ECONOMIC REFLECTIONS OF THE TRANSFORMATION OF SOCIAL DISTANCE CONCEPT IN EVERYDAY LIFE AFTER COVID-19 TO VIRTUAL 1 CONTACT Kafkas University Economics and Administrative Sciences Faculty KAUJEASF Article Submission Date: 07.06.2021 Accepted Date: 22.06.2021 Vol. 12, Issue 23, 2021 ISSN: 1309 – 4289 E – ISSN: 2149-9136 Seray BİLİCİ ABSTRACT Being aware of Master Graduate Student its own self through social interaction with other Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University people, humanity is discovering new ways to School of Graduate Studies, M.A. meet the need for socialization and to interact Program in Media and Cultural with other people based on communication in Studies the 21st century. The social isolation that Çanakkale, Turkey, emerged with the Covid-19 pandemic is an
[email protected] important obstacle to the social life of modern ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4938-5939 people and the sustainability of the entertainment industry. However, in line with the need for socialization, people create their Arif YILDIRIM own online social activities by overcoming these Asst. Prof.Dr. obstacles with the communication technologies Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University of the age. This new sector, which emerged at a Faculty of Communication, time of global crisis, allows the formation of new Journalism, economic capital of digitalization. Within the Çanakkale, Turkey, scope of the study, the adaptation of the
[email protected] entertainment sector, which experienced a ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4446-4865 shrinkage in its economic volume during the pandemic, to the digital world as a way of salvation is examined. Various online activities carried out in line with this review have been examined in detail, and the future of the sector is discussed with the findings obtained.