Germany: the State of the World's Forest Genetic Resources

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Germany: the State of the World's Forest Genetic Resources GERMANY This country report is prepared as a contribution to the FAO publication, The Report on the State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources. The content and the structure are in accordance with the recommendations and guidelines given by FAO in the document Guidelines for Preparation of Country Reports for the State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources (2010). These guidelines set out recommendations for the objective, scope and structure of the country reports. Countries were requested to consider the current state of knowledge of forest genetic diversity, including: Between and within species diversity List of priority species; their roles and values and importance List of threatened/endangered species Threats, opportunities and challenges for the conservation, use and development of forest genetic resources These reports were submitted to FAO as official government documents. The report is presented on www. as supportive and contextual information to be used in conjunction with other documentation on world forest genetic resources. The content and the views expressed in this report are the responsibility of the entity submitting the report to FAO. FAO may not be held responsible for the use which may be made of the information contained in this report. National Report on the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Forest Genetic Resources in the Federal Republic of Germany TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS .......................................................................................................... III LIST OF TABLES ..................................................................................................................... IV LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ................................................................................. V Summary.............................................................................................................................. IX Introduction to the Country and its Forestry Sector................................................................ 1 1 The Current State of the Diversity of Forest Genetic Resources .................................15 1.1 The state of diversity between and within species.......................................................15 1.1.1 Objectives and priorities for improved awareness of genetic diversity ...............22 1.1.2 Chief requirements for improving the assessment of inter- and intraspecific variation ............................................................................................................23 1.2 The main value of forest genetic resources.................................................................24 1.2.1 Setting priorities for tree species in Germany ....................................................24 1.2.2 Important tree species for the forest ecosystem ................................................24 1.2.3 State of the genetic diversity of important tree species......................................26 1.2.4 Rare tree species in Germany...........................................................................26 1.2.5 Forest reproductive material in Germany...........................................................27 1.2.6 Factors influencing the state of the diversity of forest genetic resources ...........27 1.3 State of the diversity of forest genetic resources: Future requirements and priorities..30 1.4 Setting up monitoring systems to assess forest genetic resources..............................31 2 The State of in situ Genetic Conservation...................................................................32 2.1 Conservation of forest genetic resources within and inside protected areas and sustainably managed forests ......................................................................................32 2.2 In situ conservation measures ....................................................................................34 2.3 Activities to promote in situ genetic conservation measures .......................................44 2.4 Chief requirements for improving in situ conservation.................................................45 2.4.1 Priorities for future in situ conservation activities including research and development .....................................................................................................45 2.4.2 Priorities for developing policies to support in situ conservation activities..........47 3 The State of ex situ Genetic Conservation..................................................................49 3.1 The state of collections ...............................................................................................49 3.2 Collection activities .....................................................................................................54 3.3 Descriptions of the collections.....................................................................................54 3.4 Storage facilities .........................................................................................................55 3.5 Documentation and characterization...........................................................................55 3.6 Description of present and emerging technologies......................................................55 3.7 Transfer of germplasm................................................................................................55 3.8 Chief requirements for ex situ conservation ................................................................55 4 The State of Use and Sustainable Management of Forest Genetic Resources ...........57 4.1 The importance of sustainable forest management and utilization ..............................57 4.2 The state of utilization and management of forest reproductive material.....................58 4.3 Transfer of germplasm................................................................................................68 I 4.4 The state of breeding programmes .............................................................................70 4.4.1 Information systems on breeding programmes..................................................71 4.5 Description of present and emerging technologies......................................................72 4.6 National seed improvement programme .....................................................................72 4.7 Chief requirements for improving the sustainable utilization and management of forest genetic resources .......................................................................................................72 5 The State of National Programmes. Research. Education. Training and Legislation...74 5.1 National Programme for Forest Genetic Resources....................................................74 5.1.1 Information systems ..........................................................................................76 5.1.2 Networks...........................................................................................................78 5.2 National legislation......................................................................................................80 5.3 Research activities......................................................................................................83 5.4 Education and training ................................................................................................85 5.5 Public awareness / public relations .............................................................................86 5.6 Coordination of public relations...................................................................................88 6 The State of Regional and International Collaboration ................................................90 6.1 Regional and sub-regional networks, programmes and cooperation for the conservation of ex situ and in situ collections..............................................................90 6.2 International programmes and projects.......................................................................90 6.3 International agreements and initiatives......................................................................91 6.4 Regional agreements and initiatives ...........................................................................92 6.5 Needs and priorities for improving international collaboration .....................................94 7 Access to Forest Genetic Resources and Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Use .95 8 The Contribution of Forest Genetic Resources to Sustainable Development, Food Security, Poverty Alleviation and to Climate Protection ....................................................................97 8.1 Contribution to sustainability in forestry and agriculture ..............................................97 8.2 Contribution to Food Security and Poverty Alleviation.................................................97 8.3 Contribution to climate protection................................................................................98 9 Annex .........................................................................................................................99 9.1 List of institutions in the BLAG-FGR............................................................................99 9.2 List of the tree and shrub species and other woody plants cited in the report with scientific names ........................................................................................................100 9.3 Forest area by tree species ......................................................................................105
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