Annexure-1A F.No.23-78/2018-IA-III (V) Government of Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change Impact Assessment Division **** Indira Paryavaran Bhavan, Jor Bagh Road, New -I I 0 003 Email: [email protected] Tel: 0 I I -2469530 I Dated: 13111 November, 2020 To, The Director (Planning & Projects) M/s The Singareni Collieries Company Ltd (SCCL), Kothagudam Collieries (PO) Bhadradri- 507101 () Email: [email protected]

Sub: Cluster of Godavarikhaui No. 1&3 Inclines (0.486 MTPA in 541.66 ha), No. 2&2A Inclines (0.648 MTPA in 282.76 h;t) and Godavarikhani No.5 Incline (0.6 MTPA in 532.43 Ita) with overall production capacity of 1.734 MTPA in total mine lease area of 1356.85 Ita by M/s Singareui Collieries Company Ltd. located in villages Janagaon, Musthyala, Jallaram, Sundilla, Mandai , District (Telangana)- For Environmental Clearance- reg.


This has reference to your online proposal No. F.No.23-78/2018-IAIII(V) dated 19111 December, 2019 for grant of Environmental Clearance to the above project.

2. The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change has considered the application. It is noted that the proposal is for grant of Environmental Clearance to the project Cluster of Godavarikhani No. 1&3 Inclines (0.486 MTPA in 541.66 ha), Godavarikhani No. 2&2A Inclines (0.648 MTPA in 282.76 ha) and Godavarikhani No.5 Incline (0.6 MTPA in 532.43 ha) with overall production capacity of 1.734 MTPA in total mine lease area of 1356.85 ha of M/s Singareni Collieries Company Ltd. located in villages Janagaon, Musthyala, Jallaram, Sundilla, Mandai Ramagundam, District Peddapalli (Telangana).

3. The proposal was considered by the sectoral Expert Appraisal Committee (EAC) in its meetings on 30th - 31st December, 2019, 22 - 23, April, 2020, and 4th June, 2020. The details of the proposal, as ascertained from the proposal documents and as revealed from the discussions held during the meetings, are given as under:

(i) Latitude and Longitude of the project: - GDK 1&3(18045'24"to 18°46'53 N; 79°30'25" to 79°32'29 E; 56 N/9), GDK 2&2A (18°44'42"to 18°45'42" N; 79°31 '15" to 79°32'38" E; 56N/9 & 56N/IO) & GDK 5 (18°43'38"to 18°45'19"N; 79°31'17"to 79°33'14" E; 56N/9 & 56N/IO). (ii) Employment generated I to be generated: GDK 1&3 (1214 Nos.), GDK 2&2A (1775) & GDK 5 (1342). (iii) Benefits of the Project: To meet the coal requirements of thermal power plants of Telangana State. Page 1 of 17 EC ofGDK 1&3 Inclines, 2&2A Inclines & 5 Incline ofM/s SCCL

1-1 Annexure-1A

(iv) Whether new or Expansion project: Expansion (v) ToR issued by MoEF vide letter no F.No.23-7812018-IA(lll}, dt. 26 111 June, 2019. (vi) Type of Mine: (Opencast I Underground I mixed) : - Underground Coal Mine (vii) ML Area: Godavarikhani No. 1&3 Inclines in 541.66 ha, Godavarikhani No. 2&2A Inclines in 282.76 ha and Godavarikhani No.5 Incline in 532.43 ha). (viii) Date of approval of mine plans, status & date: -Mining Plan & Mine Closure Plan of GOK No. 1&3 was approved by MoC vide No. 130161212006-CA-II dated 17.10.2014. Mining Plan & Mine Closure Plan of GDK No. 2&2A was approved by MoC vide No. 130 161212006-CA-II dated 17.10.20 I 4. Mining Plan & Mine Closure Plan of GDK No. 5 was approved by MoC vide No. 130161612013 dated 25.11.2014. (ix) Date of Board's approval: Approved vide Minute No.521 :5:2 on 02.05.2014. (x} Date of Ground Water Clearance and surface water approval - 20.02.2020 (xi) Existing Ground water level in (M) 1.10 to 12.81 m Pre- Monsoon, I .02 to 11.07 m Post­ Monsoon (xii) Date of mine closure approval GDK No.I &3 - 17.10.20I4, GDK No.2&2A - I 7.1 0.20I4, GDK No.5- 25.11.2014 (xiii) Any river I Nallah flowing near or adjacent to the proposed mine: River Godavari flows adjacent to lease area (in the buffer zone) along East - West direction and is situated towards North side of the property. Highest Flood Level (HFL) of the same, recorded in the year 1995, was 837.167m. The RL of the pit mouth of GDK No.I Incline is 852.885m, GDK No.3 Incline is 850.008m, GDK 2 Incline is 857.110, GDK 2A Incline is 851.210, GDK 5 Incline is 854.000. (xiv) Date and Place of Public hearing: -Public hearing was held on 28th November 2019 under the chairmanship of Joint Collector at MVTC, Near GDK-5 Incline, Godavarikhani, District Peddapalli (Telangana). (xv) Details of mine lease: South Godavari mining Lease • Original lease: (Date of entering: 17.10.1927; Date of expiry :16.10.1957) • 1'1 Renewal: Date of I st lease renewal: 29. I I. I 958; Renewal (17. I 0. I 957 to 31.12.1984) • 2nd Renewal: Date of 2nd lease renewal: 11.06.1986; Renewal (01.01.1985 to 31. I2.2014) • 3rd Renewal: Date of3rd lease renewal: I2.01.2015; Renewal (01.01.2015 to 31.12.2034) (xvi) Geological Reserve: (a) Total Geological Reserves: GDK 1&3(154.26 MT); GDK 2&2A(80.53MT); and GDK 5 ( 151.64 MT) i.e. Total: 386.43MT (b) Mineable reserve: GDK 1&3(117.45 MT); GDK 2&2A(61.31 MT); and GDK 5 (115.45 MT) i.e. Total : 294.21 MT (xvii)Range of ground water level: Pre monsoon:l.IO m to 12.81 m; Post :1.02 m to 11.07 m (xviii) Total estimated water requirement: GDK I &3(1 I 40 KLD) ; GDK 2&2A( 1849 KLO); and GDK 5 (3445 KLD) i.e. Total : 6434 KLD (xix) Details of deposits Seams (a) No of seams: GDK 1&3(1, 2, 3A, 3 & 4); GDK 2&2A (1, 2, 3A, 3 & 4); and GDK 5 (3A,3&4) (b) Grade of Coal: GDK 1&3(G'2' and G'9'); GDK 2&2A (G-'7' and G-'9'); and GDK 5 (G-'7') (xx) Method of mining: The proposal is for extracting coal by adopting semi mechanized method of Bord and pillar mining with LHDs and SOLs by stowing.

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1-2 Annexure-1A (xxi) Life of mine as on 01.04.2019: GDK 1&3 Incline :58 Years; GDK 2&2A Incline :14 Years; GDK 5 Incline :35 Years (xxii) Utilization potential of wastes o Within the mines: The solid waste was generated during tunneling, shaft sinking, etc. o Outside mines: The separation of Shale/stones etc. at CHP o Efforts made by proponent: The solid waste produced during drivage of tunnels and debris so produced from inter-seam drifts was utilized for underground track ballasting, levelling of the uneven floors and strengthening of surface bank head. o As these mines are being operated from 1959, no appreciable quantity of solid waste is anticipated further. (xxiii) Details of Land usage: Pre-mining GDK GDK GDK s. Land Use of Lease Area Total No 1&3 2&2A 5 I. Forest Land Nil Nil Nil Nil 2. Agricultural land 232.12 61.08 59.21 352.41 3. Waste Land 165.65 111.27 135.67 412.59 4. Grazing Land 58.27 76.67 325.82 460.76 5. Water Bodies 45.24 26.80 6.73 78.77 6. Built up area 40.38 6.94 5.00 52.32 Total 541.66 282.76 532.43 1356.85

Core Area (Present Land Use) :- Area in ha. St. No Description GDK 1&3 GDK2&2A GDK5 Total 1. Pit head infrastructure 4.32 4.87 6.05 15.24 Infrastructure for area administration 2. 5.60 6.27 0.67 12.54 (MVTC, Stores, Cl-IP, etc.) 3. Approach Roads 12.24 5.88 I 8.34 36.46 4. rrownship/ colony 6.00 Nil Nil 6.00 5. Sand Stock Yard & stowing bunker 22.60 20.50 47.43 90.53 6. Plantation Existing 82.00 I 18.00 315.00 515.09 7. Plantation proposed till closure 7.91 4.20 18.72 30.83 8. Other purpose 54.87 42.24 39.68 136.79 otal 195.54 201.97 445.89 843.40

Post Mining Land Use Area in ha. St. No. Land Use details GDK 1&3 GDK2&2A GDK5 I. Plantation. I 61.06 189.81 421.88 Other areas like roads, 2. infrastructure, etc., left for public 34.48 12.16 24.01 use. 3. Un disturbed land not acquired. 346.12 80.79 86.54 Page 3 of 17 EC ofGDK 1&3 Inclines, 2&2A Inclines & 5 Incline ofM/s SCCL

1-3 Annexure-1A

/Total 541.66 I 282.76 I 532.43 Total Total plantation of772.75 ha Out of 843.40 ha ofSCCL acquired. - (xxiv) Cost of the Project: Capital cost: 112.02 Cr (xxv) CSR cost: As per Companies Act, 2013 and Companies Social Responsibility Policy Rules - 2014, SCCL is spending 2% of its average annual net profit calculated in accordance with the provisions of Section 198 of the Act made during three immediately preceding financial years in pursuance of its CSR policy on CSR activities each financial year. In addition, an amount of Rs. 703.74 crores (from February 2016 - April 20 19) was deposited with District Collector, Peddapalli, under District Mineral Foundation Trust (DMFT). (xxvi) Environmental Management cost: GDK I &3(Rs. I 00.00 Lakhs); GDK 2&2A(Rs. 50.00 Iakhs); and GDK 5 (Rs. I 00.00 Lakhs); Recurring cost: Rs.52.20 lakhs I annum (xxvii) Details of transportation of coal • In pit: From pit to pithead by belt conveyors/ haulage • Surface to siding: Up to CHP/Siding by trucks 0.5 km - 2.0 km • Siding to loading: Loading to Rail way wagons through pre-weigh bin at CHP. (xxviii)Details of reclamation • Total Afforestation plan at the end of mining. This will include: GDK I & 3 Incs. GDK 2 & 2A Incs. GDK 5 Inc. 161.06 ha 189.81 ha ~21.88 ha • Green belt: 772.75 ha • Density of the plantation (in no. of plants) : 2500 Plants/ha. (xxix) Detailed Status of Progressive Mining Closure Plan (For expansion projects only) a) Implementation of various activities as per approved progressive mine closure plan (in Bar chart):All the activities are being carried out as per the progressive mine closure plan. b) Total area reclaimed (in ha.): 515.00 ha (Plantation till31.03.2019) (xxx) Any court cases pending. If so, please provide a list with details as annexure: The present proposal was applied for EC as per S.O. 804(E), dt.l4.03.2017. Accordingly, ToR was issued by MoEF&CC for necessary action by the State Government I SPCB. Environmental Engineer, RO, Ramagundam, TSPCB has filed case under Section 15 & 19 of the E(P) Act, 1986 in the Court of Hon'ble Additional Judicial Magistrate of F.C. at Godavarikhani on 23.03.2020 with file No. 33112020.

4. The Expert Appraisal Committee (Violation) in its 32"d meeting held on 22 - 23, April, 1 2020 and in 34 h meeting held on 41h June, 2020, has recommended the project for grant of Environment Clearance (EC). Based on recommendations of the EAC, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change hereby accords approval for Environment Clearance(EC) to Cluster of Godavarikhani No. 1&3 Inclines (0.486 MTPA in 541.66 ha), Godavarikhani No. 2&2A Inclines (0.648 MTPA in 282.76 ha) and Godavarikhani No.5 Incline (0.6 MTPA in 532.43 ha) with overall production capacity of 1.734 MTPA in total mine lease area of 1356.85 ha of M/s Singareni Collieries Company Ltd. located in villages Janagaon, Musthyala, Jallaram, Sundilla, Mandai Ramagundam, District Peddapalli (Telangana), under the provisions of the Environment Impact Assessment Notification, 2006 and subsequent amendments/circulars thereto

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1-4 Annexure-1A subject to the compliance of the following terms & conditions I specific conditions in addition to the standard environmental conditions notified by the Ministry as under:-

(i) EAC recommended for an amount of Rs 277.1 lakhs towards Remediation plan and Natural and Community Resource Augmentation plan to be spent within a span of three years. The details are given below:

Table 1 -Remediation Plan along with budgetary Provision: Yrll Yr s Comp Rcmedi Descriptio Location Unit Total Total Yr-1 (Lkhs) (Lkhs) III N onent ation n Rate Qty. Cost (Lkh Reme Propose in Rs. (Lkhs) s) diatio d n 15.0 15.0 I Air Roads 50.0 20.00 Laying of Mustyala Envir 50,00, 10' IOOOm on me cc 000 nt road

2 Noise Plantati Plantation 20.6 10.60 5.0 5.0 Envir on of total on me 2060 No.s Sundilla ntand native Ecolo plants at gy Rs.lOOO Jangaon per sapling, including maintenanc Periphery e for 3 1,000 2060 area years in immediat nearby 2 ely villages and outside peripheral mine area boundary immediate! area y outside mine boundary 3 Water Constru Constructio 25.0 10.0 10.0 5.0 Envir ction n of RWH- Sundilla on me and 10 Nos @ nt annual 2,50,000/pe Gunjapad mainten r RWH ugu ance of (including 2,50,0 10 Nos. raw 10 Mustyala 00 Rain material, Water labour, Nagaram Harvesti constructio ng n and Ranapur structure maintenanc s in e for one Page 5 of 17 EC ofGDK 1&3 Inclines, 2&2A Inclines & 5 Incline ofM/s SCCL

1-5 Annexure-1A

nearby year villages

Total (Rs.) 95.60 40.60 30.0 25.0

Table 2- Natural and Community Resource Augmentation Plan with budgetary provision· s. Camp Activity Descriptio Locations Rate Total Total Yr-1 Yrll Yr III N. anent Propose n Qty. Cost (Lakhs) d (Lakh (Lakh (Lakhs) s.) s.)

I Natur Energy Providing I Jangaon al Conserv kw Solar Resou ation by Street Sundilla I'Ce adapting Lighting Augm Green (including Mustyala entati Energy panels, Peddampe on tech nolo inverters, ta Plan gy. wiring, structure, Godavari connectors, khani 50,0 junction 225 112.50 37.50 37.50 37.50 00 boxes, etc.) in nearby 5 villages as per the requiremen t of village Panchayats @ Rs.SO,OOO per unit.

Table 3- Community Resource Augmentation Plan alongwith the budgetarv provisions: s. Comp Activity Descriptio Locations Rate Total Total Yr-1 Yrii Yr III no anent Propose n Qty. Cost (Lakhs) d (Lkhs) (Lkhs) (Lakhs)

I Com Develop Constructio Sundilla munit ment of n of Toilets y lnfrastru and Bestapalli LS LS 69.0 23.00 23.0 23.0 Resou cture renovation rce of school Siripuram Augm building in

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1-6 Annexure-1A

entati nearby Chandana on villages. puram Plan Malkapur

Chillapall i

Dubbapall i

Jangaon Grand Total( 1+2+3) 277.10 92.50 92.30 92.30

Summary SI. Estimated cost Description No. (Rs. in LaldJs) 1 Remediation Plan 95.60 2 Natural Resources Augmentation Plan 112.50 3 Community Resources Augmentation Plan 69.0 Total 277.10

(ii) Total budgetary provision with respect to Remediation plan and Natural & Community Resource Augmentation plan is Rs. 277.1 lakhs.

(iii) Therefore, project proponent shall be required to submit a bank guarantee of an amount of Rs. 277.1 lakhs towards Remediation plan and Natural and Community Resource Augmentation plan with the SPCB prior to the grant of EC.

(iv) Remediation plan shall be completed in 3 years whereas bank guarantee shall be for 5 years. The bank guarantee shall be released after successful implementation of the EMP, followed by recommendations of the EAC and approval of the regulatory authority.

(v) Fund allocation for Corporate Environment Responsibility (CER) of Rs. 218.00 lakhs/- to be implemented as per the details submitted in the Ministry.

(vi) Ground water clearance conditions shall be implemented in toto.

(vii) All statutory precautions shall be taken as per the DGMS permission against the danger of inundation.

(viii) Approved wildlife conservation plan shall be implemented in toto.

(ix) The Environmental Clearance will not be operational till such time the Project Proponent complies with all the statutory requirements and judgment of Hon'ble Supreme Court dated the 2nd August 2017 in Writ Petition (Civil) No. 114 of2014 in the matter of Common Cause versus Union oflndia and Ors.

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1-7 Annexure-1A

(x) State Government concerned shall ensure that mining operation shall not commence till the entire compensation levied, if any, for illegal mining paid by the Project Proponent through their respective Department of Mining & Geology in strict compliance ofjudgment ofHon'ble Supreme Court dated the 2nd August 2017 in Writ Petition (Civil) No. 114 of 2014 in the matter of Common Cause versus Union of India and Ors

(xi) Automatic mist type sprinkling system shall be installed at crusher house and in pit belt conveyor to control production of dust. During transportation of coal from Mine to CHP shall be done by covered trucks with tarpaulin. Adequate number of water sprinklers shall be provided to control dust along coal transport roads.

(xii) Effective dust suppression system shall be adopted along the railway siding area and between villages. Fabric wind barrier shall be established along the Railway Siding and between villages.

(xiii) STP of 17 MLD capacity with a cost of Rs 29.04 Crores shall be constructed in the township and completed by October,2021

(xiv) 30 ground water modelling studies are being carried out for assessing the impact due to mining and comprehensive report shall be submitted to Ministry and its concerned Regional office within a year

(xv) Solid waste management as per SWM rules 2016 shall be complied within their colony.

(xvi) Energy conservation measures for the existing colony and structures and compliance of ECBC norms shall be adhered to for the future colonies and structures.

(xvii) Green belt is to be developed in and around mines and vacant lands of surrounding villages with 24.00 lakhs saplings and free distribution of saplings to surrounding villagers shall be done

(xviii) Quality of Mine discharge water which will be used for drinking purpose shall be checked and should meet the prescribed drinking water standards.

(xix) Periodical health check-up shall be conducted to monitor the impact of heavy metals present in core zone & buffer zone air quality and also to prepare an action plan to reduce heavy metals concentration and also report to be submitted to concerned regional office ofMoEF&CC.

(xx) Project proponent shall take necessary other clearances/permissions under various Acts and Rules if any, from the respective authorities I department.

(xxi) The mining lease holder shall, after ceasing mining operations, under take re-grassing the mining area and any other area which may have been disturbed due to their mining activities and restore the land to condition which is fit for growth of fodder, flora and fauna etc.

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1-8 Annexure-1A 4.1 The grant of Environment Clearance (EC) is further subject to compliance of the Standard EC conditions as under:

(a) Statutory compliaucc

(i) The project proponent shall obtain forest clearance under the provisions of Forest (Conservation) Act, 1986, in case of the diversion of forest land for non-forest purpose involved in the project.

(ii) The project proponent shall obtain clearance from the National Board for Wildlife, if applicable.

(iii) The project proponent shall prepare a Site-Specific Conservation Plan I Wildlife Management Plan and approved by the Chief Wildlife Warden. The recommendations of the approved Site-Specific Conservation Plan/Wildlife Management Plan shall be implemented in consultation with the State Forest Department. The implementation report shall be furnished along with the six-monthly compliance report (in case of the presence of schedule-! species in the study area).

(iv) The project proponent shall obtain Consent to Establish/Operate under the provisions of Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, I 98 I and the Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 from the concerned State Pollution Control Board/ Committee.

(v) The project proponent shall obtain the necessary permission fi·om the Central Ground Water Authority.

(vi) Solid/hazardous waste generated in the mines needs to addressed in accordance to the Solid Waste Management Rules, 2016/Hazardous & Other Waste Management Rules, 2016.

(b) Air quality monitoring and preservation

(i) Continuous ambient air quality monitoring stations as prescribed in the statue be established in the core zone as well as in the buffer zone for monitoring of pollutants, namely PM10, PM2s, S02 and NO,. Location of the stations shall be decided based on the meteorological data, topographical features and environmentally and ecologically sensitive targets in consultation with the State Pollution Control Board. Online ambient air quality monitoring stations may also be installed in addition to the regular monitoring stations as per the requirement and/or in consultation with the SPCB. Monitoring of heavy metals such as Hg, As, Ni, Cd, Cr, etc to be carried out at least once in six months.

(ii) The Ambient Air Quality monitoring in the core zone shall be carried out to ensure the Coal Industry Standards notified vide GSR 742 (E) dated 25 111 September, 2000 and as amended from time to time by the Central Pollution Control Board. Data on ambient air quality and heavy metals such as Hg, As, Ni, Cd, Cr and other monitoring data shall be regularly reported to the Ministry/Regional Office and to the CPCB/SPCB.

(iii) Transportation of coal, to the extent permitted by road, shall be carried out by covered trucks/conveyors. Effective control measures such as regular water/mist sprinkling/rain gun

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1-9 Annexure-1A

etc shall be carried out in critical areas prone to air pollution (with higher values of PM10/PM2s) such as haul road, loading/unloading and transfer points. Fugitive dust emissions from all sources shall be controlled regularly. It shall be ensured that the Ambient Air Quality parameters conform to the norms prescribed by the Central/State Pollution Control Board.

(iv) The transportation of coal shall be carried out as per the provisions and route envisaged in the approved Mining Plan or environment monitoring plan. Transportation of the coal through the existing road passing through any village shall be avoided. In case, it is proposed to construct a 'bypass' road, it should be so constructed so that the impact of sound, dust and accidents could be appropriately mitigated.

(v) Vehicular emissions shall be kept under control and regularly monitored. All the vehicles engaged in mining and allied activities shall operate only after obtaining 'PUC' certificate from the authorized pollution testing centres.

(vi) Coal stock pile/crusher/feeder and breaker material transfer points shall invariably be provided with dust suppression system. Belt-conveyors shall be fully covered to avoid air borne dust. Side cladding all along the conveyor gantry should be made to avoid air borne dust. Drills shall be wet operated or fitted with dust extractors.

(vii) Coal handling plant shall be operated with effective control measures w.r.t. various environmental parameters. Environment friendly sustainable technology should be implemented for mitigating such parameters.

(c) Water quality monitoring and preservation

(i) The effluent discharge (mine waste water, workshop effluent) shall be monitored in terms of the parameters notified under the Water Act, 1974 Coal Industry Standards vide GSR 742 (E) dated 251h September, 2000 and as amended from time to time by the Central Pollution Control Board.

(ii) The monitoring data shall be uploaded on the company's website and displayed at the 1 project site at a suitable location. The circular No.J-200 12/112006-IA.ll (M) dated 27 h May, 2009 issued by Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change shall also be referred in this regard for its compliance.

(iii) Regular monitoring of ground water level and quality shall be carried out in and around the mine lease area by establishing a network of existing wells and constructing new piezometers during the mining operations. The monitoring of ground water levels shall be carried out four times a year i.e. pre-monsoon, monsoon, post-monsoon and winter. The ground water quality shall be monitored once a year, and the data thus collected shall be sent regularly to MOEFCCIRO.

(iv) Monitoring of water quality upstream and downstream of water bodies shall be carried out once in six months and record of monitoring data shall be maintained and submitted to the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change/Regional Office.

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1-10 Annexure-1A

(v) Ground water, excluding mine water, shall not be used for mining operations. Rainwater harvesting shall be implemented for conservation and augmentation of ground water resources.

(vi) Catch and/or garland drains and siltation ponds in adequate numbers and appropriate size shall be constructed around the mine working, coal heaps & OB dumps to prevent run off of water and flow of sediments directly into the river and water bodies. Further, dump material shall be properly consolidated/ compacted and accumulation of water over dumps shall be avoided by providing adequate channels for flow of silt into the drains. The drains/ ponds so constructed shall be regularly de-silted particularly before onset of monsoon and maintained properly. Sump capacity should provide adequate retention period to allow proper settling of silt material. The water so collected in the sump shall be utilised for dust suppression and green belt development and other industrial use. Dimension of the retaining wall constructed, if any, at the toe of the OB dumps within the mine to check run­ off and siltation should be based on the rainfall data. The plantation of native species to be made between toe of the dump and adjacent field/habitation/water bodies.

(vii) Adequate groundwater recharge measures shall be taken up for augmentation of ground water. The project authorities shall meet water requirement of nearby village(s) after due treatment conforming to the specific requirement (standards).

(viii) Industrial waste water generated from CHP, workshop and other waste water, shall be properly collected and treated so as to conform to the standards prescribed under the standards prescribed under Water Act 1974 and Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 and the Rules made there under, and as amended from time to time. Adequate ETP /STP needs to be provided.

(ix) The water pumped out from the mine, after siltation, shall be utilized for industrial purpose viz. watering the mine area, roads, green belt development etc. The drains shall be regularly desilted patticularly after monsoon and maintained properly.

(x) The surface drainage plan including surface water conservation plan for the area of influence affected by the said mining operations, considering the presence of river/rivulet/pond/lake etc, shall be prepared and implemented by the project proponent. The surface drainage plan and/or any diversion of natural water courses shall be as per the approved Mining Plan/EIA/EMP report and with due approval of the concerned State/Go! Authority. The construction of embankment to prevent any danger against inrush of surface water into the mine should be as per the approved Mining Plan and as per the permission of DGMS or any other authority as prescribed by the law.

(xi) The project proponent shall take all precautionary measures to ensure riverine/riparian ecosystem in and around the coal mine up to a distance of 5 km. A rivarine/riparian ecosystem conservation and management plan should be prepared and implemented in consultation with the irrigation I water resource department in the state government.

(d) Noise and Vibration monitoring and prevention

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1-11 Annexure-1A

(i) Adequate measures shall be taken for control of noise levels as per Noise Pollution Rules, 20 I 6 in the work environment. Workers engaged in blasting and drilling operations, operation of HEMM, etc shall be provided with personal protective equipments (PPE) like ear plugs/muffs in conformity with the prescribed norms and guidelines in this regard. Adequate awareness programme for users to be conducted. Progress in usage of such accessories to be monitored.

(ii) Controlled blasting techniques shall be practiced in order to mitigate ground vibrations, fly rocks, noise and air blast etc., as per the guidelines prescribed by the DGMS.

(iii) The noise level survey shall be carried out as per the prescribed guidelines to assess noise exposure of the workmen at vulnerable points in the mine premises, and report in this regard shall be submitted to the Ministry/RO on six-monthly basis.

(e) Mining Plan

(i) Mining shall be carried out under strict adherence to provisions of the Mines Act 1952 and subordinate legislations made there-under as applicable.

(ii) Mining shall be carried out as per the approved mining plan( including Mine Closure Plan) abiding by mining laws related to coal mining and the relevant circulars issued by Directorate General Mines Safety (DGMS).

(iii) No mining shall be carried out in forest land without obtaining Forestry Clearance as per Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980.

(iv) Efforts should be made to reduce energy and fuel consumption by conservation, efficiency improvements and use of renewable energy.

(f) Land reclamation

(i) Digital Survey of entire lease hold area/core zone using Satellite Remote Sensing survey shall be carried out at least once in three years for monitoring land use pattern and report in I :50,000 scale or as notified by Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change(MOEFCC) from time to time shall be submitted to MOEFCC/Regional Office (RO).

(ii) The final mine void depth should preferably be as per the approved Mine Closure Plan, and in case it exceeds 40 m, adequate engineering interventions shall be provided for sustenance of aquatic life therein. The remaining area shall be backfilled and covered with thick and alive top soil. Post-mining land be rendered usable for agricultural/forestry purposes and shall be diverted. Further action will be treated as specified in the guidelines for Preparation of Mine Closure Plan issued by the Ministry of Coal dated 271h August, 2009 and subsequent amendments.

(iii) The entire excavated area, backfilling, external OB dumping (including top soil) and afforestation plan shall be in conformity with the "during mining"/" post mining" land-use pattern, which is an integral part of the approved Mining Plan and the EINEMP submitted

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1-12 Annexure-1A to this Ministry. Progressive compliance status vis-a-vis the post mining land use pattern shall be submitted to the MOEFCC/RO.

(iv) Fly ash shall be used for external dump of overburden, backfilling or stowing of mine as per provisions contained in clause (i) and (ii) of subparagraph (8) of fly ash notification issued vide SO 2804 (E) dated 3rd November, 2009 as amended from time to time. Efforts shall be made to utilize gypsum generated from Flue Gas Desulfurization (FGD), if any, along with fly ash for external dump of overburden, backfilling of mines. Compliance report shall be submitted to Regional Office ofMoEF&CC, CPCB and SPCB.

(v) Further, it may be ensured that as per the time schedule specified in mine closure plan it should remain live till the point of utilization. The topsoil shall temporarily be stored at earmarked site(s) only and shall not be kept unutilized. The top soil shall be used for land reclamation and plantation purposes. Active OB dumps shall be stabilised with native grass species to prevent erosion and surface run off. The other overburden dumps shall be vegetated with native flora species. The excavated area shall be backfilled and afforested in line with the approved Mine Closure Plan. Monitoring and management of rehabilitated areas shall continue until the vegetation becomes self-sustaining. Compliance status shall be submitted to the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change/ Regional Office.

(vi) The project proponent shall make necessary alternative arrangements, if grazing land is involved in core zone, in consultation with the State government to provide alternate areas for livestock grazing, if any. In this context, the project proponent shall implement the directions of Hon'ble Supreme Court with regard to acquiring grazing land.

(g) Green Belt

(i) The project proponent shall take all precautionary measures during mining operation for conservation and protection of endangered/endemic flora/fauna, if any, spotted/repm1ed in the study area. The Action plan in this regard, if any, shall be prepared and implemented in consultation with the State Forest and Wildlife Department.

(ii) Greenbelt consisting of3-tier plantation of width not less than 7.5 m shall be developed all along the mine lease area as soon as possible. The green belt comprising a mix of native species (endemic species should be given priority) shall be developed all along the major approach/ coal transportation roads.

(h) Public hearing and Human health issues

(i) Adequate illumination shall be ensured in all mine locations (as per DGMS standards) and monitored weekly. The report on the same shall be submitted to this ministry & it's RO on six-monthly basis.

(ii) The project proponent shall undertake occupational health survey for initial and periodical medical examination of the personnel engaged in the project and maintain records accordingly as per the provisions of the Mines Rules, 1955 and DGMS circulars. Besides regular periodic health check-up, 20% of the personnel identified from workforce engaged

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1-13 Annexure-1A

in active mining operations shall be subjected to health check-up for occupational diseases and hearing impairment, if any, as amended time to time.

(iii) Personnel (including outsourced employees) working in core zone shall wear protective respiratory devices and shall also be provided with adequate training and information on safety and health aspects.

(iv) Implementation of the action plan on the issues raised during the public hearing shall be ensured. The project proponent shall undertake all the tasks/measures as per the action plan submitted with budgetary provisions during the public hearing. Land oustees shall be compensated as per the norms laid down in the R&R policy of the company/State Government/Central Government, as applicable.

(v) The project proponent shall follow the mitigation measures provided in this Ministry's OM No.Z-1 IOI3/57I20!4-IA.II (M) dated 291h October, 2014, titled 'Impact of mining activities on habitations-issues related to the mining projects wherein habitations and villages are the patt of mine lease areas or habitations and villages are surrounded by the mine lease area'.

(i) Corporate Environment Responsibility

(i) The project proponent shall comply with the provisions contained in this Ministry's OM vide F.No.22-65/20 17-IA.lll dated I" May 2018, as applicable, regarding Corporate Environment Responsibility.

(ii) The company shall have a well laid down environmental policy duly approve by the Board of Directors. The environmental policy should prescribe for standard operating procedures to have proper checks and balances and to bring into focus any infringements/deviation/violation of the environmental/forest/wildlife norms/conditions. The company shall have defined system of reporting infringements/deviation/violation of the environmental/forest/wildlife norms/conditions and/or shareholders/stake holders.

(iii) A separate Environmental Cell both at the project and company head quarter level, with qualified personnel shall be set up under the control of senior Executive, who will directly to the head of the organization.

(iv) Action plan for implementing EMP and environmental conditions along with responsibility matrix of the company shall be prepared and shall be duly approved by competent authority. The year wise funds earmarked for environmental protection measures shall be kept in separate account and not to be diverted for any other purpose. Year wise progress of implementation of action plan shall be repmted to the Ministry/Regional Office along with the Six Monthly Compliance Report.

(v) Self environmental audit shall be conducted annually. Every three years third party environmental audit shall be carried out.

Ul Miscellaneous

~'I Page 14 of 17 EC ofGDK I &3 Inclines, 2&2A Inclines & 5 Incline ofM/s SCCL

1-14 Annexure-1A

(i) The project proponent shall make public the environmental clearance granted for their project along with the environmental conditions and safeguards at their cost by prominently advertising it at least in two local newspapers of the District or State, of which one shall be in the vernacular language within seven days and in addition this shall also be displayed in the project proponent's website permanently.

(ii) The copies of the environmental clearance shall be submitted by the project proponents to the Heads of local bodies, Panchayats and Municipal Bodies in addition to the relevant offices of the Government who in turn has to display the same for 30 days from the date of receipt.

(iii) The project proponent shall upload the status of compliance of the stipulated environment clearance conditions, including results of monitored data on their website and update the same on half-yearly basis.

(iv) The project proponent shall monitor the criteria pollutants level namely; PM 10, S02, NOx (ambient levels) or critical sectoral parameters, indicated for the projects and display the same at a convenient location for disclosure to the public and put on the website of the company.

(v) The project proponent shall submit six-monthly reports on the status of the compliance of the stipulated environmental conditions on the website of the ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change at environment clearance portal.

(vi) The project proponent shall follow the mitigation measures provided in this Ministry's OM No.Z-11013/5712014-IA.ll (M) dated 29 111 October, 2014, titled 'Impact of mining activities on habitations-issues related to the mining projects wherein habitations and villages are the part of mine lease areas or habitations and villages are surrounded by the mine lease area'.

(vii) The project proponent shall submit the environmental statement for each financial year in Fonn-V to the concerned State Pollution Control Board as prescribed under the Environment (Protection) Rules, 1986, as amended subsequently and put on the website of the company.

(viii) The project authorities shall inform to the Regional Office of the MOEFCC regarding commencement of mining operations.

(ix) The project authorities must strictly adhere to the stipulations made by the State Pollution Control Board and the State Government.

(x) The project proponent shall abide by all the commitments and recommendations made in the EINEMP report, commitment made during Public Hearing and also that during their presentation to the Expert Appraisal Committee.

(xi) No further expansion or modifications in the plant shall be carried out without prior approval of the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change.

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1-15 Annexure-1A

(xii) Concealing factual data or submission of false/fabricated data may result in revocation of this environmental clearance and attract action under the provisions of Environment (Protection) Act, 1986.

(xiii) The Ministry may revoke or suspend the clearance, if implementation of any of the above conditions is not satisfactory.

(xiv) The Ministry reserves the right to stipulate additional conditions if found necessary. The Company in a time bound manner shall implement these conditions.

(xv) The Regional Office of this Ministry shall monitor compliance of the stipulated conditions. The project authorities should extend full cooperation to the officer (s) of the Regional Office by furnishing the requisite data I infonnation/monitoring reports.

(xvi) The above conditions shall be enforced, inter-alia under the provisions of the Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1974, the Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1981, the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, Hazardous and Other Wastes (Management and Trans-boundary Movement) Rules, 2016 and the Public Liability Insurance Act, 1991 along with their amendments and rules made their under and any other orders passed by the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India I High Courts and any other Court of Law relating to the subject matter.

5. The proponent shall abide by all the commitments and recommendations made in the EIA/EMP report as well as during presentation to the EAC. All the commitments made on the issues raised during public hearing shall also be implemented by the EC in letter and spirit.

6. The proponent shall obtain all necessary clearances/approvals that may be required before the start of the project. The Ministry or any other competent authority may stipulate any further condition for environmental protection. The Ministry or any other competent authority may stipulate any further condition for environmental protection.

7. Any appeal against this Environment Clearance (ECi shall lie with the National Green Tribunal, if preferred, within a period of 30 days as prescribed under Section 16 of the National Green Tribunal Act, 20 I 0.

8. The coal company/project proponent shall be liable to pay the compensation against illegal mining, if any, and as raised by the respective State Governments at any point of time, in terms of the orders dated 2"d August, 2017 of Hon 'ble Supreme Court in WP (Civil) No.l14/20 14 in the matter of 'Common Cause Vs Union of India & others.

9. The concerned State Government shall ensure no mining operations to commence till the entire compensation for illegal mining, if any, is paid by the project proponent through their respective Department of Mining & Geology, in strict compliance of the judgment of Hon'ble Supreme Court.

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1-16 Annexure-1A

10. This Environment Clearance (EC) shall not be operational till such time the project proponent complies with the above said judgment of Hon'ble Supreme Court, as applicable, and other statutory requirements. (L~ Director Copy to:- I. The Secretary, Ministry of Coal, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi 2. The APPCF, Regional office (EZ), Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, I "&2nd Floor, Hand loom Export Promotion Council, Cathedral Garden Road, Nungambakkam, - 34 (Tamil Nadu) 3. The Secretary, Department of Environment & Forests, Government ofTelangana 4. The Chairman, Central Ground Water Authority, Ministry of Water Resources, Curzon Road BaiTacks, A-2, W-3 Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi 5. The Chairman, Telangana State Pollution Control Board, Paryavaran Bhawan, A-3 Industrial Estate, Sanatnagar, - 38 6. The District Collector, Peddapalli, Government ofTelangana 7. Monitoring File

(Lalit~~ Director

Page 17 ofl7 EC ofGDK 1&3 Inclines, 2&2A Inclines & 5 Incline ofM/s SCCL

1-17 Annexure-1B No.13016/2/2006-CA-II Government of India Ministry of Coal

New Delhi, dated 1i h October, 2014.


Director (Planning & Projects) The Singareni Collieries Company Limited , Collieries- 507 101 . Road Rly Station, District (A.P.)

Sub: Approval of Mining Plan (1 st Revision) and Mine Closure Plan (May, 2014) of Godavarikhani - 1&3 inclines, Distt. , Andhra Pradesh of M/s. Singareni Collieries Company Limited (SCCL).

I am directed to refer to SCCL's letter No. CRP/PP/F/602/777 dated 16.09.2013 on the subject mentioned above and to convey approva l of Mining Plan (1 51 Revision) and Mine Closure Plan (May, 2014) of Godavarikhant - 1 &3 inclines, D1stt. Kanmnagar, Andhra Pradesh of M/s Singareni Collieries Company L1mited (SCCL). under Section 5(2)(b) of the MMDR Act, 1957 by the Central Government with th e followmg Conditions:

(1) The mining company shall take all necessary precautions regarding safety of mine workings, persons deployed therein.

(ii) Mining lease to be acquired shall not encroach mto any other coal block.

(iii) The approval of the Mine Closure plan IS without prejudice to the requirement of approvals from competent/ prescribed authority under the relevant rules/ regulations, etc.

2. Two copies of the above approved m1ning planr are enclosed herewith.

Yours faithfully, Encl : as above. tsr____ (R.K.P.Dawani) Section Officer

Copy to. F. no. 13016/6/2013-CA- 11 (FTS No. 20301 )

1-18 File No.PCA-38011112/2017-PCA Annexure-1B

No. 38011/12/2017-PCA Government of India Ministry of Coal New Delhi, Shastri Bhawan Dated the 22nd April, 2019. To The Director (Planning & Projects), The Singareni Collieries Company Limited , Kothagudem Collieries -507101, Bhadrachalam Road Rly Station, Khammam District Telangana

Sub: Mining Plan (Revision-2) (including Mine Closure Plan) for Godavarikhani (No 2 & 2A and No 5) Coal Mine of Singareni Collieries Company Limited located in Godavari Valley Coalfield, Dist. Peddapalli -reg.


I am directed to refer the subject mentioned above and to state that after due deliberation Standing Committee approved the Mining Plan (Revision-2) (including Mine Closure Plan) for Godavarikhani (No 2 & 2A and No 5) Coal Mine of MIS Singareni Collieries Company Limited subject to the following conditions:-

1. The mining company shall ensure to get detail exploration of the area earmarked for external OB dump in the area under reference and based on the finding of the detailed exploration the mining company shall come up with revised/modified Mining Plan; 11. The Project Proponent shall take all necessary precautions regarding safety of mine workings, persons deployed therein and operations of the Mining Plan should be placed under single manager; 111. Mining lease of this block shall not encroach into any other adjacent coal block; 1v. The cost of abandonment for carrying out the closure activities envisaged in the Mine closure plan is indicative; the actual cost for carrying out the activities at the time of final closure may be higher. The actual cost of abandonment will have to be borne by the project proponent for carrying out the closure activities. v. The approval of the Mining Plan (including Mine Closure Plan) is without prejudice to the requirement of approvals from competent I prescribed authority under the relevant rules/ regulations etc.

2. Two copies of approved Mining Plan (including Mine Closure Plan) are enclosed herewith.

Yours faithfully, Encl : as above ~ (Aika Shekhar) Under Secretary to Government of India Telefax No:- 011-23386431

Copy to:- (1) The Chairman-cum-Managing-Director, Singareni Collieries Company Limited, Kothagudem Collieries, Khammam District, Telangana- 507101.

(2) The Under Secretary, CPAM Section, Ministry of Coal, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi

1-19 South Godavari Mining Lease Annexure-1C ABSTRACT

MINES AND MINERALS - 3rd Renewal of Mining Lease for extraction of Coal over an extent of 6848.00 Hectares involving 276.40 Hectares of Forest Land in Jallaram, Janagaon, Upperlakesoram, Mustyala etc. villages in duly including Sand as Additional Mineral for a further period of 20 years from 01.01.2015 in favour of M/s. Singareni Collieries Company Limited- Sanction- Orders- Issued.

ENERGY (PR.I) DEPARTMENT G.O.Ms.No.02 Dated:l2.01.2015. Read the following:

1. G.O.M,.No.291, Ind.&Com.(M·IV) Dept., dated 11.06.1986. ~~ 2 .. G.O.Ms.No.121, Ind.&Com.(M-II) Dept., dated 19.05.1997. ?-¥-II> NG-i ~ 3. M/s. Singareni Collieries Company Limited 3rd RML Application ·~~?" /£}{:, ~%\ dated 23.02.2012. _: CZ,~ 4. MoEF, Goi Lr.No.8-109/2005-FC, dated 02/05.05.2008. i 0 1 Z JAN Z015 E 5. DMG File No.8846/R1/2014, dated 12.12.2014. $ 6. State Govt.Lr.No.744/Pr.1/2014, Energy (PR.I) Department 1 '0~ HYDERABAD DIJV dated 15.12.2014. . "~.:t.:1o * ·o}1)V 7. Ministry of Coal, Gol Lr.No.l3016/6/2013-CA-II, dated 5.1.2015. · .. ~ 8. SCCL Lr.No.CRP /EST /M/304/21, dated 7.1.2015.


In the reference 1st read above, Government have granted 2nd Renewal of Mining Lease for Coal over

2. In the reference 2nd read above, Government have issued orders for inclusion of Sand as Additional Mineral for stowing in the above mentioned Mining Lease.

3. In the reference 3rd read above, M/s. Singareni Collieries Company Limited have filed application for 3rd renewal of Lease for the total area of 6848.00 Hectares involving 276.40 Hectares of Forest Land for a further period of 20 years from 01.01.2015.

4. TI1e Director of Mines & Geology in the reference 51h read above sent proposals for grant of 3rd Renewal of Mining Lease for extraction of Coal over an extent of 6848.00 Hectares involving 276.40 Hectares of Forest land in Jallaram, Janagaon, Upperlakesoram, Mustyala etc. villages in Karil1U1agar District duly including Sand as Addi tiona! Mineral for a further period of 20 years from 01.01.2015 in favour of M/ s. Singareni Collieries Company Limited subject to obtain prior approval of Govt. of India under Section 5(1) and relaxation under Section 6(1)(b) of MM(D&R)Act, 1957 subject to satisfaction of terms and conditions of MM(D&R)Act, 1957 and M.C.Rules, 1960.

5. In the reference 61h read above, State Govt. have proposed for grant of 3rd Renewal of Mining Lease for extraction of Coal over an extent of 6848.00 Hectares involving 276.40 Hectares of Forest land in Jallaram, Janagaon, Upperlakesoram, Mustyala etc. villages in Karil1U1agar District duly including Sand as Additional Mineral for a further period of 20 years from 01.01.2015 in favour of M/ s. Singareni Collieries Company. Limited subject to obtain prior approval of Govt. of India under Section 5(1) and relaxation under Section 6(1)(b) of MM(D&R)Act, 1957 subject to satisfaction of terms and conditions of MM(D&R)Act, 1957 and M.C.Rules, 1960. ' _--~- PTO \ ..,. ' ' 1-20 Annexure-1C

1-21 Annexure-1C

::3:: 13. The Director of Mines & Geology shall take necessary further action for execution of the lease deed after satisfying himself that the grantee fulfils all the required provisions of the amended Act and Rules. As soon as the deed is executed, the date of such execution should be reported to the Government.

NOTE: The grant is liable for cancellation, should it be..found that it was grossly inequitable or was made under a mistake of fact or owing to misrepresentation or fraud or in excess of authority.



To M/s. Singareni Collieries Company Limited, Kothagudem Collieries-507 101, Khammam District, Telangana State. The Director of Mines and Geology, Hyderabad [w.e.File & MPJ. Copy to: TI1e Asst.Director of Mines and Geology, Karirnnagar, Karirrmagar District. The Collector, Karimnagar District. TI1e Secretary to Govt. of India, Ministry of Coal, New Delhi. The Controller General, Indian Bureau of Mines, Nagpur. TI1e Director General of Mines Safety, Dhanbad, Bihar. The Regional Controller of Mines~ Koti, Hyderabad. TI1e Divisional Forest Officer, Karimnagar(East), Karimnagar District. SF/SC.


\1).((~ SECtiON OFFICER. ~{ tl.--'y '\

1-22 OOVI::RNMENr 01" ANOHRA Annexure- 1C PI\ADEBH. /\83j£1\AC:t HIMES - Iat Renowol of HJ.ntno Lea•e for Coal in llouth Godavari Ax·oo - Diotric t ~rimnagor -Extent 26.44 Bq .Hiles. - AFJ>licat.ton of H,la. Bingareni Colllerioa CQQpany LJ.mi ted - fl~tnctioned .

------Annexure-1C o.o.Ha.HOo:l91. • Date4t 11-6-19815 ------Read tho following•- 1. o.o.MS.N0.1485, Industries, dtt29.11e1958. 2. l'rQQ the Director of HJ.noe " Ollology, Lr.No. 4041~K~eo, dated 14.6.1984. 3 • .i'rom the Govonunent of Xnc!!1•, H1n1str{ of Energy, Ulpartment of Coal• Lr.ll~0.130 7/18/84.00., anted 11.10.1985. 4~ lr:om th• Glovcar:I'J'nl'nt of lnc.l.... Hinietry of l:lnergy, Department of Coal, k . N0.13017/18/84-CA, dat6d 28.4.1986. 2 a a! a •- In pureuanco of the direction• 1a1NoCI in the Govern­ ment of lndta•a lett:or 3rd read abow anCI with t.hll prior concurrence of O!ntral Goverunent. 1D the ir letter 4th I nad above, the Government aanction to H,lu. SinQI!reni Collior.lea Company Limited Iat rene..-1 of HiDing Lea­ l for Cool for a period of 30 years over an extent o f , 26.44 Sq. Miles 1n Bou th Qodave.ri Area, kartmnagar Distrlc:t r subject to thoa provisions of Mine• and Hine.tUl8 (Regula­ ( tion & Oevelopnent) Act 67/1957 and the rules m~ there unCier in gener:o.l, subject also to the cooditions in l'orm..K prescribad un<.Jer the Mineral Conoe saicm Rules, 1960 anCI to the a dditional oondi tiona specified ln tho Appendix to this order.

l. 'l'ha ltll~s of Royalty, &tad rent and Surface rent s hall bQ collectable as follows.- 1 - RQlC/\J.,TlC t COAJ., (I) Group - X CQit ls 1 (a) Cooking ~,;oal • • ljeven rupee• .Steel, :;teel Qrade-Il, } only per r• o.~s hcry Gr ooe-1. 1 tonne. (b) lland picked coal produced 1 ''asam, Arunact,al P.t'al.leoh, 1 t-teghalaya & Hagaland. l u.tnx Q!W.P -11 Coal• (a) Cooking coal •laery Qr;a~ -11 l LliX rupaoe and Cooking coal waahery arade-lli Ififty pai.llo (b) f..emi CooldnQ Coal Qradll-1 only pel" tonne. 6emi Cooking Coal Oro~-11 ( c ) Non.-Cook1nQ Coal Gr~..A !lou-cooking caul ~acle -8 I (d) Ungt"llo n.u .M.Cotsl producoCI in I f• B :.;, 1\J:unllchal f'radoeh,Mevhl l Waa hcry Or:acla..XV Five rupeoa and (b) Non-cooking coal Qr:ade..C fifty pai~ only 0 Ipmr tonoe. i s. V. GrO!.lp.l.V Coa ln 1 Non ..coo~t .Ln g coal Cl:'ode..D l .four .rupeoe and -y Non-coold ng coal Qr:ade-1 1 th.Uty pal- - · G.~ovp ·2 co.. ~.r:- N..,.,., .. t<.; -~ c...... t '"-.<._ .~; only per tlon.- i . "''"·c •• ,._. .,.,,;;v,.{o. .1>} .. -r ..... -...... , • • 1 ~ \lrU, ,...... v• ltguprr:VI Coaltl a ... ~, ,.14. ... , . ", ..., • . \D.- Coal p i"Q(lucaO 1n Andhn ~al2eah I l' lve ~peu ODly ~> ingor enJ. Collier.I.•• Co.LW •• ). J p al' tonoe.

·xi, Db:l•D lt&H'f 1 - R8 ,37,50 pe1•• per· per &AilWIIo nx. !hiU!~-UilL!!IP_!.!!P!i 9,arQ!I! At: euch ra~• not exaa.S.. lng 1a "" rorvenue, we. tac­ oha r gua & ceollllla 8 0 CMaeable on the land are pm14.

3, Tlw qrantee ehould pay a 6epoa1t of Re,10 000 preacr.Lbed in r ule 32 o f the Hine r lll. ~ Clllae1on Rulua 0 1960 and •l\ produco l 6taet H1muul Ruvanue C lailro~ C.rtU1cat;o bo­ ' fore tho luo ea .Lo oo tuol ly ••outed. •• Tha g:rilntee llhou.l OOVAIUIOR Ul' AliOtW> PRA.OIS H) 8 •"• Jti\LABU IIIAIIW\IillAN Sf\ 1 NC I P'L BKCJU; lY>R lC TO OOV!.A NH.i NT ( C

Copy tot - M/8. S in q:~ ren1 Col li'3 r1o a Co. Ltd •• Regd,Oftice• KothoQUtlem. Collie ric e - 507101, • Bhadractlalam Rood t>ta tion• .KhlllliJiem U.L ot, '1'ho As!l1:J t.olnt D.l. rootor of Minoa " Olology, We ren gal. The Controll or Q::nera l of lnd.tnn ~au of MJ.noo, ~oglow-24• Ci vi l Llnoe . Nogepur - 440 001. Tho Di rector General of H.Lne e :Jafety, Vhanbod. 'l'he Scoreto:\ry to the Governmen t of India0 H.Lnie try of Utoel " M1ne e 4 Dep£1rtn'tlnt o f Mi n os , New Delhi, 'l'he Govo~:nment of Indi-1 0 Minis try of Energ,· • Dop.lrtment o f Co.l• New Vulhi, Circulation Cl"r k (10 copios) -ri' -1/ForWil1-24 r sllu L1 pay J.'Pilts a111.i r•)yaltt ... s 'l•1 a11y UovPrn,.. want treasury b .. foro ~ho 101.11 Jalluury of (IV~'I'Y yt~ar .

2 . '£he Le:::::;f'll :;hnll pay Ll••ftli't' 1.111' ~·xpiry of. thto lf.asr o1· its spon!lr dt!tf·rtn.i..tat1 >. 1 by <'Lt.h••r party , an a111 >u1lt ~:qual t o the annual d4:lUd l'P•lt .:>r SUCh highl!l' UI&IOUilt as ,nay bo ftxrd by th~' t.:ollactor o£' tlw IJistrJ.ct; i11 his discr~>att•.>J,l ' as co t~pr.tsatirm for dawage '"·t·.> tho.! la.ld covorPd by tlu .1rasu . . • «. \I I 3 . '£he loss••· shall dO\. foll tJ.'III'Sif hli.Y itt tllC' U11-ri'SPI'VPS c,ov .. rcd by th•' 1r·us• HithJil.t th• iJl.'t vio.>Us J!l rtn1ssit~n of thl' co; Lo.lcto:>r St'k.l if it is f J\JdJ thut hr hns fl'lll 0 any t..rHS ~lith ­ out such p ·.L'Wis 91 J 1 hu sltn l L >UY tht• vnlU .. looK•ncr tntnt•'lg op<·­ rati :>ns it1 >J. IY r• :J•"rvr• r .>J.'• st sil.ual.l' Upllll tlw :Jnid lands with­ out th l.rty days pr vious 12l~U :lot:lc" in \~rittJJg Ct> th1 Dist . F'or... st t)ffi~flr 1 and with >ut >htal 1tng thr• urit ..ldttt·U1S as tl,at offtc~r Jotay irt his l'••nsonablt' disc<'~\. i •n I'll'" soribr·d ; -

(1) fh•l lr·ss··· 1:n.tst. b"rtl' th· cost of df·~o t.,rcattr•n nf thr ar,·a withln tlw /r·s,rvrd frn•• st limits by a ckclnrrd fire· ll h ' •>f 40 r. • t \·lid Hhich \lill be cut nnd ltrpt cl<.ar• d uy tl11 1•'or• :;t IJ11partt:1< nt . (11)· '£hr.• ~ss·· .nu!lt at; all times pt rmit off1.r:•·r or tht f .>rt :;1. U• fl's·· 'Jl' Hl!tllt.altl•ll.: U!' rupniritltl · < bounr'o.ry lL1• 3 wlth l11 th• ar• n a ttl 1:1113t pay th• cost of such ,,'l:ll.u;uoot . lr;• >r 1'1' fll\ lr as Ut:t• l'IOi tu d by t..b< !Jist . l~O!'" o t ul'l' L<:lll';

,. (iii) '.rhu1 WSS''" HIUSt 'tnlcr suL'tabl<• prt cauti 1.1s t11 pr• vrnt fiNs fr J•u spt'• ad to~g Lnt.o tit•• udjoining r< s • rvr ror•·st ) from 'thu la11d a.k.l tf suc.:h l'lr·•s ncci

(1v) 1 fhP iPssr, snail JJ•Jt. oul. a11y tr< •'s or growth '.'n thP at·• .U grn ttud ill , ..ll J!' clw uisl.rict ForLs\. vfficl.l' nnd th1• vnluco Jf :.!Uch tr• ' s 1 .. tc, 1 Sll!l tl b(• pnid f •>r by tlw 1• !l!"r r ac rut•'!! 1:•> b" .rtx••d by ' IJtst. Fr>re>st Uffic~>r , hf' muse tlOt/,'ll..'f'lO

(v) 'rho l•lss• ,, shall 1•.>1. ..;•)IJstruct ar~y nrH nnd t•1 Govt . l~•)r • ~t •filth ' lit tlw pr r vll\ls snnctt .,, •li' thr lltvil'li '•1al l''u.rnst ..Jl'flc' r ~

(vi) £hl lr:ss • us I It~ n •Y • x ls\.t 11; f'll't•st DOn.r CH•· t.r·l.tsp•H't. •Jf lib pl1n11 !ur procJucL !lltn lt 1~ , l'·•·uutr·o!d I:•J dll su l•Y 1.11" L>·l• lnl l•'t)t'• st Uff't c • r, P.T .o.

1-25 ' -·· - ,, orti••C'!l ·lf l.n. tJivi;l •t•• l l"o~t'• ::L IJl'I'i·:•t'• '·'"t'h U1 1 '"''l'J tl JilL li;r l.ilo I' · Jt· .. ~t. l~ l' )ll.L. :)I ttl \.Ill c •:;l. \.Ito 1'1 •11' Annexure-1C,., C"VC'l'l d frJ.ll thr l• :1:;• 11 ~J. t' l.ttt p r· >vi:; I 1.1:1 c;f t.Jt• .uqtJL\ h, v• ntH' ''lH!'.lVo. l'Y ,,,;l. lt' tt:Jy ll,ftt I' la\1 f )L l.l\1' t.luo ttt ill(; ill fnrcr j

(Vil) Tilt' l• :;s 1 sll:tll, h, f•H·r c•Jt,l.lPtlCi.t~ llloil:•g O!>• t•nLtnns pvlalt JUt tiJ lJlvist •tlftl Fon :;l. l.lffl.t'l r or Lh• lJt.:al t{ang.;s 1:111• pr·c •;i:;< :u·· u ~1h• rr La ltr prop·)!.:<'S tJ c; ·>lc..luct such ·>or l':tl.l•ns as dPt• rttitwd \)y tlw 1Ji'1 trt~c Fllrc s t ufflc• r if cr>llu:ti H I tit. r; of 115, ct••·:hlc••l UflJII c lut·L,~: till lttl\SU. (J ,•tl.• !' Jllll'l.1. ·>11 trJ IJ,: r;\.t'Ht; l; H'!' il.f c Jllt Pl.l > 1 ls Ut'llt•t'l u c.htt'lllg gr:snt) .

(Vill) 'i'lw J.ons"' shall d1ar :wrt full Hp ~;It,, pits clu,; tllld :11:.1ku thu l :t.ld lnv•lJlt:tl 1'1H' fULUl't pl:lltl.lll.l·m.

5. '1'llu lu !l S"•J sh:\ll bu fr• 1 tl) Utl•lurtals ltlltl HI:J tllnt . (1) if 1 .1 Cll, c JUI'Gil •Jt: ·~ •>p< rntl0.1n IH tlisc·.>v• t·s :'11'\Y 1t·JC11lC lllltl•'C':tl/ljli 11.-H'H lSII< shall 1'1 J' ~1l' l. flll:t: t; J th11 l>i.t•t c t ·.>r, at.•Jrnlc 11l 1t•ral 1 IJ lv l!Jinll 1 !llt•tl l>,• llt l with•t~GO u:,ys rr ••~ th~ llat" •>f t..lisc')v• ry ''r <\ltll.t•tl. •Jrs . (11} 'l'hat l.h• quan" 1 ;..J., ~; t>f ntm•tic tnitl• t':tl!l r• C"V' rc t1 it~llt ct.r Cl :llll\ r st >ckr·Ll ::;t!j)''!' ,tl.••ly G:ttl G t'Pp'.lrt t<~ thnt c l'fr ct S' '••t tn thu Vir• ct·>r, J,t•>•nic Hill• rnls Llivisi "' • J!! ~~ llr lhi rv· ry thr•:•• .:1 >o~tlls 1 \Iii J \lll.l llnvc sat:tplc• o; t.l11 J'• • •l' tnlH a 11 nd a.talys..:d t J u~..t. •.•· .. tln ulu t.llr l' th• y :o.'l' •t l' _., . ·1 pt.nbll' grndr f •)l' JlU!.'Ch:\SI by l.lLP JJo j.l(ll'l:tolt nl; •If J>tOioliC.: ~tl(·l'gy .

6 . 'fllu lc :J:Jl,(l :Jll!\ Ll :1] :1 J IH• l'l'C I t.n l'l'lii'>Vlo lillY or nt'ltnt o mit1U1'.::11S :lS til'• r·, l•t lr1•tl by thu U1 parttn<·.lt c>f llt•1111lc 1\."111 rgy . On pay!OO nt Jf I' JJ'tlty by i:ht 1..; SSt r to) t)ln :3ta l.o• l.fl)VI' l'J llUc lit . '7 . Unlo ·~~> tlw qU/utclty •>f •'tl.·llnic i41.11:'l'Uls .L\>unu lnJ! ltiPnLLnl n! minL'lg •>p• • · 1\.l. l l!J l:; 1 IS l•: llficn Htth IJapartlt.•.Htt; vf J.tJ .. t1c: Lll"l'GY, 1 xuu1!1t l.lh~ l••ss•·•· frut.t P\.lt.ntnlng n su~ratll 1\las., f·Jr/ ll' iolclll:;iJil tJ!' atuutic lltlotl:.·nls ill thr lt·nstclc:c d .- 9.' tit•' purp;su •.>i.' clausus 4 16 and 7 t>f t.his t.pp' nd ix /,t•"~mic 1Unc•.rlll!J 1W a•Js t.h•.l'. )A"'~Mltl thu ta1(1t•rnl3 frlWt 11111c11 pr1 scri\H•f the· J ~ t..·)mic \111• q;y 1\ct, 1913 (29 ·.>f 1MB) can l>•' ·.>btni.lcd . 10. 'l'lw .:.>wnur, i1t;• nt and •1nnug• r l)f u l1i lll" s ll nll nt.l• £\~tt.. '"•• t:tnnt.h h• r •.> ru th1' c J,n.Otl•lC• tr.rnt >f OtlY 101 rlng Opt rutiuns givt t•> tin• t;hirf I••spt:sct•>r .>.f .•iLI•·s, th" IJir·-CL')r', Indian J3urc au o)f l11.JI( s rt'1tl thn J)ist.rict Wlg1.~•trntu >f t,IJo • l)i:;l.rlc:t in 11hich tlw mine i:; ·;it..unl..t d J nutic• s in •1rit ln•: i" s11r.h fr >w :\IIU co>l1Lot1.11l·1J~ such pnrt"lcul.urs L'\:lnt: i atg l. •J•• ·i ltt• :; nt; un:r he 1"''91lldl ll.:i.h,..ri I. l ns l.l' l'r:wh l.h•·m al.l1•ast.. lot•• n 1 tl.h h· !' ,,., t..l11• c• · )·~ ·· '' •Jctot.t<'clt .r· ntw tnt'llt " I'' s·"t·l"tts. 11. till) LH ~J ·w•• ~llltll 11i.l.h ''"' tl1 •.bay r • pt•rt. tl11, li.,v· J'tll1' nt thl\t ulsc JV• ry 1..1 t. lt" ~11'< '1 C ntprl~··d 1.11 ltis lfiiS' •)[' nny "bjrct Jf h lsC JJ.' lc;:1l •l!' na·o·ltJl>t: l•::t L '\• t't :;\. . 12. Clto 1.· ~1:;• .· -;lt Ill :tt•io:c: l..J \.hr c•)Jlf.litl•ns 11ot..tfl1J in <:O~ls . N) . 671. 1 ( ~l•t•;t. ri• ·1 \,JC] •: )otll' '1:•' ll1 f':U'I..ttll•lll. 1 d:1t• •1 :"/ .li. H)75 . /'lt••t• e•1p,o//

1-26 \< • ' . II\ ' • 'f • ' ·' ., \ "" ., ..... !Ji.t: L' I .J I JFJo' h:). tl • Annexure-1C Pandullapalli Mining Lease

1-27 Annexure-1C

1-28 Annexure-1C

1-29 Annexure-1C

1-30 Application for rewenal of Pandulapalli Mining lease Annexure-1C

1-31 Annexure-1C

1-32 Government of Telangana Annexure- 2A Irrigation & CAD Department

From: To: Sri K. Balaramaiah, B.E. The General Manager, Executive Engineer, 1&CADD., Ramagundam Area-1, I.B. Division, Peddapally. Singareni Collaries Company Limited.

Letter No.EE/B/PDPLDB/HD/D3/ D05lM Dated 510.2020 Sir, Sub:Diversion of Nallah in view of conversion of GDK-5 Incline mine into Open cast-V Project, GDK- Submission for replies-Regarding.

Ref Singareni collieries Ref.No.RG.UCVL/162/2128, Dt: 31-08-2020

With reference to the above subject cited, The General Manager, SCCL, Ramagundam Area- I has submitted the proposals for issue of NOC for Diversion of Nallah in view of conversion of GDK-5 Incline mine into Open cast-V Project, GDK.

In view of the above, the Executive Engineer, LB. Division, Peddapally has inspected the site on 28.09.2020, as the Singareni Collaries Company has submitted the proposal adopting for Diversion of Nalah in view of conversion of GDK-5 Inciline mine into Open cast-V Project, GDK and observed that this Nallah is going to merge in the Janagaon tank. The entire Nallah proposed for C.C lining and they are diverting some of the water from Nallah to the Sundilla tank through RCC trough.

In this connection, if any deviation is occurred or any lapses in supply of water to the sundilla tank & Janagaon tank, the Singareni Collaries Company will be held responsible for any damage of the crops and whatso ever.

Hence, the above works with the specifications there is no objection for the Diversion of Nallah in view of conversion of GDK-5 Incline mine into Open cast- V Project, GDK.

Yours faithfully,

Executive Engtneer, t&CADD. I.B. Division, Peddapally.

2-1 Annexure- 2B


Memo.No.8461/R.II1/2020-1 Dated.31.10.2020

Sub:- R&B Department Karminagar Circle - Peddapally District - Issue of NOC for diversion of Godavarikhani road from chainages 17/0 to 24/6 and from chainages 0/0 to 2/1 of Godavarakhani - Musthayala via Sundilla road Permitted to issue NOC-Accorded-Orders-Issued.

Ref- From the Engineer -in-Chief (R&B)SR&CRN Hyderabad, Lr.No.2726/KMNR/DEE-3/AEE/2014, Dt.03.10.2020 ****

In the circumstances reported by the Engineer -in-Chief (R&%B) SR & CRN Hyderabad in his letter cited, Government hereby permit to issue NOC to SCCL authorities for closure of the existing Manthani Ramagundam road from Km 17/0 to Km 24/6 and Godavarikhani road to Musthaiala via Sundilla road 2.10 Km and construct a new alternative road along with future maintenance of the sarme by them with a condition to transfer the road property to R&%B Department.

2. The Engineer-in-Chief(R&B)S.R&CRN,Hyderabad shall take further action in the matter accordingly


To, Engineer-in-Chie!(R&&B)S. R&CRN,Hyderabad.




2-2 Annexure-2 C

2-3 2-4 Annexure 2D

2-5 Annexure 2D

2-6 Annexure 2D

2-7 Annexure 2D

2-8 Annexure 2D

2-9 Annexure 2D

2-10 Annexure-2D

2-11 Annexure 2D

2-12 Annexure 2D

2-13 Annexure 2D

2-14 Annexure 2D

2-15 Annexure 2D

2-16 Annexure-2D

2-17 Annexure 2D

2-18 Annexure 2D

2-19 Annexure 2D

2-20 Annexure 2D

2-21 Annexure 2D

2-22 Annexure-2 E

2-23 Annexure 2F - / )

REGISTER I:; I I ~ ~"""{Cfif{/Govt. of India

S>.'T"l=f l ' ::i -!.\:;; l: l <. 1f3.Tfftf Ministry of Labour & Empio~'ment ~ ~® ~giP:~·V0f[f Directorate General of Mines Safety § ~<:1&11~ ~ ~.1 / Hyderabad Region No.1 ~ H1 /GDK1&3/Perm-Modfn/2013/..Lf:.{l( ~~ {1"'11~, f\'.: "'1 jcp 2-1 -1? - 2013 ( ~ ~ ~!RT f."l~!iiiCfl, ~a-,_ , 1 ~· ~· . ~. •nGct fh.C! f."l' ~.1 cr 3 ~ "ictc11~., ~.

~~ f?:i j I ({ ;:f) Cfll C'1 {I \J1 'Cflt .IB.' :sTCfl' 'nGctR<.C! f."l : sos2o9, ~ f1rffiT I

Subject: Permission under Reg.lOO(l), 105(1) & 126(2) of the Coal Mines Regulations, 1957 to extract pillars in conjunction with hydraulic sand stowing in Panel No.SS21/1 in No.1 Seam at Godavarikhani No.1 & 3 Incline mine - Modification for usage of "Bottom Ash" instead of sand as stowing material - thereof.

Please refer to your letter no. RG.I/Agt.Gdk.1Gr/D003/249 dated 29.06.2013 and plans & sections enclosed therewith on the above subject.

Th} matter has since been examined in the light of fhat has been stated in your application In exercise of the powers conferred on the Chief Ins ctor of Mines (also designated as Directo General of Mines Safety) under Regulations 100(1), 1 (1) & 126(2) of the Coal fVlines Regulation , 1957 and by virtue of the authorization granted t me by the Chief Inspector of Mines (als designated as Director-General of Mines Safety) und r Section 6(1) of the Mines Act, 1952, I, hereby modify the permiSSIOn granted vide this Directorate's letter No.Hl/01.0043/Perm/2013/1180 dated 24/05/2013 for using Bottom Ash instead of sand as stowing material on experimental basis as suggested by the scientific agency, subject to the following conditions being strictly complied with.

1.0 The Bottom Ash proposed to be used for stow i n~ shall not have particle size less than 53 microns. Suitable monitoring shall be done to ensure this.

2.0 A suitable percentage of Bottom Ash along with sand for hydraulic stowing shall be established such that the normal stowing operations are not affected.

3.0 A suitable scientific agency shall be associated for ascertaining and establishing the shrinkage of stowed Bottom Ash.

4.0 The barricade used during the depillaring operation shall be erected strongly under t~e supervision of at least overman certificate holder.

5.0 Effective steps shall be taken to prevent accumulation of water behind the stowing barricade.

6.0 T~ i s modification of permission shall be valid for 3 months from the date of issue of this .... 3 letter or completion of stowing of bottom ash of about 25,000m , whichever is earlier.

7.0 All other conditions of the permission letter no. Hl/010043/Perm/2013/ 1180 dated 24.05.2013 shall remain unchanged and shall-be strictly complied with.

8.0 This permission is subject to the following additional conditions:

Directorate General of Mines Safety; Region No.1, Hyderabad; Room No. 701, C. G. 0. Towers; Kavadiguda Secunderabad 500 OSO; Tel: 040·2753 ax: ·040-27532504 • 2-24 J• Annexure 2F

8.1 In the event of any change in the circumstances connected with this permission, vvl!l,..J; :; likelY. to endanger the life of workmen employed in the mine or endanger the mini , l 1 1e mining operations for which this permission has been grantM shall be stopped forthwith and intimation thereof shall be sent to this Directorate. The said mining operations shall not be resumed without an express and fresh permission in writing. ( 8.2 This permission is being issued specifically Linder the regulations mentioned nbove, and without prejudice to any other provisions of law, which may be or may become applicable at any tim~ . -

8.3 If at any time any of the conditions subject to which this permission is granted is vicd: tl wl or not complied with, this. permission ~hall be· deemed to have been r..:vokccl with immediate effect. The above permission may be amended or withdrawn 9t any time, if considered necessary in the interest of safety.

8.4 This Directorate shall be informed as soon as the mining operations are commenced in accordance with the above permission and intimation about completion of the mining · operations should also be sent promptly and in any case not later than one month tr,ereof.


' q; l')b\~, ""5,9! · ( (S. K. Gangopahdyay) Director of Mines Safely, Hyderbad Reg ion No.1

) )

2-25 Annexure 2F

'JfTITf ~/Govemment of India *' rei ~ rf;m:m Ministry of Labour & Employment ?IlT7 fF!rT lftitf.!lci m&ll Directorate General of Mines Safely Hyderabad ef;r rf 1 /Region No. 1 ~. ~-2 ~ ~ v1 m. ~. ~~-soooo1

~ %. 11010043/~/2013/ ~

x'!crr 11 3ffi)cmrr. 11l<(qR'!QPl ~ 1 cr 3 !i'1

Prease refer to your letter No. RG.I/Agt.Gdk1Gr/D-002/3506 dated 22-10-2.012. and subsequent l etter No.RG.I/Agt.GDK.1Gr./0003/069 dated 11.2.2013 and RG.f/Agt.Gdkl/D-002/138 dated ()8-04-2013 and the plans and section enclosed therewith on lhe above subject.

The matter has since bf;n considted in the light of what has been stated iJyour application under reference a d shown n the accompanying plan/section(s). By virtue f the powers conferred on the 01ie I nspector f Mines (also designated as Director-General of

~ 2.0 In this connection, your special attention is invited t\): ,---:::a) Regulation 112(1)(c) read wiln this Directorate's Circular No.ll of 1959 regar9ing fencing of the surface area likely to get subsided.

t;J) A Code of practice for operation and maintenance of Side Discharge Loader (SOL) to be used for extraction of coal in this panel shall be framed and enforced by the Manager of the mine before putting the SOLs in use and a copy thereof shall be submitted to this Directorate. .;., c) . Regulation 118A(l): }>O!OQause (a) r:.egarding formation of panels keeping in mind the incubation period of the seam. :l'> Oause (c) read with this Director's Technical Circular No.3 of 1988 regarding standard of construction etc., isolation/preparatory stoppings to be provided around the panels­ Cause (d) regarding isolation of every panel/sub-panel immediately after it has peen goaved out. Notwithstanding this, where the extraction of pillars is discontinued which

- - --· ..: . -,.,j; ..._~· • : · ::0- - _, 2-26 Annexure 2F

would preclude the completion of extraction in the panel/sub-panel within the incubaliO'l period of the seam, the goaved out part of the panel/sub-panel shall be sealed off. d) Regulation 118A(3)(c) in respect of inspection of depillaring district and isoiJt1on stoppings around goaved out areas and maintenance of the records thereuf. 'l"hP. inspection should also indude U1e isolation stoppings built around the goaved out areas in the panels/sub-panels still under extraction. The records of the inspection of isnlat;on stoppings shall be maintaint!1 stopping wise. ·

e) This Directorate's Technical Circular NJ.4 of 1988 regarding maintenance of subsidence records, plans/sections, information regarding local/main falls etc., and submission of · ' copies thereof to this Directorate. · · ·~:

3.0 The pillars lying between 9L to 10L from 2 dip (south) to Main dip(total 2 pillars) :;t~<.JII not be extracted, to protect water storage tank which exists on the surf

3.1 No extraction or reduction of pillars shall be done within the radius of the shaft pil!ar whidl lie on the adjacent rise of the panel.

3.2 All sud1 pillars that are to be splitted and stowed as a final operation and whidl arr. to be left unextracted shall be demarcated by a red band of 30 em around the pillars as wcil as by suitable boards placed at such pillars. '

4.1 This permission is subject to the following additional conditions: ' 4.2 In the event of any ch;-ge in t11; circumstances connected with this permission, whicll is likely to endanger the life of workmen employed in the mine or endanger the mine, tile mining operations for which this permission has been granted shall be slopped forthwith and intimation U1ereof shall be sent to this Directorate. The said mining operations shall not be resumed witllout an express and fresh permission in writing.

4.3 This permission is being issued specifically under the regulations mentioned above, and without prejudice to any otller provisions of law whidl may b~ or may beco1 ne ) - applicable at-any time. 4.4 If at any time any of the conditions subject to which this permi sion is granted is violated or not complied with, this permission shall be deemed to ave been revoked with immediate effect. The above permission may be amended or withdrawn at any time, if considered necessary in the interest of safety. 4.5 This Directorate shall be informed as soon as the mining operations are commenced in accordance with the above permission and intimation about completion of the mining operations should also be sent promptly and in any case not later than one montll thereof. 4.6 This permission shall remain valid for a period of three years from the dale of issue of this letter, or within the incubation period, whichever is earlier. Yours faithfully, Sd/- (GT. ~ ~~an~. @<'< lcll< ef.::f-1

~- ~ t.1to1oo43t3f3Wt2o13t Hi~-f-> ~·~~~~~: '11'1if{l'1•1'1'< ~ I ~£:1CF. Godavarikhan!"'No.1& 3 . lnclinea~. ~ ict~Vl q:; ~. tiT JIT •n< JCJ{I(g~ - .505209. {I•Fl'l'< ~ I ~

2-27 Annexure 2F

REGISTERED ~ <:1 Ffll <..!Govt. of India ~ ~ ?1'>1111{ """l?liM£1 Ministry of Labour & Employment SSRCrR ~en A 6 1Pt ~vrc-1 £l Directorate General of Mines Safety ~~{1&11~ 8=r?r "<:1' .1 Hvderabad Region No.1 ~ H1 /GDK1&3/Perm-Modfn/2013/ ~G {l&liG, R "i iCfl 2013 ~

Ticrr if. ~. ·n~CIF< <.Cif.1 ft. l cr 3 'F1CfC11~., ~ . s1: ~- l II{ ...fl Cfil('fm Cfii fc1 , ·grq:;- •n r: q Fhcff.1 50510<) , cfl ?il4 '1 "TJ<." ~ffi

Subject: Permission under Reg.lOO(l), 105(1) & 126(2) of the Coal Mines Regulations, 1957 to extract pillars in conjunction with hydraulic sand stowing in Panel No.SS21/ 2 in No.2 Seam at Godavarikhani No.1 & 3 Incline mine - Modification for usage of " Bottom Ash" instead of sand as stowing material - thereof.

Please refer m your letter no. I{G.I/ Agt.Gdk.lGr/ DOOJ/179 dated U4-05-2013 and plans & sections enclosed therewith on the above subject.

The matter has since been examined in the light of what has been stated in your application. In exercise of the powers conferred on the Chief Inspector of Mines (also designated as Director-General of Mines Safety) under Regulations 100(1), 105(1) & 126(2) of the Coal Mines Regulations, 1957 and by virtue of the authorization granted to me by the Chief Inspector of Mines (also designated as Director-General of Mines Safety) under Section 6(1) of the Mines Act, 1952, I, hereby modify the permission -granted ---vide this Directorate's letter No.Hl/ 010043/Perm/2013/859 dated 02.04.2013 for using Bottom Ash instead of sand as stowing material on experimental basis as suggested by the scientific agency, subject to the following conditions being strictly complied with.

1.0 The Bottom Ash proposed to be used for stowing shall not have particle size less than 53 ~- Suitable monitoring shall be done to ensure this.

2.0 A suitable percentage of Bottom Ash along with sand for hydraulic stowing shall be established such that the normal stowing operations are not affected.

3.0 A suitable scie11tific aoP.ncy shall be associat(!d for ascertc::ining and estc:1 blishing the s~l<.age of stowed Bottom Ash.

4.0 The ~d-~sed during the depillaring operation shall be erected strongly under the supervision of at least~.!:m~n certific.ate holder.

5.0 Effective steps shall be taken to prevent accumulation of '!Yat~ behind the stowing b;;micade. - -

6.0 This modification of permission shall be valid for 3 months from the date of issue of this 3 letter or completion of stowing of bottom ash of about 25,000m , whichever is earlier.

7.0 All other conditions of the permission letter no. No.Hl/010043/ Perm/ 2013/859 dated 02.04.2013 shall remain unchanged and shall be strictly complied with.

Directorate General of M ines Safety; Region No. 1, Hyderabad; Room No. 701 , C. G. 0 . Towers; Kavadogudd Secunderabad 500 080; Tel: 040·27534501; Fa x: 040· 27532504 2-28 Annexure 2F

8.0 This permission is subject to the following additiona l conditions:

8.1 In the event of any change in the circumstances connected with this permission, which is likely to endanger the life of workmen employed in the mine or endanger the mine, the mining operations for which this permission has been granted shall be stopped forthwith and intimation thereof shall be sent to this Directorate. The said mining operations shall not be resumed without an express and fresh permission in writing.

8.2 This permission is being issued specifically under the reg ulations mentioned above, and without prejudice to any other provisions of law, which may be or may become applicable at any time.

8.3 If at any time any of the conditions subject to which this permission is granted is violated or not complied with, this permission shall be deemed to have been revoked with immediate effect. The above permission may be amended or withdrawn at any time, if considered necessary in the interest of safety.

8.4 This Directorate shall be informed as soon as the mining operations are commenced in accordance with the above permission and intimation about completion of the mining operations should also be sent promptly and in any case not later than one month thereof.

Yours faithfully, Sd /-

(5. K. Gangopahdyay) Director of Mines Safety, Hyderbad Reg ion No.1 1f?5c .- .5 L ~ H1 /GDK1&3/Perm-Modfn/20 {~;__ 3-g =G-r{-r::I

1. 91 A if4:>tt ~ -q f.:l~\Ji cfi (P & P) M ls R:i ' l"{o:fl cfil <'1 fl"'' "Cfii fc1, 1fl- W. cFi~ Cfil<'1 fl"'' - so7 101 I ~UCF , <:IA!J)-~A lff?r ~ I , 1fl-.3ITJ i'!Giqf"<<.Cif.:l 505 20lJ, CfitlA9 '1 '( ~ I ~UCF . l f\i:~ qf'h_Cif.:l ~ . I q 3 ~ ~ M/s SCCL, -qr W. ' TI G1 1ft<.CJ f~ 50 520'), .\i 'L }0 ,_,_, ~ I("

'&1-f ~811 f.1 ~~ I Cfi I ~G O(I

c_,.tJ/ ;/

I -'\

2-29 Annexure 2F . I

vrrrr ~~>Governmen t of India wr fCi ?TVf7TT? ~ Ministry of Labour & Emplo 'ment ?Jll7 rJWl lil51R4mHll Directorate General of Mines Safety Hyderabad /li;r ri 11 /Region No.1 ~~. ~-21;1 1;(l{ m-x ~. 11114~ . ~-soooo1

~ t-11 010043 I ~/2013 / P:s-'\- '?-L.J mrcn ~w-an~. ~<;'!1 41G ef.:;{-1 *ml) ~. lllC::IqRI!Sl~ ~ 1 cr 3 ~FiCfctl~

Sub:- Permission under Regulation 100(1), 105(1) and 126(2) of the Coal Mines Regulation, 1957 to extract pillars in conjunction with hydraulic sand stowing in panel no. 5521/2 in No.2 seam at Godavarikhani No.1 & 3 Incline mine of M/ s. Singareni Collieries Co.Ltd. -reg.

Please refer to your letter No. RGJ/Agt.Gdk1Gr/D-002/3507 dated 22-10-2012 and subsequent letter no. RJI/Agt.Gdk1Gr/D-003/070 dated 11-02-2013 and RGI/Agt.Gdk.I/D-002/13/121 dated 20.03. 013 and the plans and sections enclosed therewith on th-= above subject.

The ma r~ has since been considered in the light of what has been stated in your application u der reference and shown on the accompanying plan/section(s). By virtue of the powers conferred on the Chief Inspector of Mines (also designated as Director-General of Mines Safety) under Regulations 100(1), 105(1) and 126{2) of the Coal Mines Regulations/ 1957 and

·-· •. by virtue of the authorization granted to me by the Chief Inspector of Mines (also designated as I ) Director-General of Mines Safety) under Section 6(1) of the Mines Act1 19521 I hereby permit you to extract pillars in Panel No.SS21/2 of No.2 Seam in conjunction with hydraulic sand

stowing bounded by A,B1C1 D to Q and R as shown in the offset plan No.SCC/GDK1&3/P-100/2S-

21/70 dated 16-03-2013; underground plan of 2 seam showing the proposed panel 5521/21 No.SCC/GDK1&3/P-100/2S/UG/69, dated 16-03-13; part combined plan No.SCC/GDK1&3/3/P- i 100/ 25-21/78, dated 16-03-2013 and plan No.SCC/GDK1&3/P-100/ME/2013/75 dated 16-03- 2013, submitted by you/ subject to the conditions specified in the Annexures A & B and the followi ng conditions being strictly complied witA: - 1.0 By virtue of the powers conferred on me, I

a) Under Regulation 1081 hereby enclose two copies of modified Systematic Support Rules(SSR) for strict compliance. The same shall be duly signed by the Manager and one such copy returned to this Directorate for record. Copies of the SSR shall be handed · over to all officers and supervisors for implementation, and

b) Under the . provisio to Regulation 118A{4), further require you to comply with the provisions of Regulation 118A(1)(a), (c) and (d).

2.0 In this connection, your special attention is invited to: a) Regulation 112(1)(c) read with this Directorate's Circular No.ll of 1959 regarding fencing of the surface a~kefy"t(j get subsided. 1

b) A Code of practice for operation and maintenance of Side Discharge Loader (SOL) to be USed fOr extraCtiOn Of COal in thiS pone! Shall be framed and enforced by the Manager of the mine before putting the SOLs in use and a copy thereof shall be submitted to this Directorate. 2-30 .. Annexure 2F

c) Regulation 118A(1): , > Clause (a) regarding formation of panels keeping in mind the incubation period of the seam. ):> Clause (c) read with this Director's Technical Circular No.3 of 1988 regarding standard of construction etc., isolation/preparatory stoppings to be provided around the panels. ;;:. Clause (d) regarding isolation of every panel/sub-panel immediately after it has been goaved out. Not withstanding this, where the extraction of pillars is discontinued which would preclude the completion of extraction in the panel/sub-panel within the incubation period of the seam, the goaved out part of the panel/sub-panel shall be sealed off. d) Regulation 118A{3)(c) in respect of inspection of depillaring district and isolation stoppings around goaved out areas and maintenance of the records thereof. The inspection should also include the isolation stoppings built around the goaved out areas in the panels/sub-panels still under extraction. The records of the inspection of isolation stoppings shall be maintained stopping wise. e) This Directorate's Technical Circular No.4 of 1988 regarding maintenance of subsidence records, plans/sections, information regarding local/main falls etc., and submission of copies thereof to this Directorate.

3.0 This permission is subject to the following additional conditions: 3.1 In the event of any change in the circumstances connected with this permission, which is likely to endanger the life of workmei' the mine or endanger the mine, the mining operations for which this pe~ission has been granted shall be stopped forthwith and intimation thereof shall be sent to this Directorate. The said mining operations shall not be resumed without an express and fresh permission in writing. 3.2 This permission is being issued specifically under the regulations mentioned above, and without prejudice to any other provisions of law which may be or may become applicable at any time. 3.3 If at any time any of the conditions subject to which this permission is granted is violated or not complied with, this permission shall be deemed to have been revoked with immediate effect. The above permission may be amended or withdrawn at any time, if considered necessary in the interest of safety. 3.4 This Directorate shalf be informed as soon as the mining operations are commenced in accordance with the above permission and intimation about completio!of the mining operations should also be sent promptly and in any case not later th n one month thereof. 3.5 This permission shall remain valid .for a period of three years from the ate of issue of this letter, or within the incubation period, whichever is earlier. Yours faithfully, 6/- ~ ~ ~arr P-f.117~=~1en=. ~GxliliG ~-1 ~- ~ ~.11 010043 I ~I 20131 h-Q - ?-1.. L­ ~G'IICliG , ~"iicp Ll4 \_t_j Qf{(f&R) ~


II . Annexure-2F~I

. . . Ministry of Labour & Employment ·e""-'"''··~:. ... _ "Zcrr:=f n-{~T TJti I f.i

'ffia:J r l::.,r-cf3TT~- I / GDK1&3/2014j Hyderabad, dated ___}02/ 2014 ~ ~ ~ffi PI~~ I Cfl/ Director of Mines Safety, i3~'Z I CSJI~ $ 'B't/Hyderabad Region No.1. ~it 3-ff'l~. ~ B'. I cf 3 ~'ictC'1 1 '4'i ~­ M/ S. finrt-;:ft Cfl iC'1 :0 "'1 cri ~-. Sl"fl ~ . inr. <=~ Ft< f?l 50 7209.

~lSflr. Permission under Regulation No. 100(1), 105(1) and 127(3) of CMR 1957 to extract pillars in Panel No.3S/ 19 in No.3 Seam by conventional Bard and Pillar method in conjunction with Hydraulic Sand Stowing beneath Janagaon village, PWD road and llK.V. AP Transmission line, at Godhavarikhani No.1 & 3 Incline of M/s SCCL.

Please refer to your letter No. RG.l/ Agt.Gdk1/D-003/ 374 dated 19-11-2013 and subsequent ' clarification letter No. RG.If.b.g t.Gdkl/D-O ~l3 / 197 dated 21-01-2014 and the plans and section €nc!osed therewith on the above subject. The matter has since been considered in the light of what has been stated in your application under reference and shown on the accompanying planj section(s). By virtue of the powers conferred on the Chief Inspector of Mines (also designated as Director-General of Mines Safety) under Regulations 100(1), 105(1) and 127(3) of the Coal Mines Regulations, 1957 and by virtue of the authorisation granted to me by the Chief Inspector of Mines (also designated as Director.-General of Mines Safety) under Section 6(1) of the Mines Act, 1952, I, hereby, permit you to extract pillars in Panel No.3S/19 of_ No.3 Seam by conventional Bord and Pillar method in conjunction with hydraulic sand stowing deploying Side Discharge Loaders, at Godhavarikhani No. 1 & 3 Incline Mine, as shown in the enclosed Underground plan No. SCC/GDK1&3/P- 100/3S/2013/210, dated 18.11.13 and Offset-Plan No.SCC/GDK1&3/P-100/offset/3S19/2013/212 dated 18.11.13, suemitted by you, subject to the-conditions specified in Annexure- A and following cqnditions being strictly complied with: 1:0- By virtue of the powers conferred on me, I, under Regulation 108, hereby enclose two copies . ~ of modified SysterT)atic Support Rules (SSR) for strict compliance. The same shall be duly ).~)J sigoed_b_y_tbe Manager and one such copy returned to this Directorate for record. Copies of the SSR shall be handed over to all concerned officers and super-v~sors for implementation. ~ / 2.0 I~ this connection, your special attention is i~wited to:

.a) Regulatiqn 112(1)(c) · ~ead with this _Directorate's Circular No.ll ~of'1:959 regarding fencing of · ~ -- ·_the surface area likely to get subsided. · .... _ \~'-\l~

Directorate General of Mines ~afety; Region No. 1, Hyderabad; Room No. 701, C. G. 0. Towers; Kavadiguda •, ...-~-':....;.$-. ¥~'f3~!~J~I: 040-27534501; Fax: 040-27532504

- ) '" t2..1 l :llr~1 :'.SC~ .'. ·~ · · ~ -...-..-2-32 Oate-~ •. ~ .... J:J]J:;; ___ Annexure 2F


Regulation 11 8 6(U: "r Clause (a) rega rding form ation of panels kcepmg in mind the incubation period o f tl" seam. :.> Clause (c) read with this Director's Technical Circular No. 3 of 1gaa regarding standarc '" construction of isolation/ preparatory stoppings to be provided around the panels/ pane ls ;.... Clause (d) regarding isolation of every panel,'sub -panel im mediately after it has been goaved out. Notwithstanding this, where the extraction of pilla rs is discontinued wllich would preclude the completion of extraction 1n the panel/sub-panel within the incubation ·period of the seam, the goaved out part of the panel/sub-panel shall be sealed off. b) Regulation 118A(3)(c) in respect of inspection of depillaring district and isolation stoppings around goaved out areas and maintenance of the records thereof. The inspection sh ould also include the isolation stoppings built around the goaved out areas in the panels/sub­ panels still under extraction. The records of the inspection of isolation stoppings sha ll be maintained stopping wise. c) This Directorate's Technical Circular No.4 of 1988 regarding maintenance of subsidence records, plans/sections, information regarding local/main fa lls etc., and submission of copies thereof to this Directorate. 3.0 Management shall indemnify the owner(s) of the structure(s) for any damage caused at the surface due to mining operations.

4.0 Wa ter seals provided at 30 to 34 L off 7 D in 4 seam shall maintained in good condition to drain out the water from sealed off area of goaved out panel No.4S/9. 5.0 Water level in overlying and underlying goaves and shall always be maintained more than , 60m distances from the proposed panel. 6.0 This p~rrniss i on is subject to the foliowing additional conditions: 6.1 - In the event of any change in the circumstances connected with this permiSsion, which is ) li ~el y to endanger the life of workmen employed in the mine or endanger the mine, t he mining operations for which this permission has been granted shall be stopped forthwith and intimat-ion thereof shall be sent to this Directorate. The said mining operations shall not be resumed without an express and fresh permission in writing. 6.2 This permission is being issued specifically undeLthe regulations mentioned above, and without prejudice-te-aRy-other provisions of law which may be or may become applicable at any time. · · 6.3 If at any time any of the conditions subjeCt to which this permission is granted is violated or

not complied with1 this permission shall be deemed to have been revoked with immediate effect. The above permission may be amended or withdrawn at any timer if considered necessary· in the int~rest of safety. · 6.4 This Directorate shall be informed-as.....soGR-as the mining operations are commenced in accordance with. the above permission and intimation about completion of the mining . operations should also be sent promptly-andin-cmv case not-later than one month thereof.

6.5 This permission will remain valid for a period of three years from the date of issue of this ·tetter/ or within the incubation period/ whichever is earlier. Yours faithfully, Sd/- (s: K. Gangopadhyay)

Director or-Mines Safety1 - Hyderabad Region No.1

..-·~, . .. ·· ...... ,:. :· 2-33 Annexure 2F

·. .- ' IZ~I ' ':'I ~·P7 -H·\T ~ ~~T2.f ?Htsrct

1 101orrrnt I r>ct nl 1 f· ~ f.ful7li' (P & P) 1\1 s fnrr <·fl 1-1~1 ft"'r Cflt tB. G'l :•.fr 1·1 '"'~...:If FJ ·i J 1 ·T -">G7

y 11QJ~.;;f!':["f,, \.I~ ~ ti. 1. ~ 3[) ri'rr.Tcrf'n lf-T 505 209. Cflftq::pl { f'GJ<-H 1 3 lf"1'W!>. >il0~ B'. 1 'iPr-n n fifflr I ! · - wLJ '1.P IJ..t c-<.'~ :.-- ~t I · .

ZCfr-=r ~ffi Pi ?. !!I Cfi 1 ~G{I~IG' m-1

- -

2-34 Annexure 2F

'BT«f B 'CCfl l 'C/Govt. of India SQ1=r "q:cf U~ p II 'C ~=i ~ I C1 <:! Ministry of Labour & Employment zcrr;=r ~® Ji t:? If.i ~ ~II C1 <:! Directorate General of Mines Safety ~~~G~'C~I&l~I ~G ~ ~- 1/Hyderabad Region No.1

BZCLIT ~-l /GDK1&3/2014/ Hyderabad, dated __)03/20 14 ~ ~ ~lffi Pl~!iiCf>/ Director of Mines Safety, '§G 'li

~= Permission under Regulation No. 100(1), 105(1) and 127(3) of CMR 1957 to extract pillars in Panel No.4S/18 in No.4 Seam by conventional Bard and Pillar method in conjunction w ith Hydraulic Sand Stowing beneath Janagaon village and PWD road at Godhavarikhani No.1 & 3 Incline of M/s SCCL.

Please refer to your letter No. RG.I/ Agt.Gdk1/D-003/380 dated 30-11-2013 and subsequent ~J~;fj:-~t;~n j<>++.:-~ 1\1 .... nr.:Tt/\g+-r:rll...-1/n_r)(n/?fU\ rf::ot-t:>d ?.R-f'1-?n14 ;:~ncf tht:> nl ;:~ nc ""' nd rn,.._J.On ~ ~~~;;d·~~her~~~~h ~~·th~~~b~~e~.s~bJ~~t ~~ -,~v .. ~~--v -~ ···- ~-~ . -· . -· ~ .- -·" n . . ~=· · • .

The matter has since been considered in the light of what has been stated in your a plication under reference and shown on the .accompanying plan/section(s). By virtue of the powers conferred on the Chief Inspector of Mines (also designated as Director-General of Mines Safety) under Regulations 100(1), 105(1) and 127(3) of the Coal Mines Regulations, 1957 and by virtue of the authorisation granted to me by the Chief Inspector of Mines (also designated as Director-General of Mines Safety) under Section 6(1) of the Mines Act, 1952, I, hereby, permit you to extract pillars in Panel No.4S/18 of No.4 Seam by conventional Bord and Pillar method in conjunction with hydraulic sand stowing deploying Side Discharge Loaders, at Godhavarikhani No. 1 & 3 Incline Mine, as shown in the enclosed Underground plan No. No. SCC/GDK1&3/P-100/4S/20 13 /223, dated 29.11.13 and Offset-Plan No.SCC/GDK1&3/P-100/0FFSET/4S18/2013/224 dated 29.11.13, submitted by you, subject to the conditions specified in Armexure - A and following conditions being strictly complied with: ·

1.0 By virtue of the powers conferred on me, I, under Regulation 108, hereby enclose two copies of modified Systematic Support Rules (SSR) for strict compliance. The same shall be duly signed by the Manager and one such copy returned to this Directorate for record. Copies of the SSR shall be handed over to all concerned officers and supervisors for implementation.

2.0 In this connection, your special attention is invited to: a) Regulation 112(1)(c) read with this Directorate's Circular No.ll of 1959 regarding fencing of the surface area likely to get subsided.

Directorate General of Mines Safety; Region No. 1, Hyderabad; Room No. 701, C. G. 0. Towers; Kavadiguda Secunderabad SOO 080; Tel: 040·27534501; Fax: 040-27532504 Cont ..2

2-35 Annexure 2F

-2- Regulation 118 A(l): Clause (a) regarding formation of panels keeping in mind the incubation period of the seam. Clause (c) read with this Director's Technical Circular No.3 of 1988 regarding standard of con~truction of isolation/preparatory stoppings to be provided around the panels/ panels. Clause (d) regarding isolation of every panel/sub-panel immediately after it has been goaved out. Notwithstanding this, where the extraction of pillars is discontinued which would preclude the completion of extraction in the panel/sub-panel within the incubation period of the seam, the goaved out part of the panel/sub-panel shall be sealed off. b) Regulation 118A(3)(c) in respect of inspection of depillaring district and isolation stoppings around goaved out areas and maintenance of the records thereof. The inspection should also include the isolation stoppings built around the goaved out areas in the panels/sub­ panels still under extraction. The records of the inspection of isolation stoppings shall be maintained stopping wise. c) This Directorate's Technical Circular No.4 of 1988 regarding maintenance of subsidence records, plans/sections, information regarding local/main falls etc., and submission of copies thereof to this Directorate. 3.0 Management shall fully compensate the owner(s) of the structure(s) for any damage caused at the surface due to mining operations. 4.0 Water seals provided at 30 to 34 L off 7 D in 4 seam shall maintained in good condition to drain out the water from sealed off area of goaved out panel No.4S/ 9. 5.0 Water level in overlying and underlying goaves and shall always be maintained more than 60m distances from the proposed panel. 6.0 While approaching within 60m of the fault, precaution as laid in Regulation 127(3) of CiviR,1957, shaii be taker. oy driiiir.g adv~~ .ce bore hoies of 9m, whiie driving spiii./siices. 7.0 This permission is subject to the following dditional conditions: 7.1 In the event of any change in the circu stances connected with this permission, which is likely to endanger the life of workmen mployed in the mine or endanger the mine, tbe mining operations for which this permission has been granted shall be stopped forthwith and intimation thereof shall be sent to this Directorate. The said mining operations shall not be resumed without an express and fresh permission in writing. 7.2 This permission is being issued specifically under the regulations mentioned above, and without prejudice to any other provisions of law which may be or may become applicable at any time. 7.3 If at any time any of the conditions subject to which this permission is granted is violated or not complied with, this permission shall be deemed to have been revoked with immediate effect. The above permission may be amended or withdrawn at any time, if considered necessary in the interest of safety. 7.4 This Directorate shall be informed as soon as the mining operations are commenced in accordance with the above permission and intimation about completion of the mining operations should also be sent promptly and in any case not later than one month thereof. 7.5 This permission will remain valid for a period of three years from the date of issue of this letter, or within the incubation period, whichever is earlier. Yours faithfully, Sd/- (5. K. Gangopadhyay) Director of Mines Safety, Hyderabad Region No.1

2-36 Annexure 2F

... ~0' · ":T'F~n(- l/GD ~~l3/~~4-f1'flf­

~"il<=tl:f ~ : =-t ltiil<:i ~ ~ f.'l~!JI Cfi (P & P) M/s f{ill'{--fl Cfii C1 tl"' "Cflt. ffr .. t.TT an~~ CfiTC'IiT,lf - 507 101 I 2 ~UCF . ~ 14!1)~$8 ~ U. 1, -t.TT.:m- Jfl~lqf'{ <._q f.'l 505 209, Cfltl4"i l l{ ~ I Y ~UCF, iflGqf{<_qf.1 tr. 1 CT. 3 ~ . M/s SCCL, cfi.3TrJnGiqf{<_qf.1 505209, Cfi;[)JFPI <: ~ I

<8R ~&TI f.1 ~~ I Cfl , ~G { I


2-37 Annexure-2F

2-38 - Annexure-2F

b) Regulation 118A(1): )> Clause (a) regarding formation of panels keeping in mind the incubation period of the seam. )> Clause (c) read with this Director's Technical Circular No.3 of 1988 regarding standard of construction etc., isolation/preparatory stoppings to be provided around the panels. )> Clause (d) regarding isolption of every panel/sub-panel immediately after it has bl'en goaved out. Notwithstanding this, where the extraction of pillars is discontin J ::d which would preclude the completion of extraction in the panel/sub-panel within the incubation period of the seam, the goaved out part of the panel/sub-panel shal l be sealed off. c) Regulation 118A(3)(c) in respect of inspection of depillaring district and isolation stoppings around goaved out areas and maintenance of the records thereof. The inspection should also include the isolation stoppings built around the goaved out areas in the panels/sub-panels still under extraction. The records of the inspectio of isolation stoppings shall be maintained stopping wise.

d) This Directorate's Technical Circular No.4 of 1988 rega rding maintenance of subsidence records, plans/sections, information regarding local/main falls etc., and submission of copies thereof to this Directorate.

e) Regulation 127(3) for drilling and main taining advanced boreholes of 9m, while approaching within 60m of the fault.

3.1 This permission is subject to the following additional conditions: 3.2 In the event of any change in the circumstances connected with t his permi ss1on, which is likely to endanger the life of workmen employed in the mine or endanger the mine, the mining operations for which this permission has been granted shall be stopped forthwith and intimation t hereof shall be sent to this Directorate. The S

3.6 This permission shall remain valid for a period of two ye ars from the date of 1ssue of t his letter, or within the incubation period, whichever is earlier.

Yours faithfully, . Sd/- (S. K. Gangopadhyay) Director of Mines Sa f(;t{, .. Hyderabad Region No 1

2-39 Annexure-2F


\ 1 ?Chi(] Government of India -· 7f t:[C/ illif '77 < tf":>t!& 2{ Ministry of Labour & Employment ?5lR fJ?1HT lf&!PJ? ~Tf(17:{ Directorate General of Mines Safety Hyderabad l$r fi 1 /Region No.1

B&lfu ~- 1/010064 I ~I 09 ! __

• mR ~~~Teo, ~~{lcill~ ~- 1 "flcrrif \3~, li'l~lctft

Permission under Regulation 99(3), 105(1) and 126(2) of the Coal Mines Regulations, 1957 to extend the workings of No.3 seam below road , HT Line, Nallah and Sundl!la tank upto mine bour:dary at Godavarikhani No.2 & 2A Incline Mine. ) ) Please refer to your letter No. RG.I/Agt.Gdk2 &.2A/D-002/229 dated 19-8-2009 , enclosed therewith on the above subject.

The matter has since been considered on the basis of the information furnished and shown on the plan submitted by you. In exercise of the powers conferred on the Chief Inspector of Mines (also designated as Director-General of Mines Safety) under Regulations 99(3), 105(1) and 126(2) of the Coal Mines Regulations, 1957, and by virtue of the authorisation granted to me by the Chief Inspector of Mines (also designated as Director-General of

Mines Safety) under Section 6(1) of the Mines Act, 1952, I 1 hereby/ permit you to- develop the working of No. 3 Seam beneath road , HT Liner Nallahr and Sundila tank upto the mine boundary beneath and within 45m of llkv power transmission line at Godavarikhani No.2A Incline Mine of M/s. SCCL as shown on the Plan No. SCCL/GDK 2A/PERM/3S/2009/65 Dated 19-8-3009 submitted by you, subject to the following conditions being strictly complied with:

1.0 Pillar size shall be strictly in accordance with the provisions of Regulation 99 of the Coal Mines Regulations, 1957. However the dimensions of rhombus shaped pillars . shall not be less than 54 m x 54m in centre to centre.

2.0 The Acute angle of the pillars shall not be less than 55 degrees and obtuse angle shall not be less than 125 degrees. For stability of acute angled corners/ the corners shall be kept supported by bolting /stitching, using 1.8m long bolts/ropes upto 3.0m in length from the top of the corner.

~ - ~\'' 2-40~~ - Annexure-2F


3.0 The width and height of the galleries shall be restricted to 4.2m :-~nd respectively.

•4.0 Development shall be done in panel system taking into consideration the inc ttbation period of the seam as stipulated under Regulation 118A(1)(a) of the Co<'ll Mmes Regulations, ~957 .

5.0 The workings lying beneath and within 45m of road , HT power transmission Line, nallah, and sundial tank shall be demarcated in underground with clear and distinct manner by red/ white band 30 ems wide at the middle of the pillar.

6.0 An offset plan on a scale of 500 : 1 shall be maintained showing the width and height of the galleries cfnd the shape and size of the pillars formed ben ..!ath ar-1d within 45m of HkV power transmission line. This plan shall be brought upto date at least once every three months.

7.0 The workings beneath and within 45m of llkV power transmission line shall be ~'. regularly inspected once atleast in 14 days during the rainy season and once atleast in 30 days during other periods of the year by a person holding an Overman's or Manager's Certificate and a written report of such inspection shall be maintained in a bound paged book kept for the purpose and shall be countersigned by the Manager. Manager of the mine shall also personally inspect such workings once at l least in every three months. Formation of junctions beneath trusties /poles cf the powerline shall be avoided.

, 8.0 All known and anticipated fositions of faults, dykes and other geological disturbances shall be clearly m rked on the plan and when the workings approach such disturbances, a close wat h shall be kept for any unusual seepage of water or other liquid matter. As soon a such seepage is observed, no further workings shall be extended, workers withdrawn from the mine and no work shall be resumed unless a written permission from this Directorate is obtained.

9.0 Workings shall not be in any case, be made in such a manner, which may endanger '( the stability of the surface features.

10.0 Your specia l attention is invited to the provisions of Regulation 108 of the Coal Mines Regulations, 1957 in respect of Systematic Support Rules which shall be framed and strictly complied with. A copy of the same shall be submitted to this Directorate.

While approaching within 7.5m of a dyke or a fault, the development heading shall be adequately supported with additional supports.

11.0 All boreholes, whether drilled from surface or overlying seams, shall be plotted on the working plan from all available data including all old mine plans. No development work sha ll be done within 60m of any borehole.

12.0 This Directorat9:,shall be informed as soon as the mining operations are commenced in accordance with the above permission. Intimation about completion of the mining operations shall also be sent promptly and in any case not later than one month thereof.

2-41 Annexure-2F

: 3:

13.0 This permission is subject to the following additional conditions: 13.1 If at any time, any one of the conditions subject to which this permission has b 'en • granted is violated or not complied with, this permission shall be deemed to have been revoked with immediate effect.

13.2 In the event of any change in the circumstances connected with this permission which is likely to endanger the life of workmen employed in the mine or endanger the mine, the mining operations for which this permission has been granted shall bt. stopped forthwith and intimation thereof sent to this Directorate. The said mining operations shall not be resumed without an express and fresh permission in writing.

13.3 This permission is being issu~d specifically under the regulations mentioned above, and without prejudice to any other provisions of law, which may be or may become appiicabie at any tinie.

13.4 The above permission may be amended, modified or withdrawn at any time, if considered necessary in the interest of safety. 13.5 This permission will remain valid for a period of three years from the date of issue of this letter. ~~


No.H1/01 +64/Perm/2009/ '2-:ST'j-b I / ~1'1:<;

'1. .!3ft ~.<:fZ'f.\3ffi". ~~ "'fl=tifchC1 ~ cr ~~rcn ;

'Vf'" nq'CfC!i; iiJ e:CJR{SIPI B'. 2 ,cr 2A ~~ M/s SCCL7 eft.\

2-42 Annexure-2F

566020/ ~;' 1";2/92/2009/RNl(SZ) 1.~ sf /)~~"''·==:;:~ 'l-TH(l "ff0~~r:t'Gp vernm_ent of India ~..ot,;~JtL- p· ·to~·- · -:, ~~~IT{-~ 'J~Iq (Jqf#l, ffifGITC!:-soooot

B&:rr /%"-1 1 010064 I ~I 2012 I \ (~..2C

ftciTif ~; ~nC\ICl R

fcrtr<:r/Subject:- F>ermission under Regulation 99(3), 105(1) and 126(2) of the Coal Mines Regulation, 1957 to extend the workings of No.4 seam beneath the PWD road, HT lines, Nallah and Sundila Tank upto the dip side mine ' boundary at Godavarikhani No.2 and 2A Incline mine of M/s. Singaren i Col)eries Co.Ltd.-reg. ·

Piease refer to y'our letter No.RG1/Agt.GDK1 Gr/D-2/167 dated 8-5-2012, enclosed therewith on the above subject.

The matter has since been considered OQ the basis of the information furnished and shown on the plan submitted py you. In exercise of the powers conferred on the Chief ( Inspector of Mines (also designated as Director-General of Mines Safety) under Regulations 99(3), 105(1) and 126(2) of the Coal Mines Regulations, 1957, and by virtue of the authorisation granted to me by the Chief Inspector of Mines (also designated as Director-General of Mines Safety) under Section 6(1) of the fVIines Act, 1952, I, hereby, permit you to develop the working of No. 4 Seam beneath road , HT Line, Nallah, and Sundila tank upto the mine boundary beneath and within 45m of llkv power transmission line at Godavarikhani No.2 and 2A Incline Mine of M/s. SCCL as shown on the Plan No. SSCL/GDI<2&2A/PERM/4S/2012/42 dated 6-5-2012 submitted by you, subject to the following conditions being strictly complied with:

1.0 Pillar size shall be strictly in accordance with the provisions of Regulation 99---- of the Coal Mines Regulations, 1957. However the dimensions of rhombus shaped pillars s~ll not~~ess t~a n 58 m x 58m in centre to centre. ·' I '-:::J--1-- \lo 1 \ -:r--

2-43 --- Annexure-2F

2 0 The Acut8 ~mgie of the pillars shall not be less than 5S degrees and obtu shall not be more than 125 degrees. For stability of acute angled corner tl corners shall be kept supported by bo:tin£ /stitchi'lg, using 1. Srr. bolts/ ropes upto 3.0m 1n length from the tor.' of the corner.

3.0 !3efore commencement of deve:opment workings in No.4 seam, the ov<.. '} i · and within 60m of 3 seam gallerie:; accumulated water shall be co~n rlet '' dewatered and same shall be ensureo by the Manager by physical inspl'C t1 and the same shall be recorded in bound paged book kept for the purpose.

4.0 The width and height of the galleries shall be restricted to 4.2m and 2.Br respectively.

5.0 During the development of No.4 seam workings, care shall be taken to en . 1 that no junction shall be formed beneath the trestles of HT Power lines.

6.0. Development shall be done in panel system taking into considE.ratton tht Incubation period of the seam as stipulated under Regulation 118A(l)(a) o~ th _ Coal tiJines Regulations, 1957.

7.0 :ne workings lying beneath and within 45m of road , HT power transmissior· Line, nallah, and sundial tank shall be demarcated in underground with clear anc distinct manner by red/white bund 30 ems wide at the middle of the pillar.

8.0 An offset plan on a scale of 1000 : 1 shall be maintained showing the width a 1 i

height of the galleries and the shape and size of tile pillars formed beneuth aP J within 45m of llkV power transmission line. This plan shall be brought ur'.O , date at least once every three months.

9.0 The workils beneath and within 45m of llkV power trc:nsmission lir.e shall be regularly i pected once atleast in 14 days during the :-ainy season and once atl2ast in 0 days during other periods of the year by a person holding an Overman's or Manager's Certificate dnd a written rep,Jrt of such inspection shdll be maintained in a tound paged book kept for the pL~rp·ose and shall be countersigned by the Manager. Manage1 of the mine sha!l also personaliy inspec" such workings once at least in every three months. Formation of junctions beneath trusties /poles of the power line shall be avoid~d.

10.0 All known and anticipated positions of faults, dykes and other geological disturbances shall be clearly marked on the plan and when the workings approach such disturbances, a close watch shall be kept for any unusual seepage of water or other liquid matter. As soon as such seepage is observed, no further workings sh?ll be extended, workers withdrawn from the mine and no work shall be resumed unless a written permission from this D:rectorate is obtained.

11.0 Workings shall not be in any case, be made in such a manner, which may endanger the stability of the surface features.

12.0 Your special attention is invited to th8 provisions of Regulation 108 of the Coa: Mines Regulations, 1957 in respect of Systematic Support Rules which shall be framed and strictly complied with. A copy of the same shall be submitted to this Directorate.


2-44 . ' Annexure-2F

13.0 Ali borehcles, whether drilled from surface or overlying seams, shall be pic lted on the working plan from all available rjata includ1ng all old mine plans. No development work shall be done within 60m of any borehole.

14.0 Th i~ Directorate .;hall be informed as soon as the mining operations a1 ' corr . mel~ced in accordance with the above permission. Intimation abm r. completion of the mining operations s':1all also be ~-=nt prcr~ptly and in any case not !ater than one month thereof.

15.0 Tliis permission is subject to the following additional cC'nditions:

15.1 If at any time, c.ny one of the conditions subject to which this permissicn ilclS cec n granted is violated or nut complied with, this permission shall be deemed to have been r.=voked with immediate effect.

15.2 In the ever1t oF any change in the circumstances connected with this permission which is likely to endanger the life of vvorkmen employed in the nm12 r. 1 endanger the mine, the mining operations for which this permission r1as been granted shall be stopped forthwith and intimation thereof sent to this Directorate. Tne said mining operations shall not be resumed w'th:)ut ar. express and fresh permission in writing.

153 This permission is being issued specifically under the re~ulations mentio11ed above:, and without prejudice to any other provisions of law, which may be 0 1 m.:1y become applicabie at any time.

15.4 The above permission may be amended, modified or withdrawn at any time, 1f considered necessar{ in the interest of safety. ' . 5.5 This pc·rmission wiil rei1·+n valid for a period of three years from th 1~ date of issue o ' this letter. / ~~--i<.\o- (qr ~~lcf\.") ~ ww f.i~~%, ~~ {I

Uu.Ld u.p+o 17/7J2oJs- ~/

2-45 • Annexure-2F

11RO m

Phone: +9140 24602507 Fax: +9140 24602504 e-mail:

ddgms [email protected]

'ffi!m.H 1/GDK2 &2A/Perm/__ _

~ ~xm Pi~~l'h. / ~G"IC1-fld ~ fR. PO: lJl


Please return a copy of the modified Syste.natic Support Rules duly signed by the manager of the mine.

Sd/--cfr. ~~) "@A XJ"<'ffl ~rcti. ~G"

2-46 c-· Annexure-2F

·-- - - - .------.. •11061 -u ... .,,_ , ,,• t't of' • ~ ·, . " -, · ~ m:ft.H1/010064/Perm/2011/ l{:.J

- ~ at. eft~ <;rot?!~ ~n (~ ~ ...... ~IT1r4m=rfcb~a ~. fB


>!Gttrcn, if'lt;tClft



2-47 Annexure-2F \


m«r '€l {Cfi I UGovt. of India SQlT ~ {1\:!PII{ JOOi~lfl4 Ministry of Labour & Employment ~ ~!fiT JOtt:?IPI~QIIfltt Directorate General of Mines Safety '§G {I

~ I

'.CfR ~ f.1~~1Cfl, ~

~: Permission under Regulation 99 (2), 100(1) and 105(2) of the CMR, 1957 for simultaneous extraction pillars in conjunction with Hydraulic Sand Stowing in 3S/34A & 4S/34A Panels in No. 3 & No. 4 Seams respectively; deploying LHDs, at Godavarikhani No.5 Incline mine of M/s. s. c. c. Ltd.

Dear Sir,

Please refer to your letter No. AGT/GDK11Gr/D002/224 dated 28.04.2013, subsequent correspondence resting vide letter Nos._AGT/GDK11Gr/D002/2013258 dated 21.06.2013 & AGT/GDK 11 Gr/D002/370 dated 03.07.2013 and enclosed plans/sections I Draft SSR enclosed therewith. 1.0 The matter has since been examined on the basis of Information furnished and shown on the accompanying plan/section(s) submitted by you.

By virtue of the powers conferred on the Regional Inspector of Mines (also designated as Director of Mines Safety) under Regulation 99(2), 100(1) and by virtue of authorisation granted to me by the Chief Inspector of Mines (also designated as Director General of Mines Safety) under under Section 6(1) of the Mines Act 1952 for grant permission under Regulation 105(2) of the Coal Mines Regulations, 1957 I, hereby, permit you to extract pillars in Panel Nos. 3S/34A in No.3 Seam and 4S/34B in No.4 Seam in conj unction with hydraulic sand stowing method and deploying Load Haul Dumper machines in 3S/34A & 4S/34A Panels in No. 3 & No. 4 Seams respectively at Godhavarikhani No.5 Incline mine as indicated on plan No. GDKS/NG/3S/UG/27dated 01.04.2013{sheet no 1&2) and GDKS/NG/4S/UG/26 dated 01.04.2"013(Siieet no 1&2) submitted by you, subject to the following conditions and also those given in the enclosure to this letter (Annexure- 1/100) being strictly complied with: 2.0 By virtue of the powers conferred on me, I a) Under Regulation 108, hereby enclose two copies of modified Systematic Support 'Rules (SSR) for strict compliance. The same shall be duly signed by the Manager and one such copy returned to this Directorate for record. Copies of the SSR shall l \1l;i be handed over to all officers and supervisors for implementation; and \l 0 "~o. ' • O b) Under the proviso to Regulation 118A2-48 (4), further require you to comply with e ..,.. .--::?--- .•. provisio~~ of Regulatio~ ~ 1~~ :~?- ~a?: .(c).:nJd~(d). : ~l':2U2>---- Annexure-2F

I a) Regulation 100(5) read with this Directorate's Technical Circular No. 2 of 1988 regarding precautions to minimize dangers arising from chances of air blast due to any dangerous overhanging of roof in goaf; b) Regulation 112(1) (c) read with this Directorate's Circular No.ll of 1959 regarding fencing of the surface area likely to subside;

c) A code of practice for operation and maintenance of Load haul Dumper (LHD) to be for transportation of coal in this panel, shall be framed and enforced by the Manager of the mine before putting the LHDs in use and a copy thereof shall be submitted to this Directorate. d) Regulation 118A(1):

)> Clause (a) regarding formation of panels keeping in mind the 'incubation period of the seam. )> Clause (c) read¥h this ~!rector's Technical Circular No.3 of 1988 regarding standard of construction etc., Isolation/preparatory stopplngs to be provided around the panels/ panels. )> Clause (d) regarding isolatiOn of every panel/sub-panel immediately after It has been goaved out. Not withstanding this, where the extraction of pillars is discontinued which would preclude the completion of extraction in the panel/sub-panel within the incubation period of the seam; the goaved out part of the panel/sub-panel shall be sealed off. e) Regulation 118A (3) (c) in respect of Inspection of deplllaring district and isolation stoppings around goaved out areas and maintenance of the records thereof. The inspection should also include the isolation stoppings built around the goaved out areas in the panels/sub-panels still under extraction. The records of the inspection of isolation stoppings shall be maintained stopping wise. f) This Directorate's Technical Circular No.4 of 1988 regarding maintenance of subsidence records, plans/sections, information regarding local/main falls etc. (if any) and submission of copies thereof to this Directorate. 4.0 Please note that, this permission is subject to the following additional conditions: 3.1 In the event ot any change in the circumstances connected with this permission, which is likely to endanger the life of workmen employed in the mine or endanger the mine, the mining operations for which this permission has been granted shall be stopped forthwith and intimation thereof shall be sent to this Directorate. The said mining operations shall not be resumed without an express and fresh permission in writing. 3.2 This permission is being issued specifically under the regulations mentioned above, and without prejudice to any other provisions of law including the provisions contained in the Mines and Minerals (Regulation and Development) Act, 1957 and the Mineral Concession Rules, 1960, which may be or may become applicable at any time. 3.3 If at any time any of the conditions subject to which this permission Is granted is violated or not complied with, this permission shall be deemed to have been revoked with Immediate effect. The above permission may be amended or withdrawn at any time, if considered necessary in the Interest of safety. 3.4 This Directorate shall be informed as soon as the mining operations are commenced in accordance with the above permission and intimation about completion of the mining operations should also be sent promptly and in any case not later than one month thereof.

3.5 This permission will remain valid for~ period of two years from the date of issue of this letter.

Yours faithfully,

Sd/- (S. K. Gangopadhyay) Director of Mines Safety, Enclosures: As above. Hyderabad Region No. I.

2-49 Annexure-2F

~ni. ~I/OI0045/~/20I3/

Sl ~ ffi fCl 311 q fill Cfl Cfll :fq I'{ 'c;ct ~~ '11 q ~:

1. "1P4i!4=;ct ~ Cf Pf~QI:fl4:=tll{ ~I 3. ~acfi, GDKNo.Sinclinemine,M/sSCCL, ~.aTr . ctTe:_c<"'"ill{-505214, Cf1{)J4'1ll{ ~I 4. ~ Ptll .. ?ICfl, cN\3'1«1<'1 ~ ~. Cfllf!Cfl('('l - 700 001 I

f!i/- "@T'i' ~en Pt ~ fl 1Cfl, ~G

~ut ~ votoo45/~20l3/ t44-,_ ~G <:I

2-50 Annexure -2G

2-51 Annexure -2G

2-52 Annexure -2G

2-53 Annexure -2G

2-54 Annexure -2G

2-55 Annexure -2G

2-56 Annexure-3A

Description of Ambient Air Quality monitoring stations with respect to its surroundings

CORE ZONE GDK No.1 & 3 (CA 1) Respirable Dust Sampler & Ambient Fine Dust Sampler were installed at a height of 4 meters at the top Rest room Surrounding to the station the following features were observed. N : Plantation area S : Residential area and plantation area E : Plantation area W : Residential area GDK No.2 & 2A (CA2)

Respirable Dust Sampler & Ambient Fine Dust Sampler were installed at a height of 3 meters at the top of Manway surrounding to the station the following features were observed. N : Jangoan village , singareni plantation S : Residential area E : Plantation & agriculture land W : Residential area

GDK No.5 (CA3) Respirable Dust Sampler & Ambient Fine Dust Sampler were installed at a height of 3 meters at the top of Substation. Surrounding to the station the following features were observed. N : GDK-5 Coal bunker S : GDK-5 nursery and OC-III E : Plantation W : Residential area


Shetpalli village (BA1) Respirable Dust Sampler & Ambient Fine Dust Sampler were installed at a height of 5 meters at the top of Shri Medi Sampath’s house. Surrounding to the station the following features were observed.

N : Residential area S : Residential area E : Residential area W : Residential area

Kanchanpalli (BA2) Respirable Dust Sampler & Ambient Fine Dust Sampler were installed at a height of 4.5 meters at the top of Shri Narayana’s house. Surrounding to the station the following features were observed.

N : Agriculture lands S : Agriculture lands with fish ponds E : Agriculture lands W : Agriculture lands with fish ponds

Godavarikhani (BA-3) Respirable Dust Sampler & Ambient Fine Dust Sampler were installed at a height of 5 meters at the top of Singareni Community hall house. Surrounding to the station the following features were observed.

N : Residential area S : Residential area E : Residential area W : Residential area Malkapur (BA-4)



Respirable Dust Sampler & Ambient Fine Dust Sampler were installed at a height of 3.5 meters at the top of T.Ramesh house. Surrounding to the station the following features were observed.

N : Residential Area and Agricultural lands S : Residential Area and Agricultural lands E : Residential Area W : Residential Area

Shanthinagar (BA-5) Respirable Dust Sampler & Ambient Fine Dust Sampler were installed at a height of 4 meters at the top of B.Anil house. Surrounding to the station the following features were observed. N : Residential area S : Residential area and FCI Plantation E : Residential areas W : Residential areas

Peddampeta (BA-6) Respirable Dust Sampler & Ambient Fine Dust Sampler were installed at a height of 2.5 meters at the top of pump house near by village. Surrounding to the station the following features were observed. N : Agriculture land S : Agriculture land E : Agriculture land W : Residential area and GDK -11A Mine

Sundilla (BA 7) Respirable Dust Sampler & Ambient Fine Dust Sampler were installed at a height of 3.5 meters on the top of the house, surrounding to the station the following features were observed

N : Mango plantations S : Agriculture land E : Agriculture land W : Sundilla village water tank

Lingapur (BA-8) Respirable Dust Sampler & Ambient Fine Dust Sampler were installed at a height of 5 meters at the top of A.Lingamurthi house. Surrounding to the station the following features were observed. N : Agricultural lands and MOCP mine S : Residential area and Agricultural lands E : Residential area W : Residential area Agricultural lands

Chillapalli (BA-9) Respirable Dust Sampler & Ambient Fine Dust Sampler were installed at a height of 5 meters at the top of Sri Thotla Odelu house. Surrounding to the station the following features were observed N : Residential area S : Agriculture lands E : Residential area W : Agriculture lands

Gunjapadugu (BA-10) Respirable Dust Sampler & Ambient Fine Dust Sampler were installed at a height of 4 meters at the top of Grama panchayath office Surrounding to the station the following features were observed. N : Agricultural lands S : Agricultural lands E : Residential area W : Residential area Agricultural lands



Mustyala Village (BA11) Respirable Dust Sampler & Ambient Fine Dust Sampler were installed at a height of 3.6 meters on the top of the house, surrounding to the station the following features were observe N : Gramapanchayat office S : Agricultural lands E : Agricultural lands W : Mallamma temple

Singareddypalli Village (BA12) Respirable Dust Sampler & Ambient Fine Dust Sampler were installed at a height of 4.5 meters at the top of house. Surrounding to the station the following features were observed. N : Agricultural lands S : Manthani village E : Nalla Cheruvu W : Singareddypally village



Ambient air quality data at GDK No. 1&3 (CA-1) Project Name : Cluster of GDK No.1&3 and GDK Coal Mine Season : Summer Location Name : GDK-1 (CA-1) (Core zone) Sampling : 24hrs period Duration (All values are in g/m3) PM PM SO NO Date of Sampling 10 2.5 2 2 (g/m3) (g/m3) (g/m3) (g/m3) Coal mine standards, GSR 742(E), 300 - 120 120 (commenced prior to 25.09.2000) 11.03.2019 190 63.6 14.4 24.4 12.03.2019 209 68.4 9.6 15.7 18.03.2019 196 64.2 10.0 14.2 19.03.2019 204 65.7 15.4 24.2 25.03.2019 211 63.8 14.2 21.1 26.03.2019 191 58.4 15.5 24.7 01.04.2019 186 63.1 11.0 16.8 02.04.2019 198 67.4 15.0 22.2 08.04.2019 199 64.1 13.6 19.7 09.04.2019 204 62.8 14.0 22.0 15.04.2019 190 65.2 12.8 19.4 16.04.2019 193 63.1 12.6 18.1 22.04.2019 205 62.4 13.8 22.0 23.04.2019 180 55.1 12.8 19.7 29.04.2019 191 54.6 12.6 20.7 30.04.2019 204 61.3 12.5 20.2 06.05.2019 188 62.1 13.9 20.5 07.05.2019 184 63.4 13.3 21.3 13.05.2019 201 58.4 11.6 17.7 14.05.2019 192 62.1 12.4 18.0 20.05.2019 183 65.1 13.9 22.6 21.05.2019 196 68.3 12.6 19.8 28.05.2019 184 61.2 13.4 21.6 29.05.2019 211 67.5 12.3 20.3 Min 180.2 54.6 9.6 14.2 Max 211.4 68.4 15.5 24.7 Avg 195.5 62.6 12.9 20.0 98 percentile 211.4 68.2 15.3 24.5 Note: - No standard was specified for PM 2.5 in core zone

340 320 300 280 260 240 220 200

g/m3 g/m3 ) 180

μ 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20


Concentrations Concentrations (

09.04.2019 06.05.2019 12.03.2019 18.03.2019 19.03.2019 25.03.2019 26.03.2019 01.04.2019 02.04.2019 08.04.2019 15.04.2019 16.04.2019 22.04.2019 23.04.2019 29.04.2019 30.04.2019 07.05.2019 13.05.2019 14.05.2019 20.05.2019 21.05.2019 28.05.2019 29.05.2019 11.03.2019

Date of Sampling PM10 PM2.5 SO2 NOX STD-PM10 STD-NOx&SO2

AAQ at GDK-1 (CA-1)-(Core zone)



Ambient Air Quality Data at GDK-2&2A (CA-2) Project Name : Cluster of GDK No.1&3 and GDK Coal Mine Season : Summer Location Name : GDK No.-2&2A (CA-2) (Core zone) Sampling : 24hrs period Duration (All values are in g/m3) PM PM SO NO Date of Sampling 10 2.5 2 2 (g/m3) (g/m3) (g/m3) (g/m3) Coal mine standards, GSR 742(E), 300 - 120 120 (commenced prior to 25.09.2000) 11.03.2019 210 65.4 16.0 27.2 12.03.2019 217 63.2 14.6 24.3 18.03.2019 203 56.8 15.3 22.9 19.03.2019 186 61.4 18.0 28.1 25.03.2019 197 67.6 14.3 21.2 26.03.2019 222 61.2 14.7 23.3 01.04.2019 211 56.4 16.9 25.3 02.04.2019 204 58.9 16.3 24.0 08.04.2019 193 62.3 13.3 21.5 09.04.2019 203 63.1 14.2 24.3 15.04.2019 209 52.4 13.9 21.4 16.04.2019 194 56.7 14.0 22.4 22.04.2019 198 63.6 15.8 23.3 23.04.2019 210 66.4 14.4 22.0 29.04.2019 201 63.8 14.3 20.8 30.04.2019 193 61.2 14.4 21.4 06.05.2019 205 64.2 13.5 21.7 07.05.2019 210 65.2 14.4 22.5 13.05.2019 193 55.4 15.1 22.8 14.05.2019 206 61.2 15.6 24.5 20.05.2019 210 62.4 15.3 22.3 21.05.2019 196 62.7 15.1 22.8 28.05.2019 209 61.8 14.9 21.0 29.05.2019 181 57.9 15.0 21.8 Min 180.8 52.4 13.3 20.8 Max 221.6 67.6 18.0 28.1 Avg 202.5 60.9 14.9 22.9 98 percentile 219.4 67.0 17.5 26.8 Note: - No standard was specified for PM 2.5 in core zone

340 320 300 280 260 240 220 200 180 160

g/m3 ) 140

μ 120 100 80 60 40 20


22.04.2019 14.05.2019 11.03.2019 12.03.2019 18.03.2019 19.03.2019 25.03.2019 26.03.2019 01.04.2019 02.04.2019 08.04.2019 09.04.2019 15.04.2019 16.04.2019 23.04.2019 29.04.2019 30.04.2019 06.05.2019 07.05.2019 13.05.2019 20.05.2019 21.05.2019 28.05.2019 29.05.2019 Concentrations Concentrations ( Date of Sampling


AAQ at GDK-2&2A (CA-2)-(Core zone)



Ambient air quality data at GDK-5 (CA3)

Project Name : Cluster of GDK No.1&3 and GDK Coal Season : Summer Mine Location Name : GDK No.5 (CA3) (Core zone) Sampling : 24hrs period Duration (All values are in g/m3) PM PM SO NO Date of Sampling 10 2.5 2 2 (g/m3) (g/m3) (g/m3) (g/m3) Coal mine standards, GSR 742(E), (commenced prior to 300 - 120 120 25.09.2000) 11.03.2019 195 58.6 12.4 21.7 12.03.2019 205 62.4 15.1 25.1 18.03.2019 200 54.9 15.7 23.4 19.03.2019 194 57.8 14.6 23.0 25.03.2019 209 59.1 14.6 21.5 26.03.2019 216 65.8 14.5 21.7 01.04.2019 199 63.4 15.6 23.3 02.04.2019 211 62.7 14.4 21.8 08.04.2019 195 56.3 12.9 20.9 09.04.2019 193 58.4 13.4 22.8 15.04.2019 206 62.9 13.8 21.2 16.04.2019 190 63.1 14.0 22.4 22.04.2019 212 66.4 14.3 21.0 23.04.2019 195 62.2 14.4 22.0 29.04.2019 193 61.5 14.0 20.3 30.04.2019 198 64.3 13.9 20.6 06.05.2019 208 62.3 12.1 21.2 07.05.2019 197 61.8 15.7 26.1 13.05.2019 211 66.5 14.0 20.9 14.05.2019 203 57.9 14.5 22.8 20.05.2019 192 64.1 13.6 20.0 21.05.2019 206 61.2 14.1 21.1 28.05.2019 199 63.7 14.1 21.0 29.05.2019 192 62.2 13.7 20.7 Min 190.4 54.9 12.1 20.0 Max 216.3 66.5 15.7 26.1 Avg 200.8 61.6 14.1 21.9 98 percentile 214.4 66.3 15.2 25.6 Note: - No standard was specified for PM 2.5 in core zone

340 320 300 280 260 240 220 200

g/m3 ) 180

μ 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20


Concentrations Concentrations (

07.05.2019 11.03.2019 12.03.2019 18.03.2019 19.03.2019 25.03.2019 26.03.2019 01.04.2019 02.04.2019 08.04.2019 09.04.2019 15.04.2019 16.04.2019 22.04.2019 23.04.2019 29.04.2019 30.04.2019 06.05.2019 13.05.2019 14.05.2019 20.05.2019 21.05.2019 28.05.2019 29.05.2019 Date of Sampling

PM10 PM2.5 SO2 NOX STD-PM10 STD-NOx&SO2 AAQ at GK GDK-5 (CA3)-(Core zone)



Ambient air quality data at Shetpalli Village (BA1) Project Name : Cluster of GDK No.1&3 and GDK Coal Season : Summer Mine Location Name : Shetpalli Village (Buffer zone) Sampling : 24hrs Duration period (All values are in g/m3) PM PM SO NO Date of Sampling 10 2.5 2 2 (g/m3) (g/m3) (g/m3) (g/m3) NAAQM 100 60 80 80 Standards 11.03.2019 48 23.6 10.7 13.1 12.03.2019 56 28.1 11.2 12.9 16.03.2019 69 31.6 10.9 14.2 17.03.2019 61 30.2 13.7 15.8 24.03.2019 76 34.8 14.6 16.3 25.03.2019 71 33.2 15.4 18.6 03.04.2019 59 31.9 13.8 15.9 04.04.2019 73 32.7 9.9 13.1 08.04.2019 63 31.3 14.2 17.8 09.04.2019 54 28.1 11.2 14.3 17.04.2019 60 26.7 10.4 12.7 18.04.2019 77 31.8 13.2 16.6 25.04.2019 73 33.4 15.4 19.4 26.04.2019 71 31.8 13.7 18.2 03.05.2019 66 30.5 10.7 13.4 04.05.2019 79 35.7 12.5 14.9 09.05.2019 72 32.1 10.6 13.7 10.05.2019 84 39.6 13.4 15.1 15.05.2019 68 33.4 14.1 16.3 16.05.2019 76 38.2 12.8 15.2 23.05.2019 73 36.5 13.8 15.8 24.05.2019 80 38.4 14.2 16.9 01.06.2019 71 33.7 13.8 15.1 02.06.2019 64 30.1 12.9 14.3 Min 48.0 23.6 9.9 12.7 Max 84.0 39.6 15.4 19.4 Avg 68.5 32.4 12.8 15.4 98 percentile 82.2 39.0 15.2 19.0



g/m3) 80 μ 60




Concentrations ( Concentrations

11.03.2019 26.04.2019 12.03.2019 16.03.2019 17.03.2019 24.03.2019 25.03.2019 03.04.2019 04.04.2019 08.04.2019 09.04.2019 17.04.2019 18.04.2019 25.04.2019 03.05.2019 04.05.2019 09.05.2019 10.05.2019 15.05.2019 16.05.2019 23.05.2019 24.05.2019 01.06.2019 02.06.2019 Date of Sampling PM10 PM2.5 SO2 NOX STD-PM10 STD-PM2.5 STD-NOx&SO2

AAQ at Shetpalli Village (BA1)-(Buffer zone)



Ambient air quality data at Kanchanpalli village (BA2) Project Name : Cluster of GDK No.1&3 and GDK Coal Season : Summer Mine Location Name : Kanchanpalli Village (Buffer zone) Sampling : 24hrs Duration period (All values are in g/m3) PM PM SO NO Date of Sampling 10 2.5 2 2 (g/m3) (g/m3) (g/m3) (g/m3) NAAQM 100 60 80 80 Standards 13.03.2019 50 28.7 16.2 19.7 14.03.2019 74 36.3 13.4 17.8 18.03.2019 90 41.5 11.7 14.2 19.03.2019 81 43.8 17.8 19.4 26.03.2019 77 31.6 15.3 17.9 27.03.2019 60 27.4 10.6 13.1 01.04.2019 65 29.7 13.7 16.2 02.04.2019 71 34.4 12.1 15.6 11.04.2019 67 27.4 13.3 15.9 12.04.2019 78 33.6 17.4 19.1 19.04.2019 83 42.3 14.2 16.2 20.04.2019 76 39.5 11.8 13.5 27.04.2019 80 40.6 10.6 13.4 28.04.2019 61 28.1 16.5 18.1 03.05.2019 67 27.4 14.3 17.4 04.05.2019 70 32.5 12.8 15.1 09.05.2019 69 27.6 11.9 14.3 10.05.2019 74 35.4 15.1 17.3 17.05.2019 82 49.9 13.2 15.7 18.05.2019 71 43.5 12.8 14.5 25.05.2019 66 31.2 11.1 14.3 26.05.2019 75 39.5 13.2 15.1 03.06.2019 71 42.3 13.2 15.7 04.06.2019 68 33.4 11.7 13.8 Min 50.0 27.4 10.6 13.1 Max 90.0 49.9 17.8 19.7 Avg 71.9 35.3 13.5 16.0 98 percentile 86.8 47.1 17.6 19.6





g/m3) μ 40



Concentrations ( Concentrations

14.03.2019 04.06.2019 13.03.2019 18.03.2019 19.03.2019 26.03.2019 27.03.2019 01.04.2019 02.04.2019 11.04.2019 12.04.2019 19.04.2019 20.04.2019 27.04.2019 28.04.2019 03.05.2019 04.05.2019 09.05.2019 10.05.2019 17.05.2019 18.05.2019 25.05.2019 26.05.2019 03.06.2019 Date of Sampling PM10 PM2.5 SO2 NOX STD-PM10 STD-PM2.5 STD-NOx&SO2

AAQ at Kanchanpalli village (BA2)-(Buffer zone)

Ambient air quality data at Godavarikhani (BA-3) Project Name : Cluster of GDK No.1&3 and GDK Coal MIne Season : Summer 3-8


Location Name : Godavarikhani (BA-6) (Core zone) Sampling : 24hrs period Duration (All values are in g/m3) PM PM SO NO Date of Sampling 10 2.5 2 2 (g/m3) (g/m3) (g/m3) (g/m3) NAAQM 100 60 80 80 Standards 16.03.2019 70 47.3 14.2 20.7 17.03.2019 57 36.4 13.7 21.6 22.03.2019 76 51.2 13.0 19.6 23.03.2019 81 53.8 14.8 22.1 29.03.2019 77 48.4 14.1 22.4 30.03.2019 69 39.1 12.6 19.3 05.04.2019 56 36.4 12.2 23.1 06.04.2019 78 42.5 12.9 21.0 12.04.2019 81 51.2 13.1 19.2 13.04.2019 78 46.9 13.5 20.5 19.04.2019 70 48.2 12.0 17.3 20.04.2019 83 51.6 12.6 18.1 26.04.2019 73 46.2 13.9 21.3 27.04.2019 68 35.4 12.9 19.1 03.05.2019 79 39.4 13.0 20.1 04.05.2019 72 40.8 12.5 19.5 10.05.2019 77 53.6 12.8 19.3 11.05.2019 82 54.1 14.0 21.6 17.05.2019 79 52.8 12.3 18.0 18.05.2019 85 54.7 12.6 18.4 24.05.2019 78 46.2 14.3 22.4 25.05.2019 72 43.3 13.0 19.6 03.05.2019 82 54.3 13.6 21.0 04.05.2019 77 49.6 13.1 20.6 Min 56.1 35.4 12.0 17.3 Max 85.4 54.7 14.8 23.1 Avg 75.1 46.8 13.2 20.2 98 percentile 84.2 54.5 14.6 22.8




60 g/m3)

μ 40




05.04.2019 13.04.2019 26.04.2019 04.05.2019 16.03.2019 17.03.2019 22.03.2019 23.03.2019 29.03.2019 30.03.2019 06.04.2019 12.04.2019 19.04.2019 20.04.2019 27.04.2019 03.05.2019 10.05.2019 11.05.2019 17.05.2019 18.05.2019 24.05.2019 25.05.2019 03.05.2019 04.05.2019

Date of Sampling PM10 PM2.5 SO2 NOX STD-PM10 STD-PM2.5 STD-NOx&SO2

AAQ at Godavarikhani (BA-3)-(Buffer zone)



Ambient air quality data at Malkapur (BA-4)

Project Name : Cluster of GDK No.1&3 and GDK Coal Season : Summer Mine Location Name : Malkapur village (Buffer zone) Sampling : 24hrs Duration period (All values are in g/m3) PM PM SO NO Date of Sampling 10 2.5 2 2 (g/m3) (g/m3) (g/m3) (g/m3) NAAQM 100 60 80 80 Standards 13.03.2019 56 39.4 11.8 19.5 14.03.2019 63 42.1 13.2 21.1 20.03.2019 47 28.6 12.3 18.0 21.03.2019 58 31.5 12.4 19.0 27.03.2019 69 32.1 13.4 21.3 28.03.2019 52 33.6 12.8 19.4 03.04.2019 46 25.4 13.1 20.3 04.04.2019 53 31.1 12.0 19.4 10.04.2019 46 32.1 11.4 19.0 11.04.2019 52 36.5 13.0 20.3 17.04.2019 61 32.9 12.5 17.9 18.04.2019 51 26.4 12.4 18.0 24.04.2019 56 31.1 13.5 21.0 25.04.2019 59 28.4 13.1 19.2 01.05.2019 62 38.4 13.0 20.2 02.05.2019 58 26.7 12.8 19.7 08.05.2019 55 28.6 12.5 18.8 09.05.2019 61 34.1 12.9 20.2 15.05.2019 64 33.8 12.0 17.7 16.05.2019 58 32.1 12.4 18.0 22.05.2019 54 35.2 13.6 21.2 23.05.2019 63 39.7 12.8 18.9 30.05.2019 68 40.1 14.1 21.4 31.05.2019 71 41.5 13.2 21.0 Min 46.0 25.4 11.4 17.7 Max 71.0 42.1 14.1 21.4 Avg 57.6 33.4 12.8 19.6 98 percentile 70.1 41.8 13.9 21.2 120




g/m3) μ 40



Concentrations ( Concentrations

04.04.2019 15.05.2019 13.03.2019 14.03.2019 20.03.2019 21.03.2019 27.03.2019 28.03.2019 03.04.2019 10.04.2019 11.04.2019 17.04.2019 18.04.2019 24.04.2019 25.04.2019 01.05.2019 02.05.2019 08.05.2019 09.05.2019 16.05.2019 22.05.2019 23.05.2019 30.05.2019 31.05.2019

Date of Sampling PM10 PM2.5 SO2 NOX STD-PM10 STD-PM2.5 STD-NOx&SO2

AAQ at Malkapur (BA-4)-(Buffer zone) Ambient air quality data at Shanthinagar (BA-5) 3-10


Project Name : Cluster of GDK No.1&3 and GDK Coal Season : Summer Mine Location Name : Shanthinagar (Buffer zone) Sampling : 24hrs Duration period (All values are in g/m3) Date of PM10 PM2.5 SO2 NO2 Sampling (g/m3) (g/m3) (g/m3) (g/m3) NAAQM 100 60 80 80 Standards 16.03.2019 77 47.1 10.6 18.6 17.03.2019 66 43.6 12.6 20.5 22.03.2019 56 36.7 11.0 16.5 23.03.2019 75 45.5 11.8 17.6 29.03.2019 70 46.1 12.2 19.8 30.03.2019 55 32.4 12.0 18.3 05.04.2019 77 48.2 11.4 19.2 06.04.2019 65 39.4 11.7 18.9 12.04.2019 77 35.6 12.0 19.3 13.04.2019 57 31.2 13.0 20.5 19.04.2019 77 36.1 12.4 17.8 20.04.2019 63 38.2 12.8 18.3 26.04.2019 61 31 14.0 21.8 27.04.2019 78 28.4 13.0 19.0 03.05.2019 67 31.8 13.1 20.0 04.05.2019 61 36.6 12.3 19.3 10.05.2019 70 32.9 10.6 18.1 11.05.2019 72 39.4 11.7 20.2 17.05.2019 68 31.1 12.5 19.0 18.05.2019 77 41.2 12.7 18.0 24.05.2019 72 39.5 10.7 19.2 25.05.2019 66 32.2 13.3 19.5 03.05.2019 81 41.8 12.1 19.8 04.05.2019 75 38.6 12.3 20.8 Min 55.2 28.4 10.6 16.5 Max 81.0 48.2 14.0 21.8 Avg 69.3 37.7 12.2 19.2 98 percentile 79.8 47.7 13.7 21.3





g/m3) μ 40




27.04.2019 11.05.2019 16.03.2019 17.03.2019 22.03.2019 23.03.2019 29.03.2019 30.03.2019 05.04.2019 06.04.2019 12.04.2019 13.04.2019 19.04.2019 20.04.2019 26.04.2019 03.05.2019 04.05.2019 10.05.2019 17.05.2019 18.05.2019 24.05.2019 25.05.2019 03.05.2019 04.05.2019 Date of Sampling PM10 PM2.5 SO2 NOX STD-PM10 STD-PM2.5 STD-NOx&SO2

AAQ at Shanthinagar (BA-5)-(Buffer zone)



Ambient air quality data at Peddampeta (BA-6) Project Name : Cluster of GDK No.1&3 and GDK Coal Season : Summer Mine Location Name : Peddampeta (Buffer zone) Sampling : 24hrs Duration period (All values are in g/m3) PM PM SO NO Date of Sampling 10 2.5 2 2 (g/m3) (g/m3) (g/m3) (g/m3) NAAQM 100 60 80 80 Standards 16.03.2019 74 38.9 13.0 21.3 17.03.2019 62 31.4 12.9 20.7 22.03.2019 76 41.6 16.7 24.7 23.03.2019 66 33.8 13.6 20.9 29.03.2019 72 36.4 14.4 22.8 30.03.2019 77 44.9 15.8 23.5 05.04.2019 57 30.5 13.1 23.7 06.04.2019 67 34.9 13.1 21.0 10.04.2019 76 43.6 11.5 19.4 11.04.2019 84 47.8 13.1 21.5 17.04.2019 76 42.8 12.1 18.1 18.04.2019 85 51.2 12.0 18.3 24.04.2019 79 47.6 12.8 21.7 25.04.2019 75 45.3 13.3 20.2 01.05.2019 86 42.1 13.6 20.7 02.05.2019 83 47.3 12.8 20.5 10.05.2019 72 42.3 10.7 18.9 11.05.2019 75 41.6 12.4 21.0 17.05.2019 79 39.4 11.6 17.9 18.05.2019 66 35.4 11.4 17.8 24.05.2019 78 40.8 12.0 21.1 25.05.2019 80 43.7 12.0 19.3 03.05.2019 69 41.2 13.2 20.3 04.05.2019 81 42.9 12.0 20.1 Min 57.3 30.5 10.7 17.8 Max 85.5 51.2 16.7 24.7 Avg 74.8 41.1 12.9 20.6 98 percentile 85.1 49.6 16.3 24.2



g/m3) 80 μ 60 40 20


Concentrations Concentrations (

22.03.2019 24.04.2019 02.05.2019 16.03.2019 17.03.2019 23.03.2019 29.03.2019 30.03.2019 05.04.2019 06.04.2019 10.04.2019 11.04.2019 17.04.2019 18.04.2019 25.04.2019 01.05.2019 10.05.2019 11.05.2019 17.05.2019 18.05.2019 24.05.2019 25.05.2019 03.05.2019 04.05.2019 Date of Sampling PM10 PM2.5 SO2 NOX STD-PM10 STD-PM2.5 STD-NOx&SO2

AAQ at Peddampeta (BA-6)-(Buffer zone) Ambient air quality data at Sundilla (BA-7)



Project Name : Cluster of GDK No.1&3 and GDK Coal Season : Summer Mine Location Name : Sundilla (Buffer zone) Sampling : 24hrs Duration period (All values are in g/m3) PM PM SO NO Date of Sampling 10 2.5 2 2 (g/m3) (g/m3) (g/m3) (g/m3) NAAQM 100 60 80 80 Standards 04.03.2019 77 43.0 16.4 23.1 05.03.2019 81 49.2 15.7 22.0 11.03.2019 77 51.3 17.3 20.6 12.03.2019 73 44.5 20.2 26.2 18.03.2019 83 46.5 15.3 24.5 19.03.2019 80 48.7 16.3 23.0 25.03.2019 77 44.7 17.2 18.6 26.03.2019 84 53.5 21.0 26.6 03.04.2019 78 40.0 16.4 23.1 04.04.2019 75 36.4 15.7 22.0 10.04.2019 83 36.4 17.4 20.6 11.04.2019 78 38.1 20.2 26.3 17.04.2019 85 42.8 15.3 24.5 18.04.2019 85 38.1 16.3 23.0 24.04.2019 77 35.0 17.2 18.6 25.04.2019 84 47.4 21.0 26.6 03.05.2019 72 43.0 16.8 23.7 04.05.2019 69 49.2 15.7 22.1 10.05.2019 77 51.3 17.1 20.3 11.05.2019 73 44.5 20.5 26.7 17.05.2019 79 46.5 15.3 24.5 18.05.2019 80 48.7 16.1 22.7 24.05.2019 77 44.7 18.9 20.5 25.05.2019 77 53.5 22.2 28.1 Min 69.4 35.0 15.3 18.6 Max 85.4 53.5 22.2 28.1 Avg 78.4 44.9 17.6 23.2 98 percentile 85.4 53.2 21.6 27.5





g/m3) 40 μ



Concentrations Concentrations (

11.03.2019 25.03.2019 25.05.2019 04.03.2019 05.03.2019 12.03.2019 18.03.2019 19.03.2019 26.03.2019 03.04.2019 04.04.2019 10.04.2019 11.04.2019 17.04.2019 18.04.2019 24.04.2019 25.04.2019 03.05.2019 04.05.2019 10.05.2019 11.05.2019 17.05.2019 18.05.2019 24.05.2019

Date of Sampling PM10 PM2.5 SO2 NOX STD-PM10 STD-PM2.5 STD-NOx&SO2

AAQ at Sundilla village (BA-7)- Buffer Zone Ambient air quality data at Lingapur (BA-8) Project Name : Cluster of GDK No.1&3 and GDK Coal Season : Summer Mine 3-13


Location Name : Lingapur (Buffer zone) Sampling : 24hrs Duration period (All values are in g/m3) PM PM SO NO Date of Sampling 10 2.5 2 2 (g/m3) (g/m3) (g/m3) (g/m3) NAAQM 100 60 80 80 Standards 14.03.2019 71 46.5 11.7 19.8 15.03.2019 61 41.6 13.0 21.4 22.03.2019 76 52.3 12.0 20.3 23.03.2019 73 47.6 11.1 18.3 27.03.2019 80 53.9 13.1 19.2 28.03.2019 67 48.2 13.6 19.3 03.04.2019 66 49.6 13.6 21.7 04.04.2019 71 52.1 12.1 19.5 10.04.2019 73 40.8 12.0 17.8 11.04.2019 60 36.5 12.6 18.3 17.04.2019 77 50.8 12.8 18.7 18.04.2019 70 42.8 12.5 17.4 24.04.2019 73 43.5 13.5 18.4 25.04.2019 66 36.6 13.1 19.2 01.05.2019 68 41.2 12.0 18.2 02.05.2019 61 35.4 12.3 18.1 08.05.2019 68 41.2 12.3 18.5 09.05.2019 76 46.9 12.6 19.4 15.05.2019 77 48.2 12.0 18.3 16.05.2019 71 44.7 11.5 17.4 22.05.2019 63 39.4 13.6 20.0 23.05.2019 76 45.1 12.0 17.8 30.05.2019 72 42.6 11.6 17.4 31.05.2019 74 47.6 13.0 19.3 Min 59.8 35.4 11.1 17.4 Max 79.7 53.9 13.6 21.7 Avg 70.4 44.8 12.5 18.9 98 percentile 78.5 53.2 13.5 21.6

120 100



g/m3) 40 μ 20


17.04.2019 18.04.2019 14.03.2019 15.03.2019 22.03.2019 23.03.2019 27.03.2019 28.03.2019 03.04.2019 04.04.2019 10.04.2019 11.04.2019 24.04.2019 25.04.2019 01.05.2019 02.05.2019 08.05.2019 09.05.2019 15.05.2019 16.05.2019 22.05.2019 23.05.2019 30.05.2019 31.05.2019 Concentrations ( Concentrations Date of Sampling PM10 PM2.5 SO2 NOX STD-PM10 STD-PM2.5 STD-NOx&SO2

AAQ at Lingapur (BA-8)-(Buffer zone)



Ambient air quality data at Chillapalli (BA-9) Project Name : Cluster of GDK No.1&3 and GDK Coal Season : Summer Mine Location Name : Chillapalli (Buffer zone) Sampling : 24hrs Duration period (All values are in g/m3) PM PM SO NO Date of Sampling 10 2.5 2 2 (g/m3) (g/m3) (g/m3) (g/m3) NAAQM 100 60 80 80 Standards 16.03.2019 56 28.3 12.0 18.5 17.03.2019 64 36.6 11.7 16.6 22.03.2019 51 27.2 12.4 18.9 23.03.2019 63 31.8 11.6 16.9 29.03.2019 69 39.4 14.8 21.0 30.03.2019 58 29.6 11.7 17.4 05.04.2019 42 22.7 12.0 17.4 06.04.2019 69 38.9 12.3 18.6 12.04.2019 78 32.1 12.0 18.6 13.04.2019 81 38.9 12.6 18.8 19.04.2019 74 28.4 12.1 19.0 20.04.2019 65 32.5 12.7 18.6 26.04.2019 73 30.4 13.2 19.1 27.04.2019 63 28.6 12.6 19.5 03.05.2019 59 24.6 12.5 19.0 04.05.2019 66 36.6 12.0 18.2 10.05.2019 84 36.4 11.1 18.1 11.05.2019 86 38.2 11.7 18.1 17.05.2019 79 34.8 13.0 19.6 18.05.2019 72 32.6 11.4 17.3 24.05.2019 81 41.2 12.6 18.9 25.05.2019 64 28.6 11.6 17.9 03.05.2019 68 29.1 11.7 18.3 04.05.2019 57 24.6 10.9 17.5 Min 42.0 22.7 10.9 16.6 Max 86.0 41.2 14.8 21.0 Avg 67.6 32.2 12.2 18.4 98 percentile 85.1 40.4 14.1 20.4 120




g/m3) μ 40



Concentrations ( Concentrations

26.04.2019 04.05.2019 17.05.2019 16.03.2019 17.03.2019 22.03.2019 23.03.2019 29.03.2019 30.03.2019 05.04.2019 06.04.2019 12.04.2019 13.04.2019 19.04.2019 20.04.2019 27.04.2019 03.05.2019 10.05.2019 11.05.2019 18.05.2019 24.05.2019 25.05.2019 03.05.2019 04.05.2019 Date of Sampling PM10 PM2.5 SO2 NOX

AAQ at Chillapalli (BA-9)-(Buffer zone)



Ambient air quality data at Gunjapadugu (BA-10) Project Name : Cluster of GDK No.1&3 and GDK Coal Season : Summer Mine Location Name : Gunjapadugu (Buffer zone) Sampling : 24hrs Duration period (All values are in g/m3) PM PM SO NO Date of Sampling 10 2.5 2 2 (g/m3) (g/m3) (g/m3) (g/m3) NAAQM 100 60 80 80 Standards 16.03.2019 69 47.9 13.3 19.9 17.03.2019 72 52.3 12.8 18.3 22.03.2019 66 41.5 13.3 20.5 23.03.2019 68 46.3 12.2 17.0 29.03.2019 75 50.5 13.3 18.4 30.03.2019 66 46.1 13.1 18.7 05.04.2019 59 43.8 12.8 19.4 06.04.2019 63 47.2 12.1 17.6 12.04.2019 72 48.2 13.3 19.5 13.04.2019 66 41.7 14.0 21.2 19.04.2019 73 46.8 12.2 17.5 20.04.2019 69 48.1 12.9 18.5 26.04.2019 73 51.5 13.6 20.9 27.04.2019 68 47.8 12.9 19.1 03.05.2019 64 45.1 13.0 20.1 04.05.2019 62 46.5 12.5 19.5 10.05.2019 73 51.2 11.9 19.5 11.05.2019 69 47.3 12.8 20.9 17.05.2019 75 52.9 11.4 19.3 18.05.2019 71 48.3 11.3 19.0 24.05.2019 76 53.1 11.9 17.6 25.05.2019 64 47.6 12.1 17.5 03.05.2019 69 51.2 13.4 21.6 04.05.2019 67 48.9 11.6 18.9 Min 59.3 41.5 11.3 17.0 Max 75.7 53.1 14.0 21.6 Avg 68.6 48.0 12.7 19.2 98 percentile 75.3 53.0 13.8 21.4





g/m3) 40 μ 20


25.05.2019 16.03.2019 17.03.2019 22.03.2019 23.03.2019 29.03.2019 30.03.2019 05.04.2019 06.04.2019 12.04.2019 13.04.2019 19.04.2019 20.04.2019 26.04.2019 27.04.2019 03.05.2019 04.05.2019 10.05.2019 11.05.2019 17.05.2019 18.05.2019 24.05.2019 03.05.2019 04.05.2019 Concentrations ( Concentrations Date of Sampling PM10 PM2.5 SO2 NOX STD-PM10 STD-PM2.5 STD-NOx&SO2

AAQ at Gunjapadugu (BA-10)-(Buffer zone)



Ambient air quality Data at Mustyala village- (BA-11)

Project Name : Cluster of GDK No.1&3 and GDK Season : Summer Coal Mine Location Name : Mustyala Village (Buffer zone) Sampling : 24hrs period Duration

(All values are in g/m3) PM PM SO NO Date of Sampling 10 2.5 2 2 (g/m3) (g/m3) (g/m3) (g/m3) NAAQM 100 60 80 80 Standards 04.03.2019 80 33.8 9.0 11.8 05.03.2019 86 43.8 9.4 12.3 11.03.2019 90 46.0 8.7 13.3 12.03.2019 80 34.3 12.2 14.3 18.03.2019 91 31.8 12.4 16.0 19.03.2019 77 34.4 13.2 15.4 25.03.2019 82 40.3 11.3 14.5 26.03.2019 83 43.7 11.7 13.5 03.04.2019 87 45.0 9.0 11.8 04.04.2019 93 40.0 9.5 12.3 10.04.2019 97 45.0 8.8 13.3 11.04.2019 87 40.1 12.2 14.3 17.04.2019 85 42.8 12.4 16.0 18.04.2019 79 40.0 13.2 15.3 24.04.2019 83 42.8 11.3 14.6 25.04.2019 89 45.0 11.7 13.6 03.05.2019 88 33.8 10.2 13.4 04.05.2019 92 43.8 11.7 15.1 10.05.2019 94 46.0 9.4 14.3 11.05.2019 91 34.3 14.2 16.3 17.05.2019 84 31.8 12.6 16.2 18.05.2019 72 34.4 13.3 15.5 24.05.2019 82 40.3 11.4 14.8 25.05.2019 82 43.7 14.2 16.3 Min 72.0 31.8 8.7 11.8 Max 97.0 46.0 14.2 16.3 Avg 85.6 39.9 11.4 14.3 98 percentile 95.6 46.0 14.2 16.3 120 100



g/m3) μ 40 20


Concentrations ( Concentrations

11.03.2019 25.03.2019 18.04.2019 04.05.2019 05.03.2019 12.03.2019 18.03.2019 19.03.2019 26.03.2019 03.04.2019 04.04.2019 10.04.2019 11.04.2019 17.04.2019 24.04.2019 25.04.2019 03.05.2019 10.05.2019 11.05.2019 17.05.2019 18.05.2019 24.05.2019 25.05.2019 04.03.2019 Date of Sampling PM10 PM2.5 SO2 NOX

AAQ at Mustyala village (BA11) -Buffer Zone



Ambient air quality Data at Singareddypalli village - (BA12)

Project Name : Cluster of GDK No.1&3 and GDK Coal Mine Season : Summer Location Name : Singareddypalli Village (Buffer zone) Sampling : 24hrs period Duration

(All values are in g/m3) PM PM SO NO Date of Sampling 10 2.5 2 2 (g/m3) (g/m3) (g/m3) (g/m3) NAAQM 100 60 80 80 Standards 04.03.2019 81 37.2 10.9 14.3 05.03.2019 77 53.5 9.6 12.4 11.03.2019 88 46.4 12.2 13.5 12.03.2019 93 51.2 11.9 15.1 18.03.2019 91 44.3 9.9 11.7 19.03.2019 82 42.5 7.7 10.8 25.03.2019 90 43.7 10.0 11.4 26.03.2019 87 45.7 8.8 11.7 03.04.2019 79 35.0 10.9 14.3 04.04.2019 93 38.1 9.6 12.5 10.04.2019 87 42.8 12.3 13.5 11.04.2019 92 38.1 12.0 15.1 17.04.2019 90 35.0 10.0 11.7 18.04.2019 89 47.4 7.7 10.8 24.04.2019 89 38.1 10.0 11.4 25.04.2019 86 40.0 8.8 11.6 03.05.2019 85 37.2 12.4 16.3 04.05.2019 88 53.5 11.7 15.1 10.05.2019 80 46.4 12.8 14.2 11.05.2019 85 51.2 13.1 16.5 17.05.2019 90 44.3 11.3 13.6 18.05.2019 88 42.5 10.1 14.2 24.05.2019 82 43.7 11.7 13.4 25.05.2019 93 45.7 9.9 13.1 Min 77.0 35.0 7.7 10.8 Max 93.0 53.5 13.1 16.5 Avg 86.9 43.5 10.6 13.3 98 percentile 93.0 53.5 13.0 16.4

120 100



g/m3) μ 40 20


Concentrations ( Concentrations

Date of Sampling

05.03.2019 18.03.2019 18.05.2019 11.03.2019 12.03.2019 19.03.2019 25.03.2019 26.03.2019 03.04.2019 04.04.2019 10.04.2019 11.04.2019 17.04.2019 18.04.2019 24.04.2019 25.04.2019 03.05.2019 04.05.2019 10.05.2019 11.05.2019 17.05.2019 24.05.2019 25.05.2019 04.03.2019 PM10 PM2.5 SO2 NOX AAQ at Singareddypalli village (BA12)-Buffer Zone


Annexure-3 B


Well Name of Total Depth to water (m) Location Geology Period / Year No. village Depth (m) 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Village centre, Barren Pre-monsoon 7.10 7.68 6.87 7.78 Dry 1 Jangaon 9.00 18°46'18",79°31'32" Measures Sst Post-monsoon 5.51 3.37 5.20 3.88 2.54 Village centre, Barren Pre-monsoon 7.48 8.03 7.10 8.33 7.47 2 Jangaon 10.00 18°46'21",79°31'37" Measures Sst Post-monsoon 5.83 3.35 6.30 3.76 2.46 Near tank, Barren Pre-monsoon 4.37 5.28 5.25 5.47 4.35 3 Jangaon 10.00 18°46'16",79°31'43" Measures Sst Post-monsoon 3.16 1.52 3.80 1.92 0.95 Siva temple, Barren Pre-monsoon 6.86 7.53 6.75 9.50 5.57 4 Jangaon 11.50 18°46'21",79°31'48" Measures Sst Post-monsoon 5.08 3.00 7.05 3.97 3.20 SC colony, Barren Pre-monsoon 6.20 7.60 6.15 6.95 7.15 5 Jangaon 9.00 18°46'25",79°31'45" Measures Sst Post-monsoon 5.45 2.90 4.50 3.32 1.65 Road side, Barren Pre-monsoon 8.88 9.20 8.15 8.36 8.62 6 Sondila 10.50 18°45'42",79°32'60" Measures Sst Post-monsoon 8.34 7.10 7.65 8.25 8.10 Road side, Barren Pre-monsoon 4.53 Dry Dry 9.04 8.55 7 Gaddampalli 11/8.30 18°44'55",79°33'25" Measures Sst Post-monsoon Dry 4.70 6.33 7.23 4.32 Narsimhulapal End of village, Pre-monsoon 7.26 9.83 9.44 8.84 9.90 8 11.00 Kamthi Fm li 18°44'59",79°33'37" Post-monsoon 3.91 4.08 6.90 8.85 7.22 End of village, Pre-monsoon 8.55 9.95 7.10 7.82 7.46 9 Mustyala 11.00 Kamthi Fm 18°44'06",79°34'20" Post-monsoon 6.93 4.42 8.00 6.03 2.77 S.C. Colony, Pre-monsoon 5.80 5.93 5.13 5.30 6.08 11 Chandanapur 10/7.00 Barakar sst 18°42'52",79°34'31" Post-monsoon 4.60 3.20 3.70 3.73 2.80 Singa Ambedkar sangam, Pre-monsoon 7.49 7.80 6.78 7.35 6.55 12 13.50 Barakar sst Reddypalli 18°43'22",79°34'20" Post-monsoon 7.55 5.00 5.80 3.90 2.45 opp.primari school, Pre-monsoon 8.05 Dry 7.40 8.00 9.00 13 Chandanapur 9.50 Kamthi Fm 18°43'14",79°35'11" Post-monsoon 7.50 5.70 7.10 3.73 4.95 Village centre, Barren Pre-monsoon Dry Dry 8.85 Dry Dry 14 Dubbapalli 10.00 18°42'32",79°34'53" Measures Sst Post-monsoon 8.30 3.18 8.35 5.52 4.35 Road side, Pre-monsoon 8.93 7.23 3.25 7.00 3.35 15 Gunjapadugu 8.85 Kamthi Fm 18°41'32",79°36'19" Post-monsoon 4.30 1.26 3.60 2.48 3.32 Road side, Pre-monsoon 7.60 Dry 7.70 9.03 6.94 17* Pandulapalli 10.60 Kamthi Fm 18º40'00",79º36'55" Post-monsoon 6.2 4.95 5.00 5.14 2.32 Road side, Pre-monsoon 9.00 6.40 5.15 6.19 5.35 18 Pandulapalli 9.30 Kamthi Fm 18º39'59",79º36'55" Post-monsoon 7.18 2.80 5.00 4.00 4.52 Kanda Pochaiah , Pre-monsoon Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry 19 Kannala 10.10 Kamthi Fm 18º39'56",79º36'37" Post-monsoon 8.90 6.63 Dry Dry 4.82 Village centre, Pre-monsoon 5.47 Dry 5.77 Dry Dry 20 Rachhapalli 6.30 Kamthi Fm 18º39'33",79º36'04" Post-monsoon 5.00 3.64 5.50 4.92 4.22 Old Panchyat office, Barren Pre-monsoon 7.78 7.72 7.20 Dry 8.30 21 Adriyala 8.35 18º39'24",79º35'27" Measures Sst Post-monsoon 6.03 4.84 7.90 5.20 3.40 Village centre, Pre-monsoon 5.60 Dry 5.93 Dry Dry 22 Akkapalli 6.28 Kamthi Fm 18º38'60",79º36'15" Post-monsoon 4.95 3.42 5.60 4.28 2.45 End of the village Pre-monsoon 4.32 4.02 3.63 3.80 3.88 23 Vempadu 6.50 Kamthi Fm 18º39'08",79º36'36" Post-monsoon 1.90 1.50 1.90 1.48 1.66 Road side Pre-monsoon 4.03 3.94 2.43 2.50 2.13 24 Vempadu 6.80 Kamthi Fm 18º39'08",79º36'44" Post-monsoon 2.38 1.87 2.08 1.48 1.50 Road side, Pre-monsoon 9.10 Dry Dry Dry 8.90 25 Ladnapur 9.25 Kamthi Fm 18º37'50",79º34'41" Post-monsoon Dry 6.96 8.76 4.87 4.45 26 Ladnapur Road side, 8.30 Gneisses Pre-monsoon 7.17 Dry 7.46 Dry 7.72

3-19 Annexure-3B

Well Name of Total Depth to water (m) Location Geology Period / Year No. village Depth (m) 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 18º37'49",79º34'28" Post-monsoon 6.50 4.65 6.80 3.43 2.94 Village centre Pre-monsoon Dry 7.60 6.95 7.50 7.28 28 Pannuru 9.5/7.75 Gneisses 18º38'16",79º33'10" Post-monsoon 8.30 5.00 6.70 NR 4.95 In Village centre, Pre-monsoon 7.80 7.90 5.25 5.50 7.23 29 Mulkalpalli 9.50 Gneisses 18º38'49",79º32'23" Post-monsoon 4.84 2.98 3.38 3.17 4.95 Adjecent to Colony, Pre-monsoon 4.42 5.22 3.95 5.05 4.78 30 Mulkalpalli 5.00 Gneisses 18º38'35",79º32'27" Post-monsoon 3.37 1.72 3.57 2.19 2.50 Peddapalli 17km st. Pre-monsoon 6.90 7.63 5.47 6.49 6.47 32 9.00 Gneisses 18º38'07",79º32'02" Post-monsoon 5.85 4.08 4.90 4.18 3.30 Opp. Theater, Pre-monsoon 7.23 Dry 7.60 Dry 7.70 33 8.00 Gneisses (old) 18º39'44",79º30'23" Post-monsoon 7.20 4.97 6.90 4.25 2.40 Kamanpur Road side, Pre-monsoon 6.10 Dry 6.30 9.00 6.27 34 9.50 Gneisses (old) 18º39'41",79º30'43" Post-monsoon 6.20 3.80 6.00 3.50 2.40 Near transformer, Pre-monsoon 7.30 Dry 6.65 Dry 6.18 35 Julapalli 11.00 Gneisses 18º39'43",79º30'53" Post-monsoon 7.60 3.27 6.35 3.20 1.41 OC I Silo, Pre-monsoon 9.47 11.60 7.14 10.92 5.58 36 Adarsa Nagar 12.64 Talchir SST 18°40'02",79°31'25" Post-monsoon 7.75 1.90 6.80 2.40 1.12 Pochamma temple, Pre-monsoon 10.25 11.75 10.15 11.46 9.55 37 Alluru 13.50 Talchir SST 18°40'51",79°31'42" Post-monsoon 10.13 8.26 10.00 6.24 5.52 Santosh Santhinikethan Pre-monsoon 2.65 3.50 2.55 3.07 1.97 38 Nagar (8 degree college, 9.37 Talchir SST inc.colony) 18°41'08",79°31'58" Post-monsoon 2.06 1.44 1.63 1.50 1.52 New Near Rly. Track, Pre-monsoon 5.95 6.88 5.54 6.77 5.19 39 11.10 Talchir SST Maredupaka 18°41'08",79°31'06" Post-monsoon 5.10 3.65 4.80 3.93 2.93 In Village centre, Pre-monsoon Dry 6.64 5.08 6.83 4.64 40 Veerlapalli 10.00 Talchir SST 18°42'55",79°31'02" Post-monsoon 3.02 1.75 3.17 1.57 1.17 Behind 8 Inc.bunker, Pre-monsoon 6.83 8.75 8.40 8.78 9.06 41 K K Nagar 9.37 Talchir SST 18°41'29",79°32'42" Post-monsoon 6.78 4.96 6.60 5.35 4.90 Vittalnagar Near Dispensary, Pre-monsoon 2.34 3.28 2.85 3.00 2.88 42 7.50 Talchir SST (Gdk) 18°44'11",79°31'07" Post-monsoon 2.10 1.80 2.30 2.05 1.30 Ganganagar, Hanuman temple, Pre-monsoon 4.34 4.20 3.85 3.95 3.88 44 8.55 Barakar sst GDK 18°46'11",79°30'43" Post-monsoon 3.05 2.65 3.10 3.02 3.23 S.C. Colony, Pre-monsoon 8.10 8.20 7.18 7.08 7.52 48 Medapalli 13.00 Talchir SST 18°47'11",79°29'06" Post-monsoon 7.40 6.88 6.65 5.90 5.77 In Village centre, Pre-monsoon 5.00 5.40 4.00 4.05 4.00 49 Medapalli 10.00 Talchir SST 18°46'53",79°29'04" Post-monsoon 3.98 2.46 2.58 2.49 1.86 Road side, Pre-monsoon 2.95 3.05 2.23 2.32 2.78 50 Medapalli 4.20 Talchir SST 18°46'41",79°28'58" Post-monsoon 2.33 1.52 1.70 1.50 1.95 Beside UPS Pre-monsoon 6.55 Dry 6.23 Dry Dry 51 Narsingapur 7.00 Talchir SST 18°46'33",79°29'17" Post-monsoon 4.48 2.15 5.98 2.74 1.74 In Village centre, Pre-monsoon 6.00 6.55 5.30 6.43 4.53 52 Malkapur 8.00 Talchir SST 18°46'27",79°29'43" Post-monsoon 3.85 1.80 4.25 1.89 1.31 Middle of the village Barren Pre-monsoon 8.80 9.35 8.23 9.65 10.80 53 Mustyala 11.90 18°44'26",79°33'56" measure Fm Post-monsoon 9.30 4.75 8.50 6.95 7.22 Near Busstop Pre-monsoon - 7.44 6.40 7.96 7.43 54 Nagaram 9.00 Kamthi Fm 18°40'18",79°36'59" Post-monsoon - 6.38 6.95 6.72 5.82 Road side Pre-monsoon - 9.90 6.38 9.97 8.60 55 Adivarampeta 10.00 Gneisses 18°37'50",79°34'22" Post-monsoon - 6.00 8.00 5.23 3.50 End of the village Pre-monsoon - 11.43 6.66 12.65 9.50 56 Adivarampeta 13.00 Gneisses 18°37'25",79°34'09" Post-monsoon - 5.20 6.10 6.02 3.82 Begampeta X road, Pre-monsoon - 9.76 5.61 8.70 7.50 57 Ratnapur 10.00 Gneisses 18°37'36",79°33'49” Post-monsoon - 3.82 6.05 2.10 1.40 1 Manthani Line Gadda, Centre, 6.60 Middle Kamthi Pre-monsoon 6.13 6.63 5.30 5.88 5.63

3-20 Annexure-3 B

Well Name of Total Depth to water (m) Location Geology Period / Year No. village Depth (m) 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 18º38'43", 79º40'00" Post-monsoon 3.32 3.60 5.45 3.00 1.55 SC Colony, Pre-monsoon 7.86 9.84 10.00 10.28 10.15 2 Puttapaka 10.15 Lower Kamthi 18º38'20" 79º37'12" Post-monsoon 6.85 6.30 10.25 9.69 7.25 Near Bus Stop Pre-monsoon Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry 16 Yegulaspuram 7.30 Middle Kamthi 18º38'44", 79º41'20" Post-monsoon 8.80 6.68 6.30 6.50 3.91 Near GM Office, Barren Pre-monsoon 4.21 6.18 4.85 5.30 5.15 1 Arunakkanagar 9.40 18º51'17",79º31'01" Measures Fm. Post-monsoon 3.19 2.89 3.73 3.52 3.68 Near siva temple, Pre-monsoon 2.11 3.39 4.20 2.45 2.51 2 RK 6 Colony 10.00 Barakar Fm. 18º52'07",79º30'34" Post-monsoon 1.13 1.40 1.94 1.96 1.94 Kurmawada, Pre-monsoon 2.02 3.33 2.78 3.14 3.07 3 RK 6 Colony 6.50 Barakar Fm. 18º52'10", 79º30'19" Post-monsoon 1.54 2.12 2.41 3.18 3.01 Kurmawada, Pre-monsoon 2.98 3.25 2.73 2.48 2.67 4 RK 6 Colony 6.50 Barakar Fm. 18º52'09",79º30'18" Post-monsoon 2.13 2.05 2.32 2.73 2.41 Naspur X Road, Pre-monsoon 9.84 5.22 5.50 6.41 6.71 5 S.R. Puram 13.50 Sullavai Fm. 18º51'18",79º28'56" Post-monsoon 3.98 4.15 5.48 4.97 5.11 Setharam On way to Int. well, Pre-monsoon 3.43 5.13 4.28 8.10 7.51 6 8.20 Sullavai Fm. pally 18º50'32",79º28'35" Post-monsoon 3.27 3.71 4.61 7.08 7.21 Setharam On way to Tallapalli, Pre-monsoon 10.11 14.91 13.60 12.81 12.98 7 15.00 Sullavai Fm. pally 18º50'34",79º29'07" Post-monsoon 9.05 7.46 8.68 11.07 11.15 On way to Int. well, Pre-monsoon 9.17 5.10 2.60 2.66 2.70 8 Tallapalli 9.10 Sullavai Fm. 18º49'58",79º29'22" Post-monsoon 1.68 1.63 1.96 1.29 1.31 Towards OC, Pre-monsoon 4.19 10.17 9.60 8.94 8.98 9 Tallapalli 10.50 Talchir Fm. 18º50'04",79º29'40" Post-monsoon 6.22 3.92 6.85 6.84 6.94 Opp. Panchayat off, Pre-monsoon 4.32 4.96 5.25 3.97 4.61 10 Singapuram 7.40 Sullavai Fm. 18º49'21",79º30'11" Post-monsoon 3.19 3.92 2.99 2.31 2.44 Near Bridge, Pre-monsoon 5.78 5.79 5.21 Dry 5.38 12 Ramaraopet 6.50 Talchir Fm. 18º49'13",79º30'51" Post-monsoon 4.02 2.71 5.39 5.74 5.24 Near RWS tank, Pre-monsoon Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry 13 Guttedarpalli 10.50 Barakar Fm. 18º49'56",79º30'53" Post-monsoon 7.52 7.84 Dry Dry Dry Essar petrol bunk Pre-monsoon 8.35 7.31 6.23 7.45 Dry 14 Indaram 11.50 Barakar Fm. 18º48'59",79º31'47" Post-monsoon 6.64 3.43 5.17 3.68 3.96 Road side, Barren Pre-monsoon Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry 18 Tekumatla 11.50 18º48'44",79º32'44" Measures Fm. Post-monsoon 10.54 8.49 9.38 10.00 9.63 Panchyat Office, Barren Pre-monsoon 7.74 5.75 5.30 2.28 5.32 19 Tekumatla 11.00 18º48'36",79º32'59" Measures Fm. Post-monsoon 4.25 2.69 1.78 2.38 3.64 On way to Tekmatla, Barren Pre-monsoon 7.82 Dry 5.90 6.91 Dry 20 Indaram 9.30 18º49'04",79º32'03" Measures Fm. Post-monsoon 6.08 4.80 5.39 5.18 5.44 HP petrol bunk, Pre-monsoon 6.02 7.93 5.35 6.54 6.61 21 Indaram 8.00 Barakar Fm. 18º49'37",79º31'50" Post-monsoon 4.80 3.48 5.12 4.78 4.81 Near bus stop Pre-monsoon 5.25 3.89 3.62 3.84 5.14 22 Rasulpalli 8.00 Kamthi Fm. 18º50'31",79º33'18" Post-monsoon 4.38 1.85 2.45 2.12 3.22 Near junction Pre-monsoon 7.90 5.14 5.10 6.07 5.95 23 Mudikunta 11.40 Kamthi Fm. 18º51'39",79º33'25" Post-monsoon 4.61 1.57 4.92 4.94 4.97 Near school, Pre-monsoon 5.55 8.08 7.65 Dry Dry 25 Kankur 9.00 Kamthi Fm. 18º52'58",79º32'42" Post-monsoon 5.19 4.00 7.48 7.73 7.84 Behind APSEB off. Pre-monsoon 6.00 4.97 5.05 3.94 4.05 26 12.00 Kamthi Fm 18º50'52",79º35'22" Post-monsoon 5.03 1.95 3.05 2.58 2.66 Pre-monsoon - - 10.35 Dry Dry 27 Dubbapalli Centre of the village 12.00 Kamthi Fm Post-monsoon - 6.38 8.42 7.44 7.51 Venkata Rao Pre-monsoon - - 3.10 Dry Dry 28 Opp. Primary school 7.20 Kamthi Fm palli Post-monsoon - 2.17 3.94 5.17 7.21 Pre-monsoon - - 6.33 5.62 5.62 29 Mittapalli Centre of the village 6.50 Kamthi Fm Post-monsoon - 2.91 4.84 4.16 4.16

3-21 Annexure-3 B

Well Name of Total Depth to water (m) Location Geology Period / Year No. village Depth (m) 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Pre-monsoon - - 5.92 6.44 6.44 30 Elkanti Centre of the village 10.00 Kamthi Fm Post-monsoon - 2.56 5.4 3.12 4.32 Pre-monsoon - - Dry Dry Dry 33 Gangipalli Primary school 10.00 Kamthi Fm Post-monsoon - 3.80 4.18 3.85 Dry Pre-monsoon - - Dry Dry Dry 34 Pegadapalli Village entrance 8.00 Kamthi Fm Post-monsoon - 7.15 5.8 5.89 6.08 Pre-monsoon - - Dry 6.22 6.22 35 Jaipur Opp. Post office 8.00 Kamthi Fm Post-monsoon - 4.90 5.21 5.87 5.87 Near Hanuman Pre-monsoon - - Dry Dry Dry 36 Shetpalli 8.00 Kamthi Fm temple Post-monsoon - 4.82 5.45 5.18 4.9


3-22 Annexure-3 B

3-23 Annexure-3 B

ATTITUDE OF PIEZOMETRIC SURFACE AROUND CLUSTER OF GDK1&3 AND GDK COAL MINE (NO.2&2A AND NO.5) Piezometric Depth Depth to water (m) Location Period well no. (m) 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Block/mine: RGOCP-I Near filter bed, Pre-monsoon 2.22 3.20 2.57 3.50 3.10 RGOC I-PW1 on the way to Julapalli Vilage 50 8°40'4.30"N, 79°31'39.00"E Post-monsoon 2.26 1.69 2.20 1.72 1.89 In UMTI Pre-monsoon 13.28 14.09 12.93 13.67 13.17 RGOC I-PW3 50 18°40'34.20"N,79°32'17.80"E Post-monsoon 13.76 10.41 12.28 10.27 8.72 In GDK 10 shaft, Near temple Pre-monsoon 14.83 16.03 13.9 16.17 16.63 RGOC I-PW4 50 18°39'47.01"N, 79°33'59.76"E Post-monsoon 14.05 12.07 14.07 12.46 12.85 Beside 132/33 KV substation gate Pre-monsoon 3.85 5.42 4.00 5.00 4.32 RGOC I-PW7 50 18°38'59"N, 79°33'04"E Post-monsoon 3.65 2.40 2.85 3.11 2.59 RG OC-I site office, Pre-monsoon 12.62 12.79 11.22 13.59 11.99 RGOC I-PW8 beside cycle stand 18°40'55"N, 50 79°32'54"E Post-monsoon 12.18 8.78 11.2 8.25 8.38 Block/mine: RGOCP-II Besides centenary colony Pre-monsoon 8.21 9.00 7.78 9.07 7.36 RGOC II-PW1 50 18°38'07.40"N, 79°32'58.86"E Post-monsoon 6.97 3.57 6.34 3.71 3.22 In OC-II stores 18°37'57.07"N, Pre-monsoon 7.53 9.53 7.51 9.55 7.68 RGOC II-PW2 50 79°34'23.83"E Post-monsoon 7.2 4.68 6.49 3.21 2.95 Near Ramayyapalli X road Pre-monsoon 12.53 14.63 17.66 23.40 23.40 RGOC II-PW3 50 18°38'22.69"N, 79°36'35.13"E Post-monsoon 13.78 16.49 21.56 23.27 21.02 Near Adriyala shaft 18°39'25.21"N, Pre-monsoon 2.89 9.31 3.80 3.80 2.76 RGOC II-PW4 50 79°35'01.87"E Post-monsoon 2.72 2.45 3.07 2.03 1.48 Between western side spreader dump Pre-monsoon 6.3 7.87 6.56 7.90 6.32 RGOC II-PW5 and temple 18°38'04.22"N, 50 79°34'09.88"E Post-monsoon 4.87 NR 5.35 4.14 3.70 Adriyala truck dump, Pre-monsoon 4.78 5.71 5.68 8.34 8.60 RGOC II-PW6 near RG1332, Nagaram 50 18°40'30.28"N, 79°35'23.30"E Post-monsoon 4.33 4.17 8.08 8.4 4.33 RGOC II- S&PC Ofiice /RG-III, 18°38'35.87", Pre-monsoon - - 6.11 7.02 7.24 50 CPW1 79°33'09.57" Post-monsoon - - 6.33 5.45 4.70 Near MCC, RGOC II- Pre-monsoon - - 8.67 7.9 WD Adj Bokkalavagu, 18°39'05.21", 50 CPW2 79°33'39.62" Post-monsoon - - 7.59 6.35 6.85 Near D2 discharge point and RMU RGOC II- Pre-monsoon - - 10.51 9.88 NR cable cross over, 18°38'39.60", 50 CPW3 79°33'49.39" Post-monsoon - - 7.47 7.87 8.95 Temple corner, RGOC II- Pre-monsoon - - 18.47 23.71 21.56 OC-II, 50 CPW4 18°38'10.64", 79°34'30.61" Post-monsoon - - 19.91 16.82 15.32 RGOC II- Nagepalli, Pre-monsoon - - 8.26 9.04 9.74 50 CPW5 18°37'59.14", 79°33'54.13" Post-monsoon - - 7.16 4.39 3.61 RGOC II- C/o Bhaskara swamy, Rajapur, Pre-monsoon - - 4.61 4.85 8.54 50 CPW6 18°37'53.38", 79°35'08.76" Post-monsoon - - 3.88 3.05 2.94 Road to Manthani,Near L7 Canal RGOC II- Pre-monsoon - - 9.62 17.66 18.9 Siddapalli, 50 CPW7 18°38'08.92", 79°35'37.48" Post-monsoon - - 14.1 9.76 11.94 RGOC II- C/o Mabbu Komuraiah, Siddapalli, Pre-monsoon - - 15.03 21.44 24.35 50 CPW8 18°38'14.62", 79°35'55.99" Post-monsoon - - 19.98 18.76 16.68 C/o Illi Rajaiah, RGOC II- Pre-monsoon - - 3.70 5.11 5.08 Near Electric Transformer Rachapallli, 50 CPW9 18°39'31.19", 79°35'56.13" Post-monsoon - - 5.58 2.55 1.72 Near L6 Canal & Adj. to Adriyala dump RGOC II- Pre-monsoon - - 7.42 9.48 WD haul road, 18°38'54.52", 50 CPW10 79°35'15.40" Post-monsoon - - 9.15 7.95 WD Near GDK-10 inc. RGOC II- Pre-monsoon - - 8.97 8.59 11.50 Fan house, 50 CPW11 18°39'14.74", 79°33'53.58" Post-monsoon - - 8.8 7.58 NA Block/mine: RGOCP-III

3-24 Annexure-3 B

Piezometric Depth Depth to water (m) Location Period well no. (m) 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 In side Pothana colony Pre-monsoon 7.57 8.10 7.10 8.21 6.10 RGOC III-PW3 50 18°41'31.80"N, 79°31'0.90"E Post-monsoon 6.62 3.5 5.95 3.03 2.08 In 8 incline colony in front of quarter Pre-monsoon 5.12 5.85 5.18 5.48 5.22 RGOC III-PW4 no MA-10 18°41'34.40"N, 50 79°31'56.20"E Post-monsoon 4.06 3.13 3.67 3.85 2.83 Near 11A incline Chowrastha Pre-monsoon 24.52 30.46 25.03 27.2 26.15 RGOC III-PW5 50 18°43'43.88"N, 79°32'20.24"E Post-monsoon 25.17 27.1 25.94 26.05 26.4 Block/mine: MOCP-IV Adjacent to temple 18°47'18.91"N, Pre-monsoon 12.72 12.22 11.50 11.73 11.72 MOC-PW1 50 79°28'57.12"E Post-monsoon 11.73 11.25 11.33 13.07 11.04 On the way to Medapalli road Near Pre-monsoon 4.59 NR 8.07 9.55 7.10 MOC-PW2 soil dump 50 4.47 18°47'1.70"N, 79°29'33.50"E Post-monsoon NR 5.24 11.30 7.29 Near D grade coal dump yard Road to Pre-monsoon 8.20 8.22 7.85 7.10 7.41 MOC-PW5 work shop 18°47'51.00"N, 40 79°28'26.40"E Post-monsoon 8.18 7.66 6.31 8.54 4.80 Middle of Dip side Boundary Near Pre-monsoon 8.86 NR 10.88 11.20 10.54 MOC-PW6 protection bund 18°47'13.70"N, 50 79°29'45.90"E Post-monsoon 9.44 NR 11.74 11.57 7.00 Opp. SCCL water supply well, Pre-monsoon 4.64 4.6 5.74 5.27 5.2 MOC-PW8 Lingapur. 50 18°48'05"N, 79°27'46"E Post-monsoon 4.04 3.27 3.87 3.9 3.64 Between dumpyard no.2&3, SC Pre-monsoon 5.33 5.54 5.45 5.6 4.58 MOC-PW9 colony, Lingapur 50 18°48'02"N, 79°27'52"E Post-monsoon 4.84 3.88 4.69 4.86 4.39 Adj. to OB dumpyard no.2 SC colony, Pre-monsoon 13.84 14.28 14.00 13.70 14.58 MOC-PW10 Lingapur 50 18°47'48"N, 79°27'49"E Post-monsoon 12.84 11.42 12.32 12.75 11.19 Block/mine: SRP OC Area: Srirampur About 500m South of the quarry and Pre-monsoon 4.56 4.48 4.05 4.82 4.88 150m north of Indaramtank (OW-1 of SRPOC PW5 208 Post-monsoon SRP OC APT) 4.86 3.87 3.91 3.16 3.56 18°49'35.43"N, 79°30'57.60"E Near Singapur Village. Pre-monsoon 7.61 9.69 8.15 9.94 10.01 SRPOC PW7 50 18°49'46.47"N, 79°30'25.52"E Post-monsoon 6.28 4.57 7.91 6.74 7.84 Near project office substation, About Pre-monsoon 23.20 23.28 23.08 23.41 23.43 125m from Northern side of quarry SRPOC PW8 50 surface limit. 21.85 18.43 21.36 21.48 21.33 18°51'4.12"N, 79°29'39.90"E Post-monsoon Road to SRP bus stand, About 300m Pre-monsoon 13.96 17.90 18.90 20.98 21.17 SRPOC PW10 from Northern of quarry surface limit. 50 18°51'7.10"N, 79°30'11.26"E Post-monsoon 14.54 17.48 19.93 20.28 20.19 West side external dump area, near to Pre-monsoon 3.27 2.15 2.25 2.38 2.53 SRPOC PW1 1 Tallapalli village 50 18°49'54.731"N 79°29'11.085"E Post-monsoon 1.98 1.18 1.93 2.00 2.07 West side external dump area, near to Pre-monsoon 4.55 2.29 2.23 2.28 2.91 SRPOC PW12 Tallapalli village 50 18°49'50.573"N,79°29'06.202"E Post-monsoon 2.18 1.92 1.91 2.14 2.35 West side external dump area, road Pre-monsoon 6.22 3.83 2.82 3.28 3.76 SRPOC PW13 50 18°49'45.286"N,79°29'06.811"E Post-monsoon 3.81 2.17 2.24 3.06 3.11 West side external dump area, road Pre-monsoon 6.58 4.65 5.15 5.25 4.82 SRPOC PW14 Godavari river 50 18°49'32.305"N,79°28'50.154"E Post-monsoon 4.37 4.21 4.38 4.19 4.24 Block: STPP JAIPUR Opp. Mc Nally Bharat site office, NWN Pre-monsoon 10.83 14.73 12.71 19.43 17.64 STPP-PW1 direction to Ash dyke. 50 18°49'27.847"N,79°34'48.784"E Post-monsoon 11.64 10.28 14.73 13.22 13.25 North direction to Ash dyke Pre-monsoon 5.53 5.61 5.02 4.91 3.23 STPP-PW2 50 18°49'08.887"N,79°35'00.136"E Post-monsoon 3.04 2.48 NR 1.56 3.08 North east direction to Ash dyke Pre-monsoon 24.08 12.32 12.42 14.44 12.81 STPP-PW3 50 18°49'08.214"N,79°35'16.165"E Post-monsoon 10.32 12.27 12.15 12.13 11.66 STPP-PW4 South east direction to Ash dyke 50 Pre-monsoon 5.76 6.13 5.52 6.83 5.90

3-25 Annexure-3 B

Piezometric Depth Depth to water (m) Location Period well no. (m) 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 18°48'48.776"N,79°35'16.504"E Post-monsoon 3.38 2.55 4.18 3.02 5.49 North west direction to Ash dyke Pre-monsoon 4.28 3.92 GL 1.24 0.93 STPP-PW5 50 18°48'43.203"N,79°34'41.660"E Post-monsoon 2.62 GL GL 0.55 0.61 North west direction to Ash dyke Pre-monsoon 5.63 3.64 0.5 1.65 1.07 STPP-PW6 50 18°48'44.541"N,79°34'34.232"E Post-monsoon 2.59 0.53 0.66 0.65 0.74 North west direction to Ash dyke Pre-monsoon 7.27 2.76 1.69 NA NA STPP-PW7 50 18°48'46.792"N,79°34'24.32"E Post-monsoon 1.96 1.25 1.3 NA NA Near to intake well (River Godavari Pre-monsoon 6.59 5.90 6.33 6.38 6.84 STPP-PW8 upstream side), at Shettipalli village. 50 18°46'17.228"N,79°34'07.149"E Post-monsoon 5.48 4.93 5.61 7.12 0.60 Near to intake well (River Godavari Pre-monsoon 6.94 6.20 6.65 7.15 6.91 STPP-PW9 upstream side), at Shettipalli village. 50 18°46'18.875"N,79°34'03.027"E Post-monsoon 5.58 5.11 5.72 7.28 0.80 Note- NR: Not recorded, NA: Not approachable


3-26 Annexure-3 B

3-27 Annexure -3C

List of Species Present in the Study Area

S.No. Name Family Vernacular name Habit CZ BZ 1 Abutilon hirtum (Lam.) Sweet Malvaceae S - + 2 Abutilon indicum (L.) Sweet Malvaceae Thuttutubenda S + + 3 Acacia leucophloea (Roxb.) Willd. Leguminosae Tella thumma T + + 4 Acacia nilotica (L.) Delile Leguminosae Nalla thumma T - + 5 Acalypha indica L. Euphorbiaceae Muripinda H + + 6 Achyranthes aspera L. Amaranthaceae Uttareni H - + 7 Actinoscirpus grossus (L.f.) Goetgh. Cyperaceae H - + & D.A.Simpson 8 Aegle marmelos (L.) Corrêa Rutaceae Maredu, Bilvumu T - + 9 Aerva lanata (L.) Juss. Amaranthaceae Thelaga pindi H + + 10 Agave americana L. Asparagaceae Kathai chettu S - + 11 Ageratum conyzoides (L.) L. Compositae H + + 12 Ailanthus excelsa Roxb. Simaroubaceae Pedda manu T + + 13 Alangium salviifolium (L.f.) Wangerin Cornaceae Nallaoodaga T - + 14 Albizia amara (Roxb.) B.Boivin Leguminosae Konda sigara T - + 15 Albizia odoratissima (L.f.) Benth. Leguminosae T - + 16 Alternanthera ficoidea (L.) Sm. Amaranthaceae H - + 17 Alternanthera sessilis (L.) R.Br. ex Amaranthaceae Ronaganthi aku H + + DC. 18 Alysicarpus hamosus Edgew. Leguminosae H - + 19 Amaranthus viridis L. Amaranthaceae H - + 20 Ammannia baccifera L. Lythraceae H - + 21 Anisomeles indica (L.) Kuntz. Lamiaceae Adabeera S + - 22 Annona squamosa L. Annonaceae Seetaphalam T + + 23 Anogeissus latifolia (Roxb. ex DC.) Combretaceae Sirimanu T - + Wall. ex Guillem. & Perr. 24 Apluda mutica L. Poaceae Adavikorre gaddi H - + 25 Aristida adscensionis L. Poaceae Cheepuru gaddi H + + 26 Aristida hystrix L.f. Poaceae H + - 27 Aristida setacea Retz. Poaceae H - + 28 Aristolochia indica L. Aristolochiaceae Govela teega C - + 29 Azadirachta indica A.Juss. Meliaceae Vepa chettu T + + 30 Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. Plantaginaceae H + + 31 Balanites aegyptiaca (L.) Delile Zygophyllaceae S - + 32 Barleria montana Nees Acanthaceae Adavi desembaralu H - + 33 Barleria prionitis L. Acanthaceae Pachagorinta H + - 34 Barringtonia acutangula (L.) Gaertn. Lecythidaceae T - + 35 Bauhinia racemosa Lam. Leguminosae Arichettu T + - 36 Blepharis maderaspatensis (L.) Acanthaceae H - + B.Heyne ex Roth 37 Blumea axillaris (Lam.) DC. Compositae H + +

3-28 Annexure -3C

S.No. Name Family Vernacular name Habit CZ BZ 38 Boerhavia diffusa L. Nyctaginaceae Atikimamidi H + + 39 Brachiaria ramosa (L.) Stapf Poaceae H + + 40 Brachiaria reptans (L.) C.A.Gardner Poaceae H + - & C.E.Hubb. 41 Buchanania cochinchinensis (Lour.) Anacardiaceae Chinnasara T + + M.R.Almeida 42 Butea monosperma (Lam.) Taub. Leguminosae Modhuga T + + 43 Caesalpinia bonduc (L.) Roxb. Leguminosae Gacha podha S - + 44 Cajanus scarabaeoides (L.) Thouars Leguminosae Pedda adavikandhi C + + 45 Calotropis gigantea (L.) Dryand. Apocynaceae Tella Jelledu S - + 46 Calotropis procera (Aiton) Dryand. Apocynaceae S + + 47 Canthium coromandelicum (Burm.f.) Rubiaceae Balasa S + + Alston 48 Capparis spinosa L. Capparaceae L - + 49 Cardiospermum halicacabum L. Sapindaceae Budda teega C - + 50 Careya arborea Roxb. Lecythidaceae Budhadharmi T - + 51 Cassia fistula L. Leguminosae Rela, Semarela T + - 52 Catunaregam spinosa (Thunb.) Rubiaceae Manga S + - Tirveng. 53 Ceiba pentandra (L.) Gaertn. Malvaceae T + - 54 Celosia argentea L. Amaranthaceae Gurugu H - + 55 Chloris barbata Sw. Poaceae H + + 56 Chloroxylon swietenia DC. Rutaceae Billudu T - + 57 Chromolaena odorata (L.) R.M.King Compositae S + + & H.Rob. 58 Cissus vitiginea L. Vitaceae Adavi gummuduteega S + - 59 Cleistanthus collinus (Roxb.) Benth. Phyllanthaceae Wodisiaku T - + ex Hook.f. 60 Cleome gynandra L. Cleomaceae Erra vominta H - + 61 Cleome viscosa L. Cleomaceae Kukka vominta H + + 62 Clitoria ternatea L. Leguminosae Sankupulu C + + 63 Coccinia grandis (L.) Voigt Cucurbitaceae Donda, Kakidonda C + + 64 Cocculus hirsutus (L.) W.Theob. Menispermaceae Chinnadusar teega C + + 65 Combretum albidum G.Don Combretaceae L - + 66 Corchorus trilocularis L. Malvaceae Banki tutturu H - + 67 Cordia dichotoma G.Forst. Boraginaceae T + + 68 Crotalaria hebecarpa (DC.) Rudd Leguminosae H + - 69 Crotalaria verrucosa L. Leguminosae Gilligicha, yerri H - + janumu 70 Croton bonplandianus Baill. Euphorbiaceae Vanamokka H + + 71 Cucumis melo L. Cucurbitaceae C - + 72 Cuscuta reflexa Roxb. Convolvulaceae C + - 73 Cymbopogon caesius (Hook. & Arn.) Poaceae H - + Stapf 74 Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. Poaceae Garika H + + 75 Cyperus corymbosus Rottb. Cyperaceae H + -

3-29 Annexure -3C

S.No. Name Family Vernacular name Habit CZ BZ 76 Cyperus difformis L. Cyperaceae H + + 77 Cyperus exaltatus Retz. Cyperaceae H + + 78 Cyperus iria L. Cyperaceae H + - 79 Cyperus pangorei Rottb. Cyperaceae H - + 80 Cyperus paniceus (Rottb.) Boeckeler Cyperaceae H - + 81 Cyperus rotundus L. Cyperaceae H + + 82 Dactyloctenium aegyptium (L.) Willd. Poaceae Nela ragi H + + 83 Dalbergia lanceolaria subsp. Leguminosae Sopera T - + paniculata (Roxb.) Thoth. 84 Dalbergia sissoo DC. Leguminosae Sisso T + + 85 Datura metel L. Solanaceae S + - 86 Datura stramonium L. Solanaceae Umetta S + + 87 Dendrocalamus strictus (Roxb.) Nees Poaceae T + + 88 Dendrophthoe falcata (L.f.) Ettingsh. Loranthaceae Kukka naluka S - + 89 Dentella repens (L.) J.R.Forst. & Rubiaceae H + - G.Forst. 90 Dichanthium annulatum (Forssk.) Poaceae H + - Stapf 91 Dichrostachys cinerea (L.) Wight & Leguminosae Sarathumma S + + Arn. 92 Dicliptera paniculata (Forssk.) Acanthaceae Chebera H - + I.Darbysh. 93 Digera muricata (L.) Mart. Amaranthaceae H - + 94 Digitaria bicornis (Lam.) Roem. & Poaceae H - + Schult. 95 Diospyros chloroxylon Roxb. Ebenaceae Ullinda T - + 96 Diospyros melanoxylon Roxb. Ebenaceae Beediakulu T + - 97 Dodonaea viscosa (L.) Jacq. Sapindaceae Banderu S + - 98 Dregea volubilis (L.f.) Benth. ex Apocynaceae Bandigurija teega C - + Hook.f. 99 Echinochloa colona (L.) Link Poaceae H + - 100 Echinochloa frumentacea Link Poaceae H - + 101 Echinops echinatus Roxb. Compositae H - + 102 Eclipta prostrata (L.) L. Compositae H + + 103 Eleocharis geniculata (L.) Roem. & Cyperaceae H + - Schult. 104 Eragrostis riparia (Willd.) Nees Poaceae H + - 105 Eragrostis viscosa (Retz.) Trin. Poaceae Banka sigarantha H - + 106 Erythroxylum monogynum Roxb. Erythroxylaceae Devadaru S - + 107 Euphorbia hirta L. Euphorbiaceae Nanubalu H + + 108 Euphorbia prostrata Aiton Euphorbiaceae H + - 109 Evolvulus alsinoides (L.) L Convolvulaceae Vishnukrantha H - + 110 Ficus benghalensis L. Moraceae Marri T + + 111 Ficus hispida L.f. Moraceae Bemmedu akulu S + - 112 Ficus racemosa L. Moraceae Medi T - + 113 Ficus religiosa L. Moraceae Ragi, Ravi T - +

3-30 Annexure -3C

S.No. Name Family Vernacular name Habit CZ BZ 114 Fimbristylis argentea (Rottb.) Vahl Cyperaceae H - + 115 Flacourtia indica (Burm.f.) Merr. Salicaceae Pullelaka S - + 116 Gardenia gummifera L.f. Rubiaceae Bikki S - + 117 Getonia floribunda Roxb. Combretaceae S - + 118 Gisekia pharnaceoides L. Gisekiaceae Isakadasarikoora H + - 119 Gomphrena globosa L. Amaranthaceae Bendumalli H - + 120 Grangea maderaspatana (L.) Poir. Compositae Manchipatri H - + 121 Grewia damine Gaertn. Malvaceae T - + 122 Grewia flavescens Juss. Malvaceae S - + 123 Grewia hirsuta Vahl Malvaceae Janichettu S + - 124 Grewia villosa Willd. Malvaceae S - + 125 Gymnema sylvestre (Retz.) R.Br. ex Apocynaceae Padapatri C - + Sm. 126 Gymnosporia emarginata (Willd.) Celastraceae Danthi S + + Thwaites 127 Hardwickia binata Roxb. Leguminosae T + + 128 Helicteres isora L. Malvaceae Gooba thada S - + 129 Heliotropium indicum L. Boraginaceae Nagadanti H + - 130 Heliotropium scabrum Retz. Boraginaceae H + - 131 Hemidesmus indicus (L.) R. Br. ex Apocynaceae Sugandhapala C + - Schult. 132 Herissantia crispa (L.) Brizicky Malvaceae S - + 133 Heteropogon contortus (L.) P.Beauv. Poaceae H - + ex Roem. & Schult. 134 Hibiscus micranthus L.f. Malvaceae S + - 135 Holarrhena pubescens Wall. ex Apocynaceae Kolamukhi S - + G.Don 136 Holoptelea integrifolia Planch. Ulmaceae T + - 137 Hybanthus enneaspermus (L.) Leguminosae Ratna purusha H - + F.Muell. 138 Hydrilla verticillata (L.f.) Royle Hydrocharitaceae Valakada AH - + 139 Hygrophila auriculata (Schumach.) Acanthaceae AH + - Heine 140 Hyptis suaveolens (L.) Poit. Lamiaceae Danthitulasi H + + 141 Indigofera linnaei Ali Leguminosae Yerrapalleru H + - 142 Indigofera hirsuta L. Leguminosae H - + 143 Indigofera cordifolia Roth Leguminosae H + + 144 Indoneesiella echioides (L.) Sreem. Acanthaceae Noogu Nelayemi H + + 145 Ipomoea aquatica Forssk. Convolvulaceae Thootiloora AH - + 146 Ipomoea carnea Jacq. Convolvulaceae Pandiri thooti AH + - 147 Ipomoea nil (L.) Roth Convolvulaceae C - + 148 Ipomoea obscura (L.) Ker-Gawl. Convolvulaceae Kisaraaku teega C - + 149 Ipomoea pes -tigridis L. Convolvulaceae Meka madugu C + + 150 Iseilema prostratum (L.) Andersson Poaceae H + + 151 Ixora pavetta Andr. Rubiaceae Korivi chettu S - +

3-31 Annexure -3C

S.No. Name Family Vernacular name Habit CZ BZ 152 Jatropha curcas L. Euphorbiaceae Adavi amudam S - + 153 Jatropha gossypiifolia L. Euphorbiaceae S - + 154 Justicia betonica L. Acanthaceae H - + 155 Justicia procumbens L. Acanthaceae H - + 156 Kyllinga bulbosa P.Beauv. Cyperaceae H + + 157 Lagascea mollis Cav. Compositae H - + 158 Lagerstroemia parviflora Roxb. Lythraceae Chennangi T - + 159 Lannea coromandelica (Houtt.) Merr. Anacardiaceae Gumpana chettu T - + 160 Lantana camara L. Verbenaceae Cheeki, Pulikampa S + + 161 Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Leguminosae Subabulu T + + Wit. 162 Limonia acidissima Groff Rutaceae Velaga T + - 163 Ludwigia perennis L. Onagraceae Lavangakaya AH + - 164 Madhuca longifolia var. latifolia Sapotaceae Ippa T - + (Roxb.) A.Chev. 165 Malvastrum coromandelianum (L.) Malvaceae Gaayapu alam H + - Garcke 166 Mangifera indica L. Anacardiaceae Mamidi T + + 167 Manilkara hexandra (Roxb.) Dubard Sapotaceae Palachetu T - + 168 Marsilea quadrifolia L. Marsileaceae AH + - 169 Melochia corchorifolia L. Malvaceae H - + 170 Merremia tridentata (L.) Hallier f. Convolvulaceae Mududantla C - + 171 Mitragyna parvifolia (Roxb.) Korth Rubiaceae Battaganapa T - + 172 Mollugo nudicaulis Lam. Molluginaceae H + - 173 Morinda pubescens Sm. Rubiaceae Togarumogli T - + 174 Mucuna pruriens (L.) DC. Leguminosae L - + 175 Nyctanthes arbor-tristis L. Oleaceae Parijatham T - + 176 Ocimum americanum L. Lamiaceae Kukka tulasi H + - 177 Ocimum tenuiflorum L. Lamiaceae H + + 178 Oldenlandia umbellata L. Rubiaceae H + + 179 Operculina turpethum (L.) Silva Convolvulaceae C - + Manso 180 Ottelia alismoides (L.) Pers. Hydrocharitaceae AH - + 181 Oxystelma esculentum (L. f.) Sm. Apocynaceae Dudipala C - + 182 Panicum curviflorum Hornem. Poaceae H - + 183 Parthenium hysterophorus L. Compositae Vayyaribhama H + + 184 Paspalidium geminatum (Forssk.) Poaceae H + - Stapf 185 Paspalum scrobiculatum L. Poaceae H - + 186 Passiflora foetida L. Passifloraceae Tellajumiki C + + 187 Pavonia zeylanica (L.) Cav. Malvaceae Karubenda S + - 188 Pergularia daemia (Forssk.) Chiov. Apocynaceae Dustapa teega C + + 189 Persicaria glabra (Willd.) M.Gómez Polygonaceae AH - + 190 Phoenix sylvestris (L.) Roxb. Arecaceae Etha chettu T + +

3-32 Annexure -3C

S.No. Name Family Vernacular name Habit CZ BZ 191 Phyla nodiflora (L.) Greene Verbenaceae H + - 192 Phyllanthus amarus Schumach. & Phyllanthaceae Nelausiri H + + Thonn. 193 Phyllanthus emblica L. Phyllanthaceae Usirikaya T + - 194 Phyllanthus maderaspatensis L. Phyllanthaceae H + + 195 Phyllanthus reticulatus Poir. Phyllanthaceae Purugudu S + + 196 Physalis minima L. Solanaceae Budda bhushada H - + 197 Pithecellobium dulce (Roxb.) Benth. Leguminosae Seemasinthaguddu T + + 198 Plumbago zeylanica L. Plumbaginaceae Tellachitramulamu S - + 199 Premna mollissima Roth Lamiaceae T - + 200 Prosopis juliflora (Sw.) DC. Leguminosae T + + 201 Psydrax dicoccos Gaertn. Rubiaceae Nalla balasa S - + 202 Pterolobium hexapetalum (Roth) Leguminosae L - + Santapau & Wagh 203 Pulicaria wightiana (DC.) C.B.Clarke Compositae H - + 204 Pycreus polystachyos (Rottb.) Cyperaceae H - + P.Beauv. 205 Rhynchosia minima (L.) DC. Leguminosae Gaddi chikkudu C + - 206 Rivea hypocrateriformis Choisy Convolvulaceae L - + 207 Ruellia tuberosa L. Acanthaceae H - + 208 Rungia repens (L.) Nees Acanthaceae H - + 209 Saccharum spontaneum L. Poaceae H - + 210 Sapindus emarginatus Vahl. Sapindaceae Knkudu T + + 211 Schoenoplectiella articulata (L.) Lye Cyperaceae H - + 212 Scoparia dulcis L. Plantaginaceae H - + 213 Senna auriculata (L.) Roxb. Leguminosae Thangedu S + + 214 Senna occidentalis (L.) Link Leguminosae Eddukomimaku S + - 215 Senna tora (L.) Roxb. Leguminosae Thantipumokka H + + 216 Sesbania bispinosa (Jacq.) W.Wight Leguminosae S + - 217 Sida acuta Burm.f. Malvaceae Medabirusaku H + + 218 Sida cordifolia L. Malvaceae Bala, Tellagorra H + + 219 Sida spinosa L. Malvaceae Nagabala H + + 220 Solanum surattense Burm.f. Solanaceae Challamulaka H + - 221 Soymida febrifuga (Roxb.) A. Juss. Meliaceae Somi T - + 222 Spermacoce hispida L. Rubiaceae Madhanakattu H - + 223 Sphaeranthus indicus L. Compositae Bodasaramu H - + 224 Sporobolus wallichii Munro ex Poaceae H + - Thwaites 225 Streblus asper Lour Moraceae Barraniki T - + 226 Strychnos nux-vomica L. Loganiaceae Mustichettu T - + 227 Strychnos potatorum L.f. Loganiaceae Vishamusti T - + 228 Stylosanthes scabra Vogel Leguminosae H + - 229 Tamarindus indica L. Leguminosae Chinta T + + 230 Tamarix ericoides Rottler & Willd. Tamaricaceae S - +

3-33 Annexure -3C

S.No. Name Family Vernacular name Habit CZ BZ 231 Tectona grandis L.f. Lamiaceae Teku T + + 232 Tephrosia purpurea (L.) Pers. Leguminosae Vempali H + + 233 Tephrosia villosa (L.) Pers. Leguminosae Nuguvempali H + - 234 Terminalia alata Wall. Combretaceae T - + 235 Terminalia arjuna (Roxb.ex DC.) Wt. Combretaceae Tellamaddhi T - + & Arn. 236 Terminalia bellirica (Gaertn.) Roxb. Combretaceae Thandra T - + 237 Terminalia chebula Retz. Combretaceae T - + 238 Terminalia tomentosa Wight & Arn. Combretaceae T - + 239 Tinospora sinensis (Lour.) Merr. Menispermaceae Tipa teega C + + 240 Trianthema portulacastrum L. Aizoaceae H - + 241 Tribulus terrestris L. Zygophyllaceae Palleru chinna palleru H - + 242 Trichodesma zeylanicum (Burm.f.) Boraginaceae H - + R.Br. 243 Tridax procumbens (L.) L. Compositae Bella paku H + + 244 Triumfetta rotundifolia Lam. Malvaceae S + - 245 Typha angustifolia L. Typhaceae AH + + 246 Urena lobata L. Malvaceae Anturasam H - + 247 Vitex negundo L. Lamiaceae Nalla vavilli S + + 248 Waltheria indica L. Malvaceae Nallabenda S + + 249 Wrightia tinctoria R.Br. Apocynaceae Reppala T - + 250 Xanthium strumarium L. Compositae Marulamathangi S + + 251 Xylia xylocarpa (Roxb.) Taub. Leguminosae Boja T - + 252 Ziziphus jujuba Mill. Rhamnaceae Regi chettu S + + 253 Ziziphus oenopolia (L.) Mill. Rhamnaceae Pariki kampa L - + 254 Ziziphus xylopyrus (Retz.) Willd. Rhamnaceae Pindu parighamu S - + *Note: CZ-Core zone; BZ-Buffer zone

3-34 Annexure-3D

Census 2011 Data

Village Name of

% of % of % % of






% of ST_P % of

% of SC_P % of Lit_P % of

% of Lit_P_F % of

% of Lit_P_M % of

Sex Sex Ratio_P_06




% of MAIN_CL_P % of MAIN_AL_P % 0f

% of MAIN_OT_P MAIN_OT_P % of

% of MAIN_HH_P % of Area in Sq.Kms. in Area

Kannala 2103 8488 20.64 411 4265 4223 990 1018 14.56 10.99 67 74 59 42.3 3.8 8.3 0.4 18.3 11.5 57.7 Ranapur 489 1825 8.92 205 916 909 992 726 23.78 0.82 61 67 54 40.1 7.2 19.7 0.3 8.0 4.8 59.9 Nagaram 324 1185 2.37 500 588 597 1015 847 25.40 0.00 61 69 52 49.1 8.7 8.9 1.4 9.4 20.7 50.9 Lingala 176 648 4.15 156 350 298 851 439 7.10 0.00 53 64 41 53.9 11.7 2.3 1.1 1.7 37.0 46.1 Mustial 354 1309 11.01 119 667 642 963 758 43.70 0.08 69 77 60 52.9 2.5 33.2 0.5 15.4 1.4 47.1 Jallipalle 571 2282 5.55 411 1205 1077 894 989 15.07 4.69 74 80 67 29.4 0.8 0.6 0.5 24.7 2.7 70.6 Julapalle 876 3369 11.17 302 1667 1702 1021 863 12.35 0.30 65 75 56 43.0 3.1 9.1 0.3 10.3 20.1 57.0 Kamanpur 2142 8120 10.71 758 4039 4081 1010 949 16.86 0.10 67 75 59 43.3 5.3 13.5 0.2 14.7 9.5 56.7 Rompikunta 722 2553 5.33 479 1289 1264 981 936 14.14 0.94 56 65 47 47.6 10.5 14.7 0.2 8.7 13.6 52.4 Perapalle 414 1515 3.53 429 741 774 1045 1000 14.26 0.00 58 67 49 48.0 4.2 11.8 0.7 7.9 23.4 52.0 Mulkalapalle 174 652 3.6 181 344 308 895 1000 14.88 1.07 70 79 59 43.7 4.0 20.6 0.0 18.3 0.9 56.3 Nagepalle 640 2399 8.88 270 1244 1155 928 943 14.51 1.42 71 81 60 35.6 0.6 20.9 0.5 9.6 4.0 64.4 Penchikalpet (OG) 509 1904 - - 974 930 955 833 33.98 0.63 64 72 55 47.9 7.0 17.7 0.5 13.3 9.3 52.1 Sundilla (OG) 921 3516 - - 1779 1737 976 936 29.75 0.09 60 68 52 52.5 3.4 6.3 0.7 9.9 32.2 47.5 Jallaram (CT) 2450 9329 23.63 395 4809 4520 940 882 17.41 2.49 74 81 66 34.9 1.6 4.3 0.6 18.9 9.5 65.1 Elkalpalle 862 2978 9.81 304 1454 1524 1048 825 31.43 0.40 66 75 58 48.5 4.0 28.4 0.2 13.0 2.9 51.5 Ramagundam (M + OG) 60674 242979 145.94 1665 123430 119549 969 898 21.45 1.72 74 82 67 32.5 0.4 2.4 0.7 23.4 5.7 67.5 Gunjapaduga 1059 3914 15.29 256 1977 1937 980 1000 19.55 0.26 64 72 56 43.5 3.0 23.9 0.7 10.2 5.7 56.5 Uppatla 351 1274 7.14 178 640 634 991 812 47.49 0.08 60 67 54 49.5 20.8 17.7 0.4 5.7 4.9 50.5 Nagaram (Manthani) 571 2093 10.8 194 1026 1067 1040 1136 36.07 0.24 63 69 56 42.8 5.5 23.6 1.1 4.6 8.0 57.2 Pandulapalle 204 744 3.08 242 360 384 1067 697 25.54 0.00 65 75 56 48.5 14.1 23.3 0.4 6.3 4.4 51.5 Siripuram 825 3258 6.53 499 1643 1615 983 929 19.21 4.11 60 69 51 53.3 2.6 19.4 2.7 7.3 21.3 46.7 Rachepalle 310 1160 3.9 297 578 582 1007 1412 9.14 12.24 64 72 56 50.6 3.7 19.4 0.4 14.5 12.6 49.4 3-35

Village Name of

% of % of % % of






% of ST_P % of

% of SC_P % of Lit_P % of

% of Lit_P_F % of

% of Lit_P_M % of

Sex Sex Ratio_P_06




% of MAIN_CL_P % of MAIN_AL_P % 0f

% of MAIN_OT_P MAIN_OT_P % of

% of MAIN_HH_P % of Area in Sq.Kms. in Area

Akkepalle 372 1333 2.79 478 651 682 1048 844 9.30 0.23 57 62 52 51.3 22.5 23.4 0.7 4.5 0.2 48.7 Kannala (Manthani) 192 631 4.56 138 311 320 1029 640 21.39 0.00 67 75 60 40.7 6.7 10.5 0.0 5.4 18.2 59.3 Mallepalle 136 500 2.82 177 232 268 1155 737 60.00 0.00 70 79 63 46.0 3.8 35.4 0.4 6.2 0.2 54.0 Vilochavaram 331 1212 7.36 165 596 616 1034 967 30.20 0.00 52 55 50 51.8 9.7 38.9 0.2 2.8 0.2 48.2 Ramaraopet 559 2141 9.64 222 1099 1042 948 732 25.74 1.63 63 71 54 45.6 6.2 18.7 0.5 13.6 6.6 54.4 Indaram 1317 5435 18.25 298 2873 2562 892 872 24.60 5.28 71 80 62 37.6 2.0 11.5 0.6 16.7 6.8 62.4 Tekumatla 807 3120 9.83 317 1566 1554 992 950 47.02 1.09 65 75 56 47.4 2.8 21.0 0.4 6.9 16.3 52.6 Shetpalle 541 2033 9.61 212 1016 1017 1001 926 30.99 0.84 54 62 47 47.7 5.1 24.6 0.4 15.1 2.4 52.3 Yelkanti 173 695 3.97 175 344 351 1020 944 54.24 3.74 56 66 46 50.9 14.1 0.4 0.3 6.9 29.2 49.1 Pegadapalle 387 1359 17.32 78 663 696 1050 1283 33.19 1.25 61 69 52 42.5 4.7 8.4 0.1 24.8 4.4 57.5 Gangipalle 290 1076 6.28 171 517 559 1081 844 36.34 1.21 56 63 49 57.2 8.3 12.6 1.0 6.5 28.8 42.8 Narasingapuram 302 1085 10.54 103 543 542 998 865 37.97 1.47 62 72 53 42.6 7.7 7.5 1.4 8.4 17.6 57.4 Bejjal 182 663 5.07 131 327 336 1028 1074 36.05 0.00 78 87 69 52.8 7.1 8.3 3.6 6.0 27.8 47.2 Kundaram 669 2418 23.68 102 1189 1229 1034 1068 36.02 1.20 54 62 45 54.9 6.9 27.0 0.6 7.7 12.7 45.1 Rommipur 213 754 16.74 45 365 389 1066 1156 49.34 0.27 58 66 51 53.4 9.3 42.4 0.7 0.5 0.5 46.6 Kistapur 257 936 15.93 59 461 475 1030 1150 25.75 0.11 56 63 49 40.6 12.2 15.6 1.6 4.9 6.3 59.4 Velal 492 1782 15.1 118 871 911 1046 978 56.12 0.00 49 57 42 45.5 5.1 20.1 0.1 5.3 15.0 54.5 Total 84941 334667 501.47 667 169609 165058 973 907 22.24 1.89 72 79 64 35.7 1.6 5.9 0.7 20.4 7.2 64.3



Method used for the assessment of Quality of Life Index Values Values Parameters considered Parameters considered assigned assigned 1. Housing 2. Source of Water Pucca – above 3 rooms 0.5 Bore well 1.0 Pucca -1-2 room 0.4 RWS 0.8 Semi pucca 0.3 Open wells 0.4 Kutcha 0.2 Water tanker 0.3 Lower and higher values are assigned according For additional own source of water higher value is to availability of rooms assigned 3. Sanitary Facilities 4. Food Type Open defecation 0 Very Good(Rice+Pulses+ 1 curry+ Non veg) Community toilet 0.2 Good ( Rice+Pulses+curry) 0.5 Sanitation facility at home 0.5 Moderate (Rice+curry+ Gruel) 0.3 Poor (Rice+ Onion+ 0.1 Gruel ) For additional facilities higher values are assigned Higher values area assigned as per availability of fruit consumption and other protein foods 5. Roads and Transport Facilities 6. Vehicles Possessed No facility 0 Cycle 0.3 Motorable road 0.5 Motorcycle/Scooter 0.5 Good roads and proper bus 0.75 Four wheeler >0.7 facilities Good roads, bus and railway 1. 0 service 7. Prevalence of Common Diseases 8. Medical Treatment Facilities Suffering from Common 0.3 No availability of medical facilities 0 diseases Suffering from No major 0.5 RMP Doctor 0.2 diseases No diseases 1.0 MBBS Doctor 0.4 M.B.B.S Doctor + Dispensary 0.6 Doctor + Dispensary+ 1.0 specialization 9. Fuel and Energy Used 10. Entertainment Gas 1.0 Community recreations 0.2 Wood +gas 0.75 Only TV 0.3 Kerosene 0.3 Cinema + Community recreations 0.4 Coal/ wood 0.2 TV+ Cinema+ Community 1 recreations 11. Assets Possessed Amounting to 12. Educational Qualification Rs.< 10,000 0.2 Illiterate 0 Rs.10,000-30,000 0.35 Primary 0.3 Rs.30,000-50,000 0.5 Secondary 0.5 Rs.50,000-1 lakh 0.75 Territory 0.7 Rs > 1 lakh 1.0 Professional courses 1 13. Per Capita Income per Annum Rs. < 25000 0.2 Rs. 75000-100000 0.7 Rs. 25000-50000 0.3 Rs. 100000-125000 0.8 Rs. 50000-75000 0.5 Above 1250000 1 Source: N. C., Pal, A.K., Prusty, B.K. and Kumar, P: Quality of Life Index of the Mining area. In: Special issue on Environment of the Indian Mining and Engineering Journal. Centre of Mining Environment, Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad, July: 15-18 (1998).



4-1 Annexure- 4B

4-2 Annexure-4B

4-3 Annexure-4C

Corporate Social Responsibility: SHAPE/CSR activities in the surrounding villages in RG-1 GODAVARIKHANI / RAMAGUNDAM S.NO. NAME OF THE WORK AMOUNT SPENT Rs. In Lakhs. SHAPE-1 WORKS FOR THE YEAR 2003-04 1 Balance works -construction of 5 rooms to PSB at Vittalnagar 7.00 2 Construction of addl. Class rooms to Jr.Collect building at GDK 15.00 3 Balance works compound walls at Vittalnagar 6.00 4 2-class rooms at ZPSS GHS U/M Sec.I 3.00 5 2-class rooms at Govt.School.,PH Colony 3.00 6 2-class roms PS CSP colony- sector-1 3.00 7 2-class rooms PS chaitnyapuri sector-I 3.00 8 2-class rooms PS Chandrababu Naidu colony -sector-1 3.00 9 2-class rooms + compound wall Gandhipark school-sector-1 4.00 10 Compound wall -Thilaknagar Kakatiya colony school 5.00 11 2-class rooms PS Gandhipark U/M 3.00 12 2-class rooms PS Ambedkar colony 3.00 13 Balance works constructions of addl.class rooms to Ramagundam 5.00 14 S/R to road dam on R/F PC-1 gate to Elkalapally 5.00 15 Kitchen shed to PS Upparla kesaram 0.25 16 Construction of compound wall S/R to ZPSS at Elkalapally 7.00 17 Providing compound wall to new Govt. Degree college at GDK 54.50 18 Strengthening of Manthani-Ramagundam road from 13/4 to 18/7 in 70.00 Karimnagar dist. 19 Formation of laying of BT road from Brahmagiri temple to Govt. Area 12.00 Hospital 20 Laying of CC road beside MDO office to Upto CC road in SCC ST colony, 4.50 Ramagundam 21 Extension of water supply pipe lines - Medipally village 28.00 22 Construction of guide wall to Peddacheruvu,RGM 9.45 23 Repairs to Chintacheruvu 5.25 24 Repairs to Methalkunta Ramagundam 3.15 25 Lining of feeder channel from Peddacheruvu to Neeralakunta 6.30 26 Desilting of Nuthalakunta -Ramagundam 2.10 27 Renovation of SC Boys hostel-Ramagundam 1.60 28 Renovation & construction of addl haly(dorimontory) at SE Girls 5.45 hostel,GDK 29 C/O B.C Girls hostel at Ramagundam 22.00 30 Improvements to Ramagundam Railway station Bye pass road from O/o to 31.50 2/2 KM 31 C/o Check dam A.C.Gubbbalakunta 1.08 32 C/o Check dam at Kaimallavagu 2.50 33 Repairs to Ousula Lingaiah kunta 3.15 34 C/o Check dams at Giddelugula bore vorrey 1.81 35 Diversion channel from Yegala podi vorrey to ousula lingaiah kunta 1.92 36 Desilting of ousula lingaiah kunta 1.05 37 Repairs to Oora kunta 4.86 38 Desilting of oorakunta 2.10 39 Const of Check dam A/c Peddaloya 5.33 40 Lining to feeder channel from methalakunta to Oorakunta 10.50 365.35 SHAPE-2 WORKS FOR THE YEAR 2004-05 1 C/o compound wal around school builiding at Medapalli(V) (Municipal 2.50 limits) 2 Desilting of Nalla Kunta,Bestapally 2.00

4-4 Annexure-4C

4.50 SHAPE-3 WORKS 2005-06 1 Repairs and facilities Govt. Jr.College(Boys) GDK (SPL.San) 17.00 2 PWS scheme at Rayadandi H/o. Peddampeta 10.00 3 C/o Laboratories Seminar hall, Library and class rooms at PG college 30.00 Godavarikhani (1000 Sq mtrs) 4 Guide wall from Nethalakunta to road to Ramagundam village 10.00 5 Repairs to Pedda cheruvu at Medapalli 8.00 6 Guide waLL top pedda cheruvu to Nethalakunta Ramagundam(V) 10.00 7 Repairs to Peruka Ramaiah kunta 5.00 90.00 SHAPE-4 WORKS 2008-09 1 Widening & formation of WBM and BT road from Medipalli chowrastha 8.62 towards X road of PK Ramaiah colony, Ramagundam 2 Construction of balance part of strom water drain of road Medipally junction 4.95 towards PK Ramaiah colony, Ramagundam 3 Laying of distrubution water pipe lines in ward no. 9 & 10 8.77 4 Laying of CC road and construction of UGD Ambedknagar in ward no.12, 5.11 Ramagundam 5 Const of underground drainage from Durga nagar colony board to 12.62 Addaguntapalli X road in ware no.16 Ramagundam 6 Laying of CC road LB nagar to Ramesh nagar in Ward no.19 7.71 7 Laying of BT road from NTPC helid paid to Sahalapalli road ware no.5 7.86 8 Laying of CC road 250 mtrs from GCOA club to 7 LEP track in ware no.26 7.69 Ramagundam 9 Laying of CC road in ward no. 31 Ramagundam 4.85 10 Laying of CC road from Sharada nagar baricade to CBN colony & 4.99 Shivalayam, Ramagundam 11 CC road from Sripada statue to Shivalayam temple in ward no.6 8.61 Ramagundam 12 Layig of CC road in ware no.27 Ramagundam 4.44 13 Laying of CC road in Ward no.28 (reach 1 & reach 2 each 7.50 lakhs) 14.36 Ramagundam 14 Laying of cc road from Sharada nagar SCCL existing CC road to girls high 14.51 school in ward no.33, Ramagundam 15 Laying of CC road from Markandeya colony main road up to end of CC 4.87 road in ward no.3 in Ramagundam 16 CC road from Raghavarao society to 5 Inc chowrastha in ward no. 22 & 23 4.32 Ramagundam 17 Laying of cc road & side drains at Perapally Village 2.00 Total 126.28 Grand Total 586.13 B NARSINGAPUR VILLAGE SHAPE-3 WORKS 2005-06 1 Facilities to MP Primary school, Narsingapur(5th ward) A) Repairs for 2 3.00 class rooms Total 3.00 C MALKAPUR VILLAGE SHAPE-3 WORKS 2005-06 1 Construction of school building at Malkapur 5.00 Total 5.00 D DUBBAPALLY VILLAGE SHAPE-2 WORKS FOR THE YEAR 2004-05 1 Laying CC roads & Drainage at Dubbapally ( As per Rajiv Pallebata) 12.00 Total 12.00

4-5 Annexure-4C

E SINGIREDDYPALLI VILLAGE SHAPE-2 WORKS FOR THE YEAR 2004-05 1 CC roads in Singireddypally village 7.00 Total 7.00 F CHILLAPALLI VILLAGE SHAPE-2 WORKS FOR THE YEAR 2004-05 1 Construction of class rooms -4 nos. with AC sheets and Compound wall to 4.00 UPS building of Chillapalli 2 Laying of CC roads & drainage at Chillapaly (As per Rajiv Pallebata) 10.00 Total 14.00 G CHANDANAPUR VILLAGE SHAPE-2 WORKS FOR THE YEAR 2004-05 1 CC road in Chandanapur village 15.00 2 Laying of CC roads (internal) at Chandanapur village 15.00 Total 30.00 SHAPE-3 WORKS 2005-06 1 Construction of Dhobighat X roads of chandanapur 3.00 Total 3.00 Grand Total 33.00 H MANGALAPLLY VILLAGE SHAPE-2 WORKS FOR THE YEAR 2004-05 1 Laying of BT road at Peddampet and Mangalpali village 10.00 2 Laying of BT roads at Peddampet and Mangalapali village 7.00 3 Construction of drains at Peddampet and Mangalapalli village 4.80 Total 21.80 SHAPE-3 WORKS 2005-06 1 Street lighting system at Peddampet and Mangalpally village 1.50 Total 1.50 Grand Total 23.30 I JANGOAN VILLAGE SHAPE-1 WORKS FOR THE YEAR 2003-04 1 2-class rooms +compound wall High School at Jangam 4.50 2 1-class room + toilet at PS Jangam 2.70 3 Widening and BT road from 1 incline road to Jangam DRID road 8.00 4 Extension of water supply pipe lines to jangam village 15.00 Total 30.20 SHAPE-3 WORKS 2005-06 1 Construction of compound wall to ZP High School at Jangaon 4.00 Total 4.00 Grand Total 34.20 J ADDAGUNTAPALLI VILLAGE SHAPE-1 WORKS FOR THE YEAR 2003-04 1 1-class room + toilet at PS-Addaguntapalli 1.70 Total 1.70 K SUNDILLA VILLAGE SHAPE-1 WORKS FOR THE YEAR 2003-04 1 CC road to Sundilla village 10.50 2 2-class rooms +compound wall ZPSS -Sundilla village 6.00 3 1-class room +compound weall Gaddampaily H/O. Sundilla 3.00 4 1-class room + compound wall PS Sundilla 3.00 5 Kotchen shed to PS Narsimhapuram colony, Sundilla 0.25 6 PWS at Sundilla 3.00 7 Kitchen shed to PS sundilla 0.25 Total 26.00

4-6 Annexure-4C

SHAPE -2 WORKS FOR THE YEAR 2004-05. 1 Laying of CC roads in Sundilla village 10.00 Total 10.00 SHAPE-4 WORKS 2008-09 1 Laying of cc road & side drains at Sundilla village 3.99 Total 3.99 Grand Total 39.99 L MUSTHYALA VILLAGE SHAPE-1 WORKS FOR THE YEAR 2003-04 1 Metalling road from Musthyala village to GDK-11A Incline 20.00 2 2-class rooms Govt.School-Musthyala village 3.00 3 Kitchen shed to UPS Musthayala 0.25 4 PWS at Musthyala 7.00 Total 30.25 SHAPE-2 WORKS FOR THE YEAR 2004-05 1 Development works (CC works) in Mustyala Village 14.70 Total 14.70 SHAPE-4 WORKS 2008-09 1 Laying of CC road & side drains at Muthyala village 4.00 Total 4.00

Grand Total 48.95 Total Expenditure 808.27 CSR works undertaken by SCCL/RG.I after 2008 Sl. Name of work Value Remarks No. (in lakhs) 1 Providing 4 hand bore wells to Musthyala village 2.71 Work Completed 2 Providing 4 hand bore wells to Jangoan village 2.71 -do- 3 Providing 4 hand bore wells to Sundilla village 2.71 -do- 4 Construction of toilet including septic tank & soak pit at BC 8.50 -do- colony of Lingapur village near MOCP 5 Preparation of parking yard near Godavari river for 5.00 -do- Godavari Pushkaralu 6 Providing 1 no. each hand bore well to Singireddypalli, 2.96 -do- Chandanapur & Dubbapalli villages 7 Diversion of road from Lingapur village to Intake well near 45.45 NIT released Godavari river at MOCP 8 Development works such as providing chain link mesh, 67.82 Work awarded compound wall and widening of CC road to Hindu Smashana Vatika near Godavari river 9 Widening of existing road to 7.0 m on either side of divider 690.00 Work is in progress from Municipal office to GDK-5 Incline junction 10 Funds provided to JNTU, Manthani 2000.00 11 Development works requisitioned at nearby villages by 58.00 17.40 lakhs paid Hon,ble MP, Peddapalli constituency towards advance to District Collector, Karimnagar. Works will be taken up by District authorities. 12 Development works requisitioned at nearby villages 32.00 Details of works to be requisitioned by Hon,ble MLA, Ramagundam constituency furnished by Hon’ble MLA for entering MOU with District Collector, Karimnagar & to make

4-7 Annexure-4C

30% advance payment. 13 Providing Infrastructure / facilities in Govt. Schools within 50.00 50.00 lakhs paid to the Assembly Constituency District Collector, Karimnagar. 14 Providing furniture, drinking water in need by Govt. 50.00 50.00 lakhs being paid schools & Medical equipment to Govt. hospitals/PHCs in to District Collector, Siricilla Constituency Karimnagar. Total 3017.86 CSR Activities in RG-1 Area

1 Sub Development works requisitioned at nearby villages by Hon’ble MP Peddapalli Constituency MOU dtd.26.03.2016 Note No.RG.I/CVL/75/215, dtd.24.03.2016

Sl.No. Name of Name of the work Estimated Expenditu Status the amount re Mandal (in lakhs) incurred (in lakhs) 1 Gambheer Construction of side drain from Bolli 2.00 0 Rao Pet Mallaiah(H) to Potla Kunta Cheruvu at Kothapalle V&GP of Karimnagar District 2 Ramagund CC Road from Gurram Venkata 2.00 0 am Swamy(H) to Irikulla Lingaiah(H) at Lingpur Indiaramma Colony of Karimnagar District 3 Palakurthy CC Road from Main Road to 2.00 1,91,354 Work Kothapalle Nalla Pocham(H) at Complet Palakurthy(V&GP) of Karimnagar ed District 4 Palakurthy CC Road from Church to Ram 3.00 3,00,000 Work Mandir at Kukklagudur of Complet Karimnagar District ed 5 Ramagund CC Road at Indiramma Colony 2.00 0 am Lingapur of Karimnagar District 6 Palakurthy CC Road from Shyamala Laxmi(H) 2.00 2,00,000 Work to M Narsaiah(H) at Laxmipur H/O Complet Palakurthy GP of Karimnagar District ed 7 Palakurthy Balance CC Road from ZP Road to 2.00 1,85,870 Work Laxmipur H/o Palakurthy of Complet Karimnagar District ed 8 Palakurthy CC Road from ZP Road to Church at 2.00 0 Basanthnagar GP Palakurthy of Karimnagar District 9 Anthargaon CC Road from Kandi Hanmanthu(H) 2.00 0 to Tungapindi Rajanarsu(H) GP Anthargaon of Karimnagar District 10 Anthargaon CC Road from D Swarna(H) to T 2.00 0 Venkatesh(H) in Ambedkar Colony Anthargaon of Karimnagar District 11 Anthargaon CC Road from R&B Road to SC 2.00 2,00,000 Work Colony GP Somanpally of Complet Karimnagar District ed 12 Mogullapall Approach road to SC Colony GP 2.00 0 i Akenpally of Karimnagar District 13 Karimnagar Construction of UGD from 11-7- 2.50 2,39,686 Work 421/1222 (Itharaveni Pocham) to 11- Complet

4-8 Annexure-4C

7-421/1228 (R.Komuraiah) and 11-7- ed 421/1232 (K.Yellaiah) to 11-7- 421/1237 in Santhoshnagar Division No.42 of Karimnagar District 14 Karimnagar Construction of UGD from 11-7- 2.50 2,47,781 Work 421/1246 (K.Lingaiah) to 11-7- Complet 421/1251 and 11-7-421/1232 to 11- ed 7-421/1237 in Santhoshnagar Division No.42 of Karimnagar District 15 Karimnagar Construction of UGD from 11-7-533 3.00 2,94,438 Work (M.Rangaiah) to 11-7-549/1 Complet (Sammaiah) Water Tank Lane in ed Santhoshnagar Division No.42 of Karimnagar District 16 Karimnagar Construction of UGD from 11-7-476 3.00 2,97,245 Work (B.Mondaiah) to 11-7-524 in Complet Santhoshanagar Division No.42 of ed Karimnagar District 17 Ramagund Laying of CC Road from 20-2-249 to 4.00 3,95,631 Work am 20-2-170 and 20-2-176 and 20-2-161 Complet and 20-2-149 and Laying CC Patch ed at 20-2-27 in Division No.12 Ramagundam Mununicpal Corporation of Karimnagar District 18 Ramagund Laying of CC Road from Kaniganti 4.00 4,00,000 Work am Peddulu(H) to Guest House Wall at Complet KCR Colony 45th Ward ed Ramagundam of Karimnagar District 19 Ramagund Construction of UGD from 20-2-344 6.00 5,95,108 Work am to 20-2-170 and 20-2-176 to 20-2- Complet 181 and 20-2-149 and 20-2-249 to ed 20-2-127 at Gandhinagar Division No.12 of Ramagundam of Karimnagar District 20 Kamanpur Laying of CC Road at 4.00 3,98,487 Work Prashanthnagar H/o Kalvacherla Complet MPP Kamanpur of Karimnagar ed District 21 Kamanpur Laying of CC Road from R&B Road 4.00 3,61,859 Work to Pragathi School at Kalvacherla Complet MPP Kamanpur of Karimnagar ed District TOTAL 58.00 43,07,459.00

2 Sub Providing Infrastructure / facilities in Govt. Schools within the Huzurabad Assembly Constituency dtd.24.03.2016 Sl.N Name of Name of the work Estimated Expenditure Status o. the Mandal amount incurred (in lakhs) (in lakhs) 1 Huzurabad Providing Infrastructure / facilities 50.00 50,00,000.00 Work in Govt. Schools within the Completed Huzurabad Assembly constituency dtd.24.03.2016 Total 50.00 50,00,000.00

3 Sub Providing furniture, drinking water in need by Govt. schools & Medical equipment to

4-9 Annexure-4C

Govt. Hospitals / PHCs in Constituency dtd.14.04.2016 Sl.No. Name of Name of the work Estimated Expenditure Status the amount incurred Mandal (in lakhs) (in lakhs) 1 Sircilla Providing furniture, drinking water 50.00 50,00,000.00 Work in need by Govt. schools & Complete Medical equipment to Govt. d Hospitals / PHCs in Sircilla Constituency dtd.14.04.2016 Total 50.00 50,00,000.00

Sub Development works requisitioned at nearby villages requisitioned by Hon’ble MLA, 4 Ramagundam Constituency MOU dtd.13.06.2017 Note No. RG.I/CVL/75/492, dtd.14.06.2017 Sl.No. Name of the Name of the work Estimated Expenditure Status Mandal amount incurred (in lakhs) (in lakhs) 1 Anthergaon Construction of balance CC 5.00 0 road in SC colony in Anthergaon village 2 Anthergaon Construction of compound 5.00 4,53,878.00 wall to SC Community hall in Anthergaon village 3 Goliwada Laying of CC road from 5.00 4,86,137.00 Masjid to Pochamma temple in Gowliguda village 4 Anthergaon Laying of Internal CC roads in 5.00 4,55,541.00 TTS Anthergaon 5 Brahmanpally Laying of CC road from R&B 5.00 0 road to Marripally 6 Brahmanpally Laying of Balance CC road in 5.00 5,00,000.00 SC colony in Brahmanpally 7 Akenapally Laying of Balance CC road in 5.00 4,59,463.00 SC colony in Akenapaly 8 Somanpally Laying of CC road in 5.00 4,43,884.00 Kummariwada Somapally village 9 Somanpally Laying of CC road in 5.00 4,24,889.00 Kurmawada Somapally village 10 Kukkalagudur Laying CC road in Indiramma 5.00 0 colony in Kukkalagudur village 11 Esalatakkalap Laying of CC road in Vodnala 5.00 4,59,811.00 ally Wada in Esalatakkalapally village 12 Esalatakkalap Laying of CC road from 5.00 4,65,507.00 ally Mukkera Kumaraswamy house to Nagula Bhushanam house in BC Wada 13 Kothalapally Laying of CC road from B 5.00 4,74,264.00 Lingaiah house to School to Kothapally village 14 Kothalapally Construction of side drain in 5.00 5,00,000.00 BC wada in Kothapally

4-10 Annexure-4C

15 Vemnur Laying of CC road from Dhobi 5.00 0 ghat to Pump house to Vemnur village 16 Kundanapally Laying of Balance CC roads 10.00 9,95,523.00 in Indiramma colony in Kundanapally village 17 Ramaraopally Laying of CC road from 5.00 4,71,600.00 Community hall to A Mallaiah house in Ramaraopally 18 Ramaraopally Laying of CC road from R&B 5.00 4,79,546.00 road to Durgamwada (SC locality) 19 Palakurthy Laying of CC road from Auto 3.00 0 kumar house to Komuraiah house in Palakurthy 20 Palakurthy Laying of CC road from 2.00 Gadarla Shanker house to Jillela Gouramma house Total 100.00 72,42,660.00

Sub Development works requisitioned at nearby villages requisioned by Hon’ble M.P 5 Peddapalli dtd.30.06.2017 Note No. RG.I/CVL/75/490, dtd.14.06.2017 Sl.No Name of the Name of the work Estimat Expenditure Status . Mandal ed incurred amount ( in lakhs) (in lakhs) 1 Ramagundam Construction of UGD & Formation 4.00 3,94,743.00 Work from to 21-1- Completed 198/12 Dorggolla Mallaiah Lane & 198/14/1 ti 21-1-198/11 Thatipalli Ranga Rao Lane in Sainagar near KCR Colony 45 Division, Ramagundam 2 Ramagundam Construction of UGD from MD 4.00 3,95,500.00 Work Sarver(H) to Kumbala Rangamma Completed (H) in Sainagar near KCR colony in th 45 Division, Ramagundam 3 Ramagundam Construction of UGD & Formation 4.00 3,95,500.00 Work from Vinayaka Mandapam to Badri Completed Ravinder(H) & Koppula Sadanandam(H) Lane & Mekala Rajaiah Lane in Sainagar near KCR th Colony 45 Division, Ramagundam 4 Ramagundam Construction of UGD from 3.50 3,46,583.00 Work Kanakaiah H.No. 11-7-585 to Completed Daggu Balaiah H.No.11-7-599 in 42 Division of Ramagundam Municipal Corporation 5 Ramagundam Construction of UGD from 3.50 3,46,805.00 Work Venkatesh to Muske Completed Odelu in 42 Division of Ramagundam Municipal Corporation 6 Ramagundam Construction of UGD from 3.00 2,97,288.00 Work

4-11 Annexure-4C

5-294 to 17-5-247 to 17-5-224/1 in Completed Chandrashekara Nagar in Division no.34 of Ramagundam Municipal Corporation 7 Ramagundam Construction of UGD from 3.00 3,00,000.00 Work 5-294 to Ganesh Mandapam to 17- Completed 4-259 in Division no.34 of Ramagundam Municipal Corporation 8 Sultanabad Laying of CC Road from Nitturi 3.00 3,00,000.00 Work Anand (H) to Nitturi Rajesham (H) Completed at Sultanabad 9 Sultanabad Laying CC Road from 3.00 2,87,998.00 Work K.Pochamallamma (H) to Kasarapu Completed Shankaraiah (H) at Sultanabad TOTAL 31.00 30,64,417.00

Sub Development works requisitioned at nearby villages requisitioned by 6 Hon’ble MLA, Ramagundam Constituency MOU dtd.13.06.2017 Note No. RG.I/CVL/75/492, dtd.14.06.2017 Sl.No. Name of the Name of the work Estimated Expenditure Status Mandal amount incurred (in lakhs) (in lakhs) 1 Ramagundam BT Road works in 30.00 9,00,000.00 Work Goutham Nagar under Area, Godavarikhani process

7 Sub Construction of proposed Model Police Station Building at Godavarikhani MoU 01.08.2018 Sl.No. Name of the Name of the work Estimated Expenditure Status Mandal amount incurred (in lakhs) (in lakhs) 1 Ramagundam Construction of proposed 300.00 1,50,00,000.00 Work in Model Police Station progress Building at Godavarikhani MoU 01.08.2018

Sub Development works requisitioned at nearby villages requisitioned by Hon’ble 8 MLA, Ramagundam Constituency Note No.RG.I/CVL/75/115, dtd.19.02.2018 MoU dtd.07.04.2018 Sl.No. Name of Name of the work Estimated Expenditure Status the Mandal amount incurred (in lakhs) (in lakhs) 1 Anthargaon C/o B/W G.P Building Eklaspur 5.00 2 Anthargaon L/o Internal CC Roads in Voddera 5.00 4,73,030.00 Work under Colony,TTS Anthargaon process 3 Anthargaon C/O B/W side Drain in Marripalli, GP 5.00 0 --- Brahmanpalli 4 Anthargaon L/o Internal CC Roads in Golla 5.00 5,00,000.00 Work under wada, GP Akenapalli process 5 Anthargaon L/O CC Road from R&B Road 5.00 4,66,403.00 Work under Nursery, GP Goliwada process 6 Anthargaon Laying of CC road from PS to 5.00 0 --- Uppuleti Gangamma(H), GP

4-12 Annexure-4C


7 Anthargaon Formation of metal Road from Potial 5.00 0 --- to Ganugukunta, GP Potial 8 Anthargaon Laying of internal TTS 5.00 4,49,648.00 Work under Peddannapet, GP Raiandi process 9 Anthargaon Formation of Metal Road from 5.00 0 --- Ellampalli Project to Godavari(Old sand quarry), GP Murmur 10 Anthargaon Laying CC road from Godavari Road 5.00 0 --- to Pochamma Temple, GP Maddiriyal 11 Palakurthi C/o Internal CC road in SC Colony, 5.00 0 --- GP Palakurthi 12 Palakurthi Laying of CC Road in BC Colony in 5.00 0 --- Putnur h/o Jayyaram, GP Jayyaram 13 Palakurthi Laying of CC roads in BC Colony, 5.00 0 --- GP Kukkala Guduru 14 Palakurthi L/o CC Road from Pallerla 5.00 0 --- Sudhakar(H) to A. Chandramouli(H) and Sripathi Sathaiah(H) to S.Rajagopal(H), GP Kukkala Guduru 15 Palakurthi Formation of Metal Road from Dhobi 5.00 0 --- Ghat to Kore Shankaraiah(H), GP Vemnoor 16 Palakurthi Laying of Internal CC Roads in SC 5.00 5,00,000.00 Work under Colony, GP Ramrao palli process 17 Palakurthi Formation of Metal Road from 5.00 0 --- Kothapalli weir to Rmaraopalli Link Road, GP Kothapalli 18 Palakurthi Formation of metal Road from 5.00 0 --- Patwari Gadda to SRSP Canal, Esala Thakkalla Palli 19 Palakurthi C/o Underground drainage from 5.00 0 --- Bandari Rajaiah(H) to Bode Rajaiah(H), GP Elkalapalli 20 Palakurthi C/O side drain from Konda 5.00 4,64,945.00 Work under Rayamallu(H) to Thanneeru process Mallaiah(H), GP Elkalapalli Total 100.00 28,54,206.00

9 Sub Installation of LED street lighting system in rural areas i.e Anthergaon and Palakurthy Mandals requisitioned by Hon’ble MLA, Ramagundam Constituency Note No. RG.I/CVL/75/116, dtd.19.02.2018, MoU 07.04.2018 Sl.No. Name of the Name of the work Estimate Expenditur Status Mandal d amount e incurred (in lakhs) (in lakhs) 1 Anthergaon & Installation of LED street lighting system 60.00 18.00 Work under Palakurthy in rural areas i.e Anthergaon and process Palakurthy Mandals requisitioned by Hon’ble MLA, Ramagundam Constituency Note No. RG.I/CVL/75/116, dtd.19.02.2018, MoU 07.04.2018

4-13 Annexure-4C

10 Sub Providing dual desks in some of the High Schools in District MoU dtd.19.11.2018 Note No. RG.I/CVL/75/658, dtd.17.11.2018 Sl.No. Name Name of the work Estimated Expenditure Status of the amount incurred Mandal (in lakhs) (in lakhs) 1 Jagtial Providing dual desks in some of 100.00 59.12 Work the High Schools in Jagtial District under MoU dtd.19.11.2018 Note No. process RG.I/CVL/75/658, dtd.17.11.2018

11 Sub Development works such as laying roads, drilling bore wells, Installation of R.O plants, providing tube lights etc., around neighbouring villages of Ramagundam – 1 Area under CSR program Note No. RG.I/CVL/75/540, dtd.27.06.2019 Sl.N Name of the Name of the work Estimated Expenditur Status o. Mandal amount e incurred (in lakhs) (in lakhs) 1 Ramagunda Construction of compound wall 30.00 m around Sri Thrilinga Raja Rajeshwara temple and construction of rooms & toilets for pilgrims at jangaon village 2 Ramagunda Construction of Dhobghat at 5.00 Tender m Jangaon village Called 3 Ramagunda Construction of two rooms at Sri 10.00 m Kodanda Ramalayam for visiting devotees at Janagoan village. 4 Musthyala Installation of R.O Plant at Sundilla 3.00 Tender Village (500 LPH) Called 5 Ramagiri Installation of R.O Plant (500LPH) 5.00 Tender & Shed at Chandanapur Called 6 Installation of R.O Plant (500LPH) 5.00 Tender & shed at Dubbapalli Called 7 Ramagunda Renovation of temple at Medipalli 10.00 m Village temple 8 Ramagunda Providing internal CC road at 30.00 m Medipalli village in Phase-I 9 Drilling of borewells 20 Nos 15.00 Medipalli, Lingapur, Sundilla, Jangaon, Chandanapur and other villages 10 Tube llights for surrounding 3.00 villages 11 Supply and fixing of 1 HP pumps 5 2.00 Nos. at RO plants 118.00

4-14 Annexure-4C

12 Sub Providing ground leveling work & parade wall construction etc for new parade grund and furniture for Police stations in Ramagundam Police Commissionerate Note No. CRP/PER/WEL/CSR/599, dtd.23.10.2019 Lr.No.CRP/PER/WEL/CSR/5722, dtd.11.11.2019 Sl.No Name of the Name of the work Estimated Expenditure Stat . Mandal amount incurred us (in lakhs) (in lakhs) 1 Ramagundam Providing ground leveling work & parade wall Sanctioned construction etc for new parade grund and amount furniture for Police stations in Ramagundam 20.00 Police Commissionerate.

CSR Works expenditure in RG.I Area

Sl.No MoU Date Estimated amount(Rs. in Lakhs) Expenditure incurred Rs.(in Lakhs) 1 26.03.2016 58.00 4307459.00 2 24.03.2016 50.00 5000000.00 3 14.04.2016 50.00 5000000.00 4 13.06.2017 100.00 7242660.00 5 30.06.2017 31.00 3064417.00 6 13.06.2017 30.00 900000.00 7 01.08.2018 300.00 15000000.00 8 07.04.2018 100.00 2854206.00 9 07.04.2018 60.00 1800000.00 10 19.11.2018 100.00 5912000.00 11 27.06.2019 118.00 00.00 12 00.11.2019 20.00 00.00 Total 1017.00 51080742.00 CSR Works expenditure in RG.I Area Sl.No MoU Date Estimated amount(Rs. in Lakhs) Expenditure incurred Rs.(in Lakhs) 1 26.03.2016 58.00 4307459.00 2 24.03.2016 50.00 5000000.00 3 14.04.2016 50.00 5000000.00 Total in 2016 158.00 14307459.00 4 13.06.2017 100.00 7242660.00 5 30.06.2017 31.00 3064417.00 6 13.06.2017 30.00 900000.00 Total in 2017 161.00 11207077.00 7 01.08.2018 300.00 15000000.00 8 07.04.2018 100.00 2854206.00 9 07.04.2018 60.00 1800000.00 10 19.11.2018 100.00 5912000.00 Total in 2018 560.00 25566206.00 11 27.06.2019 118.00 00.00 12 00.11.2019 20.00 00.00 Total in 2019 138.00 0.0

Sl.No Year Estimated amount(Rs. in Lakhs) Expenditure incurred Rs.(in Lakhs) 1 2016 158.00 14307459.00 2 2017 161.00 11207077.00 3 2018 560.00 25566206.00 4 2019 138.00 0.0 Total 1017.00 51080742.00

4-15 10-1

Environmental Policy of SCCL

“To be a role model in protection of environment for sustainable development, SCCL is committed to implement the best global practices in all its operations through prevention / mitigation of pollution, proper disposal / recycling of wastes and bringing awareness among all the stake holders for continual improvement in environmental performance”

10-2 Annexure-12 A

Quality Council of India National Accreditation Board for QCI Education & Training ~_C_£_R_T_I _C_A_T_£_OF_A_C_C_R_ED_I_T_A_TI_O___ ] Environment Protection Training and Research Institute (EPTRI)

# 91/4, Gachibowli, Hyderabad -5000321 Telangana

Accredited as Category - A organization under the QCI-NABET Scheme for Accreditation of EIA Consultant Organizations: Version 3 for preparing EIA-EMP reports in the following Sectors: Sector (as per) Sl. No. Sector Description Cat. NABET MoEFCC 1 Mining of minerals i ncl~ding Open cast and underground mining 1 1 (a) (i) A 2 River Valley projects 3 1 (c) A Industrial estates/ parks/ complexes/ Areas, export processing 3 zones(EPZs), Special economic zones (SEZs), Biotech parks, 31 7 (c) A Leather complexes 4 Common municipal solid waste management facility (CMSWMF) 37 7 (i) B 5 Building and construction projects 38 8 (a) B 6 Townships and Area development projects 39 8 (b) B Note: Names of approved EIA Coordinators and Functional ArH Experts are mentioned In RA AC minutes dated October 04 and December 06, 2019 posted on QCI-NABET website.

The Accreditation shall remain in force subject to continued compliance to the terms and conditions mentioned fn QCI­ NABET's letter of accreditation bearing no. QCI/NABET/ENV/AC0/19/1155 dated December 06, 2019. The accreditation needs to be renewed before the expiry date by Environment Protection Training and Research Institute, Hyderabad, following due process of assessment.

Sr. Dire or, NABET Certificate No. Valid till Dated: 0 ember 06, 2019 NABET/ EIA/1922/ RA 0143 29.05.2022

For the updated Ust of Accredited EIA Consultant Organizations with approved Sectors please refer to QCI-NABET website.

12-1 _t