February 2021

Ungheni Region where we connect

The brand and rules of use Contents

Introduction ...... 02 PART II The slogan ...... 03 The cup...... 38 The brand character ...... 04 The bracelet...... 39 The brand values ...... 05 The badge ...... 40-42 The brand in words ...... 06 The water bottles ...... 43 Intellectual property ...... 07 The clothing ...... 44 The key elements of our visual identity ...... 08 The bags ...... 45-46 The office supplies ...... 47 PART I The customized carpets...... 48 The logo...... 10 The transport ...... 49 The symbol...... 11 The numberplate framework ...... 50 With love from Ungheni...... 12 The street billboard...... 51 The logo of the Ungheni Region ...... 13 The sewer cover ...... 52 The logo of the Ungheni ...... 14 Street paving ...... 53 The logo of the Ungheni municipality City Hall ...... 15 The bus station ...... 54 The logo combined with a slogan ...... 16 The environmental mural ...... 55 The free space around the logo...... 17 Roll-ups and posters ...... 56 The basic colours...... 18 The event poster ...... 57 The secondary colours...... 19 The presentation slides ...... 58 The logo variations...... 20 The exhibition stand ...... 59 The font...... 21 The Webpage ...... 60 Placing the logo in relation to other logos...... 22-23 The Facebook page (desktop version)...... 61 The ornamentation of the brand...... 24 The Facebook page (mobile version)...... 62 The belt-shaped ornamentation...... 25 The Instagram Page...... 63 The icons...... 26 Manufactured with love in the Ungheni Region...... 64 The photographs...... 27-33 The brand and rules of use. The out-of-the-box illustration...... 34 Ungheni Region: where we connect. In this document, the Brand means mark according to the Law The improper use of the logo...... 35 no. 38 of 29.02.2008 on the protection of trademarks. The improper use of the logo colours ...... 36 01

Ungheni is a region in the central-western part of the Republic of , located in the immediate proximity of the European Union. The epicentre of the region is the Ungheni municipality.

Ungheni is an important economic center, with a well-developed road network, one of the largest railway junctions in the Republic of Moldova and a river port. According to the latest census (2016), it is the third largest city in the country, after Chisinau and Balti.

The first documentary attestation of the settlement dates from 20 August, 1462, in a charter during the reign of Stephen the Great. The initial name of the settlement (between 1462 and 1587) was Unghiul.

The city is 105 km from Chisinau and 21 km by rail / 45 km by road from Iasi, .

In 2008, Ungheni was declared the Youth Capital of the Republic of Moldova.

In 2020, the EU4Moldova: Key Regions Programme was started, marking a new beginning in the development of the municipality and neighbouring settlements. 02 The slogan

Our logo is a visual representation of the connection between Where we connect the Ungheni and Iasi Regions. The Ungheni Region offers unique cross-border opportunities for everyone. For centuries, it has been building a close relationship with the Iasi region, which has determined a continuous flow between the two regions. er Here is the main connection between the Republic of Moldova, the European Union and Romania. This is where the economic, rut Riv cultural and social goals of both countries meet. P

The Ungheni Region is the place where we connect with new economic opportunities thanks to the Free Economic Zone, but also thanks to cross-border businesses.

Here we also connect with the past. The Ungheni Region is full of stories worth to be discovered, starting from the Middle Ages, when the Salt Road, the Fishermen Road and the Great Tatar Ungheni Commercial Road passed here; continuing with the adventures of Eminescu and Creanga; and up to the "Bridge of Flowers" that preceded the operning of the border with Romania and the independence of the Republic of Moldova.

Here we connect with the future: the Ungheni Region is one of the key regions for the intense development of the country. Iasi

Ungheni Region: where we connect. The brand and rules of use. 03 The brand character The symbolism of the Ungheni Region brand

A reinterpretation of the coat of arms An imprint Five red lines and a white chevron Every inhabitant of Ungheni matters

An arrow pointing upwards A cup Representing the path and motivation A subtle reference to the national brand of the Ungheni people Letter U Tree of Life The initial of the Ungheni Region

04 The brand values What human qualities does a representative of the Ungheni Region brand has

Honesty Courage We prefer to call things by their name, without creating false We have the courage to think deeply and to explore ideas expectations. that seem impossible.

Vision Industrious We respect and preserve the past of the region with great We know that success is possible through work, care, but we choose to look towards the future. and we are proud to make our diligence known.

Optimism Openness We succeed in the context in which we exist, but we We are hospitable and open to every visitor, and also are convinced that we have the power to change things to opportunities. for the better.

Ungheni Region: where we connect. The brand and rules of use. 05 The brand in words How to talk about the Ungheni Region

When the brand is mentioned, it is preferable to talk about In communication materials, it is recommended the Ungheni Region. The word "Region", when referring to use accessible language, comprehensible by all, to the Ungheni Region, is capitalized. with each message acting as an illustration or example of the slogan "Where we connect". Exceptions are when the word "region" is used without the name Ungheni or when it is used in the plural, For example, a communication might begin with this phrase: meaning several regions. “This is the place where we connect. Because..."

The “Ungheni” brand, without the word “Region”, can be A communication might also end with the following phrase: used only when talking about the Ungheni municipality. "... because this is the place where we connect."

It is also possible to use the phrase the Ungheni Municipality Mayoralty, but only if it refers strictly to that institution.

In any other case, it is preferable to say "Ungheni Region".

Ungheni Region: where we connect. The brand and rules of use. 06 Intellectual property

The brand of the Ungheni Region is administered by the Ungheni municipality City Hall, but can be used by any representative of the region provided that:

1. The provisions of this Brand Book are strictly observed;

2. The brand is used for constructive, apolitical purposes, in the context of perfectly legal activities.

In order to obtain the necessary materials for the application of the brand of the region, apply to the Ungheni municipality City Hall by filling in a form that can be downloaded from the City Hall website:


Ungheni Region: where we connect. The brand and rules of use. 07 The key elements of our visual identity

The core elements of our visual identity are the logo, the name, the colours and the font. In the following section, you will find how to use all these items correctly.

Carefully study the information in this section. Remember: a strong brand is a consistent brand, a brand that must appear everywhere, observing all requirements and keeping the same image.

We want the brand of the Ungheni Region to be easily recognized, just as we might recognize a certain person. To use the logo properly, use only the source files attached to this Brand Book.

Ungheni Region: where we connect. The brand and rules of use. 08 Part I The visual identity Brand Book The logo

The logo of the Ungheni Region consists of the symbol itself and the phrase “Ungheni Region”, with the word "Ungheni" placed below the word "Regiunea".

The logo also has a special element that, perhaps, is not very obvious at first sight, but which it is good to mention.

If you look carefully at the letter g in “Ungheni”, you will see that it makes you think of a river on which a city is placed (on modern maps, the symbol representing a city is a circle).

In addition, the angle that forms the river reminds us of the original name of the settlement — Unghiul.

Ungheni Region: where we connect. The brand and rules of use. 10 The symbol

Usually, the full logo is used. However, there may be cases when it is possible not to use the full phrase "Ungheni Region".

For example, this may be done in the case of handicraft souvenirs that obviously refer to the Ungheni Region; or in creative interpretations, where words could detract from the artistic value of the work.

Ungheni Region: where we connect. The brand and rules of use. 11 With love from Ungheni

If we want to express a feeling of love, friendship, joy or generosity, we can use the heart symbol from Ungheni.

Be careful! This symbol does not replace the logo. It can be used when we want a more personal approach. For example, the heart can become an element on T-shirts from the Ungheni Region, or it can be part of a sculpture.

At the same time, it can be used by local producers as one of the symbols they put on their products.

Manufactured with love in the Ungheni Region

Ungheni Region: where we connect. The brand and rules of use. 12 The logo of the Ungheni Region The main version of the logo

1. 2.

Vertical version Horizontal version

This is the preferred version, due to This is intended for situations where vertical space is limited, the fact that it supports the symmetry for example, if the logo appears next to other logos. of the symbol and is visually appealing.

Ungheni Region: where we connect. The brand and rules of use. 13 The logo of Ungheni municipality For application only in communication materials relating to the Ungheni municipality

1. 2.

Vertical version Horizontal version

This is the preferred version, due to This is intended for situations where vertical space is limited, the fact that it supports the symmetry for example, if the logo appears next to other logos. of the symbol and is visually appealing.

Ungheni Region: where we connect. The brand and rules of use. 14 The logo of Ungheni municipality City Hall For use only when referring to the Ungheni municipality City Hall

1. 2.

Vertical version Horizontal version

This is the preferred version, due to This is intended for situations where vertical space is limited, the fact that it supports the symmetry for example, if the logo appears next to other logos. of the symbol and is visually appealing.

Ungheni Region: where we connect. The brand and rules of use. 15 The logo combined with a slogan

In communication campaigns about the Ungheni Region or about the Ungheni municipality, it is recommended to use the logo together with a slogan. Unde ne conectăm

The slogan cannot be used when applying Unde ne conectăm the logo of Ungheni municipality City Hall.

Based on the fact that, in this case, the construction of the logo is more complex, we recommend reproducing it in a larger format respecting the rules of free space around the logo. Unde ne conectăm

Unde ne conectăm

Ungheni Region: where we connect. The brand and rules of use. 16 The free space around the logo

For proper reproduction, the logo must be able to "breathe". It is important to make sure that there is enough free space around it, even if it means reducing the size of the logo.

Regardless which form of the logo is used, we build the free space according to the rules below.

Horizontal version Vertical version

There should be a space the size of the "U" from the word "Ungheni" The logo should be framed in a perfect square, keeping a space the size above the symbol and below the foot of the letter g. There should be of two Us from the word "Ungheni" (placed horizontally) at the top of the logo, the space of two Us to the right and left of the logo. and at the bottom below the letter h. We place a "U" to the right and left of the logo.

Ungheni Region: where we connect. The brand and rules of use. 17 The basic colours

We recommend applying the logo on a black background to highlight the white chevron.

In all materials, we recommend using the basic colours at least 75% of the time (as shown on this page).

The red colour will be used as an accent and will never occupy more than 1/4 of the communication material space. Note: the printed black also has other colours in the composition to produce a deeper black.

White Black Red CMYK: 0-0-0-0 CMYK: 63-52-53-100 CMYK: 0-100-100-0 RGB: 255.255.255 RGB: 0.0.0 RGB: 237. 28.36 #ffffff #000000 #cd1c24

Ungheni Region: where we connect. The brand and rules of use. 18 The secondary colours

In some cases, in the communication mate- rials, the use of secondary colors is allowed, although not using more than 25% of the available space.

The secondary colors were selected so as to represent the variety of resources spe- cific to the Ungheni Region.

In the case of a communication campaign, Orange sun Yellow wheat Beige Wine we will make sure that, for each material CMYK: 0-80-95-0 CMYK: 5-30-95-0 CMYK: 5-45-60-0 CMYK: 40-85-30-0 executed in the secondary colors, three RGB: 241.90.41 RGB: 240.181.44 RGB: 236.158.111 RGB: 165.75.124 materials are launched in the basic colors, #f15a29 #f0b52c #ec9e6f #a54b7c respecting the ratio of 1 to 3.

That principle will lead to the recognition of the basic colour palette and, at the same time, will ensure variety.

Orange sun – the sun at sunset Iron grey Blue sky Emerald Green landscape Yellow wheat – yellow wheat in the fields Beige – the colour of natural landscapes CMYK: 40-10-20-80 CMYK: 75-12-15-0 CMYK: 85-30-40-0 CMYK: 50-0-100-0 Wine – the colour of red wine RGB: 51.63.72 RGB: 4.170.202 RGB: 0.141.151 RGB: 141.198.63 Iron grey – the colour associated with railways #333f48 #04aaca #008d97 #8dc63f Blue sky – clear sky Emerald – the waters of the River Green landscape – the colour of green meadows. Ungheni Region: where we connect. The brand and rules of use. 19 The logo variations Colours that we apply for the logo

Colour version on a black background Colour version on a white background

Monochrome version in white. It may be in light Monochrome version in black. It may be in dark or white colours, in the case of a dark background. or black colours, in the case of a light background.

Preferable for loaded backgrounds Preferable for loaded backgrounds Ungheni Region: where we connect. The brand and rules of use. 20 The font

The visual identity of. the Ungheni Region uses a single character (font) - Circe, for both titles and text. Two variations are accepted: Light and Bold.

It is a modern font, also used for the Tree of Life brand, Circe Light ABCDEFGHIJKLM and is therefore one of the “kinship” elements between NOPQRSTUVWXYZ the national brand and that of the region. abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz aăâbcdefghiîjklmnopqrsștţuvwxyz 0123456789

Circe Bold ABCDEFGHIJKLM irce from the ParaType NOPQRSTUVWXYZ

Note that the font contains special, decorative elements that can make abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz the messages more interesting. aăâbcdefghiîjklmnopqrsștţuvwxyz 0123456789

Ungheni Region: where we connect. The brand and rules of use. 21 Placing the logo in relation to other logos How to set the dimensions and place the logo next to the partners' logos

When it appears next to other logos, the horizontal version will be used, ensuring that we use the maximum size that is allowed vertically. To isolate the logo from other elements with which it may come into contact, leave a neutral space equal to the size of the symbol in the logo.

Ungheni Region: where we connect. The brand and rules of use. 22 Placing the logo in relation to other logos How to set the dimensions and place the logo next to the partners' logos

In order for the logo of the Ungheni Region to be used in communications from the region's settlements, a special logo construction is provided. It contains the symbol of the region, the official coat of arms of the settlement and the text as follows: Ungheni Region and the name of the settlement. These should be written in the Circe Bold brand font.

Regiunea Ungheni Regiunea Ungheni CORNESTI TOWN VILLAGE

Regiunea Ungheni Regiunea Ungheni CORNESTI SCULENI TOWN VILLAGE

Ungheni Region: where we connect. The brand and rules of use. 23 The ornamentation of the brand This can be executed in the red colour of the brand or in secondary colours

The version in cold secondary colours The version in the red colour of the brand The version in warm secondary colours

Ungheni Region: where we connect. The brand and rules of use. 24 The belt-shaped ornamentation For application on the elongated supports

To apply the brand on elongated supports, a belt can be used that symbolizes the connection, but also the change of gauges, a specific element of Ungheni.

The belt is modular and consists of two elements: 1. Repeatable module 1. A repeatable module 2. A termination module

The belt must be completed with the termination module. It can be used both vertically and horizontally, depending on the context. 2. Termination module

The belt can either start directly from the material or it can have a termination module at both ends.

Ungheni Region: where we connect. The brand and rules of use. 25 The icons How we build icons in the context of our brand





90º Rating Favourite Location

In addition to the official logo, a secondary range of symbols and visual elements can sometimes be used to create a distinct visual Message Photo Call universe. These visual elements also include icons.

They consist, as does the logo, of a line connecting two points. The thickness of the line Icons in secondary colours is 1/13 of the side of the square in which the icon is inscribed.

Ungheni Region: where we connect. The brand and rules of use. 26 The photography The people

In order to better connect with the audience, we recommend using photographs that represent real people from Ungheni.

In order to obtain the best possible image quality, we recommend using the most professional equipment possible, to avoid further recourse to the "makeup" of the characters.

27 The photography The nature

In order to photograph the landscapes and nature of the Ungheni Region, maximum attention will be paid to the artistic quality of the image through colours and composition.

For this purpose, we recommend using the most professional equipment possible and choosing the most suitable time of day for shooting (for example, sunset or the so-called “golden hour”).

28 29 30 31 32 33 The out-of-the-box illustrations

A method of fortifying images for an enhanced visual impact

Sometimes it is necessary to capture everyone's attention, for example, when we announce an important event and we want as many people as possible to come.

In these cases, graphic echoes can be applied using lines around the elements in the image. This creates a shape, which is then increased in iterations using the offset path in Adobe Illustrator.

However, this method must be used carefully and only in special contexts.

34 The improper use of the logo

1. Do not change the colours of the logo 2. Do not rotate the logo elements 3. Do not change the font in the logo

4. Do not distort the proportions of the logo 5. Do not omit logo elements 6. Do not cut the logo

Ungheni Region: where we connect. The brand and rules of use. 35 The improper use of logo colours When it is better to use the monochrome version of the logo

1. Do not apply the coloured logo on a background 1. 2. close to its color. Use the monochrome version in white.

2. Do not apply the coloured logo on a background close to black. Use the monochrome version in white. Unde ne conectăm Unde ne conectăm

3. Do not apply the white logo on light backgrounds. Use the black monochrome version. 3. 4. 4. Do not apply the coloured logo on overly busy backgrounds. Use the monochrome logo or frame the coloured logo in a white square.

Unde ne conectăm Unde ne conectăm

Ungheni Region: where we connect. The brand and rules of use. 36 Part II Applying the visual elements The cup

although not using more than 25% of the available space.

Ungheni Region: where we connect. The brand and rules of use. 38 The bracelet A perfect souvenir to be distributed, for example, at cultural events

Ungheni Region: where we connect. The brand and rules of use. 39 The badge Suitable for both official and “casual” outfits

Ungheni Region: where we connect. The brand and rules of use. 40 Ungheni Region: where we connect. The brand and rules of use. 41 Ungheni Region: where we connect. The brand and rules of use. 42 The water bottles Decorated with the monochrome logo or coloured ornamentation

Ungheni Region: where we connect . The brand and rules of use. 43 The clothing The logo is placed on the sleeve, and the front shows an emoticon

Ungheni Region: where we connect. The brand and rules of use. 44 The bags With a specific shape that repeats the shape of the logo

Ungheni Region: where we connect. The brand and rules of use. 45 The bags

Ungheni Region: where we connect. The brand and rules of use. 46 The office supplies

Ungheni Region: where we connect . The brand and rules of use. 47 The customized carpets (using the brand)

Ungheni Region: where we connect. The brand and rules of use. 48 The transport Applying the brand logo and ornamentation

Ungheni Region: where we connect. The brand and rules of use. 49 The numberplate framework Decorated with belt-shaped ornamentation

Ungheni Region: where we connect. The brand and rules of use. 50 PTheanotaj stre stradalet billboard

Ungheni Region: where we connect. The brand and rules of use. 51 The sewer cover

52 Street paving

Ungheni Region: where we connect. The brand and rules of use. 53 The bus station

Ungheni Region: where we meet. The brand and rules of use. 54 The environmental mural Executed based on the shape of the logo

This is one of the rare cases when the name of the region is not mentioned, as it is the artistic value of the work that is being highlighted.

Instead of the name of the region, the name of the author is mentioned instead.

Ungheni Region: where we connect. The brand and rules of use. 55 The title and text of the material Roll-ups and posters are aligned on a vertical axis with the name of the region in the logo. Application of the logo and title

In the case of visual materials containing various messages and text, we recommend applying the logo on the upper left-hand side as an echo of the geographical position of the Ungheni Region.

This positioning of the logo is especially preferable for roll-ups and posters. When applied to the bottom right-hand side the logo could be covered by people standing in front of the respective materials.

The title and text of the material are aligned on a vertical axis with the name of the region in the logo.

Ungheni Region: where we connect. The brand and rules of use. 56 The event poster Executed using graphic echoes

Ungheni Region: where we connect. The brand and rules of use. 57 The presentation slides

Using the logo and the belt

Ungheni Region: where we connect. The brand and rules of use. 58 The exhibition stand Modular and reusable

Ungheni Region: where we connect. The brand and rules of use. 59 The Webpage Desktop and mobile version

Ungheni Region: where we connect. The brand and rules of use. 60 The Facebook page Desktop version

Ungheni Region: where we connect. The brand and rules of use. 61 The Facebook page Mobile version

Ungheni Region: where we meet. The brand and rules of use. 62 The Instagram page Posts and profile photo

Ungheni Region: where we connect. The brand and rules of use. 63 Manufactured with love Manufactured with love in the Ungheni Region in the Ungheni Region A specific mark for manufacturers in the region

Ungheni Region: where we connect. The brand and rules of use. 64