72 Suara Serangga Papua, 2010,4 (3) Januari - Mare! 2010 Mysore and other names of Islands in the Cenderawasih Bay, Papua, Indonesia Henk van Mastrigt Kelompok Entomologi Papua, Kotakpos 1078, Jayapura 99010, INDONESIA Email:
[email protected] Suara Serangga Papua: 4 (3): 72-78 Abstract: Mysore is the former name for the islands of Supiori and Biak together, but is often incorrectly applied to the island of Mioswar. This publication considers the historica I use of the names and identifies a number of taxa ambiguous origin. In addition, alternative names of other islands in the Cenderawasih Bay are presented. Rangkuman: Mysore merupakan nama dulu untuk kepulauan Supiori dan Biak, tetapi sering digunakan secara kurang tepat untuk pulau Mioswar. Karangan ini menyampaikan penggunaan nama itu secara historis dan mengidentifikasi beberapa taxa dari asal yang kurang jelas. Di samping itu disajikan pelbagai nama dari pulau-pulau yang lain di Teluk Cenderawasih. Keywords: Biak, Supiori, Mioswar, Numfor, Japen Introduction A group of three entomologists surveyed the island of Mioswar in August 2009, believing th at Mioswar was one of the islands visited by A. B. Meyer in 1873, and at that time named Mysore. This conviction, based on published accounts in websites, books and articles was found to be incorrect after the author read Kirsch (1877) and visited Museum fur Tierkunde Dresden (MTD), in Senckenberg Naturhistorische Sammlungen, Dresden (SNSD),Deutschland, where Meyer's diary was found. In th is publication the author would like to rectify a number of topographical mistakes th at have been copied from one author to another. Mysore on websites and in books and articles 1.