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20379_02_271-282_r9kp.qxp 5/17/07 9:10 PM Page 271 1 2 3 4 5 6 Index 7 8 9 10 11 12 ABC, 132, 163, 235 American Society of Newspaper 13C Abdel-Rahman, Omar, 17 Editors (ASNE), 72, 168 14 Abrams, Floyd, xix–xx, 29–32, 33, America Online (AOL), 45–46, 67, 15 55, 57, 58, 59, 60–61, 63–65, 66, 97, 132, 134 68, 69, 73, 81, 84, 85, 86, 105, Amsterdam, Anthony G., 36, 40 16 111, 122, 141, 152, 153, 160, Anderson, Jack, xv, 216–19 17 196, 248 Anderson, Olivia, 217–18 18 Abramson, Jill, 240, 245 Apple Computer, 251 19 Abu Ghraib, 162, 177, 204 Armitage, Richard, xviii, xix, xxi, 58, 20 Achille Lauro,96 244–45 21 Advance Publications, 131, 132 Arnold, William J., 91 Alfred A. Knopf, 176 Ashcroft, John, 15, 16, 223 22 All the President’s Men, 87, 129, 217 Asian Wall Street Journal,41 23 Al Qaeda, 10, 198, 202, 203 Aspen Institute, 138 24 Alter, Jonathan, 96 Associated Press, 167, 177, 232, 234 25 American Civil Liberties Union 26 (ACLU), 36, 80, 104 Bali bombings, 203 27 American Express Co., 40 Baquet, Dean, 204 American Israel Public Affairs Barron’s, 228 28 Committee (AIPAC), xv, 195–96, Bartlett, Don, 137–38 29 216, 218 Bay Area Laboratory Co-operative 30 American Newspaper Publishers (BALCO), 219–21, 223 31S Association, 80 Bebbe, Marcelle A., 216–17 32R 1st Pass Pages 20379_02_271-282_r9kp.qxp 5/17/07 9:10 PM Page 272 272 INDEX 1, 119 Burger, Warren E., 209 2 Bennett, Robert S., 111, 121–22, 141, Burke, Edmund, 77 3 142, 152, 154 Bush, George H.
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