Annual Report Dieclaas CLAAS Group Gruppe Overview Im Überblick
Inter- faces2018 Annual Report DieCLAAS CLAAS Group Gruppe Overview im Überblick KonzernkennzahlenFinancial indicators (IFRS)nach IFRS in Mio.€ million € 2018 2017 VeränderungChange in % Gewinn-Financial und performance Verlustrechnung / Ergebnis UmsatzerlöseNet sales 3.889,23,889.2 3.761,03,761.0 3.43,4 Forschungs-Research and und development Entwicklungskosten costs1 1 233,4233.4 217,6217.6 7.37,3 EBITDA 372,7372.7 335,7335.7 11,011.0 EBIT 256,8256.8 215.2215,2 19.319,3 ErgebnisIncome before vor Ertragsteuern taxes 225,7225.7 184,5184.5 22,322.3 Konzern-JahresüberschussNet income 152,0152.0 115,4115.4 31,731.7 Free Cashflcash flow ow -83.9-83,9 209,6209.6 - 140.0140,0 BilanzFinancial position EigenkapitalEquity 1.395,51,395.5 1.293,81,293.8 7.97,9 SachinvestitionenCapital expenditure 2 2 160.3160,3 130,7130.7 22,622.6 BilanzsummeTotal assets 3.384,73,384.7 3.232,83,232.8 4,74.7 MitarbeiterEmployees AnzahlNumber Mitarbeiter of employees am Bilanzstichtagas of the balance 3 sheet date 3 11.13211,132 10.96110,961 1,61.6 PersonalaufwandPersonnel expenses 693.0693,0 673.5673,5 2,92.9 1 BeforeVor Aktivierung capitalized von and Entwicklungskosten amortized development und Abschreibungen costs. hierauf. 2 IncludingInklusive aktivierterdevelopment Entwicklungskosten, costs recognized ohneas an Geschäfts-asset, excluding oder Firmenwerte.goodwill. 3 IncludingInklusive Auszubildenden.apprentices. 2018 Annual Report “Because the demand for food is huge, farmers around the world are becoming increasingly professional. Helping them do so is our strength.” Hermann Lohbeck The 2018 Annual Report is now also available online at / investor / annual-report along with an interactive KPI calculator.
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