
(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,734,869 B2 Enan (45) Date of Patent: May 27, 2014

(54) SYNERGISTIC PEST CONTROL 5,942,214 A 8, 1999 Lucas et al. COMPOSITIONS 6,177.465 B1* 1/2001 Tanaka ...... 514,535 6,238,682 B1 5, 2001 Klofta et al. 6,849,614 B1* 2/2005 Bessette et al...... 514/72 (75) Inventor: Essam Enan, Davis, CA (US) 7,541,155 B2 6/2009 Enan 7,622,269 B2 11/2009 Enan (73) Assignee: TyraTech, Inc., Melbourne, FL (US) 2003/0194454 A1* 10, 2003 Bessette et al...... 424,745 2006, 0083763 A1 4/2006 Neale et al. (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 2006/0263.403 A1 11/2006 Enan patent is extended or adjusted under 35 2008.0075796 A1 3/2008 Enan U.S.C. 154(b) by 445 days. OTHER PUBLICATIONS (21) Appl. No.: 12/532,604 Colby, S.R., "Calculating Synergistic and Antagonistic Responses of Herbicide Combinations.” Weeds 15(1), p. 20-22, 1967. (22) PCT Filed: Mar. 21, 2008 James, et al. “Field-testing of methyl salicylate for recruitment and retention of beneficial in grapes and hops.” Journal of Chemi (86). PCT No.: PCT/US2008/003722 cal Ecology 30(8), p. 1613-1628, 2004. Lynn, D.E., “Development and characterization of cell lines.” S371 (c)(1), Cytotechnology 20, p. 3-11, 1996. (2), (4) Date: May 3, 2010 Lynn, D.E., "Methods for maintaining insect cell cultures,” J. Insect Science 2.9, p. 1-6, 2002. (87) PCT Pub. No.: WO2009/038599 Shulaev, et al., “Airborne signalling by methyl salicylate in plant PCT Pub. Date: Mar. 26, 2009 pathogen resistance.” Nature 385, p. 718-721, 1997. U.S. Appl. No. 60/718,570, "Compositions Having Insect Control (65) Prior Publication Data Activity and Methods for Use Thereof.” Sep. 19, 2005. U.S. Appl. No. 60/747,592, “Water-Based Formulation of Insect US 2010/O3O3940 A1 Dec. 2, 2010 Control Compositions and Methods for Production and Use Thereof.” May 18, 2006. Related U.S. Application Data U.S. Appl. No. 60/799.434, “Formulation of Insect-Control Compo (60) Provisional application No. 60/896,427, filed on Mar. sitions Having Residual Activity and Methods for Production and Use Thereof.” May 10, 2006. 22, 2007, provisional application No. 60/896,436, U.S. Appl. No. 60/805.963, “Compositions for Treating Parasitic filed on Mar. 22, 2007, provisional application No. Injections and Methods of Screening for Same.” Jun. 27, 2006. 60/896,430, filed on Mar. 22, 2007, provisional U.S. Appl. No. 60/807,600, "Compositions and Methods for Con application No. 60/987,013, filed on Nov. 9, 2007, trolling Insects.” Jul. 17, 2006. provisional application No. 60/990,912, filed on Nov. PCT International Search Report in corresponding International 28, 2007, provisional application No. 61/023,425, application No. PCT/US08/03722, mailed Sep. 19, 2008. filed on Jan. 24, 2008. * cited by examiner (51) Int. Cl. AOIN 65/00 (2009.01) Primary Examiner — Chris R Tate A6 IK36/00 (2006.01) Assistant Examiner — Russell Fiebig AOIN 43/30 (2006.01) (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Davis Wright Tremaine A6 IK3I/36 (2006.01) LLP (52) U.S. Cl. USPC ...... 424/778; 424/725; 514/464 (57) ABSTRACT (58) Field of Classification Search Pest control compositions, blends, and formulations are dis None closed. The blends contain, in a synergistic combinations, at See application file for complete search history. least two ingredients such as Lilac Flower Oil, D-Limonene, Thyme Oil, Lime Oil, Black Seed Oil, Wintergreen Oil, Lina (56) References Cited lool, Tetrahydrolinalool, Vanillin, Isopropyl myristate, Piper onal (aldehyde), Geraniol, Geraniol 60, Triethyl Citrate, and U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS Methyl Salicylate. 4.278,658 A 7/1981 Hooper et al. 4,551480 A 11, 1985 Stiefel et al. 9 Claims, 29 Drawing Sheets U.S. Patent May 27, 2014 Sheet 1 of 29 US 8,734,869 B2

Otal RNA

Well anembranes expressing receptor are isolated and used sei in competitive binding assa5. Wwhicle cell used to assay changes in signaling down-stream to the receptor.

FIG. 1 U.S. Patent May 27, 2014 Sheet 2 of 29 US 8,734,869 B2

Biogenic amine receptors coupled to intracellular cAMP signaling pathways

Once ligand is tightly bound to its receptor, the receptors confirmation will change. This structural change is then transferred ormericooterp -, Physiological responses

FIG. 2 U.S. Patent May 27, 2014 Sheet 3 of 29 US 8,734,869 B2

Biogenic amine receptors coupled to intracellular IP3/DAG signaling pathway (C

FIG. 3 U.S. Patent May 27, 2014 Sheet 4 of 29 US 8,734,869 B2


FIG. 4 U.S. Patent May 27, 2014 Sheet 5 Of 29 US 8,734,869 B2

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FIG. 5 U.S. Patent May 27, 2014 Sheet 6 of 29 US 8,734,869 B2

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FIG. 6 U.S. Patent May 27, 2014 Sheet 7 Of 29 US 8,734,869 B2

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FIG. 7 U.S. Patent May 27, 2014 Sheet 8 of 29 US 8,734,869 B2

Natural synergy in endo-parasites, Hymenolepis nana study





40 U.S. Patent May 27, 2014 Sheet 9 Of 29 US 8,734,869 B2

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FIG. 9 U.S. Patent May 27, 2014 Sheet 10 of 29 US 8,734,869 B2

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FIG 10 U.S. Patent May 27, 2014 Sheet 11 of 29 US 8,734,869 B2

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FIG. 12 U.S. Patent May 27, 2014 Sheet 13 Of 29 US 8,734,869 B2

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FIG. 13 U.S. Patent May 27, 2014 Sheet 14 of 29 US 8,734,869 B2

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FIG. 14 U.S. Patent May 27, 2014 Sheet 15 Of 29 US 8,734,869 B2

All Treatments, Blend 33 (HL1) and Clothianidin (CL): % Knock Down at 30 seconds Post Application of 1 ml of Test Material: Aedes aegypti.


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FIG. 15 U.S. Patent May 27, 2014 Sheet 16 of 29 US 8,734,869 B2

Middle Dose of Blend 33 (HL1) with Clothianidin (CL): % Knock Down at 30 seconds Post Application of 1 mt of Test Material: Aedes aegypti




HL1 2.5% CL:50 ppm CL:H-1 50 HL1 2.5% CL. 67 CL:HL1 167 H1 2.5% CL 250 CLH1 250 ppm2.5% ppin ppm2.5% ppm ppm2.5% 1:500 ratio 1:150 ratio 1:100 ratio

FIG. 16 U.S. Patent May 27, 2014 Sheet 17 Of 29 US 8,734,869 B2

Synergy American Cockroach Clothianidin/Blend 33 (HL1)

Synergy Test for American Cockroach 1:100, 1:150, 1:500 Clothianidinf.5% HL-1

FIG. 17 U.S. Patent May 27, 2014 Sheet 18 Of 29 US 8,734,869 B2

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FIG. 18 U.S. Patent May 27, 2014 Sheet 19 Of 29 US 8,734,869 B2

%. Knock Down at 30 seconds Post Application of 1 ml of Test Material: Aedes aegypti. (Blend 33 = HL1)

HL1 2.5% (50 ppm HL150 H1 2.5% - 250 ppm IHL 1 250 HL1 5% - 500 ppm (HL1500 ppm:2.5% ppm:2.5% ppm.5% 15OO ratic 1:1 OO ratio 1:50 ratio

FIG. 19 U.S. Patent May 27, 2014 Sheet 20 of 29 US 8,734,869 B2

%. Knock Down at 30 seconds Post Application of 1 ml of Test Material: Drosophila sp. (Blend 33 = HL1; imidacloprid = )

HL1 2.5% :50 ppm i:HL1 50 HL1 2.5% : 250 ppm thL1 250 HL15% - 500 ppm IHL 1 500 ppm:2.5% ppm:2.5% ppm.5% 1500 ratio 1:100 ratio 1:100 ratio

FIG. 20 U.S. Patent May 27, 2014 Sheet 21 of 29 US 8,734,869 B2

Synergy American Cockroach Imidacloprid/Blend 33 (HL1) Synergy Test for American Cockroach 1:100, 1:150, 1:500 imidacloprld.15% HL-1


FIG 21 U.S. Patent May 27, 2014 Sheet 22 of 29 US 8,734,869 B2

FIG. 22 U.S. Patent May 27, 2014 Sheet 23 Of 29 US 8,734,869 B2

All Treatments, Blend 41 (B-5028) and imidacloprld (1): % Knock Down at 30 seconds Post Application of 1 mi of Test Material: Aedes aegypt

SO U.S. Patent May 27, 2014 Sheet 24 of 29 US 8,734,869 B2

All Treatments, Blend 41 (B-5028) and imidacioprid (I): % Knock Down at 30 minutes Post Application of 1 m of Test Material: Aedes aegypti

120 100



FIG. 24 U.S. Patent May 27, 2014 Sheet 25 Of 29 US 8,734,869 B2

cAMP From Cells Expressing dro-Tyrr (B-5028 = Blend 41)

U.S. Patent May 27, 2014 Sheet 26 of 29 US 8,734,869 B2

Control of American Cockroach

200 18O 160 140 12O Seconds 100 Knockdown (secs) BO Kill (secs) SO 40

Formulated Synthetic Natural EXTEND Synthetic Tech Oils Blend "Biend of Tech and Oils at label rates

FIG. 26 U.S. Patent May 27, 2014 Sheet 27 Of 29 US 8,734,869 B2

3. 5. s 3.

RSm Time(secs) 5 G3 ERS -8 ASS 65 s (3.

Armor lead blend F Blend 54 FIG. 27 U.S. Patent May 27, 2014 Sheet 28 of 29 US 8,734,869 B2

C RF EO A 3 & E & -: Rix- -87. S. -752 55 -88 38.2

Armor lead blend = Blend 54

FIG. 28 U.S. Patent May 27, 2014 Sheet 29 Of 29 US 8,734,869 B2


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FIG. 29 US 8,734,869 B2 1. 2 SYNERGISTIC PEST CONTROL Embodiments of the invention also provide pest control COMPOSITIONS formulations, including any of the blends of the invention. The pest control formulation can include at least one ingre RELATED APPLICATIONS dient such as, for example, Hercolyn D. Mineral Oil, Soy Bean Oil, Piperonyl Alcohol, Ethyl Linalool, Hedione, This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Dipropylene glycol, Citral, gamma-terpinene, Sodium Lau Application Nos. 60/896,427, filed Mar. 22, 2007; 60/896, ryl Sulfate, Thymol, Alpha-Pinene, alpha-Terpineol, Terpi 436, filed Mar. 22, 2007; 60/896,430, filed Mar. 22, 2007: nolene, Para-Cymene, Trans-Anethole, Linallyl Acetate. Beta Pinene, Camphor Dextro, Terpinene-4-ol, Span 80, Tween 60/987,013, filed Nov. 9, 2007; 60/990,912, filed Nov. 28, 10 2007; and 61/023,425, filed Jan. 24, 2008. 80, Potassium Sorbate, Sodium Benzoate, Isopar M, BHA, BHT, d1-alpha-tocopherol lineaolate, Alpha Terpinene, Borneol L. Camphene, Decanal, Dodecanal, Fenchol Alpha, FIELD OF THE INVENTION Geranyl Acetate, Isoborneol, 2-Methyl 1.3-cyclohexadiene, Myrcene, Nonanal, Octanal, Polyglycerol-4-oleate, Toco The present invention relates to compositions and methods 15 related to controlling insects, including compositions having pherol Gamma Tenox, Xanthan Gum, A45 Propellent, Leci a synergistic blend of ingredients. thin, a propellent, water, a Surfactant, a cationic agent, Sodium Benzoate, Xanthan, Ksorbate, a carrier, a stabilizer, and the like. BACKGROUND In other embodiments, pest control formulations include any of the blends of the invention in combination with one or Various chemicals and mixtures have been studied for pes more synthetic pesticides such as a pyrethroid, a chloronic ticidal activity for many years with a goal of obtaining a otinyl insecticide, or a neonicotinoid. product which is selective for invertebrates such as insects In other embodiments, the invention provides methods of and has little or no toxicity to vertebrates Such as mammals, 25 making a synergistic pest control formulation having desir fish, fowl and other species and does not otherwise persist in able environmental properties. The methods can include the and damage the environment. steps of selecting an ingredient from a group of candidate Most of the previously known and commercialized prod ingredients known or believed to be generally safe for use in ucts having sufficient pesticidal activity to be useful also have contact with vertebrates; screening the ingredient for binding toxic or deleterious effects on mammals, fish, fowl or other 30 to a G protein-coupled receptor of an invertebrate, wherein species which are not the target of the product. For example, the binding results in measurable disruption of cellular cal organophosphorus compounds and carbamates inhibit the cium or cyclic AMP; combining the screened ingredient with activity of acetylcholinesterase in insects as well as in all at least one other screened ingredient, wherein the ingredi classes of . Chlordimeform and related formamidines ents, in combination, are synergistic in an effect against a are known to act on octopamine receptors of insects but have 35 target organism. The receptor can be a receptor of the insect been removed from the market because of cardiotoxic poten olfactory cascade, including, for example, a tyramine recep tial in Vertebrates and carcinogenicity in animals and a varied tor, an octopamine receptor, olfactory receptor Or83b, olfac effect on different insects. Other compounds, which can be tory receptor 43a, and the like. less toxic to mammals and other non-target species, are some Embodiments of the invention also provide pest control times difficult to identify. 40 formulations, such as a pest-control composition comprising a synergistic combination of at least 2 ingredients from an SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION ingredient family, wherein the ingredient family is an Ingre dient Family listed in Table 2. Some embodiments provide a Embodiments of the present invention include pest control pest-control composition comprising a synergistic combina blends, including, in a synergistic combination, at least two 45 tion of at least 3 ingredients from an ingredient family, ingredients such as, for example, Lilac Flower Oil, D-Li wherein the ingredient family is an Ingredient Family listed in monene, Thyme Oil, Lime Oil, Black Seed Oil, Wintergreen Table 2 having at least 3 ingredients. Oil, Linalool, Tetrahydrolinalool, Vanillin, Isopropyl Some embodiments provide a pest-control composition myristate, Piperonal (aldehyde), Geraniol, Geraniol 60, Tri comprising a synergistic combination of at least 4 ingredients 50 from an ingredient family, wherein the ingredient family is an ethyl Citrate, Methyl Salicylate, and the like. Ingredient Family listed in Table 2 having at least 4 ingredi The pest control blends of the invention can have a coeffi entS. cient of synergy of at least 1.5 for each active ingredient, as Some embodiments provide a pest-control composition of measured by a test on a target organism, wherein the test can any of claims 1-3, wherein the ingredients are present within be selected from: knockdown time, killing time, repellency, 55 a range specified in Range 1 of Table 2. and residual effectiveness. Likewise, the coefficient of syn Some embodiments provide a pest-control composition of ergy can be at least 5, or at least 10, or at least 25, for at least any of claims 1-3, wherein the ingredients are present within one active ingredient. a range specified in Range 2 of Table 2. In some embodiments, exposure to the blend disrupts cel Some embodiments provide a pest-control composition of lular calcium levels within the target organism, and/or expo 60 any of claims 1-3, wherein the ingredients are present within sure to the blend disrupts cyclic AMP levels within cells of the a range specified in Range 3 of Table 2. target organism. In some embodiments, exposure to the blend Some embodiments provide a pest-control composition of can result in binding of a receptor of the olfactory cascade of any of claims 1-3, wherein the ingredients are present within the target organism. In some embodiments, one or more com a range specified in Range 4 of Table 2. ponents of the blend can act as an agonist orantagonist on the 65 Some embodiments provide a pest-control composition of receptor of the target organism. Some blends include at least any of claims 1-3, wherein the ingredients are present in three active ingredients, or at least four active ingredients. Exemplified amounts specified in Table 2. US 8,734,869 B2 3 4 Some embodiments provide a pest-control composition of prising at least two active ingredients, wherein the at least two any of the preceding claims, wherein at least one of the active ingredients are ligands of a G-protein coupled receptor ingredients is the Exemplified Form specified in Table 2. in a target invertebrate; and contacting the invertebrate with Some embodiments provide a pest-control composition of the composition, wherein the contacting results in Synergistic any of the preceding claims, wherein at least two ingredients invertebrate control. interact with a receptor selected from a tyramine receptor, an In some methods of embodiments of the invention, the olfactory receptor Ora3a, and an olfactory receptor Or83b. control comprises repulsion of Substantially all of the target Some embodiments provide a pest-control composition, pestorinvertebrate, and in some the control comprises knock wherein interaction with the receptor results in a disruption of down of substantially all of the target pest or invertebrate, and an intracellular level of at least one of cAMP and calcium. 10 in others the control comprises killing of substantially all of Some embodiments provide a pest-control composition, the target pest or invertebrate. wherein the disruption is sustained for at least 60 seconds. Some embodiments provide a synergistic composition for Some embodiments provide a pest-control composition, controlling a target pest comprising at least one of the group wherein the disruption in a target pest results in repellency, consisting of Thyme Oil White, Methyl Salicylate, and Iso knockdown, or killing of the target pest. 15 propyl myristate. Some embodiments provide a pest-control composition of Some embodiments provide a synergistic composition for any of the preceding claims, wherein a target pest is an insect, controlling a target pest comprising at least two of the group an , a worm, a parasitic organism, a fungus, a bac consisting of Thyme Oil White, Methyl Salicylate, and Iso terium, or a plant. propyl myristate. Some embodiments provide a pest-control composition of Some embodiments provide a synergistic composition for any of the preceding claims, having a coefficient of synergy of controlling a target pest comprising Thyme Oil White, at least 1.5. Methyl Salicylate, and Isopropyl myristate. Some embodiments provide a pest-control composition of Some embodiments provide a synergistic composition for any of the preceding claims, having a synergistic effect controlling a target pest comprising between 10 and 30% according to the Colby test for Synergy. 25 Thyme Oil White, between 30 and 60% Methyl Salicylate, Some embodiments provide a pest-control composition of and between 20 and 48%. Isopropyl myristate. any of the preceding claims, wherein the composition has a Some embodiments provide a synergistic composition for synergistic pest-control activity that exceeds additive effects controlling a target pest comprising between 18 and 23% of the ingredients. Thyme Oil White, between 40 and 50% Methyl Salicylate, Some embodiments provide a composition of any of the 30 and between 30 and 38%. Isopropyl myristate. preceding claims, wherein the composition has a synergistic Some embodiments provide a synergistic composition for pest-control activity that comprises pest control associated controlling a target pest comprising 20.6%Thyme Oil White, with the composition at a reference concentration that is in 45.1% Methyl Salicylate, and 34.3% Isopropyl myristate. excess of pest control associated with any single ingredient at Some embodiments provide a synergistic composition for the reference concentration. 35 controlling a target pest comprising at least one of the group Some embodiments provide a composition of any of the consisting of Isopropyl myristate, Wintergreen Oil, and preceding claims, wherein the composition has a synergistic Thyme Oil White containing 1% Thyme Oil Red. pest-control activity that comprises pest control associated Some embodiments provide a synergistic composition for with the composition at a reference concentration that is in controlling a target pest comprising at least two of the group excess of the additive total of pest controls associated with 40 consisting of '% Isopropyl myristate, Wintergreen Oil, and each ingredient, at the concentrations at which the active Thyme Oil White containing 1% Thyme Oil Red. ingredients are present at the reference concentration of the Some embodiments provide a synergistic composition for composition. controlling a target pest comprising Isopropyl myristate, Some embodiments provide a composition of any of the Wintergreen Oil, and Thyme Oil White containing 1% Thyme preceding claims, wherein the composition has a synergistic 45 Oil Red. pest-control activity that comprises pest control associated Some embodiments provide a synergistic composition for with the compositionata first concentration that is the equiva controlling a target pest comprising between 25 and 48% lent of pest control associated with any single ingredient at a Isopropyl myristate, 30 and 60% Wintergreen Oil, and second concentration, and the first concentration is lowerthan between 10 and 30%Thyme Oil White containing 1% Thyme the second concentration. 50 Oil Red. Some embodiments provide a composition of any of the Some embodiments provide a synergistic composition for preceding claims, wherein the synergistic pest control com controlling a target pest comprising between 30 and 38% prises a residual pest control period associated with the com Isopropyl myristate, 40 and 50% Wintergreen Oil, and position that is longer than the residual pest control period between 18 and 23%Thyme Oil White containing 1% Thyme associated with any single selected ingredient. 55 Oil Red. Some embodiments provide a composition of any of the Some embodiments provide a synergistic composition for preceding claims, wherein the at least two ingredients activate controlling a target pest comprising 34.3% Isopropyl a Same GPCR. myristate, 45.1% Wintergreen Oil, and 20.6% Thyme Oil Some embodiments provide a composition of any of the White containing 1% Thyme Oil Red. preceding claims, wherein the at least two ingredients activate 60 Some embodiments provide a synergistic composition for different GPCRs. controlling a target pest comprising at least one of the group Embodiments of the invention can provide a method of consisting of Wintergreen Oil, Isopropyl myristate, and controlling a pest, including providing a pest control compo Thyme Oil Red. sition; and contacting the pest with the composition, wherein Some embodiments provide a synergistic composition for the contacting results in Synergistic control of a target pest. 65 controlling a target pest comprising at least two of the group Embodiments of the invention can provide a method of consisting of Wintergreen Oil, Isopropyl myristate, and invertebrate control, including providing a composition com Thyme Oil Red. US 8,734,869 B2 5 6 Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic composition for controlling a target pest comprising Winter composition for controlling a target pest comprising 20.6% green Oil, Isopropyl myristate, and Thyme Oil Red. Thyme Oil White, 45.1% Wintergreen Oil, 34.2% Isopropyl Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic myristate, and 0.1% Vanillin. composition for controlling a target pest comprising between Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic 30 and 60% Wintergreen Oil, between 20 and 48% Isopropyl composition for controlling a target pest comprising at least myristate, and between 10 and 30% Thyme Oil Red. two of the group consisting of Thyme Oil Red, Wintergreen Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic Oil, Isopropyl myristate, and Vanillin 60. composition for controlling a target pest comprising between Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic 10 composition for controlling a target pest comprising at least 40 and 50% Wintergreen Oil, between 30 and 38% Isopropyl three of the group consisting of Thyme Oil Red, Wintergreen myristate, and between 18 and 23% Thyme Oil Red. Oil, Isopropyl myristate, and Vanillin. Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic composition for controlling a target pest comprising 45.10% composition for controlling a target pest comprising Thyme Wintergreen Oil, 34.3% Isopropyl myristate, and 20.6% 15 Oil Red, Wintergreen Oil, Isopropyl myristate, and Vanillin. Thyme Oil Red. Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic composition for controlling a target pest comprising 10 and composition for controlling a target pest comprising at least 30% Thyme Oil Red, between 30 and 60% Wintergreen Oil, one of the group consisting of Isopropyl myristate, Winter between 20 and 48%. Isopropyl myristate, and between 0.01 green Oil (Technical grade), and Thyme Oil White containing and 0.3% Vanillin. 1% Thyme Oil Red. Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic composition for controlling a target pest comprising 18 and composition for controlling a target pest comprising at least 23% Thyme Oil Red, 40 and 50% Wintergreen Oil, and two of the group consisting of Isopropyl myristate, Winter between 30 and 38% Isopropyl myristate, and between 0.05 green Oil (Technical grade), and Thyme Oil White containing 25 and 0.15% Vanillin. 1% Thyme Oil Red Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic composition for controlling a target pest comprising 20.6% composition for controlling a target pest comprising Isopro Thyme Oil Red, 45.1% Wintergreen Oil, 34.2% Isopropyl pyl myristate, Wintergreen Oil (Technical grade), and Thyme myristate, and 0.1% Vanillin. Oil White containing 1% Thyme Oil Red. 30 Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic composition for controlling a target pest comprising at least composition for controlling a target pest comprising between one of the group consisting of Thyme Oil White, Isopropyl 20 and 48%. Isopropyl myristate, between 30 and 60% Win myristate, and Geraniol Fine, FCC. tergreen Oil (Technical grade), and between 10 and 30% Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic Thyme Oil White containing 1% Thyme Oil Red. 35 composition for controlling a target pest comprising at least Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic two of the group consisting of Thyme Oil White, Isopropyl composition for controlling a target pest comprising between myristate, and Geraniol Fine, FCC. 30 and 38% Isopropyl myristate, between 40 and 50% Win Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic tergreen Oil (Technical grade), and between 18 and 23% composition for controlling a target pest comprising Thyme Thyme Oil White containing 1% Thyme Oil Red. 40 Oil White, Isopropyl myristate, and Geraniol Fine, FCC. Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic composition for controlling a target pest comprising 34.3% composition for controlling a target pest comprising between Isopropyl myristate, 45.10% Wintergreen Oil (Technical 30 and 55%Thyme Oil White, between 28 and 50% Isopropyl grade), and 20.6% Thyme Oil White containing 1% Thyme myristate, and between 15 and 26% Geraniol Fine, FCC. Oil Red. 45 Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic composition for controlling a target pest comprising between composition for controlling a target pest comprising at least 36 and 46%Thyme Oil White, between 34 and 42% Isopropyl two of the group consisting of Thyme Oil White, Wintergreen myristate, and between 18 and 22% Geraniol Fine, FCC. Oil, Isopropyl myristate, and Vanillin. Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic 50 composition for controlling a target pest comprising 41.86% composition for controlling a target pest comprising at least Thyme Oil White, 38.34% Isopropyl myristate, and 19.80% three of the group consisting of Thyme Oil White, Winter Geraniol Fine, FCC. green Oil, Isopropyl myristate, and Vanillin. Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic composition for controlling a target pest comprising at least composition for controlling a target pest comprising Thyme 55 one of the group consisting of Thyme Oil White, Isopropyl Oil White, Wintergreen Oil, Isopropyl myristate, and Vanil myristate, and Geraniol Fine, FCC. lin. Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic composition for controlling a target pest comprising at least composition for controlling a target pest comprising between two of the group consisting of Thyme Oil White, Isopropyl 10 and 30% Thyme Oil White, between 30 and 60% Winter 60 myristate, and Geraniol Fine, FCC. green Oil, between 20 and 48%. Isopropyl myristate, and Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic between 0.01 and 0.3% Vanillin. composition for controlling a target pest comprising Thyme Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic Oil White, Isopropyl myristate, and Geraniol Fine, FCC. composition for controlling a target pest comprising between Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic 18 and 23% Thyme Oil White, between 40 and 50% Winter 65 composition for controlling a target pest comprising between green Oil, between 30 and 38%. Isopropyl myristate, and 12 and 30%Thyme Oil White, between 45 and 75%Isopropyl between 0.05 and 0.15% Vanillin. myristate, and between 12 and 30% Geraniol Fine, FCC. US 8,734,869 B2 7 8 Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic composition for controlling a target pest comprising 18 and composition for controlling a target pest comprising between 24% Thyme Oil White, between 53 and 65% Isopropyl 25 and 50%Thyme Oil White containing 1% Thyme Oil Red, myristate, and between 18 and 23% Geraniol Fine, FCC. between 35 and 65%. Isopropyl myristate, and between 8 and Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic 25% Geraniol Fine, FCC. composition for controlling a target pest comprising 21.30% Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic Thyme Oil White, 58.54% Isopropyl myristate, and 20.16% composition for controlling a target pest comprising between Geraniol Fine, FCC. 33 and 40%Thyme Oil White containing 1% Thyme Oil Red, Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic between 44 and 55%. Isopropyl myristate, and between 13 and composition for controlling a target pest comprising at least 10 17% Geraniol Fine, FCC. one of the group consisting of Thyme Oil White, Isopropyl Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic myristate, and Geraniol Fine, FCC.78. A synergistic compo composition for controlling a target pest comprising 36.85% sition for controlling a target pest comprising at least two of Thyme Oil White containing 1% Thyme Oil Red, 48.21% the group consisting of Thyme Oil White, Isopropyl Isopropyl myristate, 14.94% Geraniol Fine, FCC. myristate, and Geraniol Fine, FCC. 15 Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic composition for controlling a target pest comprising at least composition for controlling a target pest comprising Thyme two or three of the group consisting of Potassium Sorbate, Oil White, Isopropyl myristate, and Geraniol Fine, FCC. Polyglycerol-4-oleate, Xanthan Gum, Lecithin, Water, and Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic Blend 41. composition for controlling a target pest comprising between Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic 22 and 40%Thyme Oil White, between 28 and 50% Isopropyl composition for controlling a target pest comprising at least myristate, and between 20 and 40% Geraniol Fine, FCC. four of the group consisting of Potassium Sorbate, Polyglyc Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic erol-4-oleate, Xanthan Gum, Lecithin, Water, and Blend 41. composition for controlling a target pest comprising between Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic 28 and 35% Thyme Oil White, between 34 and 43% Isopropyl 25 composition for controlling a target pest comprising Potas myristate, and between 26 and 33% Geraniol Fine, FCC. sium Sorbate, Polyglycerol-4-oleate, Xanthan Gum, Leci Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic thin, Water, and Blend 41. composition for controlling a target pest comprising 31.57% Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic Thyme Oil White, 38.56% Isopropyl myristate, 29.87% composition for controlling a target pest comprising between Geraniol Fine, FCC. 30 0.01 and 0.25% Potassium Sorbate, between 0.05 and 0.5% Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic Polyglycerol-4-oleate, between 0.1 and 0.6% Xanthan Gum, composition for controlling a target pest comprising at least between 0.01 and 0.1% Lecithin, between 60 and 98% Water, one of the group consisting of Thyme Oil White, Isopropyl and between 5 and 25% Blend 41. myristate, and Geraniol Fine, FCC. Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic 35 composition for controlling a target pest comprising between composition for controlling a target pest comprising at least 0.05 and 0.16% Potassium Sorbate, between 0.1 and 0.2% two of the group consisting of Thyme Oil White, Isopropyl Polyglycerol-4-oleate, between 0.2 and 0.36% Xanthan myristate, and Geraniol Fine, FCC. Gum, between 0.03 and 0.04% Lecithin, between 76 and 94% Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic Water, and between 13 and 17% Blend 41. composition for controlling a target pest comprising Thyme 40 Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic Oil White, Isopropyl myristate, and Geraniol Fine, FCC. composition for controlling a target pest comprising 0.11% Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic Potassium Sorbate, 0.15% Polyglycerol-4-oleate, 0.28% composition for controlling a target pest comprising 36.85% Xanthan Gum, 0.034% Lecithin, 84.4% Water, and 15.01% Thyme Oil White, 48.21% Isopropyl myristate, 14.94% Blend 41. Geraniol Fine, FCC. 45 Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic composition for controlling a target pest comprising at least composition for controlling a target pest comprising 36.85% three to five of the group consisting of Thyme Oil White, Thyme Oil White, 48.21% Isopropyl myristate, 14.94% Wintergreen Oil, Isopropyl myristate, Potassium Sorbate, Geraniol Fine, FCC. Polyglycerol-4-oleate, Xanthan Gum, Lecithin, and Water. Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic 50 Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic composition for controlling a target pest comprising 36.85% composition for controlling a target pest comprising at least Thyme Oil White, 48.21% Isopropyl myristate, 14.94% six or seven of the group consisting of Thyme Oil White, Geraniol Fine, FCC. Wintergreen Oil, Isopropyl myristate, Potassium Sorbate, Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic Polyglycerol-4-oleate, Xanthan Gum, Lecithin, and Water. composition for controlling a target pest comprising at least 55 Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic one of the group consisting of Thyme Oil White containing composition for controlling a target pest comprising Thyme 1% Thyme Oil Red, Isopropyl myristate, and Geraniol Fine, Oil White, Wintergreen Oil, Isopropyl myristate, Potassium FCC. Sorbate, Polyglycerol-4-oleate, Xanthan Gum, Lecithin, and Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic Water. composition for controlling a target pest comprising at least 60 Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic two of the group consisting of Thyme Oil White containing composition for controlling a target pest comprising between 1% Thyme Oil Red, Isopropyl myristate, and Geraniol Fine, 1 and 5%Thyme Oil White, between 3 and 12% Wintergreen FCC. Oil, between 2 and 10% Isopropyl myristate, between 0.02 Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic and 0.2% Potassium Sorbate, between 0.05 and 0.5% Polyg composition for controlling a target pest comprising Thyme 65 lycerol-4-oleate, between 0.1 and 0.5% Xanthan Gum, Oil White containing 1% Thyme Oil Red, Isopropyl between 0.01 and 0.1% Lecithin, and between 60 and 98% myristate, and Geraniol Fine, FCC. Water. US 8,734,869 B2 10 Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic Gum, between 0.03 and 0.045% Lecithin, between 80 and composition for controlling a target pest comprising between 98% Water, and between 8 and 12% Blend 120. 2.7 and 3.4% Thyme Oil White, between 6.0 and 7.5% Win Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic tergreen Oil, between 4.5 and 5.7% Isopropyl myristate, composition for controlling a target pest comprising 0.12% between 0.08 and 0.14% Potassium Sorbate, between 0.1 and Potassium Sorbate, 0.16% Polyglycerol-4-oleate, 0.29% 0.2% Polyglycerol-4-oleate, between 0.25 and 0.31% Xan Xanthan Gum, 0.036% Lecithin, 89.4% Water, 10%. 120. than Gum, between 0.025 and 0.035% Lecithin, and between Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic 76 and 92% Water. composition for controlling a target pest comprising CAR Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic 01-097 (McCook) and Blend 10. composition for controlling a target pest comprising 3.09% 10 Thyme Oil White, 6.77% Wintergreen Oil, 5.15% Isopropyl Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic myristate, 0.11% Potassium Sorbate, 0.15% Polyglycerol-4- composition for controlling a target pest comprising between oleate, 0.28% Xanthan Gum, 0.03% Lecithin, 84.41% Water. 60 and 90% CAR-01-097 (McCook) and between 10 and Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic 40% Blend 10. composition for controlling a target pest comprising at least 15 Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic two or three of the group consisting of Potassium Sorbate, composition for controlling a target pest comprising between Polyglycerol-4-oleate, Xanthan Gum, Lecithin, Water, and 70 and 80% CAR-01-097 (McCook) and between 20 and Blend 120. 30% Blend 10. Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic composition for controlling a target pest comprising at least composition for controlling a target pest comprising CAR four or five of the group consisting of Potassium Sorbate, 01-097 (McCook) with 25% Blend 10. Polyglycerol-4-oleate, Xanthan Gum, Lecithin, Water, and Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic Blend 120. composition for controlling a target pest comprising at least Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic two of the group consisting of Soy Bean Oil, Ethyl Alcohol composition for controlling a target pest comprising Potas 25 (denatured), and Blend 10. sium Sorbate, Polyglycerol-4-oleate, Xanthan Gum, Leci Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic thin, Water, and Blend 120. composition for controlling a target pest comprising Soy Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic Bean Oil, Ethyl Alcohol (denatured), and Blend 10. composition for controlling a target pest comprising between A synergistic composition for controlling a target pest 0.05 and 0.2% Potassium Sorbate, between 0.05 and 0.5% 30 comprising between 10 and 30% Soy Bean Oil, between 35 Polyglycerol-4-oleate, between 0.1 and 0.5% Xanthan Gum, and 65%. Ethyl Alcohol (denatured), and between 20 and 40% between 0.01 and 0.1% Lecithin, between 60 and 98% Water, Blend 10. and between 8 and 22% Blend 120. Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic composition for controlling a target pest comprising between composition for controlling a target pest comprising between 35 18 and 22% Soy Bean Oil, between 45 and 55% Ethyl Alcohol 0.09 and 0.13% Potassium Sorbate, between 0.1 and 0.2% (denatured), and between 27 and 33% Blend 10. Polyglycerol-4-oleate, between 0.25 and 0.31% Xanthan Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic Gum, between 0.025 and 0.043% Lecithin, between 76 and composition for controlling a target pest comprising 20% Soy 92% Water, and between 13 and 17% Blend 120. Bean Oil, 50% Ethyl Alcohol (denatured), and 30% Blend 10. Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic 40 Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic composition for controlling a target pest comprising 0.11% composition for controlling a target pest comprising at least Potassium Sorbate, 0.15% Polyglycerol-4-oleate, 0.28% two or three of the group consisting of Potassium Sorbate, Xanthan Gum, 0.034% Lecithin, 84.4% Water, and 15.01% Polyglycerol-4-oleate, Xanthan Gum, Lecithin, Water, and Blend 120. Blend 124. Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic 45 Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic composition for controlling a target pest comprising at least composition for controlling a target pest comprising at least two or three of the group consisting of Potassium Sorbate, four or five of the group consisting of Potassium Sorbate, Polyglycerol-4-oleate, Xanthan Gum, Lecithin, Water, and Polyglycerol-4-oleate, Xanthan Gum, Lecithin, Water, and Blend 120. Blend 124. Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic 50 Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic composition for controlling a target pest comprising at least composition for controlling a target pest comprising Potas four or five of the group consisting of Potassium Sorbate, sium Sorbate, Polyglycerol-4-oleate, Xanthan Gum, Leci Polyglycerol-4-oleate, Xanthan Gum, Lecithin, Water, and thin, Water, and Blend 124. Blend 120. Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic 55 composition for controlling a target pest comprising between composition for controlling a target pest comprising Potas 0.05 and 0.2% Potassium Sorbate, between 0.05 and 0.5% sium Sorbate, Polyglycerol-4-oleate, Xanthan Gum, Leci Polyglycerol-4-oleate, between 0.1 and 0.5% Xanthan Gum, thin, Water, and Blend 120. between 0.01 and 0.05% Lecithin, between 60 and 98% Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic Water, and between 8 and 25% Blend 124. composition for controlling a target pest comprising between 60 Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic 0.12% Potassium Sorbate, 0.16% Polyglycerol-4-oleate, composition for controlling a target pest comprising between 0.29% Xanthan Gum, 0.036% Lecithin, 89.4% Water, 10% 0.09 and 0.13% Potassium Sorbate, between 0.13 and 0.17% Blend 120. Polyglycerol-4-oleate, between 0.27 and 0.33% Xanthan Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic Gum, between 0.025 and 0.035% Lecithin, between 76 and composition for controlling a target pest comprising between 65 92% Water, and between 13 and 17% Blend 124. 0.1 and 0.14% Potassium Sorbate, between 0.12 and 0.18% Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic Polyglycerol-4-oleate, between 0.26 and 0.32% Xanthan composition for controlling a target pest comprising 0.11% US 8,734,869 B2 11 12 Potassium Sorbate, 0.15% Polyglycerol-4-oleate, 0.30% Vitamin E Acetate, between 0.01 and 0.1% Disodium EDTA, Xanthan Gum, 0.03% Lecithin, 84.4% Water, 15.01% Blend and between 1 and 15% Blend 7. 124. Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic composition for controlling a target pest comprising between composition for controlling a target pest comprising at least 0.18 and 0.22% Citronella Oil, between 0.18 and 0.22% two or three of the group consisting of Potassium Sorbate, Carbopol 940, between 0.8 and 0.12% Butylated hyrdroxy Polyglycerol-4-oleate, Xanthan Gum, Lecithin, Water, and toluene, between 52 and 66% Water, between 12 and 16% Blend 124. Emulsifying Wax, between 3 and 5% Light Liquid Paraffin, Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic between 7 and 11% White Soft Paraffin, between 0.2 and composition for controlling a target pest comprising at least 10 0.3% Sodium Metabisulphate, between 1.5 and 2.5% Propy four or five of the group consisting of Potassium Sorbate, lene Glycol, between 4 and 6% Cresmer RH40 hydrogenated, Polyglycerol-4-oleate, Xanthan Gum, Lecithin, Water, and between 0.13 and 0.17% Triethanolamine, between 0.01 and Blend 124. 0.03% Vitamin E Acetate, between 0.04 and 0.06% Disodium Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic EDTA, and between 4 and 6% Blend 7. composition for controlling a target pest comprising Potas 15 Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic sium Sorbate, Polyglycerol-4-oleate, Xanthan Gum, Leci composition for controlling a target pest comprising 0.20% thin, Water, and Blend 124. Citronella Oil, 0.20% Carbopol 940, 0.10% Butylated Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic hyrdroxy toluene, 59.83% Water, 14% Emulsifying Wax, composition for controlling a target pest comprising between 4.00% Light Liquid Paraffin, 9% White Soft Paraffin, 0.25% 0.05 and 0.5% Potassium Sorbate, between 0.06 and 0.5% Sodium Metabisulphate, 2% Propylene Glycol, 5% Cresmer Polyglycerol-4-oleate, between 0.1 and 0.5% Xanthan Gum, RH40 hydrogenated, 0.15% Triethanolamine, 0.02% Vitamin between 0.01 and 0.1% Lecithin, between 70 and 98% Water, E Acetate, 0.05% Disodium EDTA, 5% Blend 7. and between 2 and 20% Blend 124. Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic composition for controlling a target pest comprising at least composition for controlling a target pest comprising between 25 two of the group consisting of Blend 49, Lemon Grass Oil, 0.1 and 0.14% Potassium Sorbate, between 0.14 and 0.18% and Castor Oil Surfactant. Polyglycerol-4-oleate, between 0.27 and 0.33% Xanthan Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic Gum, between 0.03 and 0.042% Lecithin, between 80 and composition for controlling a target pest comprising Blend 96% Water, and between 8 and 12% Blend 124. 49, Lemon Grass Oil, and Castor Oil Surfactant. Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic 30 Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic composition for controlling a target pest comprising 0.12% composition for controlling a target pest comprising between Potassium Sorbate, 0.16% Polyglycerol-4-oleate, 0.30% 35 and 65% Blend 49, between 15 and 35% Lemon Grass Oil, Xanthan Gum, 0.036% Lecithin, 89.4% Water, 10% Blend and between 15 and 35% Castor Oil Surfactant. 124. Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic 35 composition for controlling a target pest comprising between composition for controlling a target pest comprising at least 45 and 55% Blend 49, between 22 and 28%. Lemon Grass Oil, two to seven of the group consisting of Citronella Oil, Car and between 22 and 28% Castor Oil Surfactant. bopol 940, Butylated hyrdroxy toluene, Water, Emulsifying Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic Wax, Light Liquid Paraffin, White Soft Paraffin, Sodium Met composition for controlling a target pest comprising 50% abisulphate, Propylene Glycol, Cresmer RH40 hydroge 40 Blend 49, 25% Lemon Grass Oil, and 25% Castor Oil Sur nated, Triethanolamine, Vitamin E Acetate, Disodium EDTA, factant. and Blend 7. Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic composition for controlling a target pest comprising at least composition for controlling a target pest comprising at least two of the group consisting of Blend 51, Lemon Grass Oil, eight to thirteen of the group consisting of Citronella Oil, 45 and Castor Oil Surfactant. Carbopol 940, Butylated hyrdroxytoluene, Water, Emulsify Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic ing Wax, Light Liquid Paraffin, White Soft Paraffin, Sodium composition for controlling a target pest comprising Blend Metabisulphate, Propylene Glycol, Cresmer RH40 hydroge 51, Lemon Grass Oil, and Castor Oil Surfactant. nated, Triethanolamine, Vitamin E Acetate, Disodium EDTA, Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic and Blend 7. 50 composition for controlling a target pest comprising between Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic 35 and 65% Blend 51, between 15 and 35% Lemon Grass Oil, composition for controlling a target pest comprising Cit and between 15 and 35% Castor Oil Surfactant. ronella Oil, Carbopol 940. Butylated hyrdroxy toluene, Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic Water, Emulsifying Wax, Light Liquid Paraffin, White Soft composition for controlling a target pest comprising between Paraffin, Sodium Metabisulphate, Propylene Glycol, Cres 55 45 and 55% Blend 51, between 22 and 28%. Lemon Grass Oil, mer RH40 hydrogenated, Triethanolamine, Vitamin E and between 22 and 28% Castor Oil Surfactant. Acetate, Disodium EDTA, and Blend 7. Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic composition for controlling a target pest comprising 50% composition for controlling a target pest comprising between Blend 51, 25% Lemon Grass Oil, and 25% Castor Oil Sur 0.1 and 0.4% Citronella Oil, between 0.1 and 0.4% Carbopol 60 factant. 940, between 0.4 and 0.2% Butylated hyrdroxy toluene, Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic between 40 and 75% Water, between 6 and 25% Emulsifying composition for controlling a target pest comprising at least Wax, between 2 and 8% Light Liquid Paraffin, between 4 and two of the group consisting of Blend 52, Lemon Grass Oil, 15% White Soft Paraffin, between 0.1 and 0.5% Sodium and Castor Oil Surfactant. Metabisulphate, between 0.8 and 5% Propylene Glycol, 65 Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic between 2 and 10% Cresmer RH40 hydrogenated, between composition for controlling a target pest comprising Blend 0.08 and 0.4% Triethanolamine, between 0.01 and 0.05% 52, Lemon Grass Oil, and Castor Oil Surfactant. US 8,734,869 B2 13 14 Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic FIG. 12 shows the synergistic increase in Ca" release composition for controlling a target pest comprising between triggered by olfactory receptor activation in Drosophila S2 35 and 65% Blend 52, between 15 and 35% Lemon Grass Oil, cells treated with Blend 13 with Deltamethrin; and between 15 and 35% Castor Oil Surfactant. FIG. 13 shows the increase in Ca" release triggered by Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic olfactory receptor activation in Drosophila S2 cells treated composition for controlling a target pest comprising between with Blend 33 alone and with Clothianidin alone; 45 and 55% Blend 52, between 22 and 28%. Lemon Grass Oil, FIG. 14 shows the synergistic increase in Ca" release and between 22 and 28% Castor Oil Surfactant. triggered by olfactory receptor activation in Drosophila S2 Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic cells treated with Blend 33 in combination with Clothianidin; composition for controlling a target pest comprising 50% 10 FIG. 15 is a bar graph showing percent knockdown in Blend 52, 25% Lemon Grass Oil, and 25% Castor Oil Sur response to treatment of Aedes aegypti with various compo factant. sitions of including Blend 33 alone, Clothianidin alone, and Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic various combinations of Blend 33 and Clothianidin; composition for controlling a target pest comprising at least 15 FIG. 16 is a bar graph showing percent knockdown in two of the group consisting of Blend 7, Sodium Lauryl Sul response to treatment of Aedes aegypti with selected middle fate, and Water. range doses of Blend 33 in combination with Clothianidin, Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic compared with results in response to Blend 33 alone and composition for controlling a target pest comprising Blend 7. Clothianidin alone; Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, and Water. FIG. 17 is a bar graph showing synergy results in response Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic to treatment of American cockroach with various amounts of composition for controlling a target pest comprising between Clothianidin in combination with 5% Blend 33. 2 and 20% Blend 7, between 0.2 and 2% Sodium Lauryl FIG. 18 shows the synergistic increase in Ca" release Sulfate, and between 70 and 99% Water. triggered by olfactory receptor activation in Drosophila S2 Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic 25 cells treated with a combination of Blend 33 and Imidaclo composition for controlling a target pest comprising between prid; 8 and 12% Blend 7, between 0.8 and 1.2% Sodium Lauryl FIG. 19 is a bar graph showing percent knockdown in Sulfate, and between 80 and 98% Water. response to treatment of Aedes aegypti with selected doses of Some embodiments of the invention provide a synergistic Blend 33 in combination with Imidacloprid (I), compared composition for controlling a target pest comprising 10% 30 with results in response to Blend 33 alone and Imidacloprid; FIG. 20 is a bar graph showing percent knockdown in Blend 7, 1% Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, 89% Water. response to treatment of Drosophila sp. with selected doses of Blend 33 in combination with Imidacloprid (I), compared BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS with results in response to Blend 33 alone and Imidacloprid; 35 FIG. 21 is a bar graph showing synergy results in response FIG. 1 shows a screening method using a transfected cell to treatment of American cockroach with various amounts of lines expressing a receptor of interest, for example, a biogenic Imidacloprid in combination with 5% Blend 33: amine receptor, Such as, a TyR or an octopamine receptor, FIG. 22 shows the synergistic increase in Ca" release FIG. 2 shows the binding of a ligand to a biogenic amine triggered by olfactory receptor activation in Drosophila S2 receptor, resulting in downstream signaling affecting certain 40 cells treated with Blend 41 in combination in varying ratios physiological responses; with Imidacloprid; FIG. 3 shows an insect control chemical, deltamethrin FIG. 23 is a bar graph showing percent knockdown in (DM), affecting downstream signaling; response to treatment of Aedes aegypti with various compo FIG. 4 shows the synergistic increase in Ca" release trig sitions of including Blend 41 alone, Imidacloprid alone, and gered by olfactory receptor activation in Drosophila S2 cells 45 combinations of Blend 41 and Imidacloprid; treated with Blend 24; FIG. 24 is a bar graph showing percent knockdown in FIG. 5 shows the synergistic increase in Ca" release trig response to treatment of Aedes aegypti with various compo gered by olfactory receptor activation in Drosophila S2 cells sitions of including Blend 41 alone, Imidacloprid alone, and treated with Blend 41; combinations of Blend 41 and Imidacloprid; FIG. 6 shows the synergistic increase in Ca" release trig 50 FIG. 25 is a bar graph showing cAMP signal produced in gered by olfactory receptor activation in Drosophila S2 cells response to treatment of Drosophila S2 cells treated with treated with Blend 33: various compositions of including Blend 41 alone, Imidaclo FIG. 7 shows the synergistic increase in Ca" release trig prid alone, and combinations of Blend 41 and Imidacloprid; gered by olfactory receptor activation in Drosophila S2 cells FIG. 26 is a bar graph showing percent Knockdown and treated with Blend 19; 55 Killrate in response to treatment of American cockroach with FIG. 8 shows the synergistic effect of an exemplary oil formulated synthetics, natural oils alone, and EXTEND blend, relative to its individual components, on the cure rate Blend including natural oils and synthetics; of Hymenolepis mana infections in beetles; FIG. 27 shows the synergistic increase in Ca" release FIG. 9 is a bar graph of repellancy data for exemplary oil triggered by olfactory receptor activation in Drosophila S2 blends tested in comparison to 23% DEET: 60 cells treated with Blend 54 in comparison to carrier alone and FIG. 10 is a bar graph of repellancy data for water-based Surfactant alone; formulations of an exemplary composition tested in compari FIG. 28 shows the synergistic increase in Ca" release son to 23% DEET: triggered by olfactory receptor activation in Drosophila S2 FIG. 11 shows the synergistic increase in Ca" release cells treated with Blend 54 and its individual ingredients at triggered by olfactory receptor activation in Drosophila S2 65 concentrations contained in Blend 54; cells treated with Blend 41, Deltametrin (DM), and a combi FIG. 29 shows the synergistic increase in Ca" release nation of Blend 41 with DM: triggered by olfactory receptor activation in Drosophila S2 US 8,734,869 B2 15 16 cells treated with Blend 54 and its individual ingredients at In some embodiments, the pesticidal effect is an effect concentrations contained in Blend 54. wherein treatment with a composition causes at least about 10% of the exposed insects to die. In some embodiments, the DESCRIPTION OF EXEMPLARY pesticidal effect is an effect wherein treatment with a compo EMBODIMENTS OF THE INVENTION sition causes at least about 25% of the insects to die. In some embodiments the pesticidal effect is an effect wherein treat Embodiments of the present invention provide composi ment with a composition causes at least about 50% of the tions for controlling a target pest. exposed insects to die. In some embodiments the pesticidal The target pest can be selected from, for example, the effect is an effect wherein treatment with a composition group consisting of a fungus, a plant, an animal, a moneran, a 10 causes at least about 75% of the exposed insects to die. In protist, and the like. The target pest can be an arthropod some embodiments the pesticidal effect is an effect wherein species, such as, for example, an insect, an arachnid, or an treatment with a composition causes at least about 90% of the arachnoid. The target pest can be a species belonging to an exposed insects to die. animal order, such as, for example, Acari. Anoplura, Araneae, In some embodiments of the invention, treatment with 15 compositions of the invention will result in a knockdown of Blattodea, Coleoptera, Collembola, Diptera, Grylloptera, the target pest occurring within a few seconds to a few min Heteroptera, Homoptera, Hymenoptera, Isopoda, Isoptera, utes. "Knockdown” is an effect wherein treatment with a , Mantodea, Mallophaga, Neuroptera, Odonata, composition causes at least about 1% to display reduced Orthoptera, Psocoptera, Siphonaptera, Symphyla, Thysa mobility. In some embodiments, the knockdown is an effect nura, Thysanoptera, and the like. wherein treatment with a composition causes at least about Embodiments of the invention are directed to methods of 50% of the exposed insects to die. screening compositions for pest-control potential, composi The compositions of the present invention can be used to tions for controlling pests, and methods for using these com control target pest by either treating a host directly, or treating positions. an area in which the host will be located, for example, an As used herein, "pests' can mean any organism whose 25 indoor living space, outdoor patio or garden. For purposes of existence it can be desirable to control. Pests can include, for this application, host is defined as a plant, human or other example, bacteria, cestodes, fungi, insects, nematodes, para animal. sites, plants, and the like. Treatment can include use of a oil-based formulation, a As used herein, "pesticidal' can mean, for example, anti water-based formulation, a residual formulation, and the like. bacterial, antifungal, antiparasitic, herbicidal, insecticidal, 30 In some embodiments, combinations of formulations can be and the like. employed to achieve the benefits of different formulation Embodiments of the invention include compositions for types. controlling a target pest, which can include one or more plant Embodiments of the invention are directed to compositions essential oils and methods for using these compositions. The for controlling insects and methods for using these composi plant essential oils, when combined, can have a synergistic 35 tions. Compositions of the present invention can include any effect. The compositions also can include a fixed oil, which is of the following oils, or mixtures thereof. typically a non-volatile non-scented plant oil. Additionally, in Embodiments of the invention are directed to compositions Some embodiments, these compositions can be made up of for controlling insects and methods for using these composi generally regarded as safe (GRAS) compounds. tions. Compositions of the present invention can include any For purposes of simplicity, the term “insect' shall be used 40 of the following oils, or mixtures thereof. in this application; however, it should be understood that the Methyl salicylate, also known as betula oil. Methyl salicy term “insect” refers, not only to insects, but also to mites, late is a major component of oil of wintergreen and is some spiders, and other arachnids, larvae, and like invertebrates. times referred to interchangeably with oil of wintergreen. It is Also for purposes of this application, the term “insect con a natural product of many species of plants, is the methyl ester trol shall refer to having a repellant effect, a pesticidal effect, 45 of salicylic acid, and can be produced chemically from the or both. “Repellant effect” is an effect wherein more insects condensation reaction of salicylic acid and methanol. Some are repelled away from a host or area that has been treated of the plants producing it are called wintergreens, hence the with the composition than a control host or area that has not common name. Methyl salicylate can be used by plants as a been treated with the composition. In some embodiments, pheromone to warn other plants of pathogens (Shulaev, et al. repellant effect is an effect wherein at least about 75% of 50 (Feb. 20, 1997) Nature 385: 718-721). The release of methyl insects are repelled away from a host or area that has been salicylate can also function as an exopheromone aid in the treated with the composition. In some embodiments, repel recruitment of beneficial insects to kill the herbivorous lant effect is an effect wherein at least about 90% of insects insects (James, et al. (August 2004) J. Chem. Ecol. 30(8): are repelled away from a host or area that has been treated 1613-1628). Numerous plants produce methyl salicylate with the composition. “Pesticidal effect” is an effect wherein 55 including species of the family Pyrolaceae and of the genera treatment with a composition causes at least about 1% of the Gaultheria and Betula. It is noted that, where a given blend or insects to die. In this regard, an LC1 to LC100 (lethal con formulation or other composition is disclosed herein as con centration) or an LD 1 to LD100 (lethal dose) of a composition taining wintergreen oil, an alternative embodiment, contain will cause a pesticidal effect. In some embodiments, the pes ing methyl salicylate in place of wintergreen oil, is also con ticidal effect is an effect wherein treatment with a composi 60 templated. Likewise, where a blend or forumlation of other tion causes at least about 5% of the exposed insects to die. In composition includes methyl salicylate, an alternative Some embodiments, the target pest is a non-insect, such as a embodiment, containing wintergreen oil, is also contem parasite. plated. Embodiments of the invention can be used to control para Thyme Oil is a natural product that can be extracted from sites. As used herein, the term "parasite' includes parasites, 65 certain plants, including species from the Labiatae family; for Such as but not limited to, protozoa, including intestinal pro example, thyme oil can be obtained from Thymus vulgaris tozoa, tissue protozoa, and blood protozoa. (also known as, T illerdensis, T. aestivus, and T. velantianus), US 8,734,869 B2 17 18 generally by distillation from the leafy tops and tender stems Where an embodiment describes the use of any form of lina of the plant. Two commercial varieties of Thyme oil are lool, other embodiments are specifically contemplated in recognized, the red, the crude distillate, which is deep which the linalool is replaced by licareol, coriandrol, tetrahy orange in color, and the 'white, which is colourless or pale drolinalool, ethyl linalool, linallyl acetate, pseudo linallyl yellow, which is the red rectified by re-distilling. Thyme oil 5 acetate, or a mixture of any of these with each other or with principally contains the phenols thymol and carvacrol, along any form of linalool. Similarly, where an embodiment with borneol, linalool, and cymene, and roSmarinic and urso describes the use of tetrahydrolinalool, other embodiments lic acids. Where an embodiment describes the use of thyme are specifically contemplated in which the tetrahydrolinalool oil white, other embodiments are specifically contemplated in is replaced by licareol, coriandrol, racemic linalool, ethyl which the thyme oil white is replaced by thyme oil red, 10 linalool, linallyl acetate, pseudolinallyl acetate, or a mixture of thymol, carvacrol, borneol, linalool, cymene, roSmarinic any of these with each other or with tetrahydrolinalool. Addi acid, ursolic acid, or a mixture of any of these with each other tionally, where an embodiment describes the use of ethyl or with thyme oil white. Particularly preferable are mixtures linalool, other embodiments are specifically contemplated in of thyme oil white and thyme oil red that contain 10% or less 15 which the ethyl linalool is replaced by licareol, coriandrol, thyme oil red, more preferably 5% or less, and most prefer tetrahydrolinalool, racemic linalool, linallyl acetate, pseudo ably 1%. linallyl acetate, or a mixture of any of these with each other or Thymol is a monoterpene phenol derivative of cymene, with ethyl linalool. Finally, where an embodiment describes CoHOH, isomeric with carvacrol, found in thyme oil, and the use of linallyl acetate, other embodiments are specifically extracted as a white crystalline Substance. It is also known as 20 contemplated in which the linallyl acetate is replaced by licar hydroxycymene and 5-methyl-2-(1-methylethyl) phenol. eol, coriandrol, tetrahydrolinalool, racemic linalool, ethyl Where an embodiment describes the use of thymol, other linalool, pseudo linallyl acetate, or a mixture of any of these embodiments are specifically contemplated in which the thy with each other or with linallyl acetate. mol is replaced by carvacrol, thyme oil white, thyme oil red, Geraniol, also called rhodinol and 3,7-dimethyl-2,6-octa or a mixture of any of these with each other or with thyme oil 25 dien-1-ol, is a monoterpenoid and an alcohol. It is the primary white. part of oil-of-rose and palmarosa oil. It is used in perfumes Lime oil is derived from Citrus aurantifolia (also known as and as a flavoring. It is also produced by the scent glands of Citrus medica var. acida and C. latifolia) of the Rutaceae honey bees to help them mark nectar-bearing flowers and family and is also known as Mexican and West Indian lime, as locate the entrances to their hives. Geraniol can be obtained in well as Sour lime. Its chief constituents are C-pinene, 30 a highly pure form as Geraniol Fine, FCC (Food Chemicals B-pinene, camphene, myrcene, p-cymene, d-limonene, Y-ter Codex grade), which is 98% minimum pure geranioland 99% pinene, terpinolene, 1,8-ceneole, linalool, terpinene-4-ol. minimum nerol and geraniol. Geraniol can be also be C-terpineol, neral, geraniol, neral acetate, geranyl acetate, obtained, for example, as Geraniol 60, Geraniol 85, and caryophyllene, trans-O-bergamotene, B-Bisabolen, borneol. Geraniol 95. When Geraniol is obtained as Geraniol 60, and citral. It can be obtained in several forms, including Lime 35 Geraniol 85, or Geraniol 95, then about forty percent, fifteen Oil 410 (an artificial Mexican-exressed lime oil available percent, or five percent of the oil can be nerol. Nerol is a from Millennium Specialty Chemicals). Where an embodi monoterpene (CHO), the cis-isomer of geraniol, which ment describes the use of any form of lime oil, other embodi can be extracted from attar of roses, oil of orange blossoms ments are specifically contemplated in which the lime oil is and oil of lavender. Citral (3,7-dimethyl-2,6-octadienal or replaced by C-pinene, B-pinene, camphene, myrcene, 40 lemonal) is the generic name for the aldehyde form of nerol p-cymene, d-limonene, Y-terpinene, terpinolene, 1,8-ceneole, and geraniol, and can be obtained from lemon myrtly, Litsea linalool, terpinene-4-ol, C-terpineol, neral, geraniol, neral cubeba, lemongrass, Lemon verbena, lemon balm, lemon, acetate, geranyl acetate, caryophyllene, trans-C-bergamo and orange. The E-isomer of citral is known as geranial or tene, B-Bisabolen, borneol, or citral, or a mixture of any of citral A. The Z-isomer is known as neral or citral B. Where an these with each other or with any form of lime oil. 45 embodiment describes the use of any form of geraniol, other Black seed oil is obtained from the seeds of Nigella sativa. embodiments are specifically contemplated in which the Its chief constituents are carvone, C-pinene, Sabinene, geraniol is replaced by another form of geraniol (such as B-pinene, and p-cymene, as well as the fatty acids myristic Geraniol Fine FCC or any geraniol/nerol mixture), nerol, acid, palmitic acid, palmitoleic acid, Stearic acid, oleic acid, geranial, neral, citral, or a mixture of any of these with each linoleic acid, linolenic acid, and arachidic acid. Where an 50 other or with any form of geraniol. Similarly, Where an embodiment describes the use of any form of black seed oil, embodiment describes the use of any form of citral, other other embodiments are specifically contemplated in which embodiments are specifically contemplated in which the the black seed oil is replaced by d-carvone, 1-carvone, a race citral is replaced by a form of geraniol (such as Geraniol Fine mic mixture of d-carvone and 1-carvone, C-pinene, Sabinene, FCC or any gernaiol/nerol mixture), nerol, geranial, neral, or B-pinene, or p-cymene, or a mixture of any of these with each 55 a mixture of any of these with each other or with citral. other, with any of myristic acid, palmitic acid, palmitoleic Vanillin (also known as methylvanillin, vanillic aldehyde, acid, Stearic acid, oleic acid, linoleic acid, linolenic acid, or vanillin, and 4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzaldehyde) is the pri arachidic acid or with any form of black seed oil. mary component of the extract of the vanilla bean. In addition Linalool is a naturally-occurring terpene alcohol chemical to Vanillin, natural Vanilla extract also contains p-hydroxy found in many flowers and spice plants. It is also known as 60 benzaldehyde, Vanillic acid, piperonal, and p-hydroxyben 3,7-dimethylocta-1,6-dien-3-ol. It has two stereoisomeric Zoic acid. Synthetic Vanillin is used as a flavoring agent in forms: (S)-(+)-linalool (known as licareol) and (R)-(-)-lina foods, beverages, and pharmaceuticals. Where an embodi lool (known as coriandrol). Linalool can be obtained as lina ment describes the use of vanillin, other embodiments are lool coeur (a racemic mixture, CAS number 78-70-6), or in specifically contemplated in which the vanillin is replaced by preferred derivative forms such as tetrahydrolinalool (the 65 natural Vanilla extract, p-hydroxybenzaldehyde, Vanillic acid, saturated form), ethyl linalool, linallyl acetate, and pseudo piperonal, ethylvanillin, or p-hydroxybenzoic acid, or a mix linallyl acetate (7-octen-2-ol, 2-methyl-6-methylene:acetate). ture of any of these with each other or with vanillin. US 8,734,869 B2 19 20 Hercolyn-D is a solvent used to give oils high viscosity; it Alpha-terpinene is also known as 4-methyl-1-(1-methyl comprises the methyl esters of hydrogenated rosin acids and ethyl)-1,3-cyclohexadiene. Both alpha- and gamma-ter is available commercially from Hercules Corporation. Where pinene have a lemony fragrance. Beta-terpinene, also known an embodiment describes the use of Hercolyn D, other as 4-methylene-1-(1-methylethyl)cyclohexene, has been pre embodiments are specifically contemplated in which Herco 5 pared from Sabinene. A derivative, terpinene-4-ol, is the pri lyn D may be replaced by other plasticizers such as Hercoflex mary active ingredient of tea tree oil and the compound of 900, abalyn, abitol, castor oil, and mineral oil, or a mixture of highest concentration in essential oil of nutmeg. Other any of these with each other or with Hercolyn D. monoterpene alcohol derivatives of the erpinenes include the Isopropyl myristate is the ester ofisopropanol and myristic Cl-, 3-, and Y-terpineol isomers; the C-terpineol isomer is the 10 major component of the naturally isolated terpineol. Other acid; it is also known as 1-tetradecanoic acid, methylethyl related compounds are terpinolene (4-Isopropylidene-1-me ester, myristic acid isopropyl ester, and propan-2-yl tetrade thylcyclohexene; p-Menth-14(8)-diene: 1-Methyl-4-(1-me canoate. Where an embodiment describes the use ofisopropyl thylethylidene)cyclohexene; 1-Methyl-4-propan-2-ylidene myristate, other embodiments are specifically contemplated cyclohexene), and the isomers C-phellandrene and in which isopropyl myristate may be replaced by similar 15 B-phellandrene. Where an embodiment describes the use of chemicals such as isopropyl palmitate, isopropyl isothermal, gamma-terpinene, other embodiments are specifically con putty Stearate, isostearyl neopentonate, myristyl myristate, templated in which gamma-terpinene may be replaced by decyl oleate, octyl sterate, octyl palmitate, isocetyl Stearate, other terpinenes or derivatives thereof such as terpinolene, or PPG myristyl propionate, or a mixture of any of these with C-phellandrene, B-phellandrene, alpha-terpinene, beta-ter each other or with isopropyl myristate. pinene, C-terpineol, B-terpineol, Y-terpineol, or terpinene-4- Piperonal (heliotropine, protocatechuic aldehyde methyl ol, or a mixture of any of these with each other or with ene ether) is an aromatic aldehyde that comes as transparent gamma-terpinene. Where an embodiment describes the use of crystals, CHO, and has a floral odor. It is used as flavoring alpha-terpinene, other embodiments are specifically contem and in perfume. It can be obtained by oxidation of piperonyl plated in which alpha-terpinene may be replaced by other alcohol. Where an embodiment describes the use of piper 25 terpinenes or derivatives thereof Such as terpinolene, C.-phel onal, other embodiments are specifically contemplated in landrene, p-phellandrene, gamma-terpinene, beta-terpinene, which piperonal may be replaced by piperonyl alcohol. 3,4- C-terpineol, (B-terpineol, Y-terpineol, or terpinene-4-ol, or a methylenedioxybenzylamine, 3.4-methylenedioxymande mixture of any of these with each other or with alpha-ter lonitrile, piperonylic acid, piperonyl acetate, piperonylac pinene. Where an embodiment describes the use ofterpinene etone, piperonylideneacetone, piperonyl isobutyrate, 30 4-ol, other embodiments are specifically contemplated in piperonyl butoxide, piperonylglycine, or protocatecheuic which terpinene-4-ol may be replaced by other terpinenes or acid or a mixture of any of these with each other or with derivatives thereof such as terpinolene, C-phellandrene, piperonal. Similarly, where an embodiment describes the use 3-phellandrene, alpha-terpinene, beta-terpinene, C-terpineol. ofpiperonyl alcohol, other embodiments are specifically con (B-terpineol, Y-terpineol, or gamma-terpinene, or a mixture of templated in which piperonyl alcohol may be replaced by 35 any of these with each other or with terpinene-4-ol. Where an piperonal, 3.4-methylenedioxybenzylamine, 3.4-methylene embodiment describes the use of C-terpineol, other embodi dioxymandelonitrile, piperonylic acid, piperonyl acetate, ments are specifically contemplated in which C-terpineol piperonylacetone, piperonylideneacetone, piperonyl isobu may be replaced by other terpinenes or derivatives thereof tyrate, piperonyl butoxide, piperonylglycine, or protocat Such as terpinolene, C.-phellandrene, B-phellandrene, alpha echeuic acid, or a mixture of any of these with each other or 40 terpinene, beta-terpinene, terpinene-4-ol. (B-terpineol, Y-ter with piperonyl alcohol. pineol, or gamma-terpinene, or a mixture of any of these with HedioneR), also known as methyl dihydrojasmonate and each other or with C-terpineol. Where an embodiment cyclopentaneacetic acid, 3-oxo-2-pentyl-, methyl ester, is a describes the use of terpinolene, other embodiments are spe compound developed in 1959 that is frequently used to impart cifically contemplated in which terpinolene may be replaced a jasmine scent in perfumes. The most olfactorally active 45 by other terpinenes orderivatives thereofsuch as C-terpineol, stereoisomer is (+)-cis-HedioneR). Where an embodiment C-phellandrene, B-phellandrene, alpha-terpinene, beta-ter describes the use of Hedione(R), other embodiments are spe pinene, terpinene-4-ol. B-terpineol, Y-terpineol, or gamma cifically contemplated in which Hedione(R) may be replaced terpinene, or a mixture of any of these with each other or with by any of its stereoisomers, or any mixture thereof. terpinolene. Triethyl citrate (also known as citric acid, triethyl ester; 50 The pinenes encompass the isomeric forms C-pinene and TEC; ethyl citrate: 2-hydroxy-1,2,3-propanetricarboxylic B-pinene; both are important constituents of pine resin. acid, triethyl ester; and Citroflex 2) is used as a high boiling Important pinene derivatives include the bicyclic ketones ver Solvent and plasticizer for vinyl resins and cellulose acetates. benone and chrysanthone. Where an embodiment describes It is a plasticizer permitted in the field of food additives, food the use of C-pinene, other embodiments are specifically con contact materials, medicines, and pharmaceuticals. Where an 55 templated in which C-pinene may be replaced by B-pinene, embodiment describes the use of triethyl citrate, other Verbenone, or chrysanthone, or a mixture of any of these with embodiments are specifically contemplated in which triethyl each other or with C-pinene. Where an embodiment describes citrate may be replaced by other citrate plasticiser esters such the use off-pinene, other embodiments are specifically con as tributyl citrate, acetyl tributyl citrate and tri-(2-ethyl templated in which B-pinene may be replaced by C-pinene, hexyl)-citrate, or a mixture of any of these with each other or 60 Verbenone, or chrysanthone, or a mixture of any of these with with triethyl citrate. each other or with B-pinene. The terpinenes are isomeric hydrocarbons classified as Cymene is a monoterpene-related hydrocarbon, consisting terpenes. Some members of this group are used in a wide of a benzene ring Substituted with a methyl group and an variety of flavor and fragrance compositions, as well as in isopropyl group. The para-Substituted form occurs naturally extensions of citrus oils. Gamma-terpinene is also known as 65 and is a component of oil of cuminand thyme. The ortho- and 1-isopropyl-4-methyl-1,4-cyclohexadiene, 4-methyl-1-(1- meta-substituted also exist, but are less common. Where an methylethyl)-1,4-cyclohexadiene, and p-mentha-1,4-diene. embodiment describes the use of p-cymene, other embodi US 8,734,869 B2 21 22 ments are specifically contemplated in which terpinolene hol, C-terpinene, tert-butyl-p-benzoquinone, C.-thujene, and may be replaced by o-cymene or m-cymene, or a mixture of triethylcitrate can also be included in the compositions of the any of these with each other or with p-cymene. present invention. Trans-anethole (also known as anethole, p-propenylani In addition, the use of several long-chain aldehydes, such sole, anise camphor, isoestragole, or oil of aniseed) is an as octanal, nonanal, decanal, and dodecanal. Where an aromatic unsaturated ether that accounts forthelicorice flavor embodiment describes the use of one such aldehyde, other of anise and fennel. It forms white crystals at room tempera embodiments are specifically contemplated in which the des ture and is closely related to estragole, its double-bond iso ignated aldehyde is replaced with any of the otheraldeydes, or mer, chavicol (p-allylphenol, the phenol analog), and safrole a mixture of any of these aldehydes with each other or with the (shikimol), a methylenedioxy analog found in Sassafras oil. 10 designated aldehyde. Where an embodiment describes the use of t-anethole, other Tocopherols are a class of chemicals consisting of various embodiments are specifically contemplated in which t-anet methylated phenols, some of which have vitamin E activity. hole may be replaced by estragole, chavicol, Safrole, or a These include C-tocopherol, B-tocopherol, Y-tocopherol, and mixture of any of these with each other or with t-anethole. 8-tocopherol. Also belonging to this family are the tocot Citronella oil is classified into two chemotypes. The Cey 15 rienols, including C-tocotrienol, B-tocotrienol, Y-tocotrienol, lon type obtained from Cymbopogon nardus Rendle consists and 8-tocotrienol. In preferred embodiments, mixtures of of geraniol, limonene, methyl isoeugenol, citronellol, and these compositions, such as tocopherol gamma tenox or citronellal. The Java type obtained from Cymbopogon winte Tenox GT, are employed. Where an embodiment describes rianus Jowitt consists of citronellal, geraniol, geranyl acetate, the use of one tocopherol, other embodiments are specifically and limonene. Where an embodiment describes the use of contemplated in which the designated tocopherol is replaced citronella oil, either they Ceylon type or the Java type may be with any of the other tocopherols, or a mixture of any of these used. Furthermore, where an embodiment describes the use tocopherols with each other or with the designated toco of citronella oil, other embodiments are specifically contem pherol. plated in which citronella oil may be replaced by geraniol, Certain mixtures of liquefied hydrocarbons, such as pro limonene, methyl isoeugenol, citronellol, citronellal, geranyl 25 pellants A-46, A-70, or 142A may be used as propellants in acetate, or a mixture of any of these with each other or with embodiments of spray mixtures. Where an embodiment citronella oil. describes the use of one propellant, other embodiments are Borneol is a terpene and a bicyclic organic compound specifically contemplated in which the designated propellant which exists as two enantiomers, d-borneol and 1-borneol. is replaced with any of the other propellant, or a mixture of Isoborneol is the exo isomer of borneol. Borneol can be 30 any of these propellants with each other or with the desig oxidized to the ketone camphor, which exists in the optically nated propellant. active dextro and levo forms. Significant camphor derivatives In certain exemplary compositions of the invention that are norcamphor and camphene. Where an embodiment include lilac flower oil, one or more of the following com describes the use of 1-borneol, other embodiments are spe pounds can be substituted for the lilac flower oil: tetrahydro cifically contemplated in which 1-borneol may be replaced by 35 linalool; ethyllinalool; heliotropine; hedion; hercolyn D; and d-borneol, racemic borneol, isoborneol, d-camphor, l-cam triethyl citrate. In certain exemplary compositions of the phor, racemic camphor, norcamphor, camphene, or a mixture invention that include black seed oil, one or more of the of any of these with each other or with 1-borneol. Where an following compounds can be substituted for the black seed embodiment describes the use of isoborneol, other embodi oil: alpha-thujene: alpha-pinene; Beta-pinene; p-cymene; ments are specifically contemplated in which isoborneol may 40 limonene; and tert-butyl-p-benzoquinone. In certain exem be replaced by d-borneol, racemic borneol. 1-borneol, d-cam plary compositions of the invention that include thyme oil, phor, 1-camphor, racemic camphor, norcamphor, camphene, one or more of the following compounds can be substituted or a mixture of any of these with each other or with for the thyme oil: thymol, C-thujone; C-pinene, camphene, isoborneol. Where an embodiment describes the use of B-pinene, p-cymene, C-terpinene, linalool, borneol, B-caryo d-camphor, other embodiments are specifically contemplated 45 phyllene, and carvacrol. In certain exemplary embodiments in which d-camphor may be replaced by d-borneol. 1-borneol, of the invention that include methyl salicylate, oil of winter racemic borneol, isoborneol. 1-camphor, racemic camphor, green can be substituted for the methyl salicylate. In certain norcamphor, camphene, or a mixture of any of these with each exemplary embodiments of the invention that include oil of other or with d-camphor. Where an embodiment describes the wintergreen, methyl salicylate can be substituted for the oil of use of camphene, other embodiments are specifically con 50 wintergreen. templated in which camphene may be replaced by d-borneol. D-limonene is the main odour constituent of citrus (plant 1-borneol, racemic borneol, isoborneol, d-camphor, l-cam family Rutaceae), and is found in, among other citrus oils, phor, racemic camphor, norcamphor, camphene, or a mixture lemon oil, lime oil, and orange oil. Where an embodiment of any of these with each other or with camphene. describes the use of d-limonene, other embodiments are spe Myrcene is a monoterpene that exists in nature as the 55 cifically contemplated in which the d-limonene is replaced by structural form B-myrcene and is obtained from the essential lemon oil, orange oil, lime oil, citrus oil, 1-limonene, or dipen oils of bay, Verbena, and myrcia. The C-myrcene form is a tene (the racemic mixture of d-limonene and 1-limonene). structural isomer not found in nature. Where an embodiment In certain exemplary compositions of the invention that describes the use of myrcene, this signifies the B-myrcene include lilac flower oil, one or more of the following com form, but other embodiments are specifically contemplated in 60 pounds can be substituted for the lilac flower oil: tetrahydro which B-myrcene is replaced with C-myrcene or a mixture of linalool; ethyllinalool; heliotropine; hedion; hercolyn D; and C-myrcene and B-myrcene. triethyl citrate. In certain exemplary compositions of the Other ingredients, including but not limited to black seed invention that include black seed oil, one or more of the oil, borneol, camphene, carvacrol, B-caryophyllene, triethyl following compounds can be substituted for the black seed citrate, p-cymene, hedion, heliotropine, hercolyn D, lilac 65 oil: alpha-thujene: alpha-pinene; Beta-pinene; p-cymene; flower oil, lime oil, limonene, linalool, ethyl-linalool, tetrahy limonene; and tert-butyl-p-benzoquinone. In certain exem dro-linanool, C-pinene, B-pinene, piperonal, piperonyl alco plary compositions of the invention that include thyme oil, US 8,734,869 B2 23 24 one or more of the following compounds can be substituted plary embodiments, the following active ingredients can be for the thyme oil: thymol, C-thujone; C-pinene, camphene, provided at the following concentrations: 39% Methyl sali B-pinene, p-cymene, C-terpinene, linalool, borneol, B-caryo cylate; 20% Thyme Oil; and 20% Geraniol 60. In other exem phyllene, and carvacrol. In certain exemplary embodiments plary embodiments, the following active ingredients can be of the invention that include methyl salicylate, oil of winter provided at the following concentrations: 39% Methyl sali green can be substituted for the methyl salicylate. In certain cylate; 20% Thyme Oil; and 20% Geraniol 85. In other exem exemplary embodiments of the invention that include oil of plary embodiments, the following active ingredients can be wintergreen, methyl salicylate can be substituted for the oil of provided at the following concentrations: 39% Methyl sali wintergreen. cylate; 20% Thyme Oil; and 20% Geraniol 95. Other exem Oils used to prepare the exemplary compositions of the 10 plary embodiments are shown in the tables provided below. present invention can be obtained, for example, from the In exemplary embodiments, the insect control formulation following sources: Millennium Specialty Chemical (Jackson also includes isopropyl myristate at a concentration of ville, Fla.), Ungerer Company (Lincoln Park, N.J.), SAFC between 10-30%, more preferably 15-25%, and most prefer (Milwaukee, Wis.), and IFF Inc. (Hazlet, N.J.). ably about 20%. Vanillin is included, preferably at a concen Exemplary embodiments of the invention also can include 15 tration between 0.5 and 4%, most preferably about 1%. isopropyl myristate, which is an ester of isopropyl alcohol In exemplary embodiments of the invention, thymol is and myristic acid, is used as a thickening agent and emollient. present in crystal form. By using the crystal form, the more In those compositions including more than one oil, each oil Volatile components of the insect control composition are can make up between about 0.1%, or less, to about 99%, or stabilized and remain in the area requiring insect control for a more, by weight, of the composition mixture. For example, longer period. This is explained in U.S. Provisional Applica one composition of the present invention comprises about 1% tion No. 60/799.434, filed May 10, 2006 which is incorpo thymoland about 99% geraniol. Optionally, the compositions rated in its entirety herein by reference. Of course, other can additionally comprise a fixed oil, which is a non-volatile components can be included to stabilize the insect control non-scented plant oil. Fixed oils useful in the formulations of composition. The stabilizer can be a crystal powder, dust, the present invention include, but are not limited to, castor oil, 25 granule or other form which provides an absorption Surface corn oil, cumin oil, mineral oil, olive oil, peanut oil, safflower area for the insect control composition. Other plant essential oil, sesame oil, and soybean oil. oils that are crystalline at room temperature and can be used In certain exemplary embodiments, insect control compo as stabilizers in formulations of the invention include but are sitions according to the invention include at least one of not limited to cinnamic alcohol crystals, salicylic acid crys methyl salicylate, thyme oil, thymol, and/or geraniol. In other 30 tals, cedrol crystals, piperonal crystals, piperonyl alcohol exemplary embodiments, insect control compositions crystals, (S)-cis-Verbenol crystals and DL-menthol crystals include at least two of methyl salicylate, thyme oil, thymol, which are all crystalline at room temperature. Another stabi and/or geraniol. In other exemplary embodiments, insect con lizer that can be used is a crystal of Winsense WS-3, cyclo trol compositions according to the invention include methyl hexanecarboxamide, N-methyl-2-(1-methylethyl) and Win salicylate, thymol, and geraniol. 35 sense WE-23, (N-2,3-trimethyl-2-isopropylbutamide) and While embodiments of the invention can include active the like. Another useful stabilizer is talc powder. ingredients, carriers, inert ingredients, and other formulation In order to produce the stabilized formulation, the stabi components, preferred embodiments begin with a primary lizer and the insect-control composition are mixed to allow blend. A primary blend is preferably a synergistic combina the stabilizer to become coated with the composition as tion containing two or more active ingredients and, option 40 described in U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/799.434, ally, additional ingredients. The primary blends can then be mentioned above. combined with other ingredients to produce a formulation. The compositions of the present invention can comprise, in Accordingly, where concentrations, concentration ranges, or admixture with a suitable carrier and optionally with a suit amounts, are given herein, such quantities typically are in able Surface active agent, plant essential oil compounds and/ reference to a primary blend or blends. Thus, when a primary 45 or derivatives thereof, natural and/or synthetic, including blend is further modified by addition of other ingredients to racemic mixtures, enantiomers, diastereomers, hydrates, produce a formulation, the concentrations of the active ingre salts, Solvates and metabolites, etc. dients are reduced proportional to the presence of other ingre A Suitable carrier can include any carrier in the art known dients in the formulation. for plantessential oils, provided the carrier does not adversely In preferred blends, methyl salicylate can be included at a 50 effect the compositions of the present invention. The term concentration of between 10% or less to 60% or more; at a “carrier as used herein means an inert or fluid material, concentration of between 15%-50%; at a concentration of which can be inorganic or organic and of synthetic or natural between 20%-45%; or at a concentration of about 39% by origin, with which the active compound is mixed or formu weight. lated to facilitate its application to the container or carton or Thymol can be included at a concentration of between 5% 55 other object to be treated, or to facilitate its storage, transport or less to 40% or more; at a concentration of between 15%- and/or handling. In general, any of the materials customarily 25%; or at a concentration of about 20% by weight. employed informulating repellents, pesticides, herbicides, or Thyme Oil can be included at a concentration of between fungicides, are Suitable. The compositions of the present 5% or less to 40% or more, at a concentration of between invention can be employed alone or in the form of mixtures 15%-25%, or at a concentration of about 20% by weight. 60 with such solid and/or liquid dispersible carrier vehicles and/ Geraniol can be included at a concentration of between 5% or or other known compatible active agents such as other repel less to 40% or more, at a concentration of 15%-25%, or at a lants, pesticides, or acaricides, nematicides, fungicides, bac concentration of about 20% by weight. tericides, rodenticides, herbicides, fertilizers, growth In certain exemplary embodiments, the following active regulating agents, etc., if desired, or in the form of particular ingredients can be provided at the following concentrations, 65 dosage preparations for specific application made therefrom, expressed as a percentage by weight 39% Methyl salicylate: Such as Solutions, emulsions, Suspensions, powders, pastes, 20% Thymol (crystal); and 20% Geraniol 60. In other exem and granules which are thus ready for use. The compositions US 8,734,869 B2 25 26 of the present invention can be formulated or mixed with, if ensure the arrival of sufficient active ingredients to the site of desired, conventional inert pesticide diluents or extenders of action. Various solvents may be used, for example, isopar M. the type usable in conventional insect control agents, e.g., isopar C, or mixtures thereof. conventional dispersible carrier vehicles Such as gases, solu To produce the water-based formulation, the insect-control tions, emulsions, Suspensions, emulsifiable concentrates, composition containing one or more plant essential oils is spray powders, pastes, Soluble powders, dusting agents, gran mixed with water to create a slurry. The surfactant is then ules, foams, pastes, tablets, aerosols, natural and synthetic added to create certain embodiments of the water-based for materials impregnated with active compounds, microcap mulation. To create other embodiments of the water-based Sules, coating compositions for use on seeds, and formula formulation, the solvent is then added. The final concentra tions used with burning equipment. Such as fumigating car 10 tion of the insect-control composition in the formulation may be, for example, about 10-25%. The final concentration of the tridges, fumigating cans and fumigating coils, as well as ULV Surfactant in the formulation may be, for example, about cold mist and warm mist formulations, etc. 1-10%. The final concentration of the solvent in the formula The compositions of the present invention can further com tion may be, for example, 0 to about 10%. Some embodi prise Surface-active agents. Examples of Surface-active 15 ments of the present invention are characterized by rapid agents that can be employed with the present invention, killing, e.g., kill-on-contact, and some embodiments are char include emulsifying agents, such as non-ionic and/or anionic acterized by residual effects, i.e., formulation remains on emulsifying agents (e.g., polyethylene oxide esters of fatty treated Surface affecting insect control for an extended period acids, polyethylene oxide ethers of fatty alcohols, alkyl sul of time. In the case of the embodiment characterized by fates, alkyl Sulfonates, aryl Sulfonates, albumin hydrolyzates, residual effects, it should be noted that the solvent-compo etc., and especially alkyl arylpolyglycol ethers, magnesium nent of the formulation is not necessary. In Such embodiments Stearate, sodium oleate, etc.); and/or dispersing agents such as of the invention, the formulation includes: water, an insect lignin, Sulfite waste liquors, methyl cellulose, etc. control composition, a surfactant, and a stabilizer, Such as the In some embodiments, water-based formulations are pre one described in the patent application entitled, “Formula ferred. Although oil-based formulations of insect-control 25 tions of Insect-Control Compositions having Residual Activ agents are generally more effective, water-based formula ity and Methods for Production and Use Thereof filed on tions have the advantage that they do not leave behind an oily May 10, 2005. Such embodiments may optionally include the residue on treated surfaces. Preparation of water-based for solvent described herein. mulations for insect control are disclosed in U.S. Provisional Once the water-based formulation has been prepared, it Application No. 60/747,592, filed May 18, 2006, which is 30 may be applied to a desired area to affect insect control in that incorporated in its entirety herein by reference. area. Once applied, it will form a thin film on the treated In certain embodiments, water-based formulations are pro surfaces, adhering thereto and providing effective insect con vided wherein water and a surfactant comprise between about trol. The formulation may be applied to the area in a variety of 1% to about 99%, by weight, of the composition mixture. For manners known in the art, for example, the formulation may example, one composition of the present invention comprises 35 be prepared as an aerosol or trigger spray. about 1% water and surfactant and about 99% of a composi In certain exemplary embodiments, the present invention tion, including: about 39% Methyl salicylate; about 20% encompasses a mixture of an insect control composition Thymol (crystal); about 20% Geraniol 60; and about 1% including one or more plant essential oils with a carrier. For Vanillin. For another example, one composition of the present example, embodiments of the present invention can include a invention comprises about 50% water and surfactant and 40 carrier having a surface area, with the insect-control compo about 50% of a composition, including: about 39% Methyl sition coated on the Surface area of the carrier. The carrier may salicylate; about 20% Thymol (crystal); about 20% Geraniol be, for example, crystals, powder, dust, granules or the like, 60; and about 1%. Vanillin. which provides an absorption Surface area for the insect The surfactant of the water-based formulation is provided control compositions. One example of a carrier that can be to facilitate mixture of the insect-control composition with 45 used in accordance with the present invention is diatoma the water. The Surfactant may include an end having a car ceous earth (DE). DE is a naturally occurring sedimentary boxyl group, which will face the water molecules, and a rock that is easily crumbled into a fine powder. This powder hydrocarbon end, which will face an oil component of the has an abrasive feel, similar to pumice powder, and is very insect-control composition. As such, the Surfactant allows the light, due to its high porosity. Diatomaceous earth consists of water and the oil component of the composition to be mixed 50 fossilized remains of diatoms, a type of hard-shelled algae. to form an emulsion. Various Surfactants may be used in the To produce certain embodiments of the present invention, formulation of the present invention, for example, sodium the carrier and the insect-control composition are mixed to lauryl sulfate (SLS, anionic), chlorhexidine (CLH, cationic), allow the carrier to become coated with the composition. In and Poloxamer 407 (POL407, nonionic), Sodium dodecyl some embodiments of the invention, after the carrier has been sulfate (SDS), Sodium cholate, Sodium deoxycholate, 55 coated with the insect-control composition to form the for N-Lauroylsarcosine, Lauryldimethylamine-oxide (LDAO), mulation, the formulation can be applied to a desired area to Cetyltrimethylammoniumbromide (CTAB), Bis(2-ethyl affect insect control in that area. Because the carrier reduces hexyl)sulfoSuccinate, or mixtures thereof. the Volatility of the insect-control composition, the composi The solvent of the water-based formulation serves to tion will remain active in the desired area for an amount of reduce the water-oil surface tension of the emulsion. By 60 time that is greater than the time the composition, alone, i.e., reducing this surface tension, the oil spots are more readily unformulated composition, would remain in the desired area. dispersed in the water, and a thin film of the oil-water mixture AS Such, the formulation continues to provide insect-control is allowed to form on the treated surfaces, which surfaces may after the time by which the composition, alone, would have include areas within a household, outdoor areas, plants and volatilized. the insects themselves. The solvent may also serve as a carrier 65 In certain embodiments, the insect control compositions and a synergist. The solvent may assist in fast penetration can be combined with one or more synthetic pesticides Such through the cell membrane of an insect being controlled to as a pyrethroid, a chloronicotinyl insecticide, and a neonico US 8,734,869 B2 27 28 tinoid. For example, the insect control blends in one embodi Vanillin, between 0.5 and 1.5% Isopropyl myristate, between ment are combined with deltamethrin, clothianidin, or imi 0.3 and 1.3% Piperonal (aldehyde), between 5 and 15% Blend dacloprid. Delatmethrin is available from AgrEvo 62, between 0.1 and 0.9% Geraniol 60, and between 0.3 and Environmental Health, Inc., Montvale, N.J. Clothianidin and 1.3% Triethyl Citrate. imidacloprid are available from Bayer CropScience LP, In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Research Triangle Park, N.C. between 75 and 90% D-Limonene, between 2.5 and 4% Embodiments of the present invention can be used to con Thyme Oil White, between 0.5 and 0.65% Linalool Coeur, trol insects by treating an area directly. For example, the area between 0.7 and 0.9%Tetrahydrolinalool, between 0.04 and can be treated by spreading the formulation, for example, 0.06% Vanillin, between 0.7 and 0.9% Isopropyl myristate, manually, automatically, with a fertilizer spreader, or the like. 10 The compositions of the present invention can be used to between 0.7 and 0.9% Piperonal (aldehyde), between 9 and control insects by either treating a host directly, or treating an 11% Blend 62, between 0.35 and 0.5% Geraniol 60, and area in which the host will be located. For example, the host between 0.7 and 0.9% Triethyl Citrate. can be treated directly by using a cream or spray formulation, In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include which can be applied externally or topically, e.g., to the skin 15 82.52% D-Limonene, 3.28%Thyme Oil White, 0.57% Lina of a human. A composition can be applied to the host, for lool Coeur, 0.78%Tetrahydrolinalool, 0.05% Vanillin, 0.80% example, in the case of a human, using formulations of a Isopropyl myristate, 0.80% Piperonal (aldehyde), 9.99% variety of personal products or cosmetics for use on the skin Blend 62, 0.41% Geraniol 60, and 0.80% Triethyl Citrate. or hair. For example, any of the following can be used: fra In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include grances, colorants, pigments, dyes, colognes, skin creams, at least two of the group consisting of Black Seed Oil (BSO), skin lotions, deodorants, talcs, bath oils, Soaps, shampoos, Linalool Coeur, Tetrahydrolinalool, Vanillin, Isopropyl hair conditioners and styling agents. myristate, Piperonal (aldehyde), and Geraniol Fine FCC. The compositions of a select number of specifically con In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include templated embodiments of the present invention are shown in at least four of the group consisting of Black Seed Oil (here Table 1. This table lists these blends with a specific Blend 25 inafter referred to as BSO), Linalool Coeur, Tetrahydrolina Number. These blends can be used as components of other lool, Vanillin, Isopropyl myristate, Piperonal (aldehyde), and synergistic blends. In embodiments containing other blends Geraniol Fine FCC. as listed herein, Blend Numbers refer to the blends as listed in In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Table 1. BSO, Linalool Coeur, Tetrahydrolinalool, Vanillin, Isopropyl In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 30 myristate, Piperonal (aldehyde), and Geraniol Fine FCC. at least two of the group consisting of Lilac Flower Oil (LFO), In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include D-Limonene, Thyme Oil White, and Blend 61 (see Table 1). between 10 and 30% BSO, between 5 and 25% Linalool In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Coeur, between 5 and 30% Tetrahydrolinalool, between 0.8 at least three of the group consisting of Lilac Flower Oil and 3% Vanillin, between 15 and 30% Isopropyl myristate, (LFO), D-Limonene, Thyme Oil White, and Blend 61. 35 between 4 and 10% Piperonal (aldehyde), and between 2 and In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 20% Geraniol Fine FCC. Lilac Flower Oil (LFO), D-Limonene, Thyme Oil White, and In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Blend 61. between 15 and 25% BSO, between 10 and 20% Linalool In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Coeur, between 15 and 23% Tetrahydrolinalool, between 1.5 between 2 and 8% Lilac Flower Oil (LFO), between 60 and 40 and 2.5% Vanillin, between 20 and 25% Isopropyl myristate, 99% D-Limonene, between 1 and 7%Thyme Oil White, and between 6 and 8% Piperonal (aldehyde), and between 5 and between 4 and 16% Blend 61. 15% Geraniol Fine FCC. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include between 4 and 5% Lilac Flower Oil (LFO), between 75 and 21.50% BSO, 15.90% Linalool Coeur, 19.00% Tetrahydroli 90% D-Limonene, between 3 and 4%Thyme Oil White, and 45 nalool, 1.80% Vanillin, 23.50% Isopropyl myristate, 7.80% between 8 and 12% Blend 61. Piperonal (aldehyde), and 10.50% Geraniol Fine FCC. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 4.40% LFO, 82.3% D-Limonene, 3.3% Thyme Oil White, at least two of the group consisting of D-Limonene, BSO, and 10.0% Blend 61. Linalool Coeur, Tetrahydrolinalool, Vanillin, Isopropyl In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 50 myristate, Piperonal (aldehyde), Geraniol Fine FCC, and at least two of the group consisting of D-Limonene, Thyme Methyl Salicylate 98% Nat. Oil White, Linalool Coeur, Tetrahydrolinalool, Vanillin, Iso In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include propyl myristate, Piperonal (aldehyde), Blend 62 (see Table at least four of the group consisting of D-Limonene, BSO, 1), Geraniol 60, and Triethyl Citrate. Linalool Coeur, Tetrahydrolinalool, Vanillin, Isopropyl In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 55 myristate, Piperonal (aldehyde), Geraniol Fine FCC, and at least four of the group consisting of D-Limonene, Thyme Methyl Salicylate 98% Nat. Oil White, Linalool Coeur, Tetrahydrolinalool, Vanillin, Iso In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include propyl myristate, Piperonal (aldehyde), Blend 62, Geraniol D-Limonene, BSO, Linalool Coeur, Tetrahydrolinalool, Van 60, and Triethyl Citrate. illin, Isopropyl myristate, Piperonal (aldehyde), Geraniol In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 60 Fine FCC, and Methyl Salicylate 98% Nat. D-Limonene, Thyme Oil White, Linalool Coeur, Tetrahydro In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include linalool, Vanillin, Isopropyl myristate, Piperonal (aldehyde), between 5 and 15% D-Limonene, between 20 and 35% BSO, Blend 62, Geraniol 60, and Triethyl Citrate. between 3 and 10% Linalool Coeur, between 4 and 15% In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Tetrahydrolinalool, between 0.2 and 1.5% Vanillin, between between 60 and 99% D-Limonene, between 1 and 6%Thyme 65 5 and 15% Isopropyl myristate, between 1 and 5% Piperonal Oil White, between 0.1 and 1.0% Linalool Coeur, between (aldehyde), between 1 and 10% Geraniol Fine FCC, and 0.4 and 1.5% Tetrahydrolinalool, between 0.01 and 0.1% between 20 and 45% Methyl Salicylate 98% Nat. US 8,734,869 B2 29 30 In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include monene, between 8.5 and 10.6% Thyme Oil White, and between 8 and 10% D-Limonene, 24 and 28.5% BSO, 5.5 and between 61 and 76% Blend 61. 7.0% Linalool Coeur, between 7 and 9% Tetrahydrolinalool, In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include between 0.7 and 0.9% Vanillin, between 8.5 and 10.5% Iso 12.94% LFO, 8.72% D-Limonene, 9.58% Thyme Oil White, propyl myristate, between 2.8 and 3.6% Piperonal (alde and 68.76% Blend 61. hyde), between 3.8 and 5% Geraniol Fine FCC, and between In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 29 and 37% Methyl Salicylate 98% Nat. at least five of the group consisting of LFO, D-Limonene, In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Thyme Oil White, between Linalool Coeur, Citral, gamma 8.80% D-Limonene, 26.20% BSO, 6.40% Linalool Coeur, terpinene, Alpha-Pinene (98%), Alpha-Terpineol, Terpi 10 nolene, Para-Cymene, Linallyl Acetate, Beta Pinene, Cam 7.80% Tetrahydrolinalool, 0.80% Vanillin, 9.50% Isopropyl phor Dextro, Terpinene 4 OL, Alpha Terpinene, Borneol L. myristate, 3.20% Piperonal (aldehyde), 4.30% Geraniol Fine Camphene, Decanal, Dodecanal, Fenchol Alpha, Geranyl FCC, and 33.00% Methyl Salicylate 98% Nat. Acetate, Isoborneol. 2-Methyl 1.3-cyclohexadiene, Myrcene, In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Nonanal, Octanal, and Tocopherol Gamma Tenox. at least two of the group consisting of Thyme Oil White, 15 In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Wintergreen Oil, Vanillin, and Isopropyl myristate. at least ten of the group consisting of LFO, D-Limonene, In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Thyme Oil White, between Linalool Coeur, Citral, gamma at least three of the group consisting of Thyme Oil White, terpinene, Alpha-Pinene (98%), Alpha-Terpineol, Terpi Wintergreen Oil, Vanillin, and Isopropyl myristate. nolene, Para-Cymene, Linallyl Acetate, Beta Pinene, Cam In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include phor Dextro, Terpinene 4 OL, Alpha Terpinene, Borneol L. Thyme Oil White, Wintergreen Oil, Vanillin, and Isopropyl Camphene, Decanal, Dodecanal, Fenchol Alpha, Geranyl myristate. Acetate, Isoborneol. 2-Methyl 1.3-cyclohexadiene, Myrcene, In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Nonanal, Octanal, and Tocopherol Gamma Tenox. between 12 and 30%Thyme Oil White, between 30 and 60% In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Wintergreen Oil, between 0.5 and 2% Vanillin, and between 25 LFO, D-Limonene, Thyme Oil White, Linalool Coeur, Citral, 25 and 45%. Isopropyl myristate. gamma-terpinene, Alpha-Pinene (98%), Alpha-Terpineol, In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Terpinolene, Para-Cymene, Linallyl Acetate, Beta Pinene, between 18 and 23% Thyme Oil White, between 40 and 50% Camphor Dextro, Terpinene 4 OL, Alpha Terpinene, Borneol Wintergreen Oil, between 1 and 1.2% Vanillin, and between L. Camphene, Decanal, Dodecanal, Fenchol Alpha, Geranyl 30 and 37% Isopropyl myristate. 30 Acetate, Isoborneol. 2-Methyl 1.3-cyclohexadiene, Myrcene, In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Nonanal, Octanal, and Tocopherol Gamma Tenox. 20.50% Thyme Oil White, 45.00% Wintergreen Oil, 1.10% In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Vanillin, and 33.40% Isopropyl myristate. between 7 and 17% LFO, between 35 and 50% D-Limonene, In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include between 5 and 15% Thyme Oil White, between 0.5 and 1.1% at least one of the group consisting of D-Limonene, Thyme 35 Linalool Coeur, between 3 and 10% Citral, between 3 and Oil White, and Wintergreen Oil (Technical grade). 10% gamma-terpinene, between 0.7 and 1.9%. Alpha-Pinene In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include (98%), between 2 and 6% Alpha-Terpineol, between 2 and at least two of the group consisting of D-Limonene, Thyme 7%. Terpinolene, between 0.5 and 2% Para-Cymene, between Oil White, and Wintergreen Oil (Technical grade). 1 and 2.5% Linallyl Acetate, between 1.2 and 2.5% Beta In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 40 Pinene, between 0.02 and 0.3% Camphor Dextro, between D-Limonene, Thyme Oil White, and Wintergreen Oil (Tech 0.02 and 0.15% Terpinene 4 OL, between 1 and 3% Alpha nical grade). Terpinene, between 0.4 and 1.4% Borneol L, between 0.1 and In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 0.7% Camphene, between 0.05 and 0.2% Decanal, between between 40 and 70% D-Limonene, between 5 and 20% 0.04 and 0.16% Dodecanal, between 0.001 and 0.03% Fen Thyme Oil White, and between 20 and 40% Wintergreen Oil 45 chol Alpha, between 0.05 and 0.25% Geranyl Acetate, (Technical grade). between 0.1 and 0.5% Isoborneol, between 0.1 and 0.4% In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 2-Methyl 1.3-cyclohexadiene, between 0.3 and 1.1% between 50 and 62% D-Limonene, between 10.5 and 13.5% Myrcene, between 0.005 and 0.05% Nonanal, between 0.01 Thyme Oil White, and between 28 and 35% Wintergreen Oil and 0.1% Octanal, and between 0.005 and 0.05%Tocopherol (Technical grade). 50 Gamma TenoX. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 56.30% D-Limonene, 12.38%Thyme Oil White, and 31.32% between 11.5 and 14.5% LFO, between 38 and 46.5% D-Li Wintergreen Oil (Technical grade). monene, between 8.5 and 10.6% Thyme Oil White, between In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 0.76 and 0.92% Linalool Coeur, between 6 and 8% Citral, at least two of the group consisting of LFO, D-Limonene, 55 between 6.5 and 8% gamma-terpinene, between 1.1 and 1.5% Thyme Oil White, and Blend 61. Alpha-Pinene (98%), between 4.1 and 5.2% Alpha-Terpin In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include eol, between 3.8 and 5% Terpinolene, between 1 and 1.25% at least three of the group consisting of LFO, D-Limonene, Para-Cymene, between 1.6 and 2% Linallyl Acetate, between Thyme Oil White, and Blend 61. 1.7 and 2.1% Beta Pinene, between 0.08 and 0.1% Camphor In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 60 Dextro, between 0.07 and 0.09% Terpinene 4 OL, between LFO, D-Limonene, Thyme Oil White, and Blend 61. 1.7 and 2.1% Alpha Terpinene, between 0.8 and 1.0% In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Borneol L, between 0.3 and 0.45% Camphene, between 0.10 between 8 and 18% LFO, between 5 and 12% D-Limonene, and 0.14% Decanal, between 0.09 and 0.11% Dodecanal, between 5 and 15% Thyme Oil White, and between 55 and between 0.005 and 0.015% Fenchol Alpha, between 0.1 and 80% Blend 61. 65 0.14% GeranylAcetate, between 0.2 and 0.35% Isoborneol, In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include between 0.24 and 0.28% 2-Methyl 1.3-cyclohexadiene, between 11.5 and 14.5% LFO, between 7.9 and 9.5% D-Li between 0.7 and 0.85% Myrcene, between 0.015 and 0.025% US 8,734,869 B2 31 32 Nonanal, between 0.03 and 0.05% Octanal, and between In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 0.015 and 0.025% Tocopherol Gamma Tenox. between 45 and 56% LFO and between 45 and 55% BSO. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 12.94% LFO, 42.2% D-Limonene, 9.58% Thyme Oil White, 50.13% LFO and 49.87% BSO. 0.84% Linalool Coeur, 7.02% Citral, 7.23% gamma-ter In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include pinene, 1.33% Alpha-Pinene (98%), 4.68% Alpha-Terpineol, at least one of the group consisting of Thyme Oil White, 4.33% Terpinolene, 1.11% Para-Cymene, 1.79% Linallyl Wintergreen Oil, and Isopropyl myristate. Acetate, 1.93% Beta Pinene, 0.09% Camphor Dextro, 0.08% In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Terpinene 4 OL, 1.93% Alpha Terpinene, 0.89% Borneol L. at least two of the group consisting of Thyme Oil White, 0.37% Camphene, 0.12% Decanal, 0.10% Dodecanal, 0.01% 10 Wintergreen Oil, and Isopropyl myristate. Fenchol Alpha, 0.12% Geranyl Acetate, 0.28% Isoborneol, In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 0.26% 2-Methyl 1,3-cyclohexadiene, 0.78% Myrcene, Thyme Oil White, Wintergreen Oil, and Isopropyl myristate. 0.02% Nonanal, 0.04% Octanal, and 0.02% Tocopherol In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Gamma TenoX. between 2 and 7% Thyme Oil White, between 44 and 70% 15 Wintergreen Oil, and between 25 and 50% Isopropyl In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include myristate. at least five of the group consisting of D-Limonene, Thyme In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Oil White, Blend 61, Linalool Coeur, Tetrahydrolinalool, between 4.1 and 5.2%Thyme Oil White, between 52 and 64% Vanillin, Isopropyl myristate, Piperonal (aldehyde), Geraniol Wintergreen Oil, and between 33 and 42% Isopropyl 60, and Triethyl Citrate. myristate. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include at least seven of the group consisting of D-Limonene, Thyme 4.60% Thyme Oil White, 57.80% Wintergreen Oil, and Oil White, Blend 61, Linalool Coeur, Tetrahydrolinalool, 37.60% Isopropyl myristate. Vanillin, Isopropyl myristate, Piperonal (aldehyde), Geraniol In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 60, and Triethyl Citrate. 25 at least one of the group consisting of D-Limonene, Thyme In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Oil White, and Wintergreen Oil. D-Limonene, Thyme Oil White, Blend 61, Linalool Coeur, In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Tetrahydrolinalool, Vanillin, Isopropyl myristate, Piperonal at least two of the group consisting of D-Limonene, Thyme (aldehyde), Geraniol 60, and Triethyl Citrate. Oil White, and Wintergreen Oil. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 30 In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include between 5 and 15% D-Limonene, between 5 and 15% Thyme D-Limonene, Thyme Oil White, and Wintergreen Oil. Oil White, between 50 and 85% Blend 61, between 1 and In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 2.5% Linalool Coeur, between 1 and 3.5% Tetrahydrolina between 20 and 40% D-Limonene, between 2 and 10% lool, between 0.05 and 0.25% Vanillin, between 1 and 3% Thyme Oil White, and between 50 and 80% Wintergreen Oil. Isopropyl myristate, between 1 and 3.5% Piperonal (alde 35 In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include hyde), between 0.5 and 2% Geraniol 60, and between 1 and between 25 and 31% D-Limonene, between 4 and 5% Thyme 3.5% Triethyl Citrate. Oil White, and between 60 and 72% Wintergreen Oil. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include between 8.7 and 10.8% D-Limonene, between 7.7 and 9.4% 28.24% D-Limonene, 4.44%Thyme Oil White, and 67.32% Thyme Oil White, between 62 and 76% Blend 61, between 40 Wintergreen Oil. 1.4 and 1.9% Linalool Coeur, between 2 and 2.5% Tetrahy In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include drolinalool, between 0.13 and 0.17%. Vanillin, between 2.1 at least three of the group consisting of D-Limonene, Linalool and 2.55% Isopropyl myristate, between 2.1 and 2.55% Pip Coeur, Tetrehydrolinalool, Vanillin, Isopropyl myristate, Pip eronal (aldehyde), between 1.08 and 1.35% Geraniol 60, and eronal (aldehyde), and Geraniol 60. between 2.1 and 2.55% Triethyl Citrate. 45 In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include at least five of the group consisting of D-Limonene, Linalool 9.70% D-Limonene, 8.54%Thyme Oil White, 69.41% Blend Coeur, Tetrehydrolinalool, Vanillin, Isopropyl myristate, Pip 61, 1.66% Linalool Coeur, 2.29%Tetrahydrolinalool, 0.15% eronal (aldehyde), and Geraniol 60. Vanillin, 2.35% Isopropyl myristate, 2.35% Piperonal (alde In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include hyde), 1.21% Geraniol 60, and 2.35% Triethyl Citrate. 50 D-Limonene, Linalool Coeur, Tetrehydrolinalool, Vanillin, In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Isopropyl myristate, Piperonal (aldehyde), and Geraniol 60. at least one of the group consisting of LFO and BSO. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include between 7 and 15% D-Limonene, between 9 and 20% Lina LFO and BSO. lool Coeur, between 15 and 32% Tetrehydrolinalool, between In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 55 1.5 and 3.2% Vanillin, between 15 and 42% Isopropyl between 55 and 99% LFO and between 5 and 35% BlackSeed myristate, between 5 and 16% Piperonal (aldehyde), and Oil (BSO). between 5 and 16% Geraniol 60. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include between 65 and 95% LFO and between 12 and 28% Black between 8.9 and 11% D-Limonene, between 12.5 and 16% Seed Oil (BSO). 60 Linalool Coeur, between 21.5 and 27% Tetrehydrolinalool, In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include between 2.2 and 2.7% Vanillin, between 25 and 32% Isopro between 72 and 89% LFO and between 18 and 22% Black pyl myristate, between 9 and 11% Piperonal (aldehyde), and Seed Oil (BSO). between 9 and 11.4% Geraniol 60. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 80.09% LFO and 19.91% BSO. 65 9.90% D-Limonene, 14.14% Linalool Coeur, 24.29% Tetre In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include hydrolinalool, 2.48% Vanillin, 28.92% Isopropyl myristate, between 35 and 65% LFO and between 35 and 65% BSO. 9.97% Piperonal (aldehyde), and 10.30% Geraniol 60. US 8,734,869 B2 33 34 In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Oil White (USP), 14.54% Isopropyl myristate, 4.85% Piper at least three of the group consisting of D-Limonene, Black onal (aldehyde), and 6.51% Geraniol Fine FCC. Seed Oil, Linalool Coeur, Tetrahydrolinalool, Vanillin, Iso In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include propyl myristate, Piperonal (aldehyde), Geraniol Fine FCC, at least three of the group consisting of BSO, Linalool Coeur, and Methyl Salicylate 98% Nat. Tetrahydrolinalool, Vanillin, Isopropyl myristate, Piperonal In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include (aldehyde), and Geraniol Fine FCC. at least six of the group consisting of D-Limonene, Black In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Seed Oil, Linalool Coeur, Tetrahydrolinalool, Vanillin, Iso at least five of the group consisting of BSO, Linalool Coeur, propyl myristate, Piperonal (aldehyde), Geraniol Fine FCC, Tetrahydrolinalool, Vanillin, Isopropyl myristate, Piperonal and Methyl Salicylate 98% Nat. 10 In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include (aldehyde), and Geraniol Fine FCC. D-Limonene, Black Seed Oil, Linalool Coeur, Tetrahydroli In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include nalool, Vanillin, Isopropyl myristate, Piperonal (aldehyde), BSO, Linalool Coeur, Tetrahydrolinalool, Vanillin, Isopropyl Geraniol Fine FCC, and Methyl Salicylate 98% Nat. myristate, Piperonal (aldehyde), and Geraniol Fine FCC. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 15 In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include between 8.4 and 10.2% D-Limonene, between 29 and 35% between 40 and 65% BSO, between 5 and 15% Linalool Black Seed Oil, between 8.5 and 10.6% Linalool Coeur, Coeur, between 5 and 18%. Tetrahydrolinalool, between 0.5 between 10 and 12.8% Tetrahydrolinalool, between 1 and and 2% Vanillin, between 8 and 18% Isopropyl myristate, 1.35% Vanillin, between 12.5 and 15.5% Isopropyl myristate, between 3 and 6% Piperonal (aldehyde), and between 5 and between 4.2 and 5.3% Piperonal (aldehyde), between 5.7 and 8.5% Geraniol Fine FCC. 6.9% Geraniol Fine FCC, and between 10.5 and 13% Methyl In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Salicylate 98% Nat. between 47 and 58% BSO, between 8.7 and 10.5% Linalool In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Coeur, between 10 and 13% Tetrahydrolinalool, between 1.0 between 8.4 and 10.2% D-Limonene, between 29 and 35% and 1.25% Vanillin, between 12.8 and 15.3% Isopropyl Black Seed Oil, between 8.5 and 10.6% Linalool Coeur, 25 myristate, between 4.3 and 5.2% Piperonal (aldehyde), and between 10 and 12.8% Tetrahydrolinalool, between 1 and between 5.7 and 7% Geraniol Fine FCC. 1.35% Vanillin, between 12.5 and 15.5% Isopropyl myristate, In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include between 4.2 and 5.3% Piperonal (aldehyde), between 5.7 and 52.28% BSO, 9.63% Linalool Coeur, 11.57% Tetrahydroli 6.9% Geraniol Fine FCC, and between 10.5 and 13% Methyl nalool, 1.12% Vanillin, 14.26% Isopropyl myristate, 4.75% Salicylate 98% Nat. 30 Piperonal (aldehyde), and 6.38% Geraniol Fine FCC. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 9.30% D-Limonene, 31.92% Black Seed Oil, 9.48% Linalool In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Coeur, 11.40% Tetrahydrolinalool, 1.16% Vanillin, 14.04% at least two of the group consisting of Thyme Oil White, Isopropyl myristate, 4.68% Piperonal (aldehyde), 6.29% Wintergreen Oil, Vanillin, and Isopropyl myristate. Geraniol Fine FCC, and 11.72% Methyl Salicylate 98% Nat. 35 In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include at least three of the group consisting of Thyme Oil White, at least five of the group consisting of D-Limonene, Black Wintergreen Oil, Vanillin, and Isopropyl myristate. Seed Oil, Linalool Coeur, Tetrahydrolinalool, Vanillin, Min In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include eral Oil White (USP), Isopropyl myristate, Piperonal (alde Thyme Oil White, Wintergreen Oil, Vanillin, and Isopropyl hyde), and Geraniol Fine FCC. 40 myristate. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include at least seven of the group consisting of D-Limonene, Black between 25 and 50%Thyme Oil White, between 15 and 32% Seed Oil, Linalool Coeur, Tetrahydrolinalool, Vanillin, Min Wintergreen Oil, between 0.5 and 2% Vanillin, and between eral Oil White (USP), Isopropyl myristate, Piperonal (alde 25 and 45%. Isopropyl myristate. hyde), and Geraniol Fine FCC. 45 In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include between 34 and 42.5% Thyme Oil White, between 22 and D-Limonene, Black Seed Oil, Linalool Coeur, Tetrahydroli 27.5% Wintergreen Oil, between 1.0 and 1.22% Vanillin, and nalool, Vanillin, Mineral Oil White (USP), Isopropyl between 32 and 40% Isopropyl myristate. myristate, Piperonal (aldehyde), and Geraniol Fine FCC. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 50 38.21% Thyme Oil White, 24.79% Wintergreen Oil, 1.11% between 5 and 15% D-Limonene, between 16 and 35% Black Vanillin, and 35.89% Isopropyl myristate. Seed Oil, between 5 and 15% Linalool Coeur, between 6 and In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 15% Tetrahydrolinalool, between 0.5 and 2% Vanillin, at least one of the group consisting of Thyme Oil White, between 10 and 19%. Mineral Oil White (USP), between 10 Wintergreen Oil, and Isopropyl myristate. and 20% Isopropyl myristate, between 3 and 6% Piperonal 55 In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include (aldehyde), and between 4 and 8.5% Geraniol Fine FCC. at least two of the group consisting of Thyme Oil White, In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Wintergreen Oil, and Isopropyl myristate. between 8.7 and 10.4% D-Limonene, between 23 and 30% In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Black Seed Oil, between 8.9 and 10.8% Linalool Coeur, Thyme Oil White, Wintergreen Oil, and Isopropyl myristate. between 10.7 and 12.9% Tetrahydrolinalool, between 1.05 60 In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include and 1.35% Vanillin, between 13.4 and 16.5%. Mineral Oil between 30 and 50%Thyme Oil White, between 15 and 35% White (USP), between 13 and 16% Isopropyl myristate, Wintergreen Oil, and between 25 and 45% Isopropyl between 4.4 and 5.4% Piperonal (aldehyde), and between 5.9 myristate. and 7.2% Geraniol Fine FCC. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 65 between 35 and 44% Thyme Oil White, between 22 and 9.63% D-Limonene, 26.66% BSO, 9.82% Linalool Coeur, 27.2% Wintergreen Oil, and between 32 and 40% Isopropyl 11.81%Tetrahydrolinalool, 1.20% Vanillin, 14.97%. Mineral myristate. US 8,734,869 B2 35 36 In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 39.24% Thyme Oil White, 24.82% Wintergreen Oil, and between 50 and 85% D-Limonene, between 2 and 4% Lina 35.94%. Isopropyl myristate. lool Coeur, between 3 and 5% Tetrahydrolinalool, between In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 0.1 and 0.3% Vanillin, between 2.5 and 4.55% Isopropyl at least one of the group consisting of Thyme Oil White, myristate, between 2.5 and 4.5% Piperonal (aldehyde), Isopropyl myristate, and Wintergreen Oil (Technical grade). between 1 and 2% Piperonyl Alcohol, and between 10 and In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 20% Blend 62. at least two of the group consisting of Thyme Oil White, In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Isopropyl myristate, and Wintergreen Oil (Technical grade). between 62 and 77% D-Limonene, between 2.6 and 3.2% 10 Linalool Coeur, between 3.15 and 3.85% Tetrahydrolinalool, In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include between 0.18 and 0.22% Vanillin, between 3.05 and 3.75% Thyme Oil White, Isopropyl myristate, and Wintergreen Oil Isopropyl myristate, between 3.25 and 3.95% Piperonal (al (Technical grade). dehyde), between 1.25 and 1.55% Piperonyl Alcohol, and In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include between 13.5 and 16.7% Blend 62. between 30 and 50% Thyme Oil White, between 25 and 45% 15 In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Isopropyl myristate, and between 17 and 32% Wintergreen 69.8% D-Limonene, 2.9% Linalool Coeur, 3.5%Tetrahydro Oil (Technical grade). linalool, 0.2% Vanillin, 3.4% Isopropyl myristate, 3.6% Pip In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include eronal (aldehyde), 1.4% Piperonyl Alcohol, and 15.2% Blend between 35 and 44% Thyme Oil White, between 32 and 40% 62. Isopropyl myristate, and between 22 and 27.2% Wintergreen In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Oil (Technical grade). at least three of the group consisting of Linalool Coeur, Tet In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include rahydrolinalool, Vanillin, Isopropyl myristate, Piperonal (al 39.24% Thyme Oil White, 35.94% Isopropyl myristate, and dehyde), Piperonyl Alcohol, and Blend 62. 24.82% Wintergreen Oil (Technical grade). In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 25 at least five of the group consisting of Linalool Coeur, Tet at least four of the group consisting of D-Limonene, Linalool rahydrolinalool, Vanillin, Isopropyl myristate, Piperonal (al Coeur, Tetrahydrolinalool, Vanillin, Isopropyl myristate, Pip dehyde), Piperonyl Alcohol, and Blend 62. eronal (aldehyde), Piperonyl Alcohol, and Blend 62. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Linalool Coeur, Tetrahydrolinalool, Vanillin, Isopropyl at least six of the group consisting of D-Limonene, Linalool 30 myristate, Piperonal (aldehyde), Piperonyl Alcohol, and Coeur, Tetrahydrolinalool, Vanillin, Isopropyl myristate, Pip Blend 62. eronal (aldehyde), Piperonyl Alcohol, and Blend 62. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include between 4 and 8% Linalool Coeur, between 5 and 9% Tet D-Limonene, Linalool Coeur, Tetrahydrolinalool, Vanillin, rahydrolinalool, between 0.2 and 0.6% Vanillin, between 4 Isopropyl myristate, Piperonal (aldehyde), Piperonyl Alco 35 and 9% Isopropyl myristate, between 4 and 9% Piperonal hol, and Blend 62. (aldehyde), between 2 and 4% Piperonyl Alcohol, and In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include between 55 and 86% Blend 62. between 10 and 20% D-Limonene, between 2 and 4% Lina In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include lool Coeur, between 3.15 and 3.85% Tetrahydrolinalool, between 5.1 and 6.3% Linalool Coeur, between 6.2 and 7.6% between 0.18 and 0.22% Vanillin, between 3.05 and 3.75% 40 Tetrahydrolinalool, between 0.36 and 0.44%. Vanillin, Isopropyl myristate, between 3.2 and 4.0% Piperonal (alde between 6.1 and 7.5% Isopropyl myristate, between 6.4 and hyde), between 1.25 and 1.55% Piperonyl Alcohol, and 7.9% Piperonal (aldehyde), between 2.6 and 3.2% Piperonyl between 63 and 78% Blend 62. Alcohol, and between 63 and 78% Blend 62. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include between 13.3 and 16.3% D-Limonene, between 2.6 and 3.2% 45 5.7% Linalool Coeur, 6.9% Tetrahydrolinalool, 0.4% Vanil Linalool Coeur, between 3.15 and 3.85% Tetrahydrolinalool, lin, 6.8% Isopropyl myristate, 7.1% Piperonal (aldehyde), between 0.18 and 0.22% Vanillin, between 3.05 and 3.75% 2.9% Piperonyl Alcohol, and 70.2% Blend 62. Isopropyl myristate, between 3.2 and 4.0% Piperonal (alde In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include hyde), between 1.25 and 1.55% Piperonyl Alcohol, and at least one of the group consisting of LFO, D-Limonene, and between 63 and 78% Blend 62. 50 Thyme Oil White. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 14.8% D-Limonene, 2.9% Linalool Coeur, 3.5% Tetrahydro at least two of the group consisting of LFO, D-Limonene, and linalool, 0.2% Vanillin, 3.4% Isopropyl myristate, 3.6% Pip Thyme Oil White. eronal (aldehyde), 1.4% Piperonyl Alcohol, and 70.2% Blend In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 62. 55 LFO, D-Limonene, and Thyme Oil White. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include at least four of the group consisting of D-Limonene, Linalool between 30 and 55% LFO, between 20 and 35% D-Li Coeur, Tetrahydrolinalool, Vanillin, Isopropyl myristate, Pip monene, and between 20 and 40% Thyme Oil White. eronal (aldehyde), Piperonyl Alcohol, and Blend 62. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 60 between 37 and 45.5% LFO, between 25 and 31% D-Li at least six of the group consisting of D-Limonene, Linalool monene, and between 27.5 and 34% Thyme Oil White. Coeur, Tetrahydrolinalool, Vanillin, Isopropyl myristate, Pip In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include eronal (aldehyde), Piperonyl Alcohol, and Blend 62. 41.4% LFO, 27.9% D-Limonene, and 30.7% Thyme Oil In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include White. D-Limonene, Linalool Coeur, Tetrahydrolinalool, Vanillin, 65 In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Isopropyl myristate, Piperonal (aldehyde), Piperonyl Alco at least one of the group consisting of D-Limonene, Thyme hol, and Blend 62. Oil White, and Blend 59. US 8,734,869 B2 37 38 In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include at least two of the group consisting of D-Limonene, Thyme at least three of the group consisting of D-Limonene, Thyme Oil White, and Blend 59. Oil White, Benzyl Alcohol, Isopar M, Water, Blend 59, and In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 10% SLS Blend. D-Limonene, Thyme Oil White, and Blend 59. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include at least seven of the group consisting of D-Limonene, Thyme between 20 and 35% D-Limonene, between 23 and 37% Oil White, Benzyl Alcohol, Isopar M, Water, Blend 59, and Thyme Oil White, and between 33 and 52% Blend 59. 10% SLS Blend. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include between 24 and 30% D-Limonene, between 27 and 33% 10 D-Limonene, Thyme Oil White, Benzyl Alcohol, Isopar M, Thyme Oil White, and between 38 and 47% Blend 59. Water, Blend 59, and 10% SLS Blend. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 27.35% D-Limonene, 30.08%Thyme Oil White, and 42.57% between 3 and 5.5% D-Limonene, between 3 and 6%Thyme Blend 59. 15 Oil White, between 10 and 22% Benzyl Alcohol, between 14 In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include and 27% Isopar M, between 35 and 53%Water, between 5and at least five of the group consisting of D-Limonene, Thyme 8% Blend 59, and between 2 and 4% of 10% SLS Blend (10% Oil White, Linalool Coeur, Tetrahydrolinalool, Vanillin, Iso Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, 90.00% Water). propyl myristate, Piperonal (aldehyde), Geraniol 60, and Tri In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include ethyl Citrate. between 3.6 and 4.45% D-Limonene, between 4 and 4.9% In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Thyme Oil White, between 15 and 18.4% Benzyl Alcohol, at least seven of the group consisting of D-Limonene, Thyme between 18 and 23.5% Isopar M, between 41 and 49% Water, Oil White, Linalool Coeur, Tetrahydrolinalool, Vanillin, Iso between 5.7 and 7% Blend 59, and between 2.8% and 3.5% of propyl myristate, Piperonal (aldehyde), Geraniol 60, and Tri 10% SLS Blend (10% Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, 90.00% ethyl Citrate. 25 Water). In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include D-Limonene, Thyme Oil White, Linalool Coeur, Tetrahydro 4.03% D-Limonene, 4.43% Thyme Oil White, 16.61% Ben linalool, Vanillin, Isopropyl myristate, Piperonal (aldehyde), Zyl Alcohol, 20.95% Isopar M, 44.53% Water, 6.27% Blend Geraniol 60, and Triethyl Citrate. 59, and 3.18% of 10% SLS Blend (10% Sodium Lauryl 30 Sulfate, 90.00% Water). In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include between 20 and 35% D-Limonene, between 23 and 37% at least seven of the group consisting of D-Limonene, Thyme Thyme Oil White, between 4 and 8% Linalool Coeur, Oil White, Linalool Coeur, Tetrahydrolinalool, Vanillin, Iso between 6 and 9.5% Tetrahydrolinalool, between 0.3 and propyl myristate, Piperonal (aldehyde), Geraniol 60, Triethyl 0.7% Vanillin, between 6 and 10% Isopropyl myristate, 35 Citrate, Benzyl Alcohol, Isopar M, Water, and 10% SLS between 6 and 10% Piperonal (aldehyde), between 3 and Blend (10% Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, 90.00% Water). 5.5% Geraniol 60, and between 6.5 and 9.5% Triethyl Citrate. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include at least nine of the group consisting of D-Limonene, Thyme between 24 and 31% D-Limonene, between 27 and 33% Oil White, Linalool Coeur, Tetrahydrolinalool, Vanillin, Iso Thyme Oil White, between 5.1 and 6.3% Linalool Coeur, 40 propyl myristate, Piperonal (aldehyde), Geraniol 60, Triethyl between 7.1 and 8.8% Tetrahydrolinalool, between 0.45 and Citrate, Benzyl Alcohol, Isopar M, Water, and 10% SLS 0.55% Vanillin, between 7.3 and 8.9% Isopropyl myristate, Blend (10% Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, 90.00% Water). between 7.3 and 8.9% Piperonal (aldehyde), between 3.8 and In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 4.6% Geraniol 60, and between 7.3 and 8.9%Triethyl Citrate. D-Limonene, Thyme Oil White, Linalool Coeur, Tetrahydro In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 45 linalool, Vanillin, Isopropyl myristate, Piperonal (aldehyde), 27.4% D-Limonene, 30.1%Thyme Oil White, 5.7% Linalool Geraniol 60, Triethyl Citrate, Benzyl Alcohol, Isopar M, Coeur, 7.9%Tetrahydrolinalool, 0.5% Vanillin, 8.1% Isopro Water, and 10% SLS Blend (10% Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, pyl myristate, 8.1% Piperonal (aldehyde), 4.2% Geraniol 60, 90.00% Water). and 8.1% Triethyl Citrate. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 50 between 3 and 4% D-Limonene, between 3 and 5% Thyme at least one of the group consisting of LFO, D-Limonene, and Oil White, between 0.5 and 1.2% Linalool Coeur, between Thyme Oil White. 0.9 and 1.6% Tetrahydrolinalool, between 0.04 and 0.1% In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Vanillin, between 0.8 and 1.5% Isopropyl myristate, between at least two of the group consisting of LFO, D-Limonene, and 0.8 and 2% Piperonal (aldehyde), between 0.3 and 0.8% 55 Geraniol 60, between 0.8 and 1.6% Triethyl Citrate, between Thyme Oil White. 12 and 21% Benzyl Alcohol, between 14 and 28%. Isopar M, In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include between 35 and 53% Water, and between 2.4 and 4% of 10% LFO, D-Limonene, and Thyme Oil White. SLS Blend (10% Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, 90.00% Water). In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include between 34 and 50% LFO, between 20 and 35% D-Li 60 between 3.6 and 4.45% D-Limonene, 4.0 and 4.75% Thyme monene, and between 23 and 36%. Thyme Oil White. Oil White, between 0.76 and 0.92% Linalool Coeur, between In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 1.05 and 1.27% Tetrahydrolinalool, between 0.063 and between 38 and 47% LFO, between 24 and 31% D-Li 0.077% Vanillin, between 1.05 and 1.33% Isopropyl monene, and between 27 and 33% Thyme Oil White. myristate, between 1.05 and 1.33% Piperonal (aldehyde), In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 65 between 0.56 and 0.68% Geraniol 60, between 1.05 and 42.6% LFO, 27.35% D-Limonene, and 30.08% Thyme Oil 1.33% Triethyl Citrate, between 15 and 18% Benzyl Alcohol, White. between 18 and 24.2% Isopar M, between 40 and 49% Water, US 8,734,869 B2 39 40 and between 2.85 and 3.5% of 10% SLS Blend (10% Sodium In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Lauryl Sulfate, 90.00% Water). Lilac Flower Oil, D-Limonene, Thyme Oil White, and Blend In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 62. 4.03% D-Limonene, 4.43% Thyme Oil White, 0.84% Lina In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include lool Coeur, 1.16%Tetrahydrolinalool, 0.07% Vanillin, 1.19% between 2 and 8% Lilac Flower Oil, between 60 and 95% Isopropyl myristate, 1.19% Piperonal (aldehyde), 0.62% D-Limonene, between 1.5 and 6% Thyme Oil White, and Geraniol 60, 1.19%Triethyl Citrate, 16.61% Benzyl Alcohol, between 5 and 16% Blend 62. 20.95% Isopar M, 44.53% Water, and 3.18% of 10% SLS In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Blend (10% Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, 90.00% Water). between 4 and 4.9% Lilac Flower Oil, between 76 and 91% In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 10 D-Limonene, between 2.9 and 3.65%Thyme Oil White, and at least one of the group consisting of D-Limonene, Thyme between 9 and 11% Blend 62. Oil White, and Blend 59. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 4.4% Lilac Flower Oil, 82.3% D-Limonene, 3.3%Thyme Oil at least two of the group consisting of D-Limonene, Thyme 15 White, and 10.0% Blend 62. Oil White, and Blend 59. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include at least two of the group consisting of Lilac Flower Oil, D-Limonene, Thyme Oil White, and Blend 59. D-Limonene, Thyme Oil White, and Blend 62. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include between 20 and 35% D-Limonene, between 22 and 37% at least three of the group consisting of Lilac Flower Oil, Thyme Oil White, and between 34 and 51% Blend 59. D-Limonene, Thyme Oil White, and Blend 62. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include between 24 and 31% D-Limonene, between 27 and 33% Lilac Flower Oil, D-Limonene, Thyme Oil White, and Blend Thyme Oil White, and between 38 and 47% Blend 59. 62. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 25 In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 27.35% D-Limonene, 30.08%Thyme Oil White, and 42.57% between 6 and 20% Lilac Flower Oil, between 5 and 15% Blend 59. D-Limonene, between 5 and 20% Thyme Oil White, and In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include between 45 and 85% Blend 62. at least two to five of the group consisting of D-Limonene, In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Thyme Oil White, Linalool Coeur, Tetrahydrolinalool, Van 30 between 11.7 and 14.2% Lilac Flower Oil, between 7.9 and illin, Isopropyl myristate, Piperonal (aldehyde), Geraniol 60, 9.6% D-Limonene, between 8.7 and 10.6%Thyme Oil White, and Triethyl Citrate. and between 61 and 76% Blend 62. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include at least six to eight of the group consisting of D-Limonene, 35 12.94% Lilac Flower Oil, 8.72% D-Limonene, 9.58% Thyme Thyme Oil White, Linalool Coeur, Tetrahydrolinalool, Van Oil White, and 68.76% Blend 62. illin, Isopropyl myristate, Piperonal (aldehyde), Geraniol 60, In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include and Triethyl Citrate. at least two to five of the group consisting of D-Limonene, In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Thyme Oil White, Linalool Coeur, Tetrahydrolinalool, Van D-Limonene, Thyme Oil White, Linalool Coeur, Tetrahydro 40 illin, Piperonal (aldehyde), Blend 62, Geraniol 60, and Tri linalool, Vanillin, Isopropyl myristate, Piperonal (aldehyde), ethyl Citrate. Geraniol 60, and Triethyl Citrate. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include at least six to eight of the group consisting of D-Limonene, between 20 and 40% D-Limonene, between 20 and 40% Thyme Oil White, Linalool Coeur, Tetrahydrolinalool, Van Thyme Oil White, between 2.5 and 10% Linalool Coeur, 45 illin, Piperonal (aldehyde), Blend 62, Geraniol 60, and Tri between 4 and 12% Tetrahydrolinalool, between 0.2 and ethyl Citrate. 1.0% Vanillin, between 5 and 12 Isopropyl myristate, In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include between 5 and 12% Piperonal (aldehyde), between 2 and 6% D-Limonene, Thyme Oil White, Linalool Coeur, Tetrahydro Geraniol 60, and between 5 and 15% Triethyl Citrate. linalool, Vanillin, Piperonal (aldehyde), Blend 62, Geraniol In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 50 60, and Triethyl Citrate. between 24 and 31% D-Limonene, between 27 and 33% In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Thyme Oil White, between 5.2 and 6.4% Linalool Coeur, between 5 and 15% D-Limonene, between 4 and 12% Thyme between 7 and 8.8% Tetrahydrolinalool, between 0.45 and Oil White, between 0.5 and 4% Linalool Coeur, between 1 0.55% Vanillin, between 7.2 and 8.9% Isopropyl myristate, and 5% Tetrahydrolinalool, between 0.01 and 0.5% Vanillin, between 7.2 and 8.9% Piperonal (aldehyde), between 3.7 and 55 between 1 and 5% Piperonal (aldehyde), between 50 and 90% 4.6% Geraniol 60, and between 7.3 and 9.0% Triethyl Citrate. Blend 62, between 0.5 and 3% Geraniol 60, and between 1 In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include and 5% Triethyl Citrate. 27.35% D-Limonene, 30.08% Thyme Oil White, 5.73% In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Linalool Coeur, 7.88% Tetrahydrolinalool, 0.50% Vanillin, between 8.8 and 10.8% D-Limonene, between 7.7 and 9.5% 8.08% Isopropyl myristate, 8.09% Piperonal (aldehyde), 60 Thyme Oil White, between 1.53 and 1.87% Linalool Coeur, 4.18% Geraniol 60, and 8.11% Triethyl Citrate. between 2.1 and 2.5% Tetrahydrolinalool, between 0.09 and In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 0.11% Vanillin, between 2.15 and 2.65% Piperonal (alde at least two of the group consisting of Lilac Flower Oil, hyde), between 62 and 77% Blend 62, between 1.05 and D-Limonene, Thyme Oil White, and Blend 62. 1.35% Geraniol 60, and between 2.15 and 2.55% Triethyl In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 65 Citrate. at least three of the group consisting of Lilac Flower Oil, In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include D-Limonene, Thyme Oil White, and Blend 62. 9.8% D-Limonene, 8.6% Thyme Oil White, 1.7% Linalool US 8,734,869 B2 41 42 Coeur, 2.3% Tetrahydrolinalool, 0.1% Vanillin, 2.4% Piper In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include onal (aldehyde), 69.3% Blend 62, 1.2% Geraniol 60, and at least two of the group consisting of Linalool Coeur, Thy 2.4% Triethyl Citrate. mol (crystal), Alpha-Pinene (98%), and Para-Cymene. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include at least two of the group consisting of Thyme Oil White, at least three of the group consisting of Linalool Coeur, Thy Wintergreen Oil, and Isopropyl myristate. mol (crystal), Alpha-Pinene (98%), and Para-Cymene. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Thyme Oil White, Wintergreen Oil, and Isopropyl myristate. Linalool Coeur, Thymol (crystal), Alpha-Pinene (98%), and In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Para-Cymene. between 15 and 30%Thyme Oil White, between 30 and 60% 10 Wintergreen Oil, and between 20 and 50% Isopropyl In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include myristate. between 5 and 12% Linalool Coeur, between 30 and 65% In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Thymol (crystal), between 2.5 and 8% Alpha-Pinene (98%), between 18 and 23% Thyme Oil White, between 40 and 50% and between 25 and 55% Para-Cymene. Wintergreen Oil, and between 31 and 38% Isopropyl 15 In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include myristate. between 7.9 and 9.6% Linalool Coeur, between 43 and 53% In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Thymol (crystal), between 4.5 and 5.5% Alpha-Pinene 20.6%Thyme Oil White, 45.1% Wintergreen Oil, and 34.3% (98%), and between 33 and 42% Para-Cymene. Isopropyl myristate. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 8.73% Linalool Coeur, 48.93% Thymol (crystal), 4.97% at least two to four of the group consisting of Black Seed Oil, Alpha-Pinene (98%), and 37.37% Para-Cymene. Linalool Coeur, Tetrahydrolinalool, Vanillin, Isopropyl In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include myristate, Piperonal (aldehyde), and Geraniol Fine FCC. at least two to five of the group consisting of D-Limonene, In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Thyme Oil White, Blend 61, Linalool Coeur, Tetrahydrolina at least five or six of the group consisting of Black Seed Oil, 25 lool, Vanillin, Isopropyl myristate, Piperonal (aldehyde), and Linalool Coeur, Tetrahydrolinalool, Vanillin, Isopropyl Geraniol Fine FCC. myristate, Piperonal (aldehyde), and Geraniol Fine FCC. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include at least six to eight of the group consisting of D-Limonene, Black Seed Oil, Linalool Coeur, Tetrahydrolinalool, Vanillin, Thyme Oil White, Blend 61, Linalool Coeur, Tetrahydrolina Isopropyl myristate, Piperonal (aldehyde), and Geraniol Fine 30 lool, Vanillin, Isopropyl myristate, Piperonal (aldehyde), and FCC. Geraniol Fine FCC. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include between 15 and 35% Black Seed Oil, between 10 and 22% D-Limonene, Thyme Oil White, Blend 61, Linalool Coeur, Linalool Coeur, between 12 and 28%. Tetrahydrolinalool, Tetrahydrolinalool, Vanillin, Isopropyl myristate, Piperonal between 0.5 to 4%. Vanillin, between 15 and 32% Isopropyl 35 myristate, between 4 and 12% Piperonal (aldehyde), and (aldehyde), and Geraniol Fine FCC. between 5 and 15% Geraniol Fine FCC. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include between 5 and 12% D-Limonene, between 6 and 14% Thyme between 19 and 24% Black Seed Oil, between 14 and 17.5% Oil White, between 45 and 85% Blend 61, between 1 and 6% Linalool Coeur, between 17 and 21% Tetrahydrolinalool, 40 Linalool Coeur, between 1.5 and 8%. Tetrahydrolinalool, between 1.7 and 2.1% Vanillin, between 21 and 26% Isopro between 0.1 and 1.0% Vanillin, between 1 and 8% Isopropyl pyl myristate, between 7 and 8.6% Piperonal (aldehyde), and myristate, between 0.5 and 3% Piperonal (aldehyde), and between 9.5 and 11.6% Geraniol Fine FCC. between 0.5 and 4% Geraniol Fine FCC. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 21.5% Black Seed Oil, 15.8% Linalool Coeur, 19.0% Tet 45 between 7.9 and 9.5% D-Limonene, between 8.6 and 10.5% rahydrolinalool, 1.9% Vanillin, 23.4% Isopropyl myristate, Thyme Oil White, between 61 and 76% Blend 61, between 7.8% Piperonal (aldehyde), and 10.5% Geraniol Fine FCC. 2.3 and 2.9% Linalool Coeur, between 2.8 and 3.4% Tetrahy In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include drolinalool, between 0.29 and 0.35% Vanillin, between 3.4 at least two of the group consisting of Linalool Coeur, Soy and 4.3% Isopropyl myristate, between 1.16 and 1.42% Pip Bean Oil, Thymol (crystal), and Alpha-Pinene (98%). 50 eronal (aldehyde), and between 1.5 and 1.9% Geraniol Fine In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include at least three of the group consisting of Linalool Coeur, Soy FCC. Bean Oil, Thymol (crystal), and Alpha-Pinene (98%). In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 8.72% D-Limonene, 9.58%Thyme Oil White, 68.76% Blend Linalool Coeur, Soy Bean Oil, Thymol (crystal), and Alpha 55 61, 2.61% Linalool Coeur, 3.13%Tetrahydrolinalool, 0.32% Pinene (98%). Vanillin, 3.86% Isopropyl myristate, 1.29% Piperonal (alde In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include hyde), and 1.73% Geraniol Fine FCC. between 4 and 10% Linalool Coeur, between 16 and 32% Soy In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Bean Oil, between 25 and 50% Thymol (crystal), and at least two for the group consisting of D-Limonene, Thyme between 2 and 8% Alpha-Pinene (98%). 60 Oil White, and Methyl Salicylate (Synth.). In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include between 6 and 7.4% Linalool Coeur, between 22 and 26% D-Limonene, Thyme Oil White, and Methyl Salicylate Soy Bean Oil, between 33 and 41% Thymol (crystal), and (Synth.). between 3.3 and 4.2% Alpha-Pinene (98%). In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 65 between 20 and 42% D-Limonene, between 2 and 8%Thyme 6.63% Linalool Coeur, 24.03% Soy Bean Oil, 37.17% Thy Oil White, and between 45 and 85% Methyl Salicylate mol (crystal), and 3.78% Alpha-Pinene (98%). (Synth.). US 8,734,869 B2 43 44 In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include between 25 and 31% D-Limonene, between 4 and 4.9% at least three of the group consisting of Lilac Flower Oil Thyme Oil White, and between 60 and 74% MethylSalicylate (LFO), D-Limonene, Thyme Oil White, and Black Seed Oil (Synth.). (BSO). In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 28.24% D-Limonene, 4.44%Thyme Oil White, and 67.32% Lilac Flower Oil (LFO), D-Limonene, Thyme Oil White, and Methyl Salicylate (Synth.). Black Seed Oil (BSO). In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include at least two of the group consisting of Thyme Oil White, between 10 and 25% Lilac Flower Oil (LFO), between 45 and Isopropyl Myristate, and Wintergreen Oil (Technical). 10 90% D-Limonene, between 6 and 16%Thyme Oil White, and between 3 and 9% Black Seed Oil (BSO). In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Thyme Oil White, Isopropyl Myristate, and Wintergreen Oil between 14.4 and 17.6% Lilac Flower Oil (LFO), between 60 (Technical). and 75% D-Limonene, between 10.4 and 12.7% Thyme Oil In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 15 White, and between 4.8 and 5.8% Black Seed Oil (BSO). between 12 and 30%Thyme Oil White, between 20 and 50% In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Isopropyl Myristate, and between 30 and 60% Wintergreen 16.01% LFO, 67.09% D-Limonene, 11.59% Thyme Oil Oil (Technical). White, and 5.31% BSO. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include between 18 and 23% Thyme Oil White, between 31 and at least two to four of the group consisting of D-Limonene, 37.8% Isopropyl Myristate, and between 40 and 50% Win Thyme Oil White, Blend 61, Linalool Coeur, Tetrahydrolina tergreen Oil (Technical). lool, Vanillin, Isopropyl myristate, Piperonal (aldehyde), In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Geraniol 60, Triethyl Citrate, and Isopar M. 20.6% Thyme Oil White, 34.3% Isopropyl Myristate, and In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 45.1% Wintergreen Oil (Technical). 25 at least five to seven of the group consisting of D-Limonene, In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Thyme Oil White, Blend 61, Linalool Coeur, Tetrahydrolina at least two of the group consisting of Castor Oil hydroge lool, Vanillin, Isopropyl myristate, Piperonal (aldehyde), nated—PEO40, Lemon Grass Oil India, and Blend 7. Geraniol 60, Triethyl Citrate, and Isopar M. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 30 at least eight to ten of the group consisting of D-Limonene, Castor Oil hydrogenated PEO40, Lemon Grass Oil India, Thyme Oil White, Blend 61, Linalool Coeur, Tetrahydrolina and Blend 7. lool, Vanillin, Isopropyl myristate, Piperonal (aldehyde), In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Geraniol 60, Triethyl Citrate, and Isopar M. between 35 and 70% Castor Oil hydrogenated PEO40, In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include between 15 and 35% Lemon Grass Oil India, and between 35 D-Limonene, Thyme Oil White, Blend 61, Linalool Coeur, 15 and 35% Blend 7. Tetrahydrolinalool, Vanillin, Isopropyl myristate, Piperonal In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include (aldehyde), Geraniol 60, Triethyl Citrate, and Isopar M. between 49 and 60% Castor Oil hydrogenated (PEO40), In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include between 20.7 and 25% Lemon Grass Oil (India), and between between 5 and 12% D-Limonene, between 5 and 15% Thyme 20 and 24.6% Blend 7. 40 Oil White, between 40 and 70% Blend 61, between 0.5 and In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 4% Linalool Coeur, between 1 and 5% Tetrahydrolinalool, 54.63% Castor Oil hydrogenated PEO40, 22.93% Lemon between 0.05 and 0.5% Vanillin, between 1 and 5% Isopropyl Grass Oil India, and 22.44% Blend 7. myristate, between 1 and 5% Piperonal (aldehyde), between In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 0.5 and 4% Geraniol 60, between 1 and 6% Triethyl Citrate, at least two of the group consisting of Lilac Flower Oil, 45 and between 8 and 18% Isopar M. D-Limonene, Thyme Oil White, and Black Seed Oil. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include between 8 and 9.6% D-Limonene, between 8.8 and 10.6% at least three of the group consisting of Lilac Flower Oil, Thyme Oil White, between 50 and 60% Blend 61, between D-Limonene, Thyme Oil White, and Black Seed Oil. 1.5 and 1.85% Linalool Coeur, between 2.1 and 2.5% Tet In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 50 rahydrolinalool, between 0.135 and 0.165% Vanillin, Lilac Flower Oil, D-Limonene, Thyme Oil White, and Black between 2.1 and 2.5% Isopropyl myristate, between 2.1 and Seed Oil. 2.6% Piperonal (aldehyde), between 1.1 and 1.35% Geraniol 60, between 2.1 and 2.6% Triethyl Citrate, and between 12.5 In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include and 15.3% Isopar M. between 10 and 25% Lilac Flower Oil, between 45 and 90% 55 In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include D-Limonene, between 5 and 18%. Thyme Oil White, and 8.83% D-Limonene, 9.71%Thyme Oil White, 55.17% Blend between 2.5 and 8% Black Seed Oil. 61, 1.68% Linalool Coeur, 2.31%Tetrahydrolinalool, 0.15% In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Vanillin, 2.37% Isopropyl myristate, 2.37% Piperonal (alde between 14.5 and 17.8% Lilac Flower Oil, between 60 and hyde), 1.23% Geraniol 60, 2.38% Triethyl Citrate, and 75% D-Limonene, between 10 and 12.4% Thyme Oil White, 60 13.80% Isopar M. and between 4.4 and 5.4% Black Seed Oil. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include at least two to four of the group consisting of D-Limonene, 16.18% Lilac Flower Oil, 67.81% D-Limonene, 11.18% Thyme Oil White, Blend 61, Linalool Coeur, Tetrahydrolina Thyme Oil White, and 4.83% Black Seed Oil. lool, Vanillin, Isopropyl myristate, Piperonal (aldehyde), In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 65 Geraniol 60, and Triethyl Citrate. at least two of the group consisting of Lilac Flower Oil (LFO), In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include D-Limonene, Thyme Oil White, and Black Seed Oil (BSO). at least five to seven of the group consisting of D-Limonene, US 8,734,869 B2 45 46 Thyme Oil White, Blend 61, Linalool Coeur, Tetrahydrolina Thymol (crystal), between 1 and 4% Alpha-Pinene (98%), lool, Vanillin, Isopropyl myristate, Piperonal (aldehyde), between 25 and 50% Para-Cymene, and between 12 and 26% Geraniol 60, and Triethyl Citrate. Trans-anethole. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include at least eight or nine of the group consisting of D-Limonene, between 4.2 and 5.2% Linalool Coeur, between 36 and 45% Thyme Oil White, Blend 61, Linalool Coeur, Tetrahydrolina Thymol (crystal), between 1.7 and 2.1% Alpha-Pinene lool, Vanillin, Isopropyl myristate, Piperonal (aldehyde), (98%), between 31 and 38% Para-Cymene, and between 16 Geraniol 60, and Triethyl Citrate. and 20% Trans-anethole. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include D-Limonene, Thyme Oil White, Blend 61, Linalool Coeur, 10 4.7% Linalool Coeur, 40.8% Thymol (crystal), 1.9% Alpha Tetrahydrolinalool, Vanillin, Isopropyl myristate, Piperonal Pinene (98%), 34.49%. Para-Cymene, and 18.2% Trans-anet (aldehyde), Geraniol 60, and Triethyl Citrate. hole. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include between 5 and 15% D-Limonene, between 5 and 15% Thyme 15 at least two or three of the group consisting of Linalool Coeur, Oil White, between 45 and 85% Blend 61, between 0.8 and Soy Bean Oil, Thymol (crystal), Alpha-Pinene (98%), and 3% Linalool Coeur, between 1 and 5% Tetrahydrolinalool, Para-Cymene. between 0.5 and 0.5% Vanillin, between 1 and 5% Isopropyl In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include myristate, between 1 and 5% Piperonal (aldehyde), between at least four of the group consisting of Linalool Coeur, Soy 0.5 and 2.5% Geraniol 60, and between 1 and 5% Triethyl Bean Oil, Thymol (crystal), Alpha-Pinene (98%), and Para Citrate. Cymene. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include between 7.9 and 9.5% D-Limonene, between 8.6 and 10.5% Linalool Coeur, Soy Bean Oil, Thymol (crystal), Alpha Thyme Oil White, between 62 and 76% Blend 61, between Pinene (98%), and Para-Cymene. 1.5 and 1.82% Linalool Coeur, between 2 and 2.5% Tetrahy 25 In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include drolinalool, between 0.14 and 0.16% Vanillin, between 2.1 between 4 and 10% Linalool Coeur, between 16 and 30% Soy and 2.6% Isopropyl myristate, between 2.1 and 2.6% Piper Bean Oil, between 25 and 55%Thymol (crystal), between 1.5 onal (aldehyde), between 1.1 and 1.32% Geraniol 60, and and 6% Alpha-Pinene (98%), and between 18 and 40% Para between 2.1 and 2.6% Triethyl Citrate. Cymene. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 30 In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 8.72% D-Limonene,9.59%Thyme Oil White, 69.35% Blend between 6 and 7.4% Linalool Coeur, between 21.5 and 26.5% 61, 1.66% Linalool Coeur, 2.28%Tetrahydrolinalool, 0.15% Soy Bean Oil, between 33 and 41% Thymol (crystal), Vanillin, 2.34% Isopropyl myristate, 2.34% Piperonal (alde between 3.4 and 4.2% Alpha-Pinene (98%), and between 25 hyde), 1.21% Geraniol 60, and 2.35% Triethyl Citrate. 35 and 31% Para-Cymene. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include at least two of the group consisting of LFO, D-Limonene, 6.6% Linalool Coeur, 24.0% Soy Bean Oil, 37.2% Thymol Thyme Oil White, and Blend 61. (crystal), 3.8% Alpha-Pinene (98%), and 28.39% Para In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Cymene. at least three of the group consisting of LFO, D-Limonene, 40 In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Thyme Oil White, and Blend 61. at least two or three of the group consisting of Linalool Coeur, In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Thymol (crystal), Alpha-Pinene (98%), Para-Cymene, and LFO, D-Limonene, Thyme Oil White, and Blend 61. Trans-anethole. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include between 10 and 22% LFO, between 50 and 85% D-Li 45 at least four of the group consisting of Linalool Coeur, Thy monene, between 2.5 and 8%. Thyme Oil White, and between mol (crystal), Alpha-Pinene (98%), Para-Cymene, and Trans 5 and 16% Blend 61. anethole. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include between 14.7 and 18% LFO, between 61 and 76% D-Li Linalool Coeur, Thymol (crystal), Alpha-Pinene (98%), Para monene, between 4.8 and 5.9% Thyme Oil White, and 50 Cymene, and Trans-anethole. between 9 and 11% Blend 61. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include between 30 and 55% Linalool Coeur, between 25 and 45% 16.31% LFO, 68.34% D-Limonene, 5.37% Thyme Oil Thymol (crystal), between 3 and 8% Alpha-Pinene (98%), White, and 9.98% Blend 61. between 1 and 4% Para-Cymene, and between 12 and 26% In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 55 Trans-anethole. at least two or three of the group consisting of Linalool Coeur, In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Thymol (crystal), Alpha-Pinene (98%), Para-Cymene, and between 36 and 45% Linalool Coeur, between 31 and 37.5% Trans-anethole. Thymol (crystal), between 4.2 and 5.2% Alpha-Pinene In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include (98%), between 1.7 and 2.1% Para-Cymene, and between at least four of the group consisting of Linalool Coeur, Thy 60 16.5 and 20% Trans-anethole. mol (crystal), Alpha-Pinene (98%), Para-Cymene, and Trans In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include anethole. 40.8% Linalool Coeur, 34.4% Thymol (crystal), 4.7% Alpha In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Pinene (98%), 1.9% Para-Cymene, and 18.20% Trans-anet Linalool Coeur, Thymol (crystal), Alpha-Pinene (98%), Para hole. Cymene, and Trans-anethole. 65 In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include at least two of the group consisting of Linalool Coeur, Thy between 3 and 8% Linalool Coeur, between 25 and 55% mol (crystal), Alpha-Pinene (98%), and Para-Cymene. US 8,734,869 B2 47 48 In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include and 16.6% Isopropyl myristate, between 6.8 and 8.3% Piper at least three of the group consisting of Linalool Coeur, Thy onal (aldehyde), between 20 and 25.2% Ethyl Linalool, mol (crystal), Alpha-Pinene (98%), and Para-Cymene. between 6 and 7.3% Hedione, between 9 and 11.2% Triethyl In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Citrate, and between 8.1 and 10% Dipropylene glycol (DPG). Linalool Coeur, Thymol (crystal), Alpha-Pinene (98%), and In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Para-Cymene. 22.98%Tetrahydrolinalool, 1.17% Vanillin, 4.44% Hercolyn In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include D, 15.10% Isopropyl myristate, 7.55% Piperonal (aldehyde), between 6 and 14% Linalool Coeur, between 30 and 65% 22.91% Ethyl Linalool, 6.67% Hedione, 10.10% Triethyl Thymol (crystal), between 5 and 14% Alpha-Pinene (98%), Citrate, and 9.09% Dipropylene glycol (DPG). and between 22.5 and 45% Para-Cymene. 10 In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include at least two to four of the group consisting of Linalool Coeur, between 8.5 and 10.5% Linalool Coeur, between 42 and 53% Tetradyrdolinalool, Vanillin, Isopropyl myristate, Piperonal Thymol (crystal), between 8.5 and 10.4% Alpha-Pinene (aldehyde), Geraniol 60, and Triethyl Citrate. (98%), and between 30 and 36.5% Para-Cymene. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 15 at least five or six of the group consisting of Linalool Coeur, 9.49% Linalool Coeur, 47.87% Thymol (crystal), 9.46% Tetradyrdolinalool, Vanillin, Isopropyl myristate, Piperonal Alpha-Pinene (98%), and 33.18% Para-Cymene. (aldehyde), Geraniol 60, and Triethyl Citrate. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include at least two or three of the group consisting of Linalool Coeur, Linalool Coeur, Tetradyrdolinalool, Vanillin, Isopropyl Tetrahydrolinalool, Vanillin, Isopropyl myristate, Piperonal myristate, Piperonal (aldehyde), Geraniol 60, and Triethyl (aldehyde), and Geraniol Fine FCC. Citrate. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include at least four or five of the group consisting of Linalool Coeur, between 10 and 18% Linalool Coeur, between 12 and 25% Tetrahydrolinalool, Vanillin, Isopropyl myristate, Piperonal Tetradyrdolinalool, between 0.5 and 2.5% Vanillin, between (aldehyde), and Geraniol Fine FCC. 25 12 and 28%. Isopropyl myristate, between 12 and 30% Piper In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include onal (aldehyde), between 6 and 14% Geraniol 60, and Linalool Coeur, Tetrahydrolinalool, Vanillin, Isopropyl between 15 and 28% Triethyl Citrate. myristate, Piperonal (aldehyde), and Geraniol Fine FCC. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include between 12.2 and 14.8% Linalool Coeur, between 16.9 and between 15 and 25% Linalool Coeur, between 18 and 32% 30 20.1%Tetradyrdolinalool, 1.08 and 1.32% Vanillin, between Tetrahydrolinalool, between 1 and 5% Vanillin, between 18 17 and 21% Isopropyl myristate, between 17 and 21% Piper and 40% Isopropyl myristate, between 5 and 16% Piperonal onal (aldehyde), between 8.8 and 10.8% Geraniol 60, and (aldehyde), and between 8 and 18% Geraniol Fine FCC. between 17 and 21% Triethyl Citrate. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include between 18 and 22.3% Linalool Coeur, between 22 and 27% 35 13.5% Linalool Coeur, 18.5% Tetradyrdolinalool, 1.2% Van Tetrahydrolinalool, between 2.2 and 2.7% Vanillin, between illin, 19.0% Isopropyl myristate, 19.0% Piperonal (alde 26 and 33% Isopropyl myristate, between 9 and 11% Piper hyde), 9.8% Geraniol 60, and 19.1% Triethyl Citrate. onal (aldehyde), and between 12 and 14.6% Geraniol Fine In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include FCC. at least two or three of the group consisting of Linalool Coeur, In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 40 Tetrahydrolinalool, Vanillin, Isopropyl myristate, Piperonal 20.15% Linalool Coeur, 24.23% Tetrahydrolinalool, 2.47% (aldehyde), and Piperonyl Alcohol. Vanillin, 29.84% Isopropyl myristate, 9.95% Piperonal (alde In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include hyde), and 13.36% Geraniol Fine FCC. at least four or five of the group consisting of Linalool Coeur, In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Tetrahydrolinalool, Vanillin, Isopropyl myristate, Piperonal at least two to five of the group consisting of Tetrahydrolina 45 (aldehyde), and Piperonyl Alcohol. lool, Vanillin, Hercolyn D. Isopropyl myristate, Piperonal In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include (aldehyde), Ethyl Linalool, Hedione, Triethyl Citrate, and Linalool Coeur, Tetrahydrolinalool, Vanillin, Isopropyl Dipropylene glycol (DPG). myristate, Piperonal (aldehyde), and Piperonyl Alcohol. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include at least six to eight of the group consisting of Tetrahydrolina 50 between 14 and 26% Linalool Coeur, between 16 and 32% lool, Vanillin, Hercolyn D. Isopropyl myristate, Piperonal Tetrahydrolinalool, between 0.5 and 3% Vanillin, between 16 (aldehyde), Ethyl Linalool, Hedione, Triethyl Citrate, and and 32% Isopropyl myristate, between 16 and 32% Piperonal Dipropylene glycol (DPG). (aldehyde), and between 6 and 14% Piperonyl Alcohol. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Tetrahydrolinalool, Vanillin, Hercolyn D, Isopropyl 55 between 17 and 21% Linalool Coeur, between 21 and 25.5% myristate, Piperonal (aldehyde), Ethyl Linalool, Hedione, Tetrahydrolinalool, between 1.08 and 1.32% Vanillin, Triethyl Citrate, and Dipropylene glycol (DPG). between 20.6 and 25.2% Isopropyl myristate, between 21 and In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 26% Piperonal (aldehyde), and between 8.6 and 10.5% Pip between 15 and 30% Tetrahydrolinalool, between 0.5 and 3% eronyl Alcohol. Vanillin, between 2 and 8% Hercolyn D, between 10 and 20% 60 In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Isopropyl myristate, between 4 and 12% Piperonal (alde 19.2% Linalool Coeur, 23.2% Tetrahydrolinalool, 1.2% Van hyde), between 15 and 32% Ethyl Linalool, between 4 and illin, 22.9% Isopropyl myristate, 23.8% Piperonal (alde 10% Hedione, between 6 and 14% Triethyl Citrate, and hyde), and 9.6% Piperonyl Alcohol. between 5 and 14% Dipropylene glycol (DPG). In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 65 of at least two to five of the group consisting of D-Limonene, between 20 and 26% Tetrahydrolinalool, between 1.0 and Linalool Coeur, Citral, gamma-terpinene, Alpha-Pinene 1.4% Vanillin, between 4 and 4.9% Hercolyn D, between 13.5 (98%), Alpha-Terpineol. Terpinolene, Para-Cymene, Linallyl US 8,734,869 B2 49 50 Acetate, Beta Pinene, Camphor Dextro, Terpinene 4 OL, Alpha Terpinene, between 0.5 and 2.5% Borneol L, between Alpha Terpinene, Borneol L. Camphene, Decanal, Dodeca 0.2 and 1% Camphene, between 0.08 and 0.4% Decanal, nal, Fenchol Alpha, Geranyl Acetate, Isoborneol, 2-Methyl between 0.08 and 0.4% Dodecanal, between 0.001 and 0.05% 1.3-cyclohexadiene, Myrcene, Nonanal, Octanal, and Toco Fenchol Alpha, between 0.1 and 0.4% Geranyl Acetate, pherol Gamma Tenox. between 0.2 and 0.8% Isoborneol, between 0.1 and 0.8% In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 2-Methyl 1.3-cyclohexadiene, between 0.5 and 4% Myrcene, of at least six to nine of the group consisting of D-Limonene, between 0.01 and 0.08% Nonanal, between 0.01 and 0.15% Linalool Coeur, Citral, gamma-terpinene, Alpha-Pinene Octanal, and between 0.01 and 0.1% Tocopherol Gamma (98%), Alpha-Terpineol. Terpinolene, Para-Cymene, Linallyl Tenox. Acetate, Beta Pinene, Camphor Dextro, Terpinene 4 OL, 10 In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Alpha Terpinene, Borneol L. Camphene, Decanal, Dodeca between 43 and 54% D-Limonene, between 1.1 and 1.34% nal, Fenchol Alpha, Geranyl Acetate, Isoborneol, 2-Methyl Linalool Coeur, between 9.2 and 11.3% Citral, between 9.4 1.3-cyclohexadiene, Myrcene, Nonanal, Octanal, and Toco and 11.6% gamma-terpinene, between 1.7 and 2.13% Alpha pherol Gamma Tenox. Pinene (98%), between 6.1 and 7.5% Alpha-Terpineol, In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 15 between 5.6 and 7.0% Terpinolene, between 1.45 and 1.76% of at least ten to thirteen of the group consisting of D-Li Para-Cymene, between 2.34 and 2.86% Linallyl Acetate, monene, Linalool Coeur, Citral, gamma-terpinene, Alpha between 2.5 and 3.1% Beta Pinene, between 0.12 and 0.14% Pinene (98%), Alpha-Terpineol, Terpinolene, Para-Cymene, Camphor Dextro, between 0.1 and 0.12% Terpinene 4 OL, Linallyl Acetate, Beta Pinene, Camphor Dextro, Terpinene 4 between 2.5 and 3.1% Alpha Terpinene, between 1.17 and OL, Alpha Terpinene, Borneol L. Camphene, Decanal, Dode 1.43% Borneol L, between 0.49 and 0.61% Camphene, canal, Fenchol Alpha, GeranylAcetate, Isoborneol. 2-Methyl between 0.155 and 0.185% Decanal, between 0.13 and 0.15% 1.3-cyclohexadiene, Myrcene, Nonanal, Octanal, and Toco Dodecanal, between 0.009 and 0.01.1% Fenchol Alpha, pherol Gamma Tenox. between 0.16 and 0.20% GeranylAcetate, between 0.37 and In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 0.45% Isoborneol, between 0.34 and 0.42% 2-Methyl 1,3- of at least fourteen to seventeen of the group consisting of 25 cyclohexadiene, between 1.03 and 1.25% Myrcene, between D-Limonene, Linalool Coeur, Citral, gamma-terpinene, 0.027 and 0.033% Nonanal, between 0.054 and 0.066% Octa Alpha-Pinene (98%), Alpha-Terpineol, Terpinolene, Para nal, and between 0.027 and 0.033% Tocopherol Gamma Cymene, LinallylAcetate, Beta Pinene, Camphor Dextro, Ter Tenox. pinene 4 OL, Alpha Terpinene, Borneol L. Camphene, Deca In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include nal, Dodecanal, Fenchol Alpha, GeranylAcetate, Isoborneol, 30 48.58% D-Limonene, 1.22% Linalool Coeur, 10.21% Citral, 2-Methyl 1.3-cyclohexadiene, Myrcene, Nonanal, Octanal, 10.51% gamma-terpinene, 1.94% Alpha-Pinene (98%), and Tocopherol Gamma Tenox. 6.80% Alpha-Terpineol, 6.30% Terpinolene, 1.61% Para In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Cymene, 2.60% LinallylAcetate, 2.80% Beta Pinene, 0.13% of at least eighteen to twenty-one of the group consisting of Camphor Dextro, 0.11% Terpinene 4 OL, 2.80% Alpha Ter D-Limonene, Linalool Coeur, Citral, gamma-terpinene, 35 pinene, 1.30% Borneol L, 0.54% Camphene, 0.17% Decanal, Alpha-Pinene (98%), Alpha-Terpineol, Terpinolene, Para 0.14% Dodecanal, 0.01% Fenchol Alpha, 0.18% Geranyl Cymene, LinallylAcetate, Beta Pinene, Camphor Dextro, Ter Acetate, 0.41% Isoborneol, 0.38% 2-Methyl 1.3-cyclohexa pinene 4 OL, Alpha Terpinene, Borneol L. Camphene, Deca diene, 1.14% Myrcene, 0.03% Nonanal, 0.06% Octanal, and nal, Dodecanal, Fenchol Alpha, GeranylAcetate, Isoborneol, 0.03% Tocopherol Gamma Tenox. 2-Methyl 1.3-cyclohexadiene, Myrcene, Nonanal, Octanal, 40 In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include and Tocopherol Gamma Tenox. at least two to six of the group consisting of D-Limonene, In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Linalool Coeur, gamma-terpinene, Alpha-Pinene (98%), Ter of at least twenty-two to twenty-four of the group consisting pinolene, Para-Cymene, Linallyl Acetate, Beta Pinene, Cam of D-Limonene, Linalool Coeur, Citral, gamma-terpinene, phor Dextro, Terpinene 4 OL, Alpha Terpinene, Borneol L. Alpha-Pinene (98%), Alpha-Terpineol, Terpinolene, Para 45 Camphene, Decanal, Dodecanal, Fenchol Alpha, Geranyl Cymene, LinallylAcetate, Beta Pinene, Camphor Dextro, Ter Acetate, Isoborneol. 2-Methyl 1.3-cyclohexadiene, Myrcene, pinene 4 OL, Alpha Terpinene, Borneol L. Camphene, Deca Nonanal, Octanal, and Tocopherol Gamma Tenox. nal, Dodecanal, Fenchol Alpha, GeranylAcetate, Isoborneol, In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 2-Methyl 1.3-cyclohexadiene, Myrcene, Nonanal, Octanal, at least seven to ten of the group consisting of D-Limonene, and Tocopherol Gamma Tenox. 50 Linalool Coeur, gamma-terpinene, Alpha-Pinene (98%), Ter In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include pinolene, Para-Cymene, Linallyl Acetate, Beta Pinene, Cam D-Limonene, Linalool Coeur, Citral, gamma-terpinene, phor Dextro, Terpinene 4 OL, Alpha Terpinene, Borneol L. Alpha-Pinene (98%), Alpha-Terpineol, Terpinolene, Para Camphene, Decanal, Dodecanal, Fenchol Alpha, Geranyl Cymene, LinallylAcetate, Beta Pinene, Camphor Dextro, Ter Acetate, Isoborneol. 2-Methyl 1.3-cyclohexadiene, Myrcene, pinene 4 OL, Alpha Terpinene, Borneol L. Camphene, Deca 55 Nonanal, Octanal, and Tocopherol Gamma Tenox. nal, Dodecanal, Fenchol Alpha, GeranylAcetate, Isoborneol, In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 2-Methyl 1.3-cyclohexadiene, Myrcene, Nonanal, Octanal, at least eleven to fourteen of the group consisting of D-Li and Tocopherol Gamma Tenox. monene, Linalool Coeur, gamma-terpinene, Alpha-Pinene In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include (98%), Terpinolene, Para-Cymene, Linallyl Acetate, Beta between 38 and 60% D-Limonene, between 0.5 and 2.5% 60 Pinene, Camphor Dextro, Terpinene 4 OL, Alpha Terpinene, Linalool Coeur, between 6 and 14% Citral, between 6 and Borneol L. Camphene, Decanal, Dodecanal, Fenchol Alpha, 16% gamma-terpinene, between 0.5 and 4% Alpha-Pinene Geranyl Acetate, Isoborneol, 2-Methyl 1.3-cyclohexadiene, (98%), between 3 and 10%. Alpha-Terpineol, between 3 and Myrcene, Nonanal, Octanal, and Tocopherol Gamma Tenox. 10% Terpinolene, between 0.5 and 4% Para-Cymene, In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include between 1 and 5% Linallyl Acetate, between 1.2 and 5.5% 65 at least fifteen to eighteen of the group consisting of D-Li Beta Pinene, between 0.05 and 0.4% Camphor Dextro, monene, Linalool Coeur, gamma-terpinene, Alpha-Pinene between 0.05 and 0.5% Terpinene 4 OL, between 1 and 6% (98%), Terpinolene, Para-Cymene, Linallyl Acetate, Beta US 8,734,869 B2 51 52 Pinene, Camphor Dextro, Terpinene 4 OL, Alpha Terpinene, Linalool Coeur, Alpha-Pinene (98%), Terpinolene, Para Borneol L. Camphene, Decanal, Dodecanal, Fenchol Alpha, Cymene, Linallyl Acetate. Beta Pinene, Alpha Terpinene, Geranyl Acetate, Isoborneol, 2-Methyl 1.3-cyclohexadiene, Camphene, and Myrcene. Myrcene, Nonanal, Octanal, and Tocopherol Gamma Tenox. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include at least five to seven of the group consisting of D-Limonene, at least nineteen to twenty-two of the group consisting of Linalool Coeur, Alpha-Pinene (98%), Terpinolene, Para D-Limonene, Linalool Coeur, gamma-terpinene, Alpha Cymene, Linallyl Acetate. Beta Pinene, Alpha Terpinene, Pinene (98%), Terpinolene, Para-Cymene, Linallyl Acetate, Camphene, and Myrcene. Beta Pinene, Camphor Dextro, Terpinene 4 OL, Alpha Ter In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include pinene, Borneol L. Camphene, Decanal, Dodecanal, Fenchol 10 at least eight or nine of the group consisting of D-Limonene, Alpha, Geranyl Acetate, Isoborneol, 2-Methyl 1.3-cyclo Linalool Coeur, Alpha-Pinene (98%), Terpinolene, Para hexadiene, Myrcene, Nonanal, Octanal, and Tocopherol Cymene, Linallyl Acetate. Beta Pinene, Alpha Terpinene, Gamma TenoX. Camphene, and Myrcene. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 15 In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include D-Limonene, Linalool Coeur, gamma-terpinene, Alpha D-Limonene, Linalool Coeur, Alpha-Pinene (98%), Terpi Pinene (98%), Terpinolene, Para-Cymene, Linallyl Acetate, nolene, Para-Cymene, Linallyl Acetate, Beta Pinene, Alpha Beta Pinene, Camphor Dextro, Terpinene 4 OL, Alpha Ter Terpinene, Camphene, and Myrcene. pinene, Borneol L. Camphene, Decanal, Dodecanal, Fenchol In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Alpha, Geranyl Acetate, Isoborneol, 2-Methyl 1.3-cyclo between 25 and 45% D-Limonene, between 6 and 14% Lina hexadiene, Myrcene, Nonanal, Octanal, and Tocopherol lool Coeur, between 2 and 8% Alpha-Pinene (98%), between Gamma TenoX. 6 and 14% Terpinolene, between 6 and 14% Para-Cymene, In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include between 2.5 and 8% Linallyl Acetate, between 2 and 8% Beta between 42 and 75% D-Limonene, between 0.5 and 4% Lina Pinene, between 2 and 8% Alpha Terpinene, between 2.5 and lool Coeur, between 6 and 18% gamma-terpinene, between 1 25 9% Camphene, and between 6 and 15% Myrcene. and 5% Alpha-Pinene (98%), between 3 and 14% Terpi In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include nolene, between 0.5 and 4% Para-Cymene, between 1 and 6% between 31 and 38% D-Limonene, between 9 and 11.1% LinallylAcetate, between 1 and 6% Beta Pinene, between 0.01 Linalool Coeur, between 4.5 and 5.5% Alpha-Pinene (98%), and 0.5% Camphor Dextro, between 0.001 and 0.5% Ter between 9 and 11.2% Terpinolene, between 9 and 11.1% pinene 4 OL, between 1 and 6% Alpha Terpinene, between 30 Para-Cymene, between 2.8 and 5.9% Linallyl Acetate, 0.5 and 4% Borneol L, between 0.1 and 2% Camphene, between 0.05 and 0.5% Decanal, between 0.05 and 0.5% between 4.5 and 5.8% Beta Pinene, between 4.3 and 5.4% Dodecanal, between 0.001 and 0.1% Fenchol Alpha, between Alpha Terpinene, between 5.2 and 6.4% Camphene, and 0.05 and 0.5% Geranyl Acetate, between 0.1 and 1% between 8.3 and 10.2% Myrcene. Isoborneol, between 0.1 and 1% 2-Methyl 1.3-cyclohexadi 35 In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include ene, between 0.5 and 4% Myrcene, between 0.01 and 0.1% 34.50% D-Limonene, 10.05% Linalool Coeur, 5.01% Alpha Nonanal, between 0.01 and 0.25% Octanal, and between 0.01 Pinene (98%), 10.10% Terpinolene, 10.04% Para-Cymene, and 0.1% Tocopherol Gamma Tenox. 5.30% Linallyl Acetate, 5.02% Beta Pinene, 4.88% Alpha In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Terpinene, 5.84% Camphene, and 9.26% Myrcene. between 52 and 65% D-Limonene, between 1.3 and 1.61% 40 In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Linalool Coeur, between 11.4 and 13.9% gamma-terpinene, Blend 41 and Blend 105 (10% Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, between 2.1 and 2.6% Alpha-Pinene (98%), between 6.8 and 90.00% Water). 8.5% Terpinolene, between 1.7 and 2.2% Para-Cymene, In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include between 2.8 and 2.45% Linallyl Acetate, between 3 and 3.7% between 70 and 99% Blend 41 and between 5 and 15% Blend Beta Pinene, between 0.145 and 0.176% Camphor Dextro, 45 105 (10% Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, 90.00% Water). between 0.12 and 0.14% Terpinene 4 OL, between 3 and In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 3.7% Alpha Terpinene, between 1.42 and 1.72% Borneol L. between 81 and 99% Blend 41 and between 9 and 11% Blend between 0.59 and 0.71% Camphene, between 0.18 and 0.22% 105 (10% Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, 90.00% Water). Decanal, between 0.155 and 0.185% Dodecanal, between In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 0.009 and 0.01.1% Fenchol Alpha, 0.2 and 0.24% Geranyl 50 90% Blend 41 and 10% Blend 105 (10% Sodium Lauryl Acetate, between 0.44 and 0.54%. Isoborneol, between 0.42 Sulfate, 90.00% Water). and 0.5% 2-Methyl 1.3-cyclohexadiene, between 1.24 and In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 1.5% Myrcene, between 0.036 and 0.044% Nonanal, at least two of the group consisting of Polyglycerol-4-oleate, between 0.06 and 0.08% Octanal, and between 0.036 and Lecithin, Water, and Blend 41. 0.044%. Tocopherol Gamma Tenox. 55 In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include at least three of the group consisting of Polyglycerol-4-oleate, 58.54% D-Limonene, 1.47% Linalool Coeur, 12.66% Lecithin, Water, and Blend 41. gamma-terpinene, 2.34% Alpha-Pinene (98%), 7.59%Terpi In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include nolene, 1.94% Para-Cymene, 3.13% Linallyl Acetate, 3.37% Polyglycerol-4-oleate, Lecithin, Water, and Blend 41. Beta Pinene, 0.16% Camphor Dextro, 0.13%Terpinene 4 OL, 60 In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 3.37% Alpha Terpinene, 1.57% Borneol L, 0.65% Cam between 0.6 and 1.4% Polyglycerol-4-oleate, between 0.05 phene, 0.20% Decanal, 0.17% Dodecanal, 0.01% Fenchol and 0.5% Lecithin, between 6 and 16% Water, and between Alpha, 0.22% Geranyl Acetate, 0.49%. Isoborneol, 0.46% 70 and 99% Blend 41. 2-Methyl 1.3-cyclohexadiene, 1.37% Myrcene, 0.04% Nona In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include nal, 0.07% Octanal, and 0.04% Tocopherol Gamma Tenox. 65 between 0.8 and 1.0% Polyglycerol-4-oleate, between 0.18 In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include and 0.22% Lecithin, between 8.8 and 10.8% Water, and at least two to four of the group consisting of D-Limonene, between 80 and 98% Blend 41. US 8,734,869 B2 53 54 In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 0.5% Polyglycerol-4-oleate, between 0.1 and 0.5% Xanthan 0.90% Polyglycerol-4-oleate, 0.20% Lecithin, 9.8% Water, Gum, between 0.01 and 0.1% Lecithin, and between 50 and and 89.1% Blend 41. 95%. Water. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include at least two of the group consisting of Potassium Sorbate, 2.7 and 3.4% Thyme Oil White, between 6 and 7.5% Winter Xanthan Gum, Water, and Blend 65. green Oil, between 4.5 and 5.7% Isopropyl myristate, In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include between 0.1 and 0.12% Potassium sorbate, between 0.135 at least three of the group consisting of Potassium Sorbate, and 0.165% Polyglycerol-4-oleate, between 0.25 and 0.31% Xanthan Gum, Water, and Blend 65. Xanthan Gum, between 0.027 and 0.033% Lecithin, and In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 10 between 76 and 91% Water. Potassium sorbate, Xanthan Gum, Water, and Blend 65. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 3.09% Thyme Oil White, 6.77% Wintergreen Oil, 5.15% 0.2 and 2.5%. Potassium sorbate, between 0.1 and 0.8% Xan Isopropyl myristate, 0.11% Potassium sorbate, 0.15% Polyg than Gum, between 60 and 95% Water, and between 10 and 15 lycerol-4-oleate, 0.28% Xanthan Gum, 0.03% Lecithin, and 22% Blend 65. 84.41% Water. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include between 0.9 and 1.1% Potassium sorbate, between 0.25 and at least two of the group consisting of Polyglycerol-4-oleate, 0.31% Xanthan Gum, between 73 and 89% Water, and Lecithin, Water, and Blend 18. between 15.3 and 18.4% Blend 65. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include at least three of the group consisting of Polyglycerol-4-oleate, 1.00% Potassium sorbate, 0.28% Xanthan Gum, 81.82% Lecithin, Water, and Blend 18. Water, and 16.90% Blend 65. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Polyglycerol-4-oleate, Lecithin, Water, and Blend 18. at least two or three of the group consisting of Potassium 25 In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Sorbate, Polyglycerol-4-oleate, Xanthan Gum, Lecithin, between 0.5 and 2% Polyglycerol-4-oleate, between 0.1 and Water, and Blend 41. 0.5% Lecithin, between 2 and 20% Water, and between 50 In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include and 98% Blend 18. at least four or five of the group consisting of Potassium In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Sorbate, Polyglycerol-4-oleate, Xanthan Gum, Lecithin, 30 0.8 and 1.0% Polyglycerol-4-oleate, between 0.18 and 0.22% Lecithin, between 8 and 12% Water, and between 80 and 95% Water, and Blend 41. Blend 18. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Potassium sorbate, Polyglycerol-4-oleate, Xanthan Gum, 0.90% Polyglycerol-4-oleate, 0.20% Lecithin, 9.8% Water, Lecithin, Water, and Blend 41. 35 and 89.10% Blend 18. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include between 0.05 and 0.2% Potassium sorbate, between 0.05 and at least two of the group consisting of Water, Blend 65, and 0.25% Polyglycerol-4-oleate, between 0.1 and 0.5% Xanthan Blend 104 (1% Potassium Sorbate, 2.50% Xanthan Gum, Gum, between 0.01 and 0.1% Lecithin, between 50 and 95% 96.50% Water). Water, and between 5 and 20% Blend 41. 40 In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Water, Blend 65, and Blend 104 (1% Potassium Sorbate, between 0.10 and 0.12% Potassium Sorbate, between 0.135 2.50% Xanthan Gum, 96.50% Water). and 0.165% Polyglycerol-4-oleate, between 0.25 and 0.31% In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Xanthan Gum, between 0.030 and 0.038%. Lecithin, between between 1 and 6% Water, between 50 and 95% Blend 65, and 76 and 92% Water, and between 13.5 and 16.5% Blend 41. 45 between 5 and 20% Blend 104 (1% Potassium Sorbate, In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 2.50% Xanthan Gum, 96.50% Water). 0.11% Potassium sorbate, 0.15% Polyglycerol-4-oleate, In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 0.28% Xanthan Gum, 0.034% Lecithin, 84.4% Water, and between 2.7 and 3.4% Water, between 76 and 92% Blend 65, 15% Blend 41. and between 11.5 and 14% Blend 104 (1% Potassium Sor In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 50 bate, 2.50% Xanthan Gum, 96.50% Water). at least two to four of the group consisting of Thyme Oil In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include White, Wintergreen Oil, Isopropyl myristate, Potassium sor 3.1% Water, 84.2% Blend 65, and 12.7% Blend 104 (1% bate, Polyglycerol-4-oleate, Xanthan Gum, Lecithin, and Potassium Sorbate, 2.50% Xanthan Gum, 96.50% Water). Water. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 55 at least two to four of the group consisting of Thyme Oil at least five to seven of the group consisting of Thyme Oil White, Wintergreen Oil, Isopropyl myristate, Potassium sor White, Wintergreen Oil, Isopropyl myristate, Potassium sor bate, Polyglycerol-4-oleate, Xanthan Gum, Lecithin, and bate, Polyglycerol-4-oleate, Xanthan Gum, Lecithin, and Water. Water. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 60 at least five to seven of the group consisting of Thyme Oil Thyme Oil White, Wintergreen Oil, Isopropyl myristate, White, Wintergreen Oil, Isopropyl myristate, Potassium sor Potassium sorbate, Polyglycerol-4-oleate, Xanthan Gum, bate, Polyglycerol-4-oleate, Xanthan Gum, Lecithin, and Lecithin, and Water. Water. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include between 1.5 and 5% Thyme Oil White, between 3 and 10% 65 Thyme Oil White, Wintergreen Oil, Isopropyl myristate, Wintergreen Oil, between 2 and 8% Isopropyl myristate, Potassium sorbate, Polyglycerol-4-oleate, Xanthan Gum, between 0.05 and 0.5% Potassium sorbate, between 0.05 and Lecithin, and Water. US 8,734,869 B2 55 56 In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include between 8 and 25% Thyme Oil White, between 20 and 50% Water, Blend 69, and Blend 104 (1% Potassium Sorbate, Wintergreen Oil, between 15 and 40%. Isopropyl myristate, 2.50% Xanthan Gum, 96.50% Water). between 0.05 and 0.5%. Potassium Sorbate, between 0.1 and In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 2% Polyglycerol-4-oleate, between 0.1 and 0.6% Xanthan between 1 and 6% Water, between 50 and 95% Blend 69, and Gum, between 0.05 and 0.4% Lecithin, and between 10 and between 5 and 20% Blend 104 (1% Potassium Sorbate, 40%. Water. 2.50% Xanthan Gum, 96.50% Water). In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include between 14 and 17%Thyme Oil White, between 30 and 37% between 2.8 and 3.4% Water, between 76 and 92% Blend 69, Wintergreen Oil, between 23 and 27.5% Isopropyl myristate, 10 and between 11.5 and 14% Blend 104 (1% Potassium Sor between 0.115 and 0.145% Potassium sorbate, between 0.7 bate, 2.50% Xanthan Gum, 96.50% Water). and 0.83% Polyglycerol-4-oleate, between 0.29 and 0.36% In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Xanthan Gum, between 0.15 and 0.19% Lecithin, and 3.1% Water, 84.2% Blend 69, and 12.7% Blend 104 (1% between 21 and 26% Water. 15 Potassium Sorbate, 2.50% Xanthan Gum, 96.50% Water). In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 15.5% Thyme Oil White, 33.8% Wintergreen Oil, 25.7% at least two of the group consisting Potassium Sorbate, Xan Isopropyl myristate, 0.13% Potassium sorbate, 0.76% Polyg than gum, Water, and Blend 69. lycerol-4-oleate, 0.32% Xanthan Gum, 0.17% Lecithin, and In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 23.6%. Water. at least three of the group consisting Potassium Sorbate, Xan In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include than gum, Water, and Blend 69. at least two of the group consisting of Water, Blend 65, and In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Blend 104 (1% Potassium Sorbate, 2.50% Xanthan Gum, Potassium sorbate, Xanthan gum, Water, and Blend 69. 96.50% Water). In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 25 between 0.5 and 2% Potassium sorbate, between 0.1 and Water, Blend 65, and Blend 104 (1% Potassium Sorbate, 0.6% Xanthan gum, between 50 and 95% Water, and between 2.50% Xanthan Gum, 96.50% Water). 5 and 30% Blend 69. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include between 5 and 20%. Water, between 50 and 95% Blend 65, and between 0.9 and 1.1% Potassium sorbate, between 0.25 and between 5 and 20% Blend 104 (1% Potassium Sorbate, 30 0.31% Xanthan gum, between 73 and 90% Water, and 2.50% Xanthan Gum, 96.50% Water). between 15.3 and 18.5% Blend 69. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include between 8 and 12% Water, between 70 and 88% Blend 65, and 1% Potassium sorbate, 0.28% Xanthan gum, 81.8% Water, between 10.5 and 13.2% Blend 104 (1% Potassium Sorbate, and 16.9% Blend 69. 2.50% Xanthan Gum, 96.50% Water). 35 In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include at least two of the group consisting of Polyglycerol-4-oleate, 9.2% Water, 78.87% Blend 65, and 11.90% Blend 104 (1% Lecithin, Water, and Blend 47. Potassium Sorbate, 2.50% Xanthan Gum, 96.50% Water). In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include at least three of the group consisting of Polyglycerol-4-oleate, at least two or three of the group consisting of Potassium 40 Lecithin, Water, and Blend 47. Sorbate, Polyglycerol-4-oleate, Xanthan gum, Lecithin, In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Water, and Blend 41. Polyglycerol-4-oleate, Lecithin, Water, and Blend 47. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include at least four or five of the group consisting of Potassium between 0.5 and 2.5% Polyglycerol-4-oleate, between 0.1 Sorbate, Polyglycerol-4-oleate, Xanthan gum, Lecithin, 45 and 0.5% Lecithin, between 2 and 15% Water, and between Water, and Blend 41. 50 and 98% Blend 47. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Potassium Sorbate, Polyglycerol-4-oleate, Xanthan gum, between 0.8 and 1.0% Polyglycerol-4-oleate, between 0.18 Lecithin, Water, and Blend 41. and 0.22% Lecithin, between 8.9 and 11% Water, and In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 50 between 80 and 92% Blend 47. between 0.05 and 0.25% Potassium sorbate, between 0.4 and In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 1.5% Polyglycerol-4-oleate, between 0.1 and 1% Xanthan 0.90% Polyglycerol-4-oleate, 0.20% Lecithin, 9.8% Water, gum, between 0.05 and 0.5% Lecithin, between 10 and 40% and 89.10% Blend 47. Water, and between 40 and 90% Blend 41. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 55 at least two of the group consisting of Potassium Sorbate, between 0.11 and 0.15% Potassium sorbate, between 0.7 and Xanthan gum, Water, and Blend 77. 0.84% Polyglycerol-4-oleate, between 0.29 and 0.36% Xan In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include than gum, between 0.15 and 0.19% Lecithin, between 25 and at least three of the group consisting of Potassium Sorbate, 32% Water, and between 63 and 77% Blend 41. Xanthan gum, Water, and Blend 77. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 60 In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 0.13% Potassium sorbate, 0.76% Polyglycerol-4-oleate, Potassium sorbate, Xanthan gum, Water, and Blend 77. 0.32%Xanthan gum, 0.17% Lecithin, 28.6% Water, and 70% In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Blend 41. between 0.5 and 2.5%. Potassium sorbate, between 0.1 and In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 1% Xanthan gum, between 50 and 95% Water, and between 5 at least two of the group consisting of Water, Blend 69, and 65 and 30% Blend 77. Blend 104 (1% Potassium Sorbate, 2.50% Xanthan Gum, In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 96.50% Water). between 0.9 and 1.1% Potassium sorbate, between 0.25 and US 8,734,869 B2 57 58 0.31% Xanthan gum, between 73 and 90% Water, and In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include between 15.3 and 17.5% Blend 77. at least two to four of the group consisting of Span 80, Sodium In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include benzoate, Isopar M, A46 Propellant, Water, Isopropyl alco 1.00% Potassium sorbate, 0.28% Xanthan gum, 81.82% hol, and Blend 6. Water, and 16.9% Blend 77. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include at least five or six of the group consisting of Span 80, Sodium at least two to five of the group consisting of Citronella Oil, benzoate, Isopar M, A46 Propellant, Water, Isopropyl alco Carbopol 940, BHT. Water, Emulsifying Wax, Light liquid hol, and Blend 6. paraffin, White Soft Paraffin, Sodium metabisulfate, Propy In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 10 Span 80, Sodium benzoate, Isopar M, A46 Propellant, Water, lene glycol, Methyl paraben, Propyl paraben, Cresmer RH40 Isopropyl alcohol, and Blend 6. hydrogenated, Triethanolamine, Vitamin Eacetate, Disodium In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include EDTA, and Blend 7. between 0.005 and 0.5% Span 80, between 0.05 and 0.5% In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Sodium benzoate, between 15 and 40%. Isopar M, between 8 at least six to nine of the group consisting of Citronella Oil, 15 and 25% A46 Propellant, between 20 and 60% Water, Carbopol 940, BHT. Water, Emulsifying Wax, Light liquid between 0.5 and 3% Isopropyl alcohol, and between 5 and paraffin, White Soft Paraffin, Sodium metabisulfate, Propy 20% Blend 6. lene glycol, Methyl paraben, Propyl paraben, Cresmer RH40 In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include hydrogenated, Triethanolamine, Vitamin Eacetate, Disodium between 0.045 and 0.055% Span 80, between 0.18 and 0.22% EDTA, and Blend 7. Sodium benzoate, between 26 and 32% Isopar M, between 13 In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include and 16% A46 Propellant, between 38 and 46% Water, at least ten to fourteen of the group consisting of Citronella between 1.3 and 1.7% Isopropyl alcohol, and between 11.2 Oil, Carbopol 940, BHT. Water, Emulsifying Wax, Light and 13.7% Blend 6. liquid paraffin, White Soft Paraffin, Sodium metabisulfate, In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Propylene glycol, Methyl paraben, Propyl paraben, Cresmer 25 0.05% Span 80, 0.20% Sodium benzoate, 29% Isopar M, RH40 hydrogenated, Triethanolamine, Vitamin E acetate, 14.5% A46 Propellant, 42.25% Water, 1.50% Isopropyl alco Disodium EDTA, and Blend 7. hol, and 12.5% Blend 6. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Citronella Oil, Carbopol 940, BHT. Water, Emulsifying Wax, at least two of the group consisting of Isopar M, A46 propel Light liquid paraffin, White Soft Paraffin, Sodium metabisul 30 lant, Isopropyl alcohol, and Blend 36. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include fate, Propylene glycol, Methyl paraben, Propyl paraben, at least three of the group consisting of Isopar M, A46 pro Cresmer RH40 hydrogenated, Triethanolamine, Vitamin E pellant, Isopropyl alcohol, and Blend 36. acetate, Disodium EDTA, and Blend 7. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 35 Isopar M, A46 propellant, Isopropyl alcohol, and Blend 36. between 0.1 and 0.5% Citronella Oil, between 0.1 and 0.5% In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Carbopol 940, between 0.05 and 0.5% BHT between 40 and between 30 and 70% Isopar M, between 25 and 55% A46 80% Water, between 8 and 25% Emulsifying Wax, between 2 propellant, between 1 and 6%. Isopropyl alcohol, and between and 8% Light liquid paraffin, between 5 and 15% White Soft 3 and 12% Blend 36. Paraffin, between 0.1 and 0.5% Sodium metabisulfate, 40 In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include between 1 and 5% Propylene glycol, between 0.05 and 0.5% between 46 and 56%. Isopar M, between 36 and 44% A46 Methyl paraben, between 0.01 and 0.1% Propyl paraben, propellant, between 2.7 and 3.3% Isopropyl alcohol, and between 2 and 10% Cresmer RH40 hydrogenated, between between 5.4 and 6.6% Blend 36. 0.01 and 0.5% Triethanolamine, between 0.005 and 0.05% In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Vitamin Eacetate, between 0.005 and 0.5% Disodium EDTA, 45 51.0% Isopar M. 40.0% A46 propellant, 3.0% Isopropyl alco and between 2 and 10% Blend 7. hol, and 6.0% Blend 36. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include between 0.18 and 0.22% Citronella Oil, between 0.18 and at least two or three of the group consisting of Isopar M, A46 0.22% Carbopol 940, between 0.9 and 0.11% BHT between propellant, Bifenthrin, Isopropyl alcohol, and Blend 36. 54 and 66% Water, between 12.5 and 16% Emulsifying Wax, 50 In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include between 3.6 and 4.4% Light liquid paraffin, between 8.1 and at least four of the group consisting of Isopar M, A46 propel 9.9% White Soft Paraffin, between 0.22 and 0.28% Sodium lant, Bifenthrin, Isopropyl alcohol, and Blend 36. metabisulfate, between 1.8 and 2.2% Propylene glycol, In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include between 0.13 and 0.17% Methyl paraben, between 0.045 and Isopar M, A46 propellant, Bifenthrin, Isopropyl alcohol, and 0.055% Propyl paraben, between 4.5 and 5.5% Cresmer 55 Blend 36. RH40 hydrogenated, between 0.13 and 0.17% Triethanola In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include mine, between 0.018 and 0.022% Vitamin Eacetate, between between 30 and 70% Isopar M, between 25 and 60% A46 0.045 and 0.055% Disodium EDTA, and between 4.5 and propellant, between 0.005 and 0.1% Bifenthrin, between 1 5.5% Blend 7. and 6% Isopropyl alcohol, and between 3 and 12% Blend 36. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 60 In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 0.20% Citronella Oil, 0.20% Carbopol 940, 0.10% BHT, between 46 and 56%. Isopar M, between 36 and 44% A46 59.83% Water, 14.00% Emulsifying Wax, 4.00% Light liquid propellant, between 0.045 and 0.055% Bifenthrin, between paraffin, 9.00% White Soft Paraffin, 0.25% Sodium met 2.7 and 3.3% Isopropyl alcohol, and between 5.4 and 6.6% abisulfate, 2.00% Propylene glycol, 0.15% Methyl paraben, Blend 36. 0.05% Propyl paraben, 5.00% Cresmer RH40 hydrogenated, 65 In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 0.15% Triethanolamine, 0.02% Vitamin E acetate, 0.05% 51.0% Isopar M, 40.0% A46 propellant, 0.05% Bifenthrin, Disodium EDTA, and 5.00% Blend 7. 3.0% Isopropyl alcohol, and 6.0% Blend 36. US 8,734,869 B2 59 60 In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include at least two of the group consisting of Isopar M, A46 propel between 0.9 and 1.15% Thyme Oil White, between 2 and lant, and Blend 31. 2.5% Wintergreen Oil, between 1.55 and 1.89% Isopropyl In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include myristate, between 0.1 and 0.12% Potassium Sorbate, Isopar M, A46 propellant, and Blend 31. between 0.13 and 0.17% Polyglycerol-4-oleate, between In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 0.25 and 0.31% Xanthan Gum, between 0.027 and 0.033% between 25 and 70% Isopar M, between 20 and 65% A46 Lecithin, and between 85 and 98% Water. propellant, and between 3 and 12% Blend 31. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 1.03% Thyme Oil White, 2.26% Wintergreen Oil, 1.72% between 49 and 60% Isopar M, between 36 and 44% A46 10 Isopropyl myristate, 0.11% Potassium Sorbate, 0.15% Polyg propellant, and between 5.4 and 6.6% Blend 31. lycerol-4-oleate, 0.28% Xanthan Gum, 0.03% Lecithin, and In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 94.43% Water. 54.0% Isopar M, 40.0% A46 propellant, and 6.0% Blend 31. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include at least two of the group consisting of Soya Lecithin, Polyg at least two to four of the group consisting of Thyme Oil 15 lycerol-4-oleate, Water, and Blend 18. White, Wintergreen Oil, Isopropyl myristate, Potassium Sor In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include bate, Polyclycerol-4-oleate, Xanthan Gum, Lecithin, and at least three of the group consisting of Soya Lecithin, Polyg Water. lycerol-4-oleate, Water, and Blend 18. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include at least five to seven of the group consisting of Thyme Oil Soya Lecithin, Polyglycerol-4-oleate, Water, and Blend 18. White, Wintergreen Oil, Isopropyl myristate, Potassium Sor In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include bate, Polyclycerol-4-oleate, Xanthan Gum, Lecithin, and between 0.1 and 0.5% Soya Lecithin, between 0.5 and 2.5% Water. Polyglycerol-4-oleate, between 5 and 20% Water, and In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include between 60 and 99% Blend 18. Thyme Oil White, Wintergreen Oil, Isopropyl myristate, 25 In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Potassium Sorbate, Polyclycerol-4-oleate, Xanthan Gum, between 0.18 and 0.22% Soya Lecithin, between 0.8 and Lecithin, and Water. 1.0% Polyglycerol-4-oleate, between 8.8 and 10.8% Water, In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include and between 80 and 98% Blend 18. between 1 and 4% Thyme Oil White, between 2 and 8% In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Wintergreen Oil, between 1.5 and 5% Isopropyl myristate, 30 0.20% Soya Lecithin, 0.90% Polyglycerol-4-oleate, 9.80% between 0.01 and 0.5% Potassium Sorbate, between 0.05 and Water, and 89.10% Blend 18. 0.5% Polyclycerol-4-oleate, between 0.1 and 0.6% Xanthan In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Gum, between 0.005 and 0.1% Lecithin, and between 60 and at least two or three of the group consisting of Thyme Oil 99% Water. White, Isopropyl myristate, Soya Lecithin, Polyglycerol-4- In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 35 oleate, Water, and Wintergreen Oil (Technical grade). between 1.8 and 2.3% Thyme Oil White, between 4 and 5% In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Wintergreen Oil, between 3.1 and 3.75% Isopropyl myristate, at least four or five of the group consisting of Thyme Oil between 0.10 and 0.12% Potassium Sorbate, between 0.135 White, Isopropyl myristate, Soya Lecithin, Polyglycerol-4- and 0.165% Polyclycerol-4-oleate, between 0.25 and 0.31% oleate, Water, and Wintergreen Oil (Technical grade). Xanthan Gum, between 0.027 and 0.033% Lecithin, and 40 In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include between 80 and 98% Water. Thyme Oil White, Isopropyl myristate, Soya Lecithin, Polyg In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include lycerol-4-oleate, Water, and Wintergreen Oil (Technical 2.06% Thyme Oil White, 4.51% Wintergreen Oil, 3.43% grade). Isopropyl myristate, 0.11% Potassium Sorbate, 0.15% Poly In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include clycerol-4-oleate, 0.28% Xanthan Gum, 0.03% Lecithin, and 45 between 25 and 50%Thyme Oil White, between 20 and 45% 89.42% Water. Isopropyl myristate, between 0.1 and 0.5% Soya Lecithin, In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include between 0.5 and 2.5% Polyglycerol-4-oleate, between 5 and at least two to four of the group consisting of Thyme Oil 20% Water, and between 10 and 40% Wintergreen Oil (Tech White, Wintergreen Oil, Isopropyl myristate, Potassium Sor nical grade). bate, Polyglycerol-4-oleate, Xanthan Gum, Lecithin, and 50 In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Water. between 32 and 38%Thyme Oil White, between 29 and 35% In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Isopropyl myristate, between 0.18 and 0.22% Soya Lecithin, at least five to seven of the group consisting of Thyme Oil between 0.8 and 1.0% Polyglycerol-4-oleate, between 8.8 White, Wintergreen Oil, Isopropyl myristate, Potassium Sor and 10.8% Water, and between 20 and 24% Wintergreen Oil bate, Polyglycerol-4-oleate, Xanthan Gum, Lecithin, and 55 (Technical grade). Water. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 35.0% Thyme Oil White, 32.0% Isopropyl myristate, 0.20% Thyme Oil White, Wintergreen Oil, Isopropyl myristate, Soya Lecithin, 0.90% Polyglycerol-4-oleate, 9.80% Water, Potassium Sorbate, Polyglycerol-4-oleate, Xanthan Gum, and 22.1% Wintergreen Oil (Technical grade). Lecithin, and Water. 60 In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include at least two of the group consisting of Soya Lecithin, Polyg between 0.5 and 2% Thyme Oil White, between 1 and 5% lycerol-4-oleate, Water, and Blend 5. Wintergreen Oil, between 0.5 and 4% Isopropyl myristate, In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include between 0.05 and 0.5% Potassium Sorbate, between 0.05 and at least three of the group consisting of Soya Lecithin, Polyg 0.5% Polyglycerol-4-oleate, between 0.1 and 0.6% Xanthan 65 lycerol-4-oleate, Water, and Blend 5. Gum, between 0.005 and 0.1% Lecithin, and between 60 and In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 99% Water. Soya Lecithin, Polyglycerol-4-oleate, Water, and Blend 5. US 8,734,869 B2 61 62 In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Isopropyl myristate, between 1 and 5% Polyglycerol-4-ole between 0.05 and 0.5% Soya Lecithin, between 0.5 and 2.5% ate, between 5 and 20% Water, and between 15 and 30% Polyglycerol-4-oleate, between 5 and 20% Water, and Wintergreen Oil (Technical). between 60 and 99% Blend 5. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 31.5 and 38.5% Thyme Oil White, between 29 and 35% between 0.09 and 0.11% Soya Lecithin, between 0.8 and Isopropyl myristate, between 1.7 and 2.1% Polyglycerol-4- 1.0% Polyglycerol-4-oleate, between 8.9 and 10.9% Water, oleate, between 8 and 10%. Water, and between 20 and 24% and between 80 and 98% Blend 5. Wintergreen Oil (Technical). In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 0.10% Soya Lecithin, 0.90% Polyglycerol-4-oleate, 9.90% 10 35.0% Thyme Oil White, 32.0% Isopropyl myristate, 1.90% Water, and 89.1% Blend 5. Polyglycerol-4-oleate, 9.00% Water, and 22.1% Wintergreen In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Oil (Technical). at least two to four of the group consisting of Thyme Oil In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include White, Wintergreen Oil, Vanillin, Isopropyl myristate, Soya 15 at least two or three of the group consisting of Potassium Lecithin, Polyglycerol-4-oleate, and Water. Sorbate, Polyglycerol-4-oleate, Xanthan Gum, Water, and In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Blend 88. at least five or six of the group consisting of Thyme Oil White, In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Wintergreen Oil, Vanillin, Isopropyl myristate, Soya Leci at least four of the group consisting of Potassium Sorbate, thin, Polyglycerol-4-oleate, and Water. Polyglycerol-4-oleate, Xanthan Gum, Water, and Blend 88. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Thyme Oil White, Wintergreen Oil, Vanillin, Isopropyl Potassium Sorbate, Polyglycerol-4-oleate, Xanthan Gum, myristate, Soya Lecithin, Polyglycerol-4-oleate, and Water. Water, and Blend 88. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include between 10 and 30%Thyme Oil White, between 30 and 55% 25 between 0.05 and 0.25% Potassium Sorbate, between 1 and Wintergreen Oil, between 0.5 and 2.5% Vanillin, between 20 4% Polyglycerol-4-oleate, between 0.1 and 0.6% Xanthan and 40% Isopropyl myristate, between 0.01 and 0.5% Soya Gum, between 60 and 98% Water, and between 5 and 20% Lecithin, between 0.5 and 2.5% Polyglycerol-4-oleate, and Blend 88. between 5 and 20% Water. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 30 between 0.10 and 0.12% Potassium Sorbate, between 1.7 and In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 2.1% Polyglycerol-4-oleate, between 0.24 and 0.31% Xan between 16 and 20.5% Thyme Oil White, between 36 and than Gum, between 78 and 94% Water, and between 10 and 44% Wintergreen Oil, between 0.89 and 1.08% Vanillin, 12.5% Blend 88. between 26.5 and 33% Isopropyl myristate, between 0.09 and In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 0.11% Soya Lecithin, between 0.8 and 1.0% Polyglycerol-4- 35 0.11% Potassium Sorbate, 1.90% Polyglycerol-4-oleate, oleate, and between 8.9 and 10.9% Water. 0.275% Xanthan Gum, 86.410% Water, and 11.30% Blend In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 88. 18.27% Thyme Oil White, 40.10% Wintergreen Oil, 0.98% In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Vanillin, 29.76% Isopropyl myristate, 0.10% Soya Lecithin, at least two to four of the group consisting of D-Limonene, 0.90% Polyglycerol-4-oleate, and 9.90% Water. 40 Thyme Oil White, Soya Lecithin, Potassium Sorbate, Polyg In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include lycerol-4-oleate, Xanthan Gum, Water, and Wintergreen Oil at least two of the group consisting of Polyglycerol-4-oleate, (Technical). Water, and Blend 18. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include at least five to seven of the group consisting of D-Limonene, Polyglycerol-4-oleate, Water, and Blend 18. 45 Thyme Oil White, Soya Lecithin, Potassium Sorbate, Polyg In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include lycerol-4-oleate, Xanthan Gum, Water, and Wintergreen Oil between 1 and 4% Polyglycerol-4-oleate, between 5 and 20% (Technical). Water, and between 60 and 99% Blend 18. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include D-Limonene, Thyme Oil White, Soya Lecithin, Potassium between 1.7 and 2.1% Polyglycerol-4-oleate, between 8 and 50 Sorbate, Polyglycerol-4-oleate, Xanthan Gum, Water, and 10%. Water, and between 80 and 98% Blend 18. Wintergreen Oil (Technical). In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 1.90% Polyglycerol-4-oleate, 9.00% Water, and 89.10% between 2 and 10% D-Limonene, between 0.5 and 5%Thyme Blend 18. Oil White, between 0.001 and 0.1% Soya Lecithin, between In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 55 0.01 and 1% Potassium Sorbate, between 0.5 and 5% Polyg at least two or three of the group consisting of Thyme Oil lycerol-4-oleate, between 0.5 and 1% Xanthan Gum, between White, Isopropyl myristate, Polyglycerol-4-oleate, Water, 40 and 99% Water, and between 1 and 10% Wintergreen Oil and Wintergreen Oil (Technical). (Technical). In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include at least four of the group consisting of Thyme Oil White, 60 between 4 and 7% D-Limonene, between 1 and 2% Thyme Isopropyl myristate, Polyglycerol-4-oleate, Water, and Win Oil White, between 0.005 and 0.05% Soya Lecithin, between tergreen Oil (Technical). 0.05 and 0.2% Potassium Sorbate, between 1 and 3% Polyg In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include lycerol-4-oleate, between 0.2 and 0.5% Xanthan Gum, Thyme Oil White, Isopropyl myristate, Polyglycerol-4-ole between 80 and 95% Water, and between 2.5 and 5% Winter ate, Water, and Wintergreen Oil (Technical). 65 green Oil (Technical). In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include between 25 and 50% Thyme Oil White, between 20 and 45% 5.67% D-Limonene, 1.25% Thyme Oil White, 0.011% Soya US 8,734,869 B2 63 64 Lecithin, 0.11% Potassium Sorbate, 2.002% Polyglycerol-4- In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include oleate, 0.275% Xanthan Gum, 87.529% Water, and 3.15% between 0.1 and 0.12% Potassium Sorbate, between 0.25 and Wintergreen Oil (Technical). 0.30% Xanthan Gum, between 80 and 95% Water, and In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include between 10 and 12.6% Blend 90. at least two of the group consisting of Potassium Sorbate, In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Xanthan Gum, Water, and blend 86. 0.11% Potassium Sorbate, 0.275% Xanthan Gum, 88.315% In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Water, and 11.30% Blend 90. at least three of the group consisting of Potassium Sorbate, In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Xanthan Gum, Water, and blend 86. at least two to four of the group consisting of Thyme Oil In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 10 White, Wintergreen Oil, Isopropyl myristate, Potassium Sor Potassium Sorbate, Xanthan Gum, Water, and blend 86. bate, Polyglycerol-4-oleate, Xanthan Gum, and Water. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include between 0.05 and 0.5%. Potassium Sorbate, between 0.1 and at least five or six of the group consisting of Thyme Oil White, 0.5%Xanthan Gum, between 50 and 99% Water, and between Wintergreen Oil, Isopropyl myristate, Potassium Sorbate, 5 and 20% Blend 86. 15 Polyglycerol-4-oleate, Xanthan Gum, and Water. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include between 0.1 and 0.12% Potassium Sorbate, between 0.24 and Thyme Oil White, Wintergreen Oil, Isopropyl myristate, 0.31% Xanthan Gum, between 80 and 97% Water, and Potassium Sorbate, Polyglycerol-4-oleate, Xanthan Gum, between 10 and 12.6% Blend 86. and Water. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 0.11% Potassium Sorbate, 0.275% Xanthan Gum, 88.315% between 1 and 10% Thyme Oil White, between 1 and 10% Water, and 11.30% Blend 86. Wintergreen Oil, between 1 and 10% Isopropyl myristate, In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include between 0.01 and 0.5% Potassium Sorbate, between 0.05 and at least two to four of the group consisting of Thyme Oil 0.5% Polyglycerol-4-oleate, between 0.1 and 0.5% Xanthan White, Isopropyl myristate, Soya Lecithin, Potassium Sor 25 Gum, and between 50 and 99% Water. bate, Polyglycerol-4-oleate, Xanthan Gum, Water, and Win In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include tergreen Oil (Technical). between 2 and 5% Thyme Oil White, between 2 and 5% In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Wintergreen Oil, between 2 and 5% Isopropyl myristate, at least five to seven of the group consisting of Thyme Oil between 0.1 and 0.12% Potassium Sorbate, between 0.18 and White, Isopropyl myristate, Soya Lecithin, Potassium Sor 30 0.23% Polyglycerol-4-oleate, between 0.25 and 0.30% Xan bate, Polyglycerol-4-oleate, Xanthan Gum, Water, and Win than Gum, and between 80 and 95% Water. tergreen Oil (Technical). In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 3.95% Thyme Oil White, 2.50% Wintergreen Oil, 3.62% Thyme Oil White, Isopropyl myristate, Soya Lecithin, Potas Isopropyl myristate, 0.11% Potassium Sorbate, 0.21% Polyg sium Sorbate, Polyglycerol-4-oleate, Xanthan Gum, Water, 35 lycerol-4-oleate, 0.275%Xanthan Gum, and 89.332% Water. and Wintergreen Oil (Technical). In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Potassium Sorbate, Xanthan Gum, and Water between 2 and 10% Thyme Oil White, between 2 and 10% In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Isopropyl myristate, between 0.005 and 0.1% Soya Lecithin, between 0.9 and 1.1% Potassium Sorbate, between 2.2 and between 0.001 and 0.5%. Potassium Sorbate, between 0.01 40 2.8% Xanthan Gum, and between 87 and 100% Water. and 0.5% Polyglycerol-4-oleate, between 0.1 and 0.5% Xan In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include than Gum, between 50 and 99% Water, and between 1 and 5% 1.00% Potassium Sorbate, 2.500% Xanthan Gum, and Wintergreen Oil (Technical). 96.500%. Water. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include between 3 and 5% Thyme Oil White, between 3.2 and 4% 45 Sodium Benzoate and Water. Isopropyl myristate, between 0.01 and 0.05% Soya Lecithin, In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include between 0.01 and 0.0.1% Potassium Sorbate, between 0.9 and between 1.8 and 2.2% Sodium Benzoate and between 89 and 0.1.15% Polyglycerol-4-oleate, between 0.25 and 0.30% 100% Water. Xanthan Gum, between 80 and 95% Water, and between 2 In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include and 3% Wintergreen Oil (Technical). 50 2% Sodium Benzoate and 98% Water. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 3.95% Thyme Oil White, 3.62% Isopropyl myristate, 0.023% at least two or three of the group consisting of Span 80, Tween Soya Lecithin, 0.11% Potassium Sorbate, 0.102% Polyglyc 80, Isopar M, Water, Blend 6, and Blend 99 (2% Sodium erol-4-oleate, 0.275% Xanthan Gum, 89.422% Water, and Benzoate, 98% Water). 2.50% Wintergreen Oil (Technical). 55 In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include at least four or five of the group consisting of Span 80, Tween at two of the group consisting of Potassium Sorbate, Xanthan 80, Isopar M, Water, Blend 6, and Blend 99 (2% Sodium Gum, Water, and Blend 90. Benzoate, 98% Water). In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include at three of the group consisting of Potassium Sorbate, Xan 60 Span 80, Tween 80, Isopar M, Water, Blend 6, and Blend 99 than Gum, Water, and Blend 90. (2% Sodium Benzoate, 98% Water). In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Potassium Sorbate, Xanthan Gum, Water, and Blend 90. between 0.1 and 5% Span 80, between 0.1 and 2.5% Tween In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 80, between 10 and 20% Isopar M, between 40 and 90% between 0.01 and 0.5%. Potassium Sorbate, between 0.1 and 65 Water, between 1 and 5% Blend 6, and between 5 and 20% 0.5%Xanthan Gum, between 50 and 99% Water, and between Blend 99 (2% Sodium Benzoate; 2% Sodium Benzoate, 98% 5 and 20% Blend 90. Water). US 8,734,869 B2 65 66 In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include between 1.05 and 1.32% Span 80, between 1.5 and 1.8% between 1.1 and 1.4% D-Limonene, between 0.24 and 0.3% Tween 80, between 13 and 15.4% Isopar M, between 60 and Thyme Oil White, between 0.62 and 0.76% Wintergreen Oil, 76% Water, between 2.5 and 3.2% Blend 6, and between 10 between 0.85 and 1.04% Span 80, between 1.1 and 1.48% and 12.5% Blend 99 (2% Sodium Benzoate; 2% Sodium Tween 80, between 0.16 and 0.20% Sodium Benzoate, Benzoate, 98% Water). between 10 and 12.2% Isopar M, between 56 and 69% Water, In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include and between 20 and 24% Propellent A70. 1.20% Span 80, 1.65% Tween 80, 14.20% Isopar M, 68.75% In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Water, 2.84% Blend 6, and 11.36% Blend 99 (2% Sodium 1.25% D-Limonene, 0.27% Thyme Oil White, 0.69% Win 10 tergreen Oil, 0.94% Span 80, 1.29% Tween 80, 0.18% Benzoate; 2% Sodium Benzoate, 98% Water). Sodium Benzoate, 11.08% Isopar M, 62.31% Water, and In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 22.0% Propellent A70. at least two to four of the group consisting of D-Limonene, In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Thyme Oil White, Wintergreen Oil, Span 80, Tween 80, at least two to four of the group consisting of Potassium Sodium Benzoate, Isopar M, and Water. 15 Sorbate, Polyglycerol-4-oleate, Xanthan Gum, Lecithin, In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Water, and Blend 41. at least five to seven of the group consisting of D-Limonene, In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Thyme Oil White, Wintergreen Oil, Span 80, Tween 80, at least five or six of the group consisting of Potassium Sor Sodium Benzoate, Isopar M, and Water. bate, Polyglycerol-4-oleate, Xanthan Gum, Lecithin, Water, In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include and Blend 41. D-Limonene, Thyme Oil White, Wintergreen Oil, Span 80, In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Tween 80, Sodium Benzoate, Isopar M, and Water. Potassium Sorbate, Polyglycerol-4-oleate, Xanthan Gum, In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Lecithin, Water, and Blend 41. between 0.5 and 5% D-Limonene, between 0.1 and 1% In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Thyme Oil White, between 0.1 and 2% Wintergreen Oil, 25 between 0.5 and 2.5% Potassium Sorbate, between 0.05 and between 0.5 and 2% Span 80, between 0.5 and 5% Tween 80, 0.5% Polyglycerol-4-oleate, between 0.1 and 0.5% Xanthan between 0.1 and 0.5% Sodium Benzoate, between 5 and 20% Gum, between 0.01 and 0.1% Lecithin, between 50 and 98% Isopar M, and between 50 and 95% Water. Water, and between 10 and 20% Blend 41. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include between 1.4 and 1.8% D-Limonene, between 0.32 and 0.38% 30 between 0.9 and 1.1% Potassium Sorbate, between 0.13 and Thyme Oil White, between 0.8 and 0.98% Wintergreen Oil, 0.17% Polyglycerol-4-oleate, between 0.25 and 0.31% Xan between 1.1 and 1.3% Span 80, between 1.5 and 1.8%Tween than Gum, between 0.030 and 0.037% Lecithin, between 75 80, between 0.2 and 0.26% Sodium Benzoate, between 13 and 91% Water, and between 13.5 and 16.6% Blend 41. and 15.4% Isopar M, and between 71 and 88% Water. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 35 1.0% Potassium Sorbate, 0.15% Polyglycerol-4-oleate, 1.60% D-Limonene, 0.35% Thyme Oil White, 0.89% Win 0.28% Xanthan Gum, 0.034% Lecithin, 83.5% Water, and tergreen Oil, 1.20% Span 80, 1.65% Tween 80, 0.23% 15.1% Blend 41. Sodium Benzoate, 14.20% Isopar M, and 79.88% Water. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Water and Blend 66. Propellent A70 and Blend 100. 40 In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include between 15 and 75% Water and between 25 and 85% Blend between 5 and 50% Propellent A70 and between 50 and 95% 66. Blend 100. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include between 30 and 37% Water and between 59 and 74% Blend between 20 and 24% Propellent A70 and between 70 and 86% 45 66. Blend 100. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 33.40% Water and 66.60% Blend 66. 22% Propellent A70 and 78% Blend 100. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include at least two to four of the group consisting of D-Limonene, at least two to five of the group consisting of D-Limonene, 50 Thyme Oil White, Benzyl Alcohol, Isopar M, Water, Blend Thyme Oil White, Wintergreen Oil, Span 80, Tween 80, 59, and Blend 105 (10% Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, 90% Water). Sodium Benzoate, Isopar M. Water, and Propellent A70. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include at least five or six of the group consisting of D-Limonene, at least six to eight of the group consisting of D-Limonene, Thyme Oil White, Benzyl Alcohol, Isopar M, Water, Blend Thyme Oil White, Wintergreen Oil, Span 80, Tween 80, 55 59, and Blend 105 (10% Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, 90% Water). Sodium Benzoate, Isopar M. Water, and Propellent A70. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include D-Limonene, Thyme Oil White, Benzyl Alcohol, Isopar M, D-Limonene, Thyme Oil White, Wintergreen Oil, Span 80, Water, Blend 59, and Blend 105 (10% Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Tween 80, Sodium Benzoate, Isopar M. Water, and Propellent 90% Water). A70. 60 In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include between 2 and 10% D-Limonene, between 2 and 10% Thyme between 0.5 and 5% D-Limonene, between 0.1 and 0.5% Oil White, between 10 and 30% Benzyl Alcohol, between 10 Thyme Oil White, between 0.3 and 1% Wintergreen Oil, and 30% Isopar M, between 30 and 60%Water, between 3 and between 0.5 and 2% Span 80, between 0.5 and 2.5% Tween 12% Blend 59, and between 1 and 8% Blend 105 (Stock 10% 80, between 0.1 and 0.5% Sodium Benzoate, between 5 and 65 SLS Blend; 10% Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, 90% Water). 20% Isopar M, between 30 and 80% Water, and between 10 In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include and 50% Propellent A70. between 3.6 and 4.5% D-Limonene, between 4 and 4.9% US 8,734,869 B2 67 68 Thyme Oil White, between 15 and 18.2% Benzyl Alcohol, In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include between 18 and 23.5% Isopar M, between 44 and 49% Water, 2.06% Thyme Oil White, 4.51% Wintergreen Oil, 3.43% between 5.6 and 7.0% Blend 59, and between 2.5 and 4% Isopropyl myristate, 0.50% Span 80, 15% Isopar M, 74.45% Blend 105 (Stock 10% SLS Blend; 10% Sodium Lauryl Sul Water, and 0.05% Bifenthrin. fate, 90% Water). In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include at least two or three of the group consisting of Thyme Oil 4.03% D-Limonene, 4.43% Thyme Oil White, 16.61% Ben White, Wintergreen Oil, Isopropyl myristate, Sodium Lauryl Zyl Alcohol, 20.95% Isopar M, 44.53% Water, 6.27% Blend Sulfate, and Water. 59, and 3.18% Blend 105 (Stock 10% SLS Blend; 10% In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, 90% Water). 10 at least four of the group consisting of Thyme Oil White, In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Wintergreen Oil, Isopropyl myristate, Sodium Lauryl Sul at least two to four of the group consisting of D-Limonene, fate, and Water. Thyme Oil White, Benzyl Alcohol, Isopar M, Water, In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Bifenthrin, Blend 59, and Blend 105 (Stock 10% SLS Blend: 15 Thyme Oil White, Wintergreen Oil, Isopropyl myristate, 10% Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, 90% Water). Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, and Water. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include at least five to seven of the group consisting of D-Limonene, between 0.2 and 1% Thyme Oil White, between 0.5 and 2% Thyme Oil White, Benzyl Alcohol, Isopar M, Water, Wintergreen Oil, between 0.3 and 2% Isopropyl myristate, Bifenthrin, Blend 59, and Blend 105 (Stock 10% SLS Blend: between 0.005 and 0.1% Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, and between 10% Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, 90% Water). 50 and 99% Water. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include D-Limonene, Thyme Oil White, Benzyl Alcohol, Isopar M, between 0.36 and 0.45%Thyme Oil White, between 0.8 and Water, Bifenthrin, Blend 59, and Blend 105 (Stock 10% SLS 1.0% Wintergreen Oil, between 0.6 and 0.76% Isopropyl Blend; 10% Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, 90% Water). 25 myristate, between 0.018 and 0.022% Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include and between 88 and 99% Water. between 2 and 10% D-Limonene, between 2 and 10% Thyme In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Oil White, between 10 and 30% Benzyl Alcohol, between 10 0.41% Thyme Oil White, 0.90% Wintergreen Oil, 0.69% and 40% Isopar M, between 30 and 60% Water, between 0.01 Isopropyl myristate, 0.02% Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, and and 0.1% Bifenthrin, between 3 and 10% Blend 59, and 30 97.98% Water. between 1 and 10% Blend 105 (Stock 10% SLS Blend; 10% In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, 90% Water at least three of the group consisting of Thyme Oil White, In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Wintergreen Oil, Isopropyl myristate, and AgSorb. between 3.6 and 4.45% D-Limonene, between 4.0 and 4.9% In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Thyme Oil White, between 15 and 18.4% Benzyl Alcohol, 35 at least two of the group consisting of Thyme Oil White, between 18 and 23.4% Isopar M, between 40 and 49% Water, Wintergreen Oil, Isopropyl myristate, and AgSorb. between 0.045 and 0.055% Bifenthrin, between 5.6 and 7.0% In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Blend 59, and between 2.5 and 4% Blend 105 (Stock 10% Thyme Oil White, Wintergreen Oil, Isopropyl myristate, and SLS Blend; 10% Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, 90% Water). AgSorb. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 40 In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 4.028% D-Limonene, 4.428% Thyme Oil White, 16.60% between 0.5 and 3% Thyme Oil White, between 1 and 5% Benzyl Alcohol, 20.94% Isopar M, 44.51% Water, 0.05% Wintergreen Oil, between 0.5 and 5% Isopropyl myristate, Bifenthrin, 6.267% Blend 59, and 3.178% Blend 105 (Stock and between 50 and 99% AgSorb. 10% SLS Blend; 10% Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, 90% Water). In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 45 between 0.9 and 1.15% Thyme Oil White, between 2.0 and at least two to four of the group consisting of Thyme Oil 2.5% Wintergreen Oil, between 1.5 and 1.9% Isopropyl White, Wintergreen Oil, Isopropyl myristate, Span 80, Isopar myristate, and between 85 and 98% AgSorb. M, Water, and Bifenthrin. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 1.03% Thyme Oil White, 2.26% Wintergreen Oil, 1.71% at least five or six of the group consisting of Thyme Oil White, 50 Isopropyl myristate, and 95.00% AgSorb. Wintergreen Oil, Isopropyl myristate, Span 80, Isopar M, In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Water, and Bifenthrin. at least two of the group consisting of Thyme Oil White, In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Wintergreen Oil, Isopropyl myristate, and DG Light. Thyme Oil White, Wintergreen Oil, Isopropyl myristate, In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Span 80, Isopar M. Water, and Bifenthrin. 55 at least three of the group consisting of Thyme Oil White, In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Wintergreen Oil, Isopropyl myristate, and DG Light. between 1 and 5% Thyme Oil White, between 2 and 10% In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Wintergreen Oil, between 2 and 8% Isopropyl myristate, Thyme Oil White, Wintergreen Oil, Isopropyl myristate, and between 0.2 and 1% Span 80, between 6 and 25% Isopar M, DG Light. between 40 and 95% Water, and between 0.02 and 0.1% 60 In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Bifenthrin. between 0.5 and 2.5% Thyme Oil White, between 1 and 5% In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Wintergreen Oil, between 0.5 and 5% Isopropyl myristate, between 1.8 and 2.3% Thyme Oil White, between 4.0 and and between 50 and 99% DG Light. 5.0% Wintergreen Oil, between 3.1 and 3.8% Isopropyl In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include myristate, between 0.45 and 0.55% Span 80, between 13.5 65 between 0.9 and 1.16% Thyme Oil White, between 2.0 and and 16.5% Isopar M, between 67 and 82% Water, and 2.5% Wintergreen Oil, between 1.5 and 1.9% Isopropyl between 0.045 and 0.055% Bifenthrin. myristate, and between 85 and 98% DG Light. US 8,734,869 B2 69 70 In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include between 2.7 and 3.3% Blend 62, between 0.11 and 0.13% 1.03% Thyme Oil White, 2.26% Wintergreen Oil, 1.71% Geraniol 60, between 0.22 and 0.26% Triethyl Citrate, Isopropyl myristate, and 95.0% DG Light. between 60 and 74% Water, and between 2.7 and 3.3% Blend In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 105 (Stock 10% SLS Blend; 10% Sodium Lauryl Sulfate: at least two or three of the group consisting of Thyme Oil 90% Water). White, Wintergreen Oil, Isopropyl myristate, Sodium Lauryl In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Sulfate, and Water. 24.76% D-Limonene, 0.98%Thyme Oil White, 0.17% Lina In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include lool Coeur, 0.23%Tetrahydrolinalool, 0.02% Vanillin, 0.24% at least four of the group consisting of Thyme Oil White, Isopropyl myristate, 0.24% Piperonal (aldehyde), 3.00% Wintergreen Oil, Isopropyl myristate, Sodium Lauryl Sul 10 fate, and Water. Blend 62, 0.12% Geraniol 60, 0.24% Triethyl Citrate, 67% In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Water, and 3% Blend 105 (Stock 10% SLS Blend; 10% Thyme Oil White, Wintergreen Oil, Isopropyl myristate, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate: 90% Water). Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, and Water. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 15 at least two to four of the group consisting of Thyme Oil between 0.2 and 1% Thyme Oil White, between 0.5 and 2% White, Wintergreen Oil, Isopropyl myristate, Potassium Sor Wintergreen Oil, between 0.3 and 2% Isopropyl myristate, bate, Xanthan Gum, Water, and Blend 65. between 0.005 and 0.1% Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, and between In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 50 and 99% Water. at least five or six of the group consisting of Thyme Oil White, In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Wintergreen Oil, Isopropyl myristate, Potassium Sorbate, between 0.36 and 0.45%Thyme Oil White, between 0.8 and Xanthan Gum, Water, and Blend 65. 1.0% Wintergreen Oil, between 0.6 and 0.78% Isopropyl In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include myristate, between 0.018 and 0.022% Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Thyme Oil White, Wintergreen Oil, Isopropyl myristate, and between 87 and 99% Water. Potassium Sorbate, Xanthan Gum, Water, and Blend 65. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 25 In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 0.41% Thyme Oil White, 0.90% Wintergreen Oil, 0.69% between 10 and 30%Thyme Oil White, between 25 and 60% Isopropyl myristate, 0.02% Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, and Wintergreen Oil, between 20 and 50% Isopropyl myristate, 97.98% Water. between 0.1 and 2% Potassium Sorbate, between 0.05 and In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 0.5%Xanthan Gum, between 50 and 99% Water, and between at least 2 to 4 of the group consisting of D-Limonene, Thyme 30 10 and 30% Blend 65. Oil White, Linalool Coeur, Tetrahydrolinalool, Vanillin, Iso In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include propyl myristate, Piperonal (aldehyde), Blend 62, Geraniol between 18 and 23%Thyme Oil White, between 40 and 50% 60, Triethyl Citrate, Water, and Blend 105 (10% Sodium Wintergreen Oil, between 31 and 38% Isopropyl myristate, Lauryl Sulfate: 90% Water). between 0.9 and 1.1% Potassium Sorbate, between 0.25 and In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 35 0.31% Xanthan Gum, between 72 and 89% Water, between at least 5 to 7 of the group consisting of D-Limonene, Thyme 15 and 17.6% Blend 65. Oil White, Linalool Coeur, Tetrahydrolinalool, Vanillin, Iso In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include propyl myristate, Piperonal (aldehyde), Blend 62, Geraniol 20.6% Thyme Oil White, 45.1% Wintergreen Oil, 34.3% 60, Triethyl Citrate, Water, and Blend 105 (10% Sodium Isopropyl myristate, 1% Potassium Sorbate, 0.28% Xanthan Lauryl Sulfate: 90% Water). 40 Gum, 81.82% Water, and 16.90% Blend 65. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include at least 8 to 10 of the group consisting of D-Limonene, Thyme Miracle Gro (Sterile), and Blend 41. Oil White, Linalool Coeur, Tetrahydrolinalool, Vanillin, Iso In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include propyl myristate, Piperonal (aldehyde), Blend 62, Geraniol between 80 and 99% Miracle Gro (Sterile), and 1 to 20% 60, Triethyl Citrate, Water, and Blend 105 (10% Sodium 45 Blend 41. Lauryl Sulfate: 90% Water). In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include between 90 and 98% Miracle Gro (Sterile), and between 2 D-Limonene, Thyme Oil White, Linalool Coeur, Tetrahydro and 10% Blend 41. linalool, Vanillin, Isopropyl myristate, Piperonal (aldehyde), In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Blend 62, Geraniol 60, Triethyl Citrate, Water, and Blend 105 50 95% Miracle Gro (Sterile), and 5% Blend 41. (10% Sodium Lauryl Sulfate: 90% Water). In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include at least two to four of the group consisting of Thyme Oil between 10 and 40% D-Limonene, between 0.5 and 2% White, Wintergreen Oil, Isopropyl myristate, Span 80, Isopar Thyme Oil White, between 0.05 and 0.5% Linalool Coeur, M, Water, and Bifenthrin. between 0.1 and 0.5%Tetrahydrolinalool, between 0.005 and 55 In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 0.1% Vanillin, between 0.1 and 0.5% Isopropyl myristate, at least five or six of the group consisting of Thyme Oil White, between 0.1 and 0.5% Piperonal (aldehyde), between 1 and Wintergreen Oil, Isopropyl myristate, Span 80, Isopar M, 5% Blend 62, between 0.05 and 0.5% Geraniol 60, between Water, and Bifenthrin. 0.1 and 0.5% Triethyl Citrate, between 30 and 90% Water, In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include and between 1.5 and 5% Blend 105 (Stock 10% SLS Blend: 60 Thyme Oil White, Wintergreen Oil, Isopropyl myristate, 10% Sodium Lauryl Sulfate: 90% Water). Span 80, Isopar M. Water, and Bifenthrin. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include between 22 and 27% D-Limonene, between 0.89 and 1.1% between 0.2 and 1% Thyme Oil White, between 0.5 and 2.5% Thyme Oil White, between 0.15 and 0.19% Linalool Coeur, Wintergreen Oil, between 0.5 and 2% Isopropyl myristate, between 0.2 and 0.26% Tetrahydrolinalool, between 0.018 65 between 0.2 and 1% Span 80, between 5 and 20% Isopar M, and 0.022% Vanillin, between 0.22 and 0.26% Isopropyl between 50 and 95% Water, and between 0.005 and 0.1% myristate, between 0.215 and 0.265% Piperonal (aldehyde), Bifenthrin US 8,734,869 B2 71 72 In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include between 0.45 and 0.56%Thyme Oil White, between 1.0 and between 30 and 38% Isopropyl myristate, 40 and 50% Win 1.3% Wintergreen Oil, between 0.78 and 0.95% Isopropyl tergreen Oil, and between 18 and 23% Thyme Oil White myristate, between 0.45 and 0.55% Span 80, between 13.5 containing 1% Thyme Oil Red. and 16.5% Isopar M, between 73 and 90% Water, and In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include between 0.045 and 0.055% Bifenthrin. 34.3% Isopropyl myristate, 45.1% Wintergreen Oil, and In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 20.6% Thyme Oil White containing 1% Thyme Oil Red. 0.51% Thyme Oil White, 1.13% Wintergreen Oil, 0.86% In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Isopropyl myristate, 0.50% Span 80, 15% Isopar M, 81.95% at least one of the group consisting of Wintergreen Oil, Iso Water, and 0.05% Bifenthrin. 10 propyl myristate, and Thyme Oil Red. In some embodiments, a formulation can include a carrier In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Such as diatomaceous earth and a blend of compounds includ at least two of the group consisting of Wintergreen Oil, Iso ing blackSeed oil and geranium oil. propyl myristate, and Thyme Oil Red. In some embodiments, a carrier-based formulation can 15 In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include include between 5 and 35% blackseed oil. Wintergreen Oil, Isopropyl myristate, and Thyme Oil Red. In some embodiments, the carrier-based formulation can In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include include between 25 and 55% geranium oil. between 30 and 60% Wintergreen Oil, between 20 and 48% In some embodiments, a formulation can include a carrier Isopropyl myristate, and between 10 and 30% Thyme Oil Such as diatomaceous earth and a blend of compounds includ Red. ing blackSeed oil, geranium oil and piperonal. The concen In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include tration of blackseed oil can be between 5 and 35%. The between 40 and 50% Wintergreen Oil, between 30 and 38% concentration of geranium oil can be between 25 and 55%. Isopropyl myristate, and between 18 and 23% Thyme Oil The concentration of piperonal can be between 5 and 35%. Red. In some embodiments, a formulation can include a carrier 25 In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Such as diatomaceous earth and a blend of compounds includ 45.10% Wintergreen Oil, 34.3% Isopropyl myristate, and ing blackSeed oil, geranium oil piperonal, and linalool. The 20.6% Thyme Oil Red. concentration of blackseed oil can be between 5% and 35%. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include The concentration of geranium oil can be between 25% and at least one of the group consisting of Isopropyl myristate, 55%. The concentration of piperonal can be between 5% and 30 Wintergreen Oil (Technical grade), and Thyme Oil White 35%. The concentration of linalool can be between 5% and containing 1% Thyme Oil Red. 35%. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include at least two of the group consisting of Isopropyl myristate, at least one of the group consisting of Thyme Oil White, Wintergreen Oil (Technical grade), and Thyme Oil White Methyl Salicylate, and Isopropyl myristate. 35 containing 1% Thyme Oil Red In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include at least two of the group consisting of Thyme Oil White, Isopropyl myristate, Wintergreen Oil (Technical grade), and Methyl Salicylate, and Isopropyl myristate. Thyme Oil White containing 1% Thyme Oil Red. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Thyme Oil White, Methyl Salicylate, and Isopropyl 40 between 20 and 48%. Isopropyl myristate, between 30 and myristate. 60% Wintergreen Oil (Technical grade), and between 10 and In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 30% Thyme Oil White containing 1% Thyme Oil Red. between 10 and 30%Thyme Oil White, between 30 and 60% In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Methyl Salicylate, and between 20 and 48%. Isopropyl between 30 and 38%. Isopropyl myristate, between 40 and myristate. 45 50% Wintergreen Oil (Technical grade), and between 18 and In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 23% Thyme Oil White containing 1% Thyme Oil Red. between 18 and 23% Thyme Oil White, between 40 and 50% In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Methyl Salicylate, and between 30 and 38%. Isopropyl 34.3% Isopropyl myristate, 45.10% Wintergreen Oil (Tech myristate. nical grade), and 20.6% Thyme Oil White containing 1% In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 50 Thyme Oil Red. 20.6% Thyme Oil White, 45.1% Methyl Salicylate, and In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 34.3% Isopropyl myristate. at least two of the group consisting of Thyme Oil White, In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Wintergreen Oil, Isopropyl myristate, and Vanillin at least one of the group consisting of Isopropyl myristate, In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Wintergreen Oil, and Thyme Oil White containing 1% Thyme 55 at least three of the group consisting of Thyme Oil White, Oil Red. Wintergreen Oil, Isopropyl myristate, and Vanillin. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include at least two of the group consisting of 96 Isopropyl myristate, Thyme Oil White, Wintergreen Oil, Isopropyl myristate, and Wintergreen Oil, and Thyme Oil White containing 1% Thyme Vanillin. Oil Red. 60 In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include between 10 and 30%Thyme Oil White, between 30 and 60% Isopropyl myristate, Wintergreen Oil, and Thyme Oil White Wintergreen Oil, between 20 and 48% Isopropyl myristate, containing 1% Thyme Oil Red. and between 0.01 and 0.3% Vanillin. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include between 25 and 48%. Isopropyl myristate, 30 and 60% Win 65 between 18 and 23%Thyme Oil White, between 40 and 50% tergreen Oil, and between 10 and 30% Thyme Oil White Wintergreen Oil, between 30 and 38% Isopropyl myristate, containing 1% Thyme Oil Red. and between 0.05 and 0.15% Vanillin. US 8,734,869 B2 73 74 In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 20.6% Thyme Oil White, 45.1% Wintergreen Oil, 34.2% at least two of the group consisting of Thyme Oil White, Isopropyl myristate, and 0.1% Vanillin. Isopropyl myristate, and Geraniol Fine, FCC. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include at least two of the group consisting of Thyme Oil Red, Win Thyme Oil White, Isopropyl myristate, and Geraniol Fine, tergreen Oil, Isopropyl myristate, and Vanillin FCC. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include at least three of the group consisting of Thyme Oil Red, between 22 and 40%Thyme Oil White, between 28 and 50% Wintergreen Oil, Isopropyl myristate, and Vanillin. Isopropyl myristate, and between 20 and 40% Geraniol Fine, In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 10 FCC. Thyme Oil Red, Wintergreen Oil, Isopropyl myristate, and In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Vanillin. between 28 and 35% Thyme Oil White, between 34 and 43% In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Isopropyl myristate, and between 26 and 33% Geraniol Fine, 10 and 30% Thyme Oil Red, between 30 and 60% Winter 15 FCC. green Oil, between 20 and 48%. Isopropyl myristate, and In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include between 0.01 and 0.3% Vanillin. 31.57% Thyme Oil White, 38.56% Isopropyl myristate, In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 29.87% Geraniol Fine, FCC. 18 and 23% Thyme Oil Red, 40 and 50% Wintergreen Oil, In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include and between 30 and 38%. Isopropyl myristate, and between at least one of the group consisting of Thyme Oil White, 0.05 and 0.15% Vanillin. Isopropyl myristate, and Geraniol Fine, FCC. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 20.6% Thyme Oil Red, 45.1% Wintergreen Oil, 34.2% Iso at least two of the group consisting of Thyme Oil White, propyl myristate, and 0.1% Vanillin. Isopropyl myristate, and Geraniol Fine, FCC. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 25 In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include at least one of the group consisting of Thyme Oil White, Thyme Oil White, Isopropyl myristate, and Geraniol Fine, Isopropyl myristate, and Geraniol Fine, FCC. FCC. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include at least two of the group consisting of Thyme Oil White, 36.85% Thyme Oil White, 48.21% Isopropyl myristate, Isopropyl myristate, and Geraniol Fine, FCC. 30 14.94% Geraniol Fine, FCC. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Thyme Oil White, Isopropyl myristate, and Geraniol Fine, 36.85% Thyme Oil White, 48.21% Isopropyl myristate, FCC. 14.94% Geraniol Fine, FCC. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 35 In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include between 30 and 55%Thyme Oil White, between 28 and 50% 36.85% Thyme Oil White, 48.21% Isopropyl myristate, Isopropyl myristate, and between 15 and 26% Geraniol Fine, 14.94% Geraniol Fine, FCC. FCC. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include at least one of the group consisting of Thyme Oil White between 36 and 46%Thyme Oil White, between 34 and 42% 40 containing 1% Thyme Oil Red, Isopropyl myristate, and Isopropyl myristate, and between 18 and 22% Geraniol Fine, Geraniol Fine, FCC. FCC. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include at least two of the group consisting of Thyme Oil White 41.86% Thyme Oil White, 38.34% Isopropyl myristate, and containing 1% Thyme Oil Red, Isopropyl myristate, and 19.80% Geraniol Fine, FCC. 45 Geraniol Fine, FCC. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include at least one of the group consisting of Thyme Oil White, Thyme Oil White containing 1% Thyme Oil Red, Isopropyl Isopropyl myristate, and Geraniol Fine, FCC. myristate, and Geraniol Fine, FCC. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include at least two of the group consisting of Thyme Oil White, 50 between 25 and 50%Thyme Oil White containing 1% Thyme Isopropyl myristate, and Geraniol Fine, FCC. Oil Red, between 35 and 65%. Isopropyl myristate, and In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include between 8 and 25% Geraniol Fine, FCC. Thyme Oil White, Isopropyl myristate, and Geraniol Fine, In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include FCC. between 33 and 40%Thyme Oil White containing 1% Thyme In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 55 Oil Red, between 44 and 55%. Isopropyl myristate, and between 12 and 30%Thyme Oil White, between 45 and 75% between 13 and 17% Geraniol Fine, FCC. Isopropyl myristate, and between 12 and 30% Geraniol Fine, In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include FCC. 36.85% Thyme Oil White containing 1% Thyme Oil Red, In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 48.21% Isopropyl myristate, 14.94% Geraniol Fine, FCC. 18 and 24%Thyme Oil White, between 53 and 65%Isopropyl 60 In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include myristate, and between 18 and 23% Geraniol Fine, FCC. at least two or three of the group consisting of Potassium In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Sorbate, Polyglycerol-4-oleate, Xanthan Gum, Lecithin, 21.30% Thyme Oil White, 58.54% Isopropyl myristate, and Water, and Blend 41. 20.16% Geraniol Fine, FCC. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 65 at least four of the group consisting of Potassium Sorbate, at least one of the group consisting of Thyme Oil White, Polyglycerol-4-oleate, Xanthan Gum, Lecithin, Water, and Isopropyl myristate, and Geraniol Fine, FCC. Blend 41. US 8,734,869 B2 75 76 In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Potassium Sorbate, Polyglycerol-4-oleate, Xanthan Gum, between 0.09 and 0.13% Potassium Sorbate, between 0.1 and Lecithin, Water, and Blend 41. 0.2% Polyglycerol-4-oleate, between 0.25 and 0.31% Xan In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include than Gum, between 0.025 and 0.043% Lecithin, between 76 between 0.01 and 0.25% Potassium Sorbate, between 0.05 and 92% Water, and between 13 and 17% Blend 120. and 0.5% Polyglycerol-4-oleate, between 0.1 and 0.6% Xan In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include than Gum, between 0.01 and 0.1% Lecithin, between 60 and 0.11% Potassium Sorbate, 0.15% Polyglycerol-4-oleate, 98% Water, and between 5 and 25% Blend 41. 0.28% Xanthan Gum, 0.034% Lecithin, 84.4% Water, and In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 15.01% Blend 120. 10 In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include between 0.05 and 0.16% Potassium Sorbate, between 0.1 and at least two or three of the group consisting of Potassium 0.2% Polyglycerol-4-oleate, between 0.2 and 0.36% Xanthan Sorbate, Polyglycerol-4-oleate, Xanthan Gum, Lecithin, Gum, between 0.03 and 0.04% Lecithin, between 76 and 94% Water, and Blend 120. Water, and between 13 and 17% Blend 41. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 15 at least four or five of the group consisting of Potassium 0.11% Potassium Sorbate, 0.15% Polyglycerol-4-oleate, Sorbate, Polyglycerol-4-oleate, Xanthan Gum, Lecithin, 0.28% Xanthan Gum, 0.034% Lecithin, 84.4% Water, and Water, and Blend 120. 15.01% Blend 41. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Potassium Sorbate, Polyglycerol-4-oleate, Xanthan Gum, at least three to five of the group consisting of Thyme Oil Lecithin, Water, and Blend 120. White, Wintergreen Oil, Isopropyl myristate, Potassium Sor In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include bate, Polyglycerol-4-oleate, Xanthan Gum, Lecithin, and between 0.12% Potassium Sorbate, 0.16% Polyglycerol-4- Water. oleate, 0.29% Xanthan Gum, 0.036% Lecithin, 89.4% Water, In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 10% Blend 120. at least six or seven of the group consisting of Thyme Oil 25 In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include White, Wintergreen Oil, Isopropyl myristate, Potassium Sor between 0.1 and 0.14% Potassium Sorbate, between 0.12 and bate, Polyglycerol-4-oleate, Xanthan Gum, Lecithin, and 0.18% Polyglycerol-4-oleate, between 0.26 and 0.32% Xan Water. than Gum, between 0.03 and 0.045% Lecithin, between 80 In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include and 98% Water, and between 8 and 12% Blend 120. Thyme Oil White, Wintergreen Oil, Isopropyl myristate, 30 In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Potassium Sorbate, Polyglycerol-4-oleate, Xanthan Gum, 0.12% Potassium Sorbate, 0.16% Polyglycerol-4-oleate, Lecithin, and Water. 0.29% Xanthan Gum, 0.036% Lecithin, 89.4% Water, 10% In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 120. between 1 and 5% Thyme Oil White, between 3 and 12% In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Wintergreen Oil, between 2 and 10% Isopropyl myristate, 35 CAR-01-097 (McCook) and Blend 10. between 0.02 and 0.2% Potassium Sorbate, between 0.05 and In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 0.5% Polyglycerol-4-oleate, between 0.1 and 0.5% Xanthan between 60 and 90% CAR-01-097 (McCook) and between 10 Gum, between 0.01 and 0.1% Lecithin, and between 60 and and 40% Blend 10. 98% Water. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 40 between 70 and 80% CAR-01-097 (McCook) and between 20 between 2.7 and 3.4% Thyme Oil White, between 6.0 and and 30% Blend 10. 7.5% Wintergreen Oil, between 4.5 and 5.7% Isopropyl In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include myristate, between 0.08 and 0.14% Potassium Sorbate, CAR-01-097 (McCook) with 25% Blend 10. between 0.1 and 0.2% Polyglycerol-4-oleate, between 0.25 In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include and 0.31% Xanthan Gum, between 0.025 and 0.035% Leci 45 at least two of the group consisting of Soy Bean Oil, Ethyl thin, and between 76 and 92% Water. Alcohol (denatured), and Blend 10. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 3.09% Thyme Oil White, 6.77% Wintergreen Oil, 5.15% Soy Bean Oil, Ethyl Alcohol (denatured), and Blend 10. Isopropyl myristate, 0.11% Potassium Sorbate, 0.15% Polyg In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include lycerol-4-oleate, 0.28% Xanthan Gum, 0.03% Lecithin, 50 between 10 and 30% Soy Bean Oil, between 35 and 65% 84.41% Water. Ethyl Alcohol (denatured), and between 20 and 40% Blend In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 10. at least two or three of the group consisting of Potassium In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Sorbate, Polyglycerol-4-oleate, Xanthan Gum, Lecithin, between 18 and 22% Soy Bean Oil, between 45 and 55% Water, and Blend 120. 55 Ethyl Alcohol (denatured), and between 27 and 33% Blend In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 10. at least four or five of the group consisting of Potassium In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Sorbate, Polyglycerol-4-oleate, Xanthan Gum, Lecithin, 20% Soy Bean Oil, 50% Ethyl Alcohol (denatured), and 30% Water, and Blend 120. Blend 10. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 60 In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Potassium Sorbate, Polyglycerol-4-oleate, Xanthan Gum, at least two or three of the group consisting of Potassium Lecithin, Water, and Blend 120. Sorbate, Polyglycerol-4-oleate, Xanthan Gum, Lecithin, In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Water, and Blend 124. between 0.05 and 0.2% Potassium Sorbate, between 0.05 and In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 0.5% Polyglycerol-4-oleate, between 0.1 and 0.5% Xanthan 65 at least four or five of the group consisting of Potassium Gum, between 0.01 and 0.1% Lecithin, between 60 and 98% Sorbate, Polyglycerol-4-oleate, Xanthan Gum, Lecithin, Water, and between 8 and 22% Blend 120. Water, and Blend 124. US 8,734,869 B2 77 78 In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include between 4 and 15% White Soft Paraffin, between 0.1 and Potassium Sorbate, Polyglycerol-4-oleate, Xanthan Gum, 0.5% Sodium Metabisulphate, between 0.8 and 5% Propy Lecithin, Water, and Blend 124. lene Glycol, between 2 and 10% Cresmer RH40 hydroge In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include nated, between 0.08 and 0.4% Triethanolamine, between 0.01 between 0.05 and 0.2% Potassium Sorbate, between 0.05 and and 0.05% Vitamin E Acetate, between 0.01 and 0.1% Diso 0.5% Polyglycerol-4-oleate, between 0.1 and 0.5% Xanthan dium EDTA, and between 1 and 15% Blend 7. Gum, between 0.01 and 0.05% Lecithin, between 60 and 98% In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Water, and between 8 and 25% Blend 124. between 0.18 and 0.22% Citronella Oil, between 0.18 and In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 0.22% Carbopol 940, between 0.8 and 0.12% Butylated between 0.09 and 0.13% Potassium Sorbate, between 0.13 10 and 0.17% Polyglycerol-4-oleate, between 0.27 and 0.33% hyrdroxy toluene, between 52 and 66% Water, between 12 Xanthan Gum, between 0.025 and 0.035% Lecithin, between and 16% Emulsifying Wax, between 3 and 5% Light Liquid 76 and 92% Water, and between 13 and 17% Blend 124. Paraffin, between 7 and 11% White Soft Paraffin, between 0.2 In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include and 0.3% Sodium Metabisulphate, between 1.5 and 2.5% 0.11% Potassium Sorbate, 0.15% Polyglycerol-4-oleate, 15 Propylene Glycol, between 4 and 6% Cresmer RH40 hydro 0.30% Xanthan Gum, 0.03% Lecithin, 84.4% Water, 15.01% genated, between 0.13 and 0.17% Triethanolamine, between Blend 124. 0.01 and 0.03% Vitamin E Acetate, between 0.04 and 0.06% In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Disodium EDTA, and between 4 and 6% Blend 7. at least two or three of the group consisting of Potassium In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Sorbate, Polyglycerol-4-oleate, Xanthan Gum, Lecithin, 0.20% Citronella Oil, 0.20% Carbopol 940, 0.10% Butylated Water, and Blend 124. hyrdroxy toluene, 59.83% Water, 14% Emulsifying Wax, In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 4.00% Light Liquid Paraffin, 9% White Soft Paraffin, 0.25% at least four or five of the group consisting of Potassium Sodium Metabisulphate, 2% Propylene Glycol, 5% Cresmer Sorbate, Polyglycerol-4-oleate, Xanthan Gum, Lecithin, RH40 hydrogenated, 0.15% Triethanolamine, 0.02% Vitamin Water, and Blend 124. 25 E Acetate, 0.05% Disodium EDTA, 5% Blend 7. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Potassium Sorbate, Polyglycerol-4-oleate, Xanthan Gum, at least two of the group consisting of Blend 49, Lemon Grass Lecithin, Water, and Blend 124. Oil, and Castor Oil Surfactant. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include between 0.05 and 0.5% Potassium Sorbate, between 0.06 and 30 Blend 49, Lemon Grass Oil, and Castor Oil Surfactant. 0.5% Polyglycerol-4-oleate, between 0.1 and 0.5% Xanthan In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Gum, between 0.01 and 0.1% Lecithin, between 70 and 98% between 35 and 65% Blend 49, between 15 and 35% Lemon Water, and between 2 and 20% Blend 124. Grass Oil, and between 15 and 35% Castor Oil Surfactant. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include between 0.1 and 0.14% Potassium Sorbate, between 0.14 and 35 between 45 and 55% Blend 49, between 22 and 28% Lemon 0.18% Polyglycerol-4-oleate, between 0.27 and 0.33% Xan Grass Oil, and between 22 and 28% Castor Oil Surfactant. than Gum, between 0.03 and 0.042% Lecithin, between 80 In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include and 96% Water, and between 8 and 12% Blend 124. 50% Blend 49, 25% Lemon Grass Oil, and 25% Castor Oil In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Surfactant. 0.12% Potassium Sorbate, 0.16% Polyglycerol-4-oleate, 40 In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 0.30% Xanthan Gum, 0.036% Lecithin, 89.4% Water, 10% at least two of the group consisting of Blend 51, Lemon Grass Blend 124. Oil, and Castor Oil Surfactant. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include at least two to seven of the group consisting of Citronella Oil, Blend 51, Lemon Grass Oil, and Castor Oil Surfactant. Carbopol 940, Butylated hyrdroxytoluene, Water, Emulsify 45 In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include ing Wax, Light Liquid Paraffin, White Soft Paraffin, Sodium between 35 and 65% Blend 51, between 15 and 35% Lemon Metabisulphate, Propylene Glycol, Cresmer RH40 hydroge Grass Oil, and between 15 and 35% Castor Oil Surfactant. nated, Triethanolamine, Vitamin E Acetate, Disodium EDTA, In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include and Blend 7. between 45 and 55% Blend 51, between 22 and 28% Lemon In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 50 Grass Oil, and between 22 and 28% Castor Oil Surfactant. at least eight to thirteen of the group consisting of Citronella In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Oil, Carbopol 940, Butylated hyrdroxytoluene, Water, Emul 50% Blend 51, 25% Lemon Grass Oil, and 25% Castor Oil sifying Wax, Light Liquid Paraffin, White Soft Paraffin, Surfactant. Sodium Metabisulphate, Propylene Glycol, Cresmer RH40 In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include hydrogenated, Triethanolamine, Vitamin E Acetate, Diso 55 at least two of the group consisting of Blend 52, Lemon Grass dium EDTA, and Blend 7. Oil, and Castor Oil Surfactant. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Citronella Oil, Carbopol 940, Butylated hyrdroxy toluene, Blend 52, Lemon Grass Oil, and Castor Oil Surfactant. Water, Emulsifying Wax, Light Liquid Paraffin, White Soft In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include Paraffin, Sodium Metabisulphate, Propylene Glycol, Cres 60 between 35 and 65% Blend 52, between 15 and 35% Lemon mer RH40 hydrogenated, Triethanolamine, Vitamin E Grass Oil, and between 15 and 35% Castor Oil Surfactant. Acetate, Disodium EDTA, and Blend 7. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include between 45 and 55% Blend 52, between 22 and 28% Lemon between 0.1 and 0.4% Citronella Oil, between 0.1 and 0.4% Grass Oil, and between 22 and 28% Castor Oil Surfactant. Carbopol 940, between 0.4 and 0.2% Butylated hyrdroxy 65 In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include toluene, between 40 and 75% Water, between 6 and 25% 50% Blend 52, 25% Lemon Grass Oil, and 25% Castor Oil Emulsifying Wax, between 2 and 8% Light Liquid Paraffin, Surfactant. US 8,734,869 B2 79 80 In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include at least two of the group consisting of Blend7, Sodium Lauryl between 8 and 12% Blend 7, between 0.8 and 1.2% Sodium Sulfate, and Water. Lauryl Sulfate, and between 80 and 98% Water. In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include I bodi he blend of d includ Blend 7, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, and Water. 5 . SOC 1ments, the blend O comply SCa10CC In some embodiments, the blend of compounds can include 10% Blend 7, 1% Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, 89% Water. between 2 and 20% Blend 7, between 0.2 and 2% Sodium The composition of exemplary synergistic blends is listed Lauryl Sulfate, and between 70 and 99% Water. in the following table: TABLE 1

BLENDS OF COMPOUNDS Compounds CAS Registry Number Vol/Vol Wt? Wt Blend 1 LFO (LFO), (IFF) 4.0% 4% (B-5000) D-Limonene S989-27-5 83.0% 82% (Millennium) Thyme Oil White 8OO7-46-3 3.0% 3% (Ungerer) Blend 61 10.0% 10% Blend 2 Tetrahydrolinalool 78-69-3 O.80% O.78% FCC sopropyl Myristate 110-27-0 O.80% O.80% Piperonal (aldehyde) 120-57-O O.80% O.80% Triethyl Citrate 77-93-0 O.60% O.80% Linalool Coeur 78-70-6 O.S.6% 0.57% Geraniol 60 106-24-1 O.40% O.41% Vanillin 121-33-5 O.04% O.05% D-Limonene S989-27-5 83.0% 85.5% (Millennium) Blend 61 10.0% 10.0% Thyme Oil White 8OO7-46-3 3.0% 3.3% (Ungerer) Blend 3 Sopropyl myristate 10-27-0 24.0% 23.5% Tetrahydrolinalool 78-69-3 20.0% 19.0% FCC Linalool Coeur 78-70-6 16.0% 15.9% Geranio Fine FCC 06-24-1 10.4% 10.5% Piperonal (aldehyde) 20-57-O 8.0% 7.8% Vanillin 21-33-5 1.6% 1.8% Black Seed Oil (BSO) 8014-13-9 20.0% 21.5% Blend 4 Sopropyl myristate 10-27-0 10.8% 9.6% Tetrahydrolinalool 78-69-3 9.0% 7.8% FCC Linalool Synthetic 78-70-6 7.2% 6.5% Geranio Fine FCC 06-24-1 4.7% 4.3% Piperonal (aldehyde) 20-57-O 3.6% 3.2% Vanillin 21-33-5 O.7% O.8% BSO 8O14-13-9 27.0% 26.3% Methyl Salicylate 98%. 119-36-8 27.0% 33.0% Nat D-Limonene S989-27-5 10.0% 8.8% (Millennium) Blend 5 Thyme Oil White 8OO7-46-3 22.0% 20.6% (Ungerer) Wintergreen Oil 68-917-75-9 38.0% 45.0% Isopropyl Myristate 110-27-0 39.0% 33.4% Vanillin 121-33-5 1.0% 1.1% Blend 6 D-Limonene S989-27-5 62.5% 56.3% (Millennium) Thyme Oil White 8OO7-46-3 12.5% 12.4% (Ungerer) Wintergreen Oil 68-917-75-9 25.0% 31.3% Blend 7 LFO (IFF) 12.0% 12.94% D-Limonene S989-27-5 9.0% 8.72% (Millennium) Thyme Oil White 8OO7-46-3 9.0% 9.58% (Ungerer) Blend 61 70.0% 68.76% Blend 8 Tetrahydrolinalool 78-69-3 2.40% 2.29% FCC Isopropyl Myristate 110-27-0 2.40% 2.35% Piperonal (aldehyde) 120-57-O 2.40% 2.35% Triethyl Citrate 77-93-0 1.80% 2.35% Linaloo Coeur 78-70-6 1.68% 1.66% Geraniol 60 106-24-1 1.20% 1.21% US 8,734,869 B2 81 82 TABLE 1-continued

BLENDS OF COMPOUNDS Compounds CAS Registry Number Vol/Vol Wt? Wt Vanillin 121-33-5 O.12% O.15% Blend 61 70.0% 69.4% D-Limonene S989-27-5 10.0% 9.70% (Millennium) Thyme Oil White 8OO7-46-3 8.0% 8.54% (Ungerer) Blend 9 LFO (IFF) 80.0% 80.09% BSO 8O14-13-9 20.0% 19.91% Blend 10 LFO (IFF) SO.0% SO.13% BSO 8O14-13-9 SO.0% 49.87% Blend 11 Thyme Oil White 8OO7-46-3 S.0% 4.60% Wintergreen Oil 68-917-75-9 SO.0% 57.80% Isopropyl Myristate 110-27-0 45.0% 37.60% Blend 12 d-Limonene S989-27-5 35.0% 28.24% Thyme Oil White 8OO7-46-3 S.0% 4.44% Wintergreen Oil 68-917-75-9 60.0% 67.33% Blend 13 d-Limonene S989-27-5 O.0% 9.90% (B-5011; CL4) Linalool Coeur 78-70-6 4.0% 14.14% Geraniol 60 06-24-1 O.0% 10.30% Tetrahydrolinalool 78-69-3 25.0% 24.29% sopropyl Myristate 10-27-0 29.0% 28.92% Piperonal 20-57-O O.0% 9.97% Vanillin 21-33-5 2.0% 2.48% Blend 14 Methyl Salicylate 98%. 119-36-8 9.0% 11.73% Nat Linalool Coeur 78-70-6 O.0% 9.49% Geraniol Fine 06-24-1 6.5% 6.29% Tetrahydrolinalool 78-69-3 2.5% 11.40% sopropyl Myristate 10-27-0 S.0% 14.04% Piperonal (aldehyde) 20-57-O S.0% 4.68% Vanillin 21-33-5 1.0% 1.16% BSO 8O14-13-9 31.0% 31.92% d-Limonene S989-27-5 O.0% 9.30% Blend 15 Sopropyl myristate 10-27-0 S.0% 14.54% Tetrahydrolinalool 78-69-3 2.5% 11.81% FCC Linalool Coeur 78-70-6 O.0% 9.82% Geranio Fine FCC 06-24-1 6.5% 6.51% Piperonal (aldehyde) 20-57-O S.0% 4.85% Vanillin 21-33-5 1.0% 1.20% Mineral Oil 8042-47-5 S.0% 14.97% BSO 8O14-13-9 25.0% 26.66% d-Limonene S989-27-5 O.0% 9.63% Blend 16 Sopropyl myristate 10-27-0 S.0% 14.26% Tetrahydrolinalool 78-69-3 2.5% 11.57% FCC Linalool Synthetic 78-70-6 O.0% 9.63% Geranio Fine FCC 06-24-1 6.5% 6.38% Piperonal (aldehyde) 20-57-O S.0% 4.75% Vanillin 21-33-5 1.0% 1.12% BSO 8O14-13-9 SO.0% 52.28% Blend 17 Thyme Oil White 10-27-0 39.0% 38.21% Wintergreen Oil 78-69-3 20.0% 24.79% Vanillin 21-33-5 1.0% 1.11% sopropyl Myristate 8O14-13-9 40.0% 35.89% Blend 18 Thyme Oil White 10-27-0 40.0% 39.24% Wintergreen Oil 78-69-3 20.0% 24.82% sopropyl Myristate 8O14-13-9 40.0% 35.94% Blend 19 Linalool Coeur 78-70-6 S.0% 4.7% (B-7000) Thymol (crystal) 89-83-8 39.0% 40.8% Alpha-Pinene, 98% 8O-56-8 2.0% 1.9% Para-Cymene 99-87-6 37.0% 34.5% trans-Anethole 418O-23-8 17.0% 18.2% Blend 20 Thyme Oil White 8OO7-46-3 22% (Ungerer) Methyl Salicylate Nat 68917-75-9 38% Wintergreen extract Isopropyl Myristate 110-27-0 39% Vanillin 121-33-5 1.0% Blend 21 D-Limonene S989-27-5 62.5% (Millennium) Thyme Oil White 8OO7-46-3 12.5% (Ungerer) Methyl Salicylate Nat 68917-75-9 25.0% Wintergreen extract US 8,734,869 B2 83 84 TABLE 1-continued

BLENDS OF COMPOUNDS Compounds CAS Registry Number Vol/Vol Wt? Wt Blend 22 Methyl Salicylate 119-36-8 39% Thymol (crystal) 89-83-8 20% Geraniol 60 106-24-1 20% Isopropyl Myristate 110-27-0 20% Vanillin 121-33-5 196 Blend 23 LFO S989-27-5 42.6% D-Limonene S989-27-5 27.35% (Millennium) Thyme Oil White 8OO7-46-3 30.08% (Ungerer) Blend 24 D-Limonene S989-27-5 82.52% (B-5001) Thyme Oil White 8OO7-46-3 3.28% Linaloo Coeur 78-70-6 0.57% Tetrahydrolinalool 78-69-3 O.78% Vanillin 121-33-5 O.05% Isopropyl myristate 110-27-0 O.80% Piperonal (aldehyde) 120-57-O O.80% Blend 62 9.99% Geraniol 60 106-24-1 O.41% Triethyl Citrate 77-93-0 O.80% Blend 25 Thyme Oil White 8OO7-46-3 12.38% Wintergreen Oil 31.32% (Technical grade) D-Limonene S989-27-5 56.30% Blend 26 Fenchol Alpha 512-13-0 O.01% Nonanal 124-19-6 O.02% Tocopherol Gamma 54-28-4 O.02% Tenox Octanal 124-13-0 O.04% Terpinene 4 OL S62-74-3 O.08% Camphor Dextro 464-49-3 O.09% Dodecanal 112-54-9 O.10% Decanal 112-31-2 O.12% GeranylAcetate 105-87-3 O.12% 2-Methyl 1,3- 30640-46-1, O.26% cyclohexadiene 1888-90-0 Isoborneol 124-76-5 O.28% Camphene 79-92-5 O.37% Myrcene 123-35-3 O.78% Linaloo Coeur 78-70-6 O.84% Borneol L 507-70-0 O.89% Para-Cymene 99-87-6 1.11% Alpha-Pinene, 98% 8O-56-8 1.33% Linallyl Acetate 115-95-7 1.79% Beta Pinene 127-91-3 1.93% Alpha Terpinene 99-86-5 1.93% Terpinolene 586-62-9 4.33% alpha-Terpineol 98-55-S 4.68% Citral S392-40-5 7.02% gamma-terpinene 99-85-4 7.23% Thyme Oil White 8OO7-46-3 9.58% LFO 12.94% D-Limonene S989-27-5 42.12% Blend 27 Wintergreen Oil 24.82% (Technical grade) Sopropyl myristate 10-27-0 35.94% Thyme Oil White 8OO7-46-3 39.24% Blend 28 Vanillin 21-33-5 O.2% Piperonyl Alcohol 495-76-1 1.4% Linalool Coeur 78-70-6 2.9% Sopropyl myristate 10-27-0 3.4% Tetrahydrolinalool 78-69-3 3.5% Piperonal (aldehyde) 20-57-O 3.6% D-Limonene S989-27-5 14.8% Blend 62 70.2% Blend 29 Vanillin 21-33-5 O.2% Piperonyl Alcohol 495-76-1 1.4% Linalool Coeur 78-70-6 2.9% Sopropyl myristate 10-27-0 3.4% Tetrahydrolinalool 78-69-3 3.5% Piperonal (aldehyde) 20-57-O 3.6% Blend 62 15.2% D-Limonene S989-27-5 69.8% Blend 30 Vanillin 21-33-5 O.4% Piperonyl Alcohol 495-76-1 2.9% Linalool Coeur 78-70-6 5.7% US 8,734,869 B2 85 86 TABLE 1-continued

BLENDS OF COMPOUNDS Compounds CAS Registry Number Vol/Vol Wt? Wt Sopropyl myristate 110-27-0 6.8% Tetrahydrolinalool 78-69-3 6.9% Piperonal (aldehyde) 120-57-O 7.1% Blend 62 70.2% Blend 31 D-Limonene S989-27-5 27.35% Thyme Oil White 8OO7-46-3 30.08% LFO3 42.57% Blend 32 Vanillin 121-33-5 O.S9/o Geraniol 60 106-24-1 4.2% Linalool Coeur 78-70-6 5.7% Tetrahydrolinalool 78-69-3 7.9% Sopropyl myristate 110-27-0 8.1% Piperonal (aldehyde) 120-57-O 8.1% Triethyl Citrate 77-93-0 8.1% D-Limonene S989-27-5 27.4% Thyme Oil White 8OO7-46-3 30.1% Blend 33 D-Limonene S989-27-5 27.35% (B-5021A: HL1) Thyme Oil White 8OO7-46-3 30.08% LFO 42.6% Blend 34 Stock 10% SLS 3.18% Solution D-Limonene S989-27-5 4.03% Thyme Oil White 8OO7-46-3 4.43% LFO3 6.27% Benzyl Alcohol 1OO-51-6 16.61% Sopar M 64742-47-8 20.95% Water 7732-18-5 44.53% Blend 35 Vanillin 121-33-5 O.07% Geraniol 60 106-24-1 O.62% Linalool Coeur 78-70-6 O.84% Tetrahydrolinalool 78-69-3 1.16% Sopropyl myristate 110-27-0 1.19% Piperonal (aldehyde) 120-57-0 1.19% Triethyl Citrate 77-93-0 1.19% Stock 10% SLS 3.18% Solution D-Limonene S989-27-5 4.03% Thyme Oil White 8OO7-46-3 4.43% Benzyl Alcohol 1OO-51-6 16.61% sopar M 64742-47-8 20.95% Water 7732-18-5 44.53% Blend 36 D-Limonene S989-27-5 27.35% Thyme Oil White 8OO7-46-3 30.08% LFO3 42.57% Blend 37 Vanillin 121-33-5 O.S.0% Geraniol 60 106-24-1 4.18% Linalool Coeur 78-70-6 5.739% Tetrahydrolinalool 78-69-3 7.88% Sopropyl myristate 110-27-0 8.08% Piperonal (aldehyde) 120-57-O 8.09% Triethyl Citrate 77-93-0 8.11% D-Limonene S989-27-5 27.35% Thyme Oil White 8OO7-46-3 30.08% Blend 38 Thyme Oil White 8OO7-46-3 3.3% LFO 4.4% Blend 62 10.0% D-Limonene S989-27-5 82.3% Blend 39 D-Limonene S989-27-5 8.72% Thyme Oil White 8OO7-46-3 9.58% LFO 12.94% Blend 62 68.76% Blend 40 Vanillin 121-33-5 O.1% Geraniol 60 106-24-1 1.2% Linalool Coeur 78-70-6 1.7% Tetrahydrolinalool 78-69-3 2.3% Piperonal (aldehyde) 120-57-O 2.4% Triethyl Citrate 77-93-0 2.4% Thyme Oil White 8OO7-46-3 8.6% D-Limonene S989-27-5 9.8% Blend 62 69.3% Blend 41 Thyme Oil White 8OO7-46-3 20.6% (B-5028) Sopropyl myristate 110-27-0 34.3% Wintergreen Oil 68917-75-9 45.1% Blend 42 Vanillin 121-33-5 1.9% Piperonal (aldehyde) 120-57-O 7.8% Geranio Fine FCC 106-24-1 10.5% US 8,734,869 B2 87 88 TABLE 1-continued

BLENDS OF COMPOUNDS Compounds CAS Registry Number Vol/Vol Wt? Wt Linalool Coeur 78-70-6 15.8% Tetrahydrolinalool 78-69-3 19.0% BSO 977O17-84-7 21.5% Sopropyl myristate 110-27-0 23.4% Blend 43 Alpha-Pinene, 98% 8O-56-8 3.78% Linalool Coeur 78-70-6 6.63% Soy Bean Oil 8O1 6-70-4 24.03% Para-Cymene 99-87-6 28.39% Thymol (crystal) 89-83-8 37.17% Blend 44 Alpha-Pinene, 98% 8O-56-8 4.97% Linalool Coeur 78-70-6 8.73% Para-Cymene 99-87-6 37.37% Thymol (crystal) 89-83-8 48.93% Blend 45 Vanillin 121-33-5 O.32% Piperonal (aldehyde) 120-57-O 1.29% Geranio Fine FCC 106-24-1 1.73% Linalool Coeur 78-70-6 2.61% Tetrahydrolinalool 78-69-3 3.13% Sopropyl myristate 110-27-0 3.86% D-Limonene S989-27-5 8.72% Thyme Oil White 8OO7-46-3 9.58% Blend 61 68.76% Blend 46 Thyme Oil White 8OO7-46-3 4.44% D-Limonene S989-27-5 28.24% Methyl Salicylate 67.32% Synth Blend 47 Thyme Oil White 8OO7-46-3 20.6% Sopropyl myristate 110-27-0 34.3% Wintergreen Oil 45.1% (Technical grade) Blend 48 CIK Formula 22.44% Lemon Grass Oil 22.93% India Castor Oil 54.63% hydrogenated-PEO40 Blend 49 BSO 4.83% Thyme Oil White 11.18% LFO 16.18% D-Limonene S989-27-5 67.81% Blend 50 BSO 977O17-84-7 5.31% Thyme Oil White 8OO7-46-3 11.59% LFO 16.01% D-Limonene S989-27-5 67.09% Blend 51 Vanillin 121-33-5 O.15% Geraniol 60 106-24-1 1.23% Linalool Coeur 78-70-6 1.68% Tetrahydrolinalool 78-69-3 2.31% Sopropyl myristate 110-27-0 2.37% Piperonal (aldehyde) 120-57-O 2.37% Triethyl Citrate 77-93-0 2.38% D-Limonene S989-27-5 8.83% Thyme Oil White 8OO7-46-3 9.71% sopar M 64742-47-8 13.80% Blend 61 55.17% Blend 52 Vanillin 121-33-5 O.15% Geraniol 60 106-24-1 1.21% Linalool Coeur 78-70-6 1.66% Tetrahydrolinalool 78-69-3 2.28% Sopropyl myristate 110-27-0 2.34% Piperonal (aldehyde) 120-57-O 2.34% Triethyl Citrate 77-93-0 2.35% D-Limonene S989-27-5 8.72% Thyme Oil White 8OO7-46-3 9.59% Blend 61 69.35% Blend 53 Thyme Oil White 5.37% Blend 61 9.98% 16.31% D-Limonene S989-27-5 68.34% Blend 54 Alpha-Pinene, 98% 8O-56-8 3.8% (B-7001: Armor Linalool Coeur 78-70-6 6.6% Blend) Soy Bean Oil 8O1 6-70-4 24.0% Para-Cymene 99-87-6 28.39% Thymol (crystal) 89-83-8 37.2% Blend 55 Para-Cymene 99-87-6 1.90% Alpha-Pinene, 98% 8O-56-8 4.70% US 8,734,869 B2 89 90 TABLE 1-continued

BLENDS OF COMPOUNDS Compounds CAS Registry Number Vol/Vol Wt? Wt Trans-Anethole 418O-23-8 18.20% Thymol (crystal) 89-83-8 34.40% Linalool Coeur 78-70-6 40.80% Blend 56 Alpha-Pinene, 98% 8O-56-8 9.46% Linalool Coeur 78-70-6 9.49% Para-Cymene 99-87-6 33.18% Thymol (crystal) 89-83-8 47.87% Blend 57 Vanillin 21-33-5 2.47% Piperonal (aldehyde) 20-57-O 9.95% Geranio Fine FCC 06-24-1 13.36% Linalool Coeur 78-70-6 20.15% Tetrahydrolinalool 78-69-3 24.23% Sopropyl myristate 10-27-0 29.84% Blend 58 Vanillin 21-33-5 1.17% Hercolyn D 8050-15-S 4.44% Hedione 24851-98-7 6.67% Piperonal (aldehyde) 20-57-O 7.55% Dipropylene glycol 246-770-3 9.09% (DPG) Triethyl Citrate 77-93-0 10.10% Sopropyl myristate 10-27-0 15.10% Ethyl Linalool O339-55-6 22.91% Tetrahydrolinalool 78-69-3 22.98% Blend 59 Vanillin 21-33-5 1.2% Geraniol 60 06-24-1 9.8% Linalool Coeur 78-70-6 13.5% Tetrahydrolinalool 78-69-3 18.5% Sopropyl myristate 10-27-0 19.0% Piperonal (aldehyde) 20-57-O 19.0% Triethyl Citrate 77-93-0 19.1% Blend 60 Vanillin 21-33-5 1.2% Piperonyl Alcohol 495-76-1 9.6% Linalool Coeur 78-70-6 19.2% Sopropyl myristate 10-27-0 22.9% Tetrahydrolinalool 78-69-3 23.2% Piperonal (aldehyde) 20-57-O 23.8% Blend 61 Fenchol Alpha 512-13-0 O.01% Nonanal 24-19-6 O.03% Tocopherol Gamma 54-28-4 O.03% Tenox Octanal 24-13-0 O.06% Terpinene 4 OL S62-74-3 O.11% Camphor Dextro 464-49-3 O.13% Dodecanal 12-54-9 O.14% Decanal 12-31-2 O.17% GeranylAcetate OS-87-3 O.18% 2-Methyl 1,3- 30640-46-1, O.38% cyclohexadiene 888-90-0 Isoborneol 24-76-5 O.41% Camphene 79-92-5 O.S4% Myrcene 23-35-3 1.14% Linaloo Coeur 78-70-6 1.22% Borneol L 507-70-0 1.30% Para-Cymene 99-87-6 1.61% Alpha-Pinene, 98% 8O-56-8 1.94% Linallyl Acetate 115-95-7 2.60% Beta Pinene 127-91-3 2.80% Alpha Terpinene 99-86-5 2.80% Terpinolene 586-62-9 6.30% alpha-Terpineol 98-55-S 6.80% Citral S392-40-5 10.21% gamma-terpinene 99-85-4 10.51% D-Limonene S989-27-5 48.58% Blend 62 Fenchol Alpha 512-13-0 O.01% Nonanal 124-19-6 O.04% Tocopherol Gamma 54-28-4 O.04% Tenox Octanal 124-13-0 O.07% Terpinene 4 OL S62-74-3 O.13% Camphor Dextro 464-49-3 O.16% Dodecanal 112-54-9 O.17% Decanal 112-31-2 O.20% GeranylAcetate 105-87-3 O.22% 2-Methyl 1,3- 30640-46-1, O.46% cyclohexadiene 1888-90-0 Isoborneol 124-76-5 O.49% US 8,734,869 B2 91 92 TABLE 1-continued

BLENDS OF COMPOUNDS Compounds CAS Registry Number Vol/Vol Wt? Wt Camphene 79-92-5 O.65% Myrcene 123-35-3 1.37% Linalool Coeur 78-70-6 1.47% Borneol L 507-70-0 1.57% Para-Cymene 99-87-6 1.94% Alpha-Pinene, 98% 8O-56-8 2.34% Linallyl Acetate 115-95-7 3.13% Beta Pinene 127-91-3 3.37% Alpha Terpinene 99-86-5 3.37% Terpinolene 586-62-9 7.59% gamma-terpinene 99-85-4 12.66% D-Limonene S989-27-5 58.54% Blend 63 Alpha Terpinene 99-86-5 4.88% Alpha-Pinene, 98% 8O-56-8 S.O1% Beta Pinene 127-91-3 S.O2% Linallyl Acetate 115-95-7 5.30% Camphene 79-92-5 5.84% Myrcene 123-35-3 9.26% Para-Cymene 99-87-6 10.04% Linalool Coeur 78-70-6 10.05% Terpinolene 586-62-9 10.10% D-Limonene S989-27-5 34.50% Blend 64 Stock 10% SLS 10% Solution Blend 41 90% Blend 65 Lecithin 8OO2-43-5 O.20% Polyglycerol-4-oleate 90.07-48-1 O.90% Water 7732-18-5 9.8% Blend 41 89.1% Blend 66 Xanthan Gum 11138-66-2 O.28% Potassium Sorbate 590-00-1 or 1.00% 24634-61-5 Blend 65 16.90% Water 7732-18-5 81.82% Blend 67 Lecithin 8OO2-43-5 O.O.34% Potassium Sorbate 590-00-1 or O.11% 24634-61-5 Polyglycerol-4-oleate 90.07-48-1 O.15% Xanthan Gum 11138-66-2 O.28% Blend 41 15% Water 7732-18-5 84.4% Blend 68 Lecithin 8OO2-43-5 O.03% Potassium Sorbate 590-00-1 or O.11% 24634-61-5 Polyglycerol-4-oleate 90.07-48-1 O.15% Xanthan Gum 11138-66-2 O.28% Thyme Oil White 8OO7-46-3 3.09% Sopropyl myristate 110-27-0 S.15% Wintergreen Oil 68917-75-9 6.77% Water 7732-18-5 84.41% Blend 69 Lecithin 8OO2-43-5 O.20% Polyglycerol-4-oleate 90.07-48-1 O.90% Water 7732-18-5 9.8% Blend 18 89.10% Blend 70 Stock 2.5% Xanthan- 12.7% %. Ksorbate Blend 65 84.2% Water 7732-18-5 3.1% Blend 71 Potassium Sorbate 590-00-1 or O.13% 24634-61-5 Lecithin 8OO2-43-5 O.17% Xanthan Gum 11138-66-2 O.32% Polyglycerol-4-oleate 90.07-48-1 O.76% Thyme Oil White 8OO7-46-3 15.5% Water 7732-18-5 23.6% Sopropyl myristate 110-27-0 25.7% Wintergreen Oil 68917-75-9 33.8% Blend 72 Water 7732-18-5 9.2% Stock 2.5% Xanthan- 11.90% %. Ksorbate Blend 65 78.87% Blend 73 Potassium Sorbate 590-00-1 or O.13% 24634-61-5 Lecithin 8OO2-43-5 O.17% Xanthan Gum 11138-66-2 O.32% Polyglycerol-4-oleate 90.07-48-1 O.76% US 8,734,869 B2 93 94 TABLE 1-continued

BLENDS OF COMPOUNDS Compounds CAS Registry Number Vol/Vol Wt? Wt Water 7732-18-5 28.6% Blend 41 70% Blend 74 Water 7732-18-5 3.1% Stock 2.5% Xanthan- 12.7% %. Ksorbate Blend 69 84.2% Blend 75 Xanthan Gum 11138-66-2 O.28% Potassium Sorbate 590-00-1 or 196 24634-61-5 Blend 69 16.90% Water 7732-18-5 81.8% Blend 76 CIK Formula 2.50% Blend 77 Lecithin 8OO2-43-5 O.20% Polyglycerol-4-oleate 90.07-48-1 O.90% Water 7732-18-5 9.8% Blend 47 89.10% Blend 78 Xanthan Gum 11138-66-2 O.28% Potassium Sorbate 590-00-1 or 1.00% 24634-61-5 Blend 77 16.90% Water 7732-18-5 81.82% Blend 79 Vitamin E. Acetate 58-95-7) O.02% Propyl Paraben 94-13-3) O.05% Disodium EDTA 139-33-3 O.05% BHT 28-37-O O.10% Methyl Paraben 99-76-3) O.15% Triethanolamine 102-71-6) O.15% Citronella Oil O6-22-9 O.20% Carbopol 940 9003-01-4) O.20% Sodium 7681-57-4) O.25% Metabisulphate Propylene Glycol 57-55-6 2.00% Light Liquid Paraffin 8012-95-1 4.00% CIK Formula S.00% CreSmer RH4O 61791-12-6) S.00% hydrogenated castor oil White Soft Paraffin 8009-03-8) 9.00% Emulsifying Wax 67762-27-0, 14.00% 90OS-67-8 Water 7732-18-5 59.83% Blend 80 Span 80 O.05% Sodium Benzoate O.20% Sopropyl alcohol 67-63-0 1.50% Blend 6 12.50% A46 Propellen 14.50% Sopar M 64742-47-8 29% Water 7732-18-5 42.25% Blend 81 Sopropyl alcohol 67-63-0 3.0% Blend 36 6.0% A46 Propellen 40.0% Sopar M 64742-47-8 51.0% Blend 82 Sopropyl alcohol 67-63-0 3.0% Blend 36 6.0% A46 Propellen 40.0% Sopar M 64742-47-8 51.0% Blend 83 HL1 6.0% A46 Propellen 40.0% Sopar M 64742-47-8 54.0% Bifenthrin 83657-04-3 O.05% Blend 84 Lecithin 8OO2-43-5 O.03% Potassium Sorbate 590-00-1 or O.11% 24634-61-5 Polyglycerol-4-oleate 90.07-48-1 O.15% Xanthan Gum 11138-66-2 O.28% Thyme Oil White 8OO7-46-3 2.06% Sopropyl myristate 110-27-0 3.43% Wintergreen Oil 68917-75-9 4.51% Water 7732-18-5 89.42% Blend 85 Lecithin 8OO2-43-5 O.03% Potassium Sorbate 590-00-1 or O.11% 24634-61-5 Polyglycerol-4-oleate 90.07-48-1 O.15% Xanthan Gum 11138-66-2 O.28% Thyme Oil White 8OO7-46-3 1.03% Sopropyl myristate 110-27-0 1.72% US 8,734,869 B2 95 96 TABLE 1-continued

BLENDS OF COMPOUNDS Compounds CAS Registry Number Vol/Vol Wt? Wt Wintergreen Oil 68917-75-9 2.26% Water 7732-18-5 94.43% Blend 86 Lecithin, Soya. 8O3O-76-0 O.20% Polyglycerol-4-oleate 90.07-48-1 O.90% Water 7732-18-5 9.80% Blend 18 89.10% Blend 87 Lecithin, Soya. 8O3O-76-0 O.20% Polyglycerol-4-oleate 90.07-48-1 O.90% Water 7732-18-5 9.80% Wintergreen Oil 22.1% (Technical grade) Sopropyl myristate 110-27-0 32.0% Thyme Oil White 8OO7-46-3 35.0% Blend 88 Lecithin, Soya. 8O3O-76-0 O.10% Polyglycerol-4-oleate 90.07-48-1 O.90% Water 7732-18-5 9.90% Blend 5 89.1% Blend 89 Lecithin, Soya. 8O3O-76-0 O.10% Polyglycerol-4-oleate 90.07-48-1 O.90% Water 7732-18-5 9.90% Sopropyl myristate 110-27-0 29.76% Thyme Oil White 8OO7-46-3 18.27% Wintergreen Oil 68917-75-9 40.10% Vanillin 121-33-5 O.98% Blend 90 Polyglycerol-4-oleate 90.07-48-1 1.90% Water 7732-18-5 9.00% Blend 18 89.10% Blend 91 Polyglycerol-4-oleate 90.07-48-1 1.90% Water 7732-18-5 9.00% Wintergreen Oil 22.1% (Technical grade) Sopropyl myristate 110-27-0 32.0% Thyme Oil White 8OO7-46-3 35.0% Blend 92 Potassium Sorbate 590-00-1 or O.11% 24634-61-5 Xanthan Gum 11138-66-2 0.2759% Polyglycerol-4-oleate 90.07-48-1 1.90% Blend 88 11.30% Water 7732-18-5 86.410% Blend 93 Lecithin, Soya. 8O3O-76-0 O.O11% Potassium Sorbate 590-00-1 or O.11% 24634-61-5 Xanthan Gum 11138-66-2 0.2759% Thyme Oil White 8OO7-46-3 1.25% Polyglycerol-4-oleate 90.07-48-1 2.002% Wintergreen Oil 3.15% (Technical grade) D-Limonene S989-27-5 5.67% Water 7732-18-5 87.529% Blend 94 Potassium Sorbate 590-00-1 or O.11% 24634-61-5 Xanthan Gum 11138-66-2 0.2759% Blend 86 11.30% Water 7732-18-5 88.31.5% Blend 95 Lecithin, Soya. 8O3O-76-0 O.O23% Polyglycerol-4-oleate 90.07-48-1 O.1.02% Potassium Sorbate 590-00-1 or O.11% 24634-61-5 Xanthan Gum 11138-66-2 0.2759% Wintergreen Oil 2.50% (Technical grade) Isopropyl myristate 110-27-0 3.62% Thyme Oil White 8OO7-46-3 3.95% Water 7732-18-5 89.422% Blend 96 Potassium Sorbate 24634-61-5 O.11% Xanthan Gum 11138-66-2 0.2759% Blend 90 11.30% Water 7732-18-5 88.31.5% Blend 97 Potassium Sorbate 24634-61-5 O.11% Polyglycerol-4-oleate 90.07-48-1 O.21% Xanthan Gum 11138-66-2 0.2759% Wintergreen Oil 68917-75-9 2.50% Isopropyl myristate 110-27-0 3.62% Thyme Oil White 8OO7-46-3 3.95% Water 7732-18-5 89.332% US 8,734,869 B2 97 98 TABLE 1-continued

BLENDS OF COMPOUNDS Compounds CAS Registry Number Vol/Vol Wt? Wt Blend 98 Potassium Sorbate 24634-61-5 1.00% Xanthan Gum 11138-66-2 2.S.00% Water 7732-18-5 96.S.00% Blend 99 Sodium Benzoate 296 Water 7732-18-5 98% Blend 100 Span 80 1.20% Tween 8O 1.65% Blend 6 2.84% Blend 99 11.36% Isopar M 64742-47-8 14.20% Water 7732-18-5 68.75% Blend 101 Span 80 1.20% Tween 8O 1.65% Isopar M 64742-47-8 14.20% Water 7732-18-5 79.88% Sodium Benzoate O.23% Wintergreen Oil 68917-75-9 O.89% Thyme Oil White 8OO7-46-3 O.35% D-Limonene S989-27-5 1.60% Blend 102 Propellent A70 22% Blend 100 78% Blend 103 Propellent A70 22.0% Span 80 O.94% Tween 8O 1.29% Isopar M 64742-47-8 11.08% Water 7732-18-5 62.31% Sodium Benzoate O.18% Wintergreen Oil 68917-75-9 O.69% Thyme Oil White 8OO7-46-3 O.27% D-Limonene S989-27-5 1.25% Blend 104 Potassium Sorbate 590-00-1 or 196 24634-61-5 Xanthan Gum 11138-66-2 2.50% Water 7732-18-5 96.50% Blend 105 Sodium Lauryl Sulfate 151-21-3 10% Water 7732-18-5 90.00% Blend 106 Water 7732-18-5 83.5% Potassium Sorbate 590-00-1 or 1.0% 24634-61-5 Xanthan Gum 11138-66-2 O.28% Polyglycerol-4-oleate 90.07-48-1 O.15% Lecithin 8OO2-43-5 O.O.34% Blend 41 15.1% Blend 107 Water 7732-18-5 33.40% 5% B-SO28 RTU in 66.60% BLF Blend 108 Stock 10% SLS 3.18% Solution D-Limonene S989-27-5 4.03% Thyme Oil White 8OO7-46-3 4.43% LFO3 6.27% Benzyl Alcohol 1OO-51-6 16.61% Sopar M 64742-47-8 20.95% Water 7732-18-5 44.53% Blend 109 Bifenthrin 83657-04-3 O.05% Stock 10% SLS 3.178% Solution D-Limonene S989-27-5 4.028% Thyme Oil White 8OO7-46-3 4.428% LFO3 6.26.7% Benzyl Alcohol 1OO-51-6 16.60% Sopar M 64742-47-8 20.94% Water 7732-18-5 44.51% Blend 110 Bifenthrin 83657-04-3 O.05% Span 80 O.S.0% Sopar M 64742-47-8 15% Water 7732-18-5 74.45% Thyme Oil White 8OO7-46-3 2.06% Wintergreen Oil 68917-75-9 4.51% Sopropyl myristate 110-27-0 3.43% Blend 111 Sodium Lauryl Sulfate 151-21-3 O.02% Water 7732-18-5 97.98% Thyme Oil White 8OO7-46-3 O.41% Wintergreen Oil 68917-75-9 O.90% Isopropyl myristate 110-27-0 O.69% US 8,734,869 B2 99 100 TABLE 1-continued

BLENDS OF COMPOUNDS Compounds CAS Registry Number Vol/Vol Wt? Wt Blend 112 AgSorb 95.00% Thyme Oil White 8OO7-46-3 1.03% Wintergreen Oil 68917-75-9 2.26% Isopropyl myristate 10-27-0 1.71% Blend 113 DG Light 95.0% Thyme Oil White 8OO7-46-3 1.03% Wintergreen Oil 68917-75-9 2.26% Isopropyl myristate 10-27-0 1.71% Blend 114 Sodium Lauryl Sulfate 151-21-3 O.02% Thyme Oil White 8OO7-46-3 O.41% Isopropyl myristate 10-27-0 O.69% Wintergreen Oil 68917-75-9 O.90% Water 7732-18-5 97.98% Blend 115 Vanillin 21-33-5 O.02% Geraniol 60 06-24-1 O.12% Linalool Coeur 78-70-6 O.17% Tetrahydrolinalool 78-69-3 O.23% Sopropyl myristate 10-27-0 O.24% Piperonal (aldehyde) 20-57-O O.24% Triethyl Citrate 77-93-0 O.24% Thyme Oil White 8OO7-46-3 O.98% Blend 62 3.00% Stock 10% SLS 3% Solution D-Limonene S989-27-5 24.76% Water 7732-18-5 67% Blend 116 Xanthan Gum 11138-66-2 O.28% Potassium Sorbate 590-00-1 or 196 24634-61-5 Blend 65 16.90% Thyme Oil White 8OO7-46-3 20.6% Sopropyl myristate 110-27-0 34.3% Wintergreen Oil 68917-75-9 45.1% Water 7732-18-5 81.82% Blend 117 Blend 41 59 Miracle Gro (Sterile) 95% Blend 118 Bifenthrin 83657-04-3 O.05% Span 80 O.S.0% Thyme Oil White 8OO7-46-3 O.S1% Sopropyl myristate 110-27-0 O.86% Wintergreen Oi 68917-75-9 1.13% sopar M 64742-47-8 15% Water 7732-18-5 81.95% Blend 119 Thyme Oil White 8OO7-46-3 20.6% Methyl Salicylate 119-36-8 45.1% Sopropyl myristate 110-27-0 34.3% Blend 120 Sopropyl myristate 110-27-0 34.3% Wintergreen Oi 68917-75-9 45.1% Thyme Oil White with 8007-46-3 20.6% % Thyme Oil Red Blend 121 Thyme Oil Red 8OO7-46-3 20.6% Wintergreen Oi 68917-75-9 45.1% Isopropyl myristate 110-27-0 34.3% Blend 122 Isopropyl myristate 110-27-0 34.3% Wintergreen Oi 68917-75-9 45.1% (Technical Grade) Thyme Oil White 8OO7-46-3 20.6% containing 1% Thyme Oil Red Blend 123 Thyme Oil White 8OO7-46-3 20.6% Wintergreen Oi 68917-75-9 45.1% Isopropyl myristate 110-27-0 34.2% Vanillin 121-33-5 O.1% Blend 124 Thyme Oil Red 8OO7-46-3 20.6% Wintergreen Oi 68917-75-9 45.1% Isopropyl myristate 110-27-0 34.2% Vanillin 121-33-5 O.1% Blend 125 Thyme Oil White 8OO7-46-3 4.1.86% Isopropyl myristate 110-27-0 38.34% Geraniol Fine, FCC 106-24-1 19.80% Blend 126 Thyme Oil White 8OO7-46-3 21.30% Isopropyl myristate 110-27-0 58.54% Geraniol Fine, FCC 106-24-1 20.16% Blend 127 Thyme Oil White 8OO7-46-3 31.57% Isopropyl myristate 110-27-0 38.56% Geraniol Fine, FCC 106-24-1 29.87% US 8,734,869 B2 101 102 TABLE 1-continued

BLENDS OF COMPOUNDS Compounds CAS Registry Number Vol/Vol Wt? Wt Blend 128 Thyme Oil White 8OO7-46-3 36.85% Isopropyl myristate 110-27-0 48.21% Geraniol Fine, FCC 106-24-1 14.94% Blend 129 Thyme Oil White 8OO7-46-3 36.85% containing 1% Thyme Oil Red Sopropyl myristate 110-27-0 48.21% Geraniol Fine, FCC 106-24-1 14.94% Blend 130 Potassium Sorbate 24634-61-5 O.11% Polyglycerol-4-oleate 90.07-48-1 O.15% Xanthan Gum 11138-66-2 O.30% Lecithin 8OO2-43-5 O.03% Water 7732-18-5 84.4% Blend 41 15.01% Blend 131 Thyme Oil White 8OO7-46-3 3.09% Wintergreen Oil 68917-75-9 6.77% Sopropyl myristate 110-27-0 S.15% Potassium Sorbate 24634-61-5 O.11% Polyglycerol-4-oleate 90.07-48-1 O.15% Xanthan Gum 11138-66-2 O.28% Lecithin 8OO2-43-5 O.03% Water 7732-18-5 84.41% Blend 132 Potassium Sorbate 24634-61-5 O.11% Polyglycerol-4-oleate 90.07-48-1 O.15% Xanthan Gum 11138-66-2 O.28% Lecithin 8OO2-43-5 O.O.34% Water 7732-18-5 84.4% Blend 120 15.01% Blend 133 Potassium Sorbate 24634-61-5 O.12% Polyglycerol-4-oleate 90.07-48-1 O.16% Xanthan Gum 11138-66-2 O.29% Lecithin 8OO2-43-5 O.O.36% Water 7732-18-5 89.4% Blend 120 10% Blend 134 (Blend if unassigned) Blend 135 Potassium Sorbate 24634-61-5 O.11% Polyglycerol-4-oleate 90.07-48-1 O.15% Xanthan Gum 11138-66-2 O.30% Lecithin 8OO2-43-5 O.03% Water 7732-18-5 84.4% Blend 124 15.01% Blend 136 Potassium Sorbate 24634-61-5 O.12% Polyglycerol-4-oleate 90.07-48-1 O.16% Xanthan Gum 11138-66-2 O.30% Lecithin 8OO2-43-5 O.O.36% Water 7732-18-5 89.4% Blend 124 10% Blend 137 Soy Bean Oil 8O1 6-70-4 20% Ethyl Alcohol SO% (denatured) Blend 10 30% Blend 138 Citronella Oil 106-22-9 O.20% Carbopol 940 9003-01-4) O.20% Butylated hydroxy 128-37-0 O.10% oluene Water 7732-18-5 59.83% Emulsifying Wax 67762-27-0, 14% 90OS-67-8 Light Liquid Paraffin 8012-95-1 4.00% White Soft Paraffin 8009-03-8 9% Sodium 7681-57-4 O.25% Metabisulphate Propylene Glycol 57-55-6 296 CreSmer RH4O 61791-12-6) 59 hydrogenated Triethanolamine 102-71-6) O.15% Blend 7 59 Disodium EDTA 139-33-3) O.05% Vitamin E. Acetate 58-95-7 O.02% Blend 139 Blend 49 SO% Lemon Grass Oil 8007-02-1 25% Castor Oil Surfactant 61791-12-6 25% Blend 140 Blend 51 SO% Lemon Grass Oil 8007-02-1 25% Castor Oil Surfactant 61791-12-6 25% US 8,734,869 B2 103 104 TABLE 1-continued

BLENDS OF COMPOUNDS Compounds CAS Registry Number Vol/Vol Wt? Wt Blend 141 Blend 52 SO% Lemon Grass Oil 8007-02-1 25% Castor Oil Surfactant 61791-12-6 25% Blend 142 Blend 7 10% Water 7732-18-5 89% Sodium Lauryl Sulfate 151-21-3 196

The present invention comprises compositions for control -continued ling insects and methods for using these compositions. The present invention comprises compositions for controlling 15 "Y" methylcitrate C-terpinene insects, which comprise one or more plant essential oils and 1,8-cineole methyldi-hydrolasmonate terpinene 900 methods for using these compositions. The plant essential p-cymene myrcene C-terpineol oils, when combined, can have a synergistic effect. The com- diethyl phthalate perillyl alcohol gamma-terpineol positions of the present invention can include any of the eugenol phenyl acetaldehyde 2-tert-butyl-p-quinone - - - - 2O geraniol phenylethyl alcohol C-thujone following oils listed below, or mixtures thereof: isopropyl citrate phenylethylpropionate thyme oil lemon grass oil C-pinene thymol lilac flower oil (LFO) B-pinene piperonal trans-anethole lime oil piperonyl Black seed oil (BSO) d-limonene piperonyl acetate 25 camphene linallyl anthranilate piperonyl alcohol carvacrol linalool piperonyl amine quinone The compositions of the present invention may also d-carvone lindenol Sabinene include any of the following oils listed below, or mixtures thereof:

Allyl sulfide B-elemene Menthyl salicylate Allyl trisulfide gamma-elemene Myrtenal Allyl-disulfide Elmo Neraldimethyl acetate Anethole Estragole Nerolidol Artemisia alcohol acetate 2-ethyl-2-hexen-1-ol Nonanone Benzyl acetate Eugenol acetate 1-octanol Benzyl alcohol C.-farnesene Eocimenone Bergamotene (Z.E)-C-farnesene Zocimenone B-bisabolene E-B-farnesene 3-octanone Bisabolene oxide Fenchone Ocimene C.-bisabolol Forskolin Octyl acetate Bisabolol oxide Furanodiene Furanoeudesma PD 98.059 Bisobolol oxide B 3-diene Peppermint oil Bornyl acetate Furanoeudesma-1,4-diene Permethrin B-bourbonene Furano germacra 1,10(15)- C-phellandrene C-cadinol diene-6-one B-phellandrene Camphene Furanosesquiterpene piperonal C-campholene Geraniol Prenal C-campholene aldehyde Geraniolacetate Propargite camphor Germacrene D Pulegone carbaryl Germacrene B Pyrethrum Caryophyllene oxide C-gurunene Sabinene ChamaZulene C-humulene Sabinyl acetate Chrysanthemate ester C-ionone C-Santalene Chrysanthemic acid 3-ionone Santalol Chrysanthemyl alcohol Isoborneo Sativen Cinnamaldehyde Isofluranogermacrene 8-selinene Cis-verbenol Iso-menthone B-sesquphelandrene Citral A Iso-pulegone Spathulenol Citral B Jasmone Tagetone Citronellal cis-asmone Tamoxifen Citronellol Lavandustin A Tebufenozide Citronellyl acetate Lilac flower oil C-terpinene Citronellyl formate Limonene 4-terpineol C-copaene Linalool C-terpinolene cornmint oil Linallyl acetate C-terpinyl acetate 3-costol Lindestrene tetrahydrofurfuryl alcohol. Cryptone Methyl-allyl-trisulfide C-thujene Curzerenone Menthol Thymyl methyl ether d-Carvone 2-methoxy furanodiene Trans-caryophylene I-Carvone menthone Trans-pinocarveol Davanone Menthyl acetate Trans-verbenol US 8,734,869 B2 106 -continued Diallyl tetrasulfide Menthyl salicylate Verbenone dihydropyrocurzerenone Methyl cinnamate Yomogi alcohol Zingiberene Dihydrotagentone

In those compositions including more than one oil, each oil Table 1 are combined, with the proviso that the ingredients do can make up between about 1% to about 99%, by weight, of not comprise benzyl alcohol or jasmone. Moreover, embodi the composition mixture. For example, one composition of ments are specifically contemplated in which any of the ingre the present invention comprises about 1% thymol and about dients listed in any one of Blends 1-142 of Table 1 are com 99% geraniol. Optionally, the compositions can additionally bined, with the proviso that the ingredients do not comprise comprise a fixed oil, which is a non-volatile non-scented plant benzyl alcohol or jasmone. oil. For example, the composition could include one or more 15 In addition, embodiments are specifically contemplated in of the following fixed oils listed below: which any of the ingredients of the above lists are combined, with the proviso that the ingredients do not comprise benzyl alcohol or tetrahydrofurfuryl alcohol. Furthermore, embodi castor oil mineral oil safflower oil ments are specifically contemplated in which any of the ingre corn oil olive oil sesame oil dients listed in Table 1 are combined, with the proviso that the cumin oil peanut oil soybean oil ingredients do not comprise benzyl alcohol or tetrahydrofur furyl alcohol. Moreover, embodiments are specifically con For example, one composition of the present invention templated in which any of the ingredients listed in any one of includes about 1% thymol, about 50% geraniol and about Blends 1-142 of Table 1 are combined, with the proviso that 49% mineral oil. Additionally, it is contemplated that these 25 the ingredients do not comprise benzyl alcohol or tetrahydro compositions may be made up of generally regarded as safe furfuryl alcohol. (GRAS) compounds, for example: thyme oil, geraniol, lemon In addition, embodiments are specifically contemplated in grass oil, lilac flower oil, black seed oil, lime oil, eugenol, which any of the ingredients of the above lists are combined, castor oil, mineral oil, and safflower oil. with the proviso that the ingredients do not comprise eugenol In addition, embodiments are specifically contemplated in 30 or pyrethrum. Furthermore, embodiments are specifically which any of the ingredients of the above lists are combined, contemplated in which any of the ingredients listed in Table 1 with the proviso that the ingredients do not comprise alpha are combined, with the proviso that the ingredients do not terpineol or pyrethrum. Furthermore, embodiments are spe comprise eugenol or pyrethrum. Moreover, embodiments are cifically contemplated in which any of the ingredients listed specifically contemplated in which any of the ingredients in Table 1 are combined, with the proviso that the ingredients 35 listed in any one of Blends 1-142 of Table 1 are combined, do not comprise alpha-terpineol or pyrethrum. Moreover, with the proviso that the ingredients do not comprise eugenol embodiments are specifically contemplated in which any of or pyrethrum. the ingredients listed in any one of Blends 1-142 of Table 1 are In addition, embodiments are specifically contemplated in combined, with the proviso that the ingredients do not com which any of the ingredients of the above lists are combined, prise alpha-terpineol or pyrethrum. 40 with the proviso that the ingredients do not comprise thyme In addition, embodiments are specifically contemplated in oil or pyrethrum. Furthermore, embodiments are specifically which any of the ingredients of the above lists are combined, contemplated in which any of the ingredients listed in Table 1 with the proviso that the ingredients do not comprise benzyl are combined, with the proviso that the ingredients do not alcohol or eugenol. Furthermore, embodiments are specifi comprise thyme oil or pyrethrum. Moreover, embodiments cally contemplated in which any of the ingredients listed in 45 are specifically contemplated in which any of the ingredients Table 1 are combined, with the proviso that the ingredients do listed in any one of Blends 1-142 of Table 1 are combined, not comprise benzyl alcohol or eugenol. Moreover, embodi with the proviso that the ingredients do not comprise thyme ments are specifically contemplated in which any of the ingre oil or pyrethrum. dients listed in any one of Blends 1-142 of Table 1 are com In addition, embodiments are specifically contemplated in bined, with the proviso that the ingredients do not comprise 50 which any of the ingredients of the above lists are combined, benzyl alcohol or eugenol. with the proviso that the ingredients do not comprise thymol In addition, embodiments are specifically contemplated in or carbaryl. Furthermore, embodiments are specifically con which any of the ingredients of the above lists are combined, templated in which any of the ingredients listed in Table 1 are with the proviso that the ingredients do not comprise benzyl combined, with the proviso that the ingredients do not com alcohol or cis-jasmone. Furthermore, embodiments are spe 55 prise thymolor carbaryl. Moreover, embodiments are specifi cifically contemplated in which any of the ingredients listed cally contemplated in which any of the ingredients listed in in Table 1 are combined, with the proviso that the ingredients any one of Blends 1-142 of Table 1 are combined, with the do not comprise benzyl alcohol or cis-jasmone. Moreover, proviso that the ingredients do not comprise thymol or car embodiments are specifically contemplated in which any of baryl. the ingredients listed in any one of Blends 1-142 of Table 1 are 60 In addition, embodiments are specifically contemplated in combined, with the proviso that the ingredients do not com which any of the ingredients of the above lists are combined, prise benzyl alcohol or cis-jasmone. with the proviso that the ingredients do not comprise thymol In addition, embodiments are specifically contemplated in or chrysanthemate ester. Furthermore, embodiments are spe which any of the ingredients of the above lists are combined, cifically contemplated in which any of the ingredients listed with the proviso that the ingredients do not comprise benzyl 65 in Table 1 are combined, with the proviso that the ingredients alcohol or jasmone. Furthermore, embodiments are specifi do not comprise thymol or chrysanthemate ester. Moreover, cally contemplated in which any of the ingredients listed in embodiments are specifically contemplated in which any of US 8,734,869 B2 107 108 the ingredients listed in any one of Blends 1-142 of Table 1 are listed in any one of Blends 1-142 of Table 1 are combined, combined, with the proviso that the ingredients do not com with the proviso that the ingredients do not comprise thymol prise thymolor chrysanthemate ester. or cis-jasmone. In addition, embodiments are specifically contemplated in In addition, embodiments are specifically contemplated in which any of the ingredients of the above lists are combined, which any of the ingredients of the above lists are combined, with the proviso that the ingredients do not comprise thymol with the proviso that the ingredients do not comprise thymol or chrysanthemyl alcohol or chrysanthemic acid. Further or deltamethrin. Furthermore, embodiments are specifically more, embodiments are specifically contemplated in which contemplated in which any of the ingredients listed in Table 1 any of the ingredients listed in Table 1 are combined, with the are combined, with the proviso that the ingredients do not 10 comprise thymol or deltamethrin. Moreover, embodiments proviso that the ingredients do not comprise thymolor chry are specifically contemplated in which any of the ingredients santhemyl alcohol or chrysanthemic acid. Moreover, embodi listed in any one of Blends 1-142 of Table 1 are combined, ments are specifically contemplated in which any of the ingre with the proviso that the ingredients do not comprise thymol dients listed in any one of Blends 1-142 of Table 1 are or deltamethrin. combined, with the proviso that the ingredients do not com 15 In addition, embodiments are specifically contemplated in prise thymol or chrysanthemyl alcohol or chrysanthemic which any of the ingredients of the above lists are combined, acid. with the proviso that the ingredients do not comprise thymol In addition, embodiments are specifically contemplated in or lavandustin A. Furthermore, embodiments are specifically which any of the ingredients of the above lists are combined, contemplated in which any of the ingredients listed in Table 1 with the proviso that the ingredients do not comprise thymol are combined, with the proviso that the ingredients do not or eugenol or trans-anethole, or alpha-terpineol, or citronel comprise thymol or lavandustin A. Moreover, embodiments lal, or propargite. Furthermore, embodiments are specifically are specifically contemplated in which any of the ingredients contemplated in which any of the ingredients listed in Table 1 listed in any one of Blends 1-142 of Table 1 are combined, are combined, with the proviso that the ingredients do not with the proviso that the ingredients do not comprise thymol comprise thymol or eugenol or trans-anethole, or alpha-ter 25 or lavandustin A. pineol, or citronellal, or propargite. Moreover, embodiments In addition, embodiments are specifically contemplated in are specifically contemplated in which any of the ingredients which any of the ingredients of the above lists are combined, listed in any one of Blends 1-142 of Table 1 are combined, with the proviso that the ingredients do not comprise thymol with the proviso that the ingredients do not comprise thymol or PD 98.059. Furthermore, embodiments are specifically or eugenol or trans-anethole, or alpha-terpineol, or citronel 30 contemplated in which any of the ingredients listed in Table 1 lal, or propargite. are combined, with the proviso that the ingredients do not In addition, embodiments are specifically contemplated in comprise thymolor PD 98059. Moreover, embodiments are which any of the ingredients of the above lists are combined, specifically contemplated in which any of the ingredients with the proviso that the ingredients do not comprise thymol listed in any one of Blends 1-142 of Table 1 are combined, or eugenol or trans-anethole, or alpha-terpineol, or citronel 35 with the proviso that the ingredients do not comprise thymol lal, or pyrethrum. Furthermore, embodiments are specifically or PD 98.059. contemplated in which any of the ingredients listed in Table 1 In addition, embodiments are specifically contemplated in are combined, with the proviso that the ingredients do not which any of the ingredients of the above lists are combined, comprise thymol or eugenol or trans-anethole, or alpha-ter with the proviso that the ingredients do not comprise thymol pineol, or citronellal, or pyrethrum. Moreover, embodiments 40 or permethrin. Furthermore, embodiments are specifically are specifically contemplated in which any of the ingredients contemplated in which any of the ingredients listed in Table 1 listed in any one of Blends 1-142 of Table 1 are combined, are combined, with the proviso that the ingredients do not with the proviso that the ingredients do not comprise thymol comprise thymolor permethrin. Moreover, embodiments are or eugenol or trans-anethole, or alpha-terpineol, or citronel specifically contemplated in which any of the ingredients lal, or pyrethrum. 45 listed in any one of Blends 1-142 of Table 1 are combined, In addition, embodiments are specifically contemplated in with the proviso that the ingredients do not comprise thymol which any of the ingredients of the above lists are combined, or permethrin. with the proviso that the ingredients do not comprise thymol In addition, embodiments are specifically contemplated in or eugenol or trans-anethole, or alpha-terpineol, or citronel which any of the ingredients of the above lists are combined, lal, or tebufenozide. Furthermore, embodiments are specifi 50 with the proviso that the ingredients do not comprise thymol cally contemplated in which any of the ingredients listed in or pyrethrum. Furthermore, embodiments are specifically Table 1 are combined, with the proviso that the ingredients do contemplated in which any of the ingredients listed in Table 1 not comprise thymol or eugenol or trans-anethole, or alpha are combined, with the proviso that the ingredients do not terpineol, or citronellal, or tebufenozide. Moreover, embodi comprise thymol or pyrethrum. Moreover, embodiments are ments are specifically contemplated in which any of the ingre 55 specifically contemplated in which any of the ingredients dients listed in any one of Blends 1-142 of Table 1 are listed in any one of Blends 1-142 of Table 1 are combined, combined, with the proviso that the ingredients do not com with the proviso that the ingredients do not comprise thymol prise thymolor eugenol or trans-anethole, or alpha-terpineol. or pyrethrum. or citronellal, or tebufenozide. In addition, embodiments are specifically contemplated in In addition, embodiments are specifically contemplated in 60 which any of the ingredients of the above lists are combined, which any of the ingredients of the above lists are combined, with the proviso that the ingredients do not comprise benzyl with the proviso that the ingredients do not comprise thymol alcohol or pyrethrum. Furthermore, embodiments are specifi or cis-jasmone. Furthermore, embodiments are specifically cally contemplated in which any of the ingredients listed in contemplated in which any of the ingredients listed in Table 1 Table 1 are combined, with the proviso that the ingredients do are combined, with the proviso that the ingredients do not 65 not comprise benzyl alcohol or pyrethrum. Moreover, comprise thymolor cis-jasmone. Moreover, embodiments are embodiments are specifically contemplated in which any of specifically contemplated in which any of the ingredients the ingredients listed in any one of Blends 1-142 of Table 1 are US 8,734,869 B2 109 110 combined, with the proviso that the ingredients do not com In addition, embodiments are specifically contemplated in prise benzyl alcohol or pyrethrum. which any of the ingredients of the above lists are combined, In addition, embodiments are specifically contemplated in with the proviso that the ingredients do not comprise eugenol, which any of the ingredients of the above lists are combined, or phenylethyl propionate, or menthyl salicylate. Further with the proviso that the ingredients do not comprise benzyl more, embodiments are specifically contemplated in which alcohol or chrysanthemate ester. Furthermore, embodiments any of the ingredients listed in Table 1 are combined, with the are specifically contemplated in which any of the ingredients proviso that the ingredients do not comprise eugenol, or phe listed in Table 1 are combined, with the proviso that the nylethyl propionate, or menthyl salicylate. Moreover, ingredients do not comprise benzyl alcohol or chrysanthe embodiments are specifically contemplated in which any of mate ester. Moreover, embodiments are specifically contem 10 plated in which any of the ingredients listed in any one of the ingredients listed in any one of Blends 1-142 of Table 1 are Blends 1-142 of Table 1 are combined, with the proviso that combined, with the proviso that the ingredients do not com the ingredients do not comprise benzyl alcohol or chrysan prise eugenol, or phenylethyl propionate, or menthyl salicy themate ester. late. In addition, embodiments are specifically contemplated in 15 In addition, embodiments are specifically contemplated in which any of the ingredients of the above lists are combined, which any of the ingredients of the above lists are combined, with the proviso that the ingredients do not comprise benzyl with the proviso that the ingredients do not comprise phenyl alcohol, or chrysanthemyl alcohol, or chrysanthemic acid. ethyl alcohol, or alpha-terpineol, or benzyl alcohol. Further Furthermore, embodiments are specifically contemplated in more, embodiments are specifically contemplated in which which any of the ingredients listed in Table 1 are combined, any of the ingredients listed in Table 1 are combined, with the with the proviso that the ingredients do not comprise benzyl proviso that the ingredients do not comprise phenylethyl alco alcohol, or chrysanthemyl alcohol, or chrysanthemic acid. hol, or alpha-terpineol, or benzyl alcohol. Moreover, embodi Moreover, embodiments are specifically contemplated in ments are specifically contemplated in which any of the ingre which any of the ingredients listed in any one of Blends 1-142 dients listed in any one of Blends 1-142 of Table 1 are of Table 1 are combined, with the proviso that the ingredients 25 combined, with the proviso that the ingredients do not com do not comprise benzyl alcohol, or chrysanthemyl alcohol, or prise phenylethyl alcohol, or alpha-terpineol, or benzyl alco chrysanthemic acid. hol. In addition, embodiments are specifically contemplated in In addition, embodiments are specifically contemplated in which any of the ingredients of the above lists are combined, which any of the ingredients of the above lists are combined, with the proviso that the ingredients do not comprise benzyl 30 with the proviso that the ingredients do not comprise phenyl alcohol or trans-anethole. Furthermore, embodiments are ethyl alcohol, or alpha-terpineol, or benzyl alcohol, or phe specifically contemplated in which any of the ingredients nylethyl propionate. Furthermore, embodiments are specifi listed in Table 1 are combined, with the proviso that the cally contemplated in which any of the ingredients listed in ingredients do not comprise benzyl alcohol or trans-anethole. Table 1 are combined, with the proviso that the ingredients do Moreover, embodiments are specifically contemplated in 35 not comprise phenylethyl alcohol, or alpha-terpineol, or ben which any of the ingredients listed in any one of Blends 1-142 Zyl alcohol, or phenylethyl propionate. Moreover, embodi of Table 1 are combined, with the proviso that the ingredients ments are specifically contemplated in which any of the ingre do not comprise benzyl alcohol or trans-anethole. dients listed in any one of Blends 1-142 of Table 1 are In addition, embodiments are specifically contemplated in combined, with the proviso that the ingredients do not com which any of the ingredients of the above lists are combined, 40 prise phenylethyl alcohol, or alpha-terpineol, or benzyl alco with the proviso that the ingredients do not comprise benzyl hol, or phenylethyl propionate. alcohol, or tetrahydrofurfuryl alcohol, or PD 98.059, or trans In addition, embodiments are specifically contemplated in anethole, or chrysanthemate ester. Furthermore, embodi which any of the ingredients of the above lists are combined, ments are specifically contemplated in which any of the ingre with the proviso that the ingredients do not comprise phenyl dients listed in Table 1 are combined, with the proviso that the 45 ethyl alcohol, or alpha-terpineol, or benzyl alcohol, or phe ingredients do not comprise benzyl alcohol, or tetrahydrofur nylethyl propionate, or eugenol. Furthermore, embodiments furyl alcohol, or PD 98.059, or trans-anethole, or chrysanthe are specifically contemplated in which any of the ingredients mate ester. Moreover, embodiments are specifically contem listed in Table 1 are combined, with the proviso that the plated in which any of the ingredients listed in any one of ingredients do not comprise phenylethyl alcohol, or alpha Blends 1-142 of Table 1 are combined, with the proviso that 50 terpineol, or benzyl alcohol, or phenylethyl propionate, or the ingredients do not comprise benzyl alcohol, or tetrahy eugenol. Moreover, embodiments are specifically contem drofurfuryl alcohol, or PD 98.059, or trans-anethole, or chry plated in which any of the ingredients listed in any one of Santhemate ester. Blends 1-142 of Table 1 are combined, with the proviso that In addition, embodiments are specifically contemplated in the ingredients do not comprise phenylethyl alcohol, or which any of the ingredients of the above lists are combined, 55 alpha-terpineol, or benzyl alcohol, orphenylethylpropionate, with the proviso that the ingredients do not comprise benzyl or eugenol. alcohol, or tetrahydrofurfuryl alcohol, or PD 98.059, or trans In addition, embodiments are specifically contemplated in anethole, or pyrethrum. Furthermore, embodiments are spe which any of the ingredients of the above lists are combined, cifically contemplated in which any of the ingredients listed with the proviso that the ingredients do not comprise tamox in Table 1 are combined, with the proviso that the ingredients 60 ifen or forskolin. Furthermore, embodiments are specifically do not comprise benzyl alcohol, or tetrahydrofurfuryl alco contemplated in which any of the ingredients listed in Table 1 hol, or PD 98.059, or trans-anethole, or pyrethrum. Moreover, are combined, with the proviso that the ingredients do not embodiments are specifically contemplated in which any of comprise tamoxifen or forskolin. Moreover, embodiments the ingredients listed in any one of Blends 1-142 of Table 1 are are specifically contemplated in which any of the ingredients combined, with the proviso that the ingredients do not com 65 listed in any one of Blends 1-142 of Table 1 are combined, prise benzyl alcohol, or tetrahydrofurfuryl alcohol, or PD with the proviso that the ingredients do not comprise tamox 98.059, or trans-anethole, or pyrethrum. ifen or forskolin. US 8,734,869 B2 111 112 In addition, embodiments are specifically contemplated in combined, with the proviso that the ingredients do not com which any of the ingredients of the above lists are combined, prise thymol, or eugenol, or trans-anethole, or alpha-terpin with the proviso that the ingredients do not comprise thymol eol, or, citronellal, or cis-jasmone. orbenzyl alcohol. Furthermore, embodiments are specifically In certain embodiments wherein the composition includes contemplated in which any of the ingredients listed in Table 1 Lilac Flower Oil (LFO), one or more of the following com are combined, with the proviso that the ingredients do not pounds can be substituted for the LFO: Tetrahydrolinalool, comprise thymolor benzyl alcohol. Moreover, embodiments Ethyl Linalool, Heliotropine, Hedion, Hercolyn D, and Tri are specifically contemplated in which any of the ingredients ethyl Citrate. In certain embodiments wherein the composi listed in any one of Blends 1-142 of Table 1 are combined, tion includes LFO, a blend of the following compounds can with the proviso that the ingredients do not comprise thymol 10 or benzyl alcohol. be substituted for the LFO: Isopropyl myristate, Tetrahydro In addition, embodiments are specifically contemplated in linalool FCC, Linalool, Geraniol Fine FCC, Piperonal (alde which any of the ingredients of the above lists are combined, hyde), and Vanillin. In certain embodiments wherein the com with the proviso that the ingredients do not comprise thymol. position includes LFO, a blend of the following compounds or eugenol, or trans-anethole, or alpha-terpineol, or citronel 15 can be substituted for the LFO: Isopropyl myristate, Tetrahy lal, or chrysanthemate ester. Furthermore, embodiments are drolinalool, Linalool, Geraniol, Piperonal (aldehyde), Vanil specifically contemplated in which any of the ingredients lin, Methyl Salicylate, and D-limonene. listed in Table 1 are combined, with the proviso that the In certain embodiments wherein the composition includes ingredients do not comprise thymol, or eugenol, or trans Black Seed Oil (BSO), one or more of the following com anethole, or alpha-terpineol, or citronellal, or chrysanthemate pounds can be substituted for the BSO: alpha-thujene: alpha ester. Moreover, embodiments are specifically contemplated pinene; beta-pinene; p-cymene; limonene; and tert-butyl-p- in which any of the ingredients listed in any one of Blends benzoquinone. 1-142 of Table 1 are combined, with the proviso that the In certain exemplary embodiments wherein the composi ingredients do not comprise thymol, or eugenol, or trans tion includes Thyme Oil, one or more of the following com anethole, or alpha-terpineol, or, citronellal, or chrysanthe 25 pounds can be substituted for the Thyme Oil: thymol, C-thu mate ester. jone; C-pinene, camphene, 3-pinene, p-cymene, C-terpinene, In addition, embodiments are specifically contemplated in linalool, borneol, B-caryophyllene, and carvacrol. Com which any of the ingredients of the above lists are combined, pounds used to prepare the exemplary compositions of the with the proviso that the ingredients do not comprise thymol. present invention can be obtained, for example, from the or eugenol, or trans-anethole, or alpha-terpineol, or citronel 30 following sources: Millennium Chemicals, Inc. (Jackson lal, or chrysanthemic acid. Furthermore, embodiments are ville, Fla.), Ungerer Company (Lincoln Park, N.J.), SAFC specifically contemplated in which any of the ingredients (Milwaukee, Wis.), and IFF Inc. (Hazlet, N.J.). listed in Table 1 are combined, with the proviso that the In some embodiments of the compositions, it can be desir ingredients do not comprise thymol, or eugenol, or trans able to include compounds each having a purity of about 60%, anethole, or alpha-terpineol, or citronellal, or chrysanthemic 35 65%, 70%, 75%, 80%, 85%, 90%, or 95%. For example, in acid. Moreover, embodiments are specifically contemplated Some embodiments of the compositions that include geraniol, in which any of the ingredients listed in any one of Blends it can be desirable to include a geraniol that is at least about 1-142 of Table 1 are combined, with the proviso that the 60%, 85% or 95% pure. In some embodiments, it can be ingredients do not comprise thymol, or eugenol, or trans desirable to include a specific type of geraniol. For example, anethole, or alpha-terpineol, or, citronellal, or chrysanthemic 40 in Some embodiments, the compositions can include: acid. geraniol 60, geraniol 85, or geraniol 95. When geraniol is In addition, embodiments are specifically contemplated in obtained as geraniol 60, geraniol 85, or geraniol 95, then forty which any of the ingredients of the above lists are combined, percent, fifteen percent, or five percent of the oil can be Nerol. with the proviso that the ingredients do not comprise thymol. Nerol is a monoterpene (C10H18O), that can be extracted or eugenol, or trans-anethole, or alpha-terpineol, or citronel 45 from attar of roses, oil of orange blossoms and oil of lavender. lal, or chrysanthemyl alcohol. Furthermore, embodiments are Embodiments of the present invention can include art-recog specifically contemplated in which any of the ingredients nised ingredients normally used in Such formulations. These listed in Table 1 are combined, with the proviso that the ingredients can include, for example, antifoaming agents, ingredients do not comprise thymol, or eugenol, or trans anti-microbial agents, anti-oxidants, anti-redeposition anethole, or alpha-terpineol, or citronellal, or chrysanthemyl 50 agents, bleaches, colorants, emulsifiers, enzymes, fats, fluo alcohol. Moreover, embodiments are specifically contem rescent materials, fungicides, hydrotropes, moisturizers, plated in which any of the ingredients listed in any one of optical brighteners, perfume carriers, perfume, preservatives, Blends 1-142 of Table 1 are combined, with the proviso that proteins, silicones, soil release agents, solubilisers, Sugar the ingredients do not comprise thymol, or eugenol, or trans derivatives, Sun screens, Surfactants, vitamins waxes, and the anethole, or alpha-terpineol, or, citronellal, or chrysanthemyl 55 like. alcohol. In certain embodiments, embodiments of the present In addition, embodiments are specifically contemplated in invention can also contain other adjuvants or modifiers such which any of the ingredients of the above lists are combined, as one or more therapeutically or cosmetically active ingre with the proviso that the ingredients do not comprise thymol. dients. Exemplary therapeutic or cosmetically active ingredi or eugenol, or trans-anethole, or alpha-terpineol, or citronel 60 ents useful in the compositions of the invention can include, lal, or cis-jasmone. Furthermore, embodiments are specifi for example, fungicides, Sunscreening agents, Sunblocking cally contemplated in which any of the ingredients listed in agents, vitamins, tanning agents, plant extracts, anti-inflam Table 1 are combined, with the proviso that the ingredients do matory agents, anti-oxidants, radical scavenging agents, ret not comprise thymol, or eugenol, or trans-anethole, or alpha inoids, alpha-hydroxy acids, emollients, antiseptics, antibiot terpineol, or citronellal, or cis-jasmone. Moreover, embodi 65 ics, antibacterial agents, antihistamines, and the like, and can ments are specifically contemplated in which any of the ingre be present in an amount effective for achieving the therapeu dients listed in any one of Blends 1-142 of Table 1 are tic or cosmetic result desired. US 8,734,869 B2 113 114 In some embodiments, compositions of this invention can tetraacetic acid, diammonium citrate, diammonium EDTA, include one or more materials that can function as an antioxi dipotassium EDTA, disodium azacycloheptane diphospho dant, Such as reducing agents and free radical scavengers. nate, disodium EDTA, disodium pyrophosphate. EDTA (eth Suitable materials that can function as an antioxidant can ylene diamine tetraacetic acid), gluconic acid, HEDTA (hy include, for example: acetyl cysteine, ascorbic acid, t-butyl 5 droxyethyl ethylene diamine triacetic acid), methyl hydroquinone, cysteine, diamylhydroquinone, erythorbic cyclodextrin, pentapotassium triphosphate, pentasodium acid, ferulic acid, hydroquinone, p-hydroxyanisole, hydroxy aminotrimethylene phosphonate, pentasodium triphosphate, lamine Sulfate, magnesium ascorbate, magnesium ascorbyl pentetic acid, phytic acid, potassium citrate, potassium glu phosphate, octocrylene, phloroglucinol, potassium ascorbyl conate, sodium citrate, sodium diethylenetriamine pentam tocopheryl phosphate, potassium sulfite, rutin, Sodium ascor- 10 ethylene phosphonate, Sodium dihydroxyethylglycinate, bate, sodium sulfite, Sodiumthloglycolate, thiodiglycol, thio Sodium gluconate, sodium metaphosphate, sodium metasili diglycolamide, thioglycolic acid, thiosalicylic acid, toco cate, sodium phytate, triethanolamine ("TEA)-EDTA, TEA pherol, tocopheryl acetate, tocopheryl linoleate, tris polyphosphate, tetrahydroxypropyl ethylenediamine, tet (nonylphenyl)phosphite, and the like. rapotassium pyrophosphate, tetrasodium EDTA, tetrasodium Embodiments of the invention can also include one or more 15 pyrophosphate, tripotassium EDTA, trisodium EDTA, triso materials that can function as a chelating agent to complex dium HEDTA, trisodium phosphate, and the like. with metallic ions. This action can help to inactivate the Embodiments of the invention can also include one or more metallic ions for the purpose of preventing their adverse materials that can function as a humectant. A humectant is effects on the stability or appearance of a formulated compo added to a composition to retard moisture loss during use, sition. Chelating agents Suitable for use in an embodiment of 20 which effect is accomplished, in general, by the presence this invention can include, for example, aminotrimethylene therein of hygroscopic materials. phosphonic acid, beta-alanine diacetic acid, calcium diso The following table (table 2) provides exemplary compo dium EDTA, citric acid, cyclodextrin, cyclohexanediamine sitions of embodiments of the invention: TABLE 2

Exemplified Ingredients Exemplified form % Range 1 % Range 2 % Range 3 % Range 4 % (w.fw) Example 1 - Ingredient Family 1

Limonene D-Limonene 8.25% 99.00%. 41.25% 99.00%. 61.88% 99.00% 74.25% 90.75% 82.50% Thyme Oil Thyme Oil White O.33% 9.84%. 1.64% 4.92% 2.46%. 4.10% 2.95% 3.61% 3.28% Linalool Linaloo Coeur O.06% S.00% O.29% 0.86% 0.43% 0.71% 0.51% 0.63% 0.57% Tetrahydrolinalool Tetrahydrolinalool O.08% S.00% O.39%. 1.17% 0.59% 0.98% 0.70% O.86% O.78% Vanillin Vanillin O.01% S.00% O.03% 0.08% 0.04% 0.06% 0.05% 0.06% O.05% Isopropyl Myristate Isopropyl Myristate O.08% S.00% O.40% 1.20% 0.60% 1.00% O.72% 0.88% O.80% Piperonal Piperonal O.08% S.00% O.40% 1.20% 0.60% 1.00% O.72% 0.88% O.80% (aldehyde) Lime Oil Lime Oil 410 Minus 1.00%. 30.00% 5.00% 15.00% 7.50% 12.50% 9.00% 11.00% 10.00% Geraniol Geraniol 60 O.04% S.00% O.21% 0.62% 0.31% 0.51% 0.37% 0.45% O.41% Triethyl Citrate Triethyl Citrate O.08% S.00% O.40% 1.20% 0.60% 1.00% O.72% 0.88% O.80% Example 2 - Ingredient Family 2

Thyme Oil Thyme Oil White 2.05% 61.50%. 10.25%. 30.75%. 15.38%. 25.63%. 18.45%. 22.55% 20.50% Wintergreen Oil Wintergreen Oil 4.50% 99.00%. 22.50% 67.50%. 33.75% 56.25%, 40.50%. 49.50% 45% Vanillin Vanillin O.11% S.00% O.S5%. 1.65% 0.83%, 1.38% 0.99%. 1.21% 1.10% Sopropyl myristate Sopropyl myristate 3.34% 99.00% 16.70% SO.10% 25.05% 41.75%. 30.06%. 36.74% 33.40% Example 3 - Ingredient Family 3

Lilac Flower Oil LFO 1.29%. 38.70% 6.45%. 19.35% 9.68%. 16.13%. 11.61%. 14.19% 12.90% (LFO) Limonene D-Limonene O.87% 26.10% 4.35%. 13.05% 6.53%. 10.88% 7.83% 9.57% 8.70% Thyme Oil Thyme Oil White O.96%. 28.80% 4.80%. 14.40% 7.20%. 12.00% 8.64%. 10.56% 9.60% Lime Oil Lime Oil 410 6.88% 99.00%. 34.40% 99.00% S1.60% 86.00%. 61.92% 75.68% 68.80% Example 4 - Ingredient Family 4

LFO LFO S.O1% 99.00%. 25.05% 75.15%. 37.58% 62.63% 45.09% SS.11% SO.10% BSO (Black Seed Oil) BSO 4.99% 99.00% 24.95% 74.85%. 37.43% 62.38%. 44.91% 54.89% 49.90% Example 5 - Ingredient Family 5

Limonene D-Limonene O.99%. 29.70% 4.95%. 14.85% 7.43%. 12.38% 8.91%. 10.89% 9.90% Linalool Linalool Coeur 1.41%. 42.42% 7.07% 21.21%. 10.61%. 17.68%. 12.73%. 15.55% 14.14% Tetrahydrolinalool Tetrahydrolinalool 2.43% 72.87%. 12.15%. 36.44%. 18.22%. 30.36%. 21.86%. 26.72% 24.29% Vanillin Vanillin O.25% 7.44%. 1.24% 3.72%. 1.86%. 3.10% 2.23%. 2.73% 2.48% Sopropyl myristate Sopropyl myristate 2.89% 86.76%, 14.46%. 43.38%. 21.69%. 36.15%. 26.03%. 31.81% 28.92% US 8,734,869 B2 115 TABLE 2-continued Exemplified Ingredients Exemplified form % Range 1 % Range 2 % Range 3 % Range 4 % (w.fw) Piperonal Piperonal 1.00%. 29.91% 4.99%. 14.96% 7.48%. 12.46% 8.97%. 10.97% 9.97% (aldehyde) Geraniol Geraniol 60 1.03%. 30.90% S.15%. 15.45% 7.73%. 12.88% 9.27%. 11.33% 10.30% Example 6 - Ingredient Family 6 Thyme Oil Thyme Oil White 3.93% 99.00% 19.65% 58.95%. 29.48%. 49.13% 35.37%. 43.23% 39.30% Wintergreen Oil Wintergreen Oil 2.48% 74.40%. 12.40%. 37.20%. 18.60%. 31.00% 22.32%. 27.28% 24.80% Isopropyl Myristate Isopropyl Myristate 3.59% 99.00% 17.95%. 53.85%. 26.93%. 44.88% 32.31%. 39.49% 35.90% Example 7 - Ingredient Family 7

Limonene D-Limonene 2.74% 82.20%. 13.70%. 41.10% 20.55%. 34.25% 24.66%. 30.14% 27.40% Thyme Oil Thyme Oil White 3.01% 90.30% 15.05% 45.15%. 22.58%. 37.63% 27.09%. 33.11% 30.10% Linalool Linaloo Coeur O.S7%. 17.10% 2.85% 8.55% 4.28% 7.13% S.13% 6.27% 5.70% Tetrahydrolinalool Tetrahydrolinalool O.79%. 23.70% 3.95%. 11.85% 5.93% 9.88% 7.11% 8.69% 7.90% Vanillin Vanillin O.05% S.00% O.25% O.75% 0.38% 0.63% O.45% 0.55% O.S.0% Isopropyl myristate Isopropyl myristate O.81% 24.30% 4.05%. 12.15%. 6.08%. 10.13% 7.29% 8.91% 8.10% Piperonal Piperonal O.81% 24.30% 4.05%. 12.15%. 6.08%. 10.13% 7.29% 8.91% 8.10% (aldehyde) Geraniol Geraniol 60 0.42%. 12.60% 2.10% 6.30% 3.15% S.25% 3.78% 4.62% 4.20% Triethyl Citrate Triethyl Citrate O.81% 24.30% 4.05%. 12.15%. 6.08%. 10.13% 7.29% 8.91% 8.10% Example 8 - Ingredient Family 8

Limonene D-Limonene O.40%. 12.09% 2.02% 6.05% 3.02% S.04% 3.63% 4.43% 4.03% Thyme Oil Thyme Oil White O.44%. 13.29%. 2.22% 6.65% 3.32% S.54% 3.99% 4.87% 4.43% Linalool Linalool Coeur O.08% S.00% O.42% 26% 0.63%, 1.05% O.76% 0.92% O.84% Tetrahydrolinalool Tetrahydrolinalool O.12% S.00% O.S8% .74% 0.87%. 1.45% 1.04%. 1.28% 1.16% Vanillin Vanillin O.O1% S.00% O.04% 0.11% 0.05% 0.09% O.06% 0.08% O.07% Sopropyl myristate Sopropyl myristate O.12% S.00% O.60% .79% 0.89%, 1.49% 1.07%. 1.31% 1.19% Piperonal Piperonal O.12% S.00% O.60% .79% 0.89%, 1.49% 1.07%. 1.31% 1.19% (aldehyde) Geraniol Geraniol 60 O.06% S.00% O.31% 0.93% 0.47% 0.78% O.S6% 0.68% O.62% Triethyl Citrate Triethyl Citrate O.12% S.00% O.60% .79% 0.89%, 1.49% 1.07%. 1.31% 1.19% Benzyl Alcohol Benzyl Alcohol 1.66%. 49.83% 8.31% 24.92%. 12.46%. 20.76% 14.95%. 18.27% 16.61% sopar M 2.10% 62.85%. 10.48%. 31.43%. 15.71%. 26.19% 18.86%. 23.05% 20.95% Water 4.45% 99.00%. 22.27%. 66.80%. 33.40% 55.66% 40.08%. 48.98% 44.53% Example 9 - Ingredient Family 9

Limonene D-Limonene 2.74% 82.05%. 13.68%. 41.03%. 20.51%. 34.19% 24.62%. 30.09% 27.35% Thyme Oil Thyme Oil White 3.01% 90.24%. 15.04% 45.12% 22.56%. 37.60% 27.07%. 33.09% 30.08% Linalool Linalool Coeur O.S7%. 17.19% 2.87% 8.60% 4.30% 7.16% S.16% 6.30% 5.73% Tetrahydrolinalool Tetrahydrolinalool O.79%. 23.64%, 3.94%. 11.82% S.91% 9.85% 7.09% 8.67% 7.88% Vanillin Vanillin O.05% S.00% O.25% O.75% 0.38% 0.63% O.45% 0.55% O.S.0% Sopropyl myristate Sopropyl myristate O.81% 24.24% 4.04%. 12.12% 6.06%. 10.10% 7.27% 8.89% 8.08% Piperonal Piperonal O.81% 24.27% 4.05%. 12.14% 6.07%. 10.11% 7.28% 8.90% 8.09% (aldehyde) Geraniol Geraniol 60 0.42%. 12.54%. 2.09% 6.27% 3.14% S.23% 3.76% 4.60% 4.18% Triethyl Citrate Triethyl Citrate O.81% 24.33% 4.06%. 12.17%. 6.08%. 10.14% 7.30% 8.92% 8.11% Example 10- Ingredient Family 10 Thyme Oil Thyme Oil White 2.06% 61.80%. 10.30%. 30.90% 15.45%. 25.75% 18.54%. 22.66% 20.60% Wintergreen Oil Wintergreen Oil 4.51% 99.00%. 22.55%. 67.65%. 33.83% 56.38% 40.59% 49.61% 45.10% Isopropyl myristate Isopropyl myristate 3.43% 99.00% 17.15% S1.45%. 25.73%. 42.88% 30.87%. 37.73% 34.30% Example 11 - Ingredient Family 11 Thyme Oil Thyme Oil White 2.06% 61.80%. 10.30%. 30.90% 15.45%. 25.75% 18.54%. 22.66% 20.60% Methyl Salicylate Methyl Salicylate 4.51% 99.00%. 22.55%. 67.65%. 33.83% 56.38% 40.59% 49.61% 45.10% Sopropyl myristate Sopropyl myristate 3.43% 99.00% 17.15% S1.45%. 25.73%. 42.88% 30.87%. 37.73% 34.30% Example 12 - Ingredient Family 12

LFO LFO 1.62% 48.54% 8.09% 24.27%. 12.14% 20.23% 14.56%. 17.80% 16.18% Limonene D-Limonene 6.78% 99.00%. 33.91% 99.00% SO.86% 84.76% 61.03% 74.59% 67.81% Thyme Oil Thyme Oil White 1.12%. 33.54% S.59%. 16.77% 8.39%. 13.98% 10.06%. 12.30% 11.18% BSO BSO O.48%. 14.49%. 2.42% 7.25% 3.62% 6.04% 4.35% 5.31% 4.83% Example 13 - Ingredient Family 13

Limonene D-Limonene O.88%. 26.49% 4.42%. 13.25%. 6.62%. 11.04% 7.95% 9.71% 8.83% Thyme Oil Thyme Oil White O.97%. 29.13% 4.86%. 14.57% 7.28%. 12.14% 8.74%. 10.68% 9.71% Lime Oil Lime Oil 410 S.S2% 99.00%. 27.59% 82.76%. 41.38% 68.96% 49.65% 60.69% 55.17% Linalool Linalool Coeur O.17% S.04% 0.84% 2.52%. 1.26% 2.10% 1.51%, 1.85% 1.68% Tetrahydrolinalool Tetrahydrolinalool O.23% 6.93%, 1.16%. 3.47%. 1.73%. 2.89% 2.08% 2.54% 2.31% Vanillin Vanillin O.O2% S.00% O.08% 0.23% 0.11% 0.19% O.14% 0.17% O.15% Sopropyl myristate Sopropyl myristate O.24% 7.11%, 1.19% 3.56%. 1.78% 2.96% 2.13%. 2.61% 2.37% Piperonal Piperonal O.24% 7.11%, 1.19% 3.56%. 1.78% 2.96% 2.13%. 2.61% 2.37% (aldehyde) Geraniol Geraniol 60 O.12% S.00% O.62%. 1.85% 0.92%. 1.54% 1.11% 1.35% 1.23% Triethyl Citrate Triethyl Citrate O.24% 7.14%, 1.19% 3.57%. 1.79% 2.98% 2.14% 2.62% 2.38% Sopar sopar M 1.38%. 41.40% 6.90%. 20.70%. 10.35%. 17.25% 12.42%. 15.18% 13.80% US 8,734,869 B2 117 118 TABLE 2-continued Exemplified Ingredients Exemplified form % Range 1 % Range 2 % Range 3 % Range 4 % (w.fw) Example 14 - Ingredient Family 14

Limonene D-Limonene O.87% 26.16% 4.36% 13.08% 6.54% 10.90% 7.85% 9.59% 8.72% Thyme Oil Thyme Oil White O.96% 28.77% 4.80% 14.39% 7.19% 11.99% 8.63% 10.55% 9.59% Lime Oil Lime Oil 410 6.94% 99.00% 34.68% 99.00% 52.01% 86.69% 62.42% 76.29% 69.35% Linalool Linaloo Coeur O.17% S.00% O.83% 2.49% 1.25% 2.08% 1.49% 1.83% 1.66% Tetrahydrolinalool Tetrahydrolinalool O.23% 6.84% 1.14% 3.42% 1.71% 2.85% 2.05% 2.51% 2.28% Vanillin Vanillin O.02% S.00% O.08% O.23% O.11% O.19% O.14% O.17% O.15% Isopropyl myristate Isopropyl myristate O.23% 7.02% 1.17% 3.51% 1.76% 2.93% 2.11% 2.57% 2.34% Piperonal Piperonal O.23% 7.02% 1.17% 3.51% 1.76% 2.93% 2.11% 2.57% 2.34% (aldehyde) Geraniol Geraniol 60 O.12% S.00% 0.61% 1.82% O.91% 1.51% 1.09% 1.33% 1.21% Triethyl Citrate Triethyl Citrate O.24% 7.05% 1.18% 3.53% 1.76% 2.94% 2.12% 2.59% 2.35% Example 15 - Ingredient Family 15 Thyme Oil Thyme Oil 99% 2.06% 61.80% O.30% 30.90% 15.45% 25.75% 18.54% 22.66% 20.60% White 1% Red Wintergreen Oil Wintergreen Oil 4.51% 99.00% 22.55% 67.65% 33.83% 56.38% 40.59% 49.61% 45.10% Isopropyl myristate Isopropyl myristate 3.43% 99.00% 7.15% S1.45% 25.739% 42.88% 30.87% 37.73% 34.30% Example 16 - Ingredient Family 16 Thyme Oil Thyme Oil Red 2.06% 61.80% O.30% 30.90% 15.45% 25.75% 18.54% 22.66% 20.60% Wintergreen Oil Wintergreen Oil 4.51% 99.00% 22.55% 67.65% 33.83% 56.38% 40.59% 49.61% 45.10% Isopropyl myristate Isopropyl myristate 3.43% 99.00% 7.15% S1.45% 25.739% 42.88% 30.87% 37.73% 34.30% Example 17 - Ingredient Family 17

Thyme Oil Thyme Oil White 2.06% 61.80% O.30% 30.90% 15.45% 25.75% 18.54% 22.66% 20.60% Wintergreen Oil Wintergreen Oil 4.51% 99.00% 22.55% 67.65% 33.83% 56.38% 40.59% 49.61% 45.10% Isopropyl myristate Isopropyl myristate 3.42% 99.00% 7.10% 51.30% 25.65% 42.75% 30.78% 37.62% 34.20% Vanillin Vanillin O.O1% S.00% O.05% O.15% O.08% O.13% O.09% O.11% O.10% Example 18 - Ingredient Family 18

Thyme Oil Thyme Oil Red 2.06% 61.80% O.30% 30.90% 15.45% 25.75% 18.54% 22.66% 20.60% Wintergreen Oil Wintergreen Oil 4.51% 99.00% 22.559 67.65% 33.83% S6.38% 40.59% 49.61% 45.10% Isopropyl myristate Isopropyl myristate 3.42% 99.00% 7.10% 51.30% 25.65% 42.75% 30.78% 37.62% 34.20% Vanillin Vanillin O.O1% S.00% O.05% O.15% O.08% O.13% O.09% O.11% O.10% Example 19 - Ingredient Family 19

Thyme Oil Thyme Oil White 4.19% 99.00% 20.93% 62.79% 31.40% S2.33% 37.67% 46.05% 4.1.86% Isopropyl myristate Isopropyl myristate 3.83% 99.00% 9.17% 57.519. 28.76% 47.93% 34.51% 42.17% 38.34% Geraniol Geranio Fine FCC 1.98% 59.40% 9.90% 29.70% 14.85% 24.75% 17.82% 21.78% 19.80% Example 20 - Ingredient Family 20

Thyme Oil Thyme Oil White 2.13% 63.90% 0.65% 31.95% 15.98% 26.63% 19.17% 23.43% 21.30% Isopropyl myristate Isopropyl myristate 5.85% 99.00% 29.27% 87.81% 43.91% 73.18% 52.69% 64.39% 58.54% Geraniol Geranio Fine FCC 2.02% 60.48% O.08% 30.24% 15.12% 25.20% 18.14% 22.18% 20.16% Example 21 - Ingredient Family 21

Thyme Oil Thyme Oil White 3.16% 94.71% 5.79% 47.36% 23.68% 39.46% 28.41% 34.73% 31.57% Isopropyl myristate Isopropyl myristate 3.86% 99.00% 9.28% 57.84% 28.92% 48.20% 34.70% 42.42% 38.56% Geraniol Geranio Fine FCC 2.99% 89.61% 4.94% 44.81% 22.40% 37.34% 26.88% 32.86% 29.87% Example 22 - Ingredient Family 22

Thyme Oil Thyme Oil White 3.69% 99.00% 8.43% SS.28% 27.64% 46.06% 33.17% 40.54% 36.85% Isopropyl myristate Isopropyl myristate 4.82% 99.00% 24.11% 72.32% 36.16% 60.26% 43.39% 53.03% 48.21% Geraniol Geranio Fine FCC 1.49% 44.82% 7.47% 22.41% 11.21% 18.68% 13.45% 16.43% 14.94% Example 23 - Ingredient Family 23

Thyme Oil Thyme Oil 99% 3.69% 99.00% 18.43% SS.28% 27.64% 46.06% 33.17% 40.54% 36.85% White 1% Red Isopropyl myristate Isopropyl myristate 4.82% 99.00% 24.11% 72.32% 36.16% 60.26% 43.39% 53.03% 48.21% Geraniol Geranio Fine FCC 1.49% 44.82% 7.47% 22.41% 11.21% 18.68% 13.45% 16.43% 14.94% Example 24 - Ingredient Family 24

Linalool Linaloo Coeur 0.66% 19.80% 3.30% 9.90% 4.95% 8.25% 5.94% 7.26% 6.60% Base Oil Soy Bean Oil 2.40% 72.00% 12.00% 36.00% 18.00% 30.00% 21.60% 26.40% 24.00% Thymol Thymol (crystal) 3.72% 99.00% 18.60% SS.80% 27.90% 46.50% 33.48% 40.92% 37.20% Pinene Alpha-Pinene, 98% O.38% 11.40% 1.90% 5.70% 2.85% 4.75% 3.42% 4.18% 3.80% Cymene Para-Cymene 2.84% 85.17% 14.20% 42.59% 21.29% 35.49% 25.55% 31.23% 28.39% Example 25 - Ingredient Family 25

Linalool Linaloo Coeur 4.08% 99.00% 20.40% 61.20% 30.60% S1.00% 36.72% 44.88% 40.80% Thymol Thymol (crystal) 3.44% 99.00% 17.20% S1.60% 25.80% 43.00% 30.96% 37.84% 34.40% Pinene Alpha-Pinene, 98% O.47% 14.10% 2.35% 7.05% 3.53% 5.88% 4.23% 5.17% 4.70% US 8,734,869 B2 119 120 TABLE 2-continued Exemplified Ingredients Exemplified form % Range 1 % Range 2 % Range 3 % Range 4 % (w.fw) Cymene Para-Cymene O.19% 5.70% O.95% 2.85%. 1.43%. 2.38% 1.71% 2.09% 1.90% Anethole Trans-Anethole 1.82% 54.60% 9.10% 27.30%. 13.65%. 22.75% 16.38% 20.02% 18.20% Example 26 - Ingredient Family 26

Potassium Sorbate Potassium Sorbate S.00% O.06% 0.17% 0.08% 0.14% O.10% O.12% O.11% Polyglycerol-4-oleate Polyglycerol-4- S.00% O.08% 0.23% 0.11% 0.19% O.14% O.17% O.15% oleate Xanthan Gum Xanthan Gum O.O.3% S.00% O.15% 0.45% 0.23% 0.38% O.27% O.33% O.30% Lecithin Lecithin O.00% S.00% O.02% 0.05% 0.02% 0.04% O.O.3% O.03% O.O.3% 8.44% 99.00% 42.20% 99.00%. 63.30% 99.00% 75.96% 92.84% 84.40% 1.50% 4S.O.3% 7.51%. 22.52%. 11.26%. 18.76% 13.51% 16.51% 15.01% Example 27 - Ingredient Family 27

Potassium Sorbate Potassium Sorbate S.00% O.06% 0.17% 0.08% 0.14% O.10% O.12% O.11% Polyglycerol-4-oleate Polyglycerol-4- S.00% O.08% 0.23% 0.11% 0.19% O.14% O.17% O.15% oleate Xanthan Gum Xanthan Gum O.O.3% S.00% O.15% 0.45% 0.23% 0.38% O.27% O.33% O.30% Lecithin Lecithin O.00% S.00% O.02% 0.05% 0.02% 0.04% O.O.3% O.03% O.O.3% Water Water 8.44% 99.00% 42.20% 99.00%. 63.30% 99.00% 75.96% 92.84% 84.40% Blend 120 Blend 120 1.50% 4S.O.3% 7.51%. 22.52%. 11.26%. 18.76% 13.51% 16.51% 15.01% Example 28 - Ingredient Family 28

Potassium Sorbate Potassium Sorbate S.00% O.06% 0.18% 0.09% 0.15% O.11% 0.13% O.12% Polyglycerol-4-oleate Polyglycerol-4- S.00% O.08% 0.24% 0.12% 0.20% O.14% O.18% O.16% oleate Xanthan Gum Xanthan Gum O.O.3% S.00% O.15% 0.44% 0.22% 0.36% O.26% O.32% O.29% Lecithin Lecithin O.00% S.00% O.02% 0.05% 0.03% 0.05% O.O.3% O.04% O.04% Water Water 8.94% 99.00% 44.70% 99.00%. 67.05% 99.00% 80.46% 98.34% 89.40% Blend 120 Blend 120 1.00% 30.00% S.00% 15.00% 7.50%. 12.50% 9.00% 11.00% 10% Example 29 - Ingredient Family 29 Soy Bean Oil Soy Bean Oil 2.00% 60.00% 10.00%. 30.00% 15.00%. 25.00% 18.00% 22.00% 20% Ethyl Alcohol Ethyl Alcohol, S.OO% 99.00% 25.00% 75.00%. 37.50% 62.50% 45.00% SS.00% SO% denatured Blend 10 Blend 10 3.00% 99.00% 15.00% 45.00%. 22.50%. 37.50% 27.00% 33.00% 30% Example 30 - Ingredient Family 30

Potassium Sorbate Potassium Sorbate S.00% O.06% 0.17% 0.08% 0.14% O.10% O.12% O.11% Polyglycerol-4-oleate Polyglycerol-4- S.00% O.08% 0.23% 0.11% 0.19% O.14% O.17% O.15% oleate Xanthan Gum Xanthan Gum O.O.3% S.00% O.15% 0.45% 0.23% 0.38% O.27% O.33% O.30% Lecithin Lecithin O.00% S.00% O.02% 0.05% 0.02% 0.04% O.O.3% O.03% O.O.3% Water Water 8.44% 99.00% 42.20% 99.00%. 63.30% 99.00% 75.96% 92.84% 84.40% Blend PB-5048 Blend PB-5048 1.50% 4S.O.3% 7.51%. 22.52%. 11.26%. 18.76% 13.51% 16.51% 15.01% Example 31 - Ingredient Family 31

Potassium Sorbate Potassium Sorbate S.00% O.06% 0.18% 0.09% 0.15% O.11% 0.13% O.12% Polyglycerol-4-oleate Polyglycerol-4- S.00% O.08% 0.24% 0.12% 0.20% O.14% O.18% O.16% oleate Xanthan Gum Xanthan Gum O.O.3% S.00% O.15% 0.44% 0.22% 0.36% O.26% O.32% O.29% Lecithin Lecithin O.00% S.00% O.02% 0.05% 0.03% 0.05% O.O.3% O.04% O.04% Water Water 8.94% 99.00% 44.70% 99.00%. 67.05% 99.00% 80.46% 98.34% 89.40% Blend PB-5048 Blend PB-5048 1.00% 30.00% S.00% 15.00% 7.50%. 12.50% 9.00% 11.00% 10% Example 32 - Ingredient Family 32

B-SO38, B-SO4O.B- B-SO38, B-SO4O.B- 99.00% 25.00% 75.00%. 37.50% 62.50% 45.00% SS.00% SO41 SO41 Lemon Grass Oil Lemon Grass Oil 2.50% 75.00% 12.50%. 37.50%. 18.75%. 31.25% 22.50% 27.50% 25% Castor Oil Castor Oil, 2.50% 75.00% 12.50%. 37.50%. 18.75%. 31.25% 22.50% 27.50% 25% Surfactant Example 33 - Ingredient Family 33

Blend 7 Blend 7 1.00% 30.00% S.00% 15.00% 7.50%. 12.50% 9.00% 11.00% 10% Sodium Lauryl Sodium Lauryl O.10% S.00% O.S.0% 1.50% 0.75%. 1.25% O.90% 1.10% 190 Sulfate Sulfate Water Water 8.90% 99.00% 44.50% 99.00%. 66.75% 99.00% 80.10% 97.90% 89% Example 34 - Ingredient Family 34

Blend 7 Blend 7 O.S.0% 15.00% 2.50% 7.50% 3.75% 6.25% 4.50% 5.50% S.00% Citronella Oil Citronella Oil O.02% S.00% O.10% 0.30% 0.15% 0.25% O.18% O.20% Paraffin Light Liquid O.40% 12.00% 2.00% 6.00% 3.00% S.00% 3.60% 4.40% 4% paraffin Emulsifying wax Emulsifying wax 1.40% 42.00% 7.00%. 21.00% 10.50%. 17.50% 12.60% 15.40% 14% Butylated hydroxy Butylated hydroxy O.O1% S.00% O.05% 0.15% 0.08% 0.13% O.09% O.11% O.10% toluene toluene US 8,734,869 B2 121 122 TABLE 2-continued Exemplified Ingredients Exemplified form % Range 1 % Range 2 % Range 3 % Range 4 % (w.fw) Paraffin White Soft Paraffin O.90%. 27.00% 4.50%. 13.50% 6.75%. 11.25% 8.10% 9.90% 9% Sodium Sodium O.O3% S.00% O.13% 0.38% 0.19% 0.31% 0.23% 0.28% O.25% Metabisulphate Metabisulphate Propylene Glycol Propylene Glycol O.20% 6.00% 1.00% 3.00% 1.50% 2.50% 1.80% 2.20% 2% Methyl Paraben Methyl Paraben O.O2% S.00% O.08% 0.23% 0.11% 0.19% 0.14% 0.17% O.15% Propyl Paraben Propyl Paraben O.O1% S.00% O.03% 0.08% 0.04% 0.06% 0.05% 0.06% O.05% Hydrogenated castor Hydrogenated O.S.0% 15.00% 2.50% 7.50% 3.75% 6.25% 4.50% S.S.0% 59% oil castor oil Carbopol Carbopol 940 O.O2% S.00% O.10% 0.30% O.15% 0.25% O.18% 0.22% O.20% Triethanolamine Triethanolamine O.O2% S.00% O.08% 0.23% 0.11% 0.19% 0.14% 0.17% O.15% Vitamin Eacetate Vitamin Eacetate O.00% S.00% O.O1% 0.03% 0.02% 0.03% 0.02% 0.02% O.02% Disodium EDTA Disodium EDTA O.O1% S.00% O.03% 0.08% 0.04% 0.06% 0.05% 0.06% O.05% Water Purified water 5.98% 99.00%. 29.92% 89.75%. 44.87% 74.79% 53.85%. 65.81% 59.83%

In some other embodiments, each compound can make up In embodiments of the invention that include at least one between about 1% to about 99%, by weight (wit/wt %) or by blend of compounds of a plant origin, the compounds of plant volume (vol/vol%), of the composition. For example, one origin can be tested for their precise chemical composition composition of the present invention comprises about 2% using, for example, High-Pressure Liquid Chromatography alpha-Pinene and about 98% D-limonene. As used herein, (HPLC), Mass Spectrometry (MS), gas chromatography, or percent amounts, by weight or by Volume, of compounds are the like. to be understood as referring to relative amounts of the com The term “about' or “approximately’ means within an pounds. As such, for example, a composition including 7% 25 acceptable error range for the particular value as determined linalool, 35% thymol, 4% alpha-pinene, 30% para-cymene, by one of ordinary skill in the art, which will dependin part on and 24% soybean oil (vol/vol%) can be said to include a ratio how the value is measured or determined, i.e., the limitations of 7 to 35 to 4 to 30 to 24 linalool, thymol, alpha-pinene, of the measurement system, i.e., the degree of precision para-cymene, and soybean oil, respectively (by Volume). As required for a particular purpose. Such as a pharmaceutical Such, if one compound is removed from the composition, or 30 formulation. For example, “about can mean within 1 or more additional compounds or other ingredients are added to the than 1 Standard deviations, per the practice in the art. Alter composition, it is contemplated that the remaining com natively, “about can mean a range of up to 20%, preferably pounds can be provided in the same relative amounts. For up to 10%, more preferably up to 5%, and more preferably example, if soybean oil were removed from the exemplary still up to 1% of a given value. Alternatively, particularly with composition, the resulting composition would include 7 to 35 35 respect to biological systems or processes, the term can mean to 4 to 40 linalool, thymol, alpha-pinene, and para-cymene, within an order of magnitude, preferably within 5-fold, and respectively (by Volume). This resulting composition would more preferably within 2-fold, of a value. Where particular include 9.21% linalool, 46.05% thymol. 5.26% alpha-pinene, values are described in the application and claims, unless and 39.48% para-cymene (vol/vol%). For another example, otherwise stated the term “about” meaning within an accept if safflower oil were added to the original composition to yield 40 able error range for the particular value should be assumed. a final composition containing 40% (vol/vol) safflower oil, The term “substantially, as used herein, means at least then the resulting composition would include 4.2% linalool, about 80%, preferably at least about 90%, more preferably at 21% thymol, 2.4% alpha-pinene, 18% para-cymene, 14.4% least about 99%, for example at least about 99.9%. In some soybean oil, and 40% safflower oil (vol/vol%). One having embodiments, the term "substantially can mean completely, ordinary skill in the art would understand that volume per 45 or about 100%. centages are easily converted to weight percentages based the Embodiments of the invention can include at least one oil, known or measured specific gravity of the Substance. such as, for example, “Superior oil.” highly-refined oils, and In certain embodiments, it can be desirable to include a the like. naturally-occurring version or a synthetic version of a com In the case of an animal, human or non-human, the host can pound. For example, in certain embodiments it can be desir 50 also be treated directly by using a formulation of a composi able to include Blend 61, a synthetic lime oil that can be tion that is delivered orally. For example, a composition can obtained, for example, from Millennium Chemicals, Inc. In be enclosed within a liquid capsule and ingested. certain exemplary compositions, it can be desirable to include An area can be treated with a composition of the present a compound that is designated as meeting Food Chemical invention, for example, by using a spray formulation, Such as Codex (FCC), for example, Geraniol Fine FCC or Tetrahy 55 an aerosol or a pump spray, or a burning formulation, Such as drolinalool FCC, which compounds can be obtained, for a candle or a piece of incense containing the composition. Of example, from Millennium Chemicals, Inc. course, various treatment methods can be used without In certain embodiments, it can be desirable to combine an departing from the spirit and scope of the present invention. insect control blend as described herein with a synthetic For example, compositions can be comprised in household insecticide Such as pyrethroid compound, a nitroguanidine 60 products Such as: air fresheners (including heated air fresh compound or a chloronicotinyl compound. For example, in eners in which insect repellent Substances are released upon certain embodiments it can be desirable to combine a blend heating, e.g., electrically, or by burning); hard Surface clean with delatamethrin, clothianidin or imidacloprid, or a combi ers; or laundry products (e.g., laundry detergent-containing nation thereof. Delatamethrin is available for example from compositions, conditioners). AgrEvo Environmental Health, Inc., of Montvale, N.J. 65 Synergistic Properties of Blends Clothianidin and imidacloprid are available from Bayer Surprisingly, by blending certain compounds in certain CropScience LP of Research Triangle Park, N.C. relative amounts, the resulting composition demonstrates a US 8,734,869 B2 123 124 repellant or pesticidal effect that exceeds the repellant or embodiments, the synergy coefficient can be adjusted for pesticidal effect of any component of the composition. As differences in concentration of the complete blend and the used herein, "component of a composition” refers to a com comparison composition. pound, or a Subset of compounds included in a composition, Synergy coefficients can be calculated as follows. An activ e.g., the complete composition minus at least one compound. 5 ity ratio (R) can be calculated by dividing the '% effect of the As used herein, “repellant effect” is an effect wherein more composition (A) by the '% effect of the comparison compo insects are repelled away from a host or area that has been sition (X), as follows: treated with the composition than a control host or area that R-A/X, Formula 1 has not been treated with the composition. In some embodi 10 A concentration adjustment factor (F) can be calculated ments, repellant effect is an effect wherein at least about 75% based on the concentration (C), i.e., 9% (wit/wt) or % (vol/ of insects are repelled away from a host or area that has been Vol), of the comparison composition in the composition, as treated with the composition. In some embodiments, repel follows: lant effect is an effect wherein at least about 90% of insects F=1OO/C. Formula 2 are repelled away from a host or area that has been treated 15 with the composition. As used herein, "pesticidal effect is an The synergy coefficient (S) can then be calculated by mul effect wherein treatment with a composition causes at least tiplying the activity ratio (R) and the concentration adjust about 1% of the insects to die. In this regard, when a first ment factor (F), as follows: effect and a second effect are compared, the first effect can Formula 3 indicate a greater pesticidal or repellant efficacy if it exceeds the second effect. For example, when the effect being mea As such, the synergy coefficient (S) can also by calculated, Sured is a % killing of target insects, a greater% killing is a as follows: pesticidal effect that exceeds a lesser % killing. Effects that S=(AB/Xn)(100), Cn Formula 4 can be measured include, but are not limited to: time to kill a In Formula 4, AB is expressed as % effect of the blend, Xn given percentage of a target insect, or repellency as to a given 25 is expressed as % effect of the comparison composition (Xin), percentage of a target insect. and Cn is expressed as % (wit/wt) or% (vol/vol) concentration Surprisingly, by combining certain insect control chemi of the comparison composition in the blend. cals, and compounds or blends of the present invention, insect In some embodiments, a coefficient of synergy of about control activity of the resulting compositions can be, 1.3, 1.4, or 1.5 can be substantial and commercially enhanced, i.e., a synergistic effect on insect control activity is 30 desirable. In other embodiments, the coefficient of synergy achieved when a certain chemical or chemicals, and a certain can be from about 1.6 to about 5, including but not limited to compound or compounds are combined. In other words, the about 1.8, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, and 4.5. In other embodi compositions including certain combinations of at least one ments, the coefficient of synergy can be from about 5 to 50, chemical, and at least one compound or at least one blend of including but not limited to about 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, compounds can have an enhanced ability to control target 35 and 45. In other embodiments, the coefficient of synergy can pests, as compared to each of the chemicals or compounds be from about 50 to about 500, or more, including but not taken alone. limited to about 50, 75, 100, 125, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, In embodiments of the present invention, “synergy can 400, and 450. Any coefficient of synergy above 500 is also refer to any Substantial enhancement, in a combination of at contemplated within embodiments of the compositions. least two ingredients, of a measurable effect, when compared 40 Given that a broad range of synergies can be found in with the effect of one active ingredient alone, or when com various embodiments described herein, it is expressly noted pared with the effect of the complete combination minus at that a coefficient of synergy can be described as being least one ingredient. Synergy is a specific feature of a com 'greater than a given number and therefore not necessarily bination of ingredients, and is above any background level of limited to being within the bounds of a range having a lower enhancement that would be due solely to, e.g., additive effects 45 and an upper numerical limit. Likewise, in some embodi of any random combination of ingredients. Effects include ments described herein, certain low synergy coefficients, or but are not limited to: repellant effect of the composition; lower ends of ranges, are expressly excluded. Accordingly, in pesticidal effect of the composition; perturbation of a cell Some embodiments, synergy can be expressed as being message or cell signal Such as, e.g., calcium, cyclic-AMP, and “greater than a given number that constitutes a lower limit of the like; and diminution of activity or downstream effects of 50 synergy for Such an embodiment. For example, in some a molecular target. embodiments, the synergy coefficient is equal to or greater As used herein, “synergy' and “synergistic effect' can than 25; in Such an embodiment, all synergy coefficients refer to any Substantial enhancement, in a composition of at below 25, even though substantial, are expressly excluded. least two compounds, of a measurable effect, e.g., an anti In some embodiments, synergy or synergistic effect asso parasitic effect, when compared with the effect of a compo 55 ciated with a composition can be determined using calcula nent of the composition, e.g., one active compound alone, or tions similar to those described in Colby, S. R. “Calculating the complete blend of compounds minus at least one com Synergistic and Antagonistic Responses of Herbicide Com pound. Synergy is a specific feature of a blend of compounds, binations.' Weeds, 1967 15:1, pp. 20-22, which is incorpo and is above any background level of enhancement that would rated herein by reference. In this regard, the following for be due solely to, e.g., additive effects of any random combi 60 mula can be used to express percent effect (E) of a nation of ingredients. composition including two compounds, Compound X and In some embodiments, a Substantial enhancement of a Compound Y: measurable effect can be expressed as a coefficient of syn ergy. A coefficient of synergy is an expression of a compari E=X-Y-(X*Y/100) Formula 5 son between measured effects of a composition and measured 65 In Formula 5. X is the measured actual percent effect of effects of a comparison composition. The comparison com Compound X in the composition, and Y is the measured position can be a component of the composition. In some actual percent effect of Compound Y in the composition. The US 8,734,869 B2 125 126 expected percent effect (E) of the composition is then com position of compounds to the pesticidal effect of a component pared to a measured actual percent effect (A) of the compo of the composition. Additional information related to making sition. If the actual percent effect (A) that is measured differs a synergy determination can be found in the examples set from the expected percent effect (E) as calculated by the forth in this document. While synergy has been described in formula, then the difference is due to an interaction of the terms of a coefficient of synergy and in terms of the Colby compounds. Thus, the composition has synergy (a positive synergy calculations, it is noted that synergy by other mea interaction of the compounds) when A.E. Further, there is a Sures or determinations known in the art is, in Some embodi negative interaction (antagonism) when A-E. ments, also within the meaning of synergy as described and Formula 5 can be extended to account for any number of claimed herein. compounds in a composition; however it becomes more com 10 Exemplary methods that can be used to determine the plex as it is expanded, as is illustrated by the following for synergistic effect of a particular composition are set forth in mula for a composition including three compounds, Com the following applications, each of which is incorporated in pound X, Compound Y, and Compound Z: its entirety herein by reference: U.S. application Ser. No. 10/832,022, entitled COMPOSITIONS AND METHODS 15 FOR CONTROLLING INSECTS; U.S. application Ser. No. An easy-to-use formula that accommodates compositions 11/086,615, entitled COMPOSITIONS AND METHODS with any number of compounds can be provided by modify FOR CONTROLLING INSECTS RELATED TO THE ing Formulas 5 and 6. Such a modification of the formula will OCTOPAMINE RECEPTOR: U.S. application Ser. No. now be described. When using Formulas 5 and 6, an untreated 11/365,426, entitled COMPOSITIONS AND METHODS control value (untreated with composition or compound) is FOR CONTROLLING INSECTS INVOLVING THE set at 100%, e.g., if the effect being measured is the amount of TYRAMINE RECEPTOR; and U.S. application Ser. No. target insects killed, the control value would be set at 100% 1 1/870,385, entitled COMPOSITIONS AND METHODS survival of the target insect. In this regard, if treatment with FOR CONTROLLING INSECTS. compound A results in 80% killing of the target insect, then Screening of Compositions the treatment with compound A can be said to result in a 20% 25 In some embodiments of the invention, the screening survival, or 20% of the control value. The relationship method for pest control potential can target a molecule of an between values expressed as a percent effect and values insect olfactory receptor protein. In some embodiments of the expressed as a percent-of-control are set forthin the following invention, the screening method for pest control potential can formulas, where E' is the expected percent of control of the target an insect olfactory receptor protein. The insect olfac composition, X is the measured actual % effect of an indi 30 tory system includes more than 60 identified olfactory recep vidual compound (Compound X) of the composition, X is tors. These receptors are generally members of a large family the percent of control of an individual compound of the com of G protein coupled receptors (GPCRs). position, and A' is the actual measured percent of control of As used herein, a “receptor is an entity on the cell mem the composition. brane or within the cell, cytoplasm, or cell nucleus that can 35 bind to a specific molecule (a ligand), such as, for example, a E=100-E Formula 7 neurotransmitter, hormone, or the like, and initiates the cel lular response to the ligand. Ligand-induced changes in the X=100-X," Formula 8 behavior of receptor proteins can result in physiological changes that constitute the biological actions of the ligands. A=100-A Formula 9 40 In accordance with the present disclosure, receptors such By substituting the percent-of-control values for the per as G protein-coupled receptors may be classified on the basis cent effect values of Formulas 5 and 6, and making modifi of binding affinity of the receptor to an active ingredient. This cations to accommodate any number (n) of compounds, the may also be expressed as the binding affinity of the active following formula is provided for calculating the expected% ingredient for the receptor. The binding affinity of an active of control (E) of the composition: 45 ingredient for a receptor, or the binding affinity of a receptor for an active ingredient, may be measured in accordance with methods disclosed herein or methods known to those of skill Formula 10 in the art. As used in the present disclosure, a “low” affinity indicates that a high concentration of the active ingredient i=1|X. E = 50 relative to the receptor is required to maximally occupy the 10O2-1 binding site of the receptor and trigger a physiological response, while a “high affinity indicates that that a low According to Formula 10, the expected% of control (E) for concentration of the active ingredient relative to the receptor the composition is calculated by dividing the product of the is adequate to maximally occupy the binding site of the recep measured actual % of control values (X) for each compound 55 tor and trigger a physiological response. A "high affinity of the composition by 100'. The expected% of control (E') may correspond to, for example, an active ingredient concen of the composition is then compared to the measured actual 96 tration of two or more orders of magnitude less than the of control (A') of the composition. If the actual % of control concentration of the receptor that is effective to trigger the (A') that is measured differs from the expected 9% of control physiological response, while a “low” affinity may corre (E') as calculated by the Formula 10, then the difference is due 60 spond to an active ingredient concentration of one or more to an interaction of the compounds. Thus, the composition has orders of magnitude greater than the concentration of the synergy (a positive interaction of the compounds) when receptor that is effective to trigger the physiological response. A'E'. assay. Exemplary insect cell lines include but are not limited Compositions containing two or more compounds in cer 65 to SF9, SF21, Tini, Drosophila S2 cells, and the like. Methods tain ratios or relative amounts can be tested for a synergistic of culturing the insect cells are known in the art, and are effect by comparing the pesticidal effect of a particular com described, for example, in Lynn et al., J. Insect Sci. 2002; 2: US 8,734,869 B2 127 128 9, incorporated herein by reference in its entirety. Methods of tional embodiments, the targeted protein can be any of the starting a new insect cell culture from a desired insect cell are insect olfactory protein receptors. described, for example, in Lynn et al. Cytotechnology. 1996; Additionally, other components of the insect olfactory 20:3-1 1, which is incorporated herein by reference in its receptor cascade can be targeted using the method of the entirety. invention in order to identify useful insect control com Further discussion of various approaches to screening, pre pounds. Exemplary insect olfactory cascade components that paring, evaluating, and using insect control formulations are can be targeted by methods of the invention include but are disclosed in the following applications, each of which is not limited to serotonin receptor, Or22a, Or22b, GrSa, Gr21a, incorporated by reference in its entirety: U.S. application Ser. Gró1a, beta-arrestin receptor, GRK2 receptor, and tyramine No. 10/832,022, entitled COMPOSITIONS AND METH 10 beta-hydroxylase receptor, and the like. ODS FOR CONTROLLING INSECTS; U.S. application Ser. With reference to FIG. 1, an exemplary screening method No. 11/086,615, entitled COMPOSITIONS AND METH for identifying effective pestcontrol compositions can make ODS FOR CONTROLLING INSECTS RELATED TO THE use of one or more transfected cell lines expressing a receptor OCTOPAMINE RECEPTOR: U.S. application Ser. No. of interest, for example, a biogenic amine receptor, such as, a 11/365,426, entitled COMPOSITIONS AND METHODS 15 TyR or an octopamine receptor. FOR CONTROLLING INSECTS INVOLVING THE In some embodiments of the invention, isolated cell mem TYRAMINE RECEPTOR: U.S. Provisional Application branes expressing the receptor of interest can be used in 60/807,600, entitled COMPOSITIONS AND METHODS competitive binding assays. Whole cells can be used to study FOR CONTROLLING INSECTS; U.S. Provisional Applica changes in signaling down-stream to the receptor, in response tion 60/805,963, entitled COMPOSITIONS FOR TREAT to treatment with a test composition. ING PARASITIC INFECTIONS AND METHODS OF Embodiments of the invention can utilize prokaryotic and SCREENING FOR SAME: U.S. Provisional Application eukaryotic cells including, for example, bacterial cells, yeast 60/718,570, entitled COMPOSITIONS HAVING INSECT cells, fungal cells, insect cells, nematode cells, plant cells, CONTROL ACTIVITY AND METHODS FOR USE animal cells, and the like. Suitable animal cells can include, THEREOF. 25 for example, HEK cells, HeLa cells, COS cells, U20S cells, In embodiments of the present invention, a Drosophila CHO-K1 cells, various primary mammalian cells, and the Schneider 2 (S2) cell line is stably transfected with a G like. An animal model expressing one or more conjugates of protein-coupled receptor that is amplified from Drosophila an arrestin and a marker molecule, for example, throughout melanogaster head cDNA phage library. The cell line can be its tissues, within a particular organ or tissue type, or the like, used to Screen potential active ingredients, as described 30 can be used. below. The potential for insect control activity can be identified by Receptor binding can result in cellular changes down measuring the affinity of the test compositions for the recep stream to the receptor. The Subsequent cellular changes may tor in the cell lines expressing a TyrR, Or83b, and/or Ora3a. include altered intracellular cAMP levels, calcium levels or The potential for insect control activity can also be identified both. 35 by measuring the change in intracellular cAMP and/or Ca2+ In Some embodiments of the invention, the screening in the cell lines expressing TyrR, Or83b, and/or Or43a fol method for insect control activity can target an insect olfac lowing treatment with the test compositions. The gene tory receptor protein. The insect olfactory system includes sequences of the TyrR, the Or 83b receptor and the Or 43a more than 60 identified olfactory receptors. These receptors receptor have substantial similarity between various insect are generally members of a large family of G protein coupled 40 species. As such, the Drosophila Schneider cell lines express receptors (GPCRs). ing these receptors can be used to screen for compositions In Drosophila melanogaster, the olfactory receptors are having insect control activity in various insect species. located in two pairs of appendages located on the head of the The methods of embodiments of the invention can used to fly. The family of Drosophila chemoreceptors includes control any type of target pest, such as an insect. Exemplary approximately 62 odorant receptor (Or) and 68 gustatory 45 insects that can be controlled include but are not limited to receptor (Gr) proteins, encoded by families of approximately beetles, cockroaches, flies, ants, insect larvae, bees, lice, fleas, 60 Or and 60 Grgenes through alternative splicing. Some of mosquitoes, , and the like. Exemplary insect orders can these receptor proteins have been functionally characterized, include but are not limited to orders Acari, Anoplura, Ara while others have been identified by sequence homology to neae, Blattodea, Coleoptera, Collembola, Diptera, Gryl other sequences but have not been fully characterized. Other 50 loptera, Heteroptera, Homoptera, Hymenoptera, Isopoda, insects have similar olfactory receptor proteins. Isoptera, Lepidoptera, Mantodea, Mallophaga, Neuroptera, In certain embodiments, the insect olfactory receptor pro Odonata, Orthoptera, Psocoptera, Siphonaptera, Symphyla, tein targeted by the screening or insect control method of the Thysanura, and Thysanoptera and the like. invention is the tyramine receptor (tyrR). In additional Embodiments of the present invention can be used to con embodiments, the insect olfactory receptor protein is the 55 trol, for example, the insects set forth in the following table insect olfactory receptor protein Or83b or Or43a. In addi (Table 3), or the like. TABLE 3

INSECTS SUBJECT TO CONTROL BY EMBODIMENTS OF THE INVENTION English Common Scientific Name Name Order Family Abgrallaspis ithacae (Ferris) hemlock scale Homoptera Diaspididae Alcalitus essigi (Hassan) redberry mite Acari Eriophyidae Alcalitus ridis (Can.) birch budgall mite Acari Eriophyidae US 8,734,869 B2 129 130 TABLE 3-continued

INSECTS SUBJECT TO CONTROL BY EMBODIMENTS OF THE INVENTION English Common Scientific Name Name Order Family Acalitus vaccinii (Keif.) blueberry bud mite Acari Eriophyidae Acalymma vittatum (F) striped cucumber Coleoptera Chrysomelidae beetle Acantholyda erythrocephala (L.) pine false webworm Hymenoptera Pamphiliidae Acantholyda zappei (Roh.) nesting pine sawfly Hymenoptera Pamphiliidae AcanthomyopS interjectiis (Mayr) larger yellow ant Hymenoptera Formicidae Acanthoscelides obtectus (Say) bean weevil Coleoptera Bruchidae Acarus Siro L. grain mite Acari Acaridae Aceria campestricola (Frauen.) elm leafgall mite Acari Eriophyidae Aceria dispar (Nal.) aspen leaf mite Acari Eriophyidae Aceria elongatus (Hodg.) crimson erineum mite Acari Eriophyidae Aceria fraxiniflora (Felt) ash flower gall mite Acari Eriophyidae Aceria parapopiti (Keif.) poplar budgall mite Acari Eriophyidae Aceria tosichelia Keif. wheat curl mite Acari Eriophyidae Acericecis ocellaris (O.S.) ocellate gall midge Diptera Cecidomyiidae Achaearanea tepidariorum (Koch) European house Araneae Theridiidae spider Acheia domesticiis (L.) house cricket Grylloptera Gryllidae Achyra Fantalis (Gn.) garden webworm Lepidoptera Pyralidae Acleris chalybeana (Fern.) esser leafroller Lepidoptera Tortricidae Acleris comariana (Zell.) strawberry tortrix Lepidoptera Tortricidae Acleris fiscana (B. & Bsk.) Small aspen leaftier Lepidoptera Tortricidae Acleris gloverana (Wilsm.) western blackheaded Lepidoptera Tortricidae budworm Acier is logiana (Cl-) blackheaded birch Lepidoptera Tortricidae eaffolder Acleris minuta (Rob.) yellowheaded Lepidoptera Tortricidae fireworm Acleris variana (Fern.) eastern blackheaded Lepidoptera Tortricidae budworm Acossus centerensis (Lint.) poplar carpenterworm Lepidoptera Cossidae Acossus populi (WIk.) aspen carpenterworm Lepidoptera Cossidae Acrobasis betuleia Hulst birch tubemaker Lepidoptera Pyralidae Acrobasis carvae Grt. hickory shoot borer Lepidoptera Pyralidae Acrobasis comptoniella Hulst Sweetfern leaf Lepidoptera Pyralidae casebearer Acrobasisiuglandis (LeB.) pecan leaf casebearer Lepidoptera Pyralidae Acrobasis rubrifasciella Pack. alder tubemaker Lepidoptera Pyralidae Acrobasis Sylviella Ely ironwood tubemaker Lepidoptera Pyralidae Acrobasis vaccinii Riley cranberry fruitworm Lepidoptera Pyralidae Acronicta americana (Harr.) American dagger Lepidoptera Noctuidae Acronicta dactylina Grt. alder dagger moth Lepidoptera Noctuidae Acronicta fragilis (Gn.) fragile dagger moth Lepidoptera Noctuidae Acronicta funeralis G. & R. paddle caterpillar Lepidoptera Noctuidae Acronicta furcifera Gn. forked dagger moth Lepidoptera Noctuidae Acronicta grisea Wilk. gray dagger moth Lepidoptera Noctuidae Acronicia hasta Gn. cherry dagger moth Lepidoptera Noctuidae Acronicta impressa WIk. willow dagger moth Lepidoptera Noctuidae Acronicta innotata Gn. birch dagger moth Lepidoptera Noctuidae Acronicta leporina (L.) poplar dagger moth Lepidoptera Noctuidae Acronicta lepusculina Gn. cottonwood dagger Lepidoptera Noctuidae moth Acronicta obiinita (J. E. Smith) Smeared dagger moth (CO(8 Noctuidae Acronicia irisis Sm. sad dagger moth Lepidoptera Noctuidae Acronicta vinnula (Girt.) elm dagger moth Lepidoptera Noctuidae Actebia fennica (Tausch.) black army cutworm Lepidoptera Noctuidae Actias itina (L.) luna moth Lepidoptera Saturniidae Actilops lycopersici (Tryon) tomato russet mite Acari Eriophyidae Aculus fockeui (Nal. & Tr.) plum rust mite Acari Eriophyidae Acuius Schlechtendali (Nal.) apple rust mite Acari Eriophyidae Acyrthosiphon caraganae caragana aphid Homoptera Aphidiidae (Cholodk.) Acyrthosiphon pistin (Harr.) pea aphid Homoptera Aphidiidae Adalia bipunctata (L.) twospotted lady beetle Coleoptera Coccinellidae Adelges abietis (L.) eastern spruce gall Homoptera Adelgidae adelgid Adelges cooleyi (Gill.) Cooley spruce gall Homoptera Adelgidae adelgid Adelges lariciatus (Patch) spruce galladelgid Homoptera Adelgidae Adelges laricis Vallot pale spruce gall Homoptera Adelgidae adelgid US 8,734,869 B2 131 132 TABLE 3-continued

INSECTS SUBJECT TO CONTROL BY EMBODIMENTS OF THE INVENTION English Common Scientific Name Name Order Family AdelgeSpiceae (Ratz.) balsam woolly Homoptera Adelgidae adelgid Adelgesistigae Ann. hemlock woolly Homoptera Adelgidae adelgid Adelphocoris lineolatus (Goeze) alfalfa plant bug Heteroptera Miridae Adelphocoris rapidus (Say) rapid plant bug Heteroptera Miridae Adelphocoris superbus (Uhl.) Superb plant bug Heteroptera Miridae Aedes aegypti (L.) yellow fever mosquito Diptera Culicidae Aeliopos titan (Cram.) whitebanded day Lepidoptera Sphingidae sphinx Aeshna Canadensis WIk. Canada darner Odonata Aeshnidae Aeshna umbrosa WIk. shadow darner Odonata Aeshnidae Aglais milberti (Godt.) Milbert tortoiseshell Lepidoptera Nymphalidae Agrius anxius Gory bronze birch borer Coleop (8. Buprestidae Agrilus aurichalceus Redt. rose stem girdler Coleop (8. Buprestidae Agrilus bilineatus (Weber) twolined chestnut Coleop (8. Buprestidae borer Agrius iraglis B. & B. bronze poplar borer Coleop (8. Buprestidae Agrius politus (Say) willow gall limb borer Coleop (8. Buprestidae Agrilus ruficollis (F) rednecked cane borer Coleop (8. Buprestidae Agriopodes failax (H.-S.) green marvel Lepidoptera Noctuidae Agriotes inostis (LeC.) little brown click Coleop (8. Elateridae beetle Agriotes lineatus (L.) lined click beetle Coleop (8. Elateridae Agriotes mancis (Say) wheat wireworm Coleop (8. Elateridae Agriotes obscurus (L.) dusky wireworm Coleop (8. Elateridae Agriotes sparsus LeC. western wireworm Coleop (8. Elateridae Agriphila vulgivagella (Clem.) vagabond crambus Lepidoptera Pyralidae Agrius Cingulata (F) pinkspotted Lepidoptera Sphingidae hawkmoth Agromyza aristata Malloch elm agromyzid Diptera Agromyzidae eafminer Agromyza fonteia (Rond.) alfalfa blotch Diptera Agromyzidae eafminer Agromyza melampyga (Loew) mockorange Diptera Agromyzidae eafminer Agrotis gladiaria Morr. claybacked cutworm Lepidoptera Noctuidae Agrotis ipsilon (Hufn.) black cutworm Lepidoptera Noctuidae Agrotis Orthogonia Morr. pale western cutworm Lepidoptera Noctuidae Ahasverus advena (Waltl) oreign grain beetle Coleoptera Cuculidae Alabama argiliacea (Hbn.) cotton leafworm Lepidoptera Noctuidae Alatts myopS (F) Smalleyed click beetle Coleoptera Elateridae Alatts Octiiatus (L.) eyed click beetle Coleoptera Elateridae Aleutroglyphus ovatus (Troup.) brownlegged grain Acaridae mite Allantiis cinctiis (L.) curled rose sawfly Hymenoptera Tenth redinidae Ainiphagus aspericolis (LeC.) alder bark beetle Coleop (8. Scolytidae Alphiobius diaperints (Panz.) esser mealworm (8. Tenebrionidae Alphiobius laevigatus (F.) black fungus beetle Coleop (8. Tenebrionidae Alphitophagus bifasciatus (Say) twobanded fungus (8. Tenebrionidae beetle Alsophila pometaria (Harr.) all cankerworm Lepidoptera Geometridae Aitica ambiens LeC. alder flea beetle Coleop (8. Chrysomelidae Alica Canadensis Gent. prairie flea beetle Coleop (8. Chrysomelidae Aitica chalybaea Ill. grape flea beetle Coleop (8. Chrysomelidae Alica prasina LeC. poplar flea beetle Coleop (8. Chrysomelidae Aitica rosae Woods rose flea beetle Coleop (8. Chrysomelidae Aitica Sylvia Malloch blueberry flea beetle Coleop (8. Chrysomelidae Aitica tiimi Woods elm flea beetle Coleop (8. Chrysomelidae Alypia langtoni Couper fireweed caterpillar Lepidoptera Noctuidae Alypia Octomaculata (F) eightspotted forester Lepidoptera Noctuidae Amblyscirtes vialis (Edw.) roadside skipper Lepidoptera Hesperiidae Amphibolips confluenta (Harr.) spongy oakapplegall Hymenoptera Cynipidae Amphibolips quercutsinanis (O.S.) arge Oakapple gall Hymenoptera Cynipidae Amphicer is bicaudatus (Say) apple twig borer Coleop (8. Bostrichidae Amphimalion maialis (RaZ.) European chafer Coleop (8. Scarabaeidae Amphion floridensis B. P. Clark nessus Sphinx Lepidoptera Sphingidae Amphipoea interOceanica (Sm.) strawberry cutworm Lepidoptera Noctuidae Amphipyra pyramidoides Gn. copper underwing Lepidoptera Noctuidae Amphipyra pyramidoides Gn. rearhumpe Lepidoptera Noctuidae caterpillar Amplicephalus inimicus (Say) painted leafhopper Homoptera Cicadellidae Anabrus simplex Hald. Mormon cricket Orthop (8. Tettigoniidae US 8,734,869 B2 133 134 TABLE 3-continued

INSECTS SUBJECT TO CONTROL BY EMBODIMENTS OF THE INVENTION English Common Scientific Name Name Order Family Anacampsis innocutelia (Zell.) darkheaded aspen Lepidoptera Gelechiidae eafroller Anacampsis niveopitivella (Cham.) paleheaded aspen Lepidoptera Gelechiidae eafroller Anagrapha falcifera (Kby.) celery looper Lepidoptera Noctuidae Anaphothrips obscurus (Mull.) grass thrips Tysanoptera Thripidae Anarsia ineatelia Zell. peach twig borer Lepidoptera Gelechiidae Anasa tristis (DeG.) Squash bug Heteroptera Coreidae Anathix pitta (G. & R.) poplar catkin moth Lepidoptera Noctuidae Anatis labiculata (Say) fifteenspotted lady Coleoptera Coccinellidae beetle Anatis mali (Say) eyespotted lady beetle Coleoptera Coccinellidae Ancistronycha bilineata (Say) twolined cantharid Coleoptera Cantharidae Ancy is burgessiana (Zell.) oak leaffolder Lepidoptera Tortricidae Ancy is compiana (Fro.) strawberry leafroller Lepidoptera Tortricidae Ancyllis discigerana (Wilk.) yellow birch Lepidoptera Tortricidae eaffolder Anelaphus paralleius (Newm.) hickory twig pruner Coleoptera Cerambycidae Anelaphus villosis (F.) twig pruner Coleoptera Cerambycidae Anisota finlaysoni Riotte shorthorned oakworm Lepidoptera Saturniidae Anisota Senatoria (J. E. Smith) orangestriped Lepidoptera Saturniidae Oakworm Anisota Stigma (F) spiny oakworm Lepidoptera Saturniidae Anisota virginiensis (Drury) pinkStriped oakworm Lepidoptera Saturniidae Anobium punctatum (DeG.) furniture beetle Coleoptera Anobiidae Anomoea iaticia via (Forst.) claycoloured leaf Coleoptera Chrysomelidae beetle Anopionyx Canadensis Hgtin. onelined larch sawfly Hymenoptera Tenth redinidae Anopionyx initeipes (Cress.) threelined larch Hymenoptera Tenth redinidae sawfly Antheraea polyphemus (Cram.) polyphemus moth Lepidoptera Saturniidae Anthonomis musculus Say cranberry weevil Coleoptera Curculionidae Anthononus quadrigibbits (Say) apple curculio Coleoptera Curculionidae Anthonomis signatus Say strawberry bud weevil Coleoptera Curculionidae Anthonomis signatus Say strawberry clipper Coleoptera Curculionidae weevil Anthophylax attentiatus (Hald.) mottled longhorned Coleoptera Cerambycidae beetle Anthrenus flavipes LeC. furniture carpet Coleoptera Dermes idae beetle Anthrenits museorum (L.) museum beetle Coleoptera Dermes idae Anthrenits Scrophilariae (L.) carpet beetle Coleoptera Dermes idae Anthrenus verbasci (L.) varied carpet beetle Coleoptera Dermes idae Antispilla nysaefoliella Clem. tupelo leafminer Lepidoptera Helioze idae Apamea amputatrix (Fitch) yellowheaded Lepidoptera Noctuidae cutworn Apamea devastator (Brace) glassy cutworm Lepidoptera Noctuidae Aphis craccivora Koch cowpea aphid Homoptera Aphidi Aphis fabae Scop. blackbean aphid Homoptera Aphidi Aphis fabae Scop. bean aphid Homoptera Aphidi Aphis gossypii Glov. melon aphid Homoptera Aphidi Aphis maculatae Oestl. spotted poplar aphid Homoptera Aphidi Aphis masturii Kltb. buckthorn aphid Homoptera Aphidi Aphis pomi DeG. apple aphid Homoptera Aphidi Aphis rubicola Oest. raspberry aphid Homoptera Aphidi Alphonia guilaris (Zell.) stored nut moth Lepidoptera Pyralidae Aphrophora cribrata (WIk.) pine Spittlebug Homoptera Cercopidae Aphrophora filva Doering western pine Homoptera Cercopidae spittlebug Aphrophora paralleia (Say) spruce spittlebug Homoptera Cercopidae Aphrophora permitata Uhl. Douglas-fir spittlebug Homoptera Cercopidae Aphrophora Saratogensis (Fitch) Saratoga Spittlebug Homoptera Cercopidae Apion longirostre Oliv. hollyhock weevil Coleoptera Apionidae Apion nigrum Hbst. black locust seed Coleoptera Apionidae weevil Apion simile Kby. birch catkin weevil Coleoptera Apionidae Apis meliifera L. honey bee Hymenoptera Apidae Apotomis dextrana (McD.) green aspen leafroller Lepidoptera Tortricidae Aradus kormiieri Heiss pine flat bug Heteroptera Aradidae Araecertis fasciculatus (DeG.) coffee bean weevil Coleoptera Anthribidae Araneus trifolium (Hentz) shamrock spider Araneae Araneidae Archips argyrospilla (Wilk.) ruittree leafroller Lepidoptera Tortricidae Archips cerasivorana (Fitch) uglynest caterpillar Lepidoptera Tortricidae Archips fervidana (Clem.) oak webworm Lepidoptera Tortricidae US 8,734,869 B2 135 136 TABLE 3-continued

INSECTS SUBJECT TO CONTROL BY EMBODIMENTS OF THE INVENTION English Common Scientific Name Name Order Family Archips mortuana Kft. duskyback leafroller Lepidoptera Tortricidae Archips negundana (Dyar) larger boxelder Lepidoptera Tortricidae leafroller Archips packardiana (Fern.) spring spruce needle Lepi O (8. Tortricidae moth Archips purpurana (Clem.) omnivorous leafroller Lepi (8. Tortricidae Archips rosana (L.) European leafroller Lepi (8. Tortricidae Archips semiferana (WIk.) oak leafroller Lepi (8. Tortricidae Arctia caia (L.) great tiger moth Lepi (8. Arctiidae Argas persicus (Oken) fowl tick Acari Argasidae Argyresthia conjugella Zell. apple fruit moth Lepi (8. Argyresthiidae Argyresthia laricella Kft. larch shoot moth Lepi (8. Argyresthiidae Argyresthia Oreaselia Clem. cherry shoot borer Lepi (8. Argyresthiidae Argyresthia thuiella (Pack.) arborvitae leafminer Lepi (8. Argyresthiidae Argyrotaenia citrana (Fern.) orange tortrix Lepi (8. Tortricidae Argyrotaenia mariana (Fern.) graybanded leafroller Lepi (8. Tortricidae Argyrotaenia occultana Free. fall spruce needle Lepi (8. Tortricidae moth Argyrotaenia pinatibana (Kft.) pine tube moth Lepi (8. Tortricidae Argyrotaenia quadrifasciana fourlined leafroller Lepi (8. Tortricidae (Fern.) Argyrotaenia quercifoliana (Fitch) tortricid oakworm Lepidoptera Tortricidae Argyrotaenia tabulana Free. jack pine tube moth Lepidoptera Tortricidae Argyrotaenia velutinana (Wilk.) redbanded leafroller Lepidoptera Tortricidae Arhopalus foveicollis (Hald.) pitted longhorned Coleop (8. Cerambycidae beetle Arhopalits productiis (LeC.) new house borer Coleop (8. Cerambycidae Armadillidium vulgare (Latr.) pillbug sopoda Armadillidae Aroga trialbanactileia (Cham.) redstriped fireworm Lepidoptera Gelechiidae Arrhenodes minutus (Drury) oak timberworm Coleop (8. Brentidae Asemum striatum (L.) opaque Sawyer Coleop (8. Cerambycidae Aspidiotis neri Bouch, oleander scale Homop (8. Diaspididae Asterodiapsis varioiosa (Ratz.) golden oak scale Homop (8. Asterolecaniida Asynapta hopkinsi Felt cone resin midge Diptera Cecidomyiidae Asynonychus cervinus (Boh.) Fuller rose beetle Coleop (8. Curculionidae Attagentispellio (L.) fur beetle Coleop (8. Dermestidae Attagentistinicolor (Brahm) black carpet beetle Coleop (8. Dermestidae Attiacaspis rosae (Bouch,) rose scale Homop (8. Diaspididae Aulacorthum Solani (Kltb.) oxglove aphid Homop (8. Aphidiidae Aulocara elliotti (Thos.) bigheaded Orthoptera Acrididae grasshopper Autographa biloba (Steph.) bilobed looper Lepidoptera Noctuidae Autographa Californica (Speyer) alfalfa looper Lepidoptera Noctuidae Automerisio (F) io moth Lepidoptera Saturniidae Bactrocera oleae (Gmel.) olive fruit fly Diptera Tephritidae Baliosits nervosus (Panz.) basswood leafminer Coleop (8. Chrysomelidae Banasa diniata (Say) banasa Stink bug Heteroptera Pentatomidae Barbara Colfaxiana (Kft.) Douglas-fir cone Lepidoptera Tortricidae moth Battus philenor (L.) pipevine Swallowtail Lepidoptera Papilionidae Bemisia tabaci (Genn.) Sweetpotato whitefly Homoptera Aleyrodidae Bision bettiaria Cognataria (Gn.) pepper-and-salt moth Geometridae Blastobasis glandulella (Riley) acorn moth Blastobasidae Biatta orientais L. oriental cockroach Blattellidae Blatteila germanica (L.) German cockroach Blattellidae Bissils i.ielicopterus (Say) chinch bug Lygaeidae Blissus leucopterus hirtus Montcl. hairy chinch bug Lygaeidae Bissus occiduus Barber western chinch bug Lygaeidae Boisea rubrolineata (Barber) western boxelder bug Rhopalidae Boisea trivittata (Say) boxelder bug Rhopalidae Boloria belona (F.) meadow fritillary Nymphalidae Boioria etinomia (Esp.) bog fritillary Nymphalidae Bolonia selene (D. & S.) silverbordered Lepidoptera Nymphalidae ritillary Bombyx mori (L.) silkworm Lepidoptera Bombycidae Bomolocha deceptaiis (Wilk.) basswood Owlet moth Lepidoptera Noctuidae Bourietiella hortensis (Fitch) garden springtail Collembola Sminthuridae Bovicola bovis (L.) cattle biting louse Mallophaga Trichodecticae Bovicola Caprae (Gurlt) goat biting louse Mallophaga Trichodecticae Bovicola equi (Denny) horse biting louse Mallophaga Trichodecticae Bovicola ovis (Schr.) sheep biting louse Mallophaga Trichodecticae Brachycaudits persicae (Pass.) black peach aphid Homop (8. Aphidiidae Brachycoynella asparagi (Mord.) asparagus aphid Homop (8. Aphidiidae Brevicoryne brassicae (L.) cabbage aphid Homop (8. Aphidiidae US 8,734,869 B2 137 138 TABLE 3-continued

INSECTS SUBJECT TO CONTROL BY EMBODIMENTS OF THE INVENTION English Common Scientific Name Name Order Family Brochymena quadripiistulata (F.) fourhumped Stink bug Heteroptera Pentatomidae Bromius obscurus (L.) western grape Coleop (8. Chrysomelidae rootWorl Brichophagus platypterus (WIk.) clover seed chalcid Hymenoptera Eurytomidae Bruchophagus roddi (Guss.) alfalfa seed chalcid Hymenoptera Eurytomidae Bruchus brachiais Fahr. vetch bruchid Coleop (8. Bruchidae Bruchus pisorum (L.) pea weevil Coleop (8. Bruchidae Bruchus rufimanus Boh. broadbean weevil Coleop (8. Bruchidae Bryobia praetiosa Koch clover mite Acari Tetranychidae Bryobia rubrioculus (Scheut.) brown mite Acari Tetranychidae Bucculatrix ainsieiia Murt. oak skeletonizer Lepidoptera Lyonetiidae Bucciiatrix Canadensiselia Cham. birch skeletonizer Lepidoptera Lyonetiidae Buprestis attritienta L. golden buprestid Coleop (8. Buprestidae Buprestis maculativentris Say ventrally-spotted Coleop (8. Buprestidae buprestid Byturus unicolor Say raspberry fruitworm Coleop (8. Byturidae Cacopsylla buxi (L.) boxwood psyllid Homop (8. Psyllidae Cacopsylla mali (Schmdb.) apple Sucker Homop (8. Psyllidae Cacopsylla negundinis Mally boxelder psyllid Homop (8. Psyllidae Cacopsylla pyricola Forst. pear psylla Homop (8. Psyllidae Cadra cauteila (Wilk.) almond moth Lepidoptera Pyralidae Cadra figuileila (Greg.) raisin moth Lepidoptera Pyralidae Caeniirgina crassiusculia (Haw.) clover looper Lepidoptera Noctuidae Cairoa cerasi (L.) pearsawfly Hymenoptera Tenth redinidae Cairoa cerasi (L.) pearslug Hymenoptera Tenth redinidae Cairoa fasciata (Nort.) oakslug Hymenoptera Tenth redinidae Cairoa fasciata (Nort.) oak sawfly Hymenoptera Tenth redinidae Callidium antennatum hesperum blackhorned pine Coleoptera Cerambycidae Casey Cre Calligrapha aini Schaeff. russet alder leaf beetle Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Calligrapha philadelphica (L.) dogwood leaf beetle Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Calligrapha scalaris (LeC.) elm calligrapha Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Callirhytis cornigera (O.S.) horned oak gall wasp Hymenoptera Cynipidae Callirhytis quercusptinctata gouty oak gall wasp Hymenoptera Cynipidae (Bass.) Callosamia promethea (Drury) promethea moth Lepidoptera Saturniidae Calocoris norvegicus Gmel. strawberry bug Heteroptera Miridae Calopteryx maculata (Beauv.) ebony jewelling Odonata Calopterygidae Caloptilia ainivorella (Cham.) alder leafminer Lt. (8. Caloptilia invariabilis (Braun) cherry leafcone Lepidoptera Gracillariidae caterpillar Calopiilia neglindella (Cham.) boxelder leafroller ea Gracillariidae Caloptilia syringeila (F.) ilac leafminer ea Gracillariidae Calosoma calidum (F) fiery hunter Carabidae Calvia quatuordecimguttata (L.) ourteenspotted lady (8. Coccinellidae beetle aceriella (Clem.) maple leafblotch Lepidoptera Gracillariidae miner Cameraria betulivora (WIsm.) birch leafblotch miner Lepidoptera Gracillariidae Cameraria Cincinnatiella (Cham.) gregarious oak Lepidoptera Gracillariidae eafminer Cameraria hamadiyadella (Clem.) Solitary oak leafminer Lepidoptera Gracillariidae Camnula pellucida (Scudd.) clearwinged (8. Acrididae grasshopper Campaea periata (Gn.) ringed looper Lepidoptera Geometridae Camponotus ferruginetis (F) red carpenterant Hymenoptera Formicidae Camponotus herculeanuts (L.) boreal carpenterant Hymenoptera Formicidae Camponotus pennsylvanicus black carpenterant Hymenoptera Formicidae (DeG.) Campylomma verbasci (Meyer) mullein bug Heteroptera Miridae Canarsia ulmiarrosorella (Clem.) elm leaftier Lepidoptera Pyralidae Caripeta anguistiorata WIk. brown pine looper Lepidoptera Geometridae Caripeta divisata Wilk. gray spruce looper Lepidoptera Geometridae Carpoglyphus lactis (L.) dried fruit mite Carpoglyphidae Carpophilus hemipterus (L.) dried fruit beetle Nitidulidae Carterocephalus palaemon Arctic skipper Hesperiidae (Pallas) Cartodere constricta (Gyll.) plaster beetle Lathridiidae Carutiaspisiiniperi (Bouch,) juniper scale Diaspididae Catastega aceriella Clem. maple trumpet Tortricidae skeletonizer Catocaia blandhiia Hulst gray-blue underwing Noctuidae Catocaia briseis Edw. briseis underwing Noctuidae US 8,734,869 B2 139 140 TABLE 3-continued

INSECTS SUBJECT TO CONTROL BY EMBODIMENTS OF THE INVENTION English Common Scientific Name Name Order Family Catocaia Cerogana Gn. yellowbanded Lepidoptera Noctuidae underwing Catocaia concumbens WIk. pink underwing Lepidoptera Noctuidae Catocala gracilis Edw. graceful underwing Lepidoptera Noctuidae Catocaia habilis Grt. hickory underwing Lepidoptera Noctuidae Catocala ilia (Cram.) ilia underwing Lepidoptera Noctuidae Catocaia relicia WIk. white underwing Lepidoptera Noctuidae Catocaia Sordida Girt. blueberry underwing Lepidoptera Noctuidae Catocala ultronia (Hbn.) plum tree underwing Lepidoptera Noctuidae Catocaia unijuga WIk. oncemarried Lepidoptera Noctuidae underwing Catilocampus acericantiis (MacG.) maple petiole borer Hymenoptera Tenth redinidae Cavariella aegopodii (Scop.) carrot-willow aphid Homoptera Aphidiidae Cecidomyia pellex O.S. ash bulletgall midge Diptera Cecidomyiidae Cecidomyia piniinopis O.S. jack pine midge Diptera Cecidomyiidae Cecidomyia resinicola (O.S.) jack pine resin midge Diptera Cecidomyiidae Cecidomyia verrucicola O.S. linden wart gall Diptera Cecidomyiidae midge Cecidophyopsis ribis (Westw.) currant bud mite Acari Eriophyidae Cecidophyopsis ribis (Westw.) blackcurrant big bud Acari Eriophyidae mite Celastrina argioliis (Cram.) spring azure Lepidoptera Lycaenidae Cephalicia fascipennis (Cress.) spruce webspinning Hymenoptera Pamphiliidae sawfly Cephalcia marginata Middlk. red pine webspinning Hymenoptera Pamphiliidae sawfly Cephaloon lepturoides Newm. false leptura beetle Coleoptera Cephaloidae Cephus cinctus Nort. wheat stem sawfly Hymenoptera Cephidae Cephus pygmaeus (L.) European wheat stem Hymenoptera Cephidae sawfly Cerapteryx graminis L. antler moth Lepidoptera Noctuidae Ceratomia amyntor (Gey.) elm sphinx Lepidoptera Sphingidae Ceratomia undulosa (Wilk.) waved sphinx Lepidoptera Sphingidae Ceratophyllus gallinae (Schr.) European chicken flea Siphonaptera Ceratophyllidae Ceratophyllus niger Fox western chicken flea Siphonaptera Ceratophyllidae Cercyonis pegala (F.) common wood Lepidoptera Satyridae nymph Cerotoma trifurcata (Forst.) bean leaf beetle Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Ceutorhynchus assimilis (Payk.) cabbage seedpod Coleoptera Curculionidae weevil Ceutorhynchus rapae Gyll. cabbage curculio Coleoptera Curculionidae Chaetocnema pullicaria Melsh. corn flea beetle Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Chaetophloeus heterodoxus mountain mahogany Coleoptera Scolytidae (Casey) bark beetle Chaetosiphon fragaefolii (Ckll.) strawberry aphid Homoptera Aphidiidae Chaitophorus populicola Thos. Smoky winged poplar Homoptera Aphidiidae aphid Chalcophora virginiensis (Drury) sculptured pine borer Coleoptera Buprestidae Charidotelia sexpunctata bicolor golden tortoise beetle Coleoptera Chrysomelidae (F.) Charidryas harrisii (Scudd.) Harris checkerspot Lepidoptera Nymphalidae Charidryas nycteis (Dbly.) silvery checkerspot Lepidoptera Nymphalidae Cheinophila salicella (Hbn.) blueberry flagleaf Lepidoptera Oecophoridae webworm Chelopistes medeagridis (L.) arge turkey louse Mallophaga Philopteridae Chelymorpha cassidea (F) argus tortoise beetle Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Chilocorus stigma (Say) twicestabbed lady Coleoptera Coccinellidae beetle Chionaspis a mericana Johns. elm Scurfy scale Homoptera Diaspididae Chionaspis corni Cooley dogwood scale Homoptera Diaspididae Chionaspis furfura (Fitch) Scurfy scale Homoptera Diaspididae Chionaspis intneri Comst. Lintner scale Homoptera Diaspididae Chionaspis pinifoliae (Fitch) pine needle scale Homoptera Diaspididae Chionaspis salicisnigrae (Walsh) willow scurfy scale Homoptera Diaspididae Chionodes formosella (Murt.) spring oak leafroller Lepidoptera Gelechiidae Chionodes obscuruseila (Cham.) boxelder leafworm Lepidoptera Gelechiidae Chlorochlamys chloroleucaria blackberry looper Lepidoptera Geometridae (Gn.) Chlorochroa sayi (Stal) Say Stink bug Heteroptera Pentatomidae Choreutis pariana (Cl.) apple-and-thorn Lepidoptera Choreutidae skeletonizer Chorioptes bovis (Gerl.) chorioptic mange Acari Psoroptidae mite