Basil Lourié St Petersburg, Russia
[email protected] PETER THE IBERIAN AND DIONYSIUS THE AREOPAGITE: HONIGMANN — VAN ESBROECK’S THESIS REVISITED* In two papers published in 1993 and 19971 Michel van Esbroeck explained his reasons for “revisiting” the idea of Shalva Nutsubidze * Abbreviations: Lourié 2001 — В. М. ЛУРЬЕ, Время поэтов, или Praeparationes Areopagiti- cae: к уяснению происхождения стихотворной парафразы Евангелия от Иоанна [An Epoch of the Poets, or Praeparationes Areopagiticae: Toward a Comprehension of Origin of the Versifi ed Paraphrase of the Gospel of John], in: Д. А. ПОСПЕЛОВ (отв. ред.), Нонн из Хмима, Деяния Иисуса (Москва, 2002) (Scrinium Philocalicum, I) 295–337; reprinted on-line, with some corrections, under the title «Дионисийский субстрат в византийском юродстве. Время поэтов, или Praeparationes Areopagiticae» in Amsterdam International Journal for Cultural Narratology (2005) N 1, Spring: The Many Faces of Narratological Agenda. Research Application to Literatures and Cultures vis-à-vis History and Tropology: h p://; Lourié 2007 — B. Lourié, L’Histoire Euthymiaque : l’œuvre du patriarche Euthymios/Euphemos de Constantinople (490–496, † 515), Warszawskie Stu- dia Teologiczne XX/2 (2007) [Miscellanea Patristica Reverendissimo Domino Marco Starowieyski septuagenario professori illustrissimo viro amplissimo ac doctissimo oblata] 189–221; Perczel 2008 — I. Perczel, The Earliest Syriac Reception of Dionysius, Modern Theology 24 (2008) 557–571 (the whole issue 4 of vol. 24 dedicated to Dionysius is now reprinted as: S. Coakley, Ch. M. Stang (eds.), Re-thinking Dio nysius the Areopagite (Chichester—Oxford, 2009) (Directions in Modern Theo logy), Perzcel’s paper on p. 27–42); van Esbroeck 1993 — M.