\\jciprod01\productn\I\IAL\44-2\IAL205.txt unknown Seq: 1 4-NOV-13 7:04 219 Mechanisms of Control on the Circulation of Foreign Capital, Products and People in Brazil By Quinn Smith1 and Olavo Franco Bernardes2 I. INTRODUCTION ....................................... 220 R II. A FEDERAL SYSTEM MANAGED DIFFERENTLY .......... 221 R III. FOREIGN CAPITAL IN BRAZIL .......................... 223 R A. The Free Market Economy in the 1988 Brazilian Constitution ..................................... 223 R B. Definition of Foreign Capital .................... 224 R C. Registration of Foreign Capital .................. 224 R D. Exchange Rates and Additional Information ..... 226 R E. Remittance, Reparation and Reinvestment of Foreign Capital .................................. 227 R i. Indirect Market Investments ................ 227 R ii. Direct Investments .......................... 228 R iii. Remittance of Profits from Direct Investment .................................. 228 R iv. Reinvestments of Profits from Direct Investment .................................. 229 R v. Reparation of Foreign Capital From Direct Investments ................................. 229 R vi. Particularities of Sending Money Abroad .... 230 R vii. Conclusions .................................. 231 R IV. LIMITATIONS ON FOREIGN INVESTMENTS IN BRAZIL .... 231 R A. Overview......................................... 232 R B. Restriction on Certain Investments ............... 233 R i. Mining and Gas.............................. 233 R ii. Telecommunications ......................... 235 R iii. Transportation ............................... 235 R 1. Quinn Smith is a Shareholder at Gomm & Smith in Miami, Florida, and can be reached at
[email protected]. 2. Olavo Franco Bernardes is a Brazilian attorney who holds an LLM in US and Transnational Law from the University of Miami, School of Law. Currently he is the Vice-President of the International Affairs Committee of the S˜ao Paulo Bar Association (OAB/SP) and an associate at the firm Alexandre & Pina Advogados Associados.