Ben Frewin UNIT 18 – Production of Print Based Media BTEC Media

Appendix 2

Mechanical – Letterpress

How the letterpress printing method is used to create a product using three main stages –


1. To start off the “compositor” chooses what letters he wants to use to create the line. All the letters are individual blocks which then are assembled together to create a word or line.

2. They then place all the letters together into a composing still, which holds several lines of letters. After that process is complete they are then transferred to a larger type gallery where the compositor carefully and gradually builds out the text of an individual letter by letter.

3. After a gallery is created to fill a page-worth a type, it is then tied together into a single unit, so it can then be transported without it all falling apart. From this assembled bundle a gallery proof is created, which is carefully inspected by a proof reader which depends if the particular page is accurate.

Imposition 1. Now the assemblages that are tied together are converted, to a “form” ready so it can be used on a press. The person in charge of imposition is traditionally called the “stone man” who would normally use a large flat stone base called an imposition stone. Ben Frewin UNIT 18 – Production of Print Based Media BTEC Media

2. The then decides how big the page size and number of paper should be used. This will depend if several pages will be printed at once on one single sheet. After printing, they are then cut and trimmed before binding or folding. This whole process ensures that the pages printed face the right direction and are in perfect line with the right margins.

3. After that, pieces of metal or wood are added to make up the blank areas of the page. The printer then uses a mallet to level the type of blocks to ensure the surface is flat.

4. The final step before printing is called “lock-up”. The printer firstly removes the chords that hold the type together. And then turns the quoins with a key or a lever to bond or “lock” the entire complex of blocks, and frame together, creating something called a “form”.

5. The printer finally takes the finished form to the . But before the printing run starts it is finally proofed or checked over to make sure no errors are present.


1. The completed blocks are then taken to the press machine where the printing process can finally happen. The machine automatically speeds up the process of this by automatically inking the product and presses the plates to create a page for example.

Ben Frewin UNIT 18 – Production of Print Based Media BTEC Media

2. The completed sheets are then taken to a rack or rail the dry before finishing. Depending on the variety of printed sheets are produced is how the sheets are dried. For example for a they would be taken to a special which will dry the pages much more quickly.

3. The process is now complete, so now the pages can be put together to create a as an example.

Advantages of Letterpress Printing

 Straightforward Process  Handcrafted and Sharp Images  Specialty Paper Compatibility Disadvantages of Letterpess Printing

 Slow – Takes a long time just to create one page.  Colour Disadvantages – each colour ink has to be dry before another colour ink is used.  Photos are a challenge to print – photographs or images have to be converted for before printing.  Modern Uses take time.

Skills and Knowledge needed for Letterpress printing

To undergo the process of letterpress means it requires a whole lot of skills to be able to come out with a good and professional looking finished product. These skills or knowledge required that the artist or craftsman have should be patient, creative, kinaesthetic which is more hands on, imaginative and accurate. Without these skills and knowledge the product you create may Ben Frewin UNIT 18 – Production of Print Based Media BTEC Media come out inaccurate and more amateur looking, which for marketing businesses, it isn’t worth the money.