PEACE Info (February 19, 2021)

− PUTSCHIST IN UNCHARTED POLITICAL WATERS: Is disciplined guided democracy the real way out for junta? − Myanmar Military Targets Striking Civil Servants − Myanmar Medics in Hiding as Regime Targets Hospital-Led Disobedience Movement − Myanmar Disability Groups Condemn Beating of Disabled Man at Protest − Authorities arrest Myitkyina CDM participants − Police Free 14 Detained During Violent Breakup of Anti-Coup Protest in N. Myanmar − Chairman of Myanmar’s Buddhist Authority Urges Negotiations to End Post-Coup Crisis − Myanmar Student Dies 10 Days After Being Shot by Police at Anti-Coup Protest − UK and Canada Sanction Myanmar’s Coup Leader and His Subordinates − Myanmar's coup opponents welcome new British, Canadian sanctions as protests continue − Singapore, express 'grave concern' over Myanmar, support informal Asean meet − SAC seeks ‘pragmatic results’ with new peace process committees: military spox − Police Beat and Arrest Teachers in Myitkyina- KIO/ KIA Pledges to ‘Stand with the People’ − An explosion occurs in front of RCSS liaison office in Kyaukme − Villagers Displaced by Violence Between Multiple Armed Groups − �င�မ��ခ�မ���ရ� လ�ပ�ငန��စ�� ဆက�လက�အ�က�င�အထည��ဖ��သင�� မ�ဖ��သင�� အပစ�ရပ�အဖ���မ���အ�က�� �ဆ�������န − အပစ�ရပ�အဖ���မ��� �ခ�င���ဆ�င�က စစ�အစ���ရ လ�ပ�ရပ�မ���အ�� ��တ�ခ� − စစ�အစ���ရ၏ ဥပ�ဒဆင��က�ထ�တ��ပန�မ�မ��� အ�ဏ�ရ�င�စနစ� အသက�သ�င���ဆ�င�ရ�က�ခ�က�မ����ဖစ�ဟ� PPST �ခ�င���ဆ�င�ဆ�� − �မစ��က��န��တ�င� သတင���ထ�က�မ���က�� ပစ�မ�တ�ထ��တ��က�ခ��က�မ�မ��� �ပ�လ�ပ��န − �မစ��က��န��တ�င� ဆ���ပမည�� ဆရ�/ဆရ�မမ���က�� ���က���က�လ�စ�ခ��က� ဖမ��ဆ�� − �မစ��က��န��တ�င� ဆ���ပ၍ ဖမ��ဆ��ခံရသ�မ��� PCG ည����င��မ��ဖင�� �ပန�လ�တ�လ� − မ�မသ���သ���ခ��င� က�ည�ဆံအစစ�န�� ပစ�ခတ�ခံရလ��� က�ယ�လ�န� − သမ��င��တစ��က����ပန�လည��ခင�� - �မန�မ�����င�ငံ�ရ� အက��အ��ပ�င��အတ�က� �န�က�လမ��ဆ�ံ�တစ�ခ� − အ�ဏ�သ�မ��ဖ��� ဗ��လ�ခ��ပ��တ�က�� ��ရ���က �သ��ထ���လ�ံ�ဆ���ပ�ခ��သလ�� − အ�ဏ�သ�မ�� စစ�ဗ��လ�ခ��ပ�မ���က�� �ဗ�တ�န���င�� က�နဒ� ဒဏ�ခတ�အ�ရ�ယ� − �မန�မ����င�ငံတ�င� ဒ�မ��က�ရစ�စနစ� �ပန�သ����ရ� ‘Quad’ မဟ�မ�တ�အဖ��� တ��က�တ�န�� − �မန�မ��အ�ရ� "အလ�န�အမင�� စ���ရ�မ�"ဟ� အင�ဒ��န��ရ�����င�� စင�က�ပ� ��ပ� − အ�ဏ�သ�မ��မ���က�င�� �မန�မ�က�� အက�အည��ပ�မ�မ��� �န�� �ဝ ရပ�ဆ��င��ထ�� − TNLA၊ SSPP ပ���ပ�င��အဖ���န�� RCSS တ��က�ပ����က�င�� အရပ�သ�� �လ�ဦ� �သဆ�ံ� − နမ�တ� စစ��ရ��င�အတ�က� ရ�က��မ���အ�ရ��ပ�လ��အပ��န


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PUTSCHIST IN UNCHARTED POLITICAL WATERS: Is disciplined guided democracy the real way out for junta?

By Sai Wansai - February 19, 2021

After the abrupt February 1 military coup d’état entered its third week, it remains a mystery and no one is quite sure where it is leading to. Numerous experts and analysts domestic and international alike have been speculating on how it will pan out differently, except for the common pessimistic view of spiraling violence, especially from the coup maker’s part, and gaining momentum each passing day.

Min Aung Hlaing

Indeed, it is an uncharted political waters even for the coup maker, not to mention the Generation Z-led civil disobedience movement, combined with political defiance, which the rank and file of the population, including the Generation X and Y, have joined to reject the military takeover and the junta’s rule that comes with it.

“Generation X, the age cohort born before the 1980s but after the Baby Boomers; Generation Y, or Millennials, typically thought of as those born between 1984 and 1996; and Generation Z, those born after 1997, who are next to enter the workforce,” according to the report “A Survey of 19 Countries Shows How Generations X, Y, and Z Are — and Aren’t — Different,” written by Henrik Bresman and Vinika D. Rao, published by Harvard Business Review, on August 25, 2017.

Reasons given for the coup

The reason given by the Military or Tatmadaw is electoral-list irregularities which was said to be more than 10 million but with no hard evidence to back up the claim. The coup was undertaken as its repeated demand to investigate were rejected by the Union Election Commission (UEC) formed by the National League for Democracy (NLD), and also a proposal to hold special Union parliamentary session to discuss about the matter.

But the actual motive may be the Tatmadaw’s concern of “group survival” instinct and mentality; upholding “military supremacy” doctrine in political decision-making; Commander-in-Chief General Min Aung Hlaing’s personal ambition to be the head of state at any cost; angst of International Court of Justice, International Criminal Court and international ruling on his genocidal intent committed upon the Rohingya; afraid of losing ill- gotten accumulated wealth by plundering the country’s resources; and/or the combination of all the said factors.

In short, the supposed to be “fail-safe” mechanism vested in the military-drafted 2008 Constitution went wrong, or shall we say the existence of loop holes that the Tatmadaw has not thought about.

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It has calculated that with the 25 percent allotted MP seats, including the rights to administer the home, defense and border affairs ministries, its proxy the Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP) will be able to gain, at least 25 percent plus in the poll, so that the military bloc will be able to form government with the help of some party affiliations or splinter parties that belong to the military bloc. This way the opposition parties will be kept in check and the military bloc will be able to hold on to power continuously, perhaps somewhat like the Singapore’s People’s Action Party one party system, with small and weak opposition parties, that has been in power since the country’s inception, in 1954.

But the USDP could only gather 7 percent contested seats (5 percent of the overall total) in 2020, which would led the NLD to install president and government formation as it won the general elections on a landslide, with 83 percent, up from 79 percent in 2015 general elections, giving it 62 percent of seats in the Union Parliament.

For the Tatmadaw five year tenure of NLD government from 2016 to 2021 had already eroded its administrative hold such as losing the UEC and General Administration Department (GAD) because NLD has taken over. And if another five year of NLD rule were to continue, the military might have presumed its supremacy position will further be eroded and probably this has been one of crucial motive to stage the coup.

Mass protest continued unabated on Wednesday despite the military’s crackdown (Sai Zaw/Myanmar Now)

Not coup but caretaker argument

The coup maker wants to portray itself as acting according to the 2008 military-drafted Constitution and making use of the emergency rule provided by it. Thus, it is a legal “constitutional coup” so goes the argument.

But the problem lies in the procedure which isn’t a water-tight explanation, as the allowing of the emergency decree was signed by Myint Swe, an ex-general and first vice-president endorsed by the military, after installing him as acting president. The first president was Win Myint and second vice-president Henry Van Thio both from the NLD were detained following the coup by the junta.

Reportedly, the military threatened President Win Myint to sign the decree but he refused and said that they could kill him if they like but he wouldn’t sign it.

Because of this, the argument that the coup is legal and acting only under the emergency rule as a caretaker government isn’t convincing, even though there is a provision to do so, if the sitting president has willingly agreed and signed the decree.

Nevertheless, the junta maintained that it is not “an nar thein” but “an nar lwe” in Burmese, meaning: not “seizure of power or coup” but “power being transferred”. In other words, Page 3 of 51

Tatmadaw is functioning under the military-drafted constitution of “emergency rule” because the NLD was about to grab the power through illegal means. It reasoned that the NLD misused its power to rig the poll with more than 10 million electoral-list irregularities, although to date it still can’t explain it in a concrete manner.

Going back from original reasoning

Tatmadaw originally said that its undertaking was not to nullify the November 8 election results but to investigate irregularities in certain areas only, reportedly to make the election free and fair in straighten the democratization process. But now the mass arrest of the NLD leaders and members in hundreds, including those it considered hostile to the military, raiding NLD offices, confiscating documents, and now declaring new election in one year, with the promise to hand over the power to the winner party, aren’t in tune with what it has stated from the outset.

It now seems the junta is out to destroy the NLD by disqualifying its influential leaders by slapping them with various petty crimes (like importing communication radio phones in the case of Aung San Suu Kyi; and violation of Covid-19 prevention law for President Win Mint). It might even abolish the party, once and for all, before the promised election within one year could be held. Very recently, Suu Kyi was slapped with another case using the same Covid-19 prevention law like President Win Myint.

Wooing the ethnic nationalities

The junta has been wooing the ethnic nationality parties (EPPs) and ethnic armed organizations (EAOs) to join its State Administration Council (SAC) since it came into existence after the coup.

So far, Padoh Mann Nyein Maung and ex-Karen National Union central committee member, Arakan National Party, Mon Unity Party and Karen People’s Party have been cooperating with the junta, while the majority have still not made commitment and some openly endorsed the anti-coup position of the public.

The seven-member Federal Political Negotiation Consultative Council has not made any comment but the Ta’ang National Liberation Army leaders made public that it endorsed the anti-coup position. So far Karen National Union (KNU), Restoration Council of Shan State (RCSS), and Kachin Independence Organization (KIO) either sympathized or condemned the coup.

While KNU and RCSS statements were straight forwardly condemning the coup, KIO just spelled out it endorsement of the anti-coup public campaign, without condemning the coup.

Arakan Army (AA) seems to be cooperating with the junta as the armed confrontation ceased starting November last year even before the November 8 general elections and the unofficial ceasefire holds on until today. Besides, in the aftermath of the November elections the Tatmadaw and AA proposed the NLD-led government to hold elections in the excluded 9 townships in Arakan State and also one township in Shan State, promising to guarantee the security. But the NLD government rejected the proposal. Page 4 of 51

A few days ago AA chief Tun Myat Naing talked to Chin Cable News where he said “for the ethnic nationalities whether you’re beaten with the red stick (meaning NLD regime) or the green stick (meaning military’s proxy party USDP or Tatmadaw in general) both hurts.”

He went on to say that if you cooperate with the powers that be, you could be well off and even further your rights of self-determination aspirations. He was clearly hinting at the United Wa State Army which has prospered and empowered into an admirable mini-state by cooperating with Burma’s then military government—the State Law and Order Restoration Council, in April 1989.

And to complicate the coup situation further, the RCSS and TNLA/Shan State Progress Party combined forces have been battling each other resulting in a dozen deaths, wounded and hundreds of IDPs fleeing their homes. In the mean time, RCSS reported that its troops have been attacked repeatedly by the Tatmadaw also, according to the Shan sources.

Mass protest continued unabated on Wednesday despite the military’s crackdown (Sai Zaw/Myanmar Now)

Appeal to US and protesting China and Russia

Hundreds of demonstrators rallied in front of US, China and Russia embassies recently. The US was appealed to intervene, stop the coup makers and reinstall the election winning party, while China was asked to condemn the junta, refrain from helping the junta, and Russia not to exercise its veto powers in the United Nation Security Council to protect the junta, which also was directed at China.

Situation report of OCHA

On February 15, United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) report outlined 7 points of what will or will not happen in the near future in Burma as follows.

• Coordinated action in the name of the UN is all but impossible • Targeted sanctions suggested as renewed separatist action becomes all but certain • Any international support for Suu Kyi or the NLD is likely to be far less vocal and on a far smaller scale • The Tatmadaw’s seizure of power is likely to provoke gradually escalating resistance • Further wide scale arrests of opposition figures and local NLD members will increase • The Tatmadaw will continue to censor the internet with escalating “blackouts” • COVID-19 will see a resurgence in Myanmar, leading to a wider scale infection rate

Scenarios forecast by the report writes: Page 5 of 51

1. Violence and protests will escalate within the next few weeks, leading to further oppressive moves by the security forces. This will see arrests spread to local INGO staff, and also local journalists. 2. The Tatmadaw will look to “divide and rule” Myanmar’s political parties, with increasing numbers of ethnic political parties -such as the Kayin People’s Party (KPP)or the Mon Unity Party (MUP) –opting to join the State Administration Council (SAC – administration of the new military government). 3. INGOs will find it increasingly difficult to ensure apolitical distribution of humanitarian supplies / aid as the Tatmadaw widen suppression tactics.


The present situation is the junta will be banking on its staying power, trying to identify strike leaders leading the rallies and those adhering to civil disobedience movement to cripple its administration by trying to arrest them, including installing gadgets to implement cyber security law, which is expected to be promulgated.

The opposition public, spearheaded by the Generation Z will also go on striking banking on the hope that the civil disobedience movement will work, while appealing for international humanitarian intervention, especially to the US and the West.

On the strategic level, the junta will aim for legitimacy by trying to sell its guided disciplined democracy while holding on to the emergency rule for as long as possible. But it will be an uphill battle for the moment as the International Monetary Fund, which the US controls the dominant shareholding and already slapped the coup generals with sanctions, is not decided whether or not to recognize the junta.

Equally it is possible if the protest dissipate for any reason, it could rebound back to near business-as-usual, if not totally, with the help of China and Russia and perhaps ASEAN, under the pretext of coxing the junta to relinquish power or pushing to hold early election as promised.

As for the opposition, it will have to deny the junta legitimacy and demand the release of all political prisoners and the handover of the power to elected party.

It is hard to imagine how this relatively new type of confrontation, Generation Z versus coup maker that wants to be legal and thus acting with constraint, will roll out. Many experts and observers are of the opinion, the junta will prevail and the people will be cowed again as the previous successive juntas had done in 1962, 1988 and 2007.

Meanwhile with the escalation of violence, due to the recent crackdowns by the security forces, especially in Mandalay and to a lesser extend Myitkyina, it may be only a matter of time that the junta will tighten the screw more.

The prognoses are not good and the repression is more likely to follow than maintaining the low key Tatmadaw involvement in controlling the striking mass, as it is now the case.

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But while the odds are not in the people’s favor, it is also not that pessimistic as the some observers would like to portray. In the end, the people have already shown that they want democracy and federalism and not military dictatorship, with day in, day out mass demonstrations countrywide. And as there is a saying, “Every nation gets the government it deserves,” the people’s aspirations will definitely prevail. We don’t even need to doubt about it. ------

Myanmar Military Targets Striking Civil Servants

By The Irrawaddy | 19 February 2021

Myanma Railways staff take part in civil disobedience movement in Yangon on Thursday. / The Irrawaddy

Myanmar’s military has arrested nearly 30 civil servants in Naypyitaw, Mandalay and Kachin State this week for joining the civil disobedience movement (CDM) against the military regime.

In face of the growing resistance nationwide, the regime has stepped up the arrests of civil servants taking part in the movement.

In Naypyitaw, at least 20 civil servants were arrested this week. Nine women and two men from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs were arrested at around 4am on Thursday for joining the CDM, said Naypyitaw-based lawyer U Kyaw Ye Aung, who is following the cases after the relatives of those detained contact him.

Seven women and a man from Naypyitaw’s Lewe Township Cooperative Department, ranking from junior clerk to officer, were arrested on Feb. 15 and charged under the Penal Code’s Article 188(b) for allegedly defying orders and released on bail.

The deputy director-general of the Ministry of Social Welfare was detained in Naypyitaw on Monday for his involvement in the CDM.

Two train drivers in Mandalay, who refused to drive a train for the military, were detained on Wednesday. A supervisor at a Myanma Railways locomotive factory in Yangon Region was arrested for refusing to work on Feb. 13.

A primary school headmaster in Myaungmya Township, Ayeyarwady Region, was arrested on Tuesday for his involvement in the CDM.

On Friday morning, security officers and the military beat teachers preparing to take part in protests in Myitkyina, Kachin State, and arrested two teachers from the Myitkyina Education

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Degree College. The teachers were released in the evening after mediation by the Peace- talk Creation Group (PCG), a Myitkyina-based organization. The released protesters said they were forced to sign papers saying they would not participate in future protests against the military regime.

A placard in Mandalay. / The Irrawaddy

Lawyer Daw San San Myint in Yangon, who is giving legal assistance to CDM activists, said the military has intensified its threats with detentions and lawsuits after pressure on civil servants to go back to work did not work.

“I would say regardless of which charges they brought against the CDM staff, they are the ones who breached the Constitution and the civil servants on the strike have done nothing that violated the law,” the lawyer said. “The CDM can topple [the military regime]. Our goal is not far away. I urge all CDM staff to keep striking,” said Daw San San Myint.

The Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP), which is monitoring detentions, said between Feb. 8 and Friday afternoon, at least 45 civil servants were arrested.

Teachers, doctors, engineers and managers from Myanmar’s Department of Civil Aviation were among the detainees.

People in plainclothes claiming to be police officers have tried to detain striking doctors in Mandalay, Magwe, Naypyitaw and Shan State but have been stopped by residents.

Many striking civil servants have told The Irrawaddy they will carry on striking until the military hands power back to the democratically elected government. servants.html ------

Myanmar Medics in Hiding as Regime Targets Hospital-Led Disobedience Movement By Zaw Zaw Htwe | 19 February 2021 Doctors in Naypyitaw protest against military rule. / The Irrawaddy

YANGON—Hundreds of doctors and nurses participating in the Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM) against the military regime are now in hiding, as authorities have sought to arrest them since last week.

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In the three weeks since the military seized power from the democratically elected government, the movement initiated by Myanmar healthcare workers has gained momentum, with thousands of civil servants from various sectors joining millions of anti- coup protesters nationwide.

The movement has halted operations at many government departments across Myanmar as staff refuse to work for the military regime. The coup leaders have repeatedly warned civil servants taking part in the CDM to get back to work and have threatened to take action against those who fail to do so.

Police and soldiers have increased their attempts to arrest doctors and government staff who participate in or support the movement. Dr. Pyae Phyo Naing, who works at a hospital in Ayeyarwady Region’s Ingapu Township, was arrested by police on Feb. 11. At the time of his arrest he was treating patients at his philanthropic clinic amid the closure of government hospitals; his family has heard nothing of his whereabouts since.

Many other doctors have managed to evade arrest, however.

Three of Ingapu Township’s four hospitals are currently closed after the doctors joined the CDM and went on strike.

Attempts by men and women in plainclothes, claiming to be police, to take away doctors who have participated in the CDM have also been reported in Mandalay, Magwe and Naypyitaw regions and Shan State, but their attempts failed after local residents intervened.

On Thursday, police in plainclothes tried to arrest Dr. Win Marlar Kyi, assistant director of the Naypyitaw Medical Services Department in Pobba Thiri Township. But as they did not provide any reason or declare their identities, the community did not let them take the doctor.

A doctor in Mandalay, who spoke on condition of anonymity, told The Irrawaddy that so far, no doctors there had been detained, though police were surveilling them, as they are all taking part in the CDM.

The doctor—a member of the CDM support team in Mandalay who is now in hiding—said several medical specialists are now giving free treatment to patients from government hospitals at private clinics.

Asked to comment on the regime’s crackdown on the CDM, the doctor said, “I dare to say that the more pressure they [the military regime] put on us, the greater the response they will face.”

According to doctors from the Naypyitaw 1,000-Bed Government Hospital, around 150 doctors and nurses who are taking part in the CDM left the staff housing there under pressure from the medical superintendent of the hospital, and after several police and military troops were deployed in the hospital’s compound.

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Dr. Lynn Letyar, a surgeon at the Lashio 500-Bed General Hospital in northern Shan State, told The Irrawaddy on Friday that most doctors from the hospital returned to their homes, fearing they would be arrested if they were seen in public.

Initially, doctors provided free treatment at their private clinics for patients with the hospital’s medical records, as around two-thirds of the Lashio hospital’s medical staff went on strike in solidarity with the CDM.

The surgeon, who has been under police surveillance and is now in hiding, said doctors and nurses would continue the movement despite the arrests.

At 12 a.m. last Friday, Mandalay police raided the home of Professor Dr. Khin Maung Lwin, the rector of Mandalay University of Medicine, without a warrant, on suspicion of supporting the movement. However, the police retreated after residents appeared in the street, banging pots and pans and shielding the professor from arrest.

On the same night, police had to abandon their attempts to arrest the medical superintendent of Aunglan Hospital in Magwe Region over the hospital’s support for the disobedience movement after residents immediately appeared in front of the hospital. hospital-led-disobedience-movement.html ------

Myanmar Disability Groups Condemn Beating of Disabled Man at Protest By The Irrawaddy | 19 February 2021 A video of Ko Han Thet Zaw being beaten and kicked by police and a soldier.

Yangon — Organizations representing people with disabilities and civil society organizations have slammed soldiers and police who beat a young man with mental and physical disabilities during a crackdown on protesters on Monday in Mandalay.

Myanmar Federation of Persons with Disabilities released a statement and around 60 other organizations released a separate joint statement strongly condemning the soldiers and police.

“Other citizens are also subject to beating. But he is both physically and mentally disabled and cannot run away. It is bullying by the police to brutally beat such a person,” said U Aung Ko Myint, chairman of the federation.

“Isn’t it crueler to do like that to someone who can’t dodge and defend himself? It is against every law,” he added.

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Ko Han Thet Zaw was at the protest with friends to help volunteers collect trash when police and soldiers arrived and forcibly dispersed the crowd. The video shows him being kicked by a soldier as he fell after being hit by several police officers.

The 21-year-old was hit twice in the face and five times in the shoulder, according to his family.

“Other people ran but he could not. Once [police] said don’t run, he just circled around and was then beaten. He fell and a neighbor saw him and brought him home,” said his uncle.

“I don’t accept violence in an anarchical manner. I condemn committing group violence like a gang against someone with a mental disability,” he added.

Myanmar ratified the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in 2011 and enacted the Law on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in 2015.

“No matter who is in office and taking control, they should abide by the convention. It bans violence against physically and mentally disabled people,” said chairman U Myat Thu Win of the Shweminthar Foundation, which helps people with disabilities.

On Tuesday, Myanmar’s military also detained a regional lawmaker for Einme Township of Ayeyarwady Region, who has a disability. disabled-man-protest.html ------

Authorities arrest Myitkyina CDM participants

Khin Su Wai | 19 FEB 2021

Law enforcement agencies are conducting arrests on those participating in the civil disobedience movement (CDM) in Myitkyina, Kachin State.

Sources informed that at least 17 participants of the movement were arrested on February 19.

It was reported that a crowd had gathered near the Myitkyina University of Education Practicing School early in the morning to participate in the movement.

Security forces charged in, beat the crowd, and arrested two teachers, said the report.

The detained teachers were Daw Aye Kyi Kyi Sein from the No 4 primary school Pammatee village and Daw Aye Chan May from Waingmaw.

A separate incident yielded arrests of another 15 people.

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An eyewitness said CDM participants had gathered near the old Myitkyina clock tower at around 10:30am.

Security personnel blocked the roads and attacked the CDM participants with slingshots. Fifteen people were arrested, said the eyewitness.

“These two incidents happened this morning. It was difficult to take photos as the (security forces) were attacking with slingshots. I saw 10 women and a man detained. Media people were also seen running," said a lawyer at the scene. ------

Police Free 14 Detained During Violent Breakup of Anti-Coup Protest in N. Myanmar By The Irrawaddy | 19 February 2021 Security forces in Myitkyina on Thursday morning / Alita / Facebook

YANGON—Fourteen people, including two teachers, were released on Friday afternoon after being detained in the morning when security personnel cracked down on anti-coup protesters in Myitkyina, Kachin State.

The detainees were released by police at around 5:00 p.m. on Friday after the Peace-talk Creation Group (PCG), a Myitkyina-based group, mediated the case. The released protesters said they were forced to sign a paper saying they would not participate in future protests against the military regime.

Some of the peaceful demonstrators had been rounded up near the New Light Hotel by riot police and military personnel, who also shot at protesters with slingshots, and seized and destroyed their placards.

Security forces in Myitkyina on Thursday morning / Alita / Facebook

Since Feb. 8, thousands of residents of Myitkyina and its adjacent township, Waingmaw, have joined mass rallies against the military, which seized power from the country’s democratically elected leaders on Feb. 1. Locals have marched around the town and staged sit-in protests to show their opposition to the military regime and to demand democracy.

On Friday, protesters were planning to demonstrate from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Security forces put up barricades around the town including in front of a university, an education college, a hospital and historic Manau Park.

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At around 8:30 a.m. on Friday, police and soldiers beat teachers who were preparing to take part in the protest and arrested two teachers from Myitkyina Education Degree College.

“There were about 30-40 people at that time. The security forces arrived and ordered them to disperse. As soon as the announcement ended, they started beating people, without following riot police protocol to disperse the crowd. Many ran and escaped, but two teachers were detained,” said a lawyer based in Myitkyina who was at the scene.

Anti-coup protesters in Myitkyina on Thursday / KBC / Facebook

Police and soldiers also used slingshots to disperse anti- coup protesters in Myitkyina on Thursday. “They fired slingshots to disperse the protesters around 11 a.m. on Thursday. Many were hit, though it did not cause them to bleed,” local resident Htoi Awng said.

Anti-coup protesters are demanding the scrapping of the military-drafted 2008 Constitution, an end to the military dictatorship, the establishment of a federal democracy, the honoring of the 1947 Panglong Agreement, which guarantees equality for ethnic groups, and the immediate release of government leaders and political prisoners who were arrested by Myanmar’s military. They are also showing their support for the Civil Disobedience Movement against the military regime.

“Large numbers of soldiers and police were deployed starting early in the morning at the railway station and Manau Park, which are the protesters’ assembly points. Some people were arrested when they dispersed the protesters. I saw two people arrested,” Htoi Awng said on Thursday.

Starting at 8 a.m. on Thursday, around 100 troops from the military’s Northern Command and officers from the Myitkyina Police Force blocked the Myitkyina Railway Station and Manau Park.

Anti-coup protesters in Myitkyina on Thursday / KBC / Facebook

Around 11 a.m., they forcibly dispersed protesters staging a sit-in protest near No. 1 Basic Education High School, and a group near Myanma Economic Bank.

They also arrested a betel nut vendor for taking pictures of the crackdown. The Irrawaddy was unable to contact Myitkyina Township police to check whether the detainees have been released.

Soldiers and police arrested a Buddhist monk and the driver of a vehicle carrying anti-coup protesters on Thursday morning, according to the PCG.

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The KIA, via the PCG, has called on the Northern Command not to use force against Kachin protesters.

It said it had talked with Northern Command officials and requested they not harm the peaceful protesters. The Northern Command in response asked the KIA not to join the public protests and warned that it would shoot with real bullets if people rioted.

Anti-coup protesters in Myitkyina on Thursday / KBC / Facebook

“From what happened on the streets on Thursday morning, it can be concluded that they will continue to prohibit people from taking to the streets. I dare not imagine what would happen if people clashed head-to-head. There could be casualties and injuries,” said Lamai Gum Ja of the PCG.

On Feb. 13, police and soldiers were deployed at power stations supplying electricity to Myitkyina. Concerned about a possible blackout, people surrounded the power stations and asked the security forces to leave. Tensions flared at around 9 p.m. on Feb. 14, and police dispersed the crowd with tear gas, smoke bombs, sound cannons and rubber bullets. Two civilians were injured and seven people, including five journalists, were detained overnight.

The Northern Command detained the five journalists for making live reports of the incident. In response to the PCG’s request, the Northern Command released the journalists after having them sign a bond promising they would conduct future reporting in line with media ethics and not produce reports that could incite public unrest.

Note: This story was updated to include the detainees’ release. broken-n-myanmar.html ------

Chairman of Myanmar’s Buddhist Authority Urges Negotiations to End Post-Coup Crisis By The Irrawaddy | 19 February 2021 The Uppatasanti Pagoda board of trustees receives advice from Bhamo Sayadaw (second from right) and senior monks in Naypyitaw in March 2020. / The Irrawaddy

YANGON—Bhamo Sayadaw Bhaddanta Kumara, chairman of the state Buddhist authority, known by its Burmese acronym Ma Ha Na, has called for negotiations to solve the mounting political crisis in Myanmar in the aftermath of the military coup.

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Receiving the chairman and members of the Mandalay Region Administrative Council at the Buddhism University in Mandalay on Wednesday, the Ma Ha Na chairman called on the two sides “not to harbor grudges against each other and seek each other’s utter devastation, but to have love and sympathy and negotiate as soon as possible to solve the ongoing crisis, in consideration of the dignity of Myanmar and the Tatmadaw [Myanmar’s military] and the well-being of citizens, and for Myanmar to be able to stand tall on the global stage.”

The current situation calls for immediate negotiations between all authorities and responsible persons; otherwise Myanmar is on the verge of being wiped off the world map, Bhamo Sayadaw said.

The responsibility for any violence including arson, poisoning and use of chemicals will finally fall on the country’s leaders, said the monk, urging them to make sure such violence is not committed on the ground.

The following day, a group of men, including some wearing yellow robes, smashed car windows and attacked people with sticks and slingshots near Shwedagon Pagoda, the most sacred Buddhist site in Yangon. Authorities, however, did not take action against them.

On Jan. 29, two days before Myanmar’s military staged a coup claiming the November general election that brought a landslide victory to the National League for Democracy was marred by fraud, Ma Ha Na released a request, signed by 10 senior monks, urging both sides to settle the issue peacefully and in line with existing laws, rules and regulations.

Five days after Myanmar’s military staged a coup, the Mandalay Region Ma Ha Na sent a special request to the military regime’s State Administrative Council asking it to hold talks with the leaders of the ousted government. On Feb. 10, three senior Ma Ha Na monks again sent a special request to coup leader Senior General Min Aung Hlaing and ousted State Counselor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, calling for immediate talks to resolve the issue.

The military regime has however showed no sign of willingness to hold negotiations. Archbishop of Yangon Cardinal Charles Maung Bo and leaders of other faiths have asked the military to show understanding of the feelings and frustrations of the people who voted for democracy, and not to use violence against peaceful protesters. negotiations-end-post-coup-crisis.html ------

Myanmar Student Dies 10 Days After Being Shot by Police at Anti-Coup Protest By The Irrawaddy |19 February 2021

Ma Mya Thwet Thwet Khine, a student who was shot by police at an anti-coup protest in Naypyitaw more than a week ago, died in hospital on Friday at 11:15 a.m., a doctor from the hospital told The Irrawaddy.

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Protesters hold a picture of gunshot victim Mya Thwet Thwet Khine in Naypyitaw. / The Irrawaddy

He said a postmortem would be carried out on the gunshot victim on Friday afternoon.

The 20-year-old had been brain dead and on life support since being shot by police on Feb. 9.

At the time Ma Mya Thwet Thwet Khine (or Ma Mya Thwate Thwate Khaing) was shot, she was standing under a bus shelter, taking cover from water cannons. She had made no attempt to get past the police barricades at the scene. She collapsed abruptly after being struck in the head by a bullet.

Mya Thwet Thwet Khine’s body is taken from the hospital in Naypyitaw where she died. / The Irrawaddy

Ma Mya Thwet Thwet Khine, who was a first- time voter in the 2020 general election, is the first fatality in the police crackdown on the protest movement against the military regime.

Talking to the media last week, her heartbroken sister said words could not express the family’s sadness over what had happened to the youngest member of the family. She said the military dictatorship needed to end.

“I will continue to fight against the military dictatorship. To compensate for the suffering of my younger sister, I would like to urge all the people in the nation to continue to fight against the military dictatorship until it is rooted out.” coup-protest.html ------

UK and Canada Sanction Myanmar’s Coup Leader and His Subordinates By The Irrawaddy 19 February 2021

YANGON — The United Kingdom and Canada have imposed sanctions on Myanmar’s top military generals, in response to human rights violations following the Feb. 1 military takeover.

The UK announced on Thursday that it has imposed sanctions on defense minister General Mya Tun O, home affairs minister Lieutenant General Soe Htut and his deputy, Lt Gen Than Hlaing, for their role in serious rights violations.

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London will freeze assets and enforce travel bans against the three. The alleged rights breaches include violating the right to life, freedom of assembly and the right not to be subject to arbitrary detention, according to the UK’s Foreign Office statement.

Since the Feb. 1 military takeover, the regime arrested and charged 521 people, including State Counselor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi. Among them, 477 are still in detention or face outstanding warrants, according to the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP).

UK Foreign Secretary said: “We, alongside our international allies, will hold the Myanmar military to account for their violations of human rights and pursue justice for the Myanmar people.”

The UK said support for government-led reforms has been axed and planned programmes will close. Instead, the former colonial power said it will move to ensure aid reaches only the poorest and most vulnerable citizens in Myanmar.

The Canadian government also announced sanctions against nine officers, including coup leaders Senior General Min Aung Hlaing and Vice-Senior General Soe Win and chairman and vice-chairman of the State Administrative Council (SAC) formed by the junta.

The ban included assets freezes and “prohibition on dealings by prohibiting persons in Canada and Canadians outside Canada from dealing in any property of these individuals or providing financial or related services to them”, the statement said.

Myanmar’s military and the SAC have been engaged in a systemic campaign of repression through coercive legislative measures and use of force, including mass arbitrary detentions, restrictions on access to information and the right to freedom of opinion and expression, association and assembly, since the coup, Canada said.

Canada’s foreign affairs minister, , said: “Canada will not accept the actions of the Myanmar military and their complete disregard for the will and democratic rights of the people of Myanmar.”

“We stand in solidarity with the people of Myanmar and their aspirations for a democratic future,” he said

Dr. Wai Phyo Aung of the committee representing elected members of the Union Parliament from the National League for Democracy told The Irrawaddy: “We appreciate that the international community is taking action against the military for its unlawful act.”

He urged countries to impose targeted sanctions on businesses that support the military and provide an income to the military leadership.

Another committee member, Daw Zin Mar Aung, said travel bans are ineffective for the generals as, under the previous regime, generals’ children were allowed to study in the west and some of their relatives could settle in western countries with new identities.

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“We need collective punishment on businesses not only linked with the military regime but also owned by [military-appointed] ministers or members of the regime’s cabinet,” Daw Zin Mar Aung said

Human Rights Watch on Thursday urged the international community to impose targeted sanctions on military-owned companies, like Myanmar Economic Corporation and Myanmar Economic Holdings Limited, which provide direct revenue to the military and its leaders.

John Sifton from the New York-based group said: “The international response to the coup has to be smart, strong and sustained. The only way Myanmar’s generals are going to back down is if the costs of staying in power are made too great to bear.”

Last week, the US government added sanctions on 10 members of the regime, including six SAC members, and other military chiefs and on three entities connected to the military. subordinates.html ------

Myanmar's coup opponents welcome new British, Canadian sanctions as protests continue Published 19 February 2021 | The Straits Times/ANN

YANGON (REUTERS) - Opponents of Myanmar's coup welcomed new sanctions from Britain and Canada as protesters took to the streets on Friday (Feb 19), marking two weeks of daily demonstrations against the South-east Asian country's military for seizing power.

Adding to the diplomatic pressure, Japan said it had agreed with India, the United States and Australia on the need for democracy to be restored quickly after the Feb 1 army takeover in which elected leader Aung San Suu Kyi was detained.

Youth leader and activist Thinzar Shunlei Yi applauded Britain's asset freezes and travel bans on three generals as well as steps to stop any aid helping the military and to prevent British businesses working with the army.

Canada said it would take action against nine military officials.

"We urge other nations to have such coordinated and united response," she wrote on Twitter. "We will be waiting for EU sanctions announcement on 22nd," she said, calling on people to gather at the office to push for sanctions to include measures against military businesses.

A small group of opponents of the coup gathered outside the British embassy in the main city of Yangon saying they wanted to offer thanks for the support. A member of staff came out to talk to them.

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Police in Yangon sealed off the city's main protest site near the Sule Pagoda, setting up barricades on access roads to a big intersection where tens of thousands have gathered this week.

Several hundred protesters gathered at the barricades anyway, a witness said, while crowds also formed at another favourite protest site near the university.

Demonstrators lie on a road in an attempt to slow traffic and block roads during a protest against the military coup, in Yangon, on Feb 19, 2021. PHOTO: EPA-EFE

Protesters waving signs and flags drove around the northern city of Myitkyina on motorbikes, images on social media showed, and confronted police blocking some roads.

Clashes have occurred in the town, the capital of Kachin State, over the past two weeks with police firing rubber bullets and catapults to disperse crowds.

Myanmar's junta has not yet reacted to the new sanctions. On Tuesday, an army spokesman told a news conference that sanctions had been expected.

There is little history of Myanmar's generals giving in to foreign pressure and they have closer ties to Russia and neighbouring China, which have taken a softer approach than long critical Western countries.

Junta leader Min Aung Hlaing was already under sanctions from Western countries following the 2017 crackdown on the Muslim Rohingya minority.

"Sanctioning military leaders is largely symbolic, but the moves to sanction military companies will be much more effective," said Mr Mark Farmaner, director of the Burma Campaign UK group in a reaction to the sanctions.

"Sanctioning military leaders is largely symbolic, but the moves to sanction military companies will be much more effective," said Mr Mark Farmaner, director of the Burma Campaign UK group in a reaction to the sanctions.

Demonstrators march with placards during a protest against the military coup, in Yangon, on Feb 19, 2021. PHOTO: EPA-EFE

Hundreds detained

After nearly half a century of full military rule, businesses linked to the army have a significant stake across the economy in the country of 53 million people, with interests Page 19 of 51

ranging from banking to beer, telecoms and transport.

The army seized back power after alleging fraud in Nov 8 elections won by Ms Suu Kyi's National League for Democracy (NLD) party, halting a transition to democracy that had begun in 2011, and detaining her and hundreds of others.

Myanmar's Assistance Association for Political Prisoners said 521 people had been detained as at Thursday. Of them, 44 had been released.

The junta has also come under pressure from demonstrations and a civil disobedience campaign that has paralysed much government business.

More protests were planned on Friday, marking the 14th day of what have become the biggest street demonstrations since "Saffron Revolution" protests in 2007, which, though suppressed, helped nudge the military to begin withdrawing from politics.

The marches have been more peaceful than the bloodily suppressed demonstrations under previous juntas, but police have fired rubber bullets several times to disperse protesters.

One protester is expected to die after being shot in the head in the capital Naypyitaw last week. The army says one policeman died of injuries sustained in a protest.

Three people were wounded by rubber bullets late on Thursday in the south-eastern town of Dawei when members of the community took to the streets to prevent the arrest of a protest leader, media outlet Dawei Watch said.

Protesters have called for the recognition of last year's election as well as the release of Ms Suu Kyi and other detainees.

Ms Suu Kyi faces a charge of violating a Natural Disaster Management Law as well as charges of illegally importing six walkie-talkie radios. Her next court appearance has been set for March 1.

Ms Suu Kyi, 75, spent nearly 15 years under house arrest for her efforts to bring democracy and won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1991 for her struggle. canadian-sanctions-as-protests-continue ------

Singapore, Indonesia express 'grave concern' over Myanmar, support informal Asean meet Published 19 February 2021 | The Straits Times/ANN

SINGAPORE - The foreign ministers of Singapore and Indonesia expressed "grave concern" over the situation in Myanmar and support a proposal to hold an informal Asean ministerial

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meeting on Myanmar, Singapore's Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) said on Thursday (Feb 18).

The statement was issued after met his Indonesian counterpart, Ms Retno Marsudi, in Singapore on Thursday to exchange views on the ongoing developments in Myanmar.

"They expressed grave concern over the situation and also expressed hope that all parties involved will maintain dialogue and work towards a peaceful resolution and national reconciliation in Myanmar, including a return to its path of democratic transition," the MFA statement said.

Dr Balakrishnan urged all parties involved to exercise utmost restraint and take urgent steps to de-escalate the situation.

"He stressed that there should be no violence against unarmed civilians. In particular, live rounds should not be fired on unarmed civilians under any circumstances," the statement said.

Myanmar's military seized power in a coup on Feb 1, ousting the National League for Democracy (NLD) and its leaders.

There have been mass protests against the coup since then, with reports of police opening fire to disperse protesters in at least one incident, although it was unclear if they used rubber bullets or live rounds.

Ms Retno thanked Dr Balakrishnan for receiving her and added in a tweet: "FM Vivian and I spoke among others on preparation of Leaders Meeting and on a number of Asean issues, including Myanmar".

MFA said the two ministers discussed possible next steps for Asean to address the situation in Myanmar, "including how it could foster inclusive dialogue with all key stakeholders, including its external partners".

"They also expressed strong support for a proposed Informal Asean Ministerial Meeting on Myanmar to be convened as soon as possible, to facilitate a constructive exchange of views and identify a possible way forward. "

Dr Balakrishnan told Parliament on Tuesday that he did not support widespread sanctions on Myanmar in response to a coup as these could hurt ordinary citizens.

He hoped detainees, including ousted leader Aung San Suu Kyi and President Win Myint, could be released so they can negotiate with the ruling military council.

In their Thursday meeting, both Dr Balakrisnan and Ms Retno reaffirmed "the excellent state of bilateral relations" and that both countries will continue exploring areas of further collaboration amid challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic, the statement said.

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Ms Retno arrived in Singapore on Wednesday and left on Thursday.

She visited Brunei on Wednesday and met with its Second Foreign Minister Dato Erywan Pehin Yusof, where discussions including on the situation in Myanmar were held. Brunei is the current Asean chair. myanmar-support-informal--meet ------

SAC seeks ‘pragmatic results’ with new peace process committees: military spox Friday, February 19, 2021 | Development Media Group

The chairman of the State Administration Council’s Information Committee has said the military government will set up three new peace committees during the state of emergency to work toward achieving genuine peace and “pragmatic results.”

“We must try to ensure practical peace on a prioritised basis. Secondly, we will work to achieve pragmatic results during the one-year state of emergency,” Maj-Gen Zaw Min Tun, the Information Committee chair and military spokesman, told a news conference in Naypyidaw on February 16.

Three committees — the Central Committee for National Unity and Peacemaking, the National Unity and Peacemaking Working Committee and the National Unity and Peacemaking Coordination Committee — will be formed to implement the aforesaid tasks, the Tatmadaw spokesperson added.

The Central Committee for National Unity and Peacemaking will be headed by the chairman of the State Administration Council, Senior-General Min Aung Hlaing, and will reportedly be composed of members of that governing body, which was set up in the aftermath of the military’s February 1 coup.

The National Unity and Peacemaking Working Committee will be chaired by the vice chairman of the State Administration Council and the deputy commander-in-chief of the Defence Services, and will consist of Union ministers, regional and state Administration Council chairpeople, as well as commanders from the respective military commands.

The National Unity and Peace Coordination Committee will be chaired by the Tatmadaw Peacemaking Coordination Committee headed by Lieutenant-General Yar Pyae, Maj-Gen Zaw Min Tun said.

“Three practical committees will be formed. … All I can say is that in this time of a state of emergency, we will make real progress, have real discussions, and expect pragmatic results,” he added. Page 22 of 51

“We heard about the same topic yesterday. It is said that the Tatmadaw’s peace process talks will be led by Lt-Gen Yar Pyae. I don’t know the rest, so I don’t have any comment at the moment,” said U Hla Maung Shwe, a peace process adviser for the previous two governments, including the recently deposed National League for Democracy (NLD) administration.

The former NLD government had been planning to hold peace talks with ethnic armed groups, including meetings with the Northern Alliance, this month. But the military takeover has considerably scrambled the considerations and calendars of many peace process stakeholders. committees-military-spox ------

Police Beat and Arrest Teachers in Myitkyina- KIO/ KIA Pledges to ‘Stand with the People’ Friday, February 19, 2021 | by - MNJ/KNG

The police have beaten and arrested two female teachers who joined the Civil Disobedience Movement in front of Education Collage in Myitkyina Kachin State February 19th. Many more people backed he Civil Disobedience Movement have been attacked by police and military in a bid to break the nation-wide opposition to the coup.

A teacher who was an eyewitness said: “We arrived at the gathering point at 8.35 am. The police vehicles arrived there 45 minutes later. We ran away when a police rushed to attack us. Two teachers were left there. They also ran away. But the police arrested a teacher in front of me. The police forced another one to kneel down and beat her.”

The KIO and its EAO –the KIA have expressed their concern about civilian casualties during demonstrations after the new military decree Article 144. The KIO observed “the police and soldiers may resort to brute force to stop protesters. “said Lamai Gum Ja, from Kachin Peace-Talk Creation Group (PCG). The Kachin Independence Organization/Army (KIO/A) has declared that “they will stand with the people, if the military regime’s security forces attack them for opposing its rule in Kachin State.”

The detained teachers are: Daw Aye Kyi Kyi Sein from Basic Education High School in Pamdai and Daw Aye Chan May from Waingmaw Township. The police also beat and arrested some civilians according to witnesses.

A female eyewitness said: “The police beat two teachers riding a motorbike in front of education college signboard. The motorbike fell down. I saw both were injured.”

The police and soldiers arrived at the protest place in two police vehicles and five military vehicles to arrest civilian servants and civilians who are protesting the military coup.

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“So far, the police have arrested around 15 people in total, including two teachers,” according to a lawyer from Myitkyina Township. The Tatmadaw has blocked the regular gathering points in Myitkyina Township. In addition, the police and soldiers are trying to disperse the crowds in the city.

It is not clear how the situation may escalate. The PCG have often served as a mediator between the KIO/KIA and Burma Army during peace negotiations in Kachin State. Religious leaders have also acted as mediators.

However, the Kachin News reported that although the ethnic armed organization (EAO) said it won’t get involved in the coup, it seen a message to the Burma Army through the Kachin Peace-Talk Creation Group (PCG) that “violence against the people won’t be tolerated. pledges-stand-people ------

An explosion occurs in front of RCSS liaison office in Kyaukme Published 19 February 2021 | Tun Nay Hlaing (Naungpain) A handmade explosive device exploded in front of the liaison office of the Restoration Council of Shan State (RCSS) in Kyaukme on February 18. The explosion damaged the door of the compound and shattered the windshield of the two cars parked in front of the house and windows of the house. “We found about 100 steel balls and lead lumps scattered after the explosion. We looked at CCTV footage but we cannot see the culprit’s face. No one has been injured as it is early,” said Sai Ku from Nantkone social welfare association from Kyaukme. Fighting broke out between forces of the Restoration Council of Shan State (RCSS), Shan State Progressive Party (SSPP) and Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) near Topsan Village in Kyaukme Township, northern Shan State since February 13 and locals from Pansan, Kantkan, Topsan and Oakmangan villages villages are still taking shelter at refugee camps in the township. kyaukme ------

Villagers Displaced by Violence Between Multiple Armed Groups By SHAN - February 19, 2021

Since the military coup, over one-thousand civilians have been displaced by fighting between multiple ethnic armed organizations (EAOs) and the Burma Army in three townships in Burma’s northern Shan State.

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Photo by SHAN- War Victims at Kyautme

The Restoration Council of Shan State (RCSS) are battling Shan State Progress Party (SSPP) and Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA), both members of Northern Alliance, in Kyaukme, Namtu and Hsipaw townships. RCSS is also fighting Burma Army.

Hundreds of villagers who sought refuge at Pangsan and Pobbayon monasteries in Namtu town are running out of food.

“There’s only 7 rice bags left (at Pobbayon monastery) and we need to cook one bag of rice a day to feed everyone,” said Loung Ba Nyan, who’s helping the 340 people in Namtu affected by the fighting. They’re also short of onions, salt and cooking oil.

Photo by SHAN – War Victims at Kyautme

There’s over 200 internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Hsipaw Township. And there’s 500 IDPs in Kyaukme Township, where fighting is still ongoing. A volunteer from a civil society organization in Kyaukme told SHAN new IDPs keep coming. “Most are seniors, and they need warm clothing, blankets, food and medicine.”

On February 15, in Kyaukme Township, a shell killed a pregnant woman in her eighth month and a man. Six others in the house where the shell landed were wounded.

According to a SSPP statement, TNLA and SSPP have captured nine RCSS soldiers and the bodies of nine enemy soldiers, as well as weapons and equipment.

RCSS confirmed an unknown number of its soldiers were detained during battle with SSPP.


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အလ��တ� ဆ���ဖ��ထ�တ�ပ��မ�����င�� Civil Disobedient Movement (CDM) လ�ထ�အ�ံ�ကမ�တ�င� ပ�ဝင��န�ကသည�� အလ��အသ��သ��မ� လ�ပ�ဂ� ��လ�မ���က�� ရ�၊ တပ�မ�တ��သ��မ���မ� ညအခ��န�မ�တ�� လ��က� လံဖမ��ဆ��မ�မ���က�� ရပ�တန���ပ�� ဖမ��ဆ��ထ�န��သ�မ��သ�မ���က�� �ပန�လ�တ��ပ��ရ���င�� �င�မ��ခ�မ��စ��ဆ���ဖ�� ထ�တ�သ�မ���က�� အ�ကမ��ဖက�နည��လမ���ဖင�� မ�ဖ ��ခ��ရန�လည�� ဗ��လ�ခ��ပ��က�� ယ�က�စစ�က ၎င��၏ မ�န��ခ�န��၌ �တ�င��ဆ��ထ��သည�။

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ယ�န� အထ��အစည��အ�ဝ�ပ��က�� သက�ဆ��င�ရ�အပစ�ရပ� အဖ���အစည��မ���မ� PPST အဖ���ဝင� �ခ�င���ဆ�င�မ��� အစ�ံအလင� တက��ရ�က��န��က�င���တ��ရ�ပ�� အန�ဂတ� �ဆ������ခ��ပ���င�မည�� အပစ�ရပ�အဖ���မ���၏ ဖက�ဒရယ� အ��ခခံမ�မ���အ�ပင� လက�ရ�� ���င�ငံ�ရ�၊ �င�မ��ခ�မ���ရ���င�� က��က�ည�မည�� �ရ��လ�ပ�ငန��စ��မ���က�� ယ�န� အစည��အ �ဝ�ပ��တ�င� �ဆ������သ���မည�ဟ�လည��သ�ရသည�။

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အပစ�ရပ�အဖ���မ��� �ခ�င���ဆ�င�က စစ�အစ���ရ လ�ပ�ရပ�မ���အ�� ��တ�ခ�

သတင����င�� မ�ဒ�ယ� က�န�ရက�။ ၂၀၂၁ ခ���စ�၊ �ဖ�ဖ��ဝ�ရ�လ ၁၉ ရက�။

အ�ဏ�သ�မ�� စစ�အစ���ရ၏ ဥပ�ဒ ထ�တ��ပန�ခ�က�မ���သည� အ�ဏ�ရ�င�စနစ�က�� �ပန�လည�အသက� သ�င�� လ��က��ပ�� �ပည�သ�မ���၏ လ�တ�လပ�မ�က�� ကန��သတ� ခ��ပ�ခ�ယ�လ��က��ခင���ဖစ�သည�ဟ� NCA အပစ� ရပ� အဖ���မ���၏ �င�မ��ခ�မ���ရ� လ�ပ�ငန��စ�� ဦ��ဆ�င�အဖ��� PPST ယ�ယ� ဥက�� ဗ��လ�ခ��ပ��က�� ယ�က�စစ� က ��ပ�သည�။

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�ဖ�ဖ��ဝ�ရ�လ ၁၉ ရက��န� ယ�န�တ�င� �ပ�လ�ပ�သည�� PPST ၏ အထ��အစည��အ�ဝ� အဖ�င��မ�န��ခ�န��တ�င� PPST ယ�ယ� ဥက�� က ထည��သ�င����ပ��က��ခ���ခင���ဖစ�သည�။

ဗ��လ�ခ��ပ��က��ယ�က�စစ�က “တစ�ဖက�မ��လည�� အ�ဏ�သ�မ��တ�� အ�ရ�အ�ပ�အ��ခအ�န ထ�တ��ပန�တ�� က�လ အတ�င�� အ�ဏ�ရ�င� စနစ�က�� သက�ဆ���ရ�ည��စမယ�� �ခတ�က�လန�� မ�လ���ည��တ��တ�� ဥပ�ဒမ���အ�� စစ� အစ���ရက ဆင��က� ဆင��က� ထ�တ��ပန��ပဌ�န���ခင��ဟ� ဖက�ဒရယ�၊ ဒ�မ��က�ရစ�စံ��န��မ���န�� လ�ံ�လ�ံ�လ���လ��� ဆန��က�င��ပ�� အ�ဏ�ရ�င�စနစ�က�� �ပန�လည�အသက�သ�င��တ�� �ဆ�င�ရ�က�ခ�က�မ���ပ� �ဖစ�ပ�တယ�။ ဒ�မ��က�ရစ� �န�က���က�င�� �ပန�လ�ည���စတ�� လ�ပ�ရပ�ပ� �ဖစ�ပ�တယ�။ �ပည�သ�လ�ထ�တ���ရ�� လ�တ�လပ�မ� အ��လ�ံ�က�� ကန�� သတ�ခ��ပ�ခ�ယ�လ��က�တ�ပ� �ဖစ�ပ�တယ�” ဟ� ��ပ�သည�။

RCSS အ�န�ဖင�� တပ�မ�တ��၏ အ�ဏ�သ�မ��မ�က�� လက�မခံ၍ နည��လမ���ပ�င��စ�ံ��င�� ဆ��ထ�တ��ဖ���န�ကသည�� တ��င��ရင��သ�� �ပည�သ�လ�ထ� တစ�ရပ�လ�ံ���င��အတ� မ��မ��မတ�မတ� ရပ�တည�အ���ပ��ထ�က�ခံသ���မည�ဟ� ဆ��သည�။

စစ�အ�ဏ�သ�မ���ခင��က�� မလ��လ��သည�� �ပည�နယ���င�� တ��င��အသ��သ��မ� �ပည�သ�မ���မ� ဆ��ထ�တ��ဖ��မ�မ��� က�� ဆက�တ��က�ဆ��သလ�� လ�ပ��ဆ�င�လ�ခ���က�ပ�� အဆ��ပ� ဆ��ထ�တ��ဖ��မ�မ���က�� တပ�မ�တ����င�� ရ�တပ�ဖ���ဝင� မ��� က လ��က�လံဖမ��ဆ��မ�မ�����င�� အ�ကမ��ဖက��ဖ ��ခ�င��မ�မ���က�� မလ�ပ��ဆ�င�ရန� ဗ��လ�ခ��ပ��က��ယ�က�စစ�က ယခ�က��သ��� �တ�င��ဆ��သည�။

၎င��က “ဆ���ပထ�တ��ဖ��ပ��မ���န�� Civil Disobedience Movement အ�ဏ�ဖ�ဆန��ရ� လ�ထ�အ�ံ�က လ�ပ�ရ��� မ� တ���တ�င� ပ�ဝင�ခ���ကတ�� အလ��အသ��သ��မ� လ�ပ�ဂ� ��လ�မ���က�� ညအခ��န�မ�တ��အတ�င�� တပ�မ�တ��သ��မ��� ရ�တပ�ဖ���ဝင�မ���မ� ဥပ�ဒမ�� လ��က�လံဖမ��ဆ���ခင��မ���က�� ရပ�တန���ပ�� ဖမ��ဆ��ထ��သ�မ��ထ��တ�� သ�မ���အ��လ�ံ� �ပန�လ�တ��ပ�ဖ���န�� �င�မ��ခ�မ��စ�� ဆ��ထ�တ��ဖ���ပ�ခင��က�� အ�ကမ��မဖက�နည��မလမ��မ���န�� မ�ဖ ��ခ�င��ဖ��� အ�လ� အနက��တ�င��ဆ��ပ�တယ�” ဟ� ��ပ�သည�။

ယ�န��ပ�လ�ပ�သည�� PPST ၏ အထ��အစည��အ�ဝ�တ�င� လ�ထ��ရ���က�က�ခံ အစ���ရ မ�ပ��ပ�က��သ�မ� အ� ဏ�သ�မ��စစ�အစ���ရ အ�ပ�ခ��ပ�သည��က�လတ�င� NCA စ�ခ��ပ�၏ �ပည��ထ�င�စ�အဆင�� ���င�ငံ�ရ�ဆ��င�ရ� အ�က�င�အထည��ဖ���ဆ�င�ရ�က�မ��တ�က�� ယ�ယ�ဆ��င��ငံ�ထ��သင��၊ မထ��သင�� တစ�ဖ���ခ�င����င�� ဆ��င�သည�� ��စ�ဖက�သ�ဘ�တ�စ�ခ��ပ� (Bilateral Agreements) မ���က�� အ��ခခံက� �င�မ��ခ�မ���ရ� လ�ပ�ငန��စ�� ဆက� လက�အ�က�င�အထည��ဖ��သင��၊ မ�ဖ��သင�� စသည�မ���က�� �ဆ�����ည����င�� ဆ�ံ��ဖတ�သ���မ�� �ဖစ�သည�ဟ� သ�ရသည�။

ထ����ပင� လ�မည�� အန�ဂတ� ���င�ငံ�ရ��ဆ������ပ��မ���တ�င� ခ��ပ�ဆ���������င�ရန� NCA-s EAO မ���၏ ဖက�ဒရယ� အ��ခခံမ�မ���က��လည�� ယခ�အစည��အ�ဝ�တ�င� �ဆ������သ���မည��အ�ပင� လက�ရ�� ���င�ငံ�ရ� �င�မ��ခ�မ���ရ� အခင��အက�င����င�� က��က�ည�မည�� �ရ��လ�ပ�ငန��စ��မ���က��လည�� �ဆ������ခ�မ�တ�သ���မည�ဟ� ဆ��သည�။

NCA အပစ�ရပ� လက�မ�တ��ရ�ထ���ထ��သည�� တ��င��ရင��သ�� လက�နက�က��င� အဖ���အစည��မ���မ�� �မန�မ� ���င�ငံ လ�ံ�ဆ��င�ရ� �က��င��သ��မ��� ဒ�မ��ကရက� တစ�တပ�ဦ� ABSDF၊ ကရင�အမ����သ�� အစည��အ��ံ� KNU၊ ခ�င�� အမ����သ��တပ�ဦ� CNF ၊ ကရင��င�မ��ခ�မ���ရ��က�င�စ� KNLA/PC ၊ ပအ���ဝ�အမ����သ�� လ�တ���မ�က��ရ� အဖ��� ခ��ပ� PNLO၊ ရခ��င��ပည�လ�တ���မ�က��ရ�ပ�တ� ALP၊ ရ�မ���ပည��ပန�လည�ထ��ထ�င��ရ� �က�င�စ� RCSS၊ ကရင�အမ����သ�� ဒ�မ���ရစ�အက�����ပ�တပ�မ�တ�� DKBA၊ မ�န��ပည�သစ�ပ�တ� NMSP ��င�� လ��ဟ� ဒ�မ��ကရက� တစ�အစည��အ��ံ� LDU တ��� �ဖစ�သည�။


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ယ�န� (�ဖ�ဖ�ဝ�ရ� ၁၉ ရက�) Video Conferencing �ပ�လ�ပ�သည�� PPST အဖ���၏ အထ��အစည��အ�ဝ�ပ�� တ�င� ��ပ��က��သည�� ဗ��လ�ခ��ပ��က�� ယ�က�စစ�၏ အစည��အ�ဝ�အဖ�င�� မ�န��ခ�န��၌ လက�ရ�� အ�ဏ�သ�မ��စစ��က�င�စ�၏ လ�ပ��ဆ�င�ခ�က���င�� ပတ�သက��ပ�� ယခ�လ�� ထည��သ�င����ပ�ဆ��လ��က��ခင���ဖစ�သည�။

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By ဧရ�ဝတ� | 19 February 2021

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By ဧရ�ဝတ� | 19 February 2021

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By ဧရ�ဝတ� | 19 February 2021

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19 �ဖ�ဖ��ဝ�ရ�လ 2021

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* “နယ�စပ��ဒသမ���”က�� ဓမ�ဓ�ဌ�န�မက�သည�� အသ�ံ�အ��န��မ�����ဖင�� ဒ�တ�ယ သ���မဟ�တ� နယ�စ�န�နယ�ဖ��� အဆင��အတန��က��သ���လည�� ရည���န��အဓ�ပ��ယ�ဖ�င��ဆ�����င�ပ�သည�။ သ����သ��လည�� ယခ�သ�ံ�သပ�ခ�က�အ တ�င��၌ အ�ခ��နယ���မ�ဒသမ��� သ���မဟ�တ� ���င�ငံမ�����င�� �ရ��မခ�င��ထ�စပ�တည�ရ���နမ�က���ဖ���ပသည�� ပ�ံစံမ�����ဖင�� သ�ံ���န���ဖ���ပထ���ခင���ဖစ�သည�။ Burmese


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By ဧရ�ဝတ� | 19 February 2021

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By ဧရ�ဝတ� | 19 February 2021

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By AFP | 19 February 2021

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By ဧရ�ဝတ� | 19 February 2021

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By AFP | 19 February 2021

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TNLA၊ SSPP ပ���ပ�င��အဖ���န�� RCSS တ��က�ပ����က�င�� အရပ�သ�� �လ�ဦ� �သဆ�ံ�

ကံသ� | 2021-02-19

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နမ�တ� စစ��ရ��င�အတ�က� ရ�က��မ���အ�ရ��ပ�လ��အပ��န

By SHAN - February 19, 2021

သ�မ���ပည���မ�က�ပ��င�� နမ�တ��မ ���နယ� မန�စံ စစ��ဘ��ရ��င�စခန��တ�င� စ��နပ�ရ�က�� အ�ရ��ပ�လ��အပ��န��က�င�� စ�ံစမ��သ�ရ��ရသည�။

Photo by Nang Pan Ei Phyu/ Facebook

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