April 28 LOCAL & STATE NEWS Tuesday, April 28 Is the Pride Agenda's Annual Albany Lobby Rainbow Seniors Day, Equality & Justice Day

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April 28 LOCAL & STATE NEWS Tuesday, April 28 Is the Pride Agenda's Annual Albany Lobby Rainbow Seniors Day, Equality & Justice Day Section A New York State's Oldest LGBT Publication Lobby lawmakers for your rights in NewsBriefs Albany on April 28 LOCAL & STATE NEWS Tuesday, April 28 is the Pride Agenda's annual Albany Lobby Rainbow Seniors day, Equality & Justice Day. panel is April 19 Chappius Haag This year is going to be excep­ Democrats tional, with over 1,400 people Rochester Rainbow from all over NYS expected to Seniors of Western NY hosts Chappius, Haag its sixth Intergenerational turn out for this historic lobby­ Panel with LGBTIQ speak­ join long list of City ing effort. ers of various ages on Sun­ Council hopefuls With a pro-LGBT majori­ day, April 19, 4-5:30 p.m., at ty in the NYS Assembly and First Universalist Church at By Ove Overmyer a pro-LGBT Senate Majority Clinton Ave. and Court St., In a formal written statement Leader and Governor, the Pride downtown Rochester, across from the Washington Square delivered to friends and family Agenda is working around the Park. on Feb. 16, David D. Chappius clock to build the grassroots The event is free, open to announced his intention to seek support needed to pass a Mar­ the public and will be fol­ an At-Large seat on Rochester riage Equality bill, the Gender lowed by refreshments. City Council for the term begin­ Expression N on-Discrimination The panel will consist of ning in January of 2010. Act and the Dignity for All Stu­ around eight LGBTIQ peo­ ple who will talk about their Matthew Haag, a long time dents Act. lives. This year an 80-year­ political and community activist Locally, four buses have been old gay man will be part of who works for the University of reserved to transport Rochestar­ the discussion. Rochester as the Senior Direc­ ians to Albany to lobby their GOV. PATERSON VISITS ROCHESTER: On March 11, hundreds tor of Major Gifts and Regional elected officials. The registra­ of people filled the Rochester Riverside Convention Center Youth to rally on Programs, has also unofficially tion period runs through April for a town hall style meeting hosted by Gov. David Paterson and moderated by News10 NBC's Janet Lomax. At the meet­ Day of Silence tossed his hat in the ring for an 10; however, it is best to regis­ ing, Gov. Paterson reaffirmed his support for marriage equal­ At-Large seat on Rochester City ter early to guarantee that you ity legislation, drawing loud applause from the diverse crowd. The National Day of Council. An official announce­ will have a reserved seat on a Above: Gov. Paterson greets Anita Cameron, Systems Advo­ Silence is Friday, April 17. A rally to "break the ment is expected soon. Rochester bus. You can register cate for the Center For Disability Rights. Photo: Ove Overmyer silence" will be hosted by the As many as 11 City of Roch­ on line at www.prideagenda.org Gay Alliance Youth Program ester Democrats have expressed and the form can printed out and held in the Apollo Room interest in running for a four-year and mailed to the Pride Agenda's at the Auditorium Center at City Council term. There are five NYC office. Sandra Arena convicted of 875 East Main St. seats up this year, with at least To obtain a scholarship you The rally will begin at 4 four known incumbents plan­ must print out the form and note manslaughter in Coleman death; p.m., followed by a youth ning a possible return to local that you are in need of a schol­ dance until 8 p.m. Refresh­ sentencing is set for April 15 ments, entertainment, and government. arship. The requested donation free depression screening (in One City Council member, of $40 covers round-trip trans­ By Ove Overmyer years in prison. The high profile murder trial Chad Coleman's moth­ collaboration with U.R.) for John Lightfoot, has not made portation, breakfast on the bus, all LGBTQ youth and allies er, Latricia (Pat) Swift-Win­ his re-election plans public as of lunch in Albany and a snack on of a Penfield woman began in ages 13-23 will be available. press time. In court on March 11, the trip home. For individuals atypical fashion on March 9. bush, appeared to be affected Comic Sabrina Matthews Lightfoot admitted violating pro­ who have their own transporta­ Sandra Arena chose a bench as the verdict was announced and dancer Thomas Warfield trial, rather than face a jury. on March 18; she seemed faint will perform. bation for his third drunk driving tion, the cost is $15. Questions The rally has hosted over conviction. His future as an elect­ can be directed to Todd Plank at Arena, 48, who was described in as she left court and was given the blogosphere as "Cougar Bar­ first aid by deputies. She later 200 youth from approximate­ ed official is unclear and he will 585-271-2420; e-mail: tplank@ ly 30 schools in the area to bie," put her destiny in the hands told media that she will forgive (Democrats continues page 7) prideagenda.org . • fight homophobic bullying. of Monroe County Court Judge Arena, should Arena apologize. For more informa- Frank P. Geraci. Arena's attorney, Joseph S. tion, please contact Jes­ On March 18, the judge Damelio, had argued that Arena sica Cohen, Youth Program Tax Day protest California Court acquitted Arena of second-degree had just been traumatized by Director, at 585-244-8640 murder but found her guilty of being assaulted outside a south- ext. 13 or JessicaC@gayal­ to make point at appears reluctant to liance.org. Jefferson Rd. PO overturn Prop 8 second-degree manslaughter in (Arena continues page 7) the death of Chad Coleman. By Susan Jordan By Susan Jordan She was also convicted of third­ The annual Tax Day protest On March 5, when the Cali­ degree assault, a misdemeanor, will take place at the main post fornia Supreme Court heard argu­ for injuries suffered by the four office on Jefferson Rd. in Henriet,­ ments in the attempt to overturn women who were also hit. ta on April 15, from 4:30-6 p.m. Prop 8, gay rights attorneys were Both charges are felonies with Organizer Bess Watts said, unhappy with the court's reaction, different levels of culpability. "This will be the third year we according to Maura Dolan of the The murder charge alleged that have done this locally. It is my Los Angeles Times. Arena caused Coleman's death understanding that there will be The lawyers had hoped the while acting with a depraved a statewide effort on Tax Day." same court majority that over­ indifference to human life. The The protest will make the turned the state's previous mar­ manslaughter charge alleges she point that same sex couples are riage ban would conclude that caused his death while acting not allowed to file tax returns as Proposition 8 was an impermis­ recklessly. couples, and that federal tax law sible constitutional revision. Arena is in custody and is does not recognize the validity However, ChiefJustice Ronald scheduled for sentencing on even of those marriages which M. George and Justice Joyce L. April 15. She faces a penalty of (Tax Day continues page 7) (California continues page 7) probation or up to five to 15 The Gay Alliance appreciates the continuing F1 FINAI>ICL!\L AACHIliCTS ,"0::" partnership of businesses within our community Kodak 14: Merrilll.ynr:h Inside Section A who support our mission and vision. Interview: Lance Neve .................. 6 lace I Bausch & Lomb CORN] IG Gold Eastman Kodak Company' Mass Mutual Financial Group' WoI U MtUltYlCU Opinion: Religion and Republicanism ..' , N IXON P AIIODY llF are losing ground ....................... 9 Merrill Lynch; Nixon Peabody, LLP ... _,........... ~THE ---""" Making The Scene ...................... 18 MONROEPWJ Silver Ace Mailing Services; Bausch & Lomb Inc.; IiiiiiiiI Corning Incorporated; Harter Secrest & Emory LLP; ~ v I TT FOR~Ii&CAL Section B Heveron & Heveron CPAs; ITT Corporation; Monroe Plan for Entertainment: Erotic Nights at Medical Care; Sage Advisors of Sage Rutty; St. John Fisher ~~ Equal=Grounds ........................ 1 College; Tim Tompkins Enterprises; Xerox Capital Services . Columnists ..................................... 5 Kyle's B&B ...................................... 8 Bronze Canandaigua National Bank; Edgerton Florist; ~ = igua Youth Page .................................. 10 Empire State College; GALAXE Pride at Work; Open Arms ~ Bank&Trust EMPJIUSTATE. GAGV News: AVP ......................... 11 Metropolitan Community Church; Third Presbyterian Church; COLLEGE Groups .......................................... 13 EDGElHON ILORAL co Wegmans Food Markets; The Woolbright Group Calendar, Classifieds ................. 14 Ongoing Calendar ...................... 15 Pride Thomson Reuters gmans w&i bright i; . ~ vtHlM!>cNitEUTEII'S GmJp ' . 2 A THE EMPTY CLOSET • THE GAY ALLIANCE OF THE GENESEE VALLEY • NUMBER 422 • APRIL 2009 The Empty Closet is published by the Gay Alliance of the Genesee Valley 875 E, Main Street, Suite 500 Rochester, New York 14605 FROM THE FROM THE © 2009, All rights reserved, Editor-in-Chief: Susan Jordan Empty Closet Editor Executive Director Staff Reporter: Ove Overmyer SUSAN JORDAN SUE COWELL Graphic Design: Jim Anderson Ad Sales: had the slightest desire for oppo­ years, our need to exist has not. Alicia Kibitlewski, 241-0091 site sex partners are at one end The Gay Alliance is the place National Advertising Representative: Rivendell Media: 212-242-6863 of the scale, and those who have where the entire community never had any desire for people turns for support, information, Advertising policy: of the same gender are at the referrals, training and assis­ The Empty Closet does not print adver­ other end - where would most tance with domestic violence, tisements that contain nude drawings or photographs, nor does it print advertis­ of the hits fall? Right in the Bi harassment and hate crimes.
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