocksandmacrophytes.Scrapers of subsist of off Grazers; feed on algae and periphyton living onsmooth  into and  and is   such Little Black Short-horned Sedges (Caddisfly Genus Short-horned Sedges Black Little by down by   artificial Scrapers  1: comprised   of  facility  organic practicum    the  Practicum:  microbes detritus  inorganic  University  primary Transverse  organisms,  In  rocks (Images  as and     water. Nine coarse  tadpoles    type My Role Our Challenges  and in cellulose Quality Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ    rivers housed stream    a To interpret the requirements of an ecologically functional an requirements To interpretthehabitat of To compose a list of candidates for introduction based on my based on introduction candidates for of a list To compose model andthelocalanalogousstreams. inhabitants of array andstreaminvertebrates of fish based stream on ourartificial matter, ows under- ows and  Streams. Provide a suitable set of habitats within the design of the stream to the stream the designof suitable habitats within Provide a set of riparianbuffer zones with urban runoff stream qualityProtect from Improve water quality by neutralizin encourage a stable, productive stream . stream stable, productive encourage a of grasses and sedges. microbes by introducing naturally be done can this hypothesis isthat suspended waste solids.Our out fish community for removing solid waste from the stream. waste from removing solid for community pu our these sketches.using For ecosystem andindicatedpotential habitat thestream function within stream roles of five major into have aligned I them findings.     Phosphorus) can   of Stream:  Press: decomposers    of    5 The or is compounds and    CPOM   vegetation and  1   ecological  to  feces, and section consumed  be   (Image and     aquaculture that  within Oxford, fine Professors JohnJanssenandJimWasley design Aquatic  prevalent  found 6)  some Winterim 2013 Winterim   chitin,  and    detritus, is particulate Monitoring 3   of    biologically  2) England.  the  will Microbial  an 1,4,    attached 1 and FPOM  Gastropoda) Gastropoda) fish.  a  by  (See      5 carbon urban stream  SFS; on be    other effluent medically 3  Reconciliation Arch andEcology etc.    (See particulate present Image FWS 512  being  its  Ecology: matter sity. capable ofsustainingbioticdiver- stream toademonstration convert thisartifi The chargetotheclasswas  5  stream to     cycle organisms mouth showing ucinland functional Image 4 outgrow their cases, the local population cases, thelocal their outgrow  submerged    contains broken incredibly diverse order of case building incredibly diverse order of 1 (above)     in important effectively remove periphyton from rocks effectively remove periphytonfrom 40: 2  in 2 (CPOM r case from small pebbles r casesmall from in theform  (Image  that  the    rposes, this willbe a beneficial Figure is 7) matter 51 Pupates   of  microhabitats , plants andinvertebrates. the Ͳ   60. 1,4, down  aquaculture fits  diverse g high P content and filtering and P content g high     and  5  incincRiver. Kinnickinnic  3) an surfaces 1)  2   into organisms that (Image Dylan Olson Dylan Olson 1  FPOM)    the Artificial  waste aesthetically Glossosoma 6 cial subterranean cial  in    architecture/ecological 4) 1     products, E Freshwater 512  ) (below)  Flow  enhances insects willeven prey small fish. on their entirelives.Large become larger.predatory they Some matureand arepredatory for as to switch insects methods: engulfers, two who ingestanimals,andpiercers,pierce who tissues cells to suck and Manyaquatic fluids.(1) . fl beneficial aspredatorsof making them world the dragonflies in the fastestflying dragonflies. Theyarethelargestand spectacular adult ‘hawkers’, as are themost known Darners, also -Darner Dragonfly Nymphs (Family systemsaquaticplants. attached allmannerof to and lentic are extremely variable damselflies which A largegroupof in (Family -Pond DamselflyNymphs The top level living anim aquatic invertebrate predators feed of relations, on trophic Predators January 2013   Stream including varies y y y Suggested Once fecal effluent bacterial Microbiological  the  from y y y  Outfall Aquaculture Water nutrients Image:   design D UWM   contamination, the  1200 10 mm. Also, 10 mm.astheirnamesuggests, they are strong swimmers.(1) The smallest ofthemayfly families, adults - systems. different lotic many are present in an swim Crawlers oxygen requirements. Spiny stre species for Mayflies aregreat indicator very is Spiny Crawler Like mayflies, the all -Spiny Crawler Mayfly Larvae (Family stream flow, collecting from impoundments of trapped impoundments of sediment.(1) stream flow,collectingfrom of collectionand their orientation in the stream. has been matter which broken by shredders. down Gatherers filterersdiffer from in their method Water A very similar classificaA very similar  Small MinnowSmall (Family Mayfly Larvae  show (4) (5) (6)  Shallow   levels  Pools stream Source samples  sample Gatherers Ͳ Monitoring:     SFS. Allan, Cushing, Aquaculture and excessinorganicnutrients. and processesparticulateinputs micro-to macrobiotathatcaptures A healthystreamhasadiverse y y for Ͳ  filter feed plankton.(1) on filamentous hairs.Bivalvesdrawwater into (clams) themselves within strategically position Some Filterers C 2000  Molecular Microbiological from Filterers use a variety methods totrapfine particulateof the stream organic matter from current.   no  Quality    of 6 effluent  J.D. Tests:   Marsh is and      collected the  collected C.E.  constructed  (1995).  amongst Enterococcus 0 0 E.Coli Aquaculture     low image proposed and   CFUs/1, CFUs/1, Indicator  Monitoring Testing  sample Using    J.D. Stream levels   accessed  from and   Monitoring Allan. onginde) Coenagrionidae     intended target food source.(4) target food intended nets collect algae, detritus collect nets spin netsoffinesilkfixed family from re this members of Net spinners are a uniquefamilyamongstTrichoptera. As their namesuggests, - the water shallownear shoreonsand orgravel. Papershell is Cylindrical The Papershell-Cylindrical (Anodontoides ferussacianus) other Host 10 10 Net-spinning Caddisfly Larvae (Family Net-spinningLarvae Caddisfly  Aeshnidae Water tion to thefilterers, gatherers tion also     it    collected stream of of Ecology: tested organisms   Aquaticinsectsofcentralvirginia.blogspot.com; pennalaphotography.com Aquaticinsectsofcentralvirginia.blogspot.com; csuchico.edu; watermonitoring.uwex.edu; marietta.edu; wikipedia.org; nanfa.org; headwatersoutfitters.com; Bioweb.uwlax.edu; Credits Photo    harbor Effluent: and and will  (2001).   indicators  online Aquaculture  End (Microbial Riffles/Runs Aquaculture Specific  types    100 100 attract  Quality     on structure to Of     Streams: interface Rain (Following at:    mL mL ) from    of  protect January  Stream  http://www.extension.org/sites/default/files/w/1/1b/AquacultureEffluents.pdf for Markers:    pollution. a  organisms Garden  Source   variety stream   drainage Monitoring and Effluent  their  Effluent of the small minnowfamilyrarely exceed  am quality and hencehave high dissolved Ephemerellidae public  sensitive to in the stream. sensitive disturbance in to Baetidae  9,  function EPA size and shape. Damsels found inbothlotic Pond are commonly  ecology    2013 Human, Tracking):  d clingtoobjectsonthebottom.They  of water  Although They are often more agile and mobile within the mobile within agile and more They areoften   and smallinvertebrates depe Standards):  E.  ying insects. The nymphs prey small fish. insects on and  basin, different health. Horizontal View Horizontal    coli of Transect View the currentoftenandcapture debris long, in avulnerable species in  and and )    running Ͳ Generate monitoring areas aquaculture garden, Ͳ proposed Milwaukee incincRiver, Kinnickinnic Ͳ Milwaukee enabling offer understanding function of  Identify Urban  Compare These  and  life. post    Future Stormwater/Aquaculture their shells using and incurrentsiphon Artificial   preliminary ) live on the fine particulate organic the fine live on    animals,   excellent Academic artifi logically-functional andaesthetic liminary designconceptforaneco- landscape architectureintoapre- step towardintegratingbiologyand The SFSstudentpostersareafi Enterococcus of   waters.  filtration Fecal    animals, microbial  pools,   the  in the individuals Enterococcus Stormwater/Aquaculture E.Coli   0 0 stream Microbial  Efforts  microbial     cial stream. cial  different CFUs/1mL, CFUs/1mL, (measured area River,      stream effluent,  coliform, bacterial Stream: Chapman   Hydropsychidae Press: al tissue. Ingestion is broken down into tissue. is brokendown Ingestion al which    riffles, educational of  water   Domestic (i.e.     to community how etc.)   and Menomonee  , San      (i.e.   it other to Community  ecological may  community Wisconsin. They prefer Wisconsin. Lake   and   runs   along   0 1   composition will  E.coli quality   bacteria  Diego,  in gain   Research CFUs/10mL CFUs/10mL  nding on meshsize and shallow   Hall:  colony result      Michigan, treats on large rocks. Their large rocks. treats on be water animals, and    opportunities, , with a Enterococcus CA.   London,   important better  comparisons tests )     end  environments.  response Effluent  in     River,   forming marsh, other profiles sources Profiles:  Effluent    Needed: elevated and and    of of of Waterfowl,    England. the    the the stream)     3 13 key     to rain CFUs/100   harbor,     of  Outfall in units/mL) to   CFUs/100 Outfall:  aquaculture  thus  monitor will     the levels  and       etc.     mL of  mL  the  rst  

: Arch 636 : Winterim 2013 John Janssen and Jim Wasley Understanding


Figure Introduction Figure



could considers












these requirements. control, habitatand nutrient removal,erosion providing functional by this streamIn reconciliation project it Wetland Function Figure 1: Proposed Stream Design.(SFS Winterim 2013) 512 Practicum, esthetic value. Each wetlandplan esthetic value.

used to filter agricultural runoff used to stream a use for ideal plantto an assimilatesbe and may heavymetals that receives stormwater runoff from roadways. Hardstem bulrush receives stormwaterrunoff that from roadways. was also chosen a for itsabilityto

( fish wasteandunea nutrients from essentialis It that themarsh wetland capable is of removingexcess nutrients since the fish effluent/sourthe nutrients since

Sago pondweed can assimilate large quantities of phosphorus which capability to their were chosenfor will aidinsuppressing algal blooms

esthetic value of thecampus Please area. refer to Figure1thedesign campus and provides a valuable opportunity to light to bring The purpose of this project to designanurban is stream to Project Background of the proposed stream. the of habitat an aspects of stream many The UWM the Harbor Campus. design for compliment the constructed urban stream will transportconstructed fish effluent will urban streamthe from aquaculture facility at theGreat Lakes Water Institute totheharbor. Currently the fish effluent is discharged into theviapipe. Byday lighting thefisheffluent stream, it

2.USDA,NRCS. 2013. ThePLANTS Database ( 1.Nassauer, Joan I.2004. Monitoring theof metropolitansuccess wetland restorations: Cultural sustainabilityand ecological fu References:

oaoea pectinantus Potamogetan

Regular At

An Harbor   proposed Algae  the  (riparian water: Waste   the waste  food help important stream  fish and at 2.  1.     UWM  a   Profiles and Islands  UWM   diluted. large  between  the Initial  in   processes high   testing define  and normally  functional of  an     design algae  structural stream  zones) Ͳ various   Ͳ   School  nutrient scale organisms. flow Example School consideration  oxygenate Stream of  (rocks  The different of    oxygen, with Dissolved       rate (Figure found benthic and the  flow is  Rip    arrow and of freshwater  of    fish   to content and   a     aquaculture of  Architecture  enhance of Design Rap  Freshwater  and   decrease   aesthetically  diffuse  Certain in  aquatic    an nutrients,  food water) 100   1).  functional between algae  ) and hardstembulrush(  headwater Oxygen,   Urban  in Our Ͳ   300 and   and Drawn the    invertebrates the  plants, growth, communities.   design in       gallons outflow,   excrement). Stream creation effluent   Sciences,     Figure bacteria, allows stream’s oxygen. Nutrients,  characteristics Ͳ 2 pleasing .  ssimilate nutrients and is commonly ssimilate nutrientsandis  streams by d function while increasing the function while d  t was chosen for its ability to fulfill to ability t was chosen forits assimilate nutrientseffectively. invertebrates becomes a majorfeature of the  ten fish food. Sago pondweed  reflects vegetation 2  per  ce water contains high levels of levels contains high ce water 4  Freshwater . Sago pondweed also Sago . 2 is essentialwetland is thatthe is us    we provides Pools  of  (habitat Travelling and http://plants.usda.gov    outflow  use and   to distributed   minute  the stream    Bacteria can In  or  The   consider our  Figure   for   algae Figure  and relatively stream create    of initial    monoculture,  variety) educational intent  initial 5 from   , with .  Riffles a downstream,     and In  with 512 3  ,  stream 2, conpetsacutus Schoenoplectus     how relates along    Freshwater MILWAUKEE’S INNER HARBOR is influx an      the an  Institute for EcologicalDesign water the to  fish   undisturbed  the an environment    urban create  the  aquaculture   potential  influx  the could  gradient river causes   Figure Distribution  the purposes. quality   stream or  , 12 ,January 2013). National Plant Data Team, Greensboro, NC27401-4901 USA. river    stream  the   Shallow water variable    continuum a Water of live 512,  stagnant  3. a  Wetland Marsh filtration)   wastewater     fish (natural environments.  continuum. to and and  rapid A  in construction   we for   characteristics facility be    schematic various  River  food   of nutrient how  habitats   Marsh specific are  inhabited increase  Invertebrates  aquatic concept    )   and Continuum  seeking these provides  areas   (the  Quality    values. excrement while  freshwater  demonstrates could     Collaboration in  environment. characteristics and macro invertebrates, fish, ducks, and other waterfowl. invertebrates, fish, ducks,and and macro species including micro of variety food fora and pondweed,cover pickerel weed,andhardstembulrushprovide functional ecosystem. a creating Providing habitat for a widevarietyof wildlife is another priority in with  annual plant, would be unable to propagate. unable to annual plant, wouldbe an remains between54-64rice, year; therefore, wild °F throughoutthe to germinate. seed dormancyand45°F break The source water to requires 35 °F water temperatures rice at Wild source water. of the wetland. was found It to beincompatible with thetemperature range palustris Wild rice(Zizania function wetlands attractive than designed purelyforecological deemed more are flowering plants noticeable arrangementof a wetlands with be esthetically pleasing as wellas funct Finally inordertocreate a successful constructed wetland, needs it to illustration on thedifferent plants diverse, interesting, and appealing wetland. Refer toFigure3for an leaf heights,shapes, in promote a variety and flowercolorscreate a to  sediments substrate inhibiting that forms the marsh a thickmatover system rhizome root a These plantshave erosion from wind and wave forces. wind anderosion from These plantsreduce bank alsostream system. rhizomeillustration root of the ( natans pondweed, floating-leaved pondweed( Sago wetland. established habitatwithinthe substrate additionswhichwould disturb re-suspension.need for Excessthe lossof sedimentin wouldresult constructed is essentialover aliner,it to reduce erosion and substrate plant choices. Since the marsh wetland and stream are being wetlandreduce erosionfactor was into another marsh keyability The wastewater 8    depicted S. acutus) to profiles nutrients, which   nutrient Aquaculture avoiding   create   best 1  wildlife with Effluent ), pickerel weed(      benefit  to the  1 in  . The proposed plants for the marsh wetland were chosen wetland to were marsh The proposedplantsforthe . a Ͳ     rich  the    2 the  and in our were chosen for theirabilitytocontrolerosion.  . (Refer to Figure2foran     Evaluation        Winter upne Solids Suspended Phosphorus Figure pH TKN Nutrient Analysis coverage benthic recommended Total Demand Oxygen Biochemical Temperature Water could Water we two aquatic phosphorus nutrient look times (MMSD) the versus the re-suspension of the Total Using The Providing In   discovered   outfall Nitrogen  effluent   at otdracordata Pontederia order Phosphorus    create greater Hardness     5.  the Quality: difference initial   organisms.  algal ) was initially considered for themarsh    Phosphorus: Table in aquaculture concentrations of  of  nction. nction.    Practicum:  outfall were the  to  Nutrient   the    loading solutions   Assessment anoxic growth. Caroline water sources   than determine    that potential  concentration,  Sago pondweed,Sago floating-leaved  If of  stream negligible.  Wetlands   the in  in levels within the marsh wetland.  Nutrient in   the  the    quality conditions concentration normally the      Concentrations  effluent aquaculture Possible in the  for    EPA   phosphorus  ional. Studies have found that have Studies ional. bottom the harbor,  Designing and  urban if    ), and hardstem bulrush hardstem ), and total the o 24(2).Dec2004:756-765 , Vol in      there  and Comparing  Concentrations Mosley recommended   aquaculture  <1.0 7.4 0.44 140 0.58 mg/L 3/18/11 MMSD <2.0 12 Relation Freshwater my   System. Courtesy of UWEX ofSystem. Courtesy Figure 2: RhizomeRoot  occurring stream  analyzed detrimental   the Ͳ  concentration in  Ͳ stream, 18 nutrient  could 7.5  I Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ analysis    1.9 2.4 was 0.60 0.59 performed stagnant    effluent  high ȚC 2 between concentration    could  a to create     Milwaukee difference  phosphorus by phosphorus. from     concentrations, facility Stream to      MMSD  water and effects  phosphorus   in potentially the Potamogetan    the  phosphorus limited  the  mg/L 1/10/13 Freshwater 0.88 of the  512  outfall  EPA   and  dissolved  effluent  Water input and  an Ͳ   Aquaculture on  between include 0.91  Metropolitan in   concentrations guidelines   the  habitat   March the foster  is   inhibit  of concentration     Quality outfall  5   Artificial 512 focusing  in  aquaculture analysis Ͳ  the  benthic phosphorus 9   the  the    bacterial 13, times for   incincRiver. Kinnickinnic the   and   Effluent  in   aquaculture aquaculture 6.5 <1.0 P Recommended EPA <0.1 mg/L 2011 <2.0 N/A 60 <10 other 2011, harbor. outfall the in the represents concentration phosphorus blue and aquaculture Figure  Sewage  3   the on amount    Ͳ greater algae the on Ͳ  250  recommendations, 8.0   • • • • • Pickerel Weed could  effluent aquaculture • • • • • Floating-Leaved Pondweed  outfall  the coloration      growth.  harbor. Guenther Paula Courtesy of plants. wetland profile of proposed Height Figure 3: 6 January  effluent vegetation  facility .  present we 2,,8 4. Provides waterfowl, ducks,foodcover and for muskrats. fish and for Once established will blockoutotheremergents. range 4.9-8.7 pH Can survive of waterbut in up 50 to cmgrowsbest a in depthof30cm. Emergent plant thatgrowsaheight to of1m entering  Note: Curly-Leaved Pondweed ( Curly-Leaved Pondweed Note: range 5.8-7.5 pH life span rate/short Rapid growth deep m 2 water lessthan Found in Submerged plant withfloatingleaves blooms,    limiting District  Sampling   encourage  were than of   a water.     facility  effluent in analysis  effluent   high   as  Complete  9,2013 Stream   is  in the  in   the  in  able the   well   5 effluent   which  both or water   Ͳ 6   The 9    and EPA         8 to as  on   (     otdracordata) Pontederia    • • • • • • Hardstem Bulrush  • • • • • Sago Pondweed Often forms monocultures Often forms agricultural water water/used filter to from contaminants Assimilates nutrientsand muskrats. Provides fish,waterfowl,and habitat for and food wave forces. and wind buffer from erosion bycreatinga Controls range 5.2-8.5 pH Emergent plant thatgrowsaheight of 1-3m. to Pondweed Suppresses algal blooms by blooms Suppresses algal velocityshorelineReduces wave erosion thereby reducing invertebrates and macro source forducksandhabitatmicro food for Important deep m 2 water lessthan Found in Submerged floating leaves with no Brock Water. (5)Rob Cummings: (6)USEPA. from negatively product and (2)Milwaukee (4)Madigan, Water nts.pdf (1)Kreger, References Water Other Shallow A) Potential institute 27:31 could allow monitored sampled and (7)Vannote, USEPA http://www.extension.org/sites/default/files/w/1/1b/AquacultureEfflue Journal (3)Murphy for and microbes food Shaded B) out oxygen overall the (8)Aquaculture and Water fish )Intelligent C) • • • Yellow Water Buttercup Sago TKN Biochemical Suspended    the     metabolism nutrients food and broad-leafed arrowhead and Commonly foundalongside floating pondweed, bladderwort, water Found slowmovingshallow(<2mdeep) in substrate. Floating sometimesfoundrootedinto flower 0.5mtallthatis ammonium measured state fish continued would residence shoreline of benthic encourage   and  http://www.cotf.edu/ete/modules/waterq/wqcontinuum.html   Ͳ solid re  Biology 36.      Nutrient     Quality: Quality: Quality: a website: Paddock,   determination nitrogenous (2012). Nitrogen: ( available of   Ͳ  Ͳ excreted food  oaaea natans Potamagetan  stream oxygenate  water effluent and/or   excrement)  as   Solutions  Fisheries United C.     impact particulates future naturally  , San Floating-leaved  P. crispus)    R. J.   algae.  settable, M.T., (2004, Marsh Areas    and and     decrease of  would Metropolitan Pondweed Solids:  and   time as L.   downstream.  Chapter     after Stream  benthic Oxygen image A Ammonia The  Francisco,    of ( could  (NH  (  irognss (12 Microorganisms. excrement. Assessment . personal  (1980). to  tcei pectinata Stuckenia        conpetsacutus Schoenoplectus the  high States from Total  Milwaukee: let analysis. excrement)  aquatic Martinko,  J.P. biodegradable      –Trees,   and  Ͳ  aquatic the as loads, November majority  4  to  draw  an Nutrients   inhibit  + solid  difference solid would   suspended,  )    accessed help of well Riley,  amount      Benthic     fish is invasive  Design  to ijalNitrogen Kiejdahl 5 dissolved algae waters. incubation Aquatic Demand    Environmental The  phosphate Water        is communication, settle  life,  out organic including CA.  materials    as  prevent shrubs, in   organisms  sunlight  the  Sewage  increase 1962.   These J.M., of  river assimilating phosphorus assimilating   growth    dissolved Yellow Water in the could Milwaukee excess Ͳ especially    ) and of   10).  (  The suspended Buttercup Algal  online   major Science aucl flabellaris) Ranunculs in Quality Relation with   (BOD):    oxygen.  biodegradable  physical  organics colloidal, Dunlap,   continuum matter    mg/L A  period solids and  other   River   stagnant mechanics   organic  in  settle District and in modified     decomposition th nutrients vegetation Growth     toxic  downstream. at: natural )  water  ed.).  , other  form. Protection   Conditions   of the 37  fish, growth    as    could organic (TKN) to  Metropolitan settle,    ) of  P.V., in A and    (usually January  dissolved solids .  or     nitrogenous    a nitrogen, (2011).   Pearson amount shallow Stream  5 the  pools    and characterized vegetation  A  concept. continuum   dissolved.  single Pickerel waters.   days chemical   of from   affect Weed and is high      of while organic and marsh.     in  particulates the an should      . Agency, that  by 6 11, photosynthetic   the Clark, Retrieved Great         A the   concentration marsh solution Water indicator by of oxygen Benjamin decreased    flow  the ammonia   microorganisms)   Anal. marsh  rip  2013  Canadian    oxygen stream  Sewage would bacteria   characteristics The water  metabolic  . matter around be      dissolved Retrieved rap D.P. lakes rate     Hardstem Office could  by Quality  Chim. in carefully Bulrush vegetation   could  method    (such and   from  for  (2009).  their    and will used      water (NH District. flow. (fish  and  the   draw   of riffles Acta          be will   as 3 size      ), in             of FreshwaterSciences. Aquaculture FacilityattheSchool There isa“river”thatexitsthe (2) Strong E. E., Gargominy O., O., Gargominy E., E. (2) Strong (1) Merritt, R.W., Cummins, K.W. & Berg, M.B. (2008) M.B. Berg, & Cummins, K.W. R.W., (1) Merritt, Bibliography (4) JB(1975). Wallace, (2004-13) Nueswanger, Jason(3) FWS Functional y y Establishing an Invertebrate Community for Water Quality Improvement Quality for Water Invertebrate Community an Establishing y y y the Background: liters residual Other Primary y y Our Goal Our Problem General Primary Energy A y y y y y y y y y y y y y stream along the building’s new southern face. educational resource in the form ofan ecologically artificial functional, Develop a plantoconverttheWATER institute’s waste water an into viewed it asawasted resource. water meet River. Although this building, combines with storm water generates a 650 g/min. effluent stream. Thiseffluentthe drains from the WATERinstitute at aquaculture facility the fish January 2013, As of Cytophaga Actinobacteria: of air infinehairsaroundtheir posterior spiracles.(1) of characteristic by filterers and gatherers.(1) by filterersand particulate consumption organic matterfor break plant down tissue into fineandcourse to stream ecosystemis the shredders role in detritus from decaying leaves debris. woody detritus from to strictly aquatic.Aquaticcranefly larvae subsist of on allmanner Crane fly larvae live in awidevariety of habitats. Not all are - detritivores and scavengers living amongst rockysubstrates.(1) are Stream amphipods environments. all aquatic almost widespread inverteb and A prolific -Sideswimmer (Order such ampoebcei (Ex: Gammaproteobacteria Periphyton: Nitrifying Biofilm: Parasites: Interstitial: Free effluent, most tissue, and decomposingplanttissue; wood living vascularhydrophyteplant mouthparts designed to tearapart ynbcei are Cyanobacteria Aquatic(Genus Crane flylarvae Microbial Shredding Bacteria Bacteria Coarse   UWM turbulent where where settles substrate like lee eihtnand Periphyton packs flowing Detritus stones, vegetation 512  per   Mostly insectlarvae with Ͳ  notable  of Shredders  as: living: woody (Hydropsychidae). hdl.handle.net   aquatic fish Winter sources    odpriinn nntsinn rcotr ave yrpyh euai,Cemtpyh toa n aoeazebratum and etrona, Maconema Cheumatopsyche venularis, Hydropsyche larvae: Food partitioning in net-spinning trichoptera  Decomposers: minute.   overview Producers: Ͳ  in large    particulate  SFS.  (3) 1 Giller, (1) 2 Gao, (2) the flow Aggregate in Escherichia      pebbles, so areas (and break      front Bacteria from  feed  Periphyton. In  Ͳ community  The   the  Flavobacteria: invertebrates PonderW. F.  is and  Between  Suspended Aquatic InsectEncyclopedia   nitrifying  flow   A The  collects debris.  guts   stone bacteria is found systems.    Annals of Entomological Society of America  mixture fungi) and Practicum    pools     mission and  or The slow.  the Responsible of down fine   Bacterial X   source  of is ifl coat biofilm   S.  of  et & Bouchet P. (2008). (2008). P. & Bouchet forms obstruction and     uorps–poorpsor phototrophs – Autotrophs   (EX:    cycles    of fast  significant and riparian organic  and fish   original   bacteria  in al. substrate Coarse  other  coli,  1 in colonize and  particles  Aerial View   bacteria    microorganisms CPOM    eeorps–decompose – Heterotrophs and  Source: the An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America (4 An Introduction North America the AquaticInsectsof to (2005). composition boulders.   of  It  B.   slow  irsmnsand Nitrosomonas for  throughout and  boulders waste.  of Amphipoda) Amphipoda)   leaf    serves  Troutnut.com Salmonella,  Malmqvist. in  then algae, involving Ͳ  Associated     riffles oi organisms lotic features the the       material  the  water Amber Ͳ Enterobacteriaceae): for   lblDvriyo atooain Freshwater of Gastropoda Diversity Global   Comparison into in Wikipedia.    and    the   sources   that  Function will generate stream SFS  Pupates The    streams:  s EPA standards for waste water, we waste for s EPAstandards the as cyanobacteria,        FPOM, Communities   soften  source  also  an  Reconciliation (1998). rate, the amphipodlives in  compose   objective   the of stream decomposition  of Koskey (CPOM Tipula   and flows into theKinnikinnick and flows  with Klebsiella, (above)  important      colonizing Accessed is of in the   be of water    of FPOM,  the     polysaccharide primary the  The 7 which A RiverRunsThroughUs Benthic Functional is    or  abundant high Nitrobacter): proposed bacteria:  ) (below) bacteria  ehoiae Milwaukee dechlorinated  >   outflow   Biology substrate in CPOM of    1 column on       molecular omna relationships commensal  Tipula heterotrophic  which  the mm), is   Shigella, Bacterial  food  chemotrophs bacteria 01/16/2013.    . Hydrobiologia 595: 149-166. 149-166. 595: Hydrobiologia .  Ecology production This th  further organic ed.)   does notneedtobetreated. is cleanenoughthatthewater Kinnickinnic River. The discharge ground viaastormsewertothe Currently thisstreamfl  of of  course  : for   Primary  in Kendall Hunt Publishing Company Publishing Hunt Kendall from stream:      Streams  source Ex:  organic Bacterial is group  trap a film trap a  our  the   Community  Nutrients either  matrix  Yersinia.   leaves,  are broken  and weight  the matter,    is  proposed shredding and      and  of for  to producers in   influenced   materials, microbes Architecture Aquaculture    colonized    bacteria on most  design  1 Rivers.  invertebrates, Communities twigs,   dissolved  down  Composition (i.e.  break surface  Figure B Water   stream. streams    invertebrates drinking  Oxford  Nitrogen  an  dead   Glossosoma prefers Glossosoma very clean, fastmovingwater. synchronizes their emergence, prompting a trout feeding frenzy.(3) larvae As glossosoma a turtleshell. of insects namedTrichoptera.They build thei Glossosoma is a representative from an - and plants.(1) radula to use afeedingapparatus a called Snails the world.(2) There areapproximately freshwater gastropods in 4000 species of (Class -Freshwater Snail is tokeep algae check. in the stream in Their role smallest inhabitants. the stream’s surfaces rocksandmacrophytes.Scrapers of subsist of off Grazers; feed on algae and periphyton living onsmooth  into and  and is   such Little Black Short-horned Sedges (Caddisfly Genus Short-horned Sedges Black Little by down by   artificial Scrapers  1: comprised   of  facility  organic practicum    the  Practicum:  microbes detritus  inorganic  University  primary Transverse  organisms,  In  rocks  (Images as and     water. Nine coarse  tadpoles    type My Role Our Challenges  and in cellulose Quality Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ    rivers housed stream    a To interpret the habitat requirements of an ecologically functional an requirements To interpretthehabitat of To compose a list of candidates for introduction based on my based on introduction candidates for of a list To compose model andthelocalanalogousstreams. inhabitants of array andstreaminvertebrates of fish based stream on ourartificial matter, ows under- ows and  Streams. Provide a suitable set of habitats within the design of the stream to the stream the designof suitable habitats within Provide a set of riparianbuffer zones with urban runoff stream qualityProtect from Improve water quality by neutralizin naturally by introducing microbes by introducing naturally be done can this hypothesis isthat suspended waste solids.Our out fish encourage a stable, productive stream ecosystem. stream stable, productive encourage a of grasses and sedges. community for removing solid waste from the stream. waste from removing solid for community pu our these sketches.using For ecosystem andindicatedpotential habitat thestream function within stream roles of five major into have aligned I them findings.     Phosphorus) can   of Stream:  Press: decomposers    of    5 The or is compounds and    CPOM   vegetation and  1   ecological  to  feces, and section consumed  be   (Image and     aquaculture that  within Oxford, fine Professors JohnJanssenandJimWasley design Aquatic  prevalent  found 6)  some Winterim 2013 Winterim   chitin,  and    detritus, is particulate Monitoring 3   of    biologically  2) England.  the  will Microbial  an 1,4,    attached 1 and  FPOM Gastropoda) Gastropoda) fish.  a  by  (See      5 carbon urban stream  SFS; on be    other effluent medically 3  Reconciliation Arch andEcology etc.    (See particulate present Image FWS 512  being  its  Ecology: matter sity. capable ofsustainingbioticdiver- stream toademonstration convert thisartifi The chargetotheclasswas  5  stream to     cycle organisms mouth showing ucinland functional Image 4 outgrow their cases, the local population cases, thelocal their outgrow  submerged    contains broken incredibly diverse order of case building incredibly diverse order of 1 (above)     in important effectively remove periphyton from rocks effectively remove periphytonfrom 40: 2  in 2 (CPOM r case from small pebbles r casesmall from in theform  (Image  that  the    rposes, this willbe a beneficial Figure is 7) matter 51 Pupates   of  microhabitats , plants andinvertebrates. the Ͳ   60. 1,4, down  aquaculture fits  diverse g high P content and filtering and P content g high     and  5  incincRiver. Kinnickinnic  3) an surfaces 1)  2   into organisms that (Image Dylan Olson Dylan Olson 1  FPOM)    the Artificial  waste aesthetically Glossosoma 6 cial subterranean cial  in    architecture/ecological 4) 1     products, E Freshwater 512  ) (below)  Flow  enhances insects willeven prey small fish. on their entirelives.Large become larger.predatory they Some matureand arepredatory for predation as to switch insects methods: engulfers, two who ingestanimals,andpiercers,pierce who tissues cells to suck and Manyaquatic fluids.(1) . fl beneficial aspredatorsof making them world the dragonflies in the fastestflying dragonflies. Theyarethelargestand spectacular adult ‘hawkers’, as are themost known Darners, also -Darner Dragonfly Nymphs (Family systemsaquaticplants. attached allmannerof to and lentic are extremely variable damselflies which A largegroupof in (Family -Pond DamselflyNymphs The top level living anim aquatic invertebrate predators feed of relations, on trophic Predators January 2013   Stream including varies y y y Suggested Once fecal effluent bacterial Microbiological  the  from y y y  Outfall Aquaculture Water nutrients Image:   design D UWM   contamination, the  1200 10 mm. Also, 10 mm.astheirnamesuggests, they are strong swimmers.(1) The smallest ofthemayfly families, adults - systems. different lotic many are present in an swim Crawlers oxygen requirements. Spiny stre species for Mayflies aregreat indicator very is Spiny Crawler Like mayflies, the all -Spiny Crawler Mayfly Larvae (Family stream flow, collecting from impoundments of trapped impoundments of sediment.(1) stream flow,collectingfrom of collectionand their orientation in the stream. has been matter which broken by shredders. down Gatherers filterersdiffer from in their method Water A very similar classificaA very similar  Small MinnowSmall (Family Mayfly Larvae  show (4) (5) (6)  Shallow   levels  Pools stream Source samples  sample Gatherers Ͳ Monitoring:     SFS. Allan, Cushing, Aquaculture and excessinorganicnutrients. and processesparticulateinputs micro-to macrobiotathatcaptures A healthystreamhasadiverse y y for Ͳ  filter feed plankton.(1) on filamentous hairs.Bivalvesdrawwater into (clams) themselves within strategically position Some Filterers C 2000  Molecular Microbiological from Filterers use a variety methods totrapfine particulateof the stream organic matter from current.   no  Quality    of 6 effluent  J.D. Tests:   Marsh is and      collected the  collected C.E.  constructed  (1995).  amongst 0 0 E.Coli Aquaculture Enterococcus     low image proposed and   CFUs/1, CFUs/1, Indicator  Monitoring Testing  sample Using    J.D. Stream levels   accessed  from and   Monitoring Allan. onginde) Coenagrionidae     intended target food source.(4) target food intended the water shallownear shoreonsand orgravel. nets collect algae, detritus collect nets spin netsoffinesilkfixed family from re this members of Net spinners are a uniquefamilyamongstTrichoptera. As their namesuggests, - Papershell is Cylindrical The Papershell-Cylindrical (Anodontoides ferussacianus) other Host 10 10 Net-spinning Caddisfly Larvae (Family Net-spinningLarvae Caddisfly  Aeshnidae Water tion to thefilterers, gatherers tion also     it    collected stream of of Ecology: tested organisms   Aquaticinsectsofcentralvirginia.blogspot.com; pennalaphotography.com Aquaticinsectsofcentralvirginia.blogspot.com; csuchico.edu; watermonitoring.uwex.edu; marietta.edu; wikipedia.org; nanfa.org; headwatersoutfitters.com; Bioweb.uwlax.edu; Credits Photo    harbor Effluent: and and will  (2001).   indicators  online Aquaculture  End (Microbial Riffles/Runs Aquaculture Specific  types    100 100 attract  Quality     on structure to Of     Streams: interface Rain (Following at:    mL mL ) from    of  protect January  Stream  http://www.extension.org/sites/default/files/w/1/1b/AquacultureEffluents.pdf for Markers:    pollution. a  organisms Garden  Source   variety stream   drainage Monitoring and Effluent  their  Effluent of the small minnowfamilyrarely exceed  am quality and hencehave high dissolved Ephemerellidae public  sensitive to disturbance in the stream. sensitive disturbance in to Baetidae  9,  function EPA size and shape. Damsels found inbothlotic Pond are commonly  ecology    2013 Human, Tracking):  d clingtoobjectsonthebottom.They  of water  Although They are often more agile and mobile within the mobile within agile and more They areoften   and smallinvertebrates depe Standards):  E.  ying insects. The nymphs prey small fish. insects on and  basin, different health. Horizontal View Horizontal    coli of Transect View the currentoftenandcapture debris long, in avulnerable species in  and and )    running Ͳ Generate monitoring aquaculture areas garden, Ͳ proposed Milwaukee incincRiver, Kinnickinnic Milwaukee Ͳ offer enabling understanding function of  Identify Urban  Compare These  and  life. post    Future Stormwater/Aquaculture their shells using and incurrentsiphon Artificial   preliminary ) live on the fine particulate organic the fine live on    animals,   excellent Academic artifi logically-functional andaesthetic liminary designconceptforaneco- landscape architectureintoapre- step towardintegratingbiologyand The SFSstudentpostersareafi Enterococcus of   waters.  filtration Fecal    animals, microbial  pools,   the  in the individuals Enterococcus Stormwater/Aquaculture E.Coli   0 0 stream Microbial  Efforts  microbial     cial stream. cial  different CFUs/1mL, CFUs/1mL, (measured area River,      stream effluent,  coliform, bacterial Stream: Chapman   Hydropsychidae Press: al tissue. Ingestion is broken down into tissue. is brokendown Ingestion al which    riffles, educational of  water   Domestic (i.e.     to community how etc.)   and Menomonee  , San      (i.e.   it other to Community  ecological may  community Wisconsin. They prefer Wisconsin. Lake   and   runs   along   0 1   composition will  E.coli quality   bacteria  Diego,  in gain   Research CFUs/10mL CFUs/10mL  nding on meshsize and shallow   Hall:  colony result      Michigan, treats on large rocks. Their large rocks. treats on be water animals, and    opportunities, , with a Enterococcus CA.   London,   important better  comparisons tests )     end  environments.  response Effluent  in     River,   forming marsh, other profiles sources Profiles:  Effluent    Needed: elevated and and    of of of Waterfowl,    England. the    the the stream)     3 13 key     to rain CFUs/100   harbor,     of  Outfall in units/mL) to   CFUs/100 Outfall:  aquaculture  thus  monitor will     the levels  and       etc.     mL of  mL  the  rst   Understanding Introduction Figure and Figure vegetation dynamics considers could water ecological initial with biologically potential the vegetation bacteria, becomes distribution these requirements. Each wetlandplan esthetic value. control, habitatand nutrient removal,erosion providing functional by this streamIn reconciliation project it Wetland Function Figure 1: Proposed Stream Design.(SFS Winterim 2013) 512 Practicum, used to filter agricultural runoff used to was also chosen a for itsabilityto Hardstem bulrush receives stormwaterrunoff that from roadways. stream a use for ideal plantto an assimilatesbe and may heavymetals ( fish wasteandunea nutrients from fish effluent/sourthe nutrients since essentialis It that themarsh wetland capable is of removingexcess will aidinsuppressing algal blooms Sago pondweed can assimilate large quantities of phosphorus which capability to their were chosenfor of the proposed stream. the of esthetic value of thecampus Please area. refer to Figure1thedesign habitat an aspects of stream many campus and provides a valuable opportunity to light to bring lighting the fisheffluent stream, it Currently the fish effluent is discharged into theviapipe. Byday aquaculture facility at theGreat Lakes Water Institute totheharbor. transportconstructed fish effluent will urban streamthe from The UWM the Harbor Campus. design for compliment the The purpose of this project to designanurban is stream to Project Background 1.Nassauer, Joan I.2004. Monitoring theof metropolitansuccess wetland restorations: Cultural sustainabilityand ecological fu References: 2.USDA,NRCS. 2013. ThePLANTS Database ( oaoea pectinantus Potamogetan At Regular An Harbor   proposed Algae  the  (riparian water: Waste   the waste  food help important stream  fish and at 2.  1.     UWM  a   Profiles and Islands  UWM   diluted. large  between  the Initial  in   processes high   testing define  and normally  functional of  an     design algae  structural stream  zones) Ͳ various   Ͳ   School  nutrient scale organisms. flow Example School consideration  oxygenate Stream of   (rocks  The different of    oxygen, with Dissolved       rate (Figure found and benthic the  flow is  Rip    arrow and of  freshwater of    fish   to content and   a     aquaculture of  Architecture  enhance of Design Rap  Freshwater  and   decrease   aesthetically  diffuse  Certain in  aquatic    an nutrients,  food water) 100   1).  functional between algae  ) and hardstembulrush(  headwater Oxygen,   Urban  in Our Ͳ   300 and   and Drawn the    invertebrates the  plants, growth, communities.   design in       gallons outflow,   excrement). Stream creation effluent   Sciences,     Figure bacteria, allows stream’s oxygen. Nutrients,  characteristics Ͳ 2 pleasing .  ssimilate nutrients and is commonly ssimilate nutrientsand is  streams by d function while increasing the function while d  t was chosen for its ability to fulfill to ability t was chosen forits assimilate nutrientseffectively. invertebrates becomes a majorfeature of the  ten fish food. Sago pondweed  reflects vegetation 2  per  ce water contains high levels of levels contains high ce water 4  Freshwater . Sago pondweed also Sago . 2 is essentialwetland is thatthe is us    we provides Pools  of  (habitat Travelling and http://plants.usda.gov    outflow  use and   to distributed   minute  the stream    Bacteria can In  or  The   consider our  Figure   for   algae Figure  and relatively stream create    of initial    monoculture,  variety) educational intent  initial 5 from   , with .  Riffles a downstream,     and In  with 512 3  ,  stream 2, conpetsacutus Schoenoplectus     how relates along    Freshwater MILWAUKEE’S INNER HARBOR is influx an      the an  Institute for EcologicalDesign water the to  fish   undisturbed  the an environment    urban create  the  aquaculture   potential  influx  the could  gradient river causes   Figure Distribution  the purposes. quality   stream or  , 12 ,January 2013). National Plant Data Team, Greensboro, NC27401-4901 USA. river    stream  the   Shallow water variable    continuum a Water of live 512,  stagnant  3. a  Wetland Marsh filtration)   wastewater     fish (natural environments.  continuum. to and and  rapid A  in construction   we for   characteristics facility be    schematic various  River  food   of nutrient how  habitats   Marsh specific are  inhabited increase  Invertebrates  aquatic concept    )   and Continuum  seeking these provides  areas   (the  Quality    values. excrement while  freshwater  demonstrates could     Collaboration in  environment. characteristics and macro invertebrates, fish, ducks, and other waterfowl. invertebrates, fish, ducks,and and macro species including micro of variety food fora and pondweed,cover pickerel weed,andhardstembulrushprovide functional ecosystem. a creating Providing habitat for a widevarietyof wildlife is another priority in with  annual plant, would be unable to propagate.unable to annual plant, wouldbe an remains between54-64rice, year; therefore, wild °F throughoutthe to germinate. seed dormancyand45°F break The source water to requires 35 °F water temperatures rice at Wild source water. of the wetland. was found It to beincompatible with thetemperature range palustris Wild rice(Zizania function wetlands attractive than designed purelyforecological deemed more are flowering plants noticeable arrangementof a wetlands with be esthetically pleasing as wellas funct Finally inordertocreate a successful constructed wetland, needs it to illustration on thedifferent plants diverse, interesting, and appealing wetland. Refer toFigure3for an leaf heights,shapes, in promote a variety and flowercolorscreate a to  sediments substrate inhibiting that forms the marsh a thickmatover system rhizome root a These plantshave erosion from wind and wave forces.wind anderosion from These plantsreduce bank alsostream system. rhizomeillustration root of the ( natans pondweed, floating-leaved pondweed( Sago wetland. established habitatwithinthe substrate additionswhichwould disturb re-suspension.need for Excessthe lossof sedimentin wouldresult constructed is essentialover aliner,it to reduce erosion and substrate plant choices. Since the marsh wetland and stream are being wetlandreduce erosionfactor was into another marsh keyability The wastewater 8    depicted S. acutus) to profiles nutrients, which   nutrient Aquaculture avoiding   create   best 1  wildlife with Effluent ), pickerel weed(      benefit  to the  1 in  . The proposed plants for the marsh wetland were chosen wetland to were marsh The proposedplantsforthe . a Ͳ     rich  the    2 the  and in our were chosen for theirabilitytocontrolerosion.  . (Refer to Figure2foran     Evaluation        Winter upne Solids Suspended Phosphorus Figure pH TKN Nutrient Analysis Total Demand Oxygen Biochemical recommended Water two times we Temperature Water benthic coverage (MMSD) could nutrient phosphorus aquatic the versus look the re-suspension of the Total Using The In Providing   discovered   outfall Nitrogen  effluent   at otdracordata Pontederia order Phosphorus    create greater Hardness     5.  the Quality: difference initial   organisms.  algal ) was initially considered for themarsh    Phosphorus: Table in aquaculture concentrations of  of  nction. nction.    Practicum:  outfall were the  to  Nutrient   the    loading solutions   Assessment anoxic growth. Caroline water sources   than determine    that potential  concentration,  Sago pondweed,Sago floating-leaved  If of  stream negligible.  Wetlands   the in  in levels within the marsh wetland.  Nutrient in   the  the    quality conditions concentration normally the      Concentrations  effluent aquaculture in Possible the  for    EPA   phosphorus  ional. Studies have found that have Studies ional. bottom the harbor,  Designing and  urban if    ), and hardstem bulrush hardstem ), and total the o 24(2).Dec2004:756-765 , Vol in      there  and Comparing  Concentrations Mosley recommended   aquaculture  <1.0 7.4 0.44 0.58 mg/L 3/18/11 MMSD <2.0 140 12 Relation Freshwater my   System. Courtesy of UWEX ofSystem. Courtesy Figure 2: RhizomeRoot  occurring stream  analyzed detrimental   the Ͳ  concentration in  Ͳ stream, 18 nutrient  7.5 could  I Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ analysis    2.4 1.9 was 0.60 0.59 performed stagnant    effluent  high ȚC 2 between concentration    could  a to create     Milwaukee difference  phosphorus by phosphorus. from     concentrations, facility Stream to      MMSD  water and effects phosphorus    in potentially the Potamogetan    the  phosphorus limited  the  mg/L 1/10/13 Freshwater 0.88 of the  512  outfall  EPA   and  dissolved  effluent  Water input and  an Ͳ   Aquaculture on between  include  0.91 Metropolitan in   concentrations guidelines   the  habitat   March the foster  is   inhibit  of concentration     Quality outfall  5   Artificial 512 focusing  in  aquaculture analysis Ͳ the   benthic phosphorus 9   the  the    bacterial 13, times for   incincRiver. Kinnickinnic the   and   Effluent  in  aquaculture  aquaculture <1.0 6.5 P Recommended EPA <0.1 mg/L 2011 <2.0 N/A 60 <10 other 2011, harbor. outfall in the the represents phosphorus concentration and aquaculture Figure blue  Sewage  3   the on amount    Ͳ greater algae the on Ͳ  250 recommendations,  8.0   • • • • • Pickerel Weed could  aquaculture effluent • • • • • Floating-Leaved Pondweed  outfall  the coloration      growth.  harbor. Guenther Paula Courtesy of plants. wetland profile of proposed Height Figure 3: 6 January  effluent vegetation  facility .  present we 2,,8 4. Provides waterfowl, ducks,foodcover for and muskrats. fish and for Once established will blockoutotheremergents. range 4.9-8.7 pH Can survive of waterbut in up 50 to cmgrowsbest a in depthof30cm. Emergent plant thatgrowsaheight to of1m entering  Note: Curly-Leaved Pondweed ( Curly-Leaved Pondweed Note: range 5.8-7.5 pH life span rate/short Rapid growth deep m 2 water lessthan Found in Submerged plant withfloatingleaves blooms,    limiting District  Sampling   encourage  were than of   a water.     facility  effluent in analysis  effluent   high   as   Complete 9,2013 Stream   is  in the  in   the  in  able the   well   5 effluent   which  both or water   Ͳ 6   The 9    and EPA         8 to as  on   (     otdracordata) Pontederia    • • • • • • Hardstem Bulrush  • • • • • Sago Pondweed Often forms monocultures Often forms agricultural water water/used filter to from contaminants Assimilates nutrientsand muskrats. Provides fish,waterfowl,and habitat for and food wave forces. and wind buffer from erosion bycreatinga Controls range 5.2-8.5 pH Emergent plant thatgrowsaheight of 1-3m. to Pondweed Suppresses algal blooms by blooms Suppresses algal velocityshorelineReduces wave erosion thereby reducing invertebrates and macro source forducksandhabitatmicro food for Important deep m 2 water lessthan Found in Submerged floating leaves with no Water. (5)Rob Cummings: (6)USEPA. Brock negatively product monitored and from Water (7)Vannote, USEPA http://www.extension.org/sites/default/files/w/1/1b/AquacultureEfflue Journal nts.pdf (1)Kreger, References Water Other Shallow A) Potential (2)Milwaukee (4)Madigan, sampled and (8)Aquaculture )Shaded B) allow and microbes food overall out institute could 27:31 the oxygen for (3)Murphy fish Water and )Intelligent C) • • • Yellow Water Buttercup Sago TKN Biochemical Suspended    the     metabolism nutrients food and broad-leafed arrowhead and Commonly foundalongside floating pondweed, bladderwort, water Found slowmovingshallow(<2mdeep) in substrate. Floating sometimesfoundrootedinto flower 0.5mtallthatis ammonium measured state fish residence continued would of shoreline benthic encourage   and  http://www.cotf.edu/ete/modules/waterq/wqcontinuum.html   Ͳ solid re  Biology 36.      Nutrient     Quality: Quality: Quality: a website: Paddock,   determination nitrogenous (2012). Nitrogen: ( available of   Ͳ  Ͳ excreted food  oaaea natans Potamagetan  stream oxygenate  water effluent and/or   excrement)  as   Solutions  Fisheries United C.     impact particulates future naturally  , San Floating-leaved  P. crispus)    R. J.   algae.  settable, M.T., (2004, Marsh Areas    and and     decrease of  would Metropolitan Pondweed Solids:   and  time as L.   downstream.  Chapter     after Stream  benthic Oxygen image A Ammonia The  Francisco,    of ( could  (NH  (  irognss (12 Microorganisms. excrement. Assessment . personal  (1980). to  tcei pectinata Stuckenia        conpetsacutus Schoenoplectus the  high States from Total  Milwaukee: analysis. let excrement)  aquatic Martinko,  J.P. biodegradable      –Trees,   and  Ͳ  aquatic as the loads, November majority  4  to  draw  an Nutrients   inhibit  + solid  difference solid would   suspended,  )    accessed help of well  Riley, amount      Benthic     fish is invasive  Design  to ijalNitrogen Kiejdahl 5 dissolved algae waters. incubation Aquatic Demand    Environmental The  phosphate Water        is communication, settle  life, out  organic including CA.  materials    as  prevent shrubs, in   organisms  sunlight  the  Sewage  increase 1962.   These J.M., of  river assimilating phosphorus assimilating   growth    dissolved Yellow Water in the could Milwaukee excess Ͳ especially    ) and of   10).  (  The suspended Buttercup Algal  online   major Science aucl flabellaris) Ranunculs in Quality Relation with   (BOD):    oxygen.  biodegradable  physical  organics colloidal, Dunlap,   continuum matter    mg/L A  period solids and  other   River   stagnant mechanics   organic  settle in  District and in modified     decomposition th nutrients vegetation Growth     toxic  downstream. at: natural )  water  ed.).  , other  form. Protection   Conditions   of the 37 fish,  growth    as    could organic (TKN) to  Metropolitan settle,    ) of  P.V., in A and    (usually January  dissolved solids .  or     nitrogenous    a nitrogen, (2011).   Pearson amount shallow Stream  5 the  pools    and characterized vegetation  A  concept. continuum   dissolved.  single Pickerel waters.   days chemical   of from   affect Weed and is high      of and while organic marsh.     in  particulates the an should     .  Agency, that  by 6 11, photosynthetic   the Clark, Retrieved  Great        A the   concentration marsh solution Water indicator by oxygen of Benjamin decreased    flow  the ammonia   microorganisms)   Anal. marsh  rip  2013  Canadian    oxygen stream  Sewage would bacteria   characteristics The water  metabolic  . matter around be      dissolved Retrieved rap D.P. lakes rate     Hardstem Office could  by Quality  Chim. in carefully Bulrush vegetation   could  method    (such and   from  for  (2009).  their    and will used      water (NH flow. District. (fish  and  the   draw   of riffles Acta          be will   as 3 size      ), in            

John Janssen and Jim Wasley : Arch 636 : Winterim 2013