Metagenomic analysis of the pinewood nematode microbiome reveals a SUBJECT AREAS: METAGENOMICS symbiotic relationship critical for BIODIVERSITY EVOLUTIONARY GENETICS xenobiotics degradation BACTERIAL GENETICS Xin-Yue Cheng1*, Xue-Liang Tian2,4*, Yun-Sheng Wang2,5, Ren-Miao Lin2, Zhen-Chuan Mao2, Nansheng Chen3 & Bing-Yan Xie2 Received 15 March 2013 1College of Life Sciences, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China, 2Institute of Vegetables and Flowers, Chinese Academy of Accepted Agricultural Sciences, Beijing, China, 3Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, 30 April 2013 Canada, 4College of Henan Institute of Science and Technology, Xinxiang, China, 5College of Plant Protection, Hunan Agricultural Published University, Changsha, China. 22 May 2013 Our recent research revealed that pinewood nematode (PWN) possesses few genes encoding enzymes for degrading a-pinene, which is the main compound in pine resin. In this study, we examined the role of PWN Correspondence and microbiome in xenobiotics detoxification by metagenomic and bacteria culture analyses. Functional requests for materials annotation of metagenomes illustrated that benzoate degradation and its related metabolisms may provide the main metabolic pathways for xenobiotics detoxification in the microbiome, which is obviously different should be addressed to from that in PWN that uses cytochrome P450 metabolism as the main pathway for detoxification. The N.S.C. (
[email protected]) metabolic pathway of degrading a-pinene is complete in microbiome, but incomplete in PWN genome. or B.-Y.X. Experimental analysis demonstrated that most of tested cultivable bacteria can not only survive the stress of (xiebingyan2003@ 0.4% a-pinene, but also utilize a-pinene as carbon source for their growth.