Letterform Anatomy
Letterform Anatomy Guidelines: Baseline: a real or imaginary horizontal line upon which the base of each capital rests; Waistline (meanline): a real or imaginary line that marks the height of the body of a small lowercase letter (often is the same as the x-height); x; Capline (cap height): a real or imaginary horizontal line that runs along the tops of the capital letters; Ascender line: a real or imaginary line that marks the proper height for the tall lowercase letters of a typeface like b, d, f, h, k, and i; for some typefaces, this line is the same as the cap height; b, d, f, h, i, j, k, l, t Descender line: a real or imaginary line that marks the proper length for the lowercase g, j, p, q, and y of a typeface; g, j, p, q, y 2. Ascenders and Descenders Ascender: A stroke on a lowercase character that extends above the meanline; Descender: A stroke on a lowercase character that falls below the baseline; X-height: a real or imaginary line that shows how tall to make the lowercase letters of a typeface; the distance from the baseline to the meanline. It marks the proper optical height for the lowercase letter x. Typically, this is the height of lowercase letters and is most easily measured on the lowercase x; Although X-height is not a unit of measurement, it is significant because it conveys the visual impact of the type size. In other words, typefaces of the same point size may appear smaller or larger because of the difference in their x-heights.
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