Nova Ves 18 | 10000 Zagreb, hr
[email protected] [email protected] | meet & greet th 10 ANNIVERSARY OF In 2018, the 10th anniversary of establishing the Croatian CROATIAN AUDIOVISUAL Croatian Audiovisual Centre, the Croatian film Audiovisual Centre CENTRE scene is as alive and as vibrant as ever. Features, AT THE FILM both live-action and documentary, use modern In the past ten years, the Croatian audiovisual aesthetics to tackle a wide variety of urgent MARKET landscape has been restructured and reshaped. issues. Short films across all genres still inject see Pavilion no. 135 Most importantly, this was a decade in which the Croatian cinematic bloodstream with a gush Village International Riviera its authors and works started to travel, and of new ideas, while international co-productions their efforts were acknowledged by festival merge local and international talent to create Croatian Audiovisual Centre programmers, jury members and audience alike. stories that travel far beyond national borders. Department of Promotion Some of them were lucky enough to be screened
[email protected] in the programmes of A-list festivals, some were With our hopes up and spirits high for the ten even luckier to return from them with awards, years ahead of us, we present you with a fresh while others got the opportunity for distribution on crop of Croatian cinema, brimming with stories the international market, warming the hearts and and authors waiting to be discovered, discussed intriguing the minds of audiences across the globe. and enjoyed. Producers on the Move FILMS IN COMPETITION CROATIAN SHORTS AT Oliver Sertić, Restart THE SHORT FILM CORNER Directors’ Fortnight After Party by Viktor Zahtila (pg.