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.. t--K~LEI~HOU~SS~ VOL xx, NO 146 KWAJALEIN MISSILE RANGE, MARSHALL ISLANDS MONDAY, AUGUST 1, 1983 Maneuvers In Honduras Are 'Routine' u.s. Puts Aircraft Carrier Battle Group Reagan And Weinberger Say WASHINGTON (UPI) -- Presldent Reagan and Defense On 'Standby for Operations' Secretary Caspar Welnberger sald the mllltary man WASHINGTON (UPI) -- The Unlted States today put an alrcraft carrler battle euvers thlS month In Honduras are routlne, but lt group on standby In the Medlterranean and ordered a reVlew of mllltary ald to wlll be the flrst tlme the Unlted States has con Chad In response to Chadlan charges that Llbyan warplanes attacked one of ltS ducted land ererClses for SlX months at a stretch cltles The ground exerClses are lntended as a slgnal to The nuclear-powered carrler Elsenhower steamed In the central Medlterranean the leftlst Nlcaraguan reglme to stop supportlng "on s ta ndby for operat lOns" 1n the event L1 bya renews a 1r s t n kes aga 1ns t 1ts gu~rrlllas In the area, partlcularly In El Salva southern nelghbor, Pentagon offlclals sald They sald, however, the ShlP and dor Naval eXErClses are already under way ltS escorts have not been placed on alert The exerCl~e wlll last SlX months and at one In addltlon, the conventlonally-powered carrler Coral Sea was In the same pOlnt, posslbly In November, wlll lnvolve between area after departlng from Naples, Italy, Sunday, as prevlously scheduled, the 3,000 and 4,000 Amerlcan offlclals sald NATO Calls For combat troops It wlll The Elsenhower was Reagan's Civil Rights Commitment lnclude a Marlne land not In the reglon In re 'Constructive Effort' lng, the flrst on Hon actlon to the Llbyan BRUSSELS (lIPI) -- The duran sOll bomblng Sunday of Faya Creates 'An Agenda for Opportunity' North Atlantll Treaty Never has the Unlted Larqeau but was ordered ATLANTA (UPI) - at10n's 105th annual Organlzatlon today call States conducted land to stand by In the ared Presldent Reagan told meetlng "And let me add, ed on the Soviet Unlon exerClses for SlX months "waltlng and watchlng to the largest lawyers' thlS lS not Just our le to make a "constructlVe at a stretch nor have see what actlon Llbya group ln the Unlted gal commltment, lt lS effort" to rerlch agree combat forces been de takes" next, sald the States today hlS commlt also our moral commlt- ment wlth the Unlted ployed In Honduras offlclals, who decllned ment to equal rlghts lS ment " States on Preoldent Rea In addltlon, two alr to be ldentlfled founded on an unshakable The speech was almed gan's latest ,trateglc craft carrler battle They sald the carrler deslre to create an at a problem that has nuclear arms reductlon groups and a surface ac could use ltS F-14 Tom "agenda for opportunl ty" dogged Reagan Slnce he proposal tlon group led by the cat flghters for alr for all Amerlcans took offlce as presldent "The Amen (ans have battleshlp New Jersey defense support of Chad, Reagan sald hlS ad -- a wldespread percep submltted a draft pro wlll converge separately lf the Afrlcan country mlnlstratlon's approach tlon he lS lnsensltlve posal to the Sovlets and on the PaclflC and Car requests such a1d The to C1Vll nghts lS to the quest for equallty we are hoplng they wlll lbbean sldes of the f1ghters could refuel In grounded In both legal by women and mlnorltles make a posltlve reactlon lsthmus to conduct a mlda1r or stop In Egypt and moral concerns, and "He really sounds at the next round of varlety of routlne traln In February, the car answered the crltlCs of good But the record Strateglc Arm~ Reduc lng maneuvers The com r1er Nlmltz conducted hlS POllCY by declar1ng doesn't match hlS words," tlons Talks (START) In blned crews of the ShlPS operat10ns near Llbyan hlS program rests on the sald Atlanta Mayor An Geneva next October," a lnvolved In the actlon waters after Llbya "great plllar" of eco drew Young, who termed NATO spokesman sald total more than 16,000 threatened to attack Su nom1 c recovery "dlshonest" Reagan's sug He was speaklng after men dan, Chad's nelghbor to "I rea ffl rm today ou r gestlon that runaway wel a brleflng at NATO today "These are exerClses the east Llbya never unshakable comm1tment to fare spendlng created by by the chlef U S START and they are conducted struck el1mlnate dlscrlmlnatlon the soclal programs of negotlator at Geneva, allover the world on a At the State Depart agalnst blacks, women, the 1960s 1S to blame Edward Rowny regular basls," Weln ment, offlclals sald the hand1capped and other for 1 nfl at lOn Rowny wlll return to berger told a Senate they were revlewlng mlll mlnontles," Reagan told Reagan was met by pro Geneva Tuesday panel tary ald for Chad the Amerlcan Bar ASSOC1- testers bearlng placards Sri Lanka Appeals for U.S. Assistance Mcfarlane Launches Peace Movement COLOMBO (UPI) -- Srl Lanka, torn by communal BEIRUT (UPI) -- Presldentlal envoy Robert McFarlane launched the latest u S clashes 1t says were fomented by "one of the great Mlddle East peace effort today, confronted by denunclatlons frcm Syr1a and In powers," has appealed for a pledge of U S mllltary creaslng v101ence In Lebanon asslstance aga1nst forelgn lnvaSlon, government As McFarlane talked wlth senlor Lebanese offlclals at the presldent1al sources sa1d today palace on the edge of the capltal, Palest1~lan factlons battled across the The government rounded up members of pro-Sovlet mounta1ns In the eastern Bekaa Valley and unknown assallants tossed a grenade pol1tlcal partles and was conslderlng measures to In a Lebanese army Jeep In the seLond attack on authorltles In the capltal In cut down the staff at the Sov1et Embassy as calm 12 hours returned to most areas The Palestlne Llbera D'Esco'o Says 'War Could Erupt' after a week of ethnlc C-730s Fight Fir s tlon Organ1zatlon sald vlolence that kllled ROME (UPI) -- Two Syrlan forces had sur 239 people In the lsland U S C-130 flreflghtlng rounded the last POS1- Unless U.S. Changes Policy natlon planes are to arrlve 1n tlons held by Yasser Ara MANAGUA (UPI) -- Forelgn Mlnlster Mlguel D'Es Unofflclal sources Plsa Tuesday to help fat's troops In the Syrl coto, fresh from reglonal peace talks In Panama, sald the only new V10- Italy combat the raglng an-controlled half of sald a war could erupt In Central Amerlca unless lence was In the tea flres that have ravaged the Bekaa the Reagan admlnlstratlOn changes ltS "belllcose" plantatlon d1strlcts of thousands of acres of McFarlane, replaclng P011CY, a pro-government newspaper sald today Nuwrar and Ellya, 120 land and kllled at least PhlllP Hablb who was re But D'Escoto, who returned Sunday from the meet mlles northeast of Colom seven people In Italy, Jected as a medlator by lng wlth the Contadora bo No detalls of the In the U S Embassy annourc Syrla, suffered a set group of Latln Amer1can "It 1S ObVlOUS that cldents were avallable, ed today back In hope~ for nego nat1ons, sa1d the ground whlle there lS no agree but the sltuatlon was re An embassy statement tlatlng a SYYlan troop work had been la1d for ment wlth the Unlted ported under control sald the planes, WhlCh wlthdrawal from Lebanon future talks and that lt States, lt lS dlfflcult Press reports sald are scheduled to be de even before he reached gave h1m "a certaln op for there to be a reglon Pres1dent Junlus Jaye ployed for at least a Damascus tlmlsm " al agreement," he sald wardene feared attack week, left BOlse, Idaho, "The tour of the Amer In comments to the The Unlted States has from nelghborlng Indla on the weekend It sald lcan envoy to the reglon pro-government newspaper been fundlng Nlcaraguan WhlCh repeatedly has ex the project lS costlng lS a stage ot the JOlnt El Nuevo Dlar1o, D'Esco antl-government rebels pressed concern at the the Unlted States Amerlcan-Isrdell con to sald the U S lnflu based In Honduras, WhlCh vlolence dlrected agalnst $250,000 splracy," Danlascus radlO ence on Central Amerlcan has stralned the Sandln mlnorlty Tamlls, who are Several European coun sald In a contmentary nelghbors such as Hon lsta reglme's relatlons of Indlan orlgln trles have already sent As usual, U S offl duras, Costa R1ca and El wlth the Un1ted States Srl Lankan Forelgn flreflghtlng planes to clals revealEd no de Salvador was so great, and Honduras Mlnlster A S C Hameed help stop the raglng talls of McFdrlane's that only a change of "Whlle the Unlted met Indlan Prlme M1nlS blazes talks wlth Lebanese lead thlnklng In Washlngton States does not change ter Indlra Gandhl for Offlclals sald France, ers that begdn wlth a can "avold a catastrophe ltS polltlcal stance, 25 m1nutes In New Delhl also battllng flres on seSSlon wlth Forelgn In Central Amerlca does not opt for dlalogue and flew home one day the nearby Medlterranean Mlnlster EllP Salem "It lS dlfflCUlt to (and) does not deslst In ahead of schedule carry- lsland of Corslca, sent Syrla refuses to come to agreement wlth ltS belllcose POllCY, 1ng a message for Jaye several hellcopters to wlthdraw ltS estlmated Central Amerlcan coun there w111 be no POSS1- wardene )ardlnla, where seven 40,000 troops from Leb trles whlle those coun bllltles of an agree The Sun newspaper re people dled last week anon unless Israel wlth trles are practlcally ment," D'Escoto was ported Jayewardene warn Several llghtnlng draws ltS 20,000-30,000 governed by the Un1ted quoted In El Nuevo D1arlo ed h1S cablnet that In sparked forest flres troops uncondltlonally States," sald D'Escoto as saylng dla mlght attack raged today ln Italy World News • PAGE 2, HOURGLASS, MONDAY, AUGUST 1, 1983,