The Newfoundland Almanac, for 18 Containing Astronomical, Statistical

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The Newfoundland Almanac, for 18 Containing Astronomical, Statistical «>^.^_(^ - ^:_ c c <xi <l < ^cir!^-. «»CI_ ^ ^ <3C''^<^ < < ^Kzzr < < ~ c<:i ogL.'^<^ %n__^ <«^ (. OET^ t - ^cr c<r ^^-> ^£zr oc; <^C ^cn <3c: CKZ < <. ^^21 Od CjCT^c. <3cr ^3dzi OCZl" < c <gZZi <:<::. ' c <<r c ^^_ <3cr < <<C~Cc ^^ ' <3C c:<^ c< <:<; <^3ZL <3c: <i ^ac:: c<i <-c_ ^st^ car. <ac7 , KZ_ ' <3C «. ^< ^ - <s: <j«^ <C;c f ' /, <3C' ' OCT Cc< <r<^ CZZT^ 'c <JC <rvc r~- ,t <-c .ce:. <3c:. <rc< ILIBRARY OF CONGRESS. I ^ [SMITHSONIAN DEPOSIT.] I 5 «.A FnR.1 UNITED STAT]TS OF AMERICi m -•CjCSKC r^<: <ir<ic:_ ^C7 <C ^L_ " « m^ <>- f <r ^ cr cc: -«<:: <t: ^iir '<: ' *«. 4C ; ^[T. d <r < <^ •«c < 4 c ^ :4IS <«r<r<: c C c<c: : THE NEWFOUNDLAND A-L]Nd:A.]SrA.C, FOR THE YEAR OF OUR LORD 1869, [BEING THE LATTER PART OF THE THIRTY-SECOND AND THE BEGIN- NING OF THE THIRTY-THIRD YEAR OF THE REIGN OF HER MAJESTY QUEEN VICTORIA,] CONTAINING Astronomical, Statistical, Commercial, Local and Geneial Information, DERIVED FROM THE MOST AUTHENTIC SOURCES — ALSO, — A Post Office Directory f»>r Newfoundland, CONTAINING AN ALPHABETICAL LIST OF THE TOWNS, VILLAGES AND SETTLEME>JTS IN THE COLONY, WITH THE POST TOWNS AND WAY OFFICES : —-4W(^, AlsOy— A Business Directory, FOR THE TOWNS OF ST. JOHN'S, HARBOR GRACE AND CARBONEAR, IN WHICH WILL BE FOUND THE NAMES, ADDRESS AND OCCUPATION OF PERSONS ENGAGED IN THE VARIOUS DEPAft«Me?W:S OF MERCANTILE AND OTHER BUSINESS PI COMPILED, PRINTED AND PUBLISHED JOSEPH WOODS, Sold by Thomas McConnan, 201 Water Street, St. John'i. ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND : MDCCCLXVIII. To the Public. The Compiler has much pleasure in submitting to the Public the Newfoundland Almanac for the Year 1869; he indulges the hope that reasonable allowance will be made for such imperfections and inaccuracies as may be found in its pages. No labor or expense has been spared to make it a popular and useful book of reference, and he trusts it will be found quite equal if not superior to those of preceding years. The Newfoundland Almanac for 1869 contains, as did also that for 1808, a concise Business Directory for the three principal towns of the Colony— St, John's, Harbor Grace, and Carbonear J and as it is intended that the Almanac will be extensively circulated out of Newfoundland, the information embodied in The Directory cannot fail to be useful to all who have an interest in the Trade and Commercial relations of this Colony. The Compiler is again indebted to James Campbell, Esq., the worthy and talented Principal of the St, John's Nautical Academy* for the Astronomical Calculations and other Scientific Information contained in the introductory and Calendar pages of the present work. To the Heads of Departments, and others, he is also indebt- ed for their kindness in furnishing the desired information. The Compiler begs to tender his acknowledgments to the general public for the very favorable manner in which the Almanac has been received hitherto ; he trusts that the Number for 1869 will be equally favored, and command if possible a much larger share of public support. To the advertising patrons of the Almanac the undersigned is indebted for their continued favors, and hopes that the efforts made to give their notices an attractive form will meet with their approval. JOSEPH WOODS. St. John's, Dec, 1868. Contents Advertisements I.— XXXiT. Atlantic Telegraph Company 73 Anglo-American Telegraph Company 73 Abstract from Newfoundland Census of 1857 5 Bpard of Works Department 25 Boards of Road Commissioners (Outporta) 26 Board of Health 66 Backs—Savings' Bank 54 Union Bank of Newfoundland 66 Commercial Bank of Newfoundland 66 Barristers and Attorneys, Supreme Court 61 Barristers and Attorneys, Northern District 51 Benevolent Institutions, Charitable Societies, &c. 78 Business Directory for St. John's, Harbor Grace and Carbonear 83 Calendar Pages—Moon's Phases, Sun's Rising and Setting at St. John's every day in the year, Sun's Declination, Equation of Time, High Water at St. John's every iVlorning and Afternoon, Moon's Rising, Memoranda 9-20 Colonial Secretary's Office 24 Court Houses and Keepers 29 Commissioners for Erection of Public Wharf (CatoUna) 29 Commissioners for Erection of Breakwaters 29 Court of Civil and Criminal Jurisdiction for Labrador 52 Commissioners of Wrecked Property 55 Commissione-- of Poor 65 Commissioners for Reduction of Public Debt 55 Commissioners of Pilots and Rates of Pilotage 65 Conimissioners of Affidavits, &c., in S. and C. Courts 52 Colonial and Continental Church Society 38 Chamber of Commerce, (St. John's) 61 Catholic Institute 72 Difference of Time at various places on the Globe as com- pared with St. John's 8 Departmental Officers of the Government 25 District Surgeons 29 Eclipses for the year 1869 6 Executive Council 22 Educational Institutions, Protestant and Roman Catholi« Education Boards, &c., &e. 57 Ecclesiastical Department, &c., &c. 62 Fixed and Moveable Festivals, Arniversarii^, &c. • Financial Secretary's Office 35 Foreign Consuls 66 Governor, Commandar-in^Chief and Vice-Admiral of New.. foundland 22 THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. Gaols and Gaolers 28 House of Assembly 23 Health Wardens (St. John's) 66 Inspectors of Weights and Measures 64 Insurance Companies—Fire, Life, and Marine 75 Judicial Department, comprising Lists of Barristers and Attorneys of Supreme Court, Stipendiary Magistrates, Justices of the Peace, &c., &c. 61 Joint Stock Companies, Public Societies, &c. 76 Legislative Council • 22 Li;iht Houses and Lights 29 Medical Officer for Sick Seamen (Port of St. John's) 56 Military Establishment 67 Masonic Lodges 74 Medical Society of St. John's 75 Newfoundland Wesleyan Academy . 57. Newfoundland Church Society 63 Newfoundland Bifla Volunteers 68 Naral Establishment 68 Notaries Public 6f> Newspapers published in the Colony 72 New York, Newfoundland and London Telegraph Company 73 Planetary Notice— Solar System 7 Post Office Department, ircludir.g Postal Routes, Eatfs of Postage, and Post Office Directory for Newfoundland 33-50 Queen's Printer 66 Royal Family of England 21 Revenue Establishment, &(\, &c. 24 Revenue and Expenditure, from 1858 to 1867 87 Return of Vessels Entered and Cleared at each Port in the Colony of Newfoundland for the Year 1667 87 Surveyor General's Department ' 25 Superintendent of Mercauiiie Marine 25 St. John's Hospital 29 St, John's Poor House 29 St. Joliu's Lunatic Asylum 29 Stipendiary Magistrates 52 St. John's Academy 57 St. John's AthercEuni 72 St. John's and Newfoundland Bible Socie'y 65 Ships Owned and Registered in Newfoundland 88 Va ue of Imports and Exports from and to each Country in 1867 80 Treasury Department 52 Table ot Customs Duties 6J Table shewing Quantity and Value of Fish Exported from 1841 to 18(i6 Si Value of Imports and Exports from 1856 to 1866 b8 Wesleyan School and Agency Socieiy 68 Weeleyan Academic Literary Institute 72 THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. Abstract from Newfoundland Census of 1857t suoi;BUTraon8(j iaq^O .2 1 •s;sqB O Ol CO <M ^ i-i -noi;t3Sa.i^uo3 o OC5 COi-iT-iTfCit- c i[iv^ 9d^K g S2 - >-': (M to •pUBjlOOg o ao § JO :^.n^i ^ cocs^cqc^cir-iococoxcz/ooc^ 1 ot-t^i-i — >ocicDQOco o^eooo suB.{9tsaAV 00 t^^:)cot-0(^^cocoO(^^coo<t^t-C5 .2 COOr-icOCOOOfMOTHO^COOCOCOOCOC50000iOCOTrlC5 0TriGO 00O sonoqi^O i-HO-<fT-ICO<MrHr-tCN.-lOt-<M coc^oooi-HCOcOTtic^r-ocot^c^i QC o OOOC^C5OTf<r-i,-HC0CqOO00t^ o •puBiSua CO<Mr-i(MiO 0>OCO T-iC<JCO rH ;2; JO qojnqo i-oiot^ocqoot-ooi-ooc^ioc^iTti O •<*< r-ir^ r-l ,-( TlH Ci >o GC 83|BUI8J JO/OJS[ O O O O o ^ lOOOOTfiOOt^l^-T—(OOt^COOClO 00 t-t-t-CO CM CO CM Ot^^t-Tj^OCiO sai^pi JO -o^sr cooc^icococio^iOTttofMTricoi-irH cM-^ccc5i^-co.-iccor-cOTtiCiCvio •s^UB^iq^qUI »oc<iQOooococqcovoT-i(McocNC5Tff 5> 0^ cO'-<ooTtiocq<Mi— oor--(Mco»o-^io ) CO JO jaqoin^Nj t-COOOOOCOOOOOOOOOCOCO c> CO 3 1 % ditto Mary's ditto ditto ditto Fogo LaPoilo s St. West c East HarborMaine(ConceptionBay) and Grace and Bayand i Bay Bay-de-Verds Port-de-Grave John's, John's, Carbonear Bonavista Tvvillingate Ferryland o Placentia ^ Harbor Fortune Burgeo a Trinity Burin St. St. H The Census of the Labrador was cursorily taken by the late Su- ppfintendent of Fisheries (James L. Prendergast, Esquire,) in 1856 and 1857, but it is not sufficiently correct or full to form a part of the foregoing returns. The number of peimanent residents, as given by that gentleman, from L'Anse Sablon to Sandwich Bay, both in- clusive, including Belle Isle, is 1650, of whom 1331 are Protestant* and 319 Catholics. — e THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. Eclipses, 1869. In this year (1869) there will be Four Eclipses^ two of the SuN and TWO of the Moon. First— On January the 27th, there will be a partial Eclipse oftht Moon^ and will be visible in this Island during its continuance, as the Moon will rise on that day about 38.n. past 7h. p.m., and conte, quently the followi ng phenomena can be observed, if the weather be clear, at the following times : Mean time of conjunction in R. A lOh. 20m. 49s. 6. First contact wiih Penumbra 7h. 47m. SOs. First CO itact with Shadow,.... 8h, 58m. 29?. Middle of Eclipse lOh. 7m. 29s. Last contact with Shadow llh. 16m. 30s, Last contact with Penumbra 12h. 27m. 29s. [St. John's Mean Time.] Second— On February lOih and 11th, an annular Eclipse of the Sun, not visible in any part of the [Northern Hemisphere, higher than the 10, b degree of North Latitude, the central Ime of Eclipse being from Lat.
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