Historisk-filosofiske Meddelelser udgivet af Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab Bind 39, nr. 2 Hist. Filos. Medd. Dan. Vid. Selsk. 39, no.2(1961)

THE KHOTANESE BHADRACARYADESANA Text, translation, and glossary, together with the Buddhist original



København 1961 i kommission hos Ejnar Munksgaard Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab udgiver følgende publikationsrækker: The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters issues the following series of publications:

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Text, translation, and glossary, together with the Buddhist Sanskrit original



København 1961 i kommission hos Ejnar Munksgaard Printed in Denmark Bianco Lunos Bogtrykkeri A-S Preface

had the privilege of reading most of the Khotanese text with I Professor Sir Harold W. Bailey in Cambridge during the au­ tumn of 1958. Without his unique helpfulness and kindness this work could not have been completed. For the interest he has taken in my work, his reading through the manuscript, the new material he has given me, and for many other things my cordial thanks are tendered to him. A great appreciation is due to the Bibliothèque Nationale in Paris for the permission to reproduce photographs of the orig­ inal MS. Also in this case I am in a deep debt of gratitude to Professor Kaj Barr for encouragement and help, so generously given at all times.

Copenhagen, November 1960. Jes Peter Asmussen

The Buddhist Sanskrit Bhadracaripranidhanagathah1, com ­ posed in the so-called Dodhaka metre (— )2, has al­ ready from the 4th century A.D. enjoyed great favour in all areas, where Mahay ana was preponderant. For centuries parts of the poem have played a significant liturgical role, and certain verses (especially the confession of sin, verse VIII) are still used in the daily cult of several sects in Japan. It has thus early been considered an independent text, although in the San­ skrit manuscripts and in the Chinese and Tibetan translations it only forms the concluding part of the Gandavyuhasiitra w hich in turn is part of the Avatcirpsakasutra. The Bhadracaripranidhanagathah is in its present form a genuine expression of piety, which without embarking upon detailed questions of theology emphasizes the veneration and worship of the Buddhas (the anuttarapuja s)3, in the main part points out the importance of the vows (pranidhdna), and at last forms the sincere hope of in the Sukhdvati-ksetra (suhdva ksittrd) of Amitabha4. The text exists in a northern and a southern edition, repre­ sented respectively by the Nepalese and the Japanese manu­ scripts. Seen apart from a divergent order of certain verses the agreement between the two editions is almost complete5.

1 Commonly known as the Bhadracari (Tib. Bzan-spyod). On other titles cfr. W a t a n a b e p. 10, 19, and 23, and S u sh a m a D e v i’s critical edition - carya-pranidhanaraja, Sata Pitakam, Indo-Asian Literature Vol. 4, International Academy of Indian Culture, New Delhi 1958, p. 10-13. See M. W in t e r n it z : Geschichte der Indischen Litteratur II, p. 377, Leipzig 1913, History of Indian Literature II, p. 325-327, Calcutta 1933. 2 W a t a n a b e p . 2 4 -26. 3 F. D. K. B o s c h : De Bhadracari afgebeeld op den hoofdmuur der vierde gaanderij van den Baraboedoer, BTLVN-I Deel 97, 1938, p. 243. 4 According to B o sc h , op. cit. p. 249, the Amitabha-section may be a later addition. 5 The BSkrt. text of the present edition is a transcription of D. T. S u z u k i & H o k e i I d z u m i: The Gandavyuha , Part IV, Kyoto 1936, p. 543.9-548.2. The edition of S ush a m a D e v i includes in addition to the BSkrt. text the Tibetan 6 Nr. 2

Already in the beginning of the fifth century the text was translated into Chinese by Buddhabhadra under the title of Mahjusripranidhdnasutra (Wen shu shih li fa yiian ching). The translation, which was based on a BSkrt. MS from Khotan, com­ prises only 44 verses. In the 8th century two complete translations were brought forth, one by Amoghavajra, the teacher of Hui kuo, in the reign of Tai tsung of the T'ang dynasty (Phi hsien p lu sa hin yiian tsan), and one by Prdjha in the 12th year of Chen yiian (796 A.D.) as the concluding part of his Gandavyuha translation6. To Japan the poem was first brought by Kukai, the disciple of Hui kuo, in 806 A.D. During the following 40 years three additional copies were imported (by Engyo, Kukai’s disciple, and by Eun). Although Kukai’s original copy is lost, several copies of it have been preserved, the oldest one dating back as far as 966 A .D .7 The Khotanese Bhadracaryddesand8 is a rather free rendering of the BSkrt. original, in some cases more a paraphrase than a translation, but its existence is another testimony to the favour­ able reception and wide propagation of this small text among the communities of Mahayana Buddhism. It is a text of Later Kho­ tanese, the language of the majority of the existing Khotanese literature. A detailed description of its grammar has been given by M. J. D r e s d e n 9. and the three Chinese translations. Text and translation also in B osch op. cit. p. 255-291 and H o k e i I d u m i : The Hymn on the Life and Vows of Samantabhradra, The Eastern Buddhist V, 1929-1931, p.226-247. German translation of 19 verses in Religionsgeschichtliches Lesebuch, herausgegeben von A l f r e d B e r t h o l e t , Heft 15: Der Mahayana-Buddhismus. Von M. W in t e r n it z , Tubingen 1930, p. 77-78. 6 Cfr. W a ta n a b e p. 19-21 and H o k e i Id u m i op. cit. p. 228-229. On the Tibetan translation see W a t a n a b e p. 21. 7 W a t a n a b e p.13-14, H o k e i I d u m i op. cit. p. 231. 8 H. W. B a il e y : Khotanese Texts 1, Cambridge 1945, p. 222-230. A few words from the same MS (P 3513, fol. 43vl—58r2) have been quoted by P. P e l l io t : Un fragment du Suvarnaprabhasasutra en iranien oriental, MSLP XVIII, 1912­ 1914, p. 105—108 & 123. The first 23 verses of the Khotanese text were reproduced in K o n o w , Primer p. 85-88. 9 On the twro stages of Khotanese see D r e s d e n p. 404 f. Old Khotanese (especially E) also includes the AvalokitesvaradharanI (KT III. p. 1-13). Bhadracaryadesana Khotanese Text and Translation together with the Buddhist-Sanskrit Original

1 . P 3513.43-58 43 v 1 | siddham aurgci tsum asnci pada sadi jsa brrlya1. parimartha-bhqnai hvastci mamjusri. 2 kusta ysautta | kqme scV mydmja sira.

samdham sV sain mamjusri. < 1 >

Welfare! 1. First, first I come (go) with reverence, with faith, in love 2. to ManjusrI, the best, the preacher of the supreme knowledge, 3. where desires [have] ceased2, that is happy fortune, 4. the trance, the (states of) tranquility, this is ManjusrI

2 . 3 baudhasatud namasum ttu samanitta | bhadra puri ba'ysqna bisdm dukhdin jindkd. hamamgte dyqma vara samanittabhadrd 4 | ttdharai astd avarauttd akhaustd. <2>

1. I bow down to the , this Samantabhadra, 2. the Buddha-son3, the destroyer of all miseries. 3. Entirely good to look at, Samantabhadra. 4. Perfect he is, with no bases (unbased)4, unmoved.

1 sadi jsa brrlya, e. g. Jatakast. 9v4, 22 r 1—2, 23 r4. 2 Similar passage Ch 00266.241 (KBT 105). 3 Sanskrit compound = Khot. noun + adjective. 4 Cfr. BSKrt. apratisthita, E d g e r t o n p. 48, and aneya, anenjya, ibid. p. 37. 8 Nr. 2 3. bis i g y asta ba'ysa baudh asa tuya u hamtsa. 44 r 1 tti va viña ham bä\dä mahü áysda yindmde. khu byehü pyüsti vasva bhadra-cirya. 2 tcanma bisä karma andvarina ha\märe 3

1. All the Buddhas5 together with the , 2. may they in fact all now take me under their protection, 3. so that I may succeed in hearing the pure Bhadra-carya, 4. whereby all deeds may become6 without obstruction7.

4. cu buri ysama-samdya dasau disi> vlra. dri-bddva tnide baiysuna sarauva. 3 tti ttd a\ysd vqnum bisd ahar[na. ttaramdarna bisd'na aysmuna vasvena 4

1. As many as are in the world in the 10 directions8 2. Buddha-lions belonging to the three times9, 3. those thus I honour all without remainder 4. with a pure body, tongue [and] mind.

I ydvata keci10 dasad-disi11 loke sarva-triyadhva-gatd nara-simhah tan ahu vandami sarvi asesdn kdyatu vdca manena prasannah.

5. 4 harbisva ks[ttrvd parimau | nava grica. didamdyau tteryam ttd tsum bisa aurga. harbisdm ba’ysdm sadydyi ysirasta. 44 v 1 pichastu | sqma jsa aysmuna sakica 5

5 Lit. buddhas. 6 Indicative! 7 Verses 1-3 give the introduction (only Khotanese) to the translation. 8 East, south-east, south, south-west, west, north-west, north, north-east, zenith, and nadir. 9 Past (atita), present (pratyutpanna), and future (anagata). 10 E d g e r t o n , Grammar § 2.91. 11 Ibid. §2.79. Nr. 2 9

1. [As many as there] are grains of sand in all the fields, 2. with so many of those [in number] thus I go with reverence to all12, 3. having faith in, having a heart (devoted) to all the Buddhas, 4. manifestly doing honour with the mouth [and] with the mind. II ksetra-rajopama-kaya-pramanaih sarva-jindna karomi pranamam sarva-jindbhimukhena manena bhadra-cari-pranidhana-balena.

6. khu se parqmdnava nauhya: ba'ysa anamtta. 2 ba'ysa pura karv[na sdstdrd | myqha tti vd ahar[na -dhattd ane’styd bisi stdni brdysyau hambada ayaisce 6 1. As upon the point of one atom [there are] endless Buddhas, 2. Buddha-sons surrounding, the teacher in the middle, 3. These altogether [and] the dharma-world without end, 4. all of it13 in fact filled with Buddhas, I am devoted to. III eka-rajdgri rajopama-buddhd buddha-sutdna nisannaku madhye evam asesata dharmata-dhdtuni sarvadhimucyami14 purna jinebhih.

7. 3 ajqnd- \ bu*js[ndi mahdsamqdra bijdsa svard drdni khu vela mahdsamqdra. 4 avamdwa bu'jse ttydni ba3\ysam bisd. aysu ttd hvqhu stava namasum nqda 7 1. The oceans consisting of virtues, imperishable15, sounds, 2. tones16 such as [coming from] the shores of the ocean, 3. innumerable virtues of these Buddhas, all 4. of them I thus praise, to them I bow down with homage. 12 The translator’s care to render his original faithfully makes the Khota- nese somewhat obscure. 13 i. e., the world (of all the elements). 14 sarvy adhimucyami, E d g e r t o n , Grammar § 4.29. Thus W. 15 Referring grammatically to “oceans”, but de facto to the adjective “of virtues”. 16 bijasa svard, Khotanese and Skrt., the common type of hendiadys, cfr. B a il e y , BSOAS X, 899-900. 10 Nr. 2 IV tesu ca17 aksaya-varna-samudran sarua-suardnga-samudra-rutebhih sarva-jindnci gundn bhanamdnas tan sugatan stavami aim sarudn.

8 . cu ra jsqna plrmdttama pujd-karma. 45 r 1 hvlya jastu\na ramna vdstyau su'sta. tti dm aysci uvdira parinqmum bisd. sqmuhdm ba'ysdm aysmuna vasvena 8

1. And indeed the (what are the)18 foremost acts of worship, 2. human, divine jewels on dresses! 3-4. All these noble things I indeed with a pure mind make ready for use for the Buddhas present19 20.

9. 2 Is«’ desana bhadra-cirya vaudd hauva spye u pa*sard cu ra busqna iwdre. 3 samkhalunani jsa \ u blnqndm vyuhd.na haisiVmu ba'ysam pamji-mqndala stqna 9

1. This is the teaching of the power of the inclination towards the Good Course.21 2. Flowers and garlands [and] what also [are] noble perfumes, 3. with unguents and with the display of music22, 4. them (these things) 1 give to the Buddhas, bowing down to the ground (with my five limbs on the ground).

V puspa-varebhi ca mdlya-varebhir vddya-vilepana-chatra-varebhih

17 E d g e r t o n , Grammar § 4.56. 18 cu (what are = and the)----tti (these). Rel. pron. > def. art., see E. B e n - v e n is t e : La phrase relative, problème de syntaxe générale, BSLP 53 (1957­ 1958), Fasc. 1, p. 39-54. 19 Perhaps for the Buddha-statues in the temple. Cfr. E r w in R o u s s e l l e : Vom Sinn der buddhistischen Bildwerke in China, Darmstadt 1958, p. 58 il. and p. I ll IT. (originally Sinica VII, p. 62 ff. and IX, p. 203 ff.). 20 No BSkrt. version. 21 Taking desana bhadra-cirya vaudâ hauva as a compound translating BSkrt. bhadracari-adhimukti-balena (instr., desana, verse VII). 22 The BSkrt. text has in addition chatra (chattra), “”, and dïpa, “lamp”. W -cchattra-. Nr. 2 11

dipa-varebhi ca dhupa-varebhih püjana tesu jincina karomi.

10. 4 cu ri busqñá plrmáttami \ uástyau hamtsa. sumirá gara mqñamdá kusjyámi jsa cunyau jsa. carauvyau bvq'ñám sirkáin jsa bisqná. 45 v 1 pq | me tilín disp vi bisa sqmüha: baiysa 10

1. What also is (and the) best perfume together with garments, 2. with ? and with fragrant powders, resembling the Sumeru Mountain23, 3. with lamps, with all good perfumes, 4. with them (these things) I endow all the Buddhas present in [all] directions.

VI vastra-varebhi ca gandha-varebhis cürna-putebhi ca meru-samebhih sarva-visista-viyüha‘2i-varebhih püjana tesu jinana karomi.

11. hastamyám nauhauysyain ba’yscun patea. 2 cu ra arrve plrmáttami \ atvadiruve. raysáyana harbisa cu ra ysaujsa bijairma. 3 ttyau jsa stáin pajsam yanüni ba)ysani bisci j 11

1. Next of the best, highest Buddhas, 2. what are the exceedingly excellent medicines, 3. all the elixirs and the (what also are) savoury [and] out­ standing [things], 4. with these things I reverence all of the Buddhas.

VII yd ca anuttara puja udara tan adhimucyami sarua-jindndm bhadra-cari25-adhimukti-balena vandami pujayami jina sarvdn,26 23 So much of everything! 24 E d g e r t o n , Grammar § 3.104. 25 Ibid. §4.54. 26 There is only a very slight correspondence between the two versions. 12 Nr. 2

12. eu ra mahâ jsa yuda imde klra vis^na. bisà ysamtha brrlye ysürri ja d ï rrased 4 J ttaramdarrna bisfdna aysmuna as[dana. tta stâm aysà dis find bisa firra paysqne 12

1. What evil deeds also have been done by me 2. throughout all births under the influence of passion, anger, [and] stupidness, 3. with an imperfect body, tongue, [and] mind, 4. thus in fact I confess every sin and acknowledge [it]27.

VIII yac ca krtam mayi pfipu bhaveyyct râgatu dvesatu moha-vasena kâyatu vâca manena tathaiua tam pratidesayaml ahu sarvam.

13. 46 r 1 eu da\sau disd vï huamdâm puni imde. süjara eu ra va sai dâsâmdà klri. 2 prrattyeka-budha ba'ysà püra\uvâra. bisa baudhasatvâm anamaudfim pûja 1228

1. What in the ten directions are the merits of men, 2. the learners29 [and those] also that have finished their work, 3. the Pratyeka-buddhas, the Buddha-sons, the noble ones30, 4. [of] all [of them and] of the Bodhisattvas I bless the wor­ sh ip 31.

IX yac ca dasad-disi32 punya jagasya sa iksa33~asa iksa-pratyekajinànàm buddha-sutâni atha sarva-jinânâm tam anumodayaml ahu sarvam.

27 Or - confess, every sin I acknowledge”. 28 Sic MS for 13. 29 sekha, “one who still has to learn, who has not yet attained -ship”. 30 Referring to prrattyeka-budha and ba'ysà pùra. 31 Also possible: “--a ll the Bodhisattvas, of them {-am, end. pers. pron., 3. plur.) I bless the worship”. 32 E d g e r t o n , Grammar § 2.79. 33 Ibid. §4.54. Nr. 2 13

14. carauva datlna dasau disi' vira. 3 | biysqnqme jsa vinau byqnd blysamda tti aysa pdtca harbisa ajisu' ba'ysa. 4 ge'sim\de plrmattam day! cakrrd 14

1. The lamps of the Law in the ten directions, 2. awakened with an awakening34 without any attachment (hindrance, asangata), 3. all these Buddhas35 I then pray to, 4. [and then] they turn the most excellent wheel of the Law.

X ye ca dasad-disi36 loka-pradlpa bodhi vibudhya asangata prdptah tan ahu sarui adhyesami nathams37 cakru anuttaru varttanatayai.

15. cu va parinervdm dyqma ksama imde. 46 v 1 tti stam aysa ayacu am \jald stqna. cu ksittrva gruica didamda vistide. ysama-samdai hye suhi: kina jsina dijsamde. 15

2. Holding the hands in the anjali-position I request those 1. who are desirous of seeing the , 3. who go through so many kalpas [as there are] grains of sand in the fields:38 4. May they hold their life (live) for the sake of the profit and the happiness of the world.

XI ye 'pi ca nirvrti darsitu-kamas tan abhiyacami prdhjali-bhutah ksetra-rajopama-kalpa sthihantu sarva-jagasya hitaya sukhdya.

34 Cfr. J. F il l io z a t : Les origines d’une technique mystique indienne, Rev. Phil. 1946, p. 214 with note 1. 35 i. e. the lamps of the Law. 36 E d g e r t o n , Grammar § 2.79. 37 W natham. 38 or - what are the grains of sand in the fields, so many kalpas they go through”. 14 Nr. 2

16. 2 | aurgyi tsume jsa pajsam dlsq3me jsa. puhau ysvyqme jsa ajlsq3me ddna. 3 namanidrqme jsa cu ham\jsdmda i pqhd. hanaimuni ba3ysustdsti harbisd aysd. 16

3. What may have been collected [by me] 1. by going in worship, by honour, by confessing39, 2. by tasting (taking pleasure in) the merits, by supplication from (in accordance with) the Law, by summoning, 4. all that I make bend (serve) towards bodhi.

XII vandana-pujana-desanataya modern*-adhyesana-ydcanatdya yac ca subham mayi samcitu kimeid bodhciyi ndmayanu ahu sarvam.

17 + 18. 4 ca ji hamjsimdmde ma\mi puna ttamda. canka masi namasl druva jsa ba3ysa. si yinl ba'ysam nva cirya padamja 47 r 1 | hamba3rl bhcidra-carya ddna pardha:na (1)7

pajsamevye yin[me piruya tti ba3ysa. 2 cu vd ttisthamda | [

1. Because now so many merits come together for me here40, 3. may I [then] be able to learn41 the carya, the padamja of the Buddhas, 2. the Buddhas as many as I may reverence with (because of) the , 4. may I [then] fulfil the Good Course with self-control after (according to) the Law.

39 Or “teaching”. 40 “are accumulated by me”. 41 Lit. “learn following (nva) the = “learn the -”. Nr. 2 15

1. These former Buddhas I make honoured, 2. [and those] who are existent in the ten directions, 3. [and those] also who shall arise afterwards42 as the future [B uddhas], 4. may this desire for bodhi be complete.

X III pujita bhontu atltaku43 buddhd ye ca dhriyanti dasad-disi44 loke ye ca andgata te laghu bhontu pur na-manor at ha bodhi- vibuddha.

19. cu dasau disP vl ttydm imde ksaittra. 4 sirka pardsaudha vasva tvari uvd\ra. usahlmdi baudha-vrraiksa dinasta bisa uspura ttydm sdsam* i u ba'ysa pura 19

1. May they whose45 fields are in the ten directions, 2. good, completely pure, pure, very noble46, 3. exert themselves to (go) underneath the Bodhi-tree, 4. may all the teaching (the whole doctrine) of them become complete and (of) the Buddha-sons.

XIV ydvata keep1 dasad-disiis ksetrds te parisuddha bhavantu uddrdih bodhi-drumendra-gatebhi jinebhir buddha-sutebhi ca bhontu prapurndh.

20. 47 v 1 evam ra | vainiyd dasau disV vira. bisa suhya: imde druna u samartha. 2 ysama-samdya satvdm pdted da \ ya artha. hvaramclha sjjimde avama bisa 20

42 Lit. “arise following (nvaiya) as 43 W atitaka. 44 E dgerton, Grammar § 2.79. 45 cu - - ttydm. Also: “(As to) what are the fields of those in - -, may they - 46 i. e. the fields. 47 E dgerton, Grammar § 2.91. 48 Ibid. §2.79. 16 Nr. 2

1. May all (line 2) those who indeed in the ten directions are to be converted49 2. be happy, healthy, and fitting (capable), 3. [may] then of the beings in the world the artha according to the Law 4. [be] favourable, may all [their] wishes be successful.

XV yâuata keci50 dasad-disi51 sattvds te sukhitdh sada52 bhontu arogdh sarva-jagasya ca dharmiku53 art ho bhontubi pradaksinu rdhyatu55 asd.

21. ba’ysÿha mista carya cu aysd car[me. 3 jd | smara ysyqne aysd ham vï bddi. harbîsvd ysamthvd kusta ysyqne ha>ca. 4 vaysanibq sq\mqha byeh[me aysd (2)1

1. May I, who practice the great Buddha-course, 2. at all time be born remembering my previous births, 3. in all births, wherever I am born at all, 4. may I obtain the initiation [and] the state of a sramana.

XVI bodhi-carim ca aham caramdno bhavi jdti-smaru sarua-gatlsu sarvasu janmasu56 cyuty-upapatti praurajito ahu nityu bhaveyyd.

22. harblsam ba'ysdm nva sdjamca stqna. 48 r 1 haniberamca badra-carye ddna pa\rdhna. ahatcasta nasPrrlmd iydmda agamjsa. parausta yinima pirmdtta vasve pardha: (2)2

49 Or “Who of them [are] to be c. - -, may all [those] be happy - so E d g e r t o n , Grammar § 2.91. 61 Ibid. §2.79. 53 Ibid. §3.27 53 W dharmiku. ** W bhotu. 6S W ridhyatu. iS W jâtisu. Nr. 2 17

1. Being in accordance with the teaching of all the Buddhas, 2. in fulfdment of the Good Course (of Life) with self-control according to the Law, 3. may I, undamaged, without pollution, perpetually faultless, 4. be able to restrain myself with (to practice) a supreme, pure restrain.

XVII sarva-jinan1 anusiksaynma.no bhadra-carim paripurayamdnah slla-carim vimalam parisuddham nityam akhandam acchidra careyam.

23. 2 |jastune phari u nauqnye tti. yaksqnye kumbhandam hviye pdtca. 3 cu ri jsqna phara i ysa\ma-samdya bisa. uysdisimi ba'ysam da pharyau jsa aysa (2)3

3. Whatever speech there indeed may be in the whole world, 1. speeches of divine [beings] and likewise of nagas, 2. of yaksas, of kumbhandas, and again of human [beings], 4. with speeches [like that] I teach the Law of the Buddhas.

XVIII deva-rutebhi ca naga-rutebhir yaksa-kumbhanda-manusya-rutebhih yani ca sarva-rutani jagasya57 sarva-rutesv58 ahu desayi dharmam.

24. 4 baysdyamdai pargmucd ha\skautta stqna. baudha-cittd na hanasima hairsti gvqna. cvam asida klra imde byqnamgara. 48 v 1 | tta harbisa jamde pcitci thyau ahar[na (2)4

57 W sarva-jagasya rutani. 58 W tesu rutesv. Hist.Filos.Medd. Dan.Vid.Selsk. 39, no. 2. 2 18 Nr. 2

1. Observant, practised (?) in the paramitas59 2. may I truly not at all destroy the bodhi-citta60. 3. They whose deeds are evil, the doers of obstruction (deeds . . . causing obst.), 4. shall then all perish hereafter swiftly without remainder. XIX pesalu påramitåsv abhiyukto bodhiyi cittu ma jåtu vimuhyet61 ye 'pi ca påpaka avaraniyas tesu pariksayu bhotu asesam.

25. klesåm1 karmyåm mårå hlvf pamde. 2 ysama-samdai tsuma vara | guscya car[me. viysa vasva uca cu am ni samkhalyare. 3 å khu urmaysdi a pur a åsa* a \ kast a 25 1. From the klesas, the karmas on Mara’s path 2. delivered may I wander in [my] way of life in the world62, 3. [just as] the pure lotuses in the water that are not at all polluted, 4. or like the sun [and] the moon that are undefiled in the sky. XX karmatu klesatu Måra-pathåto loka-gatfsu vimuktu careyam padma yathå salilena aliptah sasl gagane yva asaktah.

26. biså avåyåm gatti dukha visa rid yinjme. 4 u harbiså satva suhvå vista yini\me. bisåni va harbiså hye carye yin\me. damdå tta khu ksittrvå parimqnava grufca (2)6 59 On the (5 påramitås (virtues of perfection) (1. dåna, 2. sila, 3. ksånti, 4. virya, 5. dhyåna, 6. prajnå) cfr. D. T. S u z u k i : Outlines of Mahåyåna Buddhism, London 1907, p. 69, B e a t r ic e L a n e Su z u k i: Mahayana Buddhism, 3. ed. London 1959, p. 58-59, and S alom on L e f m a n n : Lalita Vistara, Berlin 1874, p. 151 f. They are enumerated E XI.4-10 and XI1.17-46. Later four other påramitås (upåya, prani- dhåna, bala, jnåna) were added, cfr. D. T. Su z u k i, op. cit. p. 322. 60 Cfr. e. g. D. T. S u z u k i, op. cit. p. 52 and chapter XI, p. 277 f., and L. Re- n o u et J e a n F il l io z a t : LTnde Classique II, Paris 1953, §2335, p. 572. 61 W vimuhye. 62 Or: “On the Måra-path of the klesas [and] the karmas, in [my] life in the world may I go to Nirvåna (acc. of direction)’’. But car- in Khotanese hardly “go”. Nr. 2 19

1. May I be able to end the sulTerings of every gati of misfor­ tunes (evil existences), 2. and may I be able to place all creatures in states of happiness. 3. May I for all of them make a career of every [kind of] good, 4. as many as [there are] grains of sand in the fields.

XXI sarvi apaya-dukhani prasamanto sarva-jagcit sthdpayamdnah63 scirva-jagasya hitciya careyam ydvata ksetra-pathd disa tdsu.

27. 49 r 1 cirye bisci | satvam cinuvarttqkci line. bisci baudhasatua carya vasve yin\me. 2 u disahe bhadra-carye hauva | nijsvqne. ustamdmjsva kalpvd bisd ccirye yin[me (2)7

1. May I encourage (be encouraging, an encourager of) every one of the beings to carya, 2. may I make every Bodhisattva-career pure, 3. and may I show power in the teaching64 of the Good Course, 4. may I do (carry on) the whole career in the future kalpas.

XXII sattva-carim anuvartayamdno bodh i-carim paripurayamdnah bhadra-carim cci prabhdoaycimdncih sarui andgatci-kalpa ccireycim.

28. 3 cu hama-nasa imde pditcd mahdi \jsci ccirye jsa. ttyau jsa aysi hamgujl hcun in bddd. ttciramdard bisddna aysmuna pciba ^ 65 4 |prranihqndm cirya vasva hamtsa himdimcle (2)8

1. [Those] who then have the same share with me in the carya, 2. with those I would like to be in contact always.

63 \V sarva-jagam sukhi sthapayamanah. 64 Not in the BSkrt. text. Line 2 perhaps: may I create for every one the pure B.-c.-”. 65 See glossary sub pabana-.

2 * 20 Nr. 2 3. With body66, tongue, [and] mind conjoint 4. (in) the pure carya of the vows67 may they be together (associated)!

X X III ye ca sabhdgata mama caryaye tebhi samagamu nityu bhaveyya kayatu vdcatu cetanato va eka-cari-pranidhdna careyam.

29. ca ra hayuindausti jsa mam hye nva tslmde. 49 v 1 ttydm nijsvqhuqsta | panidi bhadra-carye jsa. ttyau jsa mqha vl hanigujsi hamave. 2 ttijsam aysd [ysa] ysathvd ma tq[ra]ra | me gvqna 29

1. [Those] who now with friendship follow (go according to) the good of me68, 2. on the path to the teachers in accordance with the Good Course, 3. may there for me be a meeting with them. 4. May I indeed not annoy them in [my future] births.

XXIV ye 'pi ca mitra mama hita-kamd bhadra-carlya nidarsayitarah tebhi samagamu nityu bhaveyya tarns ca aham na virdgayi jatu.

30. dijsqne ba'ysam sadharma pabasta 3 sirka ba'ysyha carya vasve yi-‘!-a\me69. haplyu bhadrra-carye hiya hauva. ustamdmjsydm kalpva bura vasva aharsta 30

1. May I continously hold the good Law of the Buddhas, 2. may I make the good Buddha-career pure (practise the good pure B.-c.),

66 ttaramdara for ttaramdarana (-darna) in group-inflection. 67 Cfr. D. T. S u z u k i, op. cit. p. 307—310, where ’s III on the ten pranidhanas is quoted. 88 BSkrt. ‘‘my hita (advantage, welfare, good)”. 68 For yi-ni-me. Nr. 2 21

3. may the power of the Good Course be known70, 4. unbroken, pure throughout the future kalpas.

XXVI dhdrayamdnu jinana sad-dharmam71 bodhi-carim paridipayamanah bhadra-carim ca visodhayamanah sarvi andgata-kalpa careyam.

31. 4 J ttirsthada daime bisa sqmuha: ba'ysa. karv[na ba'ysd puryau parsP jsa hamtsa. 50 r 1 ttyam asand pu\ja pajsam hairsta yin[me. ustimdmjsyua kalpvd akhajqme nvaiya (3)1

1. I see72 all the Buddhas present (face to face), in visible form (in person), 2. together with the assembly of the Buddha-sons surrounding. 3. May I truly do worship [and] honour worthy of them 4. in future kalpas without being weary (according to not- weariness).

XXV sammukha nityam aham jina pasye buddha-sutebhi parivrtu7B ndthcin74 tesu ca puja kareya udardin sarvi anagata-kalpa-m-akhinnah75.

32. 2 harbisva ysamthvd tta tta tsymaca jsq\na puhau bvqme jsa dana hva ni kasqne. hajvatta u dasti samha gustyi samddha. 3 ajarp \ja pdjgiid i bu'jsyam byauda (3)2

70 -iyu a n d -iyu may contain 3. sg. optative -iya and the enclitie pronoun 1. sg., napiyu then meaning “may it be known to me” and vasusiyu, 56v3, “may it be pure for me” (H. W. B a il e y ). 71 E d g e r t o n , Grammar § 2.89. 72 Or: “May I s e e - - ” . 73 W buddha-sutebhi ca parivrtu. 74 W natham. 75 E d g e r t o n , Grammar § 4.59. 9 Nr. 2

1. In the going76 thus indeed in all births 2. may I myself not fall77 [away] from the understanding of the merits according to the Law. 3. Wisdom and skilful plan (resourcefulness), deliverance and concentration 4. may the inexhaustible treasury be - - [these things that are] possessed of virtues.

XXVII sarva-bhavesu ca sainsaramdnah punyatu jhanatu aksaya-praptah prajna-upaya-sa md dh i- vimoksa ih sarva-gunair bhavi aksaya-kosah.

33. se grid nauhya: acimdya pbari ksaittra. 4 vara ri jsdni ba'ysa | acimdya avamdva. karv[nd ba’ysa pura u myqha ba'ysa. aysu bisd baudha-carya daimi pichastd <33>

1. Inconceivable, many fields on the point of one grain of sand, 2. there indeed also inconceivable, immeasurable Buddhas, 3. the Buddha-sons surrounding and the Buddhas in the middle. 4. May I see78 before my eyes the whole bodhi-career of them.

XXVIII eka-rajdgri rajopama-ksetrci79 tatra ca ksetri acintiya buddhbn biiddha-sutcina nisannaku madbye pasyiya bodhi-cariin caramdnah.

34. 50 v 1 | tta vd ahar[na disvdd vidisvd5 bisd. drau nauhya ttradhva avamdva tti ba'ysa. 2 samqdrd mqhamdd vara J tta ks[ttra u ba'ysa. tti aysd ttrqmqne carya kalpa samqdrd (3)4

76 Or perhaps: “There being a going (absolutivum). 77 Cfr. P 3513.83rl (KBT 65) na kasaune hva, “may I myself not fall away 78 Or “I see 79 W -ksetram. Nr. 2 23

1. So now every one of them (aharjna) in the directions [and] the subdirections, 2. on the point of a hair these innumerable Buddhas of the three times. 3. Just like the ocean so [are] the fields and the Buddhas there. 4. May I enter into those - - the oceans [which consist] of the kalpas of the careers. XXIX evam asesata sarva-disasu vâla-pathesu triyadhva-pranmnan buddha-samudr’ at ha ksetra-samudrfin atari80 carika-kalpa samudrân.

35. 3 khu se svara amga phari jsa | ttrqmqme jsa. brrahma-svara hüuasve sirkà bcdysâm pvq'ne. 4 harbisâm ba'ysâm nva âsayi | pve'ha : ba’ysÿna bisâ'na dâ pvâ'ne aharstd (3)5

1. When I with the entering [into that ocean] with a single sound-element, [a single] voice 2. shall hear the very (hü-) pure [and] beautiful Brahma- voice of the Buddhas, 3. the sound according to the wish of all the Buddhas,81 4. may I [then] continously hear the Law with (from) the Buddha-tongue. XXX eka-svaranga-samudra-rutebhih sarva-jinâna svaranga-visuddhim sarva-jagasya yathJ âsaya-ghosân buddha-sarasuatim otari82 nityani.

36. vara ajqnai sV pveha : vasve bijâsd. 51 r 1 dra- \ bâdvâni ba’ysqna ci virai pvq'ne. dâtïnai cakrrà najsadà ge'sqme jsa. 2 ba'ysfmi hauva jsa aysà \ ttramdi himqne (3)6

80 E d g e r t o n , Grammar § 3.76. 81 Or—in connection with verse 34—“so that I - - may hear - -”. In that case full stop after “Buddhas” in line 3. 82 E d g e r t o n , Grammar § 3.76. On sarasvatl cfr. Hobogirin p. 63 (sub Ben- zaiten). 24 Nr. 2

1. This imperishable sound there [is] the pure voice 2. of the Buddhas of the three times - - may I hear it in their presence83 3. May I with the turning of the course of the wheel of the Law 4. be able to enter84 by means of the Buddha-power.

XXXI tesu ca85 aksaya-ghosa-rutesu sarva-triyadhva-gatana jindndm cakra-nayam parivartayamano buddhi-balena aham praviseyam.

37. u se-ksqna ustamdmjsya kalpa pharaka. 3 ksanyau ttrqmqma aysd ttramda | him qne. cu ttradhva kalpa dri-bddva si* pamaka. 4 vara ksqndna ttrqmqma uspura yin[\me (3)7

1+2. And may I in one [single] moment be able to enter into the many future kalpas with an entering [that otherwise only can be established] by means of [many successive] moments. 3. As to [these]86 kalpas of the three times, that [is]: three- period-measured87, 4. may I there make the entering complete in one (a) moment.

XXXII eka-ksanena andgata sarvan kalpa-pravesa aham praviseyam ye *pi ca kalpa triyadhva-pramands tan ksana-koti-pravista careyam.

38. cu ttradhva tsuka tta ba'ysuha sarauva. tti aysd bisd dimme se k(s)qna hamamga. 51 v 1 ttyam hiya | hamjsara pdtca ttramda himqne. ca*yi mqhamda guscyi hauva prribhdvana (3)8 83 Lit. “with whom may I hear it (-i in virai)”. 8* i. e. into the pure voice. 85 E d g e r t o n , Grammar § 4.56. 86 Lit. “What [are] the kalpas - -”. Better—with H. W. B a il e y — : “What are the 3-time ages that is the measure (measurer) consisting of 3 times”. 87 Or “- - the three-period-measure (nom. sg.)” ? Cfr. Sogd. ptm'k, “measure”, GMS §980. Nr. 2 25

1+2. May I in one moment88 see all those who [are] these Buddha-lions moving in the three times (adj.). 3. May I then be able to enter into the action-field of those 4. with the strength and power - like magic - of deliverance. XXX III ye ca triyadhva-gata nara-simhanis89 tan ahu pasyiya eka-ksanena tesu ca gocarim otari nityam maya-gatena vimoksa-balena.

39. 2 cu ttradhvam ksittrdm vyuha : m i | sta vimuha : tti aysa nvaylme se grvlcika nauhya. 3 tti vd ahar[na disva* vidisva3 J bisa. ttrqmqne ksittrdm vyuhi: ba3ysam pamna 39 1. What [are] the displays, the great vimoksas, of the fields of the three times, 2. may I grasp those on the point of one small grain of sand. 3. All these without remainder in the directions [and] the inter­ mediate directions, 4. may I enter into [these] vyuhas of the fields in the presence of the Buddhas.

XXXIV ye ca triyadhvasu ksetra-viyuhams90 tan abhinirhari eka-rajagre evam asesata sarva-disasu otari ksetra-viyuha jinanam.

40. 4 ustamamjsya ysama-samdya carau | dijsaka. ttydm biysqnlme aysi ddyi cakrrina. nirvqnda (?) daime nascfma tsasta nasam'da. 52 r 1 a\speva jsa usahime ba'ysam pamna 40 1. The future lamp-holders91 in the world, 2. may I awaken (become awake) among them by the wheel of the Law. 88 Lit. “equal to one moment”. 89 W nara-simhas. 90 W -viyuhas. E d g e r t o n , Grammar §3.104. 91 i. e. the future Buddhas. 26 Nr. 2

3. May I being] peaceful, tranquil see , the quiescence. 4. May I exert myself with refuge (secure refuge) in front of the Buddhas.

XXXV ye ca andgata loka-pradlpds tesu vibudhyana cakra-pravrttim nirvrti-darsana nistha-prasantini sarvi aham upasamkrami nathdn.

41. vara raidhdm pq'nam tta tta tsime hamamga. 2 mistd yqnd p§3ham | ddisqma vijsyqne. earye pq'haa jsa hamamga bu’jsyau byaudd. 3 mittra pq’nau jsa hamamga tsuma | ts\me (4)1

1. May I go (practise) thus there in agreement with the powers of the rddhis. 2. May I see the full use of the powers of the Great Vehicle (Mahayana). 3. May I, being in possession of the virtues [that are] in asso­ ciation with the powers of the career, 4. make (go) [my] course (going) in accordance with the m aitri 92-po wers.

XXXVI rddhi-balena samanta-javena ydna-balena samanta-mukhena carya-balena samanta-gunena maitra-balena samanta-gatena.

42. pilhau pe'ndm jsa vasvatte vl tsime. bvqme jsa rrasfa akastd tsuma ts[me. 4 hajua \ tta u dasta sarphd huvasve pq'ha. ba'ysyna hauva tad hamjsdmda yinline (4 )3 93

1. May I go (live) in purity by the powders [coming] from the m erits.

92 The spharana-love, cfr. E d g eh to n p. 613. 93 Sic MS for (4)2. Nr. 2 27

2. May I, right, not defiled94, go [my] course with knowledge (bodhi). 3. Wisdom and skilful plans, the very pure powers, 4. the Buddha-strength - - may I be able to gather [all that.

XNXVII punya-balena samanta-subhena jhdna-balena asahga-gatena prajha-updya-samddhi-balena bodhi-balam samuddnayamanah.

43. 52 v 1 cu karmdm hauva tva | hamjsdnidd yinime (4 )3 95 cu karmdm hauva tva baisd vasve yinim e. 2 klesam* hauva tva bisa vamurdd yi \ nlm e. marina hauva vinau hauva yinime. haniberi bhadra-carya hauva jsa bisti (4)3

a) What [is] the power of the deeds, may I be able to gather that. 1. What [is] the power of the deeds, may I make that altogether pure. 2. May I be able to destroy that power of the klesas altogether. 3. May I make the power of Mara powerless (without power). 4. May I fulfil the Good Course with power altogether.

XXXVIII karma-balam parisodhayamanah klesa-balam parimardayamdnah Mdra-balam abalam karamanah purayi bhadra-cari-bala sarvdn.

44. 3 vasuji | ksaittra tti ba'ysuha samydra. hamdajqhqne satva-dhdtta samqdrd. 4 vijsyqne ddtind mahdi \ samqdra . bvqme jsa hambadd vahaiysqne samqdrd (4)4

1. May I purify these Buddha-fields, the oceans, 2. may I make the ocean [which consists] of the sattva-dhatu ripen.

94 “right, not defiled” could also refer to tsqma, “course, going”. 95 Dittographical error (cfr. 42, line 4). 28 Nr. 2 3. May I behold the great oceans of the Law, 4. may I, filled96 with knowledge (bodhi) descend into the ocean

XXXIX ksetra-samudra visodhayamanah sattva-samudra vimocayamanah dharma-samudra vipasyayamdno jhana-samndra vigdhayamdnah.

45. bisa baudhasatua scum [dr a vasve yin[me. 53 r 1 | hamberi prranihqninai ttu samqdra. pichastu daime bcdysunci samqdra. 2 vina khajqme jsa kalpa ci\rye yin[me 45

1. May I make all the Bodhisattva-ocean pure. 2. I wish to fill the ocean of vows97. 3. May I see before me (pichastu) the ocean of the Buddhas. 4. May I without weariness carry out (make) the [throughout] kalpa[s lasting] career.

XL carya-samudra visodhayamanah pranidhi-samudra prapurayamdnah buddha-samudra prapujayamanah kalpa-samudra careyam akhinnah.

46. ba'ysfina carya dri-bddu vi tsuka. utvacla baudhacarya prranihqnyau jsa. 3 tti | aysd hambada yin[me bisa ahar[na.9% bvqne ba'ysusta vasve bhadra-carye jsa (4)6

1. Going in the carya of the Buddhas of the three times99, 2. the superior bodhi-carya100, with vows -

96 “filled” (hambada) could also refer to “ocean” (samqdrd). 97 The identifying adjective (“the ocean which is the vows”). 98 For hambada, "filled”. 99 Grammatically “of the three times” (dri-badu) belongs to “carya”. The masc. form of the adjective (referring to the fern, substantive “carya” I) is caused by the Buddha name in the adjective ba’ysqna. 100 As apposition. Or: with the vows of the s. b.-c.”. Nr. 2 29

3. may I be able to fulfil all these without exception. 4. May I experience the pure101 bodhi in accordance with the Good Course.

XLI ye ca triyadhva-gatana jindndm bodhi-cari-pranidhana-visesah tan ahu puraya sarui asesan102 bhadra-carlya vibudhyiya bodhim.

47. 4 hi | mqne hvasta pura ba'ysam bisa. hamavam nqma tta tta khu samamttabhadra. 53 v 1 byeh[me hama-nasa \ ttye carya u bvdstya. ttye namesa* kusala bisa kira tcadamde (4)7

1. May I be the best son of the Buddhas altogether. 2. May the name for me (my name) be just like Samantabhadra. 3. May I being a comrade of him obtain the carya and the experience103. 4. May all goods deeds be performed according to him.

XLI I jyesthaku yah sutu sarva-jindndm yasya ca ndma Samantatabhadrah tasya vidusya sab hag a-early e ndmayanu kusalam imu sarvam.

48. ttaramdara bTsd'na aysmuna vasvena. 2 ttye | vasvatte jsq vasuslnide ksittra. evai nqma bvdstya vasva samamttabhadra. 3 drqma patca main i nva | aysmu bvdstya. <48>

1. With a pure104 body, tongue, [and] mind, 2. may the fields become pure with that purity.

101 Or referring to “the Good Course”. 102 \V purayi. 103 Other possibilities: 1) obtain the c. and the exp. [which is] in association with him (i. e. -nasa mistake for -nasa > carya, fern.)”, 2) being a sharer with him 3) obtain the c. - - of him [who is] of the same share”. 104 Referring to all three words. 30 Nr. 2

3. Samantabhadra whose (who for him) name is pure exper­ ience105, 4. may such [a name] hereafter be mine according to the ex­ perience of the mind.

X LIII kayatu vdca manasya visuddhis carya-oisuddhy atha ksetra-uisuddhih yddrsa namana bhadra-vidusya tddrsa bhotu so main mama tena.

49. baudhasatvd mamjusri suii bvdscya. sP vd sain samamttabhadra hauva pacula. 4 | ttyam namesdy aysd bisd sdjamdai fme. uspura ra klra kusala carye yin[me (4)9

1. The Bodhisattva ManjusiTs experience (knowledge) of bra­ very 2. [and] likewise this also, the power of Samantabhadra, 3. may I following these be a learner of everything, 4. may I also make the good deeds of the career complete.

XLIV bhadra-cariya sa manta-sub hay e Manjusin-pranidhdna careyam sarui andgata-kalpa-m106-akhinnah pur ay i tarn kriya sarui asesdm.

50. 54 r 1 auamd\ua vaistharya carya himdte. hamkhTysd uastd parye bvaijse miste. tta tvd avamdwqnd hambddd107 yinime 2 | bvqne ba'ysuna tti prrahdlye raidhd 50

1. May the carya be immeasurable, extensive, 2. the great merits passed beyond counting,

105 Or “Just as his name S. is pure exp., may - i. e. cu - - drqma (what is - - may such -). 106 Edgerton, Grammar § 4.59. Cfr. XXV, 4. 107 Sic MS for hambada, cfr. note 98. Nr. 2 31

3. may I thus be able to fill this numberlesness, 4. may I experience (awaken to) these magic Buddha-perfor- mances (these Buddha-miracle-powers).

XLY no ca pramanu bhaveyya early e no ca pramanu bhaveyya gundndm apramdna108 cariydya sthihitvd jdnayi sarvi vikurvitu tesam.

51. khu burci ttaisthqma i dvasdJ prrare. 3 bis a sadhatta \ vasvattd tta tta dya. vasuslmde satvdm bisd karma klesa\ 4 vasva prranihqna mami pd | ted ma jdnide (5)1

1. Whatever end there may be to the nature of the sky109, 2. may purity so be associated with the elements altogether. 3. May all the karma-afflictions of the beings become pure. 4. May my pure vows then not fail (perish).

XLVI ydvata nistha nabhasya bhaveyya sattva asesata nistha tathaiva karmatu klesatu ydvata nistha tdvata-nistha mama pranidhdnam.

52. ci dasau disi1 vl rammnd ksittra alamgrya bayysdni aysd haistd yinime. 54 v 1 ja | stun a hvlya suhaja pujd-karma. haudd yini gricyau kalpydm jsa anaintta (5)2

1+2. May I be able to offer to the Buddhas the jewel-decorated fields110 that [are] in the ten directions. 3 + 4. May I be able to give the divine [and] human, from happiness derived acts of worship, innumerable [compared] with the kalpas, with the grains of sand.

108 W apramanu. 109 Lit. “As much as the end may be -”. 110 Lit. “What (who) in the ten directions [are] the fields of jewels, decorated, may I - -”. 32 Nr. 2

XLVII ye ca dasad-disi111 ksetra anantá ratna-alamkrtu dadyu112 jinánám divya ca mantisa saukhya visistám ksetra-rajopama-kalpa dadeyam.

53. 2 ci tuá parinqma \ na rrumda mqñamda hvásta113 pvá'ka hue cankai ji há vaudá ysyáte. 3 carye ba'ysijiñi áyi\m qnai qna. plrmáttama tvada ttye tta püña himáre (5)3

1. A man who hears -like114 a supreme king (like a king, the best)- this doctrine (development), 2. so much inclination115 now will be born in that direction for him 3. who is (being) a desirer of the Buddha-career, 4. excellent, distinguished thus are (may be) for him the merits.

X LV III yas ca imam parinámana-rájam srutva sakrj janayed adhimuktim bodhi-varám anuprcirthayamano agru visista bhaved imu punyam.

54. 4 auaydni phisqma ñatan ttye\jsa. asidyau ra hayqnyau phisqma patea. thyau rraysga vira daitd armyáyi baiysa (3)4 55 r 1 ci | tvá parinqme bhadra-carya uvara.

1. By him there certainly*[is] a turning aside from the evil states, 2. then (patea) also (ra) the avoidance of (a turning aside from) evil friends. 3. Quickly, instantly he sees the Buddha Amitayus, 4. he who ripens (develops) this noble Bhadra-carya.

111 E d g e r t o n , Grammar § 2.79. 112 W kurya. 113 Better hvasla. 114 The BSkrt. text has no comparison. 115 vaudá, nom. (with passive), translating adhimuktim, acc. (with causative). Nr. 2 33

XLIX varjita tena bhavanti apaya varjita tena bhavanti kumitrdh ksipru sa pasyati tam Amitdbhani yasy5 imulie bhadra-cari-pranidhdnam.

56. ha hubyauda jslna vasva ttydni mara bvqha. 2 hutsve tsvamda | pamda tta ttye hvl ysamtha vira. cirqmai vasva carya samanittabhadra (5)6117 3 ttai pcitcd tta tta byehim\da rraysga vl thyau.

1. From this point (ha) the well-obtained pure life of those118 here must be recognized (known). 2. Well-arrived they have thus gone their way to this human birth. 3. Such as [is] the pure career of Samantabhadra, 4. so may they then quickly, instantly thus obtain it.

L labha sulabdha sujwitu tesam sv-agata te imu mdnusa janma yddrsa so hi Samantatabhadras te ypi tat ha na-cirena bhavanti.

57. sai ananittanarya bisa tsfima ttriksa. pamjsa yudi ijadi tsilme rrasa) 4 I tva vasva bhadra-carya hvqhamca qna (5)7 ahar\nai rraysga tta karma harbasa jdre.

1+2. Has he practiced the sharp goings (ways of life) [resulting] even in the five anantarya under the influence of [his] going going (course) of stupidity, 3. then being a preacher of this pure Bhadra-carya 4. quickly, with nothing left over for him all these karmas dis­ appear (perish).

116 E d g e r t o n , G r a m m a r g 4.23. 117 Sic MS. No 55. 118 i. e. “die Frommen der geschildertern Art”, L e h m a n n , W a t a n a b e p. 48. Hist.Filos.Medd.Dan.Vid.Selsk. 39, no.2. 3 34 Nr. 2

LI pdpaka pahca anantariyani yena ajhana-vasena krtdni so imu bhadra-carim bhanamctnah ksipru pariksayu bhoti asesam.

58. 55 v 1 runa bvq\me jsa laksa'nyau jsa sP bisa. guttairrna biPjsyau hamphve hami auska. 2 aha-ttirthydm marinam gaid jsa a\khausta. <58> pajsamadd jastyau hvqndyau jsa ttri-lqkd. 1. Possessed (line 2) of [fine] form, understanding, the marks altogether, 2. family, virtues he is ever 3. unmoved by the troops of sectaries [and] of Mara, 4. honoured by devas, by men in the Triloka119. L II jhdnatu rupatu laksanatas ca varnatu gotratu bhoti-r-upetah120 tirthika-Mdra-ganebhir adhrsyah pujitu bhoti sa sarva-triloke.

59. thyau jsdvi ba'ysdna rrumdd dl bahydstd 3 | klm tsva hame satvdm hye udisdyi naittd. butti ba'ysustd dharma-cakrra prravartte 59 4 gd {jsaba'ji mdrd hiya tva hlna visu'na. 1. Quickly he goes beneath the royal tree of bodhi121 2. when he has gone [there], he sits for the good of beings. 3. He attains bodhi, he turns the wheel of the Law', 4. he disperses the evil army of Mara. LI 11 ksipru sa gacchati bodhi-drumendra122 gatva123 nisidati sattva-hitdya budhyati bodhi pravartayi cakra dharsayi Mara sa-sainyaku sarvam. 119 i. e. the earth, the middle-world, and the heaven. 120 E d g e r t o n , Grammar § 4.62. 121 Lit. “the king-tree of bodhi”. 122 W bodhi-drumendram. To this and W cakram in line 3 cfr. E d g e r t o n , Grammar § 8.31 ff. 123 gatva = Khot. khu tsva hame. Nr. 2 35

60. cu si* cu tvd parinqmana bhadra-ciryci. 56 r 1 daiysda a | vase* hamdarqnd birdse*. ttydm piindin vlvdvina ba*ysdna butte 60 2 ba*ysustd bvdri tti byq\m d na ni tcerai.

1. He who124 this transformation of the Bhadra-carya 2. holds or recites [and] explains to others, 3. he understands by the ripening of those merits, as a Bud­ d h a 125. 4. They attain bodhi. Perplexity will not be caused to them.

LIV yo imu bhadrci-cari-pranidhdnam dhdrayi vacayi desayito vd126 buddha vijdnati yo *tra vipdko bodhi visista ma kahksa janetha.

61. cu ttradhvdm ba*ysyau sd* ysusta u hvata. 3 parinqmana disina plrmdttama u | ska. ay si vyachlmi kusala carya uvara (6)1 sd* desina bhadra-carya uspura himdve.

1+2. That which is this teaching of parinamana, the best, exalted, approved and taught (spoken) by the Buddhas of the three times, 3., may I realize it, the excellent noble carya. 4. May the Bhadra-carya desana be perfected.

LVI sarva-triyadhva-gatebhi jinebhir yd parinamana varnitci agrd tdya aham kusalani imu sarvam namayami vara-bhadra-carlye127.

124 Lit. "(he) who is he who” (cu sP cu). Cfr. ca sP ci, P 2026.30, KT 111,49 and Jatakast. 38r4. See Zur nordarischen Spr. 115. 125 Predicative instrumental? Or "by the help of the Buddha” ? 126 desay’ ito va, E d g e r t o n , Grammar § 4.25. 127 BSkrt. LV: Manjusiri yatha ( E d g e r t o n , Gram. §3.27) janati surah so (E d g e r t o n , Gram. § 4.48) ca Samantatabhadra tathaiva iesu aham anusiksayamdrio namayami kusalam imu sarvam. It has no distinct parallel in the Khot. text, but only a slight affinity to Khot, verse 64. 3 * 36 Nr. 2

62. 4 | kala-krre ustamauysye tsyme128 bida. avarana karma bisa aharl jamde. 56 v 1 pichastu daime ava\sd armydyi ba'ysa <62 > suhdva ksittrd vasve thyau ha ts[me.

1. Involved (?) in the act of death, the last course, 2. may the deeds of obstruction all without exception perish. 3. May I surely see before my eyes (pichastu) the Buddha Am itayus. 4. May I go away quickly to the pure Sukhavatl land.

LVII kdla-kryam ca aham karamdno avaranan vinivartiya sarvdn sammukha pasyiya tam Amitabham tam ca Sukhdvati-ksetra vrajeyam.

63 + 64. vara tsva qna tti prranihqna uvdra 2 cu bu\ri vd hd'ca yudai pyamtsa vastlde. vyarqma aysd vara byehlme akhausta (6)3 3 pichastu | sqm uhd: ttye armydyi baiysna.

1. [For me] having gone there may these noble vows, 2. as many as I have ever made, stand in front [of me], 3. May I there attain a vyakarana, unmoved, 4. of the manifest Amitayus in person as Buddha129.

vasuslyu bhadra-carya pyanitsastd vaska 4 prranihqna ha | rbisd tta khu mamjusri. ustamamjsvdi kalpvd bisa carye yinune (6)4 hanibirl ma sdd krra bisa ahar[na

1+2. May for the future every vow of the Bhadra-carya become pure, just as [in the case of] Manjusri. 3. In the future kalpas may I practise the carya completely. 4. May this whole kriya-act without exception be fulfilled for me.

128 Hendiadys kala-krre - - ustamauysye tsyme. 129 Cfr. note 125. Better: from the m. Buddha A .” ( ttye as general obi. case). Likewise verse 65.4: from -- Buddha A.” (H. W. Ba iley ). 130 W bhaveyu. Nr. 2 37

LV III tatra gatasya imi pranidhdnd dmukhi sarvi bhaueyyu samagrah tarns ca aham paripurya asesan sattva-hitani kari ydvata loke.

65. 57 r 1 | ba'ysdhd mqndala ysqnastd iwara. viysaha vara byehime upapattci ysamthd 2 vara stqna vya | rna byeh[me aysd 65 pichastu armydyi ttye sarvqnd ba'ysna.

1. In the BuddhaJs beautiful, noble circle 2. in the lotus there may I attain upapatti-birth, birth. 3. There may I attain the vyakarana 4. of this all-knowing Amitayus in person, as a Buddha131.

LIX tahi jina-mandali sobhani ramye padma-vare rucire upapannah vydkaranam ahu tatra labheyyd132 sanunukhato Amitdbha-jinasya.

66 . 3 khu vydrna byaudi yinum va | ra stdm aysd. narmqnyau avamavyau kulydin ttT. 4 ttydm jsa aysd satvcim hdwa yudd yi\nim e (6)6 hauva bvqme jsa disdm* vidasdind bisd.

1. When I have there been able to attain the vyakarana, 2. then through countless kotis (millions) of nirmana bodies, 3. may I be able to make blessing for those beings, 4. with power [and] bodhi, in all the directions [and] sub­ directions.

LX vydkaranam pratilabhya ca tasmin nirmita-koti-satebhir anekaih sattva-hitdni bahuny ahu knrydm diksu dasasv api buddhi-balena. 131 Cfr. note 125. 132 labheya. 38 Nr. 2

67. bhadra-carye parinqinana jsa cu byauda unde. 57 v 1 pu\ha ane'scya plrmattami utvadiruve. vyaysanvå v{ma parauysamdå satva (6)7 2 ttyau punau tsTnidd bai\sd armydya ksittra.

1+2. What merits—by the development of the Bhadra-carya—end­ less, exceedingly excellent, have been attained, 3 + 4. by those merits133 may the beings drowning in the disasters, in the sea all go to the field of Amitayus.

LXII bhadra-carini parindmya yad-aptam punyam anantam ativa visistam tena jagad vyasanaugha-nimagnain yatv Anutabha-purim varam eva.

68. bhadra-carye prranihqnydm lwqhqme jsa. 3 cu mara hamjsånida pqhd | ttinka masun?. se ksqna jsa harbisa sijldi main, himåmde satvdni prranihqna vasva (6)8

1. With preaching of vows of the Bhadra-carya, 2. what so many merits have been accumulated here, 3. may they in one moment all succeed for me. 4. May the vows of the beings become pure.

LXI bhadra-cari-pranidhåna pathitvå yat kusalam mayi saincitu kimcit eka-ksanena samrdhyatu sarvani tena jagasya subhani pranidhdnain.

69.134 4 tti | na puhdna gambhlra då bhåvina nvaiya satva-dhåttd bvåve vasva aysmu prrara. 58 r 1 ci buri ttye | desaha vi hamara13'0 rrihasa. vam as[m e ay så avaså ba'yså h im q n e nqda :

133 cu puna---- ttyau pufiau. 134 Prayer added by the Khotanese translator. Nr. 2 39 1. By this merit following upon the concentration () of the profound Law (dharma) 2. may the mass of beings (sattvadhatu) attain to knowdedge of the pure nature136 of understanding137. 3. Whatever may be the secrets in this desana, 4. may I experience [them]. May I surely become a Buddha. Obeisance!

Colophon 2 bhadrci-carya-desana uspura samdsyd «[ 138

The Bhadracaryadesana is complete, ended.

135 Read hamdra. MS ha-ma-ra. 136 = prrara = BSkrt. prakrti. 137 = aysmu = vijnana. - P 1 0 138 ^Written between spa & ra: .. . Glossary a, a, ai, au, b, bh, c, ch, d, dh, e, g, h, i-I, j-gy, js, k, kh, m, n-n-n, p, ph, r-rr, s, s, s, t-tt, tc, th, ts, u-u, v, y, ys.

acimdya-, “unbelievable, unthinkable, unthought”. a + past part, cimdya- to pres, stem cimd- (H. W. Bailey), cfr. Dresden 473. BSkrt. acintiya, Edgerton p. 6. 50 r 3 (nom. plur.), 50 r 4 (idem.) agamjsa-, “faultless”. Cfr. ganijsa-, fault”, Dresden 472. E aggamjsa-. 48 r 1 (agamjsa, nom. sg.) ahcirl, “without exception”. a + hari- (also harya-, older harita-), past part, to pres, stem harij-, “to leave behind”, see Dresden 490. 56 r 4. aharlna-, “without remainder, with nothing left out, entire, al­ together” . Renders BSkrt. asesa. Cfr. ciharinaka-, “all”, Siddhasara 133 r 3 (KT 1.66). Adj. formed from ahari-, q. v. 44 r 3 (acc. plur.), 44 v 2 (idem), 48 v 1 (nom. plur.), 50 v 1 (idem), 51 v 2 (nom.-acc. plur.), 53 r 3 (acc. plur.), 55 r 4 (nom . plur. + -f, e n d . pron. 3. sg.), 56 v 4 (nom . sg. fem .) aharsta-, “unbroken, continous”. a + past part, harsta- to pres, stem har(i)s-, “to break, split”, cfr. Dresden 490 sub harsta-. 49 v 3 (nom. sg. fem.), 50 v 4 (adverb). ahatcasta-, “undamaged”. a + past part, hatcasta-, Dresden 489, “broken”, pres, stem hatcah-. 48 r 1 (nom. sg.) ajdmja-, “inexhaustible”. 50 e 2-3 (nom . sg. fem .) ajqnaa-, “imperishable”. 44 v 2 (nom.-acc. plur.), 50 v 4 (ajqnai, nom . sg.) Nr. 2 41 akasta-, “not fallen, undefiled, not in contact”. o-privativum and past part, kasta-, pres, stem kas-. See B ai­ ley, Asia M ajor 11,31. 48 v 2-3 (nom. plur., rendering BSkrt. asaktah, “not in con­ tact”), 52 r 3 (nom. sg.) akhajqma, “absence of tiredness, fatigue”. From khaj- (also khij-, khej-), “to be tired” and -dma « ama- td-). Cfr. akhajcimdai, “unwearied”, St. H. 61. BSkrt. khijjati, khijjate, Skrt. khidyate, Edgerton p. 205. 50 r 1 (obi. sg.) akhausta-, “unmoved”. a + past part, of khoys-, “to move, shake, change”. The forms cikhdsta- and akhosta- are also known. Cfr. Bailey, Iranian Studies V, BSOS VIII, 127—128 and Ilya Gershevitch, BO XV, 1958, p. 263. See BSOAS XXIII,33. 43 v 4 (nom. sg.), 55 v 1-2 (nom. sg., translating BSkrt. adhrsya-, “unassailed”, verse 52,3), 56 v 2 (acc. sg.). amga-, “limb, member”. E anga-, amgga-. Skrt. anga. 50 v 2 (amga - jsa) amjala, Skrt. ahjali. amjala stqna translating BSkrt. prdhjali-bhutah, verse 11, line 2. Skrt. prahjali, adj., “with the folded hands out­ stretched”. Nebenstiicke 57.17 amjala dasta yude, “ he m ade the anjali-hands”. Cfr. S. Lefmann: Lalita Vistara, Berlin 1874, p. 207. 46 r 4-v 1 (nom. sg.) ahattlrthya-, “of other tirtha, sectary”. BSkrt. anyatirthika, Pali anna-titthiya, Edgerton p. 41 & 254. 55 v 1 (gen. plur.) andvarina-, “without obstruction, without defilement”. Skrt. andvarana-. 44 r 1 (nom. plur.) anamaud-, “approve of, bless, rejoice in”. E has armuv-, X II.70 bis. Skrt. anumoda-, anumodaya-, Pali anumodati. Cfr. Skrt., Pali anumodana, neutr., BSkrt. anu- modana, “thanks, gratification, blessing, approval”, E ar- mutand-, XII.74. See Zur nordarischen Spr. p. 105. 46 r 2 (pres. 1. sg.) 42 Nr. 2 anamtta-, “endless, without number”. 44 v 1 (nom. plur.), 54 v 1 (acc. plur.) anamttanarya-, adj. sc. kira- (karman), “action causing endless hells, bringing immediate retribution, deadly sin”. BSkrt. anantariya. Cfr. änantarya, Pali änantariya-, Edger- ton p. 20 & 95-96. Cfr. Zur nordarischen Spr. p. 34-35 and Bailey, Handbuch p. 135. Ap. 20 pamjsa anamttanarya kira. The five actions are 1) killing of father, 2) mother, 3) an arhant, 4) causing dissension in the order of monks, and 5) deliberately causing a Tathagata’s blood to flow. See W. Bang and A. von Gabain : Türkische Turfan-Texte. IV, SPAW 1930, 437. 55 r 3 (loc. sg. with bisä) ane'scya-, ane'stya-, “unending”. To Av. ni-sad-. Jätakast. 39 r 3 ani'scya-. Cfr. Dresden 477 sub na'scyd-. 44 v 2 (acc. sg.), 57 v 1 (nom. plur.) ane'stya-, see sub ane'scya-. anüvarttqka-, “encourager, encouraging”. On -äka- cfr. Dresden 417 & 418. BSkrt. anuvartaka, Edger- ton p. 33. Cfr. E anuvartt-. 49 r 1 (nom. sg., translating BSkrt. anuvartayamäno) armyäya-, Amitäyus (i. e. a-mita-äyus, “of infinite life”). Bailey BSOAS X,908. Bhadrakalpikä-sütra 359 (KBT 80) amitäyur. E armätäyä. 54 v 4 (acc. sg.), 56 v 1 (idem), 56 v 3 (gen. sg.), 57 r 2 (idem), 57 v 2 (idem). artha-, “thing, object, meaning, aim”. Also E. Skrt. idem. 47 v 2 (nom. plur.) arrvä-, “medicine, drug”. E aruvä 45 v 1 (nom.-acc. plur.) astä, “ he is” . T um suq asti. E astä. 43 v 4. asida-, “imperfect, bad”. Skrt. asiddha-. E asäda-. Nr. 2 43

45 v 4 (as[dana, instr. sg.), 48 r 4 (asida, nom. plur.), 54 v 4 (abl. plur.) atvadirüve, see utvadirüve. avamáta-, “immeasurable”. 44 v 3 (avamáva, plur. mase, instead of fern, because of the loose distinction in gender in later Khotanese, cfr. Dresden 410. It could, however, be a mere mistake), 50 r v (avamáva, nom. plur.), 50 v 1 (idem), 53 v 4-54 r 1 (nom. sg. fern.), 57 r 3 (avamávyau, instr. plur.) avamávqña-, “numberlessness, immeasurableness”. Suffix -aña (-oña, -auña), Bailey, BSOAS X,598. 54 r 1 (acc. sg.) avasa-, “without doubt, certain”. E avassd, Skrt. avasya-. 56 r 4-v 1 (acc. = adv., “certainly, surely”), 58 r 1 (idem) avárautta-, “unattached, unbased”. Cfr. Konow in Hoernle, p. 346 sub párah. 43 v 4 (nom. sg.) aváya-, “misfortune, ruin, evil state”. BSkrt. apáya, Edgerton p. 46. There are three evil states (in hells, as animals, as ghosts) (= durgati). Cfr. E. J. Thomas: State of the dead (Buddhist), ERE XI, 1920, p. 829 f. 48 v 3 (gen. plur.), 54 v 3 (idem) ayaisce, “I am devoted to, bless”. P 2893.7-8 ayaiscyá(m)da, pret. 3. plur. (KT III.82). Cfr. BSOAS X,905. Skrt. adhistha- (as for the commonly adopted meaning “bless” cfr. Edgerton p. 13). -stha- instead of -sc- in the Khot. word would have been a better reading, but the characteristic left turned hook of the c is very distinctly marked in the MS (-sce-6-a-) 44 v 2 (pres, middle 1. sg., translating BSkrt. adhimucyami, “I am earnestly devoted to”, see Edgerton p. 14) aysa, “ I ” , pers. pron. 1. sg. nom . E aysu, T um suq asu. Later Khot. also aysa, ay si, and a (P 5538.29, BSOS IX,530). 44 r 2-3, 44 v 4 (aysü, I ---- them, end. pers. pron. 3. plur.), 45 r 1, 45 v 4, 46 r 3, 46 r 4, 46 v 3, 47 v 2, 3, 4, 48 r 3, 49 r 3 (aysi), 49 v 1, 50 r 4 (aysü, I ---- of them), 50 v 2, 51 r 1, 44 Nr. 2

51 r 2, 51 r 4, 51 v 2, 51 v 4 (aysi), 53 r 3, 53 v 4, 54 r 4, 56 r 3 ( aysT = aysci + -i), 56 v 2, 57 r 2, 57 r 3 bis, 58 r 1. aysmuci-, “mind, understanding (vijnäna)”. 44 r 3 (instr. sg.), 44 v 1 (idem), 45 r 1 (idem), 45 v 4 (idem), 49 r 3 (idem), 53 v 1 (idem), 53 v 3 (gen. sg.), 57 v 4 ( aysmü prrara)

ä, “or, and”. 48 v 2, 55 v 4. äjTs-, “request, pray to”. Skrt. adhyes-, Edgerton p. 18. Cfr. H. Lüders: Zur Geschichte und Geographie Ostturkestans, SPAW 1922, 256. Bailey, BSOAS XIII,921. 46 r 3 (pres. 1. sg.) äjisq'ma, “requesting, supplication”. 46 v 2 (äjisqjme (jsa)) älamgrya-, “decorated”. Skrt. alamkrta. 54 r v (nom.-acc. plur.) -äm, encl. pers. pron. 3. plur. See Dresden 412. 44 r 4 (hcirbisäni, q. v., if not gen. plur.), 46 r 2 ( baudhasat- väm, or gen. plur.), 47 r 4 (cvcim, cu + -ani, what of them), 48 r 4 (cvcim, who of them , i. e. w hose), 48 v 4 (bisäm, all of them ) äna-, “sitting”. Pres. part, medio-passive of äh-, often used as an emphatic or connecting particle. Dresden 469 and Konow, Primer § 83, p. 51. 45 r 1 (äni), 48 v 2 (am), 54 v 3 (qna), 55 r v (qna), 56 v 1 (qnci) ärra-, “sin, deficiency”. E ärra-, Skrt. rna-, cfr. Sogd. Vn and Av. ardna- in aranat. caesa-, Yt. 10.35, H. W. Bailey, BSOS VI,71-72, TPS 1959, 73, and J. Duchesne-Guillemin : Les composes de TAvesta, 1936, p. 76. 45 v 4 (acc. sg.) ärüva-, “ refuge” . Dresden 369 (ärava-, ärciva-, ärva-). 46 v 4 (ärüva jsa) Nr. 2 45

äsa'-, “ sky” . Latest form of ä v a s a Skrt. äkäsa-. 48 v 2 (loc. sg.) äsaya-, “wish, thought, mental disposition”. Skrt. äsaya, Pali äsaya. 50 v 3 (nua äsayi) äsa'na-, “ w orthy” . Dresden 469, Bailey, BSOAS X,598 and TPS 1952,57. Tocha- rian äsäm, see Konow, NTS XIII,210, Bailey, BSOS VIII,914. 49 v 4 (äsam\ acc. sg.) -ästä, -ästi, “towards”. Old Khot. -älstu, -äilsto, Dresden 469. 46 v 3 (-/i), 47 r 2 (-/a), 47 r 4 (-/er), 49 r 4 (nijsvqnüqstä), 55 v 2 ( dl bahyästä), 56 v 3 (pyamtsästä vaska) äsna-, “first, previous”. äsnai = Tib. thog-mar, BSOS VIII,118. 43 v 1. äspätä-, “ refuge” . Cfr. E p. 398 and Dresden 469. 51 v 4—52 r 1 (äspeva jsa) ävama-, “wish, desire”. E ätama-. Dresden 469. From *äkäma-. 47 r 2 (nom. sg.), 47 v 2 (nom. plur.) ävarana-, “hindrance, obstruction”. BSkrt. ävarana, Edgerton p. 107. Cfr. E. Conze: Buddhist Wisdom Books, London 1958, p. 95. 56 r 4 (ävarana karma, nom. plur.) ävasa'-, “ sky” . Skrt. äkäsa-. 54 r 2 (gen. sg.) äya, “ m ay it b e” , opt. 3. sg. See Dresden 414, note 70. 54 r 3. äyäc-, “request”. Skrt., Pali ä-yäc-, “request, beg, implore, pray to”. 46 r 4 (pres. 1. sg.) äyimqnaa-, “desirer”. Cfr. ätama-, “wish”, and ätlmätä = äyimätä, “he wishes”, E XIII,57,58. 54 v 2—3 (nom . sg.) 46 Nr. 2 aysda + yan-, “to take under one’s protection”. Cfr. Dresden 470 and Ilya Gershevitch, BO XV, 1958, p. 263. 44 r 1. aurga-, “reverence, homage”. Also orga-, e. g. Vajr. 3bII. Cfr. Reichelt, Idg. Jahrb. 1,24 (see W. B. Henning, BSOAS XI,487, note 2), Jail Charpentier, MO XVIII, 1924, p. 26, Saka Studies p. 119 & 189, and Ko­ now, Gram. p. 108. 43 v 1 (aurga (jsa)), 44 r 4, 46 v 2 (aurgyi) ciuska, “eternally, ever”. E osku, ausku. Cfr. Zur nordarischen Spr. p. 32. 55 v 1. bahya-, “ tree” . Dresden 481. 55 v 2 (di bahydstd) ba'ysa-, B uddha. Later Khot. also bai'ysa-, be'ysa-, E balysci-, T um suq bdrsa- and bcirza-, cfr. Bailey in the Adyar Library Bulletin XX,230, TPS 1956,109. 43 v 4 (nom. plur.), 44 r 4 (gen. plur.), 44 v 1 (nom. plur.), 44 v 2 (instr. plur.), 44 v 3-4 (gen. plur.), 45 r 1 (gen. plur., replacing the dative), 45 r 3 (idem), 45 v 1 (bis. acc. plur. & gen. plur.), 45 v 2 (gen. plur., taking up the gen. plur. of line 1), 46 r 3 (acc. plur.), 46 v 4 (bis, nom.-acc. plur. & gen. plur.), 47 r 1 (acc. plur.), 47 v 4 (gen. plur.), 48 r 3 (idem), 49 v 2 (idem), 49 v 4 (acc. plur.), 50 r 3 (nom. plur.), 50 r 4 (idem), 50 v 1 (idem), 50 v 2 (idem), 50 v 3 (bis, gen. plur.), 51 r 1 ( ba'ysqna, gen. plur.), 51 v 3 (gen. plur.), 52 r 1 (idem), 53 r 4 (idem), 54 r 4 (dat.-gen. plur.), 54 v 4 (acc. sg.), 56 r 1 (instr. sg.), 56 r 2 (instr. plur.), 56 v 1 (acc. sg.), 56 v 3 (instr. sg.), 57 r 2 (idem), 58 r 1. bcdysa pura-, “Buddha-son”. Pali Buddhaputto. P 2787.168 (JRAS 1942,18 & 24) baiysa- pura. 44 v 1 (nom. plur.), 46 r 1 (idem), 47 r 4 (nom. plur., where -in conformity with ttydm- gen. plur. should have been ex­ pected, but see sub u, “and”), 49 v 4 (instr. plur.), 50 r 4 (nom. plur.) Nr. 2 47 ba'ysana-, adj. “Buddha-”. E balysdna-. 43 v 3 (ba’ysqna, acc. sg.) ba'ysGna-, “connected with Buddha, Buddha-”. E balysuna-. 44 r 2 (nom. plur.), 47 v 2 (acc. plur.), 49 v 2 (acc. sg.), 50 v 4 ( ba'ysuna bisd'na, group-inflection, translating BSkrt. buddha-sarasvati), 51 r 1 (ba'ysuni hauva jsa), 51 r 4 (nom. plur.), 52 r 4 (nom. sg. fern.), 52 v 3 (acc. plur.), 53 r 1 (acc. sg.), 53 r 2 (ba’ysQna carya----vi), 54 r 2 (acc. plur.), 54 v 2 (obi. sg. fem ), 55 v 2 (balysuna rrumdd, obi. sg.; here rather = bodhi, cfr. the BSkrt. text), 57 r 1 (obi. sg.) ba’ysusti-, “Buddha-hood, bodhi”. Older Khot. balysusti-. 46 v 3 ( bayysustasti, w ith -dsti, “ tow a rd s” ), 47 r 2 (ba'ysustd- sta), 53 r 3 (ba'ysusta, acc. sg.), 55 v 3 (idem), 56 r 1 (idem) bdda-, “ tim e” . From *varta~, Bailey, BSOS VI,63. Cfr. Dresden 481. 43 v 4-44 r 1 (acc. sg.), 47 v 3 (ham vi bddi), 49 r 3 (ham vi bdda) bdysdyamdaa-, “ observant” . Pres. part, to bdysdy-. E bdysdai-, “riickblicken, beachten”. It translates BSkrt. pesalu (P ali pesala). 48 r 3 (nom. sg.) baudha-carya-, “bodhi-career, bodhi-course”. 50 r 4 (acc. sg.), 53 r 2 ( baudhacarya prranihqnyau jsa) baudha-citta, “thought of enlightenment”. Skrt. bodhicitta, Edgerton p. 402. The bodhicitta destroys the w’orld of illusion (parikalpa, Edgerton p. 320) and false discrimination (vikalpa, samkalpa, Edgerton p. 480 & 545). Cfr. E p. 50 and Kha 0012 a, 135, verso 2 f., KBT 11. 48 r 4 (acc. sg.) baudhasatva-, Skrt. bodhisattva. P 2742.20, KT 111,56 baudasatva. E bodhisatva, baudhisatva. 43 v 2 (acc. sg.), 43 v 4 (instr. plur.), 46 r 2 (gen. plur. or nom. plur. + -dm, end. pers. pron. 3. plur., “them”, cfr. Dresden 412), 49 r 1 ( baudhasatva carya), 52 v 4 (baudha­ satva samqdrd), 53 v 3 (gen. sg.) 48 Nr. 2 baudha-vrraiksa-, “Bodhi-tree”. Skrt. vrksa-, “tree”. On the treatment of Skrt. r in Khot. see Bailey, Hvatanica III, BSOS IX,540. 47 r 4 (gen. sg. with dîna) bida is ambiguous. Here perhaps it could stand for older beda, loc. sg. to bâda-, “time”. But bida in Old Khot. (Kha 0012 a, 135, verso 3, KBT 11) would be an adjective from vart-, “turn, exist” or a part. *vrta- from var-, “cover” (H. W. Bailey). Also Ch 0048.68 (KBT 74) kâla-kryi ustamauysi tsumi bida. 56 r 4. bijâsa-, “sound, speech”. Also bajâsa-. E bajdssa-. See Dresden 481. 44 v 3 (nom.-acc. plur.), 50 v 4 (nom. sg.) bijairma-, “outstanding, preeminent”. 45 v 2 (nom.-acc. plur.) birds-, “to explain, preach”. Past stem birasta-. Caus. to birays-. Dresden 483 sub rays-. 56 r 1 (pres, middle 3. sg.) bisâa-, “ tongue” . Cfr. Av. hizvd-. See E. Benveniste : Études sur la langue ossète, Paris 1959, p. 11 and Zur nordarischen Spr. p. 127-128. 44 r 3 (instr. sg.), 45 v 4 (idem), 49 r 3 (idem), 50 v 4 (idem), 53 v 1 (idem, bîsâ'na) bisaa-, “swelling, living”. After a locative it means “being in, in”. Also bisaa-, besaa-. Cfr. Dresden 481. 55 r 3 (acc. plur.) biysân- : biysâmda-, “wake up”. E biysân- : biysânda-. 46 r 3 (past part, nom.-acc. plur.), 51 v 4 (biysqnlme, pres. 1. sg., used like yan-, 48 v 4) biysqnqma, “awakening”. On -âma, older -âmatâi-, see D resden 409, § 9. 46 r 3 ( biysqnqme jsa) b[nqha-, “lute-playing, music”. To Skrt. vTnà-. E bînâna-. 45 r 3 (gen. plur.) Nr. 2 49 bïs'a-, “every, all”. E bissa-. 43 v 3 (gen. plur.), 43 v 4 (bisi, nom. plur.), 44 r 1 ( bisà, nom . p lur.), 44 r 3 ( bisà, acc. plur.), 44 r 4, 44 v 2 (with -i, encl. pers. pron. 3. sg.), 45 r 1 (acc. plur.), 45 r 4 (gen. plur.), 45 v 1 (acc. plur.), 45 v 2 (idem), 45 v 3 (idem), 46 r 2, 47 r 4 (nom. sg.), 47 v 1 (nom. plur.), 47 v 2 (idem), 48 r 3 (loc. sg.), 48 v 3 (gen. sg.), 48 v 4 bis ( bisâm, “all of them”, bisà, acc. sg.), 49 r 1 (acc. sg.), 49 r 2 (idem), 49 v 4 (acc. plur.), 50 r 4 (acc. sg.), 50 v 1 (nom. plur.), 51 r 4 (acc. plur.), 51 v 3 (nom.-acc. plur.), 52 v 1 bis {baisa, bisà, acc. sg. = adverbs), 52 v 2 (adverb.), 52 v 4 (acc. sg.), 53 r 3 (acc. plur.), 53 r 4 (adverb), 53 v 1 (nom. plur.), 53 v 4 (acc. sg.), 54 r 2 (nom. sg. or adverb (= acc. sg.)), 54 r 3 (nom. plur.), 55 v 1 (ad­ verb), 56 r 4 (nom. plur.), 56 v 4 bis (adverb and nom. sg. fern.), 57 r 4, 57 v 1—2 (baisa) brrahma-svara-, “Brahma-voice”. Skrt. See Hobogirin p. 133 (sub Bonnon). 50 v 3 (acc. sg.) brrïyaâ-, “love, passion”. Cfr. Dresden 482 sub br(r)a-. 43 v 1 {brriya, instr. (or loc.) sg.), 45 v 3 (brriye), gen. sg.) bô'jsà-, “ virtue” . Dresden 482. Older Khot. buljsâ-, E XXV,478 etc. 44 v 3 (nom.-acc. plur.), 50 r 3 (gen. plur.), 52 r 2 (instr. plur.), 55 v 1 (idem) bu'jsmaa-, “consisting of virtues”. Dresden 482. 44 v 3 (nom.-acc. plur.) buri, burà, a particle denoting quantity and limitation (up to something). See sub cu. E buro. 44 r 2, 49 v 3 {bürà, of which the most suitable translation may be “throughout”), 54 r 2 {kbu bura), 56 v 1-2, 57 v 4 {ci buri) busqna-, “perfume”. busana- also in Ap. and Vajr. Cfr. E busa, bussa. 45 r 2 (nom. plur., -a as plur. is common e. g. in P 2957, see Bailey, BSOAS XIII,921), 45 r 3 (nom. sg.) Hist. Filos.Medd. Dan. Vid.Selsk. 39, no. 2. 4 50 Nr. 2 bv-, (bud-), “to understand, feel, experience, attain”. Past stem busta-, Dresden 483. 53 r 3 (conj. 1. sg.), 54 r 2 (idem), 55 v 3 (butti, pres, middle, 3. sg. Cfr. Saka Studies p. 127 and E p. 476), 56 r 1 (butte, idem , and bvari, pres, middle 3. plur.), 57 v 4 (bvdve, conj. 3. sg.) bvqma, “understanding, knowledge, bodhi”. Dresden 483 sub bv-. 50 r 2 (bvqme jsa), 52 r 3 (idem), 52 v 4 (idem), 55 r 4-v 1 (idem ), 57 r 4 (idem ) bvqha-, “to be known, recognized”. Future part., see Bailey, Handbuch p. 147. 55 r 1 (nom. sg.) bvascya-, “experience”. C om pare bvdstya-. 53 v 3 (nom. sg.) bvdstya-, “experience”. Cfr. Dresden 483 sub bv-. It translates Tib. ses-pa, Bailey, BSOS VIII,121. 53 v 1 (acc. sg.), 53 v 2 (nom. sg.), 53 v 3 (nva aysmu bvdstya) bvaijsd-, “virtue, merit”. Later form of bfi’jsd-, q. v. 54 r 1 (nom. plur.) bvqyna-, “incense, perfume”. 45 r 4 (bvq'ndm - jsa) byqma, “doubt, perplexity”. E (p. 473) bitamd. bdtamd, Kha 1.13, 140 r 4, KBT 4, trans­ lates Tib. the-chom, “doubt, perplexity” (Bailey). 56 r 1-2 (nom . sg. fern.) byqna-, “hindrance, attachment”. Cfr. SPAW 1935, p. 472. 46 r 3 (vinau byqna) byqnanigara-, “doer of obstruction, hindrance”. byqna- in the acc. in the compound. 48 r 4 (nom . plur.) byeh- : byauda-, “to attain, obtain, come to, succeed in”. From (a)bi- + dp-. 44 r 1 (byehu, pres. 1. sg.), 47 v 4 (byehime), pres. 1. sg., used like yan- 48 v 4, cfr. Dresden 414, note 65), 50 r 3 Nr. 2 51

(past part. nom. plur.), 52 r 2 (idem, nom. sg.), 53 r 4 (pres. 1. sg., like 47 v 4), 55 r 2-3 ( byehinida, pres. 3. plur. and like 47 v 4), 56 v 2 (like 47 v 4), 57 r 1 (idem), 57 r 2 bis (like 47 v 4 and past part. acc. sg.), 57 r 4 (past part. nom. plur.) bhadra-caryá-, bhadra-ciryd-, badra-caryá, “Bhadra-caryá, the Good Course (of Life)”. 44 r 1 (acc. sg.), 45 r 2 (in a compound), 47 r 1 (acc. sg.), 47 v 4 ( badra-carye, gen. sg.), 49 v 1 ( bhadra-carye jsa), 49 v 3 ( bhadrra-carye, gen. sg.), 52 v 2 (acc. sg.), 53 r 3 ( bhadra- carye jsa), 55 r 1 (acc. sg.), 55 r 4, 55 v 4, 56 r 3, 56 v 3, 57 r 4 (gen. sg.), 57 v 2 (idem), 58 r 1-2 ( bhadra-carya-desana, nom . sg.) bhcwanci-, “concentration”. Skrt. idem, from bhdvayati, “create precise visual images”. 57 v 4 ( bhñviña nvaiya) cakrra-, “w heel” . Skrt. cakra-. 46 r 4 (acc. sg.), 51 r 1 (gen. sg.), 51 v 4 (instr. sg.) canka-, “as much as, so much”. 46 v 4 (nom.-acc. plur.), 54 v 2 (cankai, “ -f o r h im ” ) car-, “to wander, practise”. Skrt. idem. 47 v 2 (pres. 1. sg.), 48 v 2 (idem, used like yan-, 48 v 4) carau-, “ lam p ” . Also carau, cirau-. E ciro, cirau. Sogd. cr*y, GMS § 1518, Zor. Pahl. (e. g. Gr. Bd. 220,10), New Persian dray, Psalt. (cjwPdy, cfr. Barr p. 147 (59 of the offprint), Turf. cr'h. An analysis of the word is to be found in H. W. Bailey: Ambages Indo- iranicae, Istituto Universitario Oriéntale, Annali, Sezione Lingüistica I, 1959, p. 120 f. Cfr. also Abaev p. 323—324. Plur. carauva with an unetymological “hiatus -v-”, cfr. sa- rauva, “lions”, in 44 r 2. Cfr. W. Bang, Le Muséon 38, 1925, p. 18, note 3. Aram. NntP, Telegdi, JA 1935, 255. 45 r 4 (instr. plur.), 46 r 2 (nom.-acc. plur.), 51 v 3 (carau dijscika) caryá-, ciryá-, “course (of life), career”. Skrt. carya-. 4* 52 Nr. 2

46 v 4 (riva cirya), 47 v 2 (acc. sg.), 48 v 4 bis (carye, cirye, acc. sg.), 49 r 1 (baudhasatva carya), 49 r 2 (acc. sg.), 49 r 3 (carye jsa), 49 r 4, 49 v 2 (acc. sg.), 50 v 2 (carya kalpa sa- mydra, compound), 52 r 2 (gen. sg.), 53 r 1-2 (kalpa cirye, acc. sg.), 53 r 2 (carya----uf), 53 v 1 (acc. sg.), 53 v 4 (gen. sg.), 54 r 1 (nom. sg.), 54 v 2 (carye, gen. sg.), 55 r 2 (nom. sg.), 56 r 3 (acc. sg.), 56 v 4 (idem) câ’ya-, “magic, sorcery”. 51 v 1 (cd’yi mqnanida, w here cd’ya- translates may a, here in bonam partem) ci, “w ho” , rel. pron. 51 r 1, 54 r 4, 54 v 1, 54 v 4. ci buri, “as many as, whatever”. 58 r 1. drama-, “such as”. Jâtakast. 23 r 4 crrâma-, E crrâma-, crama-. 55 r 2 (cirqmai, with the emph. particle or the end. pers. pron. 3. sg.) cuna-, “fragrant powder”. Skrt. cürna-. 45 r 4 (cunyau jsa) cü, “who, what, which, since, because”. 44 r 2 (cu buri, “as many as”), 44 v 4 (cu ra, see sub ra), 45 r 2, 45 r 3 (cu ri), 45 v 1 (cu ra), 45 v 2 (idem), 45 v 3 (idem), 45 v 4, 46 r 1 (cu ra), 46 r 4, 46 v 2, 46 v 3, 47 r 1 (cu), 47 r 2, 47 r 3, 47 r 4 (cvam, cfr. -dm), 47 v 2, 48 r 2 (cu ri), 48 r 4 (cvam, “ w hose” ), 48 v 2, 49 r 2, 49 r 4 (cü), 51 r 3 (cü), 51 r 4, 51 v 1, 52 r 4, 52 v 1, 53 v 2 (cvai, “ who - for h im ” ), 55 v 4 (cu si’ cu), 56 r 2, 56 v 1 (cü buri), 57 r 4, 57 v 2.

damda-, “so much, so great”. 48 v 4. dasau, “ten ” . Cfr. Konow, Primer 67. Maralbasi dase. 44 r 2, 45 v 4-46 r 1, 46 r 2, 47 r 1-2, 47 r 3, 47 v 1, 54 r 4. dasta-, “skilful”. From *dastya~, cfr. Dresden 476 and Abaev 359-360. 50 r 2 (nom. sg.), 52 r 4 (nom . plur.) Nr. 2 53 dä-, “ Law, D harm a” . E däta-, T um suq däda-. 46 v 2 (instr. sg.), 47 r 1 (idem), 47 v 4 (idem), 48 r 3 (acc. sg.), 50 r 2 (instr. sg.), 50 v 4 (acc. sg.), 57 v 4. däsa-, pret. stem, “finish”. Dresden 476. 46 r 1 (pret., trans., 3. plur.) däsqma, “ending, completion, carrying out, full use”. Cfr. däsa-. 52 r 2 (acc. sg.) dätinaa-, “of the Law, belonging to the Law”. E idem . 46 r 2 (nom.-acc. plur.), 51 r 1 (gen. sg.), 52 v 3 (acc. plur.) däya-, “of the Law, belonging to the Law, according to the Law”, St. H 33, see Bailey, Asia Major N.S. 2,23. E dätia-. On däya-/dätia-, cfr. Dresden 469 sub äsPrya-. Ch c 001,864 (KBT 136) däyya. 46 r 4 ( däyl, acc. sg.), 47 v 1-2 (däya, nom . plur.), 51 v 4 (däyl cakrina, cfr. Dresden 408) daime, daimi, see sub dy-. daiysda, “he holds”, see sub dijs-. desana, disana, desina, disina, “teaching, preaching”. Skrt. desanä. Cfr. BSOAS XIV,427. 45 r 2 (in a compound), 49 r 1 (disane, loc. sg.), 56 r 2 (disina, nom. sg.), 56 r 3 (desina, nom. sg.), 58 r 1 (desana vi) 58 r 2 (nom. sg.) didanida-, “such, so great”. D resden 413, g, 3. 44 r 4 (instr. plur.), 46 v 1 (acc. plur.) dijs-, “to hold”. Pres, stem also drjs-, därjs-, dajs-. See Dresden 476 sub dijsäka. E drjs- : därta- (drta-, draita-), p. 444. Saka Studies 134. 46 v 1 (conj. 3. plur.), 49 v 2 (conj. 1. sg.), 55 v 4 (daiysda, older drysde, därysde (E ), pres, m iddle, 3. sg.) dijsäka-, “ h o ld er” . Cfr. dijs-. 51 v 4 (nom . plur.) dimme, see sub dy-. 54 Nr. 2 disa*-, “direction, quarter”. Skrt. dis(a). Cfr. A. A. M acdonell & A. B. K eith: Vedic Index of Names and Subjects, Vol. I, London 1912, p. 365-366. 44 r 2 (disP vira), 45 v 1 (disP vi), 46 r 1 ( disi* vl), 46 r 2 (disi* vira), 47 r 2 (idem ), 47 r 3 (disP vl), 47 v 1 (disP vira), 50 v 1 (loc. plur.), 51 v 2 (idem), 54 r 4 (disP vl), 57 r 4 (disanP vídamnf bisa) di, dina, “under, below”. E di, dina. 47 r 4 (dinasta), 55 v 2 (dl bahydstd) dls-, “confess”. E dlsama, pres. 1. sg., XII,68. 45 v 4 (pres. 1 sg.) dlsq'ma, “confessing”. 46 v 2 (dlscpme jsa) dram, drqma-, “ su ch ” . 44 v 3, 53 v 2. drau, “ h a ir” . See Bailey, BSOAS X,597, TPS 1945,6. Yaghnobi dardu, d\ráu, M.S. Andreev & E. M. Pescereva: Jagnobskie tekstv, 1957, p. 244. 50 v 1 (gen. sg.; obi. = direct.) dribáclua-, drabadua-, “belonging to the three times”. Fern, bcidva, e. g. ksumdq-badva, “being of an age for a hus­ band”, P 2781.69(1) (BSOAS X,579, KT 111,68) 44 r 2 (nom. plur.), 50 v 4-51 r 1 (gen. plur.), 51 r 3 (nom. plur.), 53 r 2 ( dri-bddu vl) drñncia-, “healthy”. E drünaa-. Cfr. Bailey BSOS IX,72. 47 v 1 (nom. plur.) d&kha-, “sulfering, misery”. Skrt. duhkha-. Cfr. Dresden 476. BSkrt. dukha, Pali dukkha and dukha. 43 v 3 (gen. plur.), 48 v 3 (acc. plur.) dy- : dya-, “ to see” . Saka Studies 133. 4 9 ^ 4 (daime, pres. 1. sg., E daima), 50 r 4 ( daimi, idem ), 51 r 4 (dimme, idem, used like yan-, 48 v 4, q.v.), 51 v 4 Nr. 2 55 (daime, idem), 53 r 1 (idem), 54 v 4 (daitä, pres. 3. sg.), 56 r 4 (daime, pres. 1. sg., like 51 r 4) dyqma, “sight, the act of seeing”. E dyämatä-. Cfr. Dresden 476. 43 v 3 (nom. sg.), 46 r 4. dharma-cakrra-, “Dharma-wheel, the wheel of the Law”. 55 v 3 (acc. sg.) dharma-dhätta-, “Dharma-world, sphere of religion”. BSkrt. dharma-dhätu, cfr. Edgerton p. 278-279. 44 v 2 (acc. sg.) gambhira-, “profound, deep”. Vajr. lbIV-2aI gabhira. E gganibhira-. Skrt. gabhlra, gambhira. 57 v 4 (gambhirä dä) gara-, “mountain”. Av. gairi-. Cfr. BSOAS X,600. 45 r 4. gatti, “stage, station, state of existence”. BSkrt. gati. Later Khot. also ga-, plur. ge\ E ggatd. See Dresden 473 sub ge\ Mostly five (hell, animals, ghosts (the three evil ones, = apäya, Khot. aväya-, q.v., durgati), gods, men (cfr. Jätakast. 38 r 3 pajse ge\ “the five states of existence”)), but sometimes also six (+ asuras), Edgerton p.208-209. 48 v 3 (gen. sg.) gau\ see sub ge\ ge\ “ group” . It translates Skrt. , gana. Older ggäscd-. Suv. Or. 9609.27 v 3 ggäsä'nu (gen. plur.), 36 r 4 gdso' (acc. sg.), KT 1,236. 55 v 1 (gaiC jsa) ge's-, “to turn”. Dresden 473. E ggeVss-. Intrans. ge’s-, E ggei's-. Also forms w ith b-, e. g. bais-, “make turn”, Or. 8212.162,70 (baisquq dqyi cakrrq), KT 11,5. Cfr. JBAS 1954,32. 46 r 3-4 (pres. 3. plur.) ge'sqma, “turning”. Cfr. geys~. 51 r 1 (ge'sqme jsa) 56 Nr. 2 grïca-, gruîca-, “grain of sand”. E ggurvïca-, see p. 419. Cfr. Saka Studies 137. 44 r 4 (nom. plur.), 46 v 1 (nom.-acc. plur.), 48 v 4 (nom. plur.), 50 r 3 (gen. sg.), 54 v 1 (grlcyau jsa) grvlcika-, “small grain of sand”. 51 v 2 (gen. sg.) güjsaba'j-, “ to destroy, disperse” . Cfr. TPS 1945,7. 55 v 3—4 (pres, middle 3. sg., rendering dharsaya-, “attack”) güscya, 1) “Nirvana, deliverance”, or 2) “delivered” (= gUstya-) like BSkrt. vimiiktu, nom . sg. Cfr. Bailey, BSOAS X,578 & 900. See sub gUstya-. 48 v 2, 51 v 1 (gen. sg.) güstya-, “deliverance”. To gfich- : güta-, “to deliver” (trans.), inchoative stem (in­ tran s.) güs-, “to escape”, cfr. Dresden 473. 50 r 2 (nom. sg.) güttaira-, “ fam ily” . From Skrt. gotra-, BSOAS X.898. E ggüttara-, ggütra-, ggüttra-. Tocharian A kotàr, e. g. W. Krause, Handbuch der Orientalistik IV,3, p. 39. 55 v 1 (instr. sg.) guqna with na, “not at all”. Cfr. BSOAS X,580. It translates Skrt. ma jâtu. 48 r 4, 49 v 2 (with ma) gyasta-, jasta-, “deva, god, majesty”. - Av. yazata-. T um suq jezda-. 43 v 4 (nom. plur.), 55 v 2 (jastyau jsa) ha'ca, “any, somewhere, at all, somehow”. The word expresses indefmiteness. E halca. New Persian hdr ci. Cfr. Dresden 413 and Primer 130. From harva- as Ossetic ali, Abaev 48. 47 v 3, 56 v 2. hajvattd, “ w isdom ” . E haj(u) vat tâta. Cfr. Bailey, JRAS 1942,27-28. 50 r 2 (nom. sg.), 52 r 3-4 (idem) ham, “ sam e” . E hama, Av. hama-. Nr. 2 57

43 v 4 {ham bddd, “at the same time”, acc. sg., E hamu badu), 47 v 3 (ham vi bddi, “at all time”), 49 r 3 (ham of bada) ham- : hamya-, “to be, become”. See Bailey, Handbuch 143. 44 r 1-2 (.hamdre, pres, m iddle 3. plur.), 47 r 3 (hamave, conj. 3. sg., cfr. Dresden 414), 49 r 4 (himdmde, conj. 3. plur.), 49 v 1 (like 47 r 3), 51 r 2 (himqne, conj. 1. sg., with ttramdi, past part., acc. sg. expressing potentiality with intrans. verbs, cfr. Bailey, BSOAS X,586), 51 r 3 (like 51 r 2), 51 v 1 (idem), 53 r 3-4 (conj. 1. sg.), 53 r 4 (hamdvam, conj. 3. sg. + -m, q.v.), 54 r 1 (himate, conj. 3. sg., cfr. Saka Studies 143 and Bailey, Handbuch 144), 54 v 3 (pres, middle 3. plur.), 55 v 1 (ham i, pres, m iddle 3. sg. Older Khot. hamate), 55 v 3 (hame, idem ), 56 r 3 (himdve, conj. 3. sg.), 57 v 3 (conj. 3. plur.), 58 r 1 bis (hamara, conj. 3. plur., cfr. Handbuch 144, himqne, conj. 1. sg.) hamaniga-, “equal to”. E hamahga-, hamamgga-. Cfr. Dresden 489. 5! r 4 (se ksqna hamamgd), 52 r 1 (hamamgd = jsa hamamgd, giving the genitive instrumentalis-meaning), 52 r 2 bis (jsa hamamgd) hamamgtd-, “completeness, equality”. E IV,66 hamamggatdtd. On the old *-tdti-nouns cfr. Bailey JRAS 1942,27-28. 43 v 3 (obi. hamamgte dgqma vara, lit. “good (vara rendering bhadra-) in appearance in completeness”, i. e. the Khot. “etymology” of Samantabhadra, cfr. Bailey, Analecta Indo- scythica II, JRAS 1954,28 f.) hama-nasar, “having the same share, portion, comrade”. nasa = Skrt. bhdgo (Suv. 63a5, SPAW 1935,454 and 478) = Tib. cha (Bailey, BSOS VIII,130). nasa- from 2nas-, Air. W b. 1056. Cfr. for the construction Zor. Pahl. hambdy (to Av. baga-, “share, portion”, Air. Wb. 952), widely borrowed, e. g. A ram aic hnbg, pap. 5.5, 9.18, 10.12, 12.27 (Emil G. Krae- ling: The Brooklyn Museum Aramaic Papyri, 1953), Syriac habbdgd, “adversarius”, Mand. h'mb'g*. 49 r 2 (nom. plur.), 53 r 4 (nom. sg.) hamba'ri, “may I fulfil”, see sub hamber-. 58 Nr. 2 hamber- : hambada-, “to fill, fulfil”. Dresden 489-490. Intrans. hambir-, q. v. 44 v 2 (past part. acc. sg.), 47 r 1 (hainba’ri, opt. 1. sg.), 52 v 2 (hamberi, idem), 52 v 4 (past part. nom. sg.), 53 r 1 (like 52 v 2), 53 r 3 (past part. acc. sg. MS hambada for hambacla), 54 r 1 (idem) hamberamca-, “fulfilment”. Pres. part. fern, as subst. Cfr. haniber-. 47 v 4 (obi. sg.) hambir-, “to be fulfilled”. Cfr. hamber-. 56 v 4 (opt. 3. sg.) hamdajqn-, “to make ripen”. To hamdajs-, “burn, ripen” (intrans.), cfr. E. Cfr. hadajdha, P 4099,377, KBT 132. 52 v 3 (conj. l.sg.) hamdara-, “ other” . Jatakast. 20 r 4, 31 v 4 hanida. E handara-, T um suq han­ dara-. Av. 2antara-. 56 r 1 (gen. plur.) harnguj- : hanigv-, “to be in contact, meet”. Cfr. Bailey, Asia Major N.S. 1,41 and BSOAS X,578. 49 r 3 (opt. l.sg., cfr. Handbuch 144) hamgiijsa-, “meeting”. 49 v 1 (nom. sg.) hamjsara-, “field of action”. Cfr. P 3510,10.9, KBT 53. E hamjsdrrd-. It translates BSkrt. gocara, on which see Edgerton p. 215. 51 v 1 (acc. sg.) hamjsamda-, past part, “collected, gathered”. E hamjsaunda-. Pres, stem hamjsem-, “to bring together, gather, collect, heap up”. Cfr. Dresden 489. 46 v 2-3 (nom. sg.), 52 r 4 (acc. sg.), 52 v 1 (idem), 57 v 2. hamjsim-, “to come together, be accumulated”. Cfr. hanijsamda-. 46 v 3 (conj. 3. plur.) hamkhiysa-, “enumeration, counting”. To khigs- : khista-. Cfr. Saka Studies 140 and TPS 1945,33. 54 r 1 (hamkhiysa vastci) Nr. 2 59 hamphva-, past part, “associated with, possessed of”. Also hamphuta-. Inchoat. pres, hamphus-, see Dresden 478­ 479. 55 v 1 (nom. sg.) hamtsa, “together with”. Adverb, postposition, and preposition, generally used with jsa. Cfr. Dresden 489 and the references given there. 43 v 4 (postposition without jsa), 49 r 4, 49 v 4 (jsa hamtsa) hanaim-, “to make bend”. Caus. to hanam-, “incline”, Av. fra-nam-. Also hanem- in hanemate, pres, middle 3. sg., Samgh. 21 at (Saka Studies 74, line 1). On other compounds of the same base cfr. Dres­ den 478 sub panam-. 46 v 3 (pres. 1. sg.) hands-, “to destroy”. Caus. to hanas- (E hanass-), past part, hanasta- (E idem). Cfr. Av. 1nas-, Air. Wb. 1055 and Dresden 489 sub hanasta-. 48 r 4 (pres. 1. sg., used like yan-, 48 v 4. The BSkrt. text has opt. 3. sg. vimuhyet, v. 1. vimuhye (the usual BSkrt. opt. 3. sg.)) harblsa-, “all, every”. E harbissa-, harbassa-. Cfr. MPers. haruisp. 44 r 3 (loc. plur.), 44 r 4 (gen. plur. or “everyone of them, of the Buddhas”, with the end. pers. pron. -dm, 3. plur.), 45 v 2 (nom. plur.), 46 r 3 (acc. plur.), 46 v 3 (acc. sg.), 47 v3 (loc. plur.), 47 v 4 (gen. plur.), 48 v 1 (nom. plur.), 48 v 3 (acc. plur.), 48 v 4 (obi. sg.), 50 r 1 (loc. plur.), 50 v 3 (gen. plur.), 55 r 4 (harbasa, nom. plur.), 56 v 3-4 (nom. sg.), 57 v 3 (nom . p lu r.) haskautta-, “practised”? Translating BSkrt. abhiyukta-. From fra-skaufta-l 48 r 3-4 (nom. sg.) hastama-, “ best” . Av. hastama-. E hastama-. 45 v 1 (gen. plur.) hayumdausta-, “friendship”. Cfr. Saka Studies 143. 49 r 4 (hayumdausti jsa) 60 Nr. 2 hayuna-, “ frien d ” . Bailey, Asia Major N.S. 2,24. E hayüna-. 54 v 4 (abl. p lu r.) hä, “towards, in that direction, from this point”. Dresden 490, E p. 523. H. W. Bailey: < *fräk? 54 v 2, 55 r 1, 56 v 1. häva-, “blessing, profit”. See Dresden 490 and I. Gershevitch, BO XV,6,1958 p. 263 & Hymn p. 250 (from *frävi- (Ax.fravi-, Air. Wb. 991) to av-). In hendiadys with änusamsa-, “blessing”, P 2027.83 häva anüsäsq (KT 111,54), Ap. 3aIV—bl häva anusamsa, H oernle 300. 57 r 3 (acc. sg.) hauda-, past part, “given”. To pres, stem hor-, “to give”, Tumsuq ror-: rorda-. From fra-bara-. E hüda-. Cfr. Khwär. hißr-, “to give”, Sogd. ößr- (ßvar-) < *fvar- < fra-bara, GMS p. 246. Old Persian fra-bar-. 54 v 1 (acc. sg.) hauvä-, “power, strength”. Dresden 491. 45 r 2 (nom. sg.), 49 r 1 (acc. sg.), 49 v 3 (nom. sg.), 51 r 1 (hauva jsa), 51 v 1 (hauva prribhävana, group-inflected hen­ diadys, instr. sg.), 52 r 4 bis (nom. sg.), 52 v 1 bis (nom. sg. & acc. sg.), 52 v 2 ter (acc. sg., vinau hauva, hauva jsa), 53 v 3 (nom. sg.), 57 r 4 (hauva bvqme jsa = BSkrt. buddhi-balena) hairsti, hairstä, “truly, really, surely”. From hira- and *stäya-. Bailey, TPS 1959,73. Also hirstai. E hörst ai, hörst ei, härstäyä. 48 r 4, 50 r 1 (or scribal error for aharstä, “ continously” ?) hais- : haista-, “to give”. From fra-aes-, cfr. Air. Wb. 31. See Dresden 491. 45 r 3 (pres. 1. sg. with -u, end. pers. pron. 3. plur.), 54 r 4 (past part. acc. sg.) hinä-, “ arm y” . Av. haenä-, Old Persian haindi,- in malam partem like hinä-. 55 v 4 (acc. sg.) hlvya-, “ ow n” . Particle denoting the genitive. Also hävya-, hivya-. T um suq Nr. 2 61

havya-. Cfr. Primer 33. In the use the particle corresponds to BSkrt. santaka, Edgerton p. 555. 48 v 1 (hw l), 49 v 3 (hiya), 51 r 4 (idem), 55 v 4 (idem) hubyauda-, “well-obtained”. See byeh- : byauda-. 55 r 1 (nom. sg.) hutsva-, “well-arrived”. Cfr. tsu-. 55 r 1 (nom. plur.) huvasva-, “very pure”. See sub vasva-. 50 v 3 (acc. sg.), 52 r 4 (nom. plur.) hva, “myself, yourself etc.” E hvata. Dresden 491. Cfr. Zor. Pahl. x uat, H. S. N yberg: Hilfsbuch des Pehlevi II, Uppsala 1931, p. 139. 50 r 2. hvaramc[ha-, “favourable, productional”. Cfr. hvaramdaa- (e. g. St. H. 34 and 59), “of the right hand”, Sogd. xw 'rnt (C hr.), yw 'r'nt (Buddh.), Ormurl xwarincd, GMS § 1066, IIFL 1,413, and Bailey, Zor. Probl. 73. It translates BSkrt. pradaksinu. Vajr. hvaramcaihd, hvaraincihd, Hoernle 341. 47 v 2 (nom. plur.) hvata-, cfr. hvah-. hvah- : hvata-, “ sp eak ” . T um suq hvdn-, BSOAS XIII,653 & 655. 44 v 4 (pres. 1. sg.), 56 r 2 (past part. nom. sg. fern., “taught, spoken” .) hvqhanica-, “speaking, preaching, preacher”. Lit. part. pres. act. fern, to hvah. 55 r 4 (nom . sg.) hvqhqma, “speaking, preaching”. 57 v 2 (hvahqme jsa) hvasta-, “ best” . Dresden 491. Maralbasi hvesta-, cfr. Osset. Ir. xistcer, Digor xestcer, “elder, eldest”. See Bailey, Ttagutta, BSOAS X,599, note 2. Cfr. Av. hvoista-. 43 v 1 (acc. of direction), 53 r 4 (nom. sg.), 54 v 2 (obi. sg.) 62 Nr. 2

hue1-, “ m a n ” . Cfr. Dresden 468. 46 r 1 (hvamdam, gen. plur.), 54 v 2 (hue, nom. sg.), 55 v 2 (hvqndyau jsa) hvi(ya)-, “ h u m a n ” . Dresden 491. 44 v 4 (nom. plur.), 48 r 2 (nom. plur. fern.), 54 v 1 (acc. plur.), 55 r 2 (hin ysamtha vira) hya-, “good, profit”. E hdta-, Skrt. hita-. Cfr. Dresden 491. 46 v 1 (hye suhi kina), 48 v 4 (obi. sg.), 49 r 4 (hye nva), 55 v 3 (hye udisdyi)

-I, emphatic particle. 46 v 4 (maml), 55 r 2 bis (cirqmai, ttai, or end. pers. pron. 3. sg., “to him, for him”), 56 r 2 ( tcerai) -F, e n d . pers. pron. 3. sg. 44 v 2 (bisl, “all of it”), 51 r 1 (oirai), 53 v 2 (cvai), 54 v 2 (cankai), 55 r 4 (ahar[nai), 56 r 3 (aysi) i, opt. 3. sg. to ah-, “to b e” . 46 v 3, 47 r 4, 48 r 2, 50 r 3 1. sg.? Cfr. bhavi in the BSkrt. text, 53 v 2, 54 r 2, 55 r 3 (w ith past part, yudi, cfr. Primer § 8 1 ) imde, “they are”. Pres. 3. plur. to ah-. E Tndd, Maralbasi andi, NTS, XIV, 163. 44 r 2, 45 v 3, 46 r 1, 46 r 4, 47 r 2, 47 r 3, 47 v 1 (used like yan-, 48 v 4), 48 r 4, 49 r 2, 57 r 4. fme, “ I am ” . Pres. 1. sg. to ah-. 49 r 1 (used like yan-, 48 v 4), 53 v 4 (idem) Tydmda-, “perpetual, at all times, complete”. Perhaps from *aiva-anta- (Bailey), cfr. J. Gonda: Altind. °anta-, °antara-, usw. BTLVN-I, Deel 97, 1938, 453—500. 48 r 1 (acc. sg. = adv., translating nityam) jadi-, “stupidity”. Dresden 474, E p. 425-426. 45 v 3 (gen. sg.), 55 r 3 (idem) Nr. 2 63 jastuna-, “divine, celestial”. 44 v 4-45 r 1 (nom. plur.), 48 r 2 (nom. plur. fem.), 54 r 4­ 54 v 1 (acc. plur.) jamde, “may they perish, they shall perish”. Conj. 3. plur. E jiydnde. Cfr. Dresden 474 sub jina-, ja-, and E p. 427. 48 v 1, 54 r 4, 56 r 4. jdre, “they perish, disappear”. See sub jamde. Pres, middle 3. plur. 55 r 4. jdsmara-, “remembering one’s previous births”. Skrt. jatismara-. 47 v 2-3 (nom . sg.) ji, “indeed, now”. Later Khot. also ja, ju. E ju, T um suq ju, Maralbasi gu, BSOAS XIII,664. 46 v 3, 54 v 2. jindka-, “destroyer”. Cfr. Dresden 474 sub jina-, ja-. 43 v 3 (acc. sg.) jsa, “from, with”. T um suq tsi, Maralbasi dza. 43 v 1, 44 v 1, 45 r 2, 45 r 4 ter, 45 v 2, 45 v 3, 46 r 3, 46 v 2 quater, 46 v 4, 48 r 3, 49 r 3 ter, 49 r 4, 49 v 1 bis, 49 v 4 (jsa hamtsa), 50 r 2, 50 v 2, 50 v 3, 51 r 1 bis, 52 r 1, 52 r 2 bis, 52 r 3 bis, 52 v 2, 52 v 4, 53 r 1, 53 r 2, 53 r 3, 53 v 2, 54 v 1, 54 v 4, 55 v 1 ter, 55 v 2, 57 r 3, 57 r 4 bis, 57 v 2, 57 v 3. jsa-, “ to go” . Dresden 475, E p. 429. 55 v 2 (jsdvi = gacchati) jsqna, jsam, “ indeed” . Lit. “going”. Also jsa. Primer §83, p. 51. 44 v 4, 48 r 2, 49 v 1, 50 1 -2 , 50 r 3. jsindi-, “life” . E idem. Tumsuq tsenya, cfr. Bailey, BSOAS XIII,657. 46 v 1 (acc. sg.), 55 r 1 (nom. sg.) 64 Nr. 2 kalpa-, “ age” . Skrt. kalpa-. 46 v 1 (acc. plur.), 49 r 2 (loc. plur.), 49 v 3 (idem), 50 r 1 (idem), 50 v 2 (carya kalpa samydrä), 51 r 2 (acc. plur.), 51 r 3 (nom. plur.), 53 r 1 (kalpa cirye), 54 v 1 (kalpyäm jsa), 56 v 4 (loc. plur.) karma-, “deed, act”. Skrt. karman-. 44 r l (nom. plur.), 48 v 1 (gen. plur., abl. in meaning trans­ lating karmatu, abl. sg.), 52 r 4 (gen. plur.), 52 v 1 (idem), 54 r 3 (karma klesa’), 55 r 4 (nom. plur.), 56 r 4 (idem) karvlnaa-, “belonging to the surrounding parts”. Dresden 471. Adjective to kara-, “surrounding part, limit”. Cfr. Osset, cegcer, “without limit”, with gcer = kcer < Old Iran. kara-', cfr. Bailey, TPS 1946,204 and Abaev 119-120 and 586 sub kceron. 44 v 1 (nom. plur.), 49 v 4 (karv[nä ba'ysä püryau), 50 r 4 (karv[nä ba'ysä püra) kas- : kasta-, “to fall”. Dresden 471. 50 r 2 (conj. 1. sg.) käla-krra, “act of death, käla-kriyä”. 56 r 4 (obl. sg.) kqma-, “ desire” . Skrt. käma-. 43 v 2 (nom. plur.) kina, “because of, for the sake of, for”. Postposition. Dresden 471. Oldest kädäna, K roraina kritena (H. W. Bailey). 46 v 1 klra-, “act, deed”. E klra-, Av. ka'rya-. T um suq karya-, kari, cfr. Bailey, Hand­ buch p. 149. 45 v 3 (nom. plur.), 46 r 1 (acc. sg.), 48 r 4 (nom. plur.), 53 v 1 (idem), 53 v 4 (acc. plur.) klesa-, “defilement”. Also klaisa-, kidesa>. Skrt. klesa-, Pali klesa, kilesa, NW- P rakrit kilesa. Nr. 2 65

48 v 1 (gen. plur., abl. in meaning translating BSkrt. klesatu, abl. sg.), 52 v 1 (gen. plur.), 54 r 3 (nom. plur.) krra, “determination, decision”. E kraya-. BSkrt. kriyd, Edgerton p. 197 (kriyd and kriyd-kdra). 56 v 4 (nom . sg. fern.) kscima-, “desirous”. Adj., cfr. BSOAS XV,533. 46 r 4 (nom . plur.) ksana-, “ m om ent” . Skrt. idem. Cfr. L. de la Vallee-Poussin: Notes sur le “mo­ ment” ou ksana des bouddhistes, Rocznik Orientalistyczny V III,1-9. 51 r 2 bis (se-ksqnd and ksanyau, instr. plur.), 51 r 3 (instr. sg.), 51 r 4 (se ksqnd hamamgd), 57 v 3 (se ksqnd jsa) ksittra-, ksaittra-, “field (of activity for the Buddha)”. Skrt. ksetra, Pali khetta. Cfr. Edgerton p. 401 ([buddha-ksetra). 44 r 3 (loc. plur.), 46 v 1 (idem), 47 r 3 (nom. plur.), 48 r 4 (loc. plur.), 50 r 3 (nom. plur.), 50 v 2 (idem), 51 v 1 (gen. plur.), 51 v 3 (idem), 52 v 3 (acc. plur.), 53 v 2 (nom. plur.), 54 r 4 (nom.-acc. plur.), 56 v 1 (acc. sg.), 57 v 2 (idem) kuinbhanddna-, “of the kumbhandas, belonging to the kum- b h a n d a s” . BSkrt. kumbhanda, kumbhanda, Pali kumbhanda, a kind of evil spirit, see Edgerton p. 187 and E. Washburn Hopkins: Epic Mythology, GI-APh. Ill, 1. Heft B, p. 52. 48 r 2 (nom. plur. fern., -am < -cine) kusjydnd (jsa), doubtful word translating BSkrt. putebhi (puta, on which see Edgerton p. 349-350 sub puspa-puta), w hich ap ­ pears in a similar context (with gandha and curna) in Ma- havyutpatti 6112, ed. Sakaki, Kyoto 1916. According to the meaning of puta a connection between the Khotanese word and Skrt. kosa- (= kosa-), “box, case, container”, might be present. “I incline to prefer the reading with d (kusdyam* jsa). kusda-, “container(?)” would belong with kusda-, “mansion”, Avesta kaozda-” (H. W. Bailey). 45 r 4. kusta, “ w here” . 43 v 1, 47 v 3. Hist. Filos. Medd. Dan.Vid. Selsk. 39, no. 2. 5 66 Nr. 2 kula-, “a crore, ten millions”. Skrt. koti-. See Bailey, BSOAS XIII,390. Agnean kor, e. g. George S. Lane: Vocabulary to the Tocharian Punyavanta- jataka, Suppl. to the JAOS 8, 1948, p. 15. 57 r 3 (kulyam , instr. plur. with gen. ending) kusala-, “ good” . BSkrt. kusala-, “good (in a moral sense)”, cfr. Edgerton p. 188. 53 v 1 (nom. plur.), 53 v 4 (acc. plur.), 56 r 3 (acc. sg. fern.) khajqma, “weariness”. E khijj-, “to be wearied”. BSkrt. khijjati, khijjate, Skrt. khi- dyate. Cfr. Primer p. 100. 53 r 1 ( vina khajqme jsa) khu, 1) “as, like”, 2) “ when”, 3) “so that”. 1) 44 v 1, 44 v 3, 48 v 2, 48 v 4 ( tta khu, just as), 53 r 4 ( tta tta khu, just like), 54 r 2, 56 v 4 ( tta khu) 2) 50 v 2, 55 v 3, 57 r 2. 3) 44 r 1. laksd'na-, “characteristic mark (of a superior person, a maha- p u ru sa )” . Skrt. laksana. There are 32 marks, Edgerton p. 458 f. 55 v 1 ( laksa'nyau jsa)

-m, end. pers. pron. 1. sg. Cfr. Dresden 412. 53 r 4 (hamdvq) ma, “ not” . 49 v 1 (m a --guqna), 54 r 4. ma, “of me, for me”. Pers. pron. gen.-dat. sg.; cfr. mam. 56 v 4 mqha vT, “upon, in (for) us (= me)”. Cfr. Dresden 411. 49 v 1 maha jsa, “from us, by us (= from me, by me)”. See sub mahu. 45 v 3, 49 r 2-3 mahasamqdra-, “great ocean”. Skrt. mahasamudra-. St. H. 62 mahasamqdra-. 44 v 3 (gen. sg.), 52 v 3-4 (acc. plur.) Nr. 2 67 mahü, pers. pron. 1. plur. acc. On the different forms see Dresden 411 and Bailey, Asia Major N.S. 2,39. 44 r 1 (used as sing, “me”, cfr. Konow, Primer § 63, p. 42) mam, pers. pron. 1. sg. gen.-dat. Cfr. Dresden 411. 49 r 4, 53 v 2, 57 v 3. maml, pers. pron. 1. sg. obi. with em phatic -L Cfr. Dresden 411. 46 v 3-4, 54 r 3 mamjüsrl, Skrt. ManjusrL See BSOAS X,910. P 5538 b 17 majasrrm, 18 majqsrrui, KT 111, 121. 43 v 1, 53 v 3, 56 v 4 -, “ circle” . Skrt. idem. Cfr. Edgerton p. 415-416. 57 r 1 (obi. sg.) mara, “ h ere” . Later Khot. also mare, mere. E mara, T um suq maru, cfr. Bailey, BSOAS XIII,659 & 664. 46 v 4, 55 r 1, 57 v 2 masi in canka masi, “as many as”. Cfr. Dresden 483. From mas-, Old Iran, mas-, “great”, Av. masö, Air. Wb. 1154. 46 v 4 masüm in ttinka masüm, “so many”. Cfr. masi. P 2787,153, KT 11,107 dada masü, “so much”, P 3513, 40 r 2, KBT, 61 ttamdi masü. A longer form masüna occurs P 2787,43, KT 11,103, also Jivakapustaka 46 r 5, KT 1,137 masvana jsa = Skrt. mätrena, “only so much” (H. W. Bailey) 57 v 3 mqn- : mumda-, “to resemble, be like”. Pres. part, mqnamda-, “resembling, like, just as”. E man-, pres. part, mänanda-. 45 r 4 (mqnamda), 50 v 1 (idem), 51 v 1 (idem), 54 v 2 (idem) mära-, “ M ära” . 48 v 1 (gen. sg.), 55 v 4 (idem) märmaa-, “of Mära”. 52 v 2 (märlha, acc. sg. fem.), 55 v 1 (märinäm gauy jsa)

5* 68 Nr. 2 mista-, “ great” . E masta-. 47 v 2 (acc. sg.), 51 v 1-2 (nom. plur.), 52 r 1 (gen. sg.), 54 r 1 (nom. plur. fem.) mittrd-, “friendliness, love, compassion”. BSkrt. maitra, Skrt. maitri, Pali metta, Edgerton p. 439. 52 r 2 (mittra pq*hau jsa hamamga) m y any a renders mahju.-, “lovely, beautiful, sweet”. m. sira is the Khotanese “translation” of ManjusrL Cfr. B ai­ ley, BSOAS X,574 and TPS 1954,143. 43 v 1 myqna-, “ m iddle” . E mydna-. Cfr. MPers. miydn. 44 v 2 (loc. sg.), 50 r 4 (idem) na, ni, “not”. See sub gvqna. 48 r 4, 48 v 2 (ni), 50 r 2 (ni), 56 r 2 (na) najsada-, “proceeding, manner, way, course”. Jatakast. nejsada-. Samgh. najsada-, e. g. 14 b 2, Saka Studies 69. E nijsada-. 51 r 1 (gen. sg.) namanidrqma, “summoning, invitation”. From Skrt. ni-mantraya-, “invite”, E nimandrai-. 46 v 2 (namanidrqme jsa) namas-, “bow down, reverence”. 43 v 2 (pres, l.sg.), 44 v 4 (idem), 46 v 4 (opt. 1. sg.) namesa*, “in contact with, following, according to”. Loc. sg. to nimalysa-. E nimalsa, loc. sg., cfr. X X III, 147 nimalsdd, “he rubs”. See E p. 450 and Saka Studies 160. From marz-, Av. maraz-, Parth. nimarz-, past. part, nimust, “to clean”, Ghilain 53 and MM 111,903 (58). Cfr. Newr Pers. mallddn, Horn nr. 962. See Bailey, TPS 1956,114. 53 v 1 (ttye namesa*), 53 v 4 ( ttyam namesa’) narmdna-, “apparitional body”. Skrt. nirmdna- for nirmdna-kdya-. On the trikdya- cfr. H. v. Glasenapp: Die Religionen Indiens, Stuttgart 1943, p. 260-261 and D. T. Suzuki: Outlines of Mahayana Buddhism, London 1907, p. 73—74. See especially Hobogirin s. v. Busshin. 57 r 3 (instr. plur.) Nr. 2 69

nasq'ma-, “quiescence, sessation”. Cfr. Dresden 477 sub nasaw-. 51 v 4 (acc. sg., = nirvana) nasám'da-, “tranquilized, tranquil, made quiet”. 51 v 4 (nom . sg.) nasVrr[ma-, “without soilure, without pollution”. To rrima-, “ dirt, fdth” , e. g. Játakast. 11 r 1, Ch 11,002. 121 v 1, KT 1,48. Zor. Pahl. rém, Turf, rym, MM 11,359. 48 r 1 (nom. sg.) ñatau, “certainly”. Skrt. niyatam, NW-Prakrit nigata, Burrow' p. 101. Samgh. 1 4 b 2 nagatci. 54 v 3 nqda-, “homage, worship, obeisance”. P 2026,72 & 75, KT 111,51 nqmqsü nqda and naniasü nauda. Cfr. BSOAS X,894 f. 44 v 4, 58 r 1 nqma-, “ n am e” . 53 r 4 (nom. sg.), 53 v 2 (idem) ññp-, “to become known”. Skrt., cfr. Saka Studies 162. “The w ord nyap- seems to be as earlier proposed from a Prakrit *nydpp- from older jñápya-, and thus would have referred at first to ‘knowledge’. But this meaning seems to have been attenuated from ‘to know’ to ‘attain ’. In the Sangháta-sütra ed. Konow 20 b 2 (p. 73) ne ne ju nycipcitd nird corresponds to the Tibetan chu yañ ma yod ‘there was not water’. In Ch 00268 (KBT 68) 190 ñápi cor­ responds to Ch 00277,10 v 3 bautta ‘knows’” (H. W. Bailey). 49 v 3 (ñáplyü, opt. 3. sg., cfr. Bailey, Handbuch p. 144 and note 70) navqnya-, “of the nagas, belonging to the nagas”. Skrt. naga- (on which see E. Washburn Hopkins: Epic My­ thology, GI-APh. Ill, l.Heft B, index sub nagas (p .2 5 4 ). Khot. has naga-, nagga- (E XXIV,159), nata-, naya-, na-, see Dresden 477 and the references there given. On -ánya-, -ana-, -aña- see BSOAS X,923. A list of nagas is given ibid., p. 915-916. 48 r 2 (nom. plur. fern.) 70 Nr. 2 naitta, “he sits”. E natta (p. 450). Dresden 477 sub ne'sta-. 55 v 3 (= nisidati) nauha-, “top, point”. E nuha-. nauha translates Tib. rtse, BSOS VIII, 130. Cfr. Gershevitch, Hymn p. 264. 44 v 1 (loc. sg.), 50 r 3 (idem), 50 v 1 (idem), 51 v 2 (idem) nauhauysa-, “being on the top, foremost, highest”. 45 v 1 (gen. plur.) ni, encl. pers. pron. 3. plur. Later Khotanese usually -dm, cfr. Dresden 412. Double negative na ni is possible, but archaic ni (“them”) is known in later Khot., e. g. Jatakast. 15 r 1 hambaya ni yudai, “ you provided portions for them” (this corrects M. J. Dresden’s translation) (H. W. Bailey). 56 r 2 ni, “ no t” . See sub na. nijsu-, “to show”. See Dresden 484 sub vajsista-. From ni-cas-, cfr. Air. Wb. 461. E nijsas-, nijsaf- : ndjsasta-. 49 r 2 (conj. 1. sg.) nijsvqhaa-, “shower, teacher”. 49 r 4 (nijsvqhuqstd, “towards, to the teachers” (loc. plur., cfr. hiinvdsta, “to the Hunas”, P 2741,38, Asia Major N.S. 1,29, and Dresden 469 sub -dsta)) nirvqnda? It translates BSkrt. nirvrti = nirvana. 51 v 4 nisani\ “settled, ended”. Past part, nisq* < nasa'ta, Suv. 5 v 2, KT 1,234, 67 a 7, SPAW 1935, p. 466, “beendigt”. 48 v 3 (acc. sg.) nva, nvaiya, “following, in accordance with”. Preposition, postposition, and adverb. Also nve, nvai. E nuva. Cfr. BSOS IX,76. 46 v 4 (nva), 47 r 2 (nvaiya), 47 v 4 (nva), 49 r 4 (nva), 50 r 1 (nvaiya), 50 v 3 (nva dsayi), 53 v 2 (nva aysmu bvastya), 57 v 4 (gambhird da bhdviha nvaiya) Nr. 2 71 nväy-, nväy- : nvästa-, nvä'sta-, “to grasp, bring“. Dresden 470 sub uysbäy-. 51 v 2 (pres. 1. sg., used like yan-, 48 v 4) pabana-, “connection, continuance”. Skrt. prabandha-. pabanä, E VI,81, Nebenstücke 108.14. 49 r 3 (MS paba ~ (to avoid a vacuum, cfr. Manu Leumann: Sakische Handschriftproben, Zürich 1934, p. 15) from pa­ banä, if not a mere mistake) pabastä, “continously, without interruption”. Cfr. E p. 458 (“verbunden”). 49 v 2 (acc. sg. = adverb) pacada-, “manner, kind, sort, way”. Dresden 478, Bailey, Asia Major N.S. 1,41 & JRAS 1953,105. 53 v 3 (loc. sg., “in (regular) m anner”, “likewise, respectively”) padamjä-, “custom, behaviour”. Cfr. Dresden 478. 46 v 4 (nva cirya padamja, hendiadys) padä, “first” . Cfr. Bailey, Arya, BSOAS XXI,536 and GMS §437, note 7. 43 v 1 päjgni-, “garden, treasury”. E pärgyiri-, päjin-. P 4099,139, KBT 119 päjena. Cfr. Yidya parzin, “enclosure for sheep”, IIFL 11,240. KT 1,248 päjinä (P 3513, 73 r 1) = Skrt. kosa-. 50 r 3 (nom. sg.) pajsama-, “ h o n o u r” . Dresden 478. Cfr. pajsam-, “to honour”, and pajsa(n)daa-, “doing homage”. 45 v 2 (acc. sg.), 46 v 2 (pajsam (jsa)), 50 r 1 (acc. sg.) pajsamada-, “honoured”. From pajsama-, “honour” and -ada- < krta-. 55 v 2 (nom. sg.) pajsamevya-, “honoured”. From pajsamevita-, past part, of pajsamev-, e. g. pajsamevum dlsa* vl ba'ysa, “I honour the Buddhas in all directions”, P 3513,65 r 1-2, KT 1,244. The same suffix -ev- in e. g. ksamev-, E p. 413. 47 r 1 (acc. plur.) 72 Nr. 2 pamdika-, “measured”. Cfr. pamdita-, “ m easu red ” , e. g. E, Sogd. ptm 't'y, GMS §980. 51 r 3 (nom. plur.) panidd-, “ p a th ” . E pande. Cfr. Air. Wb. 847-848. Khwar. pindak, Osset, fcendag etc. (cfr. Abaev 445—446 and W. B. Henning, Handbuch der Orientalistik I.IV,1, p. 117 (pnd’k & pyd'k)), w ith -dka- suffix, as in Khot. ttdra-pandaka-, “having a dark path”. 48 v 1 (obi. sg.), 49 v 1 (pamdi), 55 r 2 (tsvdmdd pamda) pqmetum, 1) = pajsame-t-um, “I honour them”. Konow, Primer 111. Otherwise unknown as verb. 2) pqme-t-uni, pres, middle 1. sg. “I give, bring, offer to them”. Meaning only probable, -t- connects verb and end. suffix. 45 r 4-45 v 1 paniji-mqndala-, “a fivefold circle”. Skrt. pahcamandala-. E panija-mandala-. Cfr. Edgerton p. 416 sub mandalaka. 45 r 3 pamjsa, “ five” . E idem. Jatakast. also panijse, pajse. 55 r 3 pamna, “before, in the presence of, in front of”. Postposition. Cfr. Gershevitch, BO XV, 1958, p. 263. 51 v 3, 52 r 1 panam- : pana(ta)-, “ arise” . See sub hanaim-. 47 r 2 (conj. 3. p lu r.) pq'nan\, pq'riau, pfnam, pe'nani, see sub p e\ pardha-, “self-control, restraint, morality”. It usually translates Skrt. sila-, cfr. Dresden 479. See sub parausta-. 47 r 1 (instr. sg.), 47 v 4-48 r 1 (idem), 48 r 1 (acc. sg.) pdrdmatd-, “perfection”. Skrt. pdramitd-. Cfr. Bailey, BSOAS XV,532. E pdrdmatd-. 48 r 3 (parqmva*, loc. plur., O lder Khot. loc. plur. e. g. Neben- stiicke 176, line 24 pdrdmvo ksvo, “in the six paramitas”) parausta-, past part, to pres, stem pareh-, “to restrain oneself, control oneself, keep away from”. Pret. stem also parosta-. See Dresden 479 sub pardha-. Cfr. Xr. 2 73

Bailey: Analecta Indoiranica, Dr. S. K. Belvalkar Felicitation Volume p. 2. E idem. 48 r 1 (acc. sg. with yan-, q.v.) parauysamdaa-, “sinking, drowning”. Pres. part. masc. from parauys-, “to sink, drown”. Pret. stem parausta-. Caus. paraus-, see Bailey, BSOAS X,579, where Older Khot. paroysde is quoted. 57 v 1 (nom . plur.) parimartha-bhqnaa-, “preacher of the highest object, of the su­ preme knowledge, truth”. Skrt. 43 v 1 (acc. of direction) parimduiava-, parimaunava-, parqmdnava-, “atom, grain”. Also adj. Skrt. paranuum-. E paramdnava-, parimdnava-. 44 r 3-4 (nom. plur., adj.), 44 v 1 (gen. sg.), 48 v 4 (nom. plur., adj.) parinqm-, “ripen, mature, make ready for use for”. Cfr. Skrt., BSkrt., and Pali parindma, “development, ripen­ ing, maturing”, Edgerton p.323. J. Ph. Vogel: Prakrit In­ scriptions from a Buddhist Site at Nagarjunikonda, Epigraphia Indica XX,1.1929, p. 31 : pcirindmeti, “to bend to, change to, turn to use for somebody, apportion, destine”. 45 r 1 (pres. 1. sg.), 55 r 1 (pres, middle 3. sg.) parinqmana, “development, transformation, ripening, doctrine”. BSkrt. parindmana, neutr., and parindmana, fern. Edgerton p. 323. 54 v 1—2 (acc. sg.), 55 v 4, 56 r 2 (parinqmana disina), 57 r 4 (parinqmana jsa) parinervdna-, Skrt. parinirvana-. 46 r 4 (acc. sg.) parasaudha-, “completely pure”. E parasuddha-. Cfr. in the Kuci fragments of the Karma- vacana sTla-pdrisuddhim drocaydmi, “I announce (my) purity of morals” and the Agni text 414a2 pdrisuddhim cdrocayata, and she announced her purity”, Bailey, BSOAS XIII,656- 657. Skrt. parisuddha-. 47 r 3 (nom. plur. in hendiadys with vasva) parsa\ “assembly, audience”. Cfr. Zur nordarischen Spr. 36. 49 v 4 (parsP jsa hamtsa) 74 Nr. 2 parya-, “passed, delivered, saved”. Past part, to parrlj-, Dresden 479. E par rata-. 54 r 1 (nom. plur. fem.) pa'saraa-, “garland”. Old Khot. palsdrd in Hoernle fragment 143 NS 87,b 2 bussand spyetanu palsdrd, “perfumed garlands of flowers”. Kha 1.219, 2 a 1 vi. Ch 1.0021b, b 14 p\sdre (KBT 152), P 3513,72 v 2 pe'sdrd (KT 1,248), P 3513,78 v 3 pe'sard. (KBT 63) (Bailey in littera, November 1959). From *pari-sara-, “surrounding the head”, cfr. New Pers. nigun- sar, “ with bent h e a d ” , sabuk-sdr, “light-headed”, and Av. sara-, “head”. Cfr. also New Pers. afsar, Pahl. 'pysl, and P araci plsar (“front”, IIFL 1,281). 45 r 2 (nom.-acc. plur.) pay sari- : paysdnda-, paysdmda-, “to know, recognize, acknow­ ledge” . E idem. Cfr. Dresden 479. Also e. g. P 3513,64 v 4 (KT 1,244), P 3510.2,8 (KBT 19). Av. paHizdn-. 45 v 4 (pres, m iddle 1. sg.) patca, pdtci. “afterwards, again, next”. E pdtcu, pdtco. Later Khot. also pd. Cfr. Av. pasca. 45 v 1, 46 r 3, 47 v 1, 48 r 2, 48 v 1 (pdtci), 49 r 2, 51 v 1, 53 v 2, 54 r 3-4, 54 v 4, 55 r 2. pe), “strength, power”. E pdta’-, pasa’-. Kha 1.13,148 r 2 (KBT 7) pa'ga. 52 r 1 bis ( pq'Mm, pfhdm, gen. plur.), 52 r 2 bis (pcfnaa jsa hamaipga), 52 r 3 (pe'ndm jsa), 52 r 4 (pcfna, nom. plur.) pichasta-, “manifest, visible, in person, personal, self, face to face, before one’s eyes”. E pdchasta-, Jatakast. 34 v 4 pichaste, P 2957,65 (KBT 34) pichasta, P 2787,21 (KT 11,102) plchastu. From pi- (pati-, pa-) and *chasta- (from kas-, “appear”), 11J 11,153—154. 44 r 4 (pichastu, old acc. sg. = adverb), 50 r 4 (pichasta, ad ­ verb), 53 r 1 (pichastu, like 44 r 4), 56 r 4 (idem), 56 v 2 (idem), 57 r 2 (idem) plrmdttama-, “supreme, foremost, excellent”. See Bailey, BSOAS XIII,934. Cfr. Lith. pirmas, “ first” . 44 v 4 (nom. plur.), 45 r 3 (nom. sg. or plur.), 45 v 1 (nom. Nr. 2 75

plur.), 46 r 4 (acc. sg.), 48 r 1 (pïrmâtta, acc. sg.), 54 v 3 (nom. plur.), 56 r 2 (nom. sg. fern.), 57 v 1 (nom. plur.) pïrüya-, “former, previous”. 47 r 1 (acc. plur.) prrahälya-, “marvel, miracle”. O lder prätähälya, Samgh. 62a6. BSkrt. prätihärya, Pali päti- häriya, -härika, -hera, -hïra, Edgerton p. 392. 54 r 2 (tti prrahnlye raidhä, i. e. the rddhi-prätihärya. The other two kinds attributed to Buddhas are ädesanä-prätihärya (mind-reading) and anusâsanï-prâtihârya (miracle of ad­ monition), cfr. Edgerton p. 392. prranihqna-, “ vow ” . Jätakast. 4 v 3, 29 r 1 prranahqna-, E pranähäna-. Skrt. pranidhäna-. 49 r 4 (gen. plur.), 53 r 2 (instr. plur.), 54 r 3 (nom. plur.), 56 v 1 (idem), 56 v 3 (nom. sg.), 57 v 2 (gen. plur.), 57 v 3 (nom. plur.) prranihqmnaa-, “of the vow”. 53 r 1 (acc. sg.) prrarä-, “nature, true state of affairs”. Older Khot. pratara. prrara = Skrt. prakrti (Edgerton p. 356) = Tib. ran-bzin, see Bailey, BSOAS X,575. 54 r 2 (obi. sg.), 57 v 4 (acc. sg.) prratyeka-budha-, Skrt. pratyeka-buddha. Pali pacceka-buddha. Cfr. Jarl Charpentier: Studien zur in­ dischen Erzählungsliteratur I. Paccekabuddhageschichten, Uppsala 1908. 46 r 1 (nom. plur.) prravartte, “he turns”. Pres, middle 3. sg. Skrt. prauart-. 55 v 3 prribhäua-, “strength, power”. E prcibhäva-, Skrt. prabhäva-. 51 v 1 (instr. sg.) püjä, “worship”. Skrt. püjä, E püsä-. 46 r 2 (obl. sg.), 49 v 4-50 r 1 (acc. sg.) 76 Nr. 2 puja-karma-, “act of worship”. Skrt. puja and karman-. 44 v 4 (nom. plur.), 54 v 1 (acc. plur.) pGha-, “ m erit” . Skrt. punya-. 46 r 1 (nom. plur.), 46 v 2 (instr. plur. = gen. plur.), 46 v 3 (nom. sg.), 46 v 4 (nom. plur.), 50 r 2 (instr. plur.), 52 r 3 (idem), 54 v 3 (nom. plur.), 56 r 1 (gen. plur.), 57 r 4-v 1 (nom. plur.), 57 v 1 (instr. plur.), 57 v 2, 57 v 4 (instr. sg.) pura-, “ son” . Av. pudra-. 43 v 3 (acc. sg., = purci), 53 r 4 (nom . sg.) pura-, “full moon”. E purra-, p. 464. 48 v 2 (nom. sg.) pvd'ka-, “hearer, hearing”. E pyGv'dka-. Cfr. pyus-. 54 v 2 (nom. sg.) pve(j)ha-, “blow, sound”. 50 v 4 bis (pve’ha, acc. sg., pveha, nom. sg.) pyamtsd, “in front, before”. Adverb. Also used as post- & preposition, see Dresden 480. 56 v 2, 56 v 3 (+ -asta) pyus- : pyGsta-, “to hear”. Sogd. ptyws- : ptywst-, Yaghn. duyus- : dyyusta, cfr. W. B. Henning, BBB 69, and \1. S. Andreev & E. M. Pescereva: Yagnobskie teksty, Moskva-Leningrad 1957, p. 249. 44 r 1 (pyusti, inf., E pyusta), 50 v 3 (pvq’ne, conj. 1. sg.), 50 v 4 (pvcdne, idem), 51 r 1 (pvq'ne, idem ) phara-, “ m an y ” . E pharu. 50 r 3 (nom . p lu r.) phard-, “speech, word, tongue, voice”. See BSOS VIII,925. Verb pher-, “to speak”. 48 r 2 bis (nom. plur. & nom. sg.), 48 r 3 (pharyau jsa), 50 v 2 (phari jsa) phardka-, “ m any” . 51 r 2 (acc. plur.) Nr. 2 77 phisqma, “turning away, avoidance”. Cfr. phisaha-, “to be avoided”, Vajr. 26bI. It translates Tib. span-ba, Bailey, BSOS VIII,133. P 3513,70 v 4 (KT 1,247) phlslme, “may I avoid”. 54 v 3 (nom. sg.), 54 v 4 (idem) ra, ri, “now, just, also”. Emphatic particle. E rro, rru, cfr. E p. 494. 44 v 4 (cu ra), 45 r 2 (cu ra), 45 r 3 (cu ri), 45 v 1 (cu ra), 45 v 2 (cu ra), 45 v 3 (cu ra), 46 r 1 (cu ra), 47 r 4 (cvam ra), 48 r 2 (cu ri), 49 r 4 (cu ra), 50 r 3, 53 v 4, 54 v 4 ramna-, “jew el” . E ratana-. Later Khot. also rene (Dresden 483) and rana- (P 2027,16, KT 11,80). Skrt. ratna-. Parth. rdn, plur. rdnyn, MM 111,906. Tumsuq retenanu, gen. plur., BSOAS XIII,658. 45 r 1 (nom. plur.) ramninaa-, “of jewels”. 54 r 4 (nom.-acc. plur.) rrasta-, “straight, right”. Av. rasta-. 52 r 3 (nom. sg.) raysayana-, “ elixir” . Skrt. rasdyana-. Cfr. BSOAS X,901. 45 v 2 (nom.-acc. plur.) rraysga-, “ q u ick ” . See Gershevitch, Hymn 215. Cfr. Arm. erag, Hiibschmann 422. 54 v 4 (rraysga vira), 55 r 3 (rraysga vi), 55 r 4 (acc. sg. = adverb) r r a s a “kingdom, sovereignty, influence, control”. From raz- + -ya-. Acc. sg. rrdsu, Kha 1.13,145 v 4 (KBT 6), instr. sg. rrasana, Avalokitesvara-dharani 5 v 3 (KT III, 1). Cfr. rrdysan-, “ ru le r” , raysanaunda-, “ruling”. Avestan ra­ zan-, “rule”, Bailey, Asia Major N.S. 7,16. 45 v 3 (loc. sg., E XX,28 rrasa), 55 r 3 (idem ) raidha-, “supernatural or magic power”. Skrt. rddhi, fern. Pali iddhi. E riddhd. Cfr. Edgerton p. 151. 52 r 1 (gen. plur.), 54 r 2 (acc. plur.) rre, “ king” . Cfr. Primer 121. Obi. sg. rrumda, rddd (Jatakast. 39 r 4), 78 Nr. 2

rdmda (P 2787,168, JRAS 1942,18). Tumsuq re, gen. sg. ride, Handbuch 150. Base m ind-. 54 v 2 (obi. sg.), 55 v 2 (idem) rrhihdsa-, “ secret” . Skrt. rahasya-. 58 r 1 (nom. plur.) riwci-, “form, shape”. Skrt. rupa. The Khot. word shows the common Prakrit- development of -p- into -v-. Cfr. e. g. A rdha-m agadhi riwa- gaya, Edgerton p. 456 (sub rupa-gata). 55 r 4 (runa, instr. sg. Older forms Vajr. 9bII ruvina, ruvana, ruvana) sadhcirma-, “the Good Law”. Vajr. 13bII saddharma. Skrt. saddharma. 49 v 2 (acc. sg.) sadhdtta-, “associated, connected with the elements, the dhatus”. 54 r 2 (nom. sg.) (if not sa[tva-]dhatta = sattvadhatu, „w orld of beings”, H. W. Bailey) sakica, “honouring, doing honour”. Suv. 35 b 3 sakacci, SPAW 1935,453. Skrt. satkrtya-, satkdra-, Pali sakkacca(m). Cfr. Edgerton p. 553. 44 v 1 (sakica) sam, “just, only”. Emphasizing particle. E samu. Skrt. samam. See Bailey, Rocz- nik Orientalistyczny Tom XXI, Warszawa 1957, p. 61, note 10. 43 v 2, 53 v 3 samamttabhadra-, nom. propr. of a Bodhisattva. Skrt. Samantabhadra. P 2742,22-23 (KT 111,56) samattaba- drra, S 2471,13 (KBT 91) samattrrabqdrrq. See BSOAS X,911 and Edgerton p. 563. 43 v 2 (acc. sg.), 43 v 3 (nom. sg.), 53 r 4, 53 v 2 (nom. sg.), 53 v 3 (gen. sg.), 55 r 2 (idem) samartha-, “adapted, capable, fitting”. Skrt. idem. 47 v 1 (nom. plur.) samadha, “concentration”. BSkrt. , fern. 50 r 2 (nom. sg.) Nr. 2 79 samáhána-, “concentration, trance”. Skrt. samádhána-. 43 v 2 (-ám < -ánci, nom. sg.) samñsyd, “finished”. Fem., from Skrt. sam-as-. 58 r 2 (nom. sg. fem.) samkhal-, “smear, pollute”. Past stem samkhPstci-, Dresden 487. 48 v 2 (pres. pass. 3. plur., cfr. Konow, Primer § 73 and Gram. p. 54-55. With ni it renders BSkrt. aliptah) samkhalüña-, “unguent”. Ap. 2bII samkhaluna-. Cfr. samkhal- : samkhPsta-, samkhai- sta-, and (E ) samkhilsta-, “to smear”, Dresden 487. 45 r 2 (samkhalüñáni jsa) samña-, “thought, plan, means”. Játakast. samña-, saña-. E (cfr. p. 510) saña-. Cfr. Pali saññá. 50 r 2 (nom. sg.), 52 r 4 (nom. plur.) sanmdra-, “ ocean” . Skrt. samudra-. 50 v 1 (samqdrci mqñamda), 50 v 2 (samqdra, acc. plur.), 52 v 3 bis (samqdra, acc. plur., samqdra, acc. sg.), 52 v 4 bis (acc. sg.), 53 r 1 bis (samqdra samqdra, acc. sg.) sarau-, “ lion” . Later Khot. also saro, sero. E sarau. Parth. srg, K hwár. sry 11J 11,150, BSogd. sryw, Man. Sogd. srwy, GMS § 194. Cfr. Jarl Charpenlier MO 18,24-28, Bailey BSOAS X,898-899, E p. 512. On tsaru- see Ernst Schneider: Altindoarisch suma- títsaru-, Beiwort des Pfluges, WuS N.F. 3, 1940, p. 161 f. and especially p. 167 f. 44 r 2 (nom. plur.), 51 r 4 (idem) sarvqña-, “all-knowing, omniscient”. E sarvamña- and saruaña-. Skrt. saroajña. 57 r 2 (gen. sg.) satva-, “ being” . Skrt. sattva-. 47 v 1 (gen. plur.), 48 v 3 (acc. plur.), 49 r 1 (gen. plur.), 54 r 3 (idem), 55 v 3 (idem), 57 r 3 ( ttycim j s a ---- satvam), 57 v 1 (nom. plur.), h i v 3 (gen. plur.) 80 Nr. 2 satva-dhdttd, “world of the beings” (= loka). Skrt. sattvadhatu-. Vajr. 9bIV satvaddtci, P 2023,14 (KT 111,45) sqttudqtta ysamasamdai. Edgerton p. 283 (dhatu 6). 52 v 3 (satva-dhdttd samqdrd), 57 v 4 (nom . sg.) sdjamca-, “teaching”. Pres. part. fem. as subst., from sdj-, “learn, study”, see sub sdjara-. Another example is P 2741,24 (KT 11,88, Asia Major N.S. 1,40) aurmaysdi gusprrlsamcd, “sun’s shining out”. 47 v 4 (nva sdjamca) sdjanidaa, “learning, learner”. Pres. part, masc., cfr. sdjara-. 53 v 4 (nom . sg.) sdjara-, “learner”. From sdj- : slya-, “learn, study”, cfr. Dresden 487, in a com­ pound with -kara-. Cfr. E sdjdka-, “learner”, sdj- to Av. 1sak~, Air. Wb. 1552 f. 46 r 1 (nom. plur.) sqmuha-, “facing, present, manifest”. Skrt. sdmmukha. Cfr. the BSkrt. adverb sammukham, “ in personal presence”, Edgerton p. 581. In hendiadys P 2906,11 ttaiksadd sdmuhe, cfr. JRAS 1942,23. 45 r 1 (gen. plur.), 45 v 1 (acc. plur.), 49 v 4 (ace. plur.), 56 v 3 (gen. sg.) siddham, “hail, welfare”. Skrt. part, of sidh-, “accomplished, achieved, successful”. 43 v 1 sij-f “to succeed, be successful”. Dresden 488. 47 v 2 (pres. 3. plur., used like yan- 48 v 4), 57 v 3 (sijldi, idem, BSkrt. samrdhya-) si, “learnt, studied”. E slya-, Dresden 487. Kha 1.13,137 v 1 (KBT 2) site. Pres, stem sdj-, cfr. sdjara-. 46 v 4 « *sltu, acc. sg.) spya-, “ flower” . St. H. 52 spyakyi, with suffix -kya-, Asia Major N.S. 2,32. E spdtaa-. Cfr. Konow, Primer 127. Old Khot. gen. plur. Nr. 2 81

spyetanu, Hoernle fragment 143 NS 87,b 2 (Bailey in littera, Nov. 1959). 45 r 2 (acc. plur.) stava-, “ p raise” . Skrt. stava-. 44 r 4 (acc. p lu r.) stiha-, “happiness, delight”. P rakrit suha-, Skrt. sukha-. See Bailey Asia Major N.S. 1,35 (St. H. 57). 46 v 1 (hye suhi kina), 48 v 3 (loc. plur.) suhaja-, “derived from, born of happiness”. On the ja-suffix see Bailey, BSOAS X,921-922. 54 v 1 (acc. plur.) suhava, Sukhavati, the paradise of Amitayus. Edgerton p. 597. E suhavata. Cfr. Ch 0048,69 (KBT 74) aysa suhava ysyana, “may I be born in Sukhavati”, S 2471,193 (KBT 97) svahava, Ch. 00266,376 (KBT 112) svahava. 56 v 1 (suhava ksittra). suhya-, “ h a p p y ” . E suhdta-, IV, 127. Skrt. sukhita-. 47 v 1 (nom. plur.) sumlra-, nom. propr. of a mountain. Skrt. sumeru-, Pali sumeru-, sineru-. The BSkrt. text has meru- (verse VI), here preferred to the commoner sumeru. E sumlra-. Parth. smyr, MM 111,855 (10). In the interesting passage P 2787,57-58, KT 11,10 (flia/a ttraikha sumlra gdrdnd rdmda ttaira haraysa baida, “upon the peak top of Sumeru king of mountains, the Taira Haraysa”, BSOAS XXI,541) the Buddhist Sumeru is identified with the Iranian Hard-bdrdz- (e. g. Yt. 9,3). Cfr. Yasna 42,3 taerdmcd haraidya (haraitl- = hard-) bdrdzo. 45 r 4. svara-, “sound, tone”. Skrt. svara-. Cfr. BSOAS X,907—908. 44 v 3 (nom.-acc. plur.), 50 v 2 (svara amgd - jsa) sa\ dem. pron. nom. sg. 56 r 3 (fern.) Hist.Filos.Medd.Dan.Vid.Selsk. 39, no. 2. 6 82 Nr. 2 sadd-, “ faith” . Skrt. sraddhd-. E ssadda-. Dresden 487. 43 v 1 (sadi jsa) sadydya-, “full of faith”. Cfr. Dresden 487. 44 r 4 (sadydyi, nom. sg.) sdy, dem. pron. nom . sg. 43 v 2, 45 r 2, 47 r 2 (sqy), 56 r 2, 56 v 4 sdmqha-, “sramana-ship, state of a sramana”. BSkrt. srdmanya, Pali samahha. E ssdmaha. 47 v 3-4 (acc. sg.) sai, “even, also, indeed”. E ssai, ssei. 46 r 1, 55 r 3 siy, dem. pron. nom. sg. masc. (neutr.). 43 v 2, 50 v 4, 51 r 3, 53 v 3, 55 v 1, 55 v 4 std-, “to stand, be”. The pres. part, is used as a connecting particle and mostly left untranslated. Cfr. Primer § 83, p. 51 and Dresden 487. 44 v 2 (stdm, pres, part.), 45 r 3 (stqna, pres, part.), 45 v 2 (stdm), 45 v 4 (idem), 46 r 4 (idem), 46 v 1 (stqna), 47 v 4 (idem ), 48 r 4 (idem ), 57 r 1 (idem ), 57 r 3 (stdm) samatha-, “calm, tranquility”. Skrt. idem, Pali samatha-. Cfr. Edgerton 523. 43 v 2 (nom. plur.) sqma-, “mouth, face”. E ssdma. Cfr. Saka Studies 176. 44 v 1 (sqma jsa) sdstdra-, “teacher”. E ssdstdra-. Skrt. sdstr-. Av. sdstar-, M Pers. sdstdr. 44 v 1 (nom. sg.) sdsamy, “doctrine, teaching”. E ssdsana- and (only XXV,2 75) ssdysana-. Uigur sazin (A. von Gabain : Die uigurische Übersetzung der Biographie Hüen-tsangs, SPAW 1935, 179), Skrt. sdsana-, 47 r 4 (nom . sg.) Nr. 2 83 sau, obi. se, “ one” . Dresden 487. 44 v 1, 50 r 3, 50 v 2, 51 r 2, 51 r 4, 51 v 2, 57 v 3 sirä-, “beauty, fortune, prosperity”. Skrt. sri-. Dresden 486. 43 v 2 sirka-, “beautiful, good”. P 2027,17 (KT 11,80) sairka-. 45 r 4 (sirkäm jsa), 47 r 3 (nom. plur.), 49 v 2 (acc. sg.), 50 v 3 (acc. sg.) sürl-, “valour, bravery”. Cfr. Dresden 487. 53 v 3 (gen. sg.) sidsta-, “connected with, fdled, prepared”. Past part, to pres, stem süh-, cfr. Bailey, BSOS VIII,136. The past part, indicating connection (cfr. yiikta) with some­ thing almost has the function of a preposition. 45 r 1 (nom. plur., “connected with dresses”, i. e. “on dres­ ses” ) tta, “thus then, so”. E idem . 45 v 4, 48 v 1, 48 v 4 ( tta khu), 50 v 1, 50 v 2, 54 r 1, 54 v 3, 55 r 2 bis ( tta and ttai with emphatic -F or end. pers. pron. 3. sg.), 56 v 4 ( tta khu) ttamda-, “so great, so much”. E ttanda-. Cfr. Lat. tantus. 46 v 4 (nom . plur.) ttaramdara-, “ body” . E ttarandara-. 44 r 3 (instr. sg.), 45 v 4 (idem), 49 r 3, 53 v 1 (in group- inflection, instr. sg.) tta tta, “so, thus”. 50 r 1, 52 r 1, 53 r 4 ( tta tta khu), 54 r 3, 55 r 2 tta, “thus, then, therefore”. M aralbasi td. 44 r 3, 44 r 4, 44 v 4

6 * 84 Nr. 2 ttahciraa-, “perfect, excellent, correct”. Cfr. Bailey, BSOAS XIII,655. 43 v 4 (nom . sg.) ttaisthqma, “stopping, end”. 54 r 2 (nom. sg., mistake for naisthqma? Cfr. Skrt. nisthd) ttera-, “so much, so many”. Dresden 413,g,l. E ttera, ttdra. 44 r 4 ( tterydin, “so many of them”) tti, tta, dem. pron. plur. E tta. 43 v 4 (nom. plur.), 44 r 2 (acc. plur.), 44 v 2 (idem), 45 r 1 (idem), 46 r 3 (idem), 46 r 4 (idem), 47 r 1 (idem), 49 v 1 (idem), 50 v 1 (nom. plur.), 50 v 2 (acc. plur.), 51 r 4 (tta, nom. plur., like E, and tti, acc. plur.), 51 v 2 bis (acc. plur. and nom. plur.), 52 v 3 (acc. plur.), 53 r 2 (idem), 54 r 2 (idem), 55 r 4 (nom. plur.), 56 r 1 (idem), 56 v 1 (idem) ttina, dem. pron. instr. sg. 57 v 3-4 ttinka-, “so much”. Also ttanka-. Cfr. masuni. 57 v 3 ttirstlidda, see sub ttisthanxda-. 49 v 4 ttisthanida-, “existent, in this world”. Cfr. Dresden 475 sub ttirsthanida- and add ttairsthamda, P 2790,127 (KT 111,63). E ttrsthanda-. Skrt. tistha-. 47 r 1 (MS ttistham dasau for ttisthanida dasau, nom. plur.), 49 v 4 (ttirsthdda with -a- for -ani-, nom.-acc. plur.) tti, “then, thus, likewise”. E tti, ttiya, ttita. 48 r 2, 57 r 3 ttradhva-, “belonging to the three times”. E ttriadhva-. Skrt. -adhvan-. 50 v 1 (nom. plur.), 51 r 3 (idem), 51 r 4 (idem), 51 v 1 (gen. plur.), 56 r 2 (ttradhvam ba’ysyau) ttrdm- : ttramda-, “to enter”. From *ati-ram-, “to go across, enter”, cfr. Dresden 475. 50 v 2 ( ttrqmqne, conj. 1. sg.), 51 r 2 bis ( ttraindi and ttramda, Nr. 2 85

past part. acc. sg., see ham- to 51 r 2), 51 v 1 ( ttramda, idem ), 51 v 3 (conj. 1. sg.) ttrqmqma, “entering”. 50 v 3 (ttrqmqme jsa), 51 r 2 (acc. sg.), 51 r 3 (idem ) ttriksa-, “sharp, harsh, pungent”. Cfr. Dresden 475. 55 r 3 (acc. plur.) ttrilqka-, “the triple world”. Skrt. triloka (i. e. the earth, the middle-w orld, and the heaven). Both -q- and -a- can represent Indian -o-, e.g. P 2787,169 lakapdla (= lokapalas) (also 173 bis, 175), JRAS 1942,18 f. 55 v 2 ( ttrilqka, loc. sg., BSkrt. verse LII,4 triloke. There are several examples of loc. sg. formed by -i, -a. E. g. Avaloki- tesvara-dharani 5 r 3 (KT III, 1) sanitsari, 7 r 4 (ibid. 2) kuri pamdd (= older pamdaya), 8 r 4 (ibid. 3) aranyi tsuhau, “one must go into the aranya”, 12 v 2 (ibid. 6) paninye ksani, “every moment”, Kha 1.13, 145 r 3 (KBT 6) natdyi, “ in the river”, P 2790,129 (cfr. 132) anaica rrdsa1 tsuamda, “they went into power of anitya” (H. W. Bailey in littera) ttd, dem . pron. acc. sg. 43 v 2, 53 r 1 tvada = utvada, q.v. tvari, “very, exceedingly”. E ttuvare, tvare. Cfr. Bailey, Asia Major N.S. 7,13. 47 r 3 tvd, dem . pron. acc. sg. 52 r 4 bis, 52 v 1 bis, 54 r 1, 54 v 1, 55 r 1, 55 r 4, 55 v 4 bis tty dm, dem. pron. gen. plur. 44 v 3, 47 r 3, 47 r 4, 49 r 4, 49 v 4 (ttyam asamy), 51 r 4, 51 v 4, 53 v 4, 55 r 1, 56 r 1, 57 r 3 ( ttyam jsa) ttyau, dem. pron. instr. plur. E ttyau, ttyo. 45 v 2, 49 r 3, 49 v 1 (ttyau jsa), 57 v 1 ttye, dem. pron. obi. sg. 53 v 1 ter, 54 v 3, 54 v 4 (ttye jsa), 55 r 2, 56 v 3, 57 r 2, 57 v 4 tcaddmde, “may they be performed”? Apparently past part. (< car-t-l, cfr. Air. Wb. 449-450) + ah-. 86 Nr. 2

Cfr. GMS § 861 and Miller, GIP I, Anhang, p. 78-79. 53 v 1 tcamna, “by which, whereby”. E tcamäna. Later Khot. also tcana. 44 r 1 tcera-, “to be made, faciendus”. From *cärya~. T um suq tsäri, nom. sg. masc. See Bailey, BSOAS XIII,663. 56 r 2 ( tcerai, nom. sg. fern, with emphatic -I or possibly f, opt. 3. sg., “may be”? (-a + T> -ai))

thyau, “swiftly, quickly”. E thatau. Cfr. Dresden 475-476, Bailey TPS 1945,24, Rei­ chen Indog. Jahrb. 1,23. 48 v 1, 54 v 4, 55 r 3, 55 v 2, 56 v 1

tsästa-, “quiet, peaceful”. 51 v 4 (nom . sg.) tsu- : tsuta- (tsva-), “ to go” . Dresden 474-475. Tumsuq ccha-, Osset, cceu-, cu-, Av. syav-, sew-, Sogd. sw-, Old Pers. siyav-, see E. Benveniste: Etudes sur la langue ossete, Paris 1959, p. 26. 43 v 1 ( tsüm, pres. 1. sg.), 44 r 4 (idem), 49 r 4 ( tslmde, pres. 3. plur., cfr. Dresden 475), 52 r 1 (tsime, E tslmä, pres. 1. sg., used like yan- 48 v 4), 52 r 3 ter (idem), 55 r 1 ( tsvämdä, pret. 3. plur. with transitive endings, cfr. Bailey, Handbuch 146), 55 v 3 ( tsva, past part. nom. sg., with home), 56 v 1 bis ts[me, like 52 r 1, and tsva, past part. nom. sg.), 57 v 1 (tslmdä, pres. 3. plur., used like yan- 48 v 4) tsüka-, “going, moving”. Cfr. Bailey Handbuch 147. 51 r 4 (nom. plur.), 53 r 2 (nom. sg.) tsijma, “ going” . E tsiimatä-. 46 v 2 ( tsume jsa), 48 v 1 (obi. sg.), 52 r 2 (acc. sg.), 52 r 3 (idem), 55 r 3 bis (acc. plur. and gen. sg.), 56 r 4 (obi. sg.) tsQmaca-, “ going” . Past part. fern, as noun. 50 r 1 (loc. sg.) Nr. 2 87

udisayi, “with a view to, with regard to, for”. Other forms in the Jatakast., see Dresden 453 and 470. E udissa. Skrt. uddisya. 55 v 3 upapatta-, “ b irth ” . Skrt. upapatti, Edgerton 138. 57 r 1 (acc. sg., in hendiadys with Khot. ysamtha-, cfr. Bailey Asia Major N.S. 7,21) urmaysdd-, “ su n ” . From ahura- mazda(h)-. Cfr. Sangleci ormozd, “sun”, and Iskasm i remuz(d'), IIFL 11,381. Also -n-stem, see NTS VII, 1934, p. 38, Saka Studies p. 190, Hoernle p. 354 and Oriental Studies in Honour of Cursetji Erachji Pavry, London 1933, p. 222. 48 v 2 (nom. sg.) usah-, “to accept, exert oneself, make efforts”. Skrt. utsahati. 47 r 4 (pres. 3. plur., used like yan- 48 v 4), 52 r 1 (pres. 1. sg., like 47 r 4) uska, “up, above, high”. Adverb. Cfr. Av. uskat. Dresden 470. 56 r 2-3 (translating BSkrt. adj. agrd, “first, foremost, best”) ustamauysa-, “ last” . The same suffix in padauysa-, “ first” , -au- may represent older -ava- which would mean *ustamdvci- with suffix -za- added or perhaps rather a compound ustamd-uz-a- to a base -vaz- (H. W. Bailey). This recalls hamdrauysya-, “ passing through the air” like Parth. andarvaz (cfr. the adjective *ndrw'zyq, Mary Boyce: Manichaean Hymn-Cycles in Par­ thian, 1954, p. 182) and MPers. andarvdy (e.g. Menok i Xrat 57.14), “atmosphere”. 56 r 4 (obi. sg.) utvada, “more, superior”. With the shorter form of the comparative suffix - (older -taru), see Bailey, BSOAS XI,3. Cfr. utvadiruve. 53 r 2, 54 v 3 ( tvada, nom. plur.) utvadiruve, “exceedingly”. Here w ith -ve (= vdte, vata). Or 8212.162,14-15 (KT 11,1) atvadaru. These forms together with utvada, 53 r 2, and tvada, 88 Nr. 2 54 v 3, seem to be the NW-Prakrit utvara- (in the Khotan Dharmapada B 37, BSOAS XI,493 (= Skrt. uttara-, ibid, p. 500)). See Bailey Asia Major N.S. 7,13. 45 v 2 (atvadiruue), 57 v 1 (utvadiruve translating BSkrt. ativa, LXIII, line 2) uysdfs-, “teach, explain”. ■ Cfr. Dresden 470 sub uysdlsdka-. 48 r 3 (pres. 1. sg.) 6, “ a n d ” . E u, T um suq u. 47 r 4 (u might be a mistake for cu, i. e. “---of them and what are the Buddha-sons” (= and of the Buddha-sons)), 47 v l, 48 r 2, 48 v 2, 48 v 3, 49 r 1, 50 r 2, 50 r 4, 50 v 2, 51 r 2, 52 r 4, 53 v 1, 56 r 2. -u, encl. pers. pron. 3. plur. See Dresden 412. 44 v 4 (aysu), 45 r 3 (haisjpmu), 50 r 4 (aysu) iica, “ w ater” . E utca-. Cfr. Saka Studies 191. Adj. ficaa-, “of water”, cfr. JR AS 1958,105 and Primer 56. 48 v 2 (loc. sg.) uspura-, “complete”. M Pers. ‘spwr (see the glossaries of MM I—II & BBB). E uspurra-. 47 r 2-3 (nom. sg.), 47 r 4 (nom. sg.), 51 r 3 (acc. sg.), 53 v 4 (acc. plur.), 56 r 3 (nom. sg. fern.), 58 r 2 (idem) Qstamdmjsia-, “future, last”. ustama- (Av. ustdma-) and suffix -dmjsia-. 47 r 2 (nom. plur.), 49 r 2 (loc. plur.), 49 v 3 (ustamdmjsydm kalpvd), 50 r 1 (loc. plur.), 51 r 2 (acc. plur.), 51 v 3 (nom. plur.), 56 v 4 (loc. plur.) dvara-, “exalted, noble”. Skrt. uddra-. E utara-. 45 r 1 (acc. plur.), 45 r 2 (idem), 46 r 2 (nom. plur.), 47 r 3-4 (idem), 55 r 1 (acc. sg.), 56 r 3 (acc. sg. fern.), 56 v 1 (nom. plur.), 57 r 1 (obi. sg.) va, “for, because of, for the sake of”. Short form of vaska from uas-, cfr. Parth. wsrdd, Old Persian Xr.2 89 vasna, Sogd. wsn, Bailey BSOAS X,1022. E vaska. 48 v 4 (bisam va) vahaiys- : vahaista-, “to descend”. Dresden 485. E vahiys-. Cfr. pahaiysdre, “they disappear”, pres, middle 3. plur., Ch c 001,925 (KBT 138). 52 v 4 (conj. 1. sg.) vamas-, “to experience”. Cfr. Saka Studies 192. 58 r 1 (pres. 1. sg. used like yan- 48 v 4) vamurda-, “destroyed, vanquished, suppressed”. Past part. Dresden 483 sub mar-. 52 v 1 (acc. sg.) vqn- “to honour, salute”. Av. vand-, Yasna 10,8. Nebenstiicke 166, line 6: ay sum namasum vanum, “I bow down to them (and) honour them”, P 2026,69 and 72 vanu “I honour, venerate” (KT 111,51). 44 r 3 (pres. 1. sg.) vara, “there” . E vara, varata. 48 v 1, 50 r 3, 50 v 1, 50 v 4, 51 r 3, 52 r 1, 56 v 1, 56 v 2, 57 r 1 bis, 57 r 2-3 vara-, “good” . Av. badra-, Air. Wb. 1828. Skrt. bhadra-, see Bailey JBAS 1954, 28. Cfr. hamamgtd-. 43 v 3 vaska, “for, for the sake of”. See va. 56 v 3 (w ith -asta in pyamtsasta, “for the future”) vasujs-, “to clean, purify”. Past stem vasuta-, vasva-. Inchoative vas&s-, “to become pure”. Sim plex sujs-, “to burn”, Jatakast., sujs-, E. 52 v 2 (vasuji, opt. 1. sg.) vasus-, “to become pure”. Cfr. vasujs-. 53 v 2 (pres. 3. plur., used like yan- 48 v 4), 54 r 3 (idem), 56 v 3 (opt. 3. sg., cfr. Handbuch 144 and note 70) vasva-, “ p u re ” . E, T um suq vasuta-. From *avasuxta-, cfr. Bailey TPS 1946, 202 and The Tumsuq Karmavacana, BSOAS XIII,658. Sogd. 90 Nr. 2

’wswyt-, 5wsw xt-, GMS § 56. ojooydo, line 9-10 in the in­ scription from Surx-Kotal (Baylan) (A. Maricq, JA 246, 1958, p. 363, cfr. W. B. Henning; The Bactrian Inscription, BSOAS XXIII,51). Different H. Humbach: Die Kaniska-Inschrift von Surkh-Kotal, Wiesbaden 1960, p. 33. 44 r 1 (acc. sg. of vasva-), 44 r 3 (instr. sg.), 45 r 1 (idem), 47 r 3 (nom. plur.), 48 r 1 (acc. sg.), 48 v 2 (nom. plur.), 49 r 1 (acc. sg.), 49 r 4, 49 v 2 (acc. sg.), 49 v 3 (nom. sg. fern.) 50 v 4 (nom. sg.), 52 v 1 (acc. sg.), 52 v 4 (idem), 53 r 3 (idem), 53 v 1 (instr. sg.), 53 v 2 (nom. sg.), 54 r 3 (nom. plur.), 55 r 1 (nom. sg.), 55 r 2 (idem), 55 r 4, 56 v 1 (acc. sg.), 57 v 3 (nom. plur., “pure” = “fulfilled”), 57 v 4 (acc. sg-) vasuattd, “ p u rity ” . 52 r 3 (vasvatte vT), 53 v 2 (vasvatte jsq), 54 r 3 (nom. sg.) vast-, “to stand”. See Konow, Gram. 123, E p. 497. 56 v 2 (pres. 3. plur.) vasta, “throughout, beyond”. Postposition. E vasta, “durch hin, iiber hin”. 54 r 1 vaysamba, “initiation, ordination”. BSkrt. upasampadd, Edgerton p. 143. Niya doc. 510 obv. 1 vasampata. P 4099,111 (KBT 118) vaysaba (w ith—as often — -mb- > -b-) in a similar context ( vaysaba sdmana). E vaysam- bato (acc. sg.), XXIII,289 (vaysambato ssamanu). 47 v 3 (acc. sg.) vd, “however, in fact”. Emphatic enclitic particle. 43 v 4, 44 v 2, 46 r 1, 46 r 4, 47 r 1, 2, 50 v 1, 51 v 2, 53 v 3, 56 v 2 vdma-, “ sea” . 57 v 1 ( v[ma, loc. sg., older vema, E XXI,65) vasta-, “dress, cloth”. From *vastra~. 45 r 1 (instr. plur.), 45 r 4 (idem) vd sy-, “to recite, read”. Cfr. Dresden 485. Skrt. vdcaya-. 56 r 1 (pres, middle 3. sg.) Nr. 2 91 vaudd, “desire, inclination”. From ava-var-, “desire completely”? “Or rather vd-var- as in NPers. bdivar, A rm en, valuer” (H.W. Bailey) (cfr. Hiibsch- mann p. 100). It translates BSkrt. adhimukti (verse VII), “strong inclination, attachment; earnest, zealous application”, Edgerton p. 14. 45 r 2 (in a compound), 54 v 2 (nom. sg. fern.) vainiyaa-, “who should be converted, disciplined”. BSkrt. vaineyci (Edgerton p. 510), Pali veneyya. E vaineyaa-, vainaiyaa-. Cfr. BSOAS X,905 (viniyaa-, P 2893, 11 (KT 111,82)) 47 v 1 (nom. plur.) vaisthdria-, “extensive, wide, huge”. BSkrt. vaistarika, Edgerton p. 513. See Bailey JRAS 1942, 23-24. 54 r 1 (nom. sg. fem.) vela-, “ shore” . Skrt. veld. 44 v 3 (nom.-acc. plur.) vimuha-, “vimoksa”. E vamuha-. Skrt. vimoksa, Pali vimokkha, “release, salvation”, Edgerton p. 497. 51 v 2 (nom. plur.) vina, “now, then”. E vaysna, Samgh. vamna. Later Khot. also vana, vena. 43 v 4 vina, vinau, “except, without”. Dresden 485. 4 6 r 3, 52 v 2, 5 3 r 1 (vina khajqme jsa; vina -jsa is exceptional) viram-, “annoy, displease”. 49 v 1-2 (pres, middle 1. sg., instead of virame MS has virdrame, the second syllable of which might have been —by mistake—caused by the corresponding syllable of BSkrt. virdgayi (1. sg. opt.)). Or virdra- for *viraya- < viraga-1 (H. W. Bailey) vista, “happened, become, placed”. Past part. (= vistata-, also vistava-, vestava-) of vast-, vast-, vist-, Dresden 486 sub vestava-. E vistata-. 48 v 3 (acc. sg.) 92 Nr. 2 vist-, “proceed, take one’s stand, become”. Pret. stem vistdta- etc., cfr. vista. 46 v 1 (pres. 3. plur.) visWna-, “bad, evil”. Dresden 485. 45 v 3 (nom. plur.), 55 v 4 (acc. sg. fern.) vi, see vlra. vidisai~, “intermediate or subordinate direction”. Cfr. disa 50 v 1 (loc. plur.), 51 v 2 (idem), 57 r 4 (vidasam* bisa) vijsy-, “to see, behold”. Cfr. Dresden 484 sub vajsista-. 52 r 2 (conj. 1. sg.), 52 v 3 (idem) vlra, vi, “in, on, upon”. E vlra. TPS 1945,6. 44 r 2 (vlra), 45 v 1 (vi), 46 r 1 (vi), 46 r 2 (vira), 47 r 2 (vira), 47 r 3 (vi), 47 v 1 (vira), 47 v 3 (vi), 49 r 3 (vi), 49 v 1 (vi), 51 r 1 (virai, with -i, “it”), 52 r 3 (vi), 53 r 2 (vi), 54 r 4 (vi), 54 v 4 (vira), 55 r 2 (vira), 55 r 3 (vi), 58 r 1 (vi) vivdva-, “ripening, maturation”. Skrt. vipdka, Edgerton p. 491. E vfpaka-, vivata-, and vivaga-. 56 r 1 (instr. sg.) viysa-, “ lotus” . E viysa-. Cfr. Dresden 485. Skrt. bisa. 48 v 2 (nom. plur.), 57 r 1 (viysana, loc. sg.) vyach-, “realize, understand, grasp”. Cfr. Dresden 486. It translates namaya- (here) and adhimok- (Vajr. 34 a III & IV, 40bl). 56 r 3 (pres. 1. sg., used like yan- 48 v 4) vyaysana-, “disaster, misfortune, trouble”. Skrt. vyasana-. 57 v 1 (loc. plur.) vyarqma, “prophecy, prediction (of attainment of bodhi made by a Buddha)”. vydr-, Skrt. vyakar-, “to make a vydkarana-", Edgerton p. 516-517, + -dmd-. Cfr. Dresden 486. Also vdr-, vyir-, older vydgar-, vydtar-, see Bailey Asia Major N.S. 7,14. 56 v 2 (acc. sg.) Nr. 2 93 vyárana-, “prophecy”. Skrt. vyákarana-. See sub vyárqma. 57 r 1—2 (uyñrna, acc. sg., cfr. Játakast. 39 v 4), 57 r 2 (idem) vyüha-, “display, arrangement”. Skrt. vyüha-. Cfr. Edgerton p. 520 and E p. 44 (note to 112). 45 r 3 (instr. sg.), 51 v 1 (nom. plur., cfr. BSOAS XIII,921 : -i, -a for -a), 51 v 3 (acc. plur.) yaksqnya-, “of the yaksas, belonging to the yaksas”. As for -ánya-, -ána-, -aña- see BSOAS X,923. 48 r 2 (nom. plur. fern.) yan- : yuda-, “to make”. Cfr. Dresden 483. 44 r 1 (yincinide, conj. 3. plur.), 45 v 2 (pres. 1. sg.), 45 v 3 (past part. nom. plur.), 46 v 4 (yini, opt. 1. sg., yan- with a -la-part, in the acc. expressing potentiality with transitive verbs, see BSOAS X,586 and Asia Major N.S. 1,40), 47 r 1 (pres. 1. sg.), 48 r 1 (pres. 1. sg., like 46 v 4), 48 v 3 (idem), 48 v 3-4 (idem), 48 v 4 (pres. act. 1. sg., used as if conj. or opt., see Dresden 414, note 65), 49 r 1 (idem), 49 v 2-3 (idem. MS yi-^-a-me)), 50 r 1 (idem), 51 r 3-4 (idem), 52 r 4 (pres. 1. sg., like 46 v 4 and 48 v 4), 52 v 1 bis (pres. 1. sg., the first yinime like yan- in 46 v 4), 52 v 1-2 (pres. 1. sg., like 46 v 4), 52 v 2 (pres. 1. sg.), 52 v 4 (idem, like 48 v 4), 53 r 2 (idem), 53 r 3 (idem and like yan- 46 v 4), 53 v 4 (like 48 v 4), 54 r 1 (like 53 r 3), 54 r 4 (idem), 54 v 1 (like 46 v 4), 55 r 3 past part, yudi with opt. f), 56 v 2 (yudai, trans. pret. 1. sg., E yadaima), 56 v 4 (like 48 v 4), 57 r 2 {yinürn, pres. 1. sg., like yan- 46 v 4), 57 r 3 {yuda, past part. acc. sg.), 57 r 3-4 (pres. 1. sg., like 46 v 4) yema-, “vehicle”. Skrt. ydna. Cfr. Edgerton p. 446. E VI 11,41 b maháyani yáni mástá ssara, “the Maháyána is a great (and) good vehicle”. Translated by barrai P 2782.1 KT 111,58. 52 r 1 (gen. sg.) ysamasamdaa-, “world, loka”. From zam- and spanta-. E ysama-ssandaá-, cfr. Dresden 488. 44 r 2 (loc. sg.), 46 v 1 (gen. sg.), 47 v 1 (loc. sg.), 48 r 2-3 (idem), 48 v 1 (gen. sg., ysamasamdai tsüma = loka-gati) 51 v 3 (idem ) 94 Nr. 2 ysamtha-, “ b irth ” . E idem. Av. zqda-. 45 v 3 (acc. plur.), 47 v 3 (loc. plur.), 49 v 1 (ysathvä, loc. plur.), 50 r 1 (loc. plur.), 55 r 2 (ysamthä vlra), 57 r 1 (acc. sg-) ysan- : ysäta-, “to be born, appear”. E idem. Av. zan-. Dresden 489, Saka Studies 197. 47 v 3 bis (conj. 1. sg.), 54 v 2 (ysynte, conj. 3. sg.) ysänasta-, “beautiful”. Also P 3513,74 r 4 (KT 1,249), Jätakast. 14 r 2. With ysau- P 2739, 39 (KT 11,86), P 2787,68 (KT 11,103) 57 r 1 (obi. sg., translating sobhana-, “brilliant, beautiful”) ysaujsa-, “tasteful, savoury”. E ysojsa-, ysaujsa-. Dresden 489. 45 v 2 (nom.-acc. plur.) ysautta-, “flowed out, disappeared, ceased”. Past part. E ysotta- (IV, 142). ysautta = Tib. zags-pa, hdzag-pa (BSOS VIII,141) 43 v 1 (nom. plur.) ysirasta-, “having a heart, devoted”. From ysira-, E ysära-, “heart”, Av. zdrdd-, Parth. zyrd etc., and -asta-, cfr. Dresden 418. See Bailey Asia Major, N.S. 2,33. 44 r 4 (nom . sg.) ysürra-, “ anger” . E ysurra. Later Ivhot. also ysära (P 5538 b ,45, KT 111,122, also 75 and 76, KT 111,124) 45 v 3 (gen. sg.) ysüsta-, “liked, approved”. Av. zaos-, Old Pers. daus- (in daustar-, “friend”), Old Ind. jos-. E p. 491. 56 r 2 (nom . sg. fern.) ysvyqma, “tasting”. From ysüs-, y s v (E XXIV,4 ysvyare, “they taste, enjoy”, pres, middle). Cfr. ysüsta-. 46 v 2 (ysvyqme jsa) Abbreviations

Abaev V. A ba ev: Istoriko-etimologiceskij slovar’ osetin- skogo jazyka, tom I. Moskva-Leningrad 1958. Air. Wb. Chr. Bartholomae: Altiranisches Wörterbuch. Strassburg 1904. Ap. Aparimitäyuh Sütra, ed. by Sten K onow, Hoernle p. 289-329. ' BBB W. B. H en nin g : Ein manichäisches Bet- und Beichtbuch, APAW 1936. Phil.-hist. Klasse Nr. 10. BO Bibliotheca Orientalis. BSLP Bulletin de la Société de Linguistique de Paris. BSO(A)S Bulletin of the School of Oriental (and African) Studies, University of London. BTLVN-I Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde van Nederlandsch-Indië, ’s-Gravenhage. Burrow The Language of the Kharosthi Documents from Chinese Turkestan by T. B urrow. Cambridgel937. Dresden Mark J. D resd e n: The Jätakastava or "Praise of the Buddha’s Former Births”. Indo-Scythian (Kho- tanese) Text, English Translation, Grammatical Notes, and Glossaries. Transactions of the Ameri­ can Philosophical Society, New Series—Volume 45, Part 5, 1955. E Abhandlungen für die Kunde des Morgenlandes XX. Band No. 1, 1933, No. 2, 1934, No. 3, 1936. Das nordarische (sakische) Lehrgedicht des Bud­ dhismus. Text und Übersetzung von E rnst Leu- mann. A us dem Nachlass herausgegeben von Manu Leumann. Edgerton Franklin E dgerton: Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit Grammar and Dictionary, Vol. II, Dictionary, New Haven 1953. Edgerton, Grammar Idem, Vol. I, Grammar, New Haven 1953. ERE Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics. Ghilain A. Ghilain: Essai sur la langue parthe. Son sy­ stème verbal d’après les textes manichéens du Turkestan oriental. Bibliothèque du Muséon, Vol. 9, Louvain 1939. GI-APh Grundriss der indo-arischen Philologie und Alter­ tumskunde, Strassburg. GIP Grundriss der iranischen Philologie, Strassburg. GMS Ilya Gershevitch : A Grammar of Manichean Sogdian. Publications of the Philological Society XVI, Oxford 1954. Gr. Bd. Great Bundahisn, ed. E. T. D. Anklesaria, Bom ­ bay 1908. Handbuch H. W. B ailey: Languages of the Saka, Handbuch der Orientalistik IV,I, 1958. Hobogirin P. DEMiéviLLE et J. Takakusu: Hôbôgirin. Dic­ tionnaire encyclopédique du bouddhisme d’après les sources chinoises et japonaises. Hoernle A. F. R udolf H oernle: Manuscript Remains of Buddhist Literature Found in Eastern Turkestan, Vol. I, Oxford 1916. Horn Paul H orn: Grundriss der neupersischen Etymo­ logie. Sammlung indogermanischer Wörterbücher IV, Strassburg 1893. Hübschmann H. H übschmann: Armenische Grammatik, I. Teil, Leipzig 1897. Hymn Ilya Gershevitch: The Avestan Hym n to Mi- thra, Cambridge 1959. Idg. Jahrb. Indogermanisches Jahrbuch, Strassburg. HFL Georg Morgenstierne: Indo-Iranian Frontier Languages I, 1929, II, 1938. IIJ Indo-Iranian Journal, ’s-Gravenhage. JA Journal Asiatique, Paris. Jätakast. Jätakastava, ed. D resden. JRAS Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society. KBT H. W. B ailey: Khotanese , Cam­ bridge Oriental Series No. 3, 1951. Konow, Gram. Sten K onow : Khotansakische Grammatik, Porta Linguarum Orientalium XXII, 1941. KT Khotanese Texts I, ed. by H. W. B ailey, 1945, Indo-Scythian Studies Being Khotanese Texts Volume II, 1953, Indo-Scythian Studies Being Khotanese Texts Volume III, 1956. Maralbasi Sten K onow: The Oldest Dialect of Khotanese Saka, NTS XIV, 156-190. MM F. C. A ndreas-W. B. H en n in g : Mitteliranische Manichaica aus Chinesisch-Turkestan I, SPAW 1932, II, ibid. 1933, III, ibid. 1934. MO Le Monde Oriental. Nebenstücke Abhandlungen für die Kunde des Morgenlandes XV,2. Buddhistische Literatur. Nordarisch und Nr. 2 97

Deutsch. I. Teil: Nebenstücke. Von E r n s t L e u ­ m a n n , Leipzig 1920. NTS Norsk Tidsskrift for Sprogvidenskap. Primer S t e n K o n o w : Primer of Khotanese Saka, NTS X V ,5-136. Psalt. F. C. A n d r e a s - K . B a r r : Bruchstücke einer Peh- levi Übersetzung der Psalmen, SPAW 1933. R ev. Phil. Revue Philosophique, Paris. Saka Studies S t e n K o n o w : Saka Studies. Oslo Etnografiske Museum Bulletin 5, Oslo 1932. Samgh. Samghätasütra, ed. K o n o w , Saka Studies 63-111. SPÀW Sitzungsberichte der Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. St. H. H. W. B a i l e y : The Staël-Holstein Miscellany, Asia Major N.S. 2,1-45. Suv. Suvarnabhäsasütra in S t e n K o n o w : Zwölf Blätter einer Handschrift des Suvarnabhäsasütra, SPAW 1935. TPS Transactions of the Philological Society. Tumsuq H. W. B a i l e y : The Tumshuq Karmaväcanä, BSOAS XIII,649-670. Va jr. Vajracchedikä, ed. S t e n K o n o w , Hoernle 214-288. W W a t a n a b e ’s text (Buddhist Sanskrit) of the Bhadracaryädesanä. W atanabe Die Bhadracari. Eine Probe buddhistisch-religiöser Lyrik. Untersucht und herausgegeben. Inaugural­ Dissertation zur Erlangung der Doktorwürde der Philosophischen Fakultät der Kaiser Wilhelms­ Universität zu Strassburg. Vorgelegt von K a i k i o k u W a t a n a b e . Leipzig 1912. Zor. Prob. H. W. B a i l e y : Zoroastrian Problems in the Ninth- Century Books, 1943. WuS Wörter und Sachen. Kulturhistorische Zeitschrift für Sprach- und Sachforschung, Heidelberg. Zur nordarischen Spr. Schriften der Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft in Strassburg 10. Heft. Zur nordarischen Sprache und Literatur. Vorbemerkungen und vier Aufsätze mit Glossar von E r n s t L e u m a n n , Strassburg 1912.

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57 v-58 r. Bibl. nation., service photographique Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab Historisk-filosofiske Meddelelser (Hist. Filos. Medd. Dan. Vid. Selsk.)

Bind 37 (kr. 80,00) kr. o. 1. Rubow, P aul V.: Trold kan tæmmes (The Taming of a Shrew). 1957 ...... 6,00 2. Kornerup, Bjørn: Lector Theologiæ Jens Poulsen Windings Vita. Et Bidrag til Belysning af de lærde Udenlandsrejser i det 17. Aarhundrede. With an English Summary. 1957 ...... 10,00 3. Szôvérffy, Josef: Volkskundliches in Mittelalterlichen Gebet­ büchern. Randbemerkungen zu K. M. Nielsens Textausgabe. 1958 ...... 5,00 4. Johansen, J. Prytz: Studies in Maori Rites and Myths. 1958. 22,00 5. Ferdinand, Klaus: Preliminary Notes on Hazara Culture. (The Danish Scientific Mission to Afghanistan 1953-55). 1959. 10,00 6. Rubow, Paul V.: Kong Henrik den Sjette. 1959...... 6,00 7. Thodberg, Christian: The Tonal System of the Kontakarium. Studies in Byzantine Psalticon Style. 1960...... 14,00 8. Aaboe, Asger: On the Tables of Planetary Visibility in the Almagest and the Handy Tables. 1960 ...... 4,00 9. Rubow, Paul V.: King John. 1960...... 3,00

Bind 38 (kr. 70,00) 1. Blinkenberg, Andreas: Le problème de la transitivité en fran­ çais moderne. Essai syntacto-sémantique. 1960 ...... 40,00 2. Diderichsen, Paul: Rasmus Rask og den grammatiske tradi­ tion. Studier over vendepunktet i sprogvidenskabens historie. Med tillæg fra Rasks og N. M. Petersens papirer. Mit einer deutschen Zusammenfassung. 1960...... 30,00

Bind 39 (ua fsluttet I in preparation)

1. N e u g e b a u e r , O.: A New Greek Astronomical Table (P. Heid. Inv. 4144 + P. Mich 151). 1960...... , ...... 3,00 2. Asmussen, Jes P eter: The Khotanese Bhadracaryädesanä. Text, Translation, and Glossary, together with the Buddhist Sanskrit Original. 1961...... /...... 18,00 3. Hjelholt, Holger: On the Authenticity of F. F. Tillisch’ Re­ port of November 24th, 1849, Concerning Conditions in Sles­ vig under the Administrative Commission. 1961...... 3,00 4. Johansen, K. Friis: Ajas und Hektor. Ein vorhomerisches Heldenlied? 1961...... 11,00 From Vol. 37, No. 1, 1957 the designation Historisk-filologiske Med­ delelser is changed into Historisk-filosofiske Meddelelser. The numbering of the volumes will continue regardless of the change of name. The publications will besides the subjects treated up till 1957, include papers on Philosophy, Archeology, and Art History On direct application to the agent of the Academy, E j n a r M u n k s - g a a r d , Publishers, 6 Norregade, Kobenhavn K., a subscription may be taken out for the series of Historisk-filosofiske Meddelelser. This sub­ scription automatically includes the Historisk-filosofiske Skrifter in 4to as well, since the Meddelelser and the Skrifter differ only in size, not in subject matter. Papers with large formulae, tables, plates, etc., will as a rule be published in the Skrifter, in 4to. For subscribers or others who wish to receive only those publi­ cations which deal with a single group of subjects, a special arrange­ ment may be made with the agent of the Academy to obtain the pub­ lished papers included under the head: Archeology and Art History, only.

Printed in Denmark. Bianco Lunos Bogtrykkeri X/S. Id: 640 Forfatter: Asmussen, Jes Peter Titel: The Khotanese Bhadracaryådesanå. Text, Translation, and Glossary, toge ther with the Buddhist Sanskrit Original. År: 1961 ISBN: Serietitel: Historisk-filosofiske Meddelelser Serienr: H 39:2 SerienrFork: FI Sprogkode: Eng