a a WWWWM'.&A - ~ -·---·-··--·--·--·-----· Say an Encoura.gine;Word. lhe eide·light which wa.a left open fo ven· Ing carried away by the w•mderfnl saying• WONDER OF WONDERS. tlla.tlon, The cry wae h.a.rd by t he s.,aond a.od doings of the Profeesor. At last he - BY FBAl.\Olb 5 · SllIITH, told ua that he would hold a.n lmaglua.ry officer who waa on the qaa.rter·deok , and Electl'icity Cui Down. SA.y an encouraging word to the weary, and tiy Ch~ster who was at thu wheel 1 nulther oonversation with a person up ihe chimney, ,..,. Thea to whom lite seeIUB all darkaome I.,f whom cauld throw light upon the lnei· H9 did so, When lo tho midst of a .dia· FRIDAY, MAY 28, 1886. One i~:KfY. eentence their sad hearts may light· dent to the captain, who had nll!hed