Skeletal System

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Skeletal System 1 Name___________________________________ Date____________________________________ Laboratory Report Skeletal system: Axial skeleton and bony landmarks: Review each bone and landmark/s during lab. Skull- Cranial Bones: Frontal Bone supraorbital foramen frontal sinuses supraorbital margins glabella Parietal Bones sagittal suture coronal suture squamous suture lambdoid suture Temporal Bones zygomatic process mandibular fossa external auditory meatus mastoid process styloid process internal acoustic meatus carotid canal jugular foramen Occipital Bone: foramen magnum external occipital protuberance nuchal lines (superior and inferior) occipital condyle hypoglossal canal condylar canal Sphenoid: sella turcica tuberculum sellae dorsum sellae hypophyseal fossa greater wing lesser wing optic foramen superior orbital fissure pterygoid processes Foramen associated with the sphenoid: foramen ovale foramen lacerum* foramen rotundum foramen spinosum *found between sphenoid, temporal and occipital bones Ethmoid Bone: crista galli cribiform plate perpendicular plate cribiform/olfactory foramina superior nasal conchae/turbinates middle nasal conchae/turbinates 2 Skull- Facial Bones: Nasal Bones Palatine Bones Inferior Nasal chonchae/turbinates Vomer Maxillae: Intermaxillary suture Infraorbital foramen alveolar processes incisive foramen Zygomatic Bones temporal arch zygomaticofacial foramen Lacrimal Bones lacrimal fossa Mandible body rami angle condyloid process coronoid process mandibular foramen mental foramen alveolar process mandiubular condyles mandiubular notch Orbits (eye sockets) Formed by seven skull bones: 3 cranial; 4 facial: Frontal Sphenoid Ethmoid Zygomatic Maxillae Lacrimal Palatine Associated structures include: optic foramen superior orbital fissure inferior orbital fissure Bones associated with the skull Hyoid Bone: greater cornu lesser cornu body Auditory Ossicles: Malleus Incus Stapes 3 1. Label the following illustration of the skull (anterior view): 4 2. Label the following illustration of the skull (midsagittal view): 5 3. Label the following illustration of the skull (lateral view): 6 4. Label the following illustration of the mandible: 5. Match the bone with the landmark: a. ethmoid bone ____________angle b. frontal bone ____________temporal process c. temporal bone ____________sella turcia d. mandible ____________superior orbital margin e. sphenoid bone ____________perpendicular plate f. zygomatic bone ____________mastoid process 7 6. List the major sutures of the skull and the bones that form the joints: Vertebrae Structure: Identity the following structures on a vertebra during lab: body pedicles transverse processes laminae spinous process vertebral foramen intervertebral foramen superior articulating processes inferior articulating processes Vertebral Column: Review the major regions of the vertebral column and the vertebrae. Cervical (7): atlas (C1) axis (C2) Thoracic (12) Lumbar (5) Sacral (1); 5 vertebrae fused Coccygeal (1); 4 vertebrae fused 7. List the bony structures seen in a typical vertebra: 8 8. What structural differences did you notice in the vertebrae that would help you determine which region they came from? 9. Label the following illustration of C1 (atlas) and C2 (axis): 9 10. Which curvatures of the vertebral column are categorized as primary or secondary? When are they formed? 10 Sacrum Identify the following structures on the sacrum. anterior sacral foramina posterior sacral foramina median sacral crest lateral sacral crest sacral canals sacral hiatus apex base sacral promontory 11. Label the following illustration of the sacrum: 11 12. What is the function of the intervertebral discs? 13. Define the following terms: a. Kyphosis b. Lordosis c. Scoliosis Thorax: Review each bone and landmark/s. Sternum: manubrium body xiphoid process Ribs: true ribs (1-7) false ribs (8-12) floating ribs (11 and 12) 14. Where do the ribs articulate with the vertebral column? 12 15. List the physical differences between true, false and floating ribs: .
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