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[email protected] 613-798-2411 meaningful trip to Israel > p. 3 Brokerage, Independently Owned And Operated Ottawa Jewish Bulletin NOVEMBER 23, 2015 | 11 KISLEV 5776 ESTABLISHED 1937 OTTAWAJEWISHBULLETIN.COM | $2 Rabbi Lila Kagedan breaks new ground as clergywoman commited to Orthodox Judaism A graduate of Hillel Academy and Yitzhak Rabin High School in Ottawa, Rabbi Lila Kagedan, is the fi rst Orthodox woman in North America to claim the title of “Rabbi.” Rabbi Kagedan met with Ottawa Jewish Bulletin Editor Michael Regenstreif on November 1, while she was in town ROBIN CHERNICCK to participate in Rabbi Lila Kagedan leads a session entitled, “Orthodox Jewish Women Breaking New Ground in Jewish Religious Leadership,” Limmud Ottawa. at Limmud Ottawa, November 1, at the Soloway Jewish Community Centre. abbi Lila Kagedan has chosen fi rst female rabbi in 1972. The Recon- become common in liberal Jewish 1999. a diffi cult path for herself as a structionist movement followed in 1974, denominations, the very idea of female Prior to founding Yeshivat Maharat, rabbi in a denomination which Jewish Renewal in 1981, and the rabbis is taboo or – at the very least – Rabbi Weiss controversially ordained a R(mostly) rejects the concept Conservative movement in 1985.