Once Upon A Mattress Making Fremont safer I Hate Hamlet Page 39 Page 15 Page 40 The newspaper for the new millennium 510-494-1999
[email protected] www.tricityvoice.com March 19, 2013 Vol. 12 No. 12 BY SARA GIUSTI PHOTOS COURTESY OF SHASHI DESAI, DREAM SNAPS Spring is in the air, and it smells like gulal powder! Holi falls on Wednesday, March 27 this year. Also called The Festival of Colors, Holi is a Hindu holi- day celebrated on the day after the full moon in the Hindu lunar calendar month of Phalgun, usu- ally in late February or March. Holi is one of the most antici- pated holidays, and not only for the good food. Gulal powder (perfumed colored powder) and colored water are tossed on any- body and everybody, regardless of continued on page 17 STORY AND PHOTOS BY MIKE HEIGHTCHEW A large crowd started to form in front of the Hayward City Hall Rotunda about one hour before the Giants were scheduled to unveil their 2010 and 2012 World Series trophies. Excitement was palpable as people of all ages took advantage of a rare opportunity to have their picture taken with the awards. Hayward Police Lieu- tenant Sheryl Boykins and others on the Hayward Junior Giants staff were on hand to watch as the culmination of their efforts to bring the trophies to a local venue were rewarded by the attendance of approximately 1500 enthusiastic fans. The tro- phy tour has almost completed its tour of 85 cities. After final visits to the World Baseball Classic in San Francisco, Tracy, San Mateo and San Rafael, it will com- plete its journey March 26 in Medford, Oregon.