Working for Cleaner Air in the Agglomeration of Barcelona
Working for cleaner air in the agglomeration of Barcelona Air Quality Action Plan, horizon 2020 Working for cleaner air in the agglomeration of Barcelona Air Quality Action Plan, horizon 2020 Presentation For many years now, the World Health Organization has been telling 1. Air pollution and its effects 4 Contents us something that none of us can afford to ignore: the quality of the air we breathe has a direct effect on our health. It is a fact to which this Go 2. The air we breathe in Catalonia 14 vernment has devoted considerable attention and, as part of this ongoing effort, on 27 September 2014 it approved the Air Quality Action Plan in Special Atmospheric Environment Protection Areas (AQAP), horizon 2020. 3. Air quality action Plan 22 In general terms, the ambient air quality in Catalonia is good. There are sporadic, localised exceptions that are being monitored and which are being addressed jointly by government and enterprises with a view to im 4. Sectors and actions of the Plan 28 plementing measures that can provide a permanent solution. However, as is the case of most urban agglomerations, the pollutants emi 5. Appendices 54 tted in the Barcelona conurbation by transport, industry, power generation, Assumpta large logistics infrastructures and domestic activity have for many years ex appendix 1. List of actions by the Government of Catalonia 55 Farran i Poca ceeded the limits established for two pollutants in particular: nitrogen di and municipalities with more than 100,000 inhabitants oxide and suspended particulate matter, although the latest data available in the AQAP Phisics of the Air and Geophisics indicate that the levels of the latter pollutant are improving considerably.
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