POTENTIAL OF THE STRAIN OF ENTOMOPATHOGENIC FUNGUS Isaria fumosorosea CCM 8367 AS A BIOLOGICAL CONTROL AGENT AGAINST Cameraria ohridella AND OTHER PESTS E. Prenerova´ 1, R. Zemek2, F. Weyda2, L. Volter2, M. Awad2 and H. M. Hussein2 1Plant Protection Laboratory Olesnˇ a,´ Olesnˇ a´ 87, Bernartice u Milevska, Czech Republic;
[email protected] 2Institute of Entomology, Biology Centre AS CR, Branisovskˇ a´ 31, Ceskˇ e´ Budejovice,ˇ Czech Republic;
[email protected] The effect on Spodoptera littoralis larvae Background Results of bioassays revealed higher virulence of CCM 8367 strain compared to PreFeRalR WG strain (Figs. 6 and 7). Entomopathogenic fungus Isaria fumosorosea (syn. Paecilo- myces fumosoroseus) (WIZE) Brown & Smith (Deuteromycota) is potentially usefull for the biocontrol of economically impor- tant agricultural and forest insect pests. Selection of effective, highly virulent strain is prerequisite for development of success- full biopesticide. Our strain of I. fumosorosea was isolated in the Czech Re- public from the horse chestnut leaf miner, Cameraria ohridella FIGURE 2: Cumulative mortality of C. ohridella pupae (Fig. 1), an invasive species that has spread rapidly through treated with I. fumosorosea blastospores. Red line: CCM central and Western Europe [1]. The strain is deposited under 8367; blue line: PreFeRalR WG; green line: control; number CCM 8367 (CCEFO.011.PFR) as a patent culture in n=200. the Czech Collection of Microorganisms in Brno. The effect on Cameraria ohridella pupae in horse chestnut leaves FIGURE 6: Cumulative mortality of S. littoralis larvae treated with I. fumosorosea blastospores. Red line: CCM Mortality of C. ohridella pupae in leaf samples was significantly 8367; blue line: PreFeRalR WG; green line: control; n=30.