Report, Part-I, Vol-XII, Burma
CENSUS OF INDIA, 1901. VOLUME XII. BURMA. PART I. REPORT. BY C. C. LOWIS, OF THE INDIAN CIVIL SERVICE, SUPERINTENDENT, CENSUS OPERATIONS. RANGOON: OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDENT OF GOVERNMENT PRINTING, BURMA. 19 02 • PREFACE. I FIND it impossible to place adequatelY on record my acknow ledgments to those who have laboured with me in the preparation of this Report. To review the proofs as a connected whole is to realize, to an overwhelming degree, how much I am beholden to others and to take the measure of my indebtedness is to be seized with an uneasy sense of the hopelessness of attempting to compound, even. to the scC!-n tiest extent, with all of my many creditors. I must leave it to the pages of the Report itself to bear grateful testimony to my obli gations. A glance at the language chapter will tell how shadowy a production it would have been wIthout the benefit 9f Dr. Grierson's erudition. Every paragraph of the caste, tribe and race chapter will show with how lavish .a hand I have drawn upon Sir George Scott for my material. I would, however, take this opportunity of specially thanking Dr. Cushing and Mr. Taw Sein Kho, who have responded more than generously to my appeals for assistance and advice. '1 he greater part of the Report has been shown to Mr. Eales, and it is to his ripe experience that I am indebted for hints which have led me to alter portions. To Mr. Regan, Superintendent of Government Printing, my thanks are due for having, in the face of sudden and quite excep tional difficulties, succeeded in passing this volume through the Press without undue delay.
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