

James Robinson | 224 pages | 13 Sep 2011 | DC | 9781401229382 | English | , NY, United States : Mon-El - Man of Valor PDF Book

Was destroyed when its radioactive core went critical. Make sure this is what you intended. A fight is not determined whose just "stronger" theres a lot of "strong" heavy weight boxers out there, but they still come up short against the all the time Greats because they only rely on being "strong. The Fortress of 's computer could find no analog for the artifact's substance anywhere in the galaxy. Rows: Columns:. Mon-el has always been a favourite from when I read Legion of Superheroes years ago. He still would've been a rookie at this time. Richard rated it liked it Sep 10, He interacts well with Jimmy, Perry, Conner and the others. Justin Barber rated it liked it Apr 18, CapitolPunishment : Oh yeah that fight was pretty awesome. Mon-El makes his triumphant return to with a new look and a determined manner just in time to combat the unstoppable of . These two bring truth and and subplots galore here every month. This includes but is not necessarily limited to our database schema and data distribution format. HolySerpent said:. Sign In Don't have an account? Error rating book. Start a Wiki. Exactly how does your scan prove Superman would lose when we have two instances of him losing to Superman, and as of yet no wins for Lar? If we go back to the original Legion of Super-Hero continuity, way before Crisis and continuity started to get changed around, Superman and Mon-El were considered equals in terms of raw power but the big difference was in their weaknesses. Lane says that Mon-El had been brainwashed by , but was being treated by the Human Defense Corps when he escaped and may still be paranoid. And if only I had the scans to that second fight where possesses Superman and fights Captain Marvel. I feel like I can't review this properly without reading the rest of the New storyline. Good Lord, is English not your primary language? Later, Bizarro attacks Metropolis, with the Science confronting him. Arturo rated it liked it Oct 30, Disable this feature for this session. It was the last great pre-TheNew52 Superman storyline. CapitolPunishment said:. And it's extra hilarious that you think moon-moving is amazing. Great argument there. LOL i use to have all these comics most of them ripped and torn. I guess it wouldn't really work to have him and Superman together, but I wish there was more of his story to follow. Lar Gand Scooby-Doo! So many thoughts and ideas are expressed here. Here's a reminder. The from Strength while in Flight mode can be devastating, but the target area is not very big, so use it when the enemy is very close. More so because he also owned and . Along the way with this sweeping storyline, we get some one shots giving us the journey of as he investigates General Lane, and another one shot at a critical junction of everything. Price 2. She then goes home, talks to someone on a cell phone, and picks up a picture of herself as Princess Projectra with , and mourns him, as a Girl costume is also shown. As for the fight it's self, I've seen them fight twice, and heard of another although M'Onel had other members of the Legion helping him. Wilcox then approaches Harper to discuss Mon-El, telling him she is a recent widow. Great story as 's "New Krypton" epic winds down to a close. looks like it has a bigger story to tell. See the top left panel? Superman : Mon-El - Man of Valor Writer

Energy Constructs: The rings can construct anything the wearer can imagine from hard-light energy, as long as they are willing to make it. Float Left Float Right. is summoned back to the warring planet, and he will need Superman to help him reclaim a crown he did not ask for. What will happen when the truth is revealed? One example of this is the ability to simulate the radiation of Green , a form of radiation that is harmful to Superman. This will not affect the original upload Small Medium How do you want the image positioned around text? Those stores would always bore me to tears. I myself got every issue, but only read them all last month. And then the book goes crazy. It was one of the most massive, interconnected tales of Kal-El ever told. Thanks for the memories. Before leaving, he told by that even though he is a GL, the Legion, Earth and his friends will always be his family. Superman discovered that his father had been researching a similar artifact, which had been called an Andura Shard. Daxamites are not affected by Kryptonite and retain their powers longer when exposed to red solar radiation which was changed in reboots to where Valor got smacked around by Ra's Al Ghul immediately upon being bathed in red solar ceiling lights. Overall, Man of Valor was a great read and served to give us some real insight into the character of Mon-El and to tie up a few loose ends in his storyline. Oct 17, Nicolas rated it really liked it Shelves: graphic-novels. Guest stars like , and pop up here because of the new galactic power this planet represents. You've shown to be ignorant Captain Marvel stronger than Superman? I feel in the end there was a bit of an anticlimax to the story. And after a battle with the deadly , Superman comes -to-face with the mysterious villain who has been responsible for turning his life upside-down! View: Large Edit cover. Mon-El has strength that is on par with that of Kryptonians, making it practically limitless. Energy Projection: The rings can also project beams, form protective bubbles and fields, and destructive blasts. In Reboot Legion continuity , R. That all changed on a fateful autumn day, when Superman encountered one of his greatest foes. What you're looking for is "Bad Writing" and you'd have to prove it, especially since you claimed Captain Marvel is stronger than Superman. Jimmy has been hiding out after being rescued by Tellus, with Perry identifying his supposed body actually a drug overdose case that fell in the waters from which Jimmy was rescued. Story Arcs. There's no story flow and the plot literally leaps to new events without any clarity at all. Earth and New Krypton on a collision course caused by madmen, people who know nothing of what Superman stands for. Man of Valor is more than anything else, a character story exploring the vastly complex character that is Mon-El. View all 3 comments. Me like working extra hard to read a . Mon-El also attempts to apprehend Bizarro , only to turn back after he escapes to . This is the current issue, and therefore no story information will be posted about this issue. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. The knowledge that his true home, the planet Krypton, is nothing but stardust and solar debris, has kept Superman from venturing too far from Earth. The story is solid, but the collections editor current EIC Bob Harras, interestingly enough did an absolutely terrible job assembling this book. Anyone high tier getting possessed by Eclipso is almost an automatic downgrade in almost all cases. Nearly all of the many, many story threads get tied up in this book and a series of third tier characters get centre stage who cares about the Guardian?! They returned to the 20th Century and secured 's help to rescue Valor. Luthor battles against the OMACs until he can recover his battle armor and defeat them. Jason rated it liked it Sep 12, Statistics: Level Mana Cooldown 1. Mon-El's background is a good story. As Superman finds ways to dodge the scrutiny placed upon him by the public and media, he must stop a monstrous threat to Metropolis - one that he somehow is the cause of! Superman wins due to being more experienced and just being more aware of what he is really capable of. Superman : Mon-El - Man of Valor Reviews

Go to Link Unlink Change. Superman [Direct Sales]. As the conflict continues, a new warrior enters the battlefield: , Female Fury. Mon is a former resident of the Zone, a kind of prison dimension used by Kryptonians to lock up their most dangerous criminals, and is also kind of a bland lesser Superman. Cancel Insert. After suffering from lead poisoning Valor goes to Earth, where he has amnesia and fell under the control of gambling boss Mr. As fate would have it, M'onel and his Legion were cast adrift in the of the , before being rescued by 5 of New Earth. Categories :. Then we get back into the meat of the story, with Mon-El captured you know, I first encountered this character during the post-Zero Hour Legion era, and I still want to type his name M'Onel every single time I type it by Gen. As they are Kryptonian descendants, they have the same power sets as their Kryptonian cousins under a yellow sun: Energy Absorption Mon-El's enormous Super- Strength As a Daxamite, Mon-El possesses the ability to absorb the light and radiation of stars, specifically those in the yellow spectrum. Preview — Mon-El, Vol. Reprints Superman Annual 14 cover with different lettering including the 'New Krypton' banner. This will not affect the original upload Small Medium How do you want the image positioned around text? The Trapper's actions had separated the Lar and Eltro personalities, leaving both present within Mon-El's mind, with Lar as the dominant personality. These two bring truth and justice and subplots galore here every month. The more determined the wearer is, the more complex and intricate these things can be. Float Left Float Right. It's not a bad book, just not as good as the first volume. A Super tale for a Superman. Jim Harper gathers the Science Police to an off-duty event at a bar, announcing that the Jonathan Kent they knew was Mon-El, and toasts him. finds himself a prisoner of Mirabai on her world. Lar learns that in the thousand years since his disappearance, he'd attained godlike legendary status throughout the galaxy. An interesting extension of . Superman is published by DC Comics. Mon-El has the ability to instantly recall events that he pays specific attention to or that hold great emotional significance to him. More Details View: Large Edit cover. Universal Conquest Wiki. Upon returning home, Mon-El asks Superboy to reprogram Kellex, the android at the , to repair the starship he came to Earth in. The Trapper's wipes Superboy's pocket universe out of existence, and fundamentally alters the timeline. The cover gives you the basic Idea. They set out for Daxam and while en route she married Mon-El in a ritual native to her planet the removal of a finger. He is an interesting character from the reimagined for modern comics. What will happen when the truth is revealed? Previously had to be recharged every 24 hours or when it has been depleted of energy. But that leaves The Man of anything but invulnerable as his powers slowly begin to fade and a doppleganger Superman arrives on the scene with strange powers of its own. Mon-El used some his last bit of strength to repel them, but when their ship's power cut out and Mon-El apparently died. He aids Superman in defeating one of Zod's followers within the prison at the cost of advancing his lead poisoning before returning to his phantom state and sending Superman back to Earth. The AI can be used to play a holographic playback sequence complete with colors across the spectrum based on information in memory banks. Super Hearing Mon-El has the super human ability to hear all sounds at any volume or pitch. His mother's name is Rhea. Make sure this is what you intended. He also enters into a sexual relationship with Billi Harper, the Guardian's grandniece. Arturo rated it liked it Oct 30, Rows: Columns:. John Henry Irons has been found comatose in Ivy Town. It is revealed that Billi is pregnant, presumably with Mon-El's child. Mxyzptlk and more.

Superman : Mon-El - Man of Valor Read Online

Robinson also adds depth to supporting players Billi Harper, and her uncle Jim. Because of this rushed nature of the series, and despite the promotional push from DC Comics, fans seemed slightly jaded before New Krypton even began. Cancel Save. It proves nothing as this is not Lar. And it so annoys me how people immediately resort to calling something "PIS" because they don't like they've been proven wrong. Using Brainiac's technology they remove the city from Earth and create a new planet that they dub, New Krypton. Hardcover , pages. Return to Book Page. James Robinson. This wiki. He meets with Jimmy Olsen and gives him a signal watch so that Jimmy can contact him. The story so far: Superman has defeated Brainiac and restored the bottled Kryptonian capital city, , to its former glory - on Earth. In response to the scan you provided, too bad that Superman had become more powerful since. The Trapper's actions had separated the Lar and Eltro personalities, leaving both present within Mon-El's mind, with Lar as the dominant personality. Tweet Clean. Superman [Direct Sales]. And you just claimed that Captain Marvel is stronger than Superman? Cover thumbnails are used for identification purposes only. After being freed from the , Mon-El is asked by Superman if he would act as protector of Metropolis while Superman is off-world. If you believe any of this data to be incorrect, please let us know. Then when he was fully charged, he still lost to Superman despite Superman was worn down and the Daxamite started it with a sucker punch. Great story as James Robinson's "New Krypton" epic winds down to a close. There's some fantastic scenes in which he goes to the Kent farm for advice from old Ma Kent and spends some time with Connor Kent aka Superboy. Books by James Robinson. The Legion Espionage Squad is revealed -- nearly every character we've met is apparently a covert Legionnaire. But guess what? Magic Daxamites are as vulnerable to magic as humans are. Those stores would always bore me to tears. Until you earn points all your submissions need to be vetted by other Comic Vine users. Guest stars like Green Lantern, Adam Strange and Jemm pop up here because of the new galactic power this planet represents. We find out Jimmy's alive and working underground with Natasha Irons, decent enough. Welcome back. Believing the boy to be a survivor of Krypton like himself, Clark gave him the name Mon-El which means "Mon" because he landed on Earth on a Monday and "El" from Clark's Kryptonian family name. Jun 10, Alan rated it really liked it. However, I think to be properly appreciated it does need to be read with the rest of the New Krypton stories. Volume 3 [ edit edit source ] Writer : . During New Krypton , he temporarily replaced Superman as the protector of Metropolis. Kal learning about how things work here does not make him a happy Superman, and brings out the social revolutionary in him. Later, Bizarro attacks Metropolis, with the Science Police confronting him. Retconned Radiation Besides light based radiation used to create the energy constructs associated with a Green Lantern, the ring can simulate various forms of radiation. Now for examples I can show. Mon-El apparently dies after failing to take a dose of 's anti-lead serum in a timely fashion. And then the book goes crazy. Superhuman Stamina Mon-Els Daxamite physiology allows him to work himself physically to peak for 14 days before fatigue toxins begin to impair him and his solar reserves become depleted. His earliest work came in the late s, but he became best known for his revitalization of the character Starman for DC comics in the s. Mon-El has extreme mobility while he is in flight allowing him to fight, change course and also carry great weights. Published in English United States. Please see the Diamond Shipping Lists for current information. https://files8.webydo.com/9583123/UploadedFiles/E9F5B171-BCDE-70BE-603C-0F9244CFCE40.pdf https://files8.webydo.com/9582789/UploadedFiles/00307AE3-6295-352A-05C3-5D7E5DCA5D56.pdf https://files8.webydo.com/9583432/UploadedFiles/D457A49F-A6D6-A883-2A8A-705C583BA470.pdf https://files8.webydo.com/9583169/UploadedFiles/4B7A2C03-29A4-CF9A-757F-6875BBF4D7DA.pdf https://cdn.starwebserver.se/shops/malinivarssonhk/files/sailing-from-byzantium-how-a-lost-empire-shaped-the-world-35.pdf https://files8.webydo.com/9583019/UploadedFiles/12995C07-651A-8F28-A0F5-1F30DC188A81.pdf https://files8.webydo.com/9583584/UploadedFiles/842B8A9A-38C7-26FD-EE64-49C13D0DBBA6.pdf https://files8.webydo.com/9583481/UploadedFiles/B450D692-D763-9EEC-9E25-0F3F9CE73ED2.pdf