If Fund Still 0 Lider$1500 <]Ll0!A.( Fcampaign Road Officials To

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If Fund Still 0 Lider$1500 <]Ll0!A.( Fcampaign Road Officials To \r >|<!ff15¾; IMl.li ,,l in mmtlrliMillty niiM' t,i*t illiteracy r»t« Review ctrculntlon U paid '.; Ml I''' i, .unto <>n*ii*. circulation i .,. that la tba Mnd. Urn* eounto i; M »IHliJ{ fll , ,, , , ,,,, , , , , , ,, , , ,,,, ,, ,, ,,,, U I <H •*»^ ^ ^• • ••'»•"••*•• » •* • ^ '* *** *"* * ^ •'lp » ^'' • 111.00 A YBAft IN At)VAN6M, 8INOLK COI'tUH, KIVB OHNT0 mmi^ummmtmmmmmmtmm^mttmmmmmmmmm^mmmmfmtmtmmmmmkmmmmmmtmalmmmmmmtmmmmmtmmli if Fund Still The "Thank You" Is Due Complete Report the Finder, Mrs. Glejason Road Officials Local School Can Christmas Party at of Comniittee h . Catlow Friday Night Christmas Season The Barrington Review, 0 lider$1500 _1-*—*(t Harrington, 111, Published Here to Investigate Pay Expenses, for A children's party at The Cat* With Gladness and Gentlemen: low'thentre Friday night Is" being 1 "' i <]ll0!a.( fCampaign This to Inform you that I have A c omplcte repor: of/ the Barring sponsored by the Chamber . of s-i, " recovered the money which I lost New 59 Proposal ton tdvisory comniittee giving the Balance of Term Commc&e, the-American Legion Cheer Is at Hand in your city, and I wish to thank recom nendations of the committee and and The" Catlow theatre. The you for your interest in the mat­ • —' < ,*' t: purl. Continued the at >ps leading up to the recommen­ members of these organissations \\„'M''- ter as it was only through the Answers Village Request for dation s, is publishei below. The Re> Superintendent Says School wish , to provide an evening of Yuletide Will Be Celebktftd Siuro Christmas medium of your paper and the view published the recommendations enjoyment for all the children ,pf' *, honesty of Mrs. A. II. Gleason Cumnor Route; Hager Res­ May Get Along Without With Programs^ Family "' Needed last" x eek but not the complete Ver­ Bnrriugtou and the surrounding that I was able to locate It. idents Petition batim report as is jiven here because 'community. Again thanking you, -I am, Tax Warrants Gatherings. Etc. of laok of sufficient space in la|t There will be comedy and car­ Sincerely yours, week's issue. toon subjects and song slides. ) • •' i- l>a-'krts have Clement 3. Mould. 'The ma,in feafrfre of the prograi|i A petition-signed by all but three The report follow! : » In contrast with, schools in' the Another Yuletide, not so merry for r-.u-rington. Re- ' • Houghton, Mich. will- be the screening of Zane okvners of property aipng Hager ave-^ We, the members of the Bayringtdn majority of towns pf Cook county; The above|4ett«r was received Grey's, "The Golden West," with \ many people as holiday seasons of, tlte :.-' :• i button this nue asking that the village use in­ citizens' advisory Committee, 85 per and several in Lake, ctfuntyy the Bar- from' Mr. Honrfd-who lost a roll George ;0'Brien; playing) the leadr jtasf, but more hopeful for all than • r, chairman,' fluence to: bring highway! 59 over cent of whose mcmliership ebnsists of rington public schools are in a good of bills totaling $95 in Harring­ ing role. The story is. oi early I ^ger afyenue has been circulated and 'property owners within T)bg, vOlage position to operate throughout th« re­ any Christmas time in the last three ton November ' 29. The- money Western pidheer life, withuc^pes presented to members of the board of limits, who hav« b«n selectca^saren- mainder of the term without severe • . -i'.vc baskets was found by Mrs. ' GlcasOti who of wagon, trains, .railroad butH- years, -Jias again arrived. • "' trustees alniost simultaneously with resentitive "group if the community financial, strain and without, the ne­ i ' :i Mr. Schrei- .located the owner through a clas­ ing, Indian raids, buffalo stam­ Local people aire not limiting this rjiceipt by the village clerk of a letter from ill of the patriotic and civic o> cessity of finances raised on tax war~ ri,.'iii!»t'r of the sified advertisement in'seiltetf in pedes, wo'vel'j into' a, stOry of- ad* Christmas a season of lapteiits, us the • from George Lamb, district highway rants. '. !, \ • li.cn Friday ; The .Review.: ganizitions of therillage as well is ; pessimists would believe,-but are go­ e&igineer, stating that the department venture and Romance. I '.,;' ••••• has ii- lame I fouir members sclecttd from die yillaje This statement was maue this week ing to enjoy the holiday. Gift giving, will investigate the proposed,highway at Jari ^; and as sue It have endeavdre d by Erman S. Smithj superintendent, In add|ti«iri to the screen fare, !i.-j-k«t.i would " church: and Sunday .school services, t . I- rbute about 'one block west of finger. to tho roughly organ ii ^ourselves for tl e who explained that the large draft of each child WilL receive; a Christ-. miis box. Children will be nd- Christmas trees, Santa Clous, bright' j' While thip machinery is moving to-, pnrpoi le of studyin; the cause anltt v s , . !,..'I-II «ti"|,1ilyl Coldest Weather in 7 Lake county taxes, already overdue lighjts and colored decorations . will wards a decision for the route west effect of all' phases of our present nutltft free. The party will ben ,. -.al ..f- $l"i«H). but which has (icen promised for late •be almost as much in evidence mi t\t Hager, th<» linger avenue residents' sewer problem, 'with a constant guaijd in December, will be sufficient to op­ gin at 7. p. m.; Children may 'In' ll'fllll'H Still, j YearsHfe Recorded as „-....- . ,.., ..... -----; f ever, Iwivishness will be missing, •. ire grasping at the olfw*mn«\e. to them erate the school,,unt^l Home tax pay­ • h only it small' agaimt any group or tiidivkliifil «UII- come "any! time before 0 o'clock \A year ago the Lions club offered Mercury Dips to 15 'i month ago to convert tlieir street duly nfluencing th> opinions of! the ments will arrive fr«jm Cook comity. I •-" i.'l re|.itirtt*<(, | attractive cash prizes^ for the best into part of a Htnte highway. At Hie :N XI I',."!) Mtltf M, major ty. —.':-. I In the Cook county: villages of Pala­ exterior lighfrng dlNplnys. This year The coldcsts went her-experienced In- last meeting hi November the board Out Infrodnetory meeting with the tine, Arlington Heights, Do* Plainfis, Fourth and Fifth Grades 'without! anyS-cash prizes ns mi Jp* enlly In the /last seven years gripped jnndo the propiwnl that, the slate vlllngi r board, Villi gi» attorney anlrt and Park Itldge, schools are nimble i r licll { .centlv'o, ninny homes are ^tending the BiirHiufton dbtlHct last weec highway department Iw urged to In- vlllngi engineer clearly Indicated,- theft; 1 to operate the full, ten mouflin and Give Christmas Program thefr good wll|i with very pretty out' lirifiit hi;lpcd when live dliy* of around xero tem­ I'lude linger in the route. The ma­ the pioblem before hem was of vital will be unable to pay their tencher* at Meeting of, P.-T. A. door lighting. JThe downtowff is more ..v.i.1- tn. ViVi-r'y perature dropped to the low point of jority of owner* of. property along impor ance to the prop#y owners of utilws the Cook'county tax collection «*i ••IWIW—D prettily decorated than many, vlllngrt •: call 'liint full, 111 degrees below* early Friday mortj- .that .street were prevent at the meet- the vlUtMto and that tlmr deMire'd t'o machine Improves c insltl^mblyi bunlnenn jtllwtrl<>t>«. The Lions club ttfut. Thin low mark almost.'equals ini(. ,Of these property ownqra, two* obtnln an expression hmi opinion from 1 The. i)ecemln<r; program, of the Pnr- . I lll'lll>ll'n{. ill In.' Wnukegnn the school ..teachers oniameuliil llghln ar,o larger fhnn those . the M (legreen below nero reported 01 fhlnlt? voted In risk tlie tttnte for the the. pnople—'to enrrt t,h« case to the eiit-Tentilier ttsKocfiitlon ,WIIH held 'I'lu' demand face the prospect of jinyloss pny, days, orillritivlly uned-diie, to an error In -: J •" •* *-••!- It ttf| I lie I •eceinhcr\2T> lOtlfi. No record link highway, The riniiiilndl'r ralseiK ob- suprmite court melt nt an additional 'and In Chicago the] situation I* nl Monday 'afternoon. In the- school, ami I* ,; shlprntMit when the lightn were pur?, t J ! ' .1 llV till' I'tllll- been found uf any 'murk an low DM •jtetUtM to It, The trustee^ iiskiul tilt' expenllture (tf tnoi ey that was: not torlum. The fourth 'and/ lift It grades ready well knowii; clmned ri year a«o~ibuf the effect 1» Hint since H>'.'5. ' ~> 1 property owners to decide . the ^prob­ available and to lic­ ept file decree a» piHiMi'iited ' an ' Jtiterestlng OhrlntninH plenwlng. > . ... ' HI ll|i|it'll| to The writ t her break en me In I e In'the lem themselves and have n ertmmltttw it tio»,' staniU ^ciitldil for an expendl program consist I itg-of 'n i»liiy"(, ctirols, Sheldon Glirlj ! i Member ^ • Hiiiiilay Neliool rrogramn '•'• t'i''.||| which day tm Friday, Hut unlit y Was com- present at (he first meeting hi I)e<'em« are to) be levied by *peclal ftsHPiwmeiijt niftk readings. A short biiHlmiss meet­ Tlie Sunday nehoolk ChrlstmnN pro*), i liMn; fill' fine piiniHveJy "warm mid Hntiday felt iri- her, The eoiiimlttee «]I«1 not appear Willi! I nil property within the vllln«]e of Committee Sponsoring ing followed jthe readltig of « papw on tnoit Inil'my after (lie ttevenfl (JayH of thrift by Mr*. W, OhiiHtei^d, grntiin, nn outlined ulsewhere in thi* ' .: • i '. «I'IMI|I. With. *at that meeting,: fllthoiigh tH» highway liiiilts nt n tltiii' whe 11 thi»jireXri)t.|oad Fair Hortltulturiil Show 1 Ulie next regular :ine«tlln» of the \mw of The Iti(vli\w, will provldiiMlne .
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    Reader RESPONSES TO YOUTUBE EDITED BY GEERT LOVINK AND SABINE NIEDERER INC READER #4 R E The Video Vortex Reader is the first collection of critical texts to deal with R the rapidly emerging world of online video – from its explosive rise in 2005 with YouTube, to its future as a significant form of personal media. After years of talk about digital convergence and crossmedia platforms we now witness the merger of the Internet and television at a pace no-one predicted. These contributions from scholars, artists and curators evolved from the first SABINE NIEDE two Video Vortex conferences in Brussels and Amsterdam in 2007 which fo- AND cused on responses to YouTube, and address key issues around independent production and distribution of online video content. What does this new dis- tribution platform mean for artists and activists? What are the alternatives? T LOVINK Contributors: Tilman Baumgärtel, Jean Burgess, Dominick Chen, Sarah Cook, R Sean Cubitt, Stefaan Decostere, Thomas Elsaesser, David Garcia, Alexandra GEE Juhasz, Nelli Kambouri and Pavlos Hatzopoulos, Minke Kampman, Seth Keen, Sarah Késenne, Marsha Kinder, Patricia Lange, Elizabeth Losh, Geert Lovink, Andrew Lowenthal, Lev Manovich, Adrian Miles, Matthew Mitchem, Sabine DITED BY Niederer, Ana Peraica, Birgit Richard, Keith Sanborn, Florian Schneider, E Tom Sherman, Jan Simons, Thomas Thiel, Vera Tollmann, Andreas Treske, Peter Westenberg. Institute of Network Cultures, Amsterdam 2008 ISBN 978-90-78146-05-6 Reader 2 Reader RESPONSES TO YOUTUBE 3 Video Vortex Reader: Responses to YouTube Editors: Geert Lovink and Sabine Niederer Editorial Assistance: Marije van Eck and Margreet Riphagen Copy Editing: Darshana Jayemanne Design: Katja van Stiphout Cover image: Orpheu de Jong and Marco Sterk, Newsgroup Printer: Veenman Drukkers, Rotterdam Publisher: Institute of Network Cultures, Amsterdam 2008 Supported by: XS4ALL Nederland and the University of Applied Sciences, School of Design and Communication.
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