בס״ד בס״ד Learning from our Leaders Pirchei Agudas Yisroel of America

A few days before Yom Kippur the Belzer The Belzer would not give up, and was not Rebbe, R’ Aharon Rokeach, came to visit R’ satisfied when R’ Akiva Sofer told him, ‘Zol der Rebbe Akiva Sofer. After their discussion... zein gebentched! May the Rebbe be blessed.’ PIRCHEI Before I No, Please Agudas Yisroel of America leave, Please Who am I place put your Vol: 4 Issue: 15 - ט"ו בשבט, תשע"ז - bentch me! to bentch the right hand on my Chas V’sholom February 11, 2017 Belzer Rebbe? head. I need your that I should bentch פרשה: בשלח - הפטרה: ודבורה אשה נביאה אשת לפידות... )שפטים ד:ד-ה:לא( full bracha! the Belzer Rebbe like everyone else... דף יומי: בבא בתרא כ' משיב הרוח ומוריד הגשם - ברכי נפשי )מנחה( You are a direct descendant of the Please, שבת שירה מצות לא תעשה: Chasam Sofer. Please do a 1 yid a toiva...

TorahThoughts Not long after the Belzer Rebbe left, R’ Akiva Sofer left הִ נְ נִ י מַ מְ טִ יר לָ כֶ ם לֶ חֶ ם מִ ן הַ שָ מָ יִ ם … )שְ מוֹת טז:ד( The Belzer Rebbe kept insisting for ד' for the food itself or to thank ד' his home with a talmid to go to the beis hamedrash... whether bentching is to thank and would not relent. I shall rain down for you food from Heaven… the satisfaction from the food. bentched right after בְ ֵנ י ִי שְ רָ אֵ ל explains that ֲ ח ז וֹ ן אִ י ש The רִ א ש וֹ ִנ י ם There are some interesting discussions in both the for ד' because the main purpose of bentching is to thank מָ ן made before and after eating the eating the בְ רָ כ וֹ ת regarding the אַחֲ רוֹנִ ים No! Please and Yesimcha ‘Zol der place put your שִ ע וּ ר ) in the name of the the food. The length of time it takes for the food to be absorbed מַ אֲ מָ ר ֶנ פֶ ש quotes the חֲ בַ צֶ לֶ ת הַ שָ ר וֹ ן The . מָ ן Heavenly Elokim K’ Efraim... Rebbe zein right hand on my ?? and is given as a time period only הֲ לָ כָ ה in the body is a secondary ( עִ כ וּ ל was מָ ן made before eating the בְ רָ ָכ ה that says that the רְ מַ ״א מִ פּאַנוֹ Yevorechecha... gebentched!’ head and give me bentched בְ ֵנ י ִ י שְ רָ אֵ ל .when a person normally still has in mind to bentch חֵ לֶק ג, מע' כ', ) שְ דֵ י חֶ מֶ ד He also quotes from the . הַ מ וֹ צִ י א לֶ חֶ ם מִ ן הַ שָ מָ יִ ם ...your full Bracha for the food they ד' so that they could thank מָ ן was said before eating it. right after eating the בְ רָ ָכ ה and others that no (כְ לַל ק' .ֺ introduced the first had just eatenמ שֶ ה teaches that (בְרָ כוֹת מח:) גְ מָ רָ א The מִשָׁ רָׁ ישֵׁ הַ מִ צְ וָׁ ה quotes the חֲ בַ צֶ לֶ ת הַ שָ ר וֹ ן The . מָ ן of bentching at the giving of the בְ רָ ָכ ה explains that although he feels inadequate to חִ נּ וּ ְך who is troubled by a fascinating The ,(אוֹ ַרח ַח ִיים ִסי ָמן כ״ח, ס' ק״ד) חֲזוֹן אִ יש since it has many levels of depth and ’ד׳ to bless‘ מִ צְ ָו ה of explain such a הֲ לָ כָ ה and the מָ ן question involving the Heavenly properties of the [to his beloved children] מִ צְ וֹ ת when one can no longer bentch. hidden secrets, the love to explain to ‘thank Him.’ When מִ צְ ָו ה in His Kindness gave us a ד׳ .had no overtook him מָ ן teaches that the Heavenly (יוּמָ א עה:) גְ מָ רָ א The is the Ultimate Blessed ד׳ we are acknowledging that , בְ רָ ָכ ה waste; when it was eaten, it was all immediately absorbed into the we make a creates for us ד׳ explains that while this phenomena is an amazing One [all blessing is only from Him]. This recognition of ֲ ח ז וֹ ן אִ י ש body. The .merit, to receive His blessing , זְ כ וּ ת of the הֲ לָ כָ ה miracle, it creates a problematic issue in regard to the continues by explaining why he חִ נּ וּ ְך teaches that the time limit for Uncharacteristically, the (בְרָ כוֹת נא:) גְ מָ רָ א bentching. The concerning הֲ לָ כוֹת bentching after a meal is only as long as the food is still being absorbed went to great lengths to list the different rules and and some do בָ רוְּך start and end with a בְ רָ כ וֹ ת e.g., why some] בְ רָ כ וֹ ת was fully absorbed, until when were מָ ן in the body. If the (שִ עוּר עִ כוּל) The pauper stood up and clearly felt very able to bentch? not, etc.]. The power of bentching is so great for creating blessing that בְ ֵנ י ִ י שְ רָ אֵ ל honored to give the bracha as instructed. If the Belzer Rebbe ( חִ נּ וּ ְך would create for himself (the בְ רָ כ וֹ ת learning or teaching about וְ אָ כַ לְ תָ וְ שָ בָ עְ תָ וּ בֵ רַ כְ תָ אֶ ת of bentching is learned from מִ צְ ָו ה asked me for such a The Bracha, then I can surely many blessings [as if he were actually bentching]. דְ ָ ב רִ י ם ) … ד׳ and you will eat and you will be satisfied and bless ,ד׳ … Rebbi, can ask a Jewish pauper for ספר החנוך על פרשת השבוע :is Adapted from (אוֹ ַרח ַח ִיים ִסי ָמן קפ״ז, ס' א in רע״א The question (discussed by .(ח:ח you Please explain I learned this this kind of bracha... what that was all from the Belzer about? Rebbe...

of Yahrtzeits our Gedolim Gedolim Glimpses before dawn, as R' Beinish , רֺא שׁ הַ שָׁׁ נָׁ ה One ֺ forכ תֶ ל was on his way to the זַ צַ ״ ל was born in Mir, Poland, on Finkel זַ צַ ״ ל R' Binyomin Beinish Finkel י״ח שבט ר׳ אֵ לִּיָהוּ ) מַ לְ כָ ה and , ר ֺא שׁ י ְ שִּׁ י בָ ה the ,ר׳ לֵיזֶר יוּדל to ,יוֹם כִּ פּוּר 5750 — 5672 he met a poor and lonely , י וָׁתִ קִ י ן מִ נ י ְ ָׁ ן the 1990 — 1911 's daughter). At 9 years old, he learned 5 Yid. "Did you have a warm drink yet?" R’ זַ צַ ״ ל Kamai בָ רוְּך in Beinish asked him. "Yes, but another ָח ֵפץ ַח ִּיים with his father daily. He went to learn under the גְ מָ רָ א of דַ פִּ י ם 'cup would not hurt," the man replied. R אֶ רֶ ץ and in 1933-34 he learned under the Brisker Rov. After arriving in ,1931 and married his niece Beinish, who was extremely particular , ח ז ֲ וֹ ן אִּ י שׁ circa 1940), he became close to the) ִּי שְ רָ אֵ ל returned , הָׁ נֵ ץ הַ חַ מָׁ ה about davening with , רֺא שׁ י ְ שִּׁ י ת בַ מִּ י ר s daughter). In 1965, he became’ר' שְׁ מוּאֵ ל) Greineman אֶ סְ תֵ ר he took charge of the fiscal ,שִּׁ עוּרִּ ים Rav of Pressburg where, in addition to giving ,ר׳ שמחה בּוּנם R’ Akiva was born in Pressburg (Bratislava, Slovakia), to ( ), and Rochel Rosa Sofer. At the age of 20 he was appointed together home with the man. He gave him a drink, סִּ י ַ עְ א תָ דִּ שְׁ מַ ָי א There are fascinating stories of his . יְ שִּׁ י בָ ה responsibility of the מגיד שיעור שבט סוֹפר at the age of spoke to him for a long time, and cheered ראשׁ ישיבה and רב with his father. After his father’s passing, he became It is well known that his father-in-law considered him up. After he left, R' Beinish ran as fast as he could . ַג דְ ל וּ ת בְ ת וֹ רָ ה וּ בְ חֶ סֶ ד He was a charismatic pioneer (HE INITIATED THAT THE SHOULD SERVE MEALS) and .29 . שְׁ מ וֹ ֶנ ה עֶ שְ רֵ ה ֺ , making it on time forכ תֶ ל to the . ל״ו צַ דִּ י קִּ י ם of the Council of him one of the ראשׁ and his yeshiva flourished, as did his stature. He was appointed Orthodox in Hungary, which represented 300 communities. In 1939, upon the advice There, he .ירוּשלים and settled in ארץ ישראל of his uncle, R’ Shimon Sofer, he immigrated to לע״נ ר׳ ישראל בן אברהם ז"ל where he taught for 20 years. He was Dedication opportunities are available. If you would like to sponsor or receive this publication ,ירוּשלים founded the Yeshiva of Pressburg in לע״נ הב׳ ישעיהו דוב ע״ה בן יבלחט״א יצחק צבי נ״י and was a via email, please send an email to [email protected] כּוֹלל שׁוֹמרי החוֹמוֹת He served as the President of the .דעת סוֹפר the author of .אגוּדת ישראל of the מוֹעצת גדוֹלי התּוֹרה member of the This week's Pirchei Weekly is sponsored ב‘ כסלו For any inquiries or comments please feel free to call 347-838-0869 • Illustrated by: Yishaya Suval www.leilshishi.com 5638 - 5720 1878 - 1959 z"k mch nbjo vrw ci bjnhw hux; nav rw ban, kgkuh .חזרת הש״ץ or קדיש, קריאת התורה Please do not read this publication during .עַל ּפִי הַלָכָ ה Please be careful to handle this sheet in the proper manner as required Contest שובבים 3rd International Pirchei

contest שְׁ נַיִם מִקְרָ א וְאֶחָד תַרְ גּוּם of מִ צְ ָו ה — שׁ וֹ בְ בִ י ם with 4th week of 5th grade until , רְ בִ י ִ ע י 4th grade until , שְׁ ִ ל י שִׁ י 3rd grade until , שֵׁ נִ י until ָפ רָ שָׁ ה Living the Torah Holiness and Happiness To participate, boys in 1st and 2nd grade should complete the and the מִקְרָ אוֹת גְּ דוֹלוֹת חוּמָשִׁ ים Participants will be entered in a raffle for a set of . ָפ רָ שָׁ ה 7th and 8th grades complete the , שִׁ שִׁ י 6th grade until , חֲ מִ י שִׁ י Please send a fax to 718 506 .(לשון הקודש in תרגום an explanation of the) מעט צרי of פירוש with the ח וּ מָ שִׁ י ם weekly winner will also receive a set of :you? How can we do it? I have just received word that my parents 9633 by Sunday at 7:00 p.m.). The current contestants אָ ז י ָ י שִׁ ר מ ֺ שֶׁ ה … )שְׁ מוֹת טו:א( … Then he, Moshe, will sing literally mean: Then he, Moshe, will were murdered! How can we sing and dance when the blood of Grade 1 – Mordechai Nass, The Cheder; Yitzchok Harari-Raful, Yeshivat Ateret Torah; Chaim Aschendoff, Michael Babazadeh, Chaim Bash, Shuey אָז י ָ שִׁ י ר מ ֺ שֶׁ ה The words sing, in the future tense. When will this song be sung in the future? It millions of our very own is flowing freely in the streets?” Berger, Avrohom Dovid Blum, Shimon Brach, Levi Brecher, Eli Brody, Daniel Bruck, Ephraim Cohen, Moshe Cywiak, Yisroel Drillik, Yonatan Dovid, for redeeming them from At first, there was dead silence. Not one person stirred. But Simcha Fireworker, Binyomin Zev Florans, Avi Goldbord, Nachi Goldstein, Shlomo Gross, Avi Grossberger, Aharon Itzkowitz, Chagai Jaapon, Sruli ד׳ that was obligated to praise דוֹר was his Kagan, Sruli Kriger, Yair Lasry, Chaim Lederer, Elchonon Lorber, Zevi Markowitz, Yechiel Yehuda Minzer, Yonason Moradi, Effie Neuman, Nisson Noviko, then the Rebbe looked up and motioned for the man to come near. Avromi Perl, Dovid Pomerantz, Shlomo Zalman Salgo, Zevy Schilit, Yitzchak Schlaff, Mordechai Slomovics, Mendy Sokel, Eliyahu Stern, Eli Steur, Bentzi .יַם סוּף Egypt and leading them safely through the was referring The silence in the air was accompanied by a pervasive feeling of guilt. Stroh, David Tepfer, Dovid Tessler, Tzvi Treuhaft, Avrohom Vaiselberg, Nesanel Vaiselberg, Avi Weiss, Moshe Wertzberger, Dovi Worenklein, Nathan מֺ שֶׁ ה רַ ב ֵּ י נ וּ that מִׁ דְׁ רָ ש cites a (שְׁ מוֹת טז:א) רַ שִׁ ״ י Then, all Jews will sing songs of praise. The Indeed, how could they have shamelessly forgotten their brothers Yaiche, Chaim Zahler, ; , NY; Boruch Solomon, Fallsburg Cheder School, Fallsburg, NY; Yehuda Tessler, Torah . חִׁתְׁ ַ י ת הַ מֵּ תִׁ י ם to the era of Belzer Rebbe asked, “Why refer to a song of the future? The Jews and sisters who were themselves unable to celebrate? How could Institute, Baltimore, MD; Moshe Lasar, Yeshiva Shaare Tzion, Piscataway Township, NJ; Yerachmiel Rothenberg, Clifton Cheder, Clifton, NJ; Mordechai Dovid Goldberg, Yeshivas Ohr HaTorah; Zev Cohen, Chatzkel Rayman, Yeshiva Orchos Chaim; Lakewood, NJ; Refoel Smith, Yeshiva Ketana who left Egypt had already seen enough miracles to evoke songs of they continue to sing and dance openly, forgetting to think about the Passaic; Dovid Rabinowitz, Yeshiva M’kor Baruch; Passiac, NJ. Grade 2 – Gavriel Mahperi, Yeshivat Ateret Torah; Meir Benhamo, Pinchas Bookson, praise.” helpless families holed up in secret bunkers? They hung their heads in Moshe Dahan, Daniel Friedman, Ari Goldman, Eliyahu Jakubovic, Moshe Eliezer Kahan, Shimon Kaufman, Avrumi Kupczyk, David Mordechai, Yehuda shame. It was true! They had no right to celebrate. Obermeister, Gavriel Orzel, Daniel Shilman, Hillel Suliman-Zada, Zev Yankovich, Yisroel Yefet, Moishe Zimmerman, Yeshiva Ahavas Torah; Nesanel מַ כַ ת The Rebbe answered that many Jews perished during ,Surely the survivors had relatives and The Rebbe drew the broken young man closer to him and Yehuda Keller, Yeshiva Chaim Berlin; Yisroel Kaplan, Yeshiva Karlin-Stolin; Chaim Shaim, Yeshiva Ketana of Bensonhurst; Moshe Bentzion Blum .(שְׁ מוֹת יג:יח , רַ שִׁ ״ י see) חֺ שֶׁ ְך Moshe Brachfeld, Shlomo Czeisler, Shlomo Fettman, Shimi Fireworker, Dovid Friedman, Aharon Yeshaya Gifter, Yossi Gray, Shmuel Haas, Yisrael ,Yehuda Haas, Shmuel Hirsch, Aharon Horowitz, Isser Zalman Itzkowitz, Zisha Katzenstein, Shaya Landau, Avrohom Zev Levitin, Akiva Lieberman :הִׁ לְׁכוֹת לוּלָב that is found at the end of רַ מְׁ ַ ב ״ ם understood their dilemma; how began to quote the מֺ שֶׁ ה רַ ב ֵּ י נ וּ .friends who had perished ,Boruch Leib Mandel, Aharon Mehlman, Ahron Oberlander, Shlomo Reichman, Yosef Reisman, Kalman Rubinstein, Shmuel Schreiber, Simcha Shapiro הַשִׁמְׁחָהשֶׁיִׁשְׁמַ ח הָ אָ דָ ם בְׁ עַ שִׁ י ַ ת הַ מִׁ צְׁ ה וָ וּ בְׁ אַ הֲ בַ ת ׳ ה שֶׁ צִׁ וָ ה בָ ןהֶׁ ע ֲ וֹ ב דָ ה גְׁ ד וֹ לָ ה “ ?could they sing a song of gratitude when much sadness prevailed and the Mayer Baruch Slomovics, Tzvi Eli Stern, Hillel Travitsky, Eliezer Weinberger, Yaakov Weiss, Sruli Yifat, Yeshiva Torah Vodaas; Brooklyn, NY; Yitzchok , מִׁ צְׁ ָו ה the joy one must exhibit when performing the — הִׁ י א told them, “Do not worry, there will come a time מ ֺ שֶׁ ה ,Therefore Aryeh Kohl, Yeshiva Degel Hatorah, Spring Valley, NY; Avromi Atlas, Yeshivas Torah Institute, Baltimore, MD; Mordechai Shlomo Smith, Yeshiva ”. ֲע ב וֹ דָ ה Who commanded us to do them, is a great הקב״ה when we will all be reunited with those who perished, and therefore love for Ketana Passaic, Passiac, NJ; Yossi Scherer, Cincinnati Hebrew Day School; Cincinnati, OH; Chaim Feifer, Yeshiva Derech Hatorah, Wickliffe, OH. an act of Grade 3 – Meir Nass, The Cheder; Eliyohu Helberg, Tiferes Elimelech; Chaim Auerbach, Raphl Koshanfar, Dovi Lerner, Zevi Melcer, Matan שִׁ מְׁ חָ ה we can sing praise today for our survival.” The Rebbe then posed a question. “Is -Isn’t it something that happens naturally? Verschleiser, Yeshiva Ahavas Torah; Yissachar Harari-Raful, Yeshivat Ateret Torah; Moshe Fastag, Avrohom Meir Fried, Zalmi Friedman, Daniel Gersh ? ֲע ב וֹ דָ ה ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ,hanging on to baum, Yehoshua Gershbaum, Moshe Shmuel Guttman, Mendy Herbstman, Moshe Koritz, Ari Korsinsky, Shuie Lang, Yerachmiel Lasker, Dovy Levy , רֶׁ בִׁ י and as the small crowd gathered around R' The crowd moved closer to their beloved סוּכוֹת It was ,was alluding to such times as ours, times Yakov Perl, Shaulie Schechter, Dovi Werner, Yitzy Yaiche, Yeshiva Torah Vodaas; Brooklyn, NY; Shmuel Wind, Tani Wind, רַ מְׁ ַ ב ״ ם in , his every word. “The טִׁ י ש Pinchos Dovid Horowitz, the Bostoner Rebbe, at his Woodmere, NY; Yaakov Mordechai Shacham, Clifton Cheder, Clifton, NJ; Baruch Berger, Gedalya Charish, Mordechai Shaul David, Michel Fishman, ,During our periods of pain and suffering, when our eyes Nosson Gugenheimer, Refael Shmuel Hertz, Dovid Herzig, Dovid Yehuda Jacobowitz, Dov Karfiol, Naftali Laupidot, Baruch Sher, Eliyahu Slomovits . ָ צ רָ ה they sang and danced with heartfelt energy. Disturbing news had of great is indeed Yeshiva Toras Aron, Lakewood, NJ. Grade 4 – Yonah Fogel, Moshe Boruch Mahpour, Rafi Mordechai, Avrohom Rosenberg, Alex Tusher, Yeshiva שִׁ מְׁ חָ ה begun reaching the Jews in America — all was not well with European are filled with tears and our hearts torn in two, then ;Ahavas Torah; Dovid Zazulia, Yeshiva Chaim Berlin; Boruch Kaplan, Yeshiva Karlin-Stolin; Yosef Friedman, Eli Weichselbaum, Yeshiva Ohr Shraga ! העֲבוֹדָ גְׁ דוֹלָה Jewry. The war was raging on and recent reports had confirmed that an the horror was much worse than anything they could have imagined. “And just as millions of Jews have suffered and have Eliyahu Berger, Moshe Blum, Yaakov Czeisler, Chaim Davis, Adiel Duchovny, Dovid Egri, Dovy Einhorn, Daniel Farkas, Shmully Frank, Ari Gray, Avrumie Hellmann, Ahron Yehuda Herbstman, Bentzy Leshem, Tzvi Elimelech Levitan, Refael Oberlander, Dovid Rubinstein, Yaakov Schonbrun, Yakov one fellow sacrificed everything to remain Jews — even giving up their lives to Schwartzmer, Yakov Shienerman, Aryeh Leib Silberberg, Mayer Slamowics, Yoni Solomon, Eliezer Speiser, Avi Stahl, Yeshiva Torah Vodaas; Yaakov , טִׁ י ש Although nearly everyone participated fully at the was fidgeting uncomfortably in his seat. do so — we too must now, with the same intensity, dedication, and Harari-Raful, Yeshivat Ateret Torah; Brooklyn, NY; Avrohom Kaufman, Asher Yeshaya Knopfler, Yishaya Litt, Yehoshua Perecman, Yitzchok Zev As the evening progressed, this man became more and sacrifice, harness all of our strength to sing out in joy and celebrate! Solomon, Fallsburg Cheder School, Fallsburg, NY; Yehuda Dear, Eliyahu Derman, Yitzy Eisenstein, Yehoshua Eisner, Shmuel Feuer, Ephraim Frankel, more agitated, thinking: These people should know better. How can “So come, my brothers, let’s sing and dance with all of our Zevi Gelbtuch, Avraham Gelman, Chaim Goldfarb, Yitzchok Chaim Gunsberg, Moshe Hollander, Yoni Klein, Binyomin Levine, Moshe Sicker, Tzvi Steif, Gamliel Mordechai Sternberg, Menachem Taub, Yonatan Waintraub, Dovid Weissmandl, Daniel Zimerman, Shimi Zweig, Yeshiva of Spring Valley, they have the audacity to lose themselves in happiness and hearts and souls, for those who are no longer able to do so.” Monsey, NY; Nesanel Yitzchok Adler, Boruch Yaakov Alter, Shua Cardash, Yair Eliyahu, Aharon Fox, Nosson Tzvi Friedman, Akiva Glenner, Asher celebration … when their brothers and sisters are being tortured and Together, they all broke out in song and dance, which they Gutkin, Yitzy Jaeger, Henoch Montrose, Yaakov Meir Polstein, Yaakov Prawer, Yeshiva Tiferes Tzvi; Chicago, IL; Yaakov Abrahams, Lev Ehsanipoor, killed in the streets of Europe? Finally, he stared at the Rebbe and would never forget. Akiva Elman, Menashe Guttenberg, Yoel Hettleman, Chaim Levi, Yissacher Lieder, Moshe Ribakow, Yeshivas , Baltimore, MD Avrohom Rothenberg, Clifton Cheder, Clifton, NJ; Mordechai Meir Heinemann, Yeshiva Orchos Chaim; Ezra Kassin, Yeshiva Bais HaTorah, Lakewood, NJ; Cobi began to tremble as he screamed out in pain, “Rebbe, how could Adapted from: One Shining Moment (with kind permission from ) Scherer, Yonason Singer, Eliezer Teitelbaum, Cincinnati Hebrew Day School; Cincinnati, OH; Simcha Levovitz, Yeshiva Derech HaTorah, Wickliffe, OH; Sholom Benyominson, Yitzchok Karp, Shlomo Lapin, Yosef Purec, Providence Hebrew Day School; Providence, RI; Aron Shlomo Davis, Yecheskel Feld, Kesser Torah; Gateshead, UK. Grade 5 – Mordechai Kaplan, Eliyahu Nass, The Cheder; Mordechai Dovid Beylus, Moshe Gelb, Eliezer Halberstam, Zevi Hershkowitz, Menachem Manis Lang, Eytan Weisz, Shmuel Chaim Yomtov, Yeshiva Ahavas Torah; Yitzchok Harari-Raful, Yeshivat Ateret Torah; onMiddos Aharon Fried, Aharon Harel, Chanoch Harel, Dovi Hirsch, Moshe Simcha Itzkowitz, Yitzi Lang, Avromy Leshkowitz, Shuli Lowy, Michoel Minzer, Yitzy Dear Talmid, Focus a valid Minzer, Shmuel Pearlman, Aharon Plotsker, Yehuda Travitsky, Noam Zarinmanesh, Yeshiva Torah Vodaas; Brooklyn, NY; Avrohom Solomon, Fallsburg) הֶתֵּ ר עִׁ סְ קָּׁ ה arrangement that involved When it came to money matters, R' stood on line in the bank waiting to receive the ,Cheder School, Fallsburg, NY; Ari Wind, Yeshiva of South Shore, Woodmere, NY; Yossie Atlas, Dov Belsky, Yehuda Chaifetz, Menashe Moshe Hack אִׁ סּ וּ ר business partnership that circumvents the was renowned for his money, he was suddenly overcome by Reuven Kleiner, Tzvi Linzer, Sruly Lurie, Yehoshua Oratz, Meir Simcha Paige, Levi Yitzchak Salazar, Binyomin Statfeld, Aryeh Leib Stein, Chaim זַ צַ ״ ל Beinish Finkel .(interest , רִׁ בִׁ י ת of integrity and honesty. His home was rich in tremendous fear. Steinhardt, Yoni Zeiger, Yeshivas Torah Institute, Baltimore, MD; Chaim Yeruchem Cohen, Chaim Shmuel Rayman, Yeshiva Orchos Chaim, Lakewood, was offered a huge יְשִׁ בָּׁ ה Once, the he determined then and there. NJ; Menachem Greenfeld, Yeshiva M’kor Baruch; Passiac, NJ. Grade 6 – Mendel Kahn, Ruach Chaim; Eliyohu Falik, The Cheder; Binyomin Zev " נ ײֵּ ן !" and spiritual ‘luxuries,’ but contained only קְד ֻ שָּׁ ה grant from a special fund so that it would be Helberg, Tiferes Elimelech; Nissim Harari-Raful, Yeshivat Ateret Torah; Moshe Levy, Shmuel Eliyohu Shain, Yeshiva Ketana of Bensonhurst; Aryeh תוֹ רָּׁ ה chairs, beds, a table, a bookshelf and basic "I won't accept it. I am afraid of violating a able to build a new wing. R' Beinish, however, Brachfeld, Avrumi Davidoff, Zev Lapidoth, Shimon Stahl, Yeshiva Torah Vodaas; Mayer Ozer Greenberg, ; Brooklyn, NY; Yehuda kitchen appliances. His daughters' weddings prohibition." He never accepted the grant. feared that the transfer of the funds involved a Kaufman, Fallsburg Cheder School, Fallsburg, NY; Shmuel Yankelewitz, Yeshiva Darchei Torah; Far Rockaway, NY; Naftali Grumet, Yeshiva Ketana of ,R' Beinish understood Who ; Inwood, NY; Shmuel Grossman, Yeshiva Tiferes Moshe; Kew Gardens, NY; Yehuda Anteby, Meir Kallner, Yeshiva Beth Mikroh, Monsey , ל תַ ְ מִׁ י ד My ֶ ע רֶ ב were the same. One wedding was held on .and was wary of accepting the grant הֶתֵּ ר עִׁ סְ קָּׁ ה was held on Friday night, is the One Who gives sustenance and planted NY; Avrohom Dovid Eichenstein, Binyomin Feldman, Yosef Chaim Gholian, Asher Goldberg, Boruch Meiselman, Nachi Meyers, Dovid Mintz, Srully סְע וּ דָּׁ ה and the , שַ בָּׁ ת s' יְשִׁ בָּׁ ה For many weeks, the Solloff, Avrohom C. Sopher, Yisroel Meir Tendler, Yeshivas Torah Institute, Baltimore, MD; Yitzchok Meir Kassin, Yeshiva Bais HaTorah; Moshe תוֹ רָּׁ ה s’ יְשִׁ בָּׁ ה primarily for family members. The other guests the seeds of purity that made his administration worked on a plan that would Heinemann, Yeshiva Orchos Chaim; Lakewood, NJ; Yehoshua Ottensoser, Cincinnati Hebrew Day School; Cincinnati, OH; Yehoshua Hack, Aharon travel in יוּנגעֶלײַ ט were served cake and soda. eternal. Today, 1000s of When the Eliezer Karp, Shmuel Rosenthal, Providence Hebrew Day School; Providence, RI; Dovi Steinhaus, Kesser Torah; Gateshead, UK. Grade 7 – Avrohom . הֶתֵּ ר עִׁ סְ קָּׁ ה circumvent the need for a which is , יְשִׁ בָּׁ ה Although he was responsible for the chartered buses to attend the grant money finally arrived, R' Beinish went to Eliezer Kaplan, Yeshiva Karlin-Stolin; Yosef Chaim Gold, Akiva Herman, Avrohom Yaakov Kaplan, Yaakov Katz, Mendel Kurinets, Moishy Orange, Yitzy in the world. Pearl, Nosson Schloss, Elazar Shimonovich, Nathan Spitzer, Shaya Szanzer, Yeshaya Dovid Wallerstein, Dovid Zlotnick, Mirrer Yeshiva Ketana; Eitan כּוֹלֵּל now the largest , יְשִׁ בָּׁ ה millions of dollars that streamed into the the bank and, along with its director, examined he was extremely careful to make sure that Brown, Yosef Chaim Gutman, Moshe Ya'akov Herskovic, David Kapetas, Zevi Leibler, Akiva Merl, Yeshiva Ahavas Torah; Mendy Reiss, Yeshiva Karlin- the issue from every possible angle. After he Stolin; Sholom Aaron Meller, Yeshiva Ketana of Bensonhurst; Refael Yitzchok Friedman, Yeshiva Ohr Shraga; Yedidya Grant, Yeshiva Torah Vodaas; יְהִׁ יזִׁכְ רוֹבָּׁרוְּך! He . אִׁ סּ וּ ר none of the money was tainted by any Brooklyn, NY; Aryeh L. Perecman, Fallsburg Cheder School, Fallsburg, NY; Reuven Kassin, Yeshiva Bais HaTorah; Shmuel Pitterman, Yeshiva Toras , הֶתֵּ ר עִׁ סְ קָּׁ ה was certain that it did not involve a רֶ בִׁ י Your ,בְ יְדִׁ ידוּת even refused to conduct any financial he agreed to accept the grant. However, as he Aron; Lakewood, NJ; Binyomin Elimelech Gutlove, Yeshiva M’kor Baruch; Passiac, NJ; Binyomin Zev Lasar, Yeshiva Shaare Tzion, Piscataway Source: Yated Ne’eman (with kind permission) Township, NJ; Mordechai Scherer, Cincinnati Hebrew Day School; Cincinnati, OH; Mordechai Bielory, Chaim Golden, Shimon Kapilevich, Yisroel Mordechai Karp, Ezra Minkin, Providence Hebrew Day School; Providence, RI; Menachem Posen, Mechina L’yeshiva; Gateshead, UK; Shimon Adler, Yitsy Bamberger, Benzion Englard, Binyomin Goldman, Tovia Leiberman, Yankele Levin, Pinchos Levkovits, Shmuli Prijs, Aron Tsvi Saunders, Beis Hatalmud; Manchester, UK. Grade 8 – Yehuda Auerbach, Eli Feuchtwanger, Gershom Gorbulsky, Naftali Hollander, Leiby Mutterperl, Yeshurin דְ ב ָּ רִׁ י ם ) פָּ סוּק in the אֶ רֶ ץ from the one closer to the word שִׁ בְ עַ ת When eating a variety of fruits, a fruit that is from the Sorscher, Yeshiva Ahavas Torah; Daniel Gross, Yeshiva Torah Vodaas; Brooklyn, NY; Menachem Levitansky, Yeshiva Tiferes Tzvi; Chicago, IL; Moshe אֶרֶץחִׁטָּה וּ… וְ גֶפֶן וּתְ אֵ נָּה וְרִׁ מּוֹן ץ אֶרֶ זֵית ן שֶמֶ וּדְ בָּש… (ח:ח .takes precedence over other fruits that are not הַמִׁ ינִׁים one should eat (olives, date [honey], grapes, figs, pomegranates). Heinemann, Yeshiva Orchos Chaim; Lakewood, NJ; Yehoshua Reidler, Yeshivas Torah Institute, Baltimore, MD; Azriel Yudkowsky, Providence Hebrew , שִׁ בְ ת עַ הַ מִׁ י נ ִׁ י ם Halacha If one has 2 fruits from the Day School; Providence, RI. .in the context of the bigger picture. Use them as a starting point for further in-depth study הֲ לָ כ וֹ ת it is important to consider these , הֲ לָ כ וֹ ת Corner *Since we only discuss 1-3 לע״נ ר׳ משה בן הר׳ טוביה הלוי זצ״ל עִ נְ יָ נֵ י דְ יוֹו מָ א : שֶׁ ֶ ה חֱ ָ י נוּ, טוּ ּבִשְׁבָט Contest שובבים 3rd International Pirchei

contest שְׁ נַיִם מִקְרָ א וְאֶחָד תַרְ גּוּם of מִ צְ ָו ה — שׁ וֹ בְ בִ י ם with 4th week of 5th grade until , רְ בִ י ִ ע י 4th grade until , שְׁ ִ ל י שִׁ י 3rd grade until , שֵׁ נִ י until ָפ רָ שָׁ ה Living the Torah Holiness and Happiness To participate, boys in 1st and 2nd grade should complete the and the מִקְרָ אוֹת גְּ דוֹלוֹת חוּמָשִׁ ים Participants will be entered in a raffle for a set of . ָפ רָ שָׁ ה 7th and 8th grades complete the , שִׁ שִׁ י 6th grade until , חֲ מִ י שִׁ י Please send a fax to 718 506 .(לשון הקודש in תרגום an explanation of the) מעט צרי of פירוש with the ח וּ מָ שִׁ י ם weekly winner will also receive a set of :you? How can we do it? I have just received word that my parents 9633 by Sunday at 7:00 p.m.). The current contestants אָ ז י ָ י שִׁ ר מ ֺ שֶׁ ה … )שְׁ מוֹת טו:א( … Then he, Moshe, will sing literally mean: Then he, Moshe, will were murdered! How can we sing and dance when the blood of Grade 1 – Mordechai Nass, The Cheder; Yitzchok Harari-Raful, Yeshivat Ateret Torah; Chaim Aschendoff, Michael Babazadeh, Chaim Bash, Shuey אָז י ָ שִׁ י ר מ ֺ שֶׁ ה The words sing, in the future tense. When will this song be sung in the future? It millions of our very own is flowing freely in the streets?” Berger, Avrohom Dovid Blum, Shimon Brach, Levi Brecher, Eli Brody, Daniel Bruck, Ephraim Cohen, Moshe Cywiak, Yisroel Drillik, Yonatan Dovid, for redeeming them from At first, there was dead silence. Not one person stirred. But Simcha Fireworker, Binyomin Zev Florans, Avi Goldbord, Nachi Goldstein, Shlomo Gross, Avi Grossberger, Aharon Itzkowitz, Chagai Jaapon, Sruli ד׳ that was obligated to praise דוֹר was his Kagan, Sruli Kriger, Yair Lasry, Chaim Lederer, Elchonon Lorber, Zevi Markowitz, Yechiel Yehuda Minzer, Yonason Moradi, Effie Neuman, Nisson Noviko, then the Rebbe looked up and motioned for the man to come near. Avromi Perl, Dovid Pomerantz, Shlomo Zalman Salgo, Zevy Schilit, Yitzchak Schlaff, Mordechai Slomovics, Mendy Sokel, Eliyahu Stern, Eli Steur, Bentzi .יַם סוּף Egypt and leading them safely through the was referring The silence in the air was accompanied by a pervasive feeling of guilt. Stroh, David Tepfer, Dovid Tessler, Tzvi Treuhaft, Avrohom Vaiselberg, Nesanel Vaiselberg, Avi Weiss, Moshe Wertzberger, Dovi Worenklein, Nathan מֺ שֶׁ ה רַ ב ֵּ י נ וּ that מִׁ דְׁ רָ ש cites a (שְׁ מוֹת טז:א) רַ שִׁ ״ י Then, all Jews will sing songs of praise. The Indeed, how could they have shamelessly forgotten their brothers Yaiche, Chaim Zahler, Yeshiva Torah Vodaas; Brooklyn, NY; Boruch Solomon, Fallsburg Cheder School, Fallsburg, NY; Yehuda Tessler, Yeshivas Torah . חִׁתְׁ ַ י ת הַ מֵּ תִׁ י ם to the era of Belzer Rebbe asked, “Why refer to a song of the future? The Jews and sisters who were themselves unable to celebrate? How could Institute, Baltimore, MD; Moshe Lasar, Yeshiva Shaare Tzion, Piscataway Township, NJ; Yerachmiel Rothenberg, Clifton Cheder, Clifton, NJ; Mordechai Dovid Goldberg, Yeshivas Ohr HaTorah; Zev Cohen, Chatzkel Rayman, Yeshiva Orchos Chaim; Lakewood, NJ; Refoel Smith, Yeshiva Ketana who left Egypt had already seen enough miracles to evoke songs of they continue to sing and dance openly, forgetting to think about the Passaic; Dovid Rabinowitz, Yeshiva M’kor Baruch; Passiac, NJ. Grade 2 – Gavriel Mahperi, Yeshivat Ateret Torah; Meir Benhamo, Pinchas Bookson, praise.” helpless families holed up in secret bunkers? They hung their heads in Moshe Dahan, Daniel Friedman, Ari Goldman, Eliyahu Jakubovic, Moshe Eliezer Kahan, Shimon Kaufman, Avrumi Kupczyk, David Mordechai, Yehuda shame. It was true! They had no right to celebrate. Obermeister, Gavriel Orzel, Daniel Shilman, Hillel Suliman-Zada, Zev Yankovich, Yisroel Yefet, Moishe Zimmerman, Yeshiva Ahavas Torah; Nesanel מַ כַ ת The Rebbe answered that many Jews perished during ,Surely the survivors had relatives and The Rebbe drew the broken young man closer to him and Yehuda Keller, Yeshiva Chaim Berlin; Yisroel Kaplan, Yeshiva Karlin-Stolin; Chaim Shaim, Yeshiva Ketana of Bensonhurst; Moshe Bentzion Blum .(שְׁ מוֹת יג:יח , רַ שִׁ ״ י see) חֺ שֶׁ ְך Moshe Brachfeld, Shlomo Czeisler, Shlomo Fettman, Shimi Fireworker, Dovid Friedman, Aharon Yeshaya Gifter, Yossi Gray, Shmuel Haas, Yisrael ,Yehuda Haas, Shmuel Hirsch, Aharon Horowitz, Isser Zalman Itzkowitz, Zisha Katzenstein, Shaya Landau, Avrohom Zev Levitin, Akiva Lieberman :הִׁ לְׁכוֹת לוּלָב that is found at the end of רַ מְׁ ַ ב ״ ם understood their dilemma; how began to quote the מֺ שֶׁ ה רַ ב ֵּ י נ וּ .friends who had perished ,Boruch Leib Mandel, Aharon Mehlman, Ahron Oberlander, Shlomo Reichman, Yosef Reisman, Kalman Rubinstein, Shmuel Schreiber, Simcha Shapiro הַשִׁמְׁחָהשֶׁיִׁשְׁמַ ח הָ אָ דָ ם בְׁ עַ שִׁ י ַ ת הַ מִׁ צְׁ ה וָ וּ בְׁ אַ הֲ בַ ת ׳ ה שֶׁ צִׁ וָ ה בָ ןהֶׁ ע ֲ וֹ ב דָ ה גְׁ ד וֹ לָ ה “ ?could they sing a song of gratitude when much sadness prevailed and the Mayer Baruch Slomovics, Tzvi Eli Stern, Hillel Travitsky, Eliezer Weinberger, Yaakov Weiss, Sruli Yifat, Yeshiva Torah Vodaas; Brooklyn, NY; Yitzchok , מִׁ צְׁ ָו ה the joy one must exhibit when performing the — הִׁ י א told them, “Do not worry, there will come a time מ ֺ שֶׁ ה ,Therefore Aryeh Kohl, Yeshiva Degel Hatorah, Spring Valley, NY; Avromi Atlas, Yeshivas Torah Institute, Baltimore, MD; Mordechai Shlomo Smith, Yeshiva ”. ֲע ב וֹ דָ ה Who commanded us to do them, is a great הקב״ה when we will all be reunited with those who perished, and therefore love for Ketana Passaic, Passiac, NJ; Yossi Scherer, Cincinnati Hebrew Day School; Cincinnati, OH; Chaim Feifer, Yeshiva Derech Hatorah, Wickliffe, OH. an act of Grade 3 – Meir Nass, The Cheder; Eliyohu Helberg, Tiferes Elimelech; Chaim Auerbach, Raphl Koshanfar, Dovi Lerner, Zevi Melcer, Matan שִׁ מְׁ חָ ה we can sing praise today for our survival.” The Rebbe then posed a question. “Is -Isn’t it something that happens naturally? Verschleiser, Yeshiva Ahavas Torah; Yissachar Harari-Raful, Yeshivat Ateret Torah; Moshe Fastag, Avrohom Meir Fried, Zalmi Friedman, Daniel Gersh ? ֲע ב וֹ דָ ה ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ,hanging on to baum, Yehoshua Gershbaum, Moshe Shmuel Guttman, Mendy Herbstman, Moshe Koritz, Ari Korsinsky, Shuie Lang, Yerachmiel Lasker, Dovy Levy , רֶׁ בִׁ י and as the small crowd gathered around R' The crowd moved closer to their beloved סוּכוֹת It was ,was alluding to such times as ours, times Yakov Perl, Shaulie Schechter, Dovi Werner, Yitzy Yaiche, Yeshiva Torah Vodaas; Brooklyn, NY; Shmuel Wind, Tani Wind, Yeshiva of South Shore רַ מְׁ ַ ב ״ ם in Boston, his every word. “The טִׁ י ש Pinchos Dovid Horowitz, the Bostoner Rebbe, at his Woodmere, NY; Yaakov Mordechai Shacham, Clifton Cheder, Clifton, NJ; Baruch Berger, Gedalya Charish, Mordechai Shaul David, Michel Fishman, ,During our periods of pain and suffering, when our eyes Nosson Gugenheimer, Refael Shmuel Hertz, Dovid Herzig, Dovid Yehuda Jacobowitz, Dov Karfiol, Naftali Laupidot, Baruch Sher, Eliyahu Slomovits . ָ צ רָ ה they sang and danced with heartfelt energy. Disturbing news had of great is indeed Yeshiva Toras Aron, Lakewood, NJ. Grade 4 – Yonah Fogel, Moshe Boruch Mahpour, Rafi Mordechai, Avrohom Rosenberg, Alex Tusher, Yeshiva שִׁ מְׁ חָ ה begun reaching the Jews in America — all was not well with European are filled with tears and our hearts torn in two, then ;Ahavas Torah; Dovid Zazulia, Yeshiva Chaim Berlin; Boruch Kaplan, Yeshiva Karlin-Stolin; Yosef Friedman, Eli Weichselbaum, Yeshiva Ohr Shraga ! העֲבוֹדָ גְׁ דוֹלָה Jewry. The war was raging on and recent reports had confirmed that an the horror was much worse than anything they could have imagined. “And just as millions of Jews have suffered and have Eliyahu Berger, Moshe Blum, Yaakov Czeisler, Chaim Davis, Adiel Duchovny, Dovid Egri, Dovy Einhorn, Daniel Farkas, Shmully Frank, Ari Gray, Avrumie Hellmann, Ahron Yehuda Herbstman, Bentzy Leshem, Tzvi Elimelech Levitan, Refael Oberlander, Dovid Rubinstein, Yaakov Schonbrun, Yakov one fellow sacrificed everything to remain Jews — even giving up their lives to Schwartzmer, Yakov Shienerman, Aryeh Leib Silberberg, Mayer Slamowics, Yoni Solomon, Eliezer Speiser, Avi Stahl, Yeshiva Torah Vodaas; Yaakov , טִׁ י ש Although nearly everyone participated fully at the was fidgeting uncomfortably in his seat. do so — we too must now, with the same intensity, dedication, and Harari-Raful, Yeshivat Ateret Torah; Brooklyn, NY; Avrohom Kaufman, Asher Yeshaya Knopfler, Yishaya Litt, Yehoshua Perecman, Yitzchok Zev As the evening progressed, this man became more and sacrifice, harness all of our strength to sing out in joy and celebrate! Solomon, Fallsburg Cheder School, Fallsburg, NY; Yehuda Dear, Eliyahu Derman, Yitzy Eisenstein, Yehoshua Eisner, Shmuel Feuer, Ephraim Frankel, more agitated, thinking: These people should know better. How can “So come, my brothers, let’s sing and dance with all of our Zevi Gelbtuch, Avraham Gelman, Chaim Goldfarb, Yitzchok Chaim Gunsberg, Moshe Hollander, Yoni Klein, Binyomin Levine, Moshe Sicker, Tzvi Steif, Gamliel Mordechai Sternberg, Menachem Taub, Yonatan Waintraub, Dovid Weissmandl, Daniel Zimerman, Shimi Zweig, Yeshiva of Spring Valley, they have the audacity to lose themselves in happiness and hearts and souls, for those who are no longer able to do so.” Monsey, NY; Nesanel Yitzchok Adler, Boruch Yaakov Alter, Shua Cardash, Yair Eliyahu, Aharon Fox, Nosson Tzvi Friedman, Akiva Glenner, Asher celebration … when their brothers and sisters are being tortured and Together, they all broke out in song and dance, which they Gutkin, Yitzy Jaeger, Henoch Montrose, Yaakov Meir Polstein, Yaakov Prawer, Yeshiva Tiferes Tzvi; Chicago, IL; Yaakov Abrahams, Lev Ehsanipoor, killed in the streets of Europe? Finally, he stared at the Rebbe and would never forget. Akiva Elman, Menashe Guttenberg, Yoel Hettleman, Chaim Levi, Yissacher Lieder, Moshe Ribakow, , Baltimore, MD Avrohom Rothenberg, Clifton Cheder, Clifton, NJ; Mordechai Meir Heinemann, Yeshiva Orchos Chaim; Ezra Kassin, Yeshiva Bais HaTorah, Lakewood, NJ; Cobi began to tremble as he screamed out in pain, “Rebbe, how could Adapted from: One Shining Moment (with kind permission from ArtScroll) Scherer, Yonason Singer, Eliezer Teitelbaum, Cincinnati Hebrew Day School; Cincinnati, OH; Simcha Levovitz, Yeshiva Derech HaTorah, Wickliffe, OH; Sholom Benyominson, Yitzchok Karp, Shlomo Lapin, Yosef Purec, Providence Hebrew Day School; Providence, RI; Aron Shlomo Davis, Yecheskel Feld, Kesser Torah; Gateshead, UK. Grade 5 – Mordechai Kaplan, Eliyahu Nass, The Cheder; Mordechai Dovid Beylus, Moshe Gelb, Eliezer Halberstam, Zevi Hershkowitz, Menachem Manis Lang, Eytan Weisz, Shmuel Chaim Yomtov, Yeshiva Ahavas Torah; Yitzchok Harari-Raful, Yeshivat Ateret Torah; onMiddos Aharon Fried, Aharon Harel, Chanoch Harel, Dovi Hirsch, Moshe Simcha Itzkowitz, Yitzi Lang, Avromy Leshkowitz, Shuli Lowy, Michoel Minzer, Yitzy Dear Talmid, Focus a valid Minzer, Shmuel Pearlman, Aharon Plotsker, Yehuda Travitsky, Noam Zarinmanesh, Yeshiva Torah Vodaas; Brooklyn, NY; Avrohom Solomon, Fallsburg) הֶתֵּ ר עִׁ סְ קָּׁ ה arrangement that involved When it came to money matters, R' stood on line in the bank waiting to receive the ,Cheder School, Fallsburg, NY; Ari Wind, Yeshiva of South Shore, Woodmere, NY; Yossie Atlas, Dov Belsky, Yehuda Chaifetz, Menashe Moshe Hack אִׁ סּ וּ ר business partnership that circumvents the was renowned for his money, he was suddenly overcome by Reuven Kleiner, Tzvi Linzer, Sruly Lurie, Yehoshua Oratz, Meir Simcha Paige, Levi Yitzchak Salazar, Binyomin Statfeld, Aryeh Leib Stein, Chaim זַ צַ ״ ל Beinish Finkel .(interest , רִׁ בִׁ י ת of integrity and honesty. His home was rich in tremendous fear. Steinhardt, Yoni Zeiger, Yeshivas Torah Institute, Baltimore, MD; Chaim Yeruchem Cohen, Chaim Shmuel Rayman, Yeshiva Orchos Chaim, Lakewood, was offered a huge יְשִׁ בָּׁ ה Once, the he determined then and there. NJ; Menachem Greenfeld, Yeshiva M’kor Baruch; Passiac, NJ. Grade 6 – Mendel Kahn, Ruach Chaim; Eliyohu Falik, The Cheder; Binyomin Zev " נ ײֵּ ן !" and spiritual ‘luxuries,’ but contained only קְד ֻ שָּׁ ה grant from a special fund so that it would be Helberg, Tiferes Elimelech; Nissim Harari-Raful, Yeshivat Ateret Torah; Moshe Levy, Shmuel Eliyohu Shain, Yeshiva Ketana of Bensonhurst; Aryeh תוֹ רָּׁ ה chairs, beds, a table, a bookshelf and basic "I won't accept it. I am afraid of violating a able to build a new wing. R' Beinish, however, Brachfeld, Avrumi Davidoff, Zev Lapidoth, Shimon Stahl, Yeshiva Torah Vodaas; Mayer Ozer Greenberg, Yeshiva Torah Temimah; Brooklyn, NY; Yehuda kitchen appliances. His daughters' weddings prohibition." He never accepted the grant. feared that the transfer of the funds involved a Kaufman, Fallsburg Cheder School, Fallsburg, NY; Shmuel Yankelewitz, Yeshiva Darchei Torah; Far Rockaway, NY; Naftali Grumet, Yeshiva Ketana of ,R' Beinish understood Who Long Island; Inwood, NY; Shmuel Grossman, Yeshiva Tiferes Moshe; Kew Gardens, NY; Yehuda Anteby, Meir Kallner, Yeshiva Beth Mikroh, Monsey , ל תַ ְ מִׁ י ד My ֶ ע רֶ ב were the same. One wedding was held on .and was wary of accepting the grant הֶתֵּ ר עִׁ סְ קָּׁ ה was held on Friday night, is the One Who gives sustenance and planted NY; Avrohom Dovid Eichenstein, Binyomin Feldman, Yosef Chaim Gholian, Asher Goldberg, Boruch Meiselman, Nachi Meyers, Dovid Mintz, Srully סְע וּ דָּׁ ה and the , שַ בָּׁ ת s' יְשִׁ בָּׁ ה For many weeks, the Solloff, Avrohom C. Sopher, Yisroel Meir Tendler, Yeshivas Torah Institute, Baltimore, MD; Yitzchok Meir Kassin, Yeshiva Bais HaTorah; Moshe תוֹ רָּׁ ה s’ יְשִׁ בָּׁ ה primarily for family members. The other guests the seeds of purity that made his administration worked on a plan that would Heinemann, Yeshiva Orchos Chaim; Lakewood, NJ; Yehoshua Ottensoser, Cincinnati Hebrew Day School; Cincinnati, OH; Yehoshua Hack, Aharon travel in יוּנגעֶלײַ ט were served cake and soda. eternal. Today, 1000s of When the Eliezer Karp, Shmuel Rosenthal, Providence Hebrew Day School; Providence, RI; Dovi Steinhaus, Kesser Torah; Gateshead, UK. Grade 7 – Avrohom . הֶתֵּ ר עִׁ סְ קָּׁ ה circumvent the need for a which is , יְשִׁ בָּׁ ה Although he was responsible for the chartered buses to attend the grant money finally arrived, R' Beinish went to Eliezer Kaplan, Yeshiva Karlin-Stolin; Yosef Chaim Gold, Akiva Herman, Avrohom Yaakov Kaplan, Yaakov Katz, Mendel Kurinets, Moishy Orange, Yitzy in the world. Pearl, Nosson Schloss, Elazar Shimonovich, Nathan Spitzer, Shaya Szanzer, Yeshaya Dovid Wallerstein, Dovid Zlotnick, Mirrer Yeshiva Ketana; Eitan כּוֹלֵּל now the largest , יְשִׁ בָּׁ ה millions of dollars that streamed into the the bank and, along with its director, examined he was extremely careful to make sure that Brown, Yosef Chaim Gutman, Moshe Ya'akov Herskovic, David Kapetas, Zevi Leibler, Akiva Merl, Yeshiva Ahavas Torah; Mendy Reiss, Yeshiva Karlin- the issue from every possible angle. After he Stolin; Sholom Aaron Meller, Yeshiva Ketana of Bensonhurst; Refael Yitzchok Friedman, Yeshiva Ohr Shraga; Yedidya Grant, Yeshiva Torah Vodaas; יְהִׁ יזִׁכְ רוֹבָּׁרוְּך! He . אִׁ סּ וּ ר none of the money was tainted by any Brooklyn, NY; Aryeh L. Perecman, Fallsburg Cheder School, Fallsburg, NY; Reuven Kassin, Yeshiva Bais HaTorah; Shmuel Pitterman, Yeshiva Toras , הֶתֵּ ר עִׁ סְ קָּׁ ה was certain that it did not involve a רֶ בִׁ י Your ,בְ יְדִׁ ידוּת even refused to conduct any financial he agreed to accept the grant. However, as he Aron; Lakewood, NJ; Binyomin Elimelech Gutlove, Yeshiva M’kor Baruch; Passiac, NJ; Binyomin Zev Lasar, Yeshiva Shaare Tzion, Piscataway Source: Yated Ne’eman (with kind permission) Township, NJ; Mordechai Scherer, Cincinnati Hebrew Day School; Cincinnati, OH; Mordechai Bielory, Chaim Golden, Shimon Kapilevich, Yisroel Mordechai Karp, Ezra Minkin, Providence Hebrew Day School; Providence, RI; Menachem Posen, Mechina L’yeshiva; Gateshead, UK; Shimon Adler, Yitsy Bamberger, Benzion Englard, Binyomin Goldman, Tovia Leiberman, Yankele Levin, Pinchos Levkovits, Shmuli Prijs, Aron Tsvi Saunders, Beis Hatalmud; Manchester, UK. Grade 8 – Yehuda Auerbach, Eli Feuchtwanger, Gershom Gorbulsky, Naftali Hollander, Leiby Mutterperl, Yeshurin דְ ב ָּ רִׁ י ם ) פָּ סוּק in the אֶ רֶ ץ from the one closer to the word שִׁ בְ עַ ת When eating a variety of fruits, a fruit that is from the Sorscher, Yeshiva Ahavas Torah; Daniel Gross, Yeshiva Torah Vodaas; Brooklyn, NY; Menachem Levitansky, Yeshiva Tiferes Tzvi; Chicago, IL; Moshe אֶרֶץחִׁטָּה וּ… וְ גֶפֶן וּתְ אֵ נָּה וְרִׁ מּוֹן ץ אֶרֶ זֵית ן שֶמֶ וּדְ בָּש… (ח:ח .takes precedence over other fruits that are not הַמִׁ ינִׁים one should eat (olives, date [honey], grapes, figs, pomegranates). Heinemann, Yeshiva Orchos Chaim; Lakewood, NJ; Yehoshua Reidler, Yeshivas Torah Institute, Baltimore, MD; Azriel Yudkowsky, Providence Hebrew , שִׁ בְ ת עַ הַ מִׁ י נ ִׁ י ם Halacha If one has 2 fruits from the Day School; Providence, RI. .in the context of the bigger picture. Use them as a starting point for further in-depth study הֲ לָ כ וֹ ת it is important to consider these , הֲ לָ כ וֹ ת Corner *Since we only discuss 1-3 לע״נ ר׳ משה בן הר׳ טוביה הלוי זצ״ל עִ נְ יָ נֵ י דְ יוֹו מָ א : שֶׁ ֶ ה חֱ ָ י נוּ, טוּ ּבִשְׁבָט בס״ד בס״ד Learning from our Leaders Pirchei Agudas Yisroel of America

A few days before Yom Kippur the Belzer The Belzer Rebbe would not give up, and was not Rebbe, R’ Aharon Rokeach, came to visit R’ satisfied when R’ Akiva Sofer told him, ‘Zol der Rebbe Akiva Sofer. After their discussion... zein gebentched! May the Rebbe be blessed.’ PIRCHEI Before I No, Please Agudas Yisroel of America leave, Please Who am I place put your Vol: 4 Issue: 15 - ט"ו בשבט, תשע"ז - bentch me! to bentch the right hand on my Chas V’sholom February 11, 2017 Belzer Rebbe? head. I need your that I should bentch פרשה: בשלח - הפטרה: ודבורה אשה נביאה אשת לפידות... )שפטים ד:ד-ה:לא( full bracha! the Belzer Rebbe like everyone else... דף יומי: בבא בתרא כ' משיב הרוח ומוריד הגשם - ברכי נפשי )מנחה( You are a direct descendant of the Please, שבת שירה מצות לא תעשה: Chasam Sofer. Please do a 1 yid a toiva...

TorahThoughts Not long after the Belzer Rebbe left, R’ Akiva Sofer left הִ נְ נִ י מַ מְ טִ יר לָ כֶ ם לֶ חֶ ם מִ ן הַ שָ מָ יִ ם … )שְ מוֹת טז:ד( The Belzer Rebbe kept insisting for ד' for the food itself or to thank ד' his home with a talmid to go to the beis hamedrash... whether bentching is to thank and would not relent. I shall rain down for you food from Heaven… the satisfaction from the food. bentched right after בְ ֵנ י ִי שְ רָ אֵ ל explains that ֲ ח ז וֹ ן אִ י ש The רִ א ש וֹ ִנ י ם There are some interesting discussions in both the for ד' because the main purpose of bentching is to thank מָ ן made before and after eating the eating the בְ רָ כ וֹ ת regarding the אַחֲ רוֹנִ ים No! Please and Yesimcha ‘Zol der place put your שִ ע וּ ר ) in the name of the the food. The length of time it takes for the food to be absorbed מַ אֲ מָ ר ֶנ פֶ ש quotes the חֲ בַ צֶ לֶ ת הַ שָ ר וֹ ן The . מָ ן Heavenly Elokim K’ Efraim... Rebbe zein right hand on my ?? and is given as a time period only הֲ לָ כָ ה in the body is a secondary ( עִ כ וּ ל was מָ ן made before eating the בְ רָ ָכ ה that says that the רְ מַ ״א מִ פּאַנוֹ Yevorechecha... gebentched!’ head and give me bentched בְ ֵנ י ִ י שְ רָ אֵ ל .when a person normally still has in mind to bentch חֵ לֶק ג, מע' כ', ) שְ דֵ י חֶ מֶ ד He also quotes from the . הַ מ וֹ צִ י א לֶ חֶ ם מִ ן הַ שָ מָ יִ ם ...your full Bracha for the food they ד' so that they could thank מָ ן was said before eating it. right after eating the בְ רָ ָכ ה and others that no (כְ לַל ק' .ֺ introduced the first had just eatenמ שֶ ה teaches that (בְרָ כוֹת מח:) גְ מָ רָ א The מִשָׁ רָׁ ישֵׁ הַ מִ צְ וָׁ ה quotes the חֲ בַ צֶ לֶ ת הַ שָ ר וֹ ן The . מָ ן of bentching at the giving of the בְ רָ ָכ ה explains that although he feels inadequate to חִ נּ וּ ְך who is troubled by a fascinating The ,(אוֹ ַרח ַח ִיים ִסי ָמן כ״ח, ס' ק״ד) חֲזוֹן אִ יש since it has many levels of depth and ’ד׳ to bless‘ מִ צְ ָו ה of explain such a הֲ לָ כָ ה and the מָ ן question involving the Heavenly properties of the [to his beloved children] מִ צְ וֹ ת when one can no longer bentch. hidden secrets, the love to explain to ‘thank Him.’ When מִ צְ ָו ה in His Kindness gave us a ד׳ .had no overtook him מָ ן teaches that the Heavenly (יוּמָ א עה:) גְ מָ רָ א The is the Ultimate Blessed ד׳ we are acknowledging that , בְ רָ ָכ ה waste; when it was eaten, it was all immediately absorbed into the we make a creates for us ד׳ explains that while this phenomena is an amazing One [all blessing is only from Him]. This recognition of ֲ ח ז וֹ ן אִ י ש body. The .merit, to receive His blessing , זְ כ וּ ת of the הֲ לָ כָ ה miracle, it creates a problematic issue in regard to the continues by explaining why he חִ נּ וּ ְך teaches that the time limit for Uncharacteristically, the (בְרָ כוֹת נא:) גְ מָ רָ א bentching. The concerning הֲ לָ כוֹת bentching after a meal is only as long as the food is still being absorbed went to great lengths to list the different rules and and some do בָ רוְּך start and end with a בְ רָ כ וֹ ת e.g., why some] בְ רָ כ וֹ ת was fully absorbed, until when were מָ ן in the body. If the (שִ עוּר עִ כוּל) The pauper stood up and clearly felt very able to bentch? not, etc.]. The power of bentching is so great for creating blessing that בְ ֵנ י ִ י שְ רָ אֵ ל honored to give the bracha as instructed. If the Belzer Rebbe ( חִ נּ וּ ְך would create for himself (the בְ רָ כ וֹ ת learning or teaching about וְ אָ כַ לְ תָ וְ שָ בָ עְ תָ וּ בֵ רַ כְ תָ אֶ ת of bentching is learned from מִ צְ ָו ה asked me for such a The Bracha, then I can surely many blessings [as if he were actually bentching]. דְ ָ ב רִ י ם ) … ד׳ and you will eat and you will be satisfied and bless ,ד׳ … Rebbi, can ask a Jewish pauper for ספר החנוך על פרשת השבוע :is Adapted from (אוֹ ַרח ַח ִיים ִסי ָמן קפ״ז, ס' א in רע״א The question (discussed by .(ח:ח you Please explain I learned this this kind of bracha... what that was all from the Belzer about? Rebbe...

of Yahrtzeits our Gedolim Gedolim Glimpses before dawn, as R' Beinish , רֺא שׁ הַ שָׁׁ נָׁ ה One ֺ forכ תֶ ל was on his way to the זַ צַ ״ ל was born in Mir, Poland, on Finkel זַ צַ ״ ל R' Binyomin Beinish Finkel י״ח שבט ר׳ אֵ לִּיָהוּ ) מַ לְ כָ ה and , ר ֺא שׁ י ְ שִּׁ י בָ ה the ,ר׳ לֵיזֶר יוּדל to ,יוֹם כִּ פּוּר 5750 — 5672 he met a poor and lonely , י וָׁתִ קִ י ן מִ נ י ְ ָׁ ן the 1990 — 1911 's daughter). At 9 years old, he learned 5 Yid. "Did you have a warm drink yet?" R’ זַ צַ ״ ל Kamai בָ רוְּך in Beinish asked him. "Yes, but another ָח ֵפץ ַח ִּיים with his father daily. He went to learn under the גְ מָ רָ א of דַ פִּ י ם 'cup would not hurt," the man replied. R אֶ רֶ ץ and in 1933-34 he learned under the Brisker Rov. After arriving in ,1931 and married his niece Beinish, who was extremely particular , ח ז ֲ וֹ ן אִּ י שׁ circa 1940), he became close to the) ִּי שְ רָ אֵ ל returned , הָׁ נֵ ץ הַ חַ מָׁ ה about davening with , רֺא שׁ י ְ שִּׁ י ת בַ מִּ י ר s daughter). In 1965, he became’ר' שְׁ מוּאֵ ל) Greineman אֶ סְ תֵ ר he took charge of the fiscal ,שִּׁ עוּרִּ ים Rav of Pressburg where, in addition to giving ,ר׳ שמחה בּוּנם R’ Akiva was born in Pressburg (Bratislava, Slovakia), to ( ), and Rochel Rosa Sofer. At the age of 20 he was appointed together home with the man. He gave him a drink, סִּ י ַ עְ א תָ דִּ שְׁ מַ ָי א There are fascinating stories of his . יְ שִּׁ י בָ ה responsibility of the מגיד שיעור שבט סוֹפר at the age of spoke to him for a long time, and cheered ראשׁ ישיבה and רב with his father. After his father’s passing, he became It is well known that his father-in-law considered him up. After he left, R' Beinish ran as fast as he could . ַג דְ ל וּ ת בְ ת וֹ רָ ה וּ בְ חֶ סֶ ד He was a charismatic pioneer (HE INITIATED THAT THE YESHIVA SHOULD SERVE MEALS) and .29 . שְׁ מ וֹ ֶנ ה עֶ שְ רֵ ה ֺ , making it on time forכ תֶ ל to the . ל״ו צַ דִּ י קִּ י ם of the Council of him one of the ראשׁ and his yeshiva flourished, as did his stature. He was appointed Orthodox Rabbis in Hungary, which represented 300 communities. In 1939, upon the advice There, he .ירוּשלים and settled in ארץ ישראל of his uncle, R’ Shimon Sofer, he immigrated to לע״נ ר׳ ישראל בן אברהם ז"ל where he taught for 20 years. He was Dedication opportunities are available. If you would like to sponsor or receive this publication ,ירוּשלים founded the Yeshiva of Pressburg in לע״נ הב׳ ישעיהו דוב ע״ה בן יבלחט״א יצחק צבי נ״י and was a via email, please send an email to [email protected] כּוֹלל שׁוֹמרי החוֹמוֹת He served as the President of the .דעת סוֹפר the author of .אגוּדת ישראל of the מוֹעצת גדוֹלי התּוֹרה member of the This week's Pirchei Weekly is sponsored ב‘ כסלו For any inquiries or comments please feel free to call 347-838-0869 • Illustrated by: Yishaya Suval www.leilshishi.com 5638 - 5720 1878 - 1959 z"k mch nbjo vrw ci bjnhw hux; nav rw ban, kgkuh .חזרת הש״ץ or קדיש, קריאת התורה Please do not read this publication during .עַל ּפִי הַלָכָ ה Please be careful to handle this sheet in the proper manner as required