MC QUESTIONS Round 1 - Weird and Wonderful

Question.1 Is a pumpkin a vegetable or fruit? -> A fruit

Question.2 In which country was French toast invented? a) England b) Italy c) d) America -> Italy

Question.3 True or false – Men Sweat 25% more than women? -> False (men sweat 40% more than women.)

Question.4 The can opener was invented how many years after the can? a) 2 b) 10 c) 48 d) 55 -> d) 48

Question.5 True or false - Right-handed people live, on average, nine years longer than left- handed people do. -> True

Question.6 The most popular first name in the world is: a) Smith b) Muhammad c) Rodriguez d) Jack -> b) Muhammad

Question.7 What is Phobophobia -> The fear of having something to fear or a phobia.

Question.8 True or false – Statistically are you more likely to be killed by a poisonous spider or a champagne cork? -> False

Bonus Question! Which film features something called the death star? -> Star Wars

Round 2 – Entertainment Question.9 In what year did Elvis die? -> 1977

Question.10 Which singer surpassed Elvis in 2015 in terms of all time US album sales? a) Taylor Swift b) Garth Brooks c) Prince d) Led Zeppelin -> Garth Brooks

Question.11 Which pop star famously wore an outfit made entirely of meat to the MTV Video Music Awards? -> Lady Gaga

Question.12 How many seasons of the TV show friends were made? -> 10

Question.13 Fill in the missing word in this quote from the first episode of Shortland Street: “You’re not in … now, Dr Ropata”. -> Guatemala

Question.14 Who received the 2011 Oscar for Best Actor, for their performance in The King’s Speech? -> Colin Firth

Question.15 This is a morph of which two famous people? -> Michael Jackson and Rowan Atkinson

Question.16 Who was the highest paid musician in 2017? -> Diddy

Bonus Question! What famous old movie had actors Julie Andrews and Christopher Plummer in? -> The Sound of Music

Round 3 – Question.17 What New Zealand town is famous for its art deco architecture? -> Napier

Question.18 In 2006 which other language became an official language of New Zealand alongside Te Reo Maori and English? -> Sign Language

Question.19 Which children’s toy is considered a classic item of Kiwiana? -> The Buzzy Bee

Question.20 In which New Zealand town can you find this giant kiwifruit? -> Te Puke

Question.21 What is the biggest selling New Zealand song of all time? -> ‘How Bizarre’ by OMC

Question.22 Which native New Zealand bird is pictured below? -> Takahē

Question.23 Who is the New Zealand Minister of Tourism? -> Kelvin Davis

Question.24 Which New Zealand airport has a train track through the middle of the runway? -> Gisborne

Bonus Question! What movie character grew up in a jungle? -> Tarzan

Round 4 – History Question. 25 Who was the first European to see New Zealand? -> Abel Tasman

Question.26 Who was the second wife of King Henry VIII? -> Anne Boleyn

Question.27 In what year was the treaty of Waitangi signed? -> 1840

Question. 28 Where will you find these famous historical monuments? -> Easter Island

Question. 29 In Maori mythology who fished up the north Island? -> Maui

Question. 30 In what year did the Titanic sink? a) 1894 b) 1901 c) 1911 d) 2001 -> c) 1911

Question 31 When was the first official television broadcast in New Zealand? -> 1960

Question 32 The Khmer Rouge was a regime ruling this nation in the 20th century. a) Vietnam b) Cambodia c) d) Laos -> Cambodia

Bonus Question! Which character and movie shows a princess with extra long hair? -> Rapunzel/ Tangled

Round 5 – Geography and science Question 33 Which element has the chemical symbol Pb? -> Lead

Question 34 Which country consists of the 4 main islands, Honshu Hokkaido Shikoku & Kyushu? ->

Question 35 Kelvin is a unit to measure what? -> Temperature

Question 36 The ancient city of Machu Picchu is in which country? -> Peru

Question 37 What is the name of the tallest water fall in the world? -> Angel Falls (Venezuela )

Question 38 What is the more common name for Nitrous Oxide? -> Laughing gas

Question 39 Which country has a flag that is not rectangular? -> Nepal

Question 40 What is the name of the weather pattern that causes drought along New Zealand’s East coast? a) El Nino b) El Nina c) El Nana d) El Bada -> a) El Nino

Bonus Question! What is the most famous shark movie? -> Jaws

Round 6 – Sport Question 41 Where will the 2020 Olympics be held? -> Tokyo

Question 42 Which NBA basketball team does New Zealander Steven Adams play for? -> Oklahoma City Thunder

Question 43 What is ‘Tiger’ Woods first name? -> Eldrick

Question 44 What was the score of the 2015 Ruby World Cup final between New Zealand and ? -> 34-17

Question 45 Who won the women’s singles at the 2017 Australian Open? -> Caroline Wozniacki

Question 46 This picture shows couples completing in which bizarre sport? -> The Wife Carrying Contest

Question 47 In which Olympic sport is the wearing of a beard prohibited? -> Boxing

Question 48 Who was the highest paid athlete in 2017? -> Cristiano Ronaldo: $93 million

Bonus Question! Which movie has the famous quote “wax on, wax off”? -> Karate Kid

Round 7 – Who, what, where, why, when? Question 49 Who invented the light bulb? -> Thomas Edison

Question 50 What does the following acronym UNICEF stand for? -> United Nations Child Emergency Fund

Question 51 Which country is the Komodo Dragon native to? -> Indonesia

Question 52 Which of these countries is not part of the United Nations? a) Ukraine b) South Sudan c) Palestine d) Montenegro -> Palestine

Question 53 What country has the most sheep? -> China

Question 54 What is the smallest country in the world? -> Vatican City

Question 55 What is the anatomic name for the two bones in the lower leg? -> The tibia and fibula

Question 56 What is the official language of the Pacific Island New Caledonia? -> French

Bonus Question! Which films has an evil character in, called Voldemort? -> Harry Potter

Round 8 – New Zealand Question 57 When did the first Oxfam New Zealand Trailwalker take place? -> April, 2006

Question 58 What award did Oxfam Trailwalker win in 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011? -> Best Environmentally Sustainable Event.

Question 59 What work does Oxfam do? a) Responds to emergencies b) Gives people the skills and resources to life themselves out of poverty c) Campaigns to change the unjust policies that keep people in poverty d) All of the above -> All of the above

Question 60 What is the number one fundraising resource available to Oxfam Trailwalker teams? -> The online fundraising page.

Question 61 When was Oxfam New Zealand formed? -> 1991

Question 62 How many Oxfam Trailwalker events are there internationally? -> 16 (in 10 countries)

Question 63 Where does Oxfam New Zealand primarily work? -> Southeast Asia and the Pacific

Question 64 What is the Oxfam Trailwalker tag line? -> Challenge yourself, challenge poverty

Bonus Question! In which film is there a famous address 42 Wallaby Way, ? -> Finding Nemo