Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority Planning Department Yoredale Bainbridge Leyburn North Yorkshire DL8 3EL For the attention of : Wendy Thompson (Area Planning Officer) BY EMAIL TO WENDY.THOMPSON@ YORKSHIREDALES.ORG.UK AND
[email protected] 23 July 2020 Dear Ms Thompson Application Number : C/23/116 Application for : full planning permission for the change of use and conversion of agricultural barn to provide holiday accommodation Location of Development : Shed Barn, Swinden Lane, Cracoe We refer to Wendy Thompson’s email of 4 July 2020, addressed to the Cracoe Parish Council, in respect of the above application (a copy of which has been forwarded to us as it was not sent to us directly). We refer to the following:- • the initial letter of objection to the proposed development dated 22 April 2019 (the “Initial Letter of Objection”); • the second letter of objection, in relation to previously amended plans, dated 27 October 2019 (the “October 2019 Letter of Objection); • my email of 15 November 2019 (timed at 2:25 pm) in relation to ownership and rights of access in relation to Swinden Lane (the “Rights of Access Email”); and • the third letter of objection, in relation to previously amended plans, dated 26 March 2020 (the “March 2020 Letter of Objection”), (being together the “Existing Objection Documents”). As you know, the Initial Letter of Objection and the October 2019 Letter of Objection were submitted jointly by various residents of Cracoe. Due to the Covid-19 outbreak and restrictions on social interaction, we have not had the opportunity of canvassing everyone’s views regarding the content of your email of 4 July 2020, the further amended plans nor the report from the Local Highway Authority.