View End Notes
ENDNOTES for HOPE INTO PRACTICE, with most links and access dates If this information is useful to you, below are most of the Notes for Hope into Practice, including the dates I accessed these, and the links I found at the time for the relevant references. In the Notes in the book itself, in order to save space in an already‐lengthy book, I omitted the access dates and most of the links. However, as we know, links change over time, so some of the links listed below may no longer work. Also, the Notes below were last updated December 2012, but I continued to update my book Notes through May 2013 – so those below will not include all of the info that is in the Notes in the book itself. Finally, I tried to write these in a usable form, but the Notes below have not been copy‐edited. NOTES INTRODUCTION 1. Hidary, V.This is an excerpt from Hidary's signature poem, The Hebrew Mamita, performed as part of Def Poetry Jam HBO, September 7, 2010. Retrieved January 2, 2012, 2. Bizarre: when my parents ordered the writing on the bracelet, they wrote "Jewish," but it came back as "Hebrew." 3. As I will explain, throughout this book my analysis is most precise about Ashkenazi Jews. Regrettably, due to Ashkenazi centrism, I have less information about internalized anti-Semitism for Mizrahi, Sephardic, and Jews of other ethnicities and that is a limitation of this book; but from what I do know, some of the effects are similar.
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