FINALFINAL REPORTREPORT PreliminaryPreliminary AssessmentAssessment ofof BeachBeach ErosionErosion atat St.St. Margaret’sMargaret’s BayBay Portland,Portland, JamaicaJamaica Ridge to Reef Watershed Project USAID Contract No. 532-C-00-00-00235-00 Preliminary Assessment of Beach Erosion at St. Margaret’s Bay Portland, Jamaica FINAL REPORT June 20, 2003 Prepared for the Government of Jamaica’s National Environment and Planning Agency And the United States Agency for International Development Implemented by: Associates in Rural Development, Inc. P.O. Box 1397 Burlington, Vermont 05402 Prepared by: Edward Robinson Shakira Khan & Deborah-Ann Rowe Preliminary Assessment of Beach Erosion at St. Margaret’s Bay, Portland Jamaica – April 2003 2 Table of Contents Preface 5 Executive Summary 6 1. Background 8 2. Purpose of the Investigation 9 3. Physical Features 10 4. Tide, Wind and Wave Data 15 5. Beach Erosion at St. Margaret’s Bay 17 6. Determining the Cause of Beach Erosion 19 7. Conclusions 27 8. An Action Plan for Addressing the Problem 28 9. Acknowledgments 29 10. References 30 Appendices Appendix 1 Meetings/visits with relevant agencies 32 Appendix 2 Visit to St. Margaret’s Bay, Portland, Jamaica, March 3, 2003 33 Appendix 3 Interviews held with three of the raft captains at the Rio Grande bridge and at Rafters’ Rest 42 Appendix 4 Survey tape measurements from the seaward edge of the road to the eroded edge of the berm platform (see appendix 4, figure 1 for traverse locations) 43 Appendix 5 Visit to the mining operation, at Agro Expo Ltd., owned and operated by Mr. David Phillipson, March 4, 2003 48 Appendix 6 Field observations at Hope Bay and Orange Bay 53 Appendix 7 Visit to the new Marina at Port Antonio, March 25, 2003 55 Appendix 8 Historical research on factors affecting weather conditions at and near St.
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