
1 AI; hira(ku), push open

Radical: 扌 (3 + 7) 挨拶 aisatsu, a greeting, salutation Strokes: 10 挨拶回り Grade: 8 aisatsu mawari, courtesy calls 挨 JLPT level: Y-1 挨拶状 aisatsujō, greeting card JIS Code: 3027 2 AI; kurai, dark, not clear

Radical: 日 (4+13) 曖昧 aimai, vague, obscure, ambiguous, suspicious Strokes: 17 曖昧さ Grade: 8 aimaisa, ambiguity 曖 JLPT level: JIS Code: 5B23 3 EN; a(teru), address

宀 Radical: (3+5) 宛名 Strokes: 8 atena, addressee, an address Grade: 8 宛先 atesaki, an address 宛 JLPT level: Y-1 宛がい扶持 ategaibuchi, discretionary allowance JIS Code: 3038 4 RAN; arashi, storm, tempest

Radical: 山 (3+9) 夜嵐 yoarashi, evening storm Strokes: 12 青嵐 Grade: 8 aoarashi, storm in the verdant mountains 嵐 JLPT level: 1 嵐気 ranki, mountain mist, mountain air JIS Code: 4D72 5 I; oso(reru), fear; kashiko(mu), obey, humble oneself; kashiko(i), majestic Radical: 田 (5+4) Strokes: 9 Grade: 8 畏怖 ifu, fear, fright, awe 畏 JLPT level: 畏敬 ikei, reverence, awe JIS Code: 305A 畏友 iyū, respected friend 6 I; na(eru),weaken, wither, droop; shibo(mu), shio(reru), shina(biru), wither, fade Radical: 艹 (6+5) Strokes: 11 Grade: 8 萎縮 ishuku, wither, shrink, atrophy 萎 JLPT level: 萎靡 ibi, decline, decay, drooping JIS Code: 3060 7 I; chair

Radical: 木 (4+8) 椅子 isu, chair Strokes: 12 車椅子 Grade: 8 kurumaisu, wheel chair 椅 JLPT level: Y-1 JIS Code: 3058 8 I; same kind

Radical: 彑 (3+10) 語彙 goi, vocabulary Strokes: 13 彙類 Grade: 8 irui, category, classification 彙 JLPT Level: 彙報 ihō, collection of classified reports JIS Code: 5743 9 ibara, briar, thorn

Radical: 艹 (3+6) 茨城県 Ibaraki Ibaraki prefecture Strokes: 9 茨木市 Grade: 8 Ibaraki shi Ibaraki city 茨 JLPT Level: JIS Code: 3071

1 10 IN; choked; smothered

Radical: 口 (3+6) 咽喉 inkō, throat Strokes: 9 咽頭 Grade: 8 intō, the pharynx 咽 JLPT Level: JIS Code: 3076 11 IN; licentiousness; mida(ra), indecent, lewd

Radical: 氵 (3+8) 姦淫 kan’in, adultery Strokes: 11 淫乱 Grade: 8 inran, lechery, lasciviousness 淫 JLPT level: 淫猥 inwai, obscene, lewd JIS Code: 307C 12 uta, song

Radical: 口 (3+7) 子守唄 komoriuta, a lullaby Strokes: 10 小唄 kouta, a Japanese ballad accompanied on the samisen Grade: 8 長唄 唄 JLPT level: nagauta, nagauta music, traditional singing accompa- JIS Code: 3134 nied on the samisen 13 UTSU; depression, gloom, melancholy; us(suru), fusa(gu), to be depressed Radical: 鬯 (10+19) Strokes: 29 憂鬱 Grade: 8 yūutsu, gloom, depression 鬱 JLPT level: 鬱陶しい uttō(shii), depressing, miserable, oppressive JIS Code: 5D35 鬱病 utsubyō, (psychotic) depression 14 EN, ON; ura(mu), ura(mi), ura(meshii), grudge, resentment 心 Radical: (4+5) 怨念 onnen, deep-seated grudge Strokes: 9 Grade: 8 怨恨 enkon, grudge, resentment 怨 JLPT level: 怨霊 onryō, a vengeful ghost, vindictive spirit JIS Code: 3165 15 EN; hime, beautiful woman, princess 女 Radical: (3+9) 才媛 saien, an intelligent, talented woman Strokes: 12 Grade: 8 愛媛県 Ehimeken, Ehime prefecture 媛 JLPT level: 1 JIS Code: 4932 16 EN; tsuya, luster, gloss, polish, sheen

Radical: 色 (6+13) 妖艶 yōen, fascinating; bewitching Strokes: 19 艶艶 Grade: 8 tsuyatsuya, lustrous, bright, glossy 艶 JLPT level: 1 艶事 tsuyagoto, love affair, romance JIS Code: 3170 17 Ō; flourishing, successful, vigorous

Radical: 日 (4+4) 旺盛 ōsei, full of vigor Strokes: 8 旺然 Grade: 8 ōzen, prosperous; beautiful light 旺 JLPT level: 1 JIS Code: 3222 18 oka, hill, knoll

Radical: 山 (3+5) 岡惚れ okabore, love someone from a distance Strokes: 8 岡目八目 Grade: 8 okamehachimoku, the bystander’s vantage point 岡 JLPT level: Y-1 岡焼き okayaki, envy, jealousy JIS Code: 322C

2 19 OKU; timidity, cowardly, fear

Radical: 月 (4+13) 臆病 okubyō, cowardice, timidity Strokes: 17 臆測 Grade: 8 okusoku, a guess, a conjecture 臆 JLPT level: 臆説 okusetsu, a conjecture; an assumption JIS Code: 3232 20 ore, I, myself

Radical: 亻 (2+8) 俺等 orera, oira, we Strokes: 10 Grade: 8 俺 JLPT level: JIS Code: 3236 21 KA; iji(meru); saina(mu), torment, scold 艹 Radical: (3+5) 苛烈 Strokes: 8 karetsu, fierce, relentless, intense Grade: 8 苛酷 kakoku, severe, harsh, cruel 苛 JLPT level: 苛めっ子 ijimekko, a bully JIS Code: 3257 22 GA,GE; kiba, tusk, fang

Radical: 牙 象牙 zōge, an elephant tusk, ivory Strokes: 4 牙城 Grade: 8 gajō, stronghold, bastion 牙 JLPT level: 歯牙 shiga, teeth and tusks; shiga ni mo kakenai, pay no JIS Code: 3267 attention to 23 GA; kawara, tile 瓦 Radical: 瓦解 gakai, a fall, downfall, collapse Strokes: 5 Grade: 8 煉瓦 renga, a brick 瓦 JLPT level: Y-1 瓦礫 gareki, rubble, debris JIS Code: 3424 24 KAI; square character style; correctness 木 Radical: (4+9) 楷書 kaisho, block style of writing (Chinese characters) Strokes: 13 Grade: 8 楷 JLPT level: JIS Code: 5C34 25 KAI; tsubu(su), tsubu(reru), crush, smash

Radical: 氵 (3+12) 胃潰瘍 ikaiyō, a stomach ulcer Strokes: 15 叩き潰す Grade: 8 tatakitsubusu, smash, defeat 潰 JLPT level: 噛み潰す kamitsubusu, chew, crunch JIS Code: 4459 26 KAI; harmony, order

Radical: 言 (7+9) 俳諧 haikai, humorous haiku Strokes: 16 諧調 Grade: 8 kaichō, melody, harmony 諧 JLPT level: 諧謔的 kaigyakuteki, humorous JIS Code: 6B5F 27 GAI; gake, cliff, precipice

Radical: 山 (3+8) 断崖絶壁 dangai zeppeki, precipitous cliff Strokes: 11 崖っぷち Grade: 8 gakeppuchi, the edge of a cliff 崖 JLPT level: Y-1 崖端歩き gakebata aruki, someone who likes to live dangerously JIS Code: 3333

3 28 GAI; futa, cover, lid, flap

Radical: 艹 (3+10) 頭蓋骨 zugaikotsu, the skull Strokes: 13 鍋蓋 Grade: 8 nabebuta, pot lid 蓋 JLPT level: Y-1 瘡蓋 kasabuta, scab JIS Code: 3338 29 GAI; bone, body, corpse

Radical: 骨 (10+6) 残骸 zangai, wreck, wreckage Strokes: 16 骸骨 Grade: 8 gaikotsu, skeleton 骸 JLPT level: 形骸化 keigaika, become a mere name with no content JIS Code: 333C 30 kaki, persimmon 木 Radical: (4+5) 渋柿 Strokes: 9 shibugaki, sour persimmon that makes one pucker Grade: 8 干し柿 hoshigaki, dried persimmons 柿 JLPT level: 柿渋 kakishibu, persimmon juice JIS Code: 3341 31 GAKU; ago, jaw, chin

Radical: 頁 (9+9) 顎骨 gakkotsu, jawbone Strokes: 18 顎関節 Grade: 8 gakukansetsu, temporomandibular joint, hinge of the 顎 JLPT level: lower jaw JIS Code: 335C 顎関節脱臼 gakukansetsu dakkyū, dislocation of the lower jaw 32 KATSU; kuzu , arrowroot, kudzu 艹 Radical: (3+9) 葛藤 kattō, trouble, discord, conflict Strokes: 12 Grade: 8 葛餅 kuzumochi, a Japanese sweet made of arrowroot 葛 JLPT level: JIS Code: 336B 33 kama, iron pot, kettle 金 Radical: (8+2) 電気釜 denkigama, an electric rice cooker Strokes: 10 Grade: 8 釜飯 kamameshi, meal of rice, meat and vegetables boiled in 釜 JLPT level: Y-1 a small pot JIS Code: 3378 茶釜 chagama, kettle used for the tea ceremony 34 kama, sickle, scythe

Radical: 金 (8+10) 鎌倉時代 Kamakura jidai, the Strokes: 18 鎌形 Grade: 8 kamagata, sickle-shaped 鎌 JLPT level: 1 鎌首 kamakubi, crooked neck (found in snakes); gooseneck JIS Code: 3379 35 KAN; Korea

Radical: 韋 (9+8) 韓国 Kankoku, Strokes: 17 Grade: 8 韓 JLPT level: JIS Code: 345A 36 GAN; play, take pleasure in

Radical: 王 (4+4) 玩具 gangu, toy Strokes: 8 愛玩 Grade: 8 aigan, beloved (pet) 玩 JLPT level: 玩弄 ganrō, toy (with); treat as a plaything JIS Code: 3461

4 37 KI, GI; skill

Radical: 亻 (2+4) 歌舞伎 Kabuki, Kabuki theater Strokes: 6 技能 Grade: 8 ginō, technical skill, ability 伎 JLPT level: 1 技巧 gikō, a craftsman JIS Code: 346C 38 KI; kame, tortoise, turtle

Radical: 亀 (11+0) 亀甲 kikkō, tortoise shell Strokes: 11 亀裂 Grade: 8 kiretsu, crack (in the earth); crevice; fissure 亀 JLPT Level: 1 鶴亀 tsuru kame, crane and tortoise (this pair is a symbol for JIS Code: 3535 longevity) 39 KI; break, destroy 殳 Radical: (4+9) 毀損 Strokes: 13 kison, damage; injury Grade: 8 誹毀 hiki, slander, libel 毀 JLPT level: 名誉毀損 meiyo kison, defamation of character JIS Code: 544C 40 KI; capital, suburbs of capital

Radical: 田 (5+10) 近畿地方 Kinki chihō, Kinki area (Seven areas that include Strokes: 15 Grade: 8 Kyoto, Osaka, Shiga, Hyogo, , Wakayama and 畿 JLPT level: Mie) JIS Code: 3526 畿内 Kinai, five capital provinces around Kyoto 41 KYŪ; usu, mortar 臼 Radical: (6+0) 石臼 ishiusu, stone mortar, millstone Strokes: 6 Grade: 8 脱臼 dakkyū, dislocation, out of joint 臼 JLPT level: 臼歯 kyūshi, molar JIS Code: 3131 42 KYŪ; ka(gu), smell, scent 口 Radical: (3+10) 嗅覚 kyūkaku, sense of smell Strokes: 13 Grade: 8 嗅ぎ回る ka(gi)mawa(ru), sniff out, sniff about 嗅 JLPT level: 嗅ぎ出す ka(gi)da(su), to get wind off; to detect JIS Code: 534C 43 KIN; towel; width

Radical: 巾 (3+0) 布巾 fukin, dish towel; tea towel Strokes: 3 頭巾 Grade: 8 zukin, hood 巾 JLPT level: 巾着 kinchaku, drawstring purse for money JIS Code: 3652 44 KIN; wazu(ka), a little bit

Radical: 亻 (2+11) 僅差 kinsa, narrow margin Strokes: 13 僅少 Grade: 8 kinshō, few, a little, slight 僅 JLPT level: Y-1 僅僅 kinkin, merely, no more than JIS Code: 364F 45 KIN; nishiki, brocade; fine dress, honors

Radical: 金 (8+8) 錦絵 nishikie, color woodblock print Strokes: 16 錦鯉 Grade: 8 nishikigoi, varicolored carp 錦 JLPT level: 1 錦秋 kinshū, an autumn with colors as vivid as in a beautiful JIS Code: 3653 brocade

5 46 GU; oso(reru), fear, be overawed

Radical: 忄 (3+8) 危惧 kigu, fear, apprehensions Strokes: 11 疑惧 Grade: 8 gigu, apprehensions 惧 JLPT level: JIS Code: 577C 47 kushi, spit, skewer

Radical: | (1+6) 串刺し kushiza(shi), skewer Strokes: 7 串焼き Grade: 8 kushiya(ki), food cooked on skewers 串 JLPT level: 串揚げ kushia(ge), fried vegetables and meat on skewer JIS Code: 367A 48 KUTSU; cavern 穴 Radical: (5+8) 巣窟 Strokes: 13 sōkutsu, den, hangout, a haunt Grade: 8 洞窟 dōkutsu, cave, cavern 窟 JLPT level: 洞窟壁画 dōkutsu hekiga, cave painting JIS Code: 3722 49 kuma, bear

Radical: 灬 (4+10) 熊手 kumade, bamboo rake Strokes: 14 洗い熊 Grade: 8 ara(i)guma, raccoon 熊 JLPT level: 1 熊蜂 kumabachi, carpenter bee JIS Code: 3727 50 KEI; mō(deru), visit a temple 言 Radical: (7+6) 造詣 zōkei, be at home (in); have a great knowledge (of) Strokes: 13 Grade: 8 参詣 sankei, visit to a temple or shrine 詣 JLPT level: 初詣 hatsumōde, the first visit of the year to a shrine during JIS Code: 3758 the New Year 51 KEI; yearn for, admire 忄 Radical: (3+12) 憧憬 dōkei, shōkei, longing, aspiration Strokes: 15 Grade: 8 憬 JLPT level: JIS Code: 585D 52 KEI; think, consider, quarrel

Radical: 禾 (5+10) 稽古 keiko, practice, training Strokes: 15 滑稽 Grade: 8 kokkei, comical, funny 稽 JLPT level: Y-1 稽首 keishu, bowing with head to the floor JIS Code: 374E 53 GEKI; suki, crevice, fissure

Radical: 阝 (3+10) 隙間 sukima, crevice, crack, chink, gap, opening Strokes: 13 隙間風 Grade: 8 sukimakaze, a draft; a draught 隙 JLPT level: Y-1 空隙 kūgeki, opening, aperture, gap JIS Code: 3764 54 keta, beam, girder; unit, column

Radical: 木 (4+6) 桁橋 ketabashi, girder bridge Strokes: 10 桁違い Grade: 8 ketachiga(i), wide difference in calculation, far different 桁 JLPT level: 三桁 miketa, three-digit number, hundreds column JIS Code: 3765

6 55 KEN; kobushi, fist

Radical: 手 (4+6) 拳闘 kentō, prizefighting, boxing Strokes: 10 拳銃 Grade: 8 kenjū, pistol, (hand)gun, revolver 拳 JLPT level: 1 拳骨 genkotsu, a (clenched) fist JIS Code: 377D 56 KEN; kagi, key

Radical: 金 (8+9) 鍵盤 kenban, keyboard Strokes: 17 鍵穴 Grade: 8 kagiana, key hole 鍵 JLPT level: Y-1 合鍵 aikagi, spare key, duplicate key; master key; skeleton JIS Code: 3830 key 57 GEN; gunwale 舟 Radical: (6+5) 舷側 Strokes: 11 gensoku, side of a ship Grade: 8 右舷 ugen, starboard 舷 JLPT level: 左舷 sagen, port; portside JIS Code: 383F 58 KO; mata, thigh; crotch; yarn; strand

Radical: 月 (4+4) 股間 kokan, crotch Strokes: 8 股関節 Grade: 8 kokansetsu, hip joint 股 JLPT level: Y-1 内股 uchimata, inside of the thigh; (walk) pigeon-toed JIS Code: 3854 59 KO; tora, tiger 虍 Radical: (6+2) 虎穴に入らずんば虎子を得ず koketsu ni hairanzuba koji wo ezu, Strokes: 8 Grade: 8 Nothing ventured, nothing gained 虎 JLPT level: 1 猛虎 mōko, fierce tiger JIS Code: 3857 虎視眈々と koshitantan to, with a vigilant eye, vigilantly 60 KO; to tie 金 Radical: (8+8) 禁錮 kinko, imprisonment; confinement Strokes: 16 Grade: 8 錮 JLPT level: JIS Code: 6E7E 61 KŌ; be bent

Radical: 勹 (2+2) 勾配 kōbai, slope, incline, gradient Strokes: 4 勾留 Grade: 8 kōryū, detention 勾 JLPT level: 勾玉 magatama, comma-shaped jewel JIS Code: 387B 62 KŌ, KYŌ; close up

Radical: 木 (4+7) 桔梗 kikyō, a (Chinese) bellflower Strokes: 11 梗塞 Grade: 8 kōsoku, stoppage; blocking, tightness, infarction 梗 JLPT level: 心筋梗塞 shinkin kōsoku, myocardial infarction JIS Code: 393C 63 KŌ; nodo, throat

Radical: 口 (3+9) 咽喉 inkō, throat Strokes: 12 耳鼻咽喉科 Grade: 8 jibiinkōka, an ear, nose and throat hospital; otorhinolar- 喉 JLPT level: Y-1 yngology JIS Code: 3922 喉頭炎 kōtōen, laryngitis

7 64 k(o), ask, request

Radical: 乙 (1+2) 乞食 kojiki, beggar, mendicant Strokes: 3 命乞い Grade: 8 inochi go(i), pleading for one’s life 乞 JLPT level: 乞い取る ko(i)to(ru), to ask for and receive JIS Code: 3870 65 GŌ; be proud

Radical: 亻 (2+11) 傲慢 gōman, arrogance; haughtiness; overbearing Strokes: 13 傲然と Grade: 8 gōzen to, arrogantly; haughtily; proudly 傲 JLPT level: 傲岸不遜 gōgan fuson, insolence; haughtiness JIS Code: 507E 66 koma, pony, horse 馬 Radical: (10+5) 持ち駒 Strokes: 15 mo(chi)goma, a captured piece in shogi to be put to use; Grade: 8 a person available for a particular purpose 駒 JLPT level: 1 手駒 tegoma, a captured piece in shogi; one’s followers JIS Code: 3670 駒鳥 komadori, a robin 67 koro, time, about

Radical: 頁 (9+2) 今頃 imagoro, (about) this time; at this time of day Strokes: 11 日頃 Grade: 8 higoro, usually; always 頃 JLPT level: Y-1 頃合 koroai, good (suitable) time JIS Code: 3A22 68 KON; ato, mark; footprint 疒 Radical: (5+6) 痕跡 konseki, traces; marks Strokes: 11 Grade: 8 血痕 kekkon, bloodstain 痕 JLPT level: 傷痕 kizuato, scar JIS Code: 3A2F 69 SA; sand 氵 Radical: (3+4) 音沙汰 otosata, news; letter, tidings Strokes: 7 Grade: 8 ご無沙汰 gobusata, (long) silence; neglect to call or write 沙 JLPT level: 1 JIS Code: 3A3B 70 ZA; crush, break

Radical: 扌 (3+7) 挫折 zasetsu, setback; breakdown; frustration Strokes: 10 捻挫 Grade: 8 nenza, sprain 挫 JLPT level: 頓挫 tonza, setback; a hitch JIS Code: 3A43 71 SAI; form, appearance

Radical: 釆 采配 saihai, baton (of command) Strokes: 8 喝采 Grade: 8 kassai, cheers; applause 采 JLPT level: 1 風采 fūsai, one’s appearance; presence JIS Code: 3A53 72 SAI, SOKU; fusa(gu), fusa(garu), close, shut, obstruct

Radical: 土 (3+10) 要塞 yōsai, fortress; stronghold Strokes: 13 閉塞 Grade: 8 heisoku, blockage; obstruction; stoppage 塞 JLPT level: 脳梗塞 nōkōsoku, cerebral infarction; stroke JIS Code: 3A49

8 73 SAI; cape; promontory

Radical: 土 (3+8) 埼玉県 Saitamaken, Saitama prefecture Strokes: 11 Grade: 8 埼 JLPT level: 1 JIS Code: 3A6B 74 SAKU; stockade, fence

Radical: 木 (4+5) 鉄柵 tessaku, iron railing Strokes: 9 城柵 Grade: 8 jōsaku, enclosure around a castle 柵 JLPT level: JIS Code: 3A74 75 SATSU, SETSU; temple 刂 Radical: (2+6) 刹那 Strokes: 8 setsuna, a moment; an instant Grade: 8 刹那主義 setsuna shugi, living only for the moment 刹 JLPT level: 名刹 meisatsu, a famous (Buddhist) temple JIS Code: 516B 76 SATSU; be imminent

Radical: 扌 (3+6) 挨拶 aisatsu, a greeting, salutation Strokes: 9 挨拶切る Grade: 8 aisatsuki(ru), end relations with, discontinue association 拶 JLPT level: Y-1 挨拶状 aisatsujō, letter of greeting; greeting card JIS Code: 3B22 77 ZAN, ki(ru), beheading; murder 斤 Radical: (4+7) 斬新 zanshin, novel; original, innovative Strokes: 11 Grade: 8 斬殺 zansatsu, slay, kill; murder 斬 JLPT level: 斬首 zanshu, beheading; decapitated head JIS Code: 3B42 78 SHI; selfish; self-indulgent; arbitrary 心 Radical: (4+6) 恣意的 shiiteki, arbitrary; willful Strokes: 10 Grade: 8 専恣 senshi, selfishness; willfulness 恣 JLPT level: 驕恣 kyōshi, proud and arrogant JIS Code: 5773 79 SHI; gift; seriousness

Radical: 手 (4+11) 真摯な shinshi(na), sincere Strokes: 15 摯実 Grade: 8 shijitsu, serious; sincere 摯 JLPT level: JIS Code: 5975 80 JI; e, esa, food, bait; prey

Radical: 食 (9+6) 食餌療法 shokuji ryōhō, dietary cure Strokes: 15 餌場 Grade: 8 esaba, feeder; feeding area or station 餌 JLPT level: Y-1 餌食 ejiki, prey; victim JIS Code: 3142 81 KA; shika, deer

Radical: 鹿 (11+0) 小鹿 kojika, fawn Strokes: 11 鹿狩り Grade: 8 shikaga(ri), deer hunting 鹿 JLPT level: 1 馬鹿 baka, fool; stupid person; idiot JIS Code: 3C2F

9 82 SHITSU; shika(ru), scold

Radical: 口 (3+2) 叱責 shisseki, rebuke, reprimand Strokes: 5 叱咤 Grade: 8 shitta, scolding 叱 JLPT level: Y-1 叱り付ける shika(ri)tsu(keru), to scold harshly JIS Code: 3C38 83 SHITSU; jealous, envy

Radical: 女 (3+10) 嫉妬 shitto, jealousy; envy Strokes: 13 嫉視する Grade: 8 shisshi(suru), be jealous of 嫉 JLPT level: 嫉妬深い shittobuka(i), deeply jealous JIS Code: 3C3B 84 SHU; ha(reru), ha(rasu), tumor; swelling 月 Radical: (4+9) 腫瘍 Strokes: 13 shuyō, tumor Grade: 8 水腫 suishu, dropsy; edema 腫 JLPT level: Y-1 腫れ物 ha(re)mono, swelling; boil; tumor JIS Code: 3C70 85 JU; noro(u), spell; curse; incantation

Radical: 口 (3+5) 呪言 jugon, (magic) spell; curse Strokes: 8 呪文 Grade: 8 jumon, (magic) spell; charm; incantation 呪 JLPT level: Y-1 呪縛する jubaku(suru), cast a spell; hold spellbound JIS Code: 3C76 86 SHŪ; sode, sleeve; extension 衤 Radical: (5+5) 領袖 ryōshū, leader, head, chief Strokes: 10 Grade: 8 半袖 hansode, short sleeves 袖 JLPT level: Y-1 袖の下 sode(no)shita, bribe; money passed under the table JIS Code: 4235 87 SHŪ; be ashamed 羊 Radical: (6+5) 羞恥 shūchi, shyness; bashfulness; shame Strokes: 11 Grade: 8 羞恥心 shūchishin, sense of shame 羞 JLPT level: JIS Code: 6637 88 SHŪ; ke(ru), kick

Radical: 足 (7+12) 蹴散らす kechi(rasu), scatter by kicking; rout (the enemy) Strokes: 19 蹴飛ばす Grade: 8 keto(basu), kick; reject 蹴 JLPT level: Y-1 一蹴する isshū(suru), refuse flatly; beat easily JIS Code: 3D33 89 SHŌ; akoga(reru), yearn after, long for

Radical: 忄 (3+12) 憧憬 dōkei, shōkei, longing, aspiration Strokes: 15 憧れる Grade: 8 akoga(reru), long for, yearn for; admire 憧 JLPT level: 1 JIS Code: 4634 90 SHOKU; fu(ku), nugu(u), wipe; mop; swab

Radical: 扌 (3+6) 払拭 fusshoku, wiping away; sweeping away Strokes: 9 拭浄 Grade: 8 shokujō, wiping away; purifying 拭 JLPT level: 乾拭き karabu(ki), rub or polish with a dry cloth; dust (the JIS Code: 3F21 furniture)

10 91 shiri, buttocks, rear end; hips 尻餅 shirimochi, falling back on one’s buttocks Radical: 尸 (3+2) 尻取り shirito(ri), word game in in which one says a Strokes: 5 Grade: 8 word starting with the last syllable of the previous 尻 JLPT level: Y-1 player’s word JIS Code: 3F2C 尻尾 shippo, tail (of an animal) 92 SHIN; wick; core

Radical: 艹 (3+4) 鉛筆の芯 enpitsu(no) shin, pencil lead Strokes: 7 ろうそくの心 Grade: 8 rōsoku (no) shin, candle wick 芯 JLPT level: Y-1 林檎の芯 ringo (no) shin, apple core JIS Code: 3F44 93 JIN; kidney 月 Radical: (4+8) 腎臓 Strokes: 12 jinzō, kidney Grade: 8 腎臓結石 jinzō kesseki, kidney stone 腎 JLPT level: Y-1 腎臓移植 jinzō ishoku, kidney transplant JIS Code: 3F55 94 SU; by all means; necessarily

Radical: 頁 (9+3) 必須 hissu, indispensable; essential; necessary Strokes: 12 必須科目 Grade: hissu kamoku, required course or subject 須 JLPT level: 1 須恵器 Sueki, Sue ware, a type of unglazed pottery JIS Code: 3F5C 95 suso, cuff, hem; foot of a mountain 衤 Radical: (5+8) お裾分け (o)susowa(ke) , give part of something one has received Strokes: 13 Grade: 8 as a gift 裾 JLPT level: Y-1 山裾 yamasuso, foot of a mountain JIS Code: 3F7E 裾上げ susoa(ge), shorten or take up a dress or skirt 96 SEI; sugo(i), susa(majii), uncanny, weird, threatening, horrible 冫 Radical: (2+8) 凄惨な seizan(na), ghastly; gruesome; appalling Strokes: 10 Grade: 8 凄絶 seizetsu, fierce 凄 JLPT level: Y-1 JIS Code: 4028 97 SE; sa(meru), sa(masu), awake, be disillusioned; sober up

Radical: 酉 (7+9) 覚醒 kakusei, awakening Strokes: 16 覚醒剤 Grade: 8 kakuseizai, stimulant; amphetamine 醒 JLPT level: 興醒まし kyōza(mashi), kill-joy; wet blanket; someone who JIS Code: 4043 dampens the fun 98 SEKI; se, sei, stature; height

Radical: 月 (4+6) 脊髄 sekizui, spinal cord Strokes: 10 脊柱 Grade: 8 sekichū, spinal column 脊 JLPT level: 脊椎動物 sekitsui dōbutsu, vertebrate animal JIS Code: 4054 99 SEKI; relative

Radical: 戈 (4+7) 親戚 shinseki, a relative Strokes: 11 姻戚 Grade: 8 inseki, relative by marriage; in-law 戚 JLPT level: 遠戚 enseki, distant relative JIS Code: 404C

11 100 SEN; i(ru), broil, parch, roast

Radical: 灬 (4+9) 煎茶 , Strokes: 13 煎餅 Grade: 8 , rice cracker 煎 JLPT level: 煎じ出す sen(ji)da(su), to extract by boiling JIS Code: 4079 101 SEN; uraya(mu), uraya(mashii), envious, be jealous

Radical: 羊 (6+7) 羨ましい uraya(mashii), enviable; be envious of Strokes: 13 羨望 Grade: 8 senbō, envy 羨 JLPT level: JIS Code: 4122 102 SEN; gland 月 Radical: (4+9) 乳腺 Strokes: 13 nyūsen, mammary gland Grade: 8 涙腺 ruisen, lachrymal gland (gland that produces tears) 腺 JLPT level: 前立腺 zenritsusen, prostate gland JIS Code: 4123 103 SEN; discussion; selection

Radical: 言 (7+6) 詮索 sensaku, search; inquiry; exploration Strokes: 13 所詮 Grade: 8 shosen, after all 詮 JLPT level: 1 詮無い senna(i), unavoidable JIS Code: 4127 104 SEN; paper; label; letter 竹 Radical: (6+8) 便箋 binsen, letter paper Strokes: 14 Grade: 8 処方箋 shohōsen, (medical) prescription 箋 JLPT level: JIS Code: 6435 105 ; small low table; tray 月 Radical: (4+12) 食膳 shokuzen, (dining) table Strokes: 16 Grade: 8 配膳 haizen, setting the table 膳 JLPT level: 一膳 ichizen, bowl of rice, pair of chopsticks JIS Code: 4137 106 SO; nera(u), aim at; stalk

Radical: 犭 (3+5) 狙撃 sogeki, sniping; sharpshooting Strokes: 8 狙い所 Grade: 8 nera(i)dokoro, target; objective 狙 JLPT level: Y-1 付け狙う tsu(ke)nera(u), follow; shadow; keep watch on JIS Code: 4140 107 SO; sakanobo(ru), go upstream; retrace the past

Radical: 辶 (4+10) 遡及 sokyū, retroaction; retroactivity Strokes: 14 遡上 Grade: 8 sojō, going upstream 遡 JLPT level: 遡行 sokō, going upstream JIS Code: 414C 108 SŌ, SO; once; before; formerly

Radical: 日 (4+7) 未曽有 mizō, unprecedented; unheard-of; phenomenal Strokes: 11 曽祖父 Grade: 8 sōsofu, hiijiji, grandfather 曾 JLPT level: Y-1 曾孫 sōson, hiimago, great-grandchild JIS Code: 413E

12 109 SŌ; sawa(yaka), refreshing; clear

Radical: 爻 (4+7) 爽快 sōkai, refreshing, invigorating; bracing Strokes: 11 爽涼 Grade: 8 sōryō, refreshingly cool 爽 JLPT level: 1 颯爽たる sassō(taru); smart; dashing JIS Code: 4156 110 SŌ; ya(seru), become thin

Radical: 疒 (5+7) 痩身 sōshin, slender figure; weight reduction Strokes: 12 痩躯 Grade: 8 sōku, thin; lean 痩 JLPT level: 痩せ衰える ya(se)otoro(eru), waste away; become emaciated JIS Code: 4169 111 SŌ; remains; clue; footprint 足 Radical: (7+8) 踪跡 Strokes: 15 sōseki, one’s whereabouts (double check) Grade: 8 失踪 shissō, disappearance; absconding 踪 JLPT level: 失踪者 shissōsha, missing person; a runaway JIS Code: 6D29 112 SOKU; tora(eru); catch; capture

Radical: 扌 (3+7) 把捉 hasoku, seize; understand Strokes: 10 捕捉 Grade: 8 hosoku, capture; apprehension 捉 JLPT level: 捉え所の無い tora(e)dokoro(no)na(i), slippery; elusive JIS Code: 422A 113 SON; humble; modest 辶 Radical: (3+10) 謙遜 kenson, modesty; humility Strokes: 14 (13) Grade: 8 謙遜家 kensonka, modest person 遜 JLPT level: 遜色 sonshoku, inferiority JIS Code: 423D 114 TA; luxury; select 氵 Radical: (3+4) 沙汰 sata, instructions; orders, news; rumor; an act Strokes: 7 Grade: 8 淘汰 tōta, selection; weeding out 汰 JLPT level: 1 自然淘汰 shizen tōta, natural selection JIS Code: 4241 115 DA; tsuba, saliva; sputum

Radical: 口 (3+8) 唾液 daeki, saliva; sputum Strokes: 11 唾棄 Grade: 8 daki, detestable; disgusting; revolting 唾 JLPT level: 生唾 namatsuba, saliva (in one’s mouth) JIS Code: 4243 116 TAI; piled high

Radical: 土 (3+8) 堆積 taiseki, a pile, a heap; accumulation Strokes: 11 堆肥 Grade: 8 taihi, compost; barnyard manure 堆 JLPT level: 堆石 taiseki, pile of stones JIS Code: 424F 117 TAI; receive; be crowned with

Radical: 戈 (4+13) 頂戴 chōdai, receive; be given Strokes: 17 頂戴物 Grade: 8 chōdaimono; (humble way of referring to) a gift, a 戴 JLPT level: present JIS Code: 4257 戴冠式 taikanshiki, coronation ceremony

13 118 dare, who; someone

Radical: 言 (7+8) 誰でも dare(demo), anyone, anybody Strokes: 15 誰彼 Grade: 8 darekare, this and that person 誰 JLPT level: Y-1 誰某 daresore, Mr. (Ms.) So-and-so; a certain somebody JIS Code: 432F 119 TAN, DAN; dawn; morning

Radical: 日 (4+1) 一旦 ittan, once Strokes: 5 元旦 Grade: 8 gantan, New Year’s Day 旦 JLPT level: 1 旦那 danna, master; husband; patron JIS Code: 4336 120 TAN, DAN; hokoro(biru), ripped; unravel 糸 Radical: (6+8) 破綻 Strokes: 14 hatan, failure; bankruptcy Grade: 8 綻 JLPT level: JIS Code: 433E 121 CHI; fine (not coarse)

Radical: 糸 (6+9) 緻密 chimitsu, minute; fine; accurate Strokes: 15 精緻 Grade: 8 seichi, minute; detailed; exhaustive 緻 JLPT Level: JIS Code: 654C 122 CHŪ; liquor 酉 Radical: (7+3) 焼酎 , clear distilled liquor made from sweet potatoes, Strokes: 10 Grade: 8 rice, or barley 酎 JLPT Level: JIS Code: 4371 123 CHŌ; counter for medicine packets; ha(ru),stick; paste; apply 貝 Radical: (7+5) 貼付 chōfu, stick; paste; affix Strokes: 12 Grade: 8 貼用 chōyō, pasting; affixing 貼 JLPT Level: Y-1 貼り紙 ha(ri)gami, sticker, bill, tag, label JIS Code: 4379 124 CHŌ; azake(ru), ridicule

Radical: 口 (3+12) 嘲笑 chōshō, sneer; ridicule; mock Strokes: 15 自嘲 Grade: 8 jichō, self-deprecation; self derision 嘲 JLPT Level: 嘲笑う azawara(u), laugh at; sneer at; ridicule; deride JIS Code: 535E 125 CHOKU; make progress

Radical: 扌 (3+7) 進捗 shinchoku, progress; advance Strokes: 10 進捗状況 Grade: 8 shinchoku jōkyō, progress of the situation, status report 捗 JLPT Level: 捗捗しい hakabaka(shii), rapid; quick; satisfactory JIS Code: 443D 126 TSUI; mallet; shii, oak

Radical: 木 (4+8) 椎間板 tsuikanban, slipped (herniated) disk Strokes: 12 脊椎 Grade: 8 sekitsui, spinal column; spine; backbone 椎 JLPT Level: 1 椎茸 , shiitake mushroom JIS Code: 4447

14 127 tsume, tsuma, claw; nail; talon

Radical: 爪 (4+0) 爪先 tsumesaki, tip of the toe; tiptoe Strokes: 4 爪楊枝 Grade: 8 tsumayōji, toothpick 爪 JLPT Level: Y-1 爪切り tsumeki(ri), nail clipper JIS Code: 445E 128 tsuru, crane; stork

Radical: 鳥 (11+10) 千羽鶴 senbazuru, one thousand cranes (a traditional design of Strokes: 21 Grade: 8 origami paper cranes) 鶴 JLPT Level: 1 鶴頸 tsurukubi, long-necked bottle or vase JIS Code: 4461 鶴嘴 tsuruhashi, pickax; a pick 129 TEI; akira(meru), abandon; give up 言 Radical: (7+9) 諦観 Strokes: 16 teikan, resignation Grade: 8 諦念 teinen, spiritual awaking; resignation 諦 JLPT Level: 諦視 teishi, staring; have a clear view of JIS Code: 447C 130 DEKI; obo(reru), drown; indulge

Radical: 氵 (3+10) 溺死 dekishi, drowning, die by drowning Strokes: 13 溺愛 Grade: 8 dekiai, blind love; doting love 溺 JLPT Level: 耽溺 tandeki, indulgence JIS Code: 452E 131 (older kanji version: 槇) TEN; fit in; go into Radical: 土 (3+10) Strokes: 13 Grade: 8 装填 sōten, a charge; loading (a gun) 填 JLPT Level: 補填 hoten, filling; supplementation JIS Code: 7422槇 4536 填 充填 jūten, fill up; plug up 132 TO; neta(mu), jealous; envy 女 Radical: (3+5) 嫉妬 shitto, jealousy Strokes: 8 Grade: 8 嫉妬の焔 shitto no honō, flames of jealousy 妬 JLPT Level: JIS Code: 454A 133 TO; ka(keru), gamble; wager; bet

Radical: 貝 (7+9) 賭博 tobaku, gambling Strokes: 16 賭場 Grade: 8 toba, gambling house or room 賭 JLPT Level: Y-1 賭博罪 tobakuzai, gambling crime JIS Code: 4552 134 TŌ; fuji, wisteria

Radical: 艹 (3+15) 藤棚 fujidana, wisteria trellis Strokes: 18 藤波 Grade: 8 fujinami, waves of wisteria flowers 藤 JLPT Level: 1 葛藤 kattō, trouble, discord, conflict JIS Code: 4623 135 DŌ; hitomi, pupil of the eye

Radical: 目 (5+12) 瞳孔 dōkō, pupil of the eye Strokes: 17 Grade: 8 瞳 JLPT Level: 1 JIS Code: 4637

15 136 tochi, horse chestnut

Radical: 木 (4+5) 栃木県 Tochigiken, Tochigi prefecture Strokes: 9 Grade: 8 栃 JLPT Level: JIS Code: 464A 137 TON; suddenly, immediately, in a hurry

Radical: 頁 (9+4) 整頓 seiton, tidying up Strokes: 13 無頓着 Grade: 8 mutonchaku, indifference; nonchalance 頓 JLPT Level: Y-1 頓死 tonshi, a sudden (unexpected) death JIS Code: 465C 138 DON; musabo(ru), coveting 貝 Radical: (7+4) 貪欲 Strokes: 11 don’yoku, greed; avarice Grade: 8 貪婪 donran, greed; avarice 貪 JLPT Level: 貪食 donshoku, ravenousness; voracity; insatiable JIS Code: 139 , don, bowl; bowl of food

Radical: 丶 (1+4) 天丼 tendon, bowl of rice topped with Strokes: 5 親子丼 Grade: 8 oyako donburi, bowl of rice with chicken and egg 丼 JLPT Level: Y-1 丼物 donburimono, bowl of rice with food on top JIS Code: 5027 140 NA; what 阝 Radical: (3+4) 旦那 danna, master; husband; patron Strokes: 7 Grade: 8 刹那 setsuna, a moment; an instant 那 JLPT Level: 1 那辺 nahen, where JIS Code: 4661 141 NA; what 大 Radical: (3+5) 奈良 Nara, city and name of historical period (710-794) Strokes: 8 Grade: 8 奈落 naraku, hell; bottom; abyss 奈 JLPT Level: 1 奈良漬 narazuke, pickles seasoned with saké lees JIS Code: 4660 142 RI; nashi, Japanese pear

Radical: 木 (4+7) 花梨 karin, Chinese quince Strokes: 11 梨園 Grade: 8 rien, pear orchard, the theatrical world 梨 JLPT Level: 1 山梨県 Yamanashi ken, Yamanashi prefecture JIS Code: 4D7C 143 nazo, riddle; puzzle; enigma; hint

Radical: 言 (7+9) 謎謎 nazonazo, riddle Strokes: 16 謎解き Grade: 8 nazoto(ki), solve a riddle 謎 JLPT Level: Y-1 謎掛け nazoka(ke), pose a riddle JIS Code: 4666 144 nabe, pot; pan; kettle

Radical: 金 (8+9) 鍋物 , one-pot dish cooked at the table Strokes: 17 土鍋 Grade: 8 donabe, earthenware pot 鍋 JLPT Level: Y-1 圧力鍋 atsuryokunabe, pressure cooker JIS Code: 4669

16 145 nio(u), fragrant

Radical: 勹 (2+2) 匂い袋 nio(i)bukuro, sachet Strokes: 4 匂わす Grade: 8 nio(wasu), to give off an odor or scent; suggest 匂 JLPT Level: Y-1 JIS Code: 4677 146 KŌ; niji, rainbow

Radical: 虫 (6+3) 虹彩 kōsai, iris (of the eye) Strokes: 9 虹色 Grade: 8 nijiiro, rainbow-colored; iridescent 虹 JLPT Level: 1 虹鱒 nijimasu, rainbow trout JIS Code: 467A 147 NEN; twirl; twist; play with 扌 Radical: (3+8) 捻挫 Strokes: 11 nenza, sprain Grade: 8 捻出 nenshutsu, devise; think out; manage to raise funds 捻 JLPT Level: 捻転 nenten, twisting JIS Code: 4731 148 BA; nonoshi(ru), abuse; insult

Radical: 罒 (5+10) 罵声 basei, boos; jeers Strokes: 15 罵倒 Grade: 8 batō, abuse; invective 罵 JLPT Level: 冷罵 reiba, sneer; abuse JIS Code: 474D 149 HAKU; ha(gasu), ha(gu), ha(gareru), ha(geru), come off; peel; fade 刂 Radical: (2+8) 剥奪 hakudatsu, deprive; divest Strokes: 10 Grade: 8 剥製 hakusei, stuffed (animal) 剥 JLPT Level: 剥製術 hakuseijutsu, taxidermy JIS Code: 2F7E 150 hashi, chopsticks 竹 Radical: (6+9) 割り箸 waribashi, (disposable) splittable chopsticks Strokes: 15 Grade: 8 火箸 hibachi, metal chopsticks for handling charcoal 箸 JLPT Level: Y-1 箸置き hashio(ki), chopstick rest JIS Code: 4824 151 HAN; spread out; wide

Radical: 氵 (3+2) 氾濫 hanran, flooding; a flood; overflowing Strokes: 5 Grade: 8 氾 JLPT Level: JIS Code: 4845 152 HAN; pan-

Radical: 氵 (3+3) 汎用 hanyō, wide use; all-purpose Strokes: 6 汎論 Grade: 8 hanron, general remarks; summary; outline 汎 JLPT Level: 汎米 hanbei, Pan-American JIS Code: 4846 153 HAN; saka, slope; incline

Radical: 阝 (3+4) 阪神 hanshin, Osaka-Kobe Strokes: 7 京阪 Grade: 8 keihan, Kyoto-Osaka 阪 JLPT Level: 大阪 Ōsaka, Osaka JIS Code: 3A65

17 154 HAN; madara, mura, spot; speck; unevenness; inequality

Radical: 文 (4+8) 斑点 hanten, spot; speck Strokes: 12 大樺斑 Grade: 8 ōkabamadara, monarch butterfly 斑 JLPT Level: 斑無く murana(ku), evenly; uniformly JIS Code: 4843 155 BI, MI; mayu, eyebrow

Radical: 目 (5+4) 眉根 mayune, frown; knit one’s brow Strokes: 9 眉毛 Grade: 8 mayuge, eyebrow 眉 JLPT Level: 1 眉目 bimoku, features of a face JIS Code: 487D 156 hiza, knee; lap 月 Radical: (4+11) 膝掛け Strokes: 15 hizakake, lap robe Grade: 8 膝枕 hizamakura, using someone’s lap for a pillow 膝 JLPT Level: Y-1 膝元 hizamoto, nearby; one’s parents JIS Code: 4928 157 hiji, elbow; arm

Radical: 月 (4+3) 肘掛け hijika(ke), armrest Strokes: 7 肘枕 Grade: 8 hijimakura, (head) on one’s arms 肘 JLPT Level: Y-1 肘鉄砲 hijideppō, reject; refuse; snub JIS Code: 492A 158 FU; hill; mound 阜 Radical: (8+0) 岐阜県 Gifuken, Gifu prefecture Strokes: 8 Grade: 8 阜 JLPT Level: JIS Code: 496C 159 FU; report of someone’s death 言 Radical: (7+2) 訃報 fuhō, report of a death; obituary Strokes: 9 Grade: 8 訃告 fukoku, report of a death 訃 JLPT Level: 訃音 fuin, death notice JIS Code: 6B3E 160 HEI; cover; shade; conceal

Radical: 艹 (3+12) 隠蔽 inpei, hiding; covering up; concealment Strokes: 15 遮蔽 Grade: 8 shahei, shelter; shade; covering 蔽 JLPT Level: 掩蔽 enpei, concealment; occultation (astronomy) JIS Code: 4A43 161 HEI; , rice cake Radical: 食 (9+6) 焼き餅 ya(ki)mochi, toasted rice cake; jealousy Strokes: 15 餅つき mochi(tsuki), pounding steamed into a Grade: 8 dough to make rice cakes 餅 JLPT Level: JIS Code: 4C5F 餅肌 mochihada, soft, white skin 162 HEKI; ball; sphere

Radical: 玉 (5+13) 完璧 kanpeki, perfection Strokes: 18 双璧 Grade: 8 sōheki, the two greatest authorities; the best two 璧 JLPT Level: JIS Code: 607A

18 163 BETSU, despise, ridicule, sagesu(mu), ignore, neglect

Radical: 艹 (3+11) 軽蔑 keibetsu, contempt; scorn; disdain Strokes: 14 蔑視 Grade: 8 besshi, contempt; disdain 蔑 JLPT Level: 蔑ろに naigashi(roni), make light of; slight; despise; neglect JIS Code: 4A4E 164 HO; nurse; suckle

Radical: 口 (3+7) 哺乳類 ho’nyūrui, mammal Strokes: 10 哺育 Grade: 8 hoiku, suckle, nurse 哺 JLPT Level: 哺乳瓶 ho’nyūbin, baby bottle JIS Code: 532E 165 HŌ, hachi, bee; wasp 虫 Radical: (6+7) 蜂蜜 Strokes: 13 hachimitsu, honey Grade: 8 蜂雀 hachisuzume, hummingbirds 蜂 JLPT Level: 蜜蜂 mitsubachi, honey bee JIS Code: 4B2A 166 BŌ; form; appearance

Radical: 豸 (7+7) 美貌 bibō, attractive looks; beauty Strokes: 14 全貌 Grade: 8 zenbō, entirety, full view 貌 JLPT Level: JIS Code: 4B46 167 hō, cheek 頁 Radical: (9+7) 頬張る h ōba(ru), stuff one’s mouth; cram (food) into one’s Strokes: 16 Grade: 8 mouth 頬 JLPT Level: 頬っぺた ho(ppeta), cheek JIS Code: 7D7A 頬骨 hōbone, cheekbones 168 BOKU, mutsu(majii), intimate; friendly, harmonious; mutsu(mu), get along together Radical: 目 (5+8) Strokes: 13 Grade: 8 親睦 shinboku, friendship; amity 睦 JLPT Level: 和睦 waboku, peace; reconciliation JIS Code: 4B53 睦言 mutsugoto, lovers’ talk; words of love 169 BOTSU; suddenness; rise

Radical: 力 (2+7) 勃発 boppatsu, outbreak, sudden occurrence Strokes: 9 勃興 Grade: 8 bokkō, sudden rise to power 勃 JLPT Level: 勃然 botsuzen, suddenly JIS Code: 4B56 170 MAI; dark; foolish

Radical: 日 (4+5) 曖昧 aimai, vague, obscure, ambiguous, suspicious Strokes: 9 三昧 Grade: 8 sanmai, ; spiritual concentration; absorption 昧 JLPT Level: 愚昧 gumai, stupidity; imbecility; ignorance JIS Code: 4B66 171 makura, pillow

Radical: 木 (4+4) 枕元 makuramoto, by one’s pillow; at one’s bedside Strokes: 8 腕枕 Grade: 8 udemakura, resting one’s head on one’s arm 枕 JLPT Level: 枕詞 makurakotoba, ‘pillow word’; a conventional epithet JIS Code: 4B6D

19 172 MITSU; honey; nectar

Radical: 虫 (6+8) 蜜蜂 mitsubachi, honey bee Strokes: 14 蜜柑 Grade: 8 mikan, mandarin orange 蜜 JLPT Level: 蜜豆 mitsumame, boiled beans with agar agar cubes in a JIS Code: 4C2A sugary syrup 173 MEI, MYŌ; dark

Radical: 冖 (2+8) 冥福 meifuku, happiness in the next world Strokes: 10 冥土 Grade: 8 meido, world of the dead; Hades 冥 JLPT Level: 冥加 myōga, divine protection JIS Code: 4C3D 冥利 myōri, divine favor; providence; luck 174 MEN; noodles; wheat flour 麦 Radical: (7+9) 麺類 Strokes: 16 menrui, noodles Grade: 8 素麺 sōmen; very fine wheat noodles 麺 JLPT Level: 麺棒 menbō, rolling pin JIS Code: 4C4D 175 YA; melting

Radical: 冫 (2+5) 冶金 yakin, metallurgy Strokes: 7 冶金学者 Grade: 8 yakin gakusha, metallurgist 冶 JLPT Level: 陶冶 tōya, character building, cultivation JIS Code: 4C6A 鍛冶屋 kajiya, blacksmith ** 176 ya; all the more; increasingly 弓 Radical: (3+5) 弥生 yayoi, third lunar month Strokes: 8 Grade: 8 弥が上にも iya(ga)ue(nimo), all the more; more and more 弥 JLPT Level: 弥生時代 yayoi jidai, Yayoi Period (200 B.C.E.-C.E. 250) JIS Code: 4C6F 177 yami, darkness; gloom 門 Radical: (8+9) 闇夜 yamiyo, moonless night; dark night Strokes: 17 Grade: 8 暗闇 kurayami, darkness; the dark 闇 JLPT Level: 無闇 muyami, thoughtless; rash JIS Code: 3047 178 YU; tato(eru), compare; illustrate

Radical: 口 (3+9) 比喩 hiyu, figure of speech; simile; metaphor Strokes: 12 引喩 Grade: 8 inyu, allusion 喩 JLPT Level: JIS Code: 5348 179 YŪ, wa(ku), boil; ferment; seethe

Radical: 氵 (3+9) 湧き水 wa(ki)mizu; spring water Strokes: 12 湧出 Grade: 8 yūshutsu, gush out; well up 湧 JLPT Level: 湧き立つ wa(ki)ta(tsu); bubble up; be excited; seethe JIS Code: 4D2F 180 YŌ, aya(shii), attractive; bewitching

Radical: 女 (3+4) 妖艶 yōen, fascinating; bewitching; voluptuous Strokes: 7 妖怪 Grade: 8 yōkai, monster; apparition 妖 JLPT Level: 妖精 yōsei, fairy; sprite; elf JIS Code: 4D45

20 181 YŌ; boil; carbuncle

Radical: 疒 (5+9) 腫瘍 shuyō; tumor Strokes: 14 潰瘍 Grade: 8 kaiyō, ulcer 瘍 JLPT Level: 胃潰瘍 ikaiyō, a stomach ulcer JIS Code: 6167 182 YOKU; fertility

Radical: 氵 (3+4) 肥沃 hiyoku, fertility; richness (of the soil) Strokes: 7 沃土 Grade: 8 yokudo, fertile soil 沃 JLPT Level: 沃素 yōso, iodine JIS Code: 4D60 183 RATSU, ras(suru), drag along; kidnap 扌 Radical: (3+5) 拉致 Strokes: 8 rachi, kidnap; abduct Grade: 8 拉致問題 rachi mondai, North Korean abductions of Japanese 拉 JLPT Level: 拉麺 rāmen, Chinese noodles in soup JIS Code: 5947 184 RATSU; bitter

Radical: 辛 (7+7) 辣腕 ratsuwan, shrewdness; sharpness; astuteness Strokes: 14 辣油 Grade: 8 rāyu, Chinese chili oil 辣 JLPT Level: 辛辣 shinratsu, incisive; vitriolic; harsh; biting JIS Code: 6D65 悪辣 akuratsu, crafty; wily; villainous; unscrupulous 185 RAN, ai, indigo (blue); indigo plant 艹 Radical: (3+15) 藍染め aizo(me), dying with Japanese indigo plant Strokes: 18 Grade: 8 藍色 aiiro, indigo; deep blue 藍 JLPT Level: 出藍 shutsuran, surpassing one’s teacher JIS Code: 4D75 伽藍 garan, big 186 RI; lapis lazuli 王 Radical: (4+11) 瑠璃 ruri, lapis lazuli Strokes: 15 Grade: 8 瑠璃色 ruriiro, azure; sky blue 璃 JLPT Level: 浄瑠璃 jōruri, narrative chanted to samisen accompaniment JIS Code: 4D7E 187 RITSU; fear; shudder

Radical: 忄 (3+10) 戦慄 senritsu, shiver; shudder; tremble with fear Strokes: 13 慄然 Grade: 8 ritsuzen, filled with horror; be horrified 慄 JLPT Level: JIS Code: 584B 188 RYO; companion; follower

Radical: 亻 (2+7) 僧侶 sōryo, (Buddhist) priest; monk Strokes: 9 伴侶 Grade: 8 hanryo, partner; companion 侶 JLPT Level: JIS Code: 4E37 189 RYŌ; clear

Radical: 目 (5+12) 明瞭 meiryō, clearness; plainess Strokes: 17 一目瞭然 Grade: 8 ichimoku ryōzen, quite obvious; plain as day 瞭 JLPT Level: JIS Code: 4E46

21 190 RU; lapis lazuli

Radical: 王 (4+10) 瑠璃 ruri, lapis lazuli Strokes: 14 瑠璃色 Grade: 8 ruriiro, azure; sky blue 瑠 JLPT Level: JIS Code: 4E5C 191 RO; backbone

Radical: 口 (3+4) 風呂 furo, bath; bathtub Strokes: 7 風呂敷 Grade: 8 furoshiki, square cloth for wrapping 呂 JLPT Level: 語呂がいい goro ga ii, pleasing to the ear; sound pleasant JIS Code: 4F24 192 RO; bribe 貝 Radical: (7+6) 賄賂 Strokes: 13 wairo, bribe; bribery Grade: 8 賂 JLPT Level: JIS Code: 4F28 193 RŌ, rō(suru), moteaso(bu), play with; trifle with

Radical: 廾 (3+4) 愚弄 gurō, mockery; ridicule Strokes: 7 翻弄 Grade: 8 honrō, toss about (ship); make fun of; play with 弄 JLPT Level: JIS Code: 4F2E 194 RŌ, be crowded; ko(moru), seclude oneself, be filled with; kago, cage; basket Radical: 竹 (6+16) Strokes: 22 Grade: 8 籠城 rōjō, besieged; confined to one’s home or room 籠 JLPT Level: 灯籠 tōrō, garden lantern JIS Code: 6446 籠細工 kagozaiku, basketwork; basketry 195 ROKU, fumoto, foot of a mountain 鹿 Radical: (11+8) 山麓 sanroku, foot of a mountain Strokes: 19 Grade: 8 麓 JLPT Level: JIS Code: 4F3C 196 waki, the other way; side; supporting role

Radical: 月 (4+6) 脇役 wakiyaku, supporting role; secondary role Strokes: 10 脇腹 Grade: 8 wakibara, one’s side; flank 脇 JLPT Level: 両脇 ryōwaki, on both sides JIS Code: 4F46