Annexure-1A F.No.23-78/2018-IA-III (V) Government of India Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change Impact Assessment Division **** Indira Paryavaran Bhavan, Jor Bagh Road, New Delhi-I I 0 003 Email: [email protected] Tel: 0 I I -2469530 I Dated: 13111 November, 2020 To, The Director (Planning & Projects) M/s The Singareni Collieries Company Ltd (SCCL), Kothagudam Collieries (PO) Bhadradri- 507101 (Telangana) Email: [email protected] Sub: Cluster of Godavarikhaui No. 1&3 Inclines (0.486 MTPA in 541.66 ha), Godavarikhani No. 2&2A Inclines (0.648 MTPA in 282.76 h;t) and Godavarikhani No.5 Incline (0.6 MTPA in 532.43 Ita) with overall production capacity of 1.734 MTPA in total mine lease area of 1356.85 Ita by M/s Singareui Collieries Company Ltd. located in villages Janagaon, Musthyala, Jallaram, Sundilla, Mandai Ramagundam, District Peddapalli (Telangana)- For Environmental Clearance- reg. Sir, This has reference to your online proposal No. F.No.23-78/2018-IAIII(V) dated 19111 December, 2019 for grant of Environmental Clearance to the above project. 2. The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change has considered the application. It is noted that the proposal is for grant of Environmental Clearance to the project Cluster of Godavarikhani No. 1&3 Inclines (0.486 MTPA in 541.66 ha), Godavarikhani No. 2&2A Inclines (0.648 MTPA in 282.76 ha) and Godavarikhani No.5 Incline (0.6 MTPA in 532.43 ha) with overall production capacity of 1.734 MTPA in total mine lease area of 1356.85 ha of M/s Singareni Collieries Company Ltd. located in villages Janagaon, Musthyala, Jallaram, Sundilla, Mandai Ramagundam, District Peddapalli (Telangana). 3. The proposal was considered by the sectoral Expert Appraisal Committee (EAC) in its meetings on 30th - 31st December, 2019, 22 - 23, April, 2020, and 4th June, 2020. The details of the proposal, as ascertained from the proposal documents and as revealed from the discussions held during the meetings, are given as under: (i) Latitude and Longitude of the project: - GDK 1&3(18045'24"to 18°46'53 N; 79°30'25" to 79°32'29 E; 56 N/9), GDK 2&2A (18°44'42"to 18°45'42" N; 79°31 '15" to 79°32'38" E; 56N/9 & 56N/IO) & GDK 5 (18°43'38"to 18°45'19"N; 79°31'17"to 79°33'14" E; 56N/9 & 56N/IO). (ii) Employment generated I to be generated: GDK 1&3 (1214 Nos.), GDK 2&2A (1775) & GDK 5 (1342). (iii) Benefits of the Project: To meet the coal requirements of thermal power plants of Telangana State. Page 1 of 17 EC ofGDK 1&3 Inclines, 2&2A Inclines & 5 Incline ofM/s SCCL 1-1 Annexure-1A (iv) Whether new or Expansion project: Expansion (v) ToR issued by MoEF vide letter no F.No.23-7812018-IA(lll}, dt. 26 111 June, 2019. (vi) Type of Mine: (Opencast I Underground I mixed) : - Underground Coal Mine (vii) ML Area: Godavarikhani No. 1&3 Inclines in 541.66 ha, Godavarikhani No. 2&2A Inclines in 282.76 ha and Godavarikhani No.5 Incline in 532.43 ha). (viii) Date of approval of mine plans, status & date: -Mining Plan & Mine Closure Plan of GOK No. 1&3 was approved by MoC vide No. 130161212006-CA-II dated 17.10.2014. Mining Plan & Mine Closure Plan of GDK No. 2&2A was approved by MoC vide No. 130 161212006-CA-II dated 17.10.20 I 4. Mining Plan & Mine Closure Plan of GDK No. 5 was approved by MoC vide No. 130161612013 dated 25.11.2014. (ix) Date of Board's approval: Approved vide Minute No.521 :5:2 on 02.05.2014. (x} Date of Ground Water Clearance and surface water approval - 20.02.2020 (xi) Existing Ground water level in (M) 1.10 to 12.81 m Pre- Monsoon, I .02 to 11.07 m Post­ Monsoon (xii) Date of mine closure approval GDK No.I &3 - 17.10.20I4, GDK No.2&2A - I 7.1 0.20I4, GDK No.5- 25.11.2014 (xiii) Any river I Nallah flowing near or adjacent to the proposed mine: River Godavari flows adjacent to lease area (in the buffer zone) along East - West direction and is situated towards North side of the property. Highest Flood Level (HFL) of the same, recorded in the year 1995, was 837.167m. The RL of the pit mouth of GDK No.I Incline is 852.885m, GDK No.3 Incline is 850.008m, GDK 2 Incline is 857.110, GDK 2A Incline is 851.210, GDK 5 Incline is 854.000. (xiv) Date and Place of Public hearing: -Public hearing was held on 28th November 2019 under the chairmanship of Joint Collector at MVTC, Near GDK-5 Incline, Godavarikhani, District Peddapalli (Telangana). (xv) Details of mine lease: South Godavari mining Lease • Original lease: (Date of entering: 17.10.1927; Date of expiry :16.10.1957) • 1'1 Renewal: Date of I st lease renewal: 29. I I. I 958; Renewal (17. I 0. I 957 to 31.12.1984) • 2nd Renewal: Date of 2nd lease renewal: 11.06.1986; Renewal (01.01.1985 to 31. I2.2014) • 3rd Renewal: Date of3rd lease renewal: I2.01.2015; Renewal (01.01.2015 to 31.12.2034) (xvi) Geological Reserve: (a) Total Geological Reserves: GDK 1&3(154.26 MT); GDK 2&2A(80.53MT); and GDK 5 ( 151.64 MT) i.e. Total: 386.43MT (b) Mineable reserve: GDK 1&3(117.45 MT); GDK 2&2A(61.31 MT); and GDK 5 (115.45 MT) i.e. Total : 294.21 MT (xvii)Range of ground water level: Pre monsoon:l.IO m to 12.81 m; Post :1.02 m to 11.07 m (xviii) Total estimated water requirement: GDK I &3(1 I 40 KLD) ; GDK 2&2A( 1849 KLO); and GDK 5 (3445 KLD) i.e. Total : 6434 KLD (xix) Details of deposits Seams (a) No of seams: GDK 1&3(1, 2, 3A, 3 & 4); GDK 2&2A (1, 2, 3A, 3 & 4); and GDK 5 (3A,3&4) (b) Grade of Coal: GDK 1&3(G'2' and G'9'); GDK 2&2A (G-'7' and G-'9'); and GDK 5 (G-'7') (xx) Method of mining: The proposal is for extracting coal by adopting semi mechanized method of Bord and pillar mining with LHDs and SOLs by stowing. Page 2 of 17 EC of GDK I &3 Inclines, 2&2A Inclines & 5 Incline of M/s SCCL 1-2 Annexure-1A (xxi) Life of mine as on 01.04.2019: GDK 1&3 Incline :58 Years; GDK 2&2A Incline :14 Years; GDK 5 Incline :35 Years (xxii) Utilization potential of wastes o Within the mines: The solid waste was generated during tunneling, shaft sinking, etc. o Outside mines: The separation of Shale/stones etc. at CHP o Efforts made by proponent: The solid waste produced during drivage of tunnels and debris so produced from inter-seam drifts was utilized for underground track ballasting, levelling of the uneven floors and strengthening of surface bank head. o As these mines are being operated from 1959, no appreciable quantity of solid waste is anticipated further. (xxiii) Details of Land usage: Pre-mining GDK GDK GDK s. Land Use of Lease Area Total No 1&3 2&2A 5 I. Forest Land Nil Nil Nil Nil 2. Agricultural land 232.12 61.08 59.21 352.41 3. Waste Land 165.65 111.27 135.67 412.59 4. Grazing Land 58.27 76.67 325.82 460.76 5. Water Bodies 45.24 26.80 6.73 78.77 6. Built up area 40.38 6.94 5.00 52.32 Total 541.66 282.76 532.43 1356.85 Core Area (Present Land Use) :- Area in ha. St. No Description GDK 1&3 GDK2&2A GDK5 Total 1. Pit head infrastructure 4.32 4.87 6.05 15.24 Infrastructure for area administration 2. 5.60 6.27 0.67 12.54 (MVTC, Stores, Cl-IP, etc.) 3. Approach Roads 12.24 5.88 I 8.34 36.46 4. rrownship/ colony 6.00 Nil Nil 6.00 5. Sand Stock Yard & stowing bunker 22.60 20.50 47.43 90.53 6. Plantation Existing 82.00 I 18.00 315.00 515.09 7. Plantation proposed till closure 7.91 4.20 18.72 30.83 8. Other purpose 54.87 42.24 39.68 136.79 otal 195.54 201.97 445.89 843.40 Post Mining Land Use Area in ha. St. No. Land Use details GDK 1&3 GDK2&2A GDK5 I. Plantation. I 61.06 189.81 421.88 Other areas like roads, 2. infrastructure, etc., left for public 34.48 12.16 24.01 use. 3. Un disturbed land not acquired. 346.12 80.79 86.54 Page 3 of 17 EC ofGDK 1&3 Inclines, 2&2A Inclines & 5 Incline ofM/s SCCL 1-3 Annexure-1A /Total 541.66 I 282.76 I 532.43 Total Total plantation of772.75 ha Out of 843.40 ha ofSCCL acquired. - (xxiv) Cost of the Project: Capital cost: 112.02 Cr (xxv) CSR cost: As per Companies Act, 2013 and Companies Social Responsibility Policy Rules - 2014, SCCL is spending 2% of its average annual net profit calculated in accordance with the provisions of Section 198 of the Act made during three immediately preceding financial years in pursuance of its CSR policy on CSR activities each financial year.
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