Adif Network Statement, 2021

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Adif Network Statement, 2021 NETWORK STATEMENT 2021 Edition: DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE NEGOCIO Y OPERACIONES COMERCIALES Dirección de Gabinete y Gestión Corporativa The total or partial reproduction of this book remains prohibited without Adif’s express autoritation INDEX 1 2 3 4 5 GENERAL INFRASTRUCTURE ACCESS CAPACITY SERVICES INFORMATION CONDITIONS ALLOCATION AND CHARGES 6 7 8 9 10 OPERATIONS SERVICE ANNEXES MAPS CATALOGUES FACILITIES 1 GENERAL INFORMATION 1.1. Introduction 1.5. Validity Period,Updating and Publishing 1.2. Purpose 1.6. Adif Contacts 1.3. Legal Affairs 1.7. International Cooperation 1.4. NS Estructure NETWORK STATEMENT 2021 ADIF_ V.0 (ED 10/03/2021) V.0 ADIF_ 2021 STATEMENT NETWORK 1. GRAL. INF. 2. INFRASTR. 3. ACCES. COND. 4. CAPACITY 5. SERVICES 6. OPERATIONS 7. SERVICE 8. ANNE. 9. MAPS 10. CATALOG. 5 ALLOCATION AND CHARGES FACILITIES NETWORK STATEMENT 2021 ADIF_ V.0 7 INDEX 1.1.1. THE RAIL SECTOR IN SPAIN 9 1.2.1. RAIL NETWORK OF GENERAL INTEREST, RFIG 21 1.2.2. LARGE FIGURES OF THE RAIL NETWORK OWNED BY ADIF 22 1.3.1. LEGAL FRAMEWORK 23 1.3.2. LEGAL STATUS OF THE NETWORK STATEMENT 23 1.3.3. REQUESTS, ALLEGATIONS AND CLAIMS 24 1.5.1. VALIDITY PERIOD 26 1.5.2. UPDATING PROCESS 26 1.5.3. PUBLICATION AND DISTRIBUTION 26 1.7.1. RAIL FREIGHT CORRIDORS, RFC 30 1.7.2. RAILNET EUROPE (RNE) 31 1.7.3. OTHER INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION 31 1. GRAL. INF. 2. INFRASTR. 3. ACCES. COND. 4. CAPACITY 5. SERVICES 6. OPERATIONS 7. SERVICE 8. ANNE. 9. MAPS 10. CATALOG. 6 ALLOCATION AND CHARGES FACILITIES 1.1. Introduction BACKGROUND The “Network Statement” (hereinafter NS) is the document that sets out the infrastructure characteristics available for Railway Undertakings and Applicants and contains information to access it. The Network Statement also contains information on access conditions thereto, as well as to service facilities and service provision at these facilities. It details the general rules, deadlines, procedures and criteria related to the systems of tariffs and capacity allocation, as well as the information necessary to process a request for infrastructure capacity. It has been updated for 2021, including 2021/2022 Service Hours, in compliance with Order FOM/897/2005, of 7 April, as amended by Order FOM 642/2018, of 13 June, regarding the network statement and the railway infrastructure capacity allocation procedure that governs all the information regarding access rights, in order to ensure transparency and non-discriminatory access of all Applicants to the rail infrastructure upon Capacity request for rail transport service provision. NETWORK STATEMENT UPDATE INDEX AND STRUCTURE The Index of the Network Statement has been updated according to the common structure and Implementation Guide approved by the General Assembly of Rail Net Europe on 20th May 2020. INCLUSION OF NEW ASSETS IN THE NETWORK OWNED BY ADIF It includes detailed information about changes in assets (additions, cancellations and modifications) on Adif owned network, due to High Speed actions, modernization of the existing network and commissioning of new sections. It also includes, the major works of improvements and upgrades that have been made and/or are in execution on infrastructure owned by Adif. UPDATING THE CHARGING SYSTEM FOR THE USE (ED 10/03/2021) OF INFRASTRUCTURE FEES AND TARIFFS Fee amounts to use or to make a special use of railway public domain assets have been updated as under Title VI, Chapter I, Section V, Law 38/2015, of 29 September, Rail Sector, in accordance with article 74, Law 11/2020, of 30 December, on 2021 General State Budget, as under chapter 5 hereunder. Railway Tariffs provided for in articles 97 and 98, Law 38/2015, of 29 September, Rail Sector, have been updated, with the unit amounts set forth under transitory NETWORK STATEMENT 2021 ADIF_ V.0 V.0 ADIF_ 2021 STATEMENT NETWORK 1. GRAL. INF. 2. INFRASTR. 3. ACCES. COND. 4. CAPACITY 5. SERVICES 6. OPERATIONS 7. SERVICE 8. ANNE. 9. MAPS 10. CATALOG. 7 ALLOCATION AND CHARGES FACILITIES provision six. Unit amounts for planned railway tariffs under article 80, Law 11/2020, of 30 December, on 2021 General State Budget, (State Official Gazette No. 341 of 31 December, 2020) chapter 5 hereunder have been provisionally amended. PRICES FOR BASIC, SUPPLEMENTARY AND ANCILLARY SERVICE PROVISION In 2021, the Prices to provide Basic and Supplementary Services on the General Interest Rail Network and rail service areas managed by the state-owned company Administrador de Infraestructuras Ferroviarias - approved by Adif Board of Directors’ resolution, as of 26 May 2020, 30 June 2020, and 24 November 2020 - shall apply, in accordance with Article 102, Railway Sector Act. SERVICE TIMETABLE 2020/2021 Y 2021/2022 Capacity Allocation Schedule for 2021/2022 Service Timetable has been updated in accordance with guidelines of Rail Net Europe, RNE, for applications made by Applicants. 2021 Service Schedule will remain in force until 11 December 2021 and 2022 Service Schedule will be valid until 10 December 2022 (second Saturday of December, as determined in Art. 7.2, Order FOM/897/2005, as amended by Order FOM 642/2018, of 13 June). Both include the dates indicated to perform the corresponding Agreed Adjustments and Monthly Adjustments. Also, the updated Catalogue of International Paths is included. Also included is the updated Catalogue of International Freight Rail Corridors, Atlantic and Mediterranean. UPDATED RAILWAY REGULATIONS Annex E “Reference Documentation” has been updated with the most relevant legal information in force for the rail industry on 30th September 2020, at national as well as at European level, containing additional references to the main valid technical standards MAPS General Interest Rail Network Maps are included, and their contents have been updated. (ED 10/03/2021) These new maps include all Adif and Adif Alta Velocidad information, according to the contents specified in the key to every map, and, at the same time, these allow to view the information grouped at a network level or differentiated, according to the ownership of the infrastructures managed by every infrastructure manager. NETWORK STATEMENT 2021 ADIF_ V.0 V.0 ADIF_ 2021 STATEMENT NETWORK 1. GRAL. INF. 2. INFRASTR. 3. ACCES. COND. 4. CAPACITY 5. SERVICES 6. OPERATIONS 7. SERVICE 8. ANNE. 9. MAPS 10. CATALOG. 8 ALLOCATION AND CHARGES FACILITIES 1.1.1. THE RAIL SECTOR IN SPAIN The Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda have set in their strategic plans, specific guidelines to develop our country’s railway policy, consistent with the Government's economic policy, which works as an instrument for economic growth and employment creation, and it adapts to budgetary consolidation criteria. These define a portfolio of State public services in the field of transport, and are a guarantee of quality and efficiency, by optimizing the existing infrastructures and planning according to actual needs. The Plan enhances the maintenance of existing infrastructure and ensures mobility by providing Public Service Obligations (PSOs) in terms of quality. It also promotes private sector participation in investments, optimizing the use of infrastructure and improving competitiveness. All while maintaining the level of rail transport safety, with a system of comprehensive and preventive maintenance, and a high standard of environmental sustainability. MAIN RAIL INDUSTRY ACTORS IN SPAIN MINISTERIO DE TRANSPORTES, MOVILIDAD Y AGENDA URBANA: ORGANIZATION AND FUNCTIONS General Organization The Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda is responsible for proposing and executing the Government's policy on state-run railway infrastructures, in terms of controlling, ordering and administratively governing railway transport services, as well as planning and programming investments in linked infrastructures, materials and services. (ED 10/03/2021) The Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda is structured in the following bodies directly reporting to the Head of Department: a) The Secretary of State for Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda, to which the General Secretariat for Infrastructures, the General Secretariat for Transport and the General Secretariat for Housing report. b) The Under-Secretariat for Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda. The Cabinet is an organ of immediate support and assistance to the Head of the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda. The Head of this Cabinet is at a General Director level. The following entities and public bodies are attached to the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda, through the State Secretariat for Transport, Mobility and V.0 ADIF_ 2021 STATEMENT NETWORK Urban Agenda, which is responsible for the strategic direction, assessment and control of the results of their activity, the following entities and public entities: 1. GRAL. INF. 2. INFRASTR. 3. ACCES. COND. 4. CAPACITY 5. SERVICES 6. OPERATIONS 7. SERVICE 8. ANNE. 9. MAPS 10. CATALOG. 9 ALLOCATION AND CHARGES FACILITIES a. State-owned company Administrador de Infraestructuras Ferroviarias (Adif). b. State-owned company ADIF-Alta Velocidad. c. State-owned company RENFE-Operadora. d. State-owned company Aeropuertos Españoles y Navegación Aérea (ENAIRE). e. State-owned entities Puertos del Estado and Port Authorities. f. State-owned entity Entidad Pública Empresarial de Suelo (SEPES). The Head of the State Secretary Chairs this Enterprise. Rail Related Functions The main competences of the Ministry related to railways are: • Strategic planning of the rail sector and its development. • General organization and regulation of the rail system, including the settlement of basic rules in the rail market and issuing the necessary regulations for its proper development, especially anything related to safety and interoperability of the rail system and the relations between the stakeholders. • Definition of objectives and supervision of the activity of public business entities, Adif, ADIF- Alta Velocidad and its funding system. • Granting authorizations to provide rail services in the public interest and establishing the aid scheme to awarded RUs. • Definition and supervision of the charging system and approval.
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