a a WWWWM'.&A - ~ -·---·-··--·--·--·-----· Say an Encoura.gine;Word. lhe eide·light which wa.a left open fo ven· Ing carried away by the w•mderfnl saying• WONDER OF WONDERS. tlla.tlon, The cry wae h.a.rd by t he s.,aond a.od doings of the Profeesor. At last he - BY FBAl.\Olb 5 · SllIITH, told ua that he would hold a.n lmaglua.ry officer who waa on the qaa.rter·deok , and Electl'icity Cui Down. SA.y an encouraging word to the weary, and tiy Ch~ster who was at thu wheel 1 nulther oonversation with a person up ihe chimney, ,..,. Thea to whom lite seeIUB all darkaome I.,f whom cauld throw light upon the lnei· H9 did so, When lo tho midst of a .dia· FRIDAY, MAY 28, 1886. One i~:KfY. eentence their sad hearts may light· dent to the captain, who had nll!hed <ill te logne, tho person np the fine giwe a d eriaive en, Ghe deck In a sta.te of terror, and dem~nded "hah, bah, ho.h I" I wa11 atit.rtled, l African Zulu Oil ! One smile otloveJh ~ir existence may brighten. In vain for the production of the offender, sprang from my aea.t. "Surely," ea.Id I , Stopa all pains and aches., internal and ex· h11olf a.loud, " that is the voice, and tone, ternal. · There is nothing like it; It's all the CATARRH. From tha.t da.y It was clear to ua all that talk, go where you will. by every one who has Say an encouraging word to the erring, Captaln. Pnlllips wa.e tormented by appre· and worda which more than once came from tried it, Sin blasted, hunted.down, crushed ana despair· henslone of coming disaster. An' idea was the maintop of the Niger." And while l CATARRII.-A new- treatment has been di~· covered whereby a permanent cure of . thJ.S Ev~~';vhen vice his worst form is reve!Lling, fixed in hla mind that his ship wa.s vldlted was 1tarlng at the l'rofessor, with eyes CURES ALL HUMORS, IT ClJRES hitherto incurable disease, is absolutely affect• One word In season may wake better feelrng. by a spirit .from the Invisible world, who ready to lei.,p out of their aookets, he ca.ma from a common Blotclt, or Eruption, Kidney and Spinal e.ftectiona. Lame Back. and ed in from one to three applications, no matt~r preferred to make ltaelf heard rather than to the front of the stage to perform hie W tbe worst Scrofula. Salt-rlieu1n, all complaints of the Urinary Passages. l:llind 'Fever-sores," Scaly or Rough Skin, and Bleedi11g P iles, Salt Hheum, ~crofnl ous whether standing one year or forty years. This cf remedy is only applied 9nce In. twelve da~s. Say an encouraging wol'd to th'i' toiler ; h ' seen. And thls Idea was strengthened by p11rt. Then, In eplte his fiowln~ be11rd in short, all diseases cnusod by bad blood are Sores, Scald Head. and all Cutaneous AJfec­ and does not interfere with bue.iness. Deacr1p· Poverty.threatens him-help him 10 foll er-t the fact that when be wa.s on deok a.nd be· and other decorationa, I . 1a.w In Professor conquered by tins powerful, purifying, and tions, Neuralgia Bleeding a.t the Lungs In· tive pamphlet sent free on 1·ece1pt o! stamp by When hie heart sinks at the da.rk proapec e t th d t f ' f th Meredith the ideotloal a.ck Chester, who, invigorating medicine. Oreat Eat~ng Ul· lla.mmatlon'.of the Lungs, Bronchitis. Asthma. near him ca.me aog··y a e oon uc o any o e J cers rapidly heal undi:;r its bemgn rntluence. Croup, Quincey, Swelled Neck, Colds and ",.. B. Dixon & Son, 305 King street, West, One loving sentence may ! trengthen and cheer men; especially when bis anger was made over twelve montha before, wa.a believed to oronto, Canada, Especiall;y: has lt mamfostcd lts potency in• Cougbs. Hheuroatism, Colic, Cholera Morbis, WHAT 19 CATAmn!'l him. manife.et In oatha and blows ; the nnaeen have leaped In a fit of madne11 Into the sea, curing '.I otter, lloso Hasht. Bolls, Cnr- Dysentry, Fever and Ague, Sore Eyes, Catarrh, Catarrh is a dangerous disMee which thous· but ever.vigilant visitor from a.far wonld­ and was drewned. buncles, Soro Eyes_, Scro~ulous Soros Headache, Pain in the Back, Sida, Chest or ands a.re consciously or unconsc;1ou slysufferln~ Say an encouraging word to the wee-pc,. and Swellings, Illp-.Ton1t ~~sense, any part of the systen; Ulcers, Old Sores and Mourning a loet one-what grief can be deepel' 1 perohed a.pparently en t;he top of the main· "Cheater!" I cried out, in my exolte· White Swolllngs, Goitre, or '.l'hlclt Swellings. F or Chilblains or Frosted Feet, from. It is a muco•purulent d1sc har~e c.aused ment, When the full heart le with agony ach\ng1_. ma1t-u,ter the l1111olent l~ugh or the de· Nock, and Enlarge d Gland.s. Send ten used perseveringly a cure is warranted· by the presence of a vegetable p,arasite m the 11 cents m stamps for a large treatise. with col- , , ~ . • · lining membrane of the nose. I he prnd1apo~· One loving sentence may keep it from bieiuung. loroaa wa.rnlng. On these ocaaslon1 the poer Sit down I" cried one·; "put him out," ored plates on· Skin Diseases, or tho same Iumors, Stiff Joints, Cuts, Burns, Bruises, ing causes are a morbid state of the blood, tho ma.n would rush off to hla cabin,with bla.noh· au.id aome othen, In tb.e mea.nwhUe I ha.d amount for ii trentise on Scrofn lous A1Tections. Sprains, Chapped Hands. One half teaspoonful blighted corpuscle of t ubercle, the germ poison S11y an encourngin1 word to all classes, ed oheek and tottering limb, and there come te myae!f, and resumed my sea.t, but "THE DI,OOD IS 'J:'IIE LIFE." will cure a Sore 'l'hroat if taken when it first of syi;hilis, mercury, toxomw. f~om the reten­ 'Tia a bea.rt-llghtner that nothing surpasses; Thoroughly cleanse it by using :Or. Pierce•• makes its appearance. ForFemaleOhetructionB tion of the etrete matter of the skm, ~uppressed .A.n then 'tie ;o easy 11nd pltaeant to nse it, abide nntll the gale In his moral senalbllltfoa not before I had got from the Prefe111er a GoJdon Medic al Discovery, and good cauaud by Colds a.nd other organic derange- perspirations, badly ventilated sleepmg_ apar.t• How can one be sur1v l'nough to refuse it 1bonld subside. Tha.t it wa.11 •ngry with no algn of reoognitiou, digestion, a fnir skillt. buoyant spir- ments, it is unequalled. men ts and the germination of othe~ poisons 1n one else but the. captain waa clea.r, from the When the perfermanoe waa over, my eld Us, vital strength, ancJ. son11d11osa ol ------- -- the blood. Irritated by these, the hnlng mem· fact that It never took any notloe of the 1hipma.te, for It wa.1 he, beckoned me to constitutio11, wm be established. WORMS in CHILDREN or ADULTS· brane of the nose is eve~ ready . for the recep­ tion of the parasite, which rapidly spreads,up condno' of any other person, The mate or him, and taking me to hla prlva.te room, he the nostrils and down the ~a.noes, or back. of the boatswain might aot ae:t;hey liked, er grasped my hand ln·all the fervency of • If you want a sure remedy ask for the throat causinl!: ulcerat10n of the throat, up AYoung Sailor's Story. CONSUMPTION, the men jibe and ehaft each other 1 no mat- dent friendship. " Sit down, Henry, my which ta Sc1·ofnlous Dlsom10 ol the the eusta.chian tubes ca.using deafness: bu,:. boy," he said, "a.nd you shall have a 10- .Mo1•1•is' Veg·ctable Doney rowing in the vocal cords. causing hoarsene~s; ter-the voloe waa not heard-neither la.ngh Lungs, ls promptly and certainly arrested usurping the proper structure of the bronchial Three. yea.rs ago I ehlpped on boa.rd the nor moan fell upon our ea.re. Bat moat of lutlon of the myater:y whioh hauga over me and c11red by t his God-given remedy, If t aken 01·m Sy1·u1,. tubes ending in pulmonary consumption and N iger, Captain Phillipa. Onr veyage wa.a those who lived In tho foneaatle were fa.r a.nd the past." . before the last sta~cs of the disease are reached. 'V I~rom its wonder1 ul. power over this terrlblf. Can be taken by the most delicate child, and death. f to Hilo, Sandwloh lela.nds, and back to from being happy, many of them aha.red the " How oame you to be saved from " t atni disease, when :first oll'cring this n ow ce • It there is worms In the system guaranteed to Many Ingenious speiflcs for fort.he cure o Paget Sound, whence we sa.lled. Th.a. 011p fea.ra of the skipper; and I saw they would wa.tery gra.ve on tha.t a.wful night when you ebmted remedy to the public, Dr. PIERCE remove them. Price only 25c, By all dealers, catarrh have been invented, but w1.thou~ suc­ thought seriously of calling it his "Con~ cess until a physician of long standing d1acov· ta.In, of:lio&rs a.nd crew were, when I JOllled, mneh rather have braved hie wrath than be plunged Into the raging sea.!" I Impatiently tmniptlon Cnre," but abandoned that name ered the exact"nature of th disease and the all Amerlc11ons and West India.men; but aa termented as they were by the 1 ' veloea .)f a1ked, ns too limited tor a medicine wWch, from 1tB only appliance which wtll permanently destroy a.nother h11nd wae wa.nted besides my1elf, the night" er the 11 d11y," Myself and "l did not jump overboard," replied wonderful combination of t onic, or strengthen­ OVER 20 YEARS the para.site, no matter how aggravated the ing, nltemtlve, or blood-cleansing, antl-blllous, they have stood the test without an equel.
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