Financial and Technical Resources Available to the Education Sector in Senegal, Mali, Guinea and Ghana Version 1.0 Published October 2005 1 ACKNOWGLEDGEMENTS Many people have provided guidance, information, time and energy to make this work possible. Thank you to those who gave freely of their time to furnish the information contained in these pages. Susan Gannon, an independent consultant based in Dakar, has done the majority of work in collecting information and developing this guide. For this and for being a solid long-term partner, MTT West wishes to extend their deep appreciation. A particular word of thanks to the MTT/West Project’s Administrative Coordinator, Valerie Moulay-Omar, for the many hours of proof reading that have resulted in the publication of this document. Grey Cardigan Consulting provided editing and formatting services for this document. They can be reached at
[email protected]. This Guide is made possible by the support from USAID under the terms of Cooperative Agreement No. RLA-A-A-00-03-00026-00. Any opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID. 2 3 HOW TO USE THIS GUIDE The fight against HIV/AIDS requires resources and the purpose of this tool is to assist you in identifying financial and technical resources available to the education sector in Senegal, Mali, Guinea and Ghana. Of course, this information is current as we go to press but change is occurring at a rapid pace, resources continue to be made available and new alliances are being formed between donors and other stakeholders.