LON CHANEY DEAD; Trails-Atlantic Plane Is V Eter^ of Arctic END UNEXPECTED
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tji '’'d'i’i - m S T P R E SS BUN STERAGE DAU<P OIROULATION for Itie Montb of Julft 1980 5.416 HembenTst tke AnOlt Bar««u of OlTcalMJoa'o p b Ic e t b e ^ e t w e l v e p a g e s SOUTH MANGH£^Sit» CONN*, TUESDAY, AUGUST 2^ 1930. VOL. XLrST., NO. 279. (COaaiifled Adverttoiiig on Page 10) z LON CHANEY DEAD; Trails-Atlantic Plane Is V eter^ of Arctic END UNEXPECTED i Famous Character Actor Had Head of l ^ r y Been Reported as Improv Yields to Popidar ing When Sudden Hemor TELLSSTAND and Recalls Former ( ^ ; rhage Terminates Career. ON W LAW Wardiip Ordered to Rf* Wasiflngton, Aug. 28.__(AP)—i^Ministers was DelegateD at a meet FerDinanD L. Mayer, American ing of the D lp lo ^ tlc Corps tp- call torn So TImf Leguia Lo.s Angeles, Aug. 26.—CAP)— ; charge D’affaires at Lima, aDviseD upon the conunalitee in power anD Lon Chaney, whose gfrotesque screen j ‘ the State Department toDay he had- request assurances, of - protection Supports Enforcement But both for foreign nationals, businesa characterizations won him the so- , granteD asylum to: two Daughters of Face Trial-4l!airtial Lalfr PresiDent Legula and their chilDren interests .and. Diplomatic missions. briquet of “The Man of a ThousanD i A mpift protecrion was -assureD the Believes Change Should in his house. Faces,’’ DieD here early toDay after j AlfreDo Larrinaj^,i son-in-law <w Diplomats by General Ponce, who Pre?ails iuCapRai and R Wolfgang von saiD he haD DeclateD martial law to a valiant battle against anaernia Be Made— Mrs. Burr Out AlreaDy a veteran of the Arctic airways, the seaplane PictureD hew^ PresiDent Leguia also sought ahu and congestion of the bronchial the : Atlantic. was granteD asylum In the charge s enforce orDer. ' . is Feared Bloodshed Maf vThe charge cabled to the depart tubes. ' home. \ 4. A hemorrhage of the lungs shortly lines Her Position, Too. Simultaneously,' the Department ment ^ translation' of a ministry hearD from American Consul Wil statement annoimcing tlie council Follow. f liam C. BurDett that American citi of goyermneht. The statement Con Miss Marjory Cheney, canDiDate . clude by eagdng . a einmlssion zens in the Lima-Gallao ^strict mm BULLETIN! I for the Republicam nomination as | their property were not enDMgereD. cbaiged with Informing the: inaur- gehti leader, cJolonel Sanchez Cerro Washington, Aug. ,26.— (A P) J Representative, toDay gave to The The charge’s message, which was LAB RHE M P. timeD at 4 p. m. yesterDay, saiD.a of the 'events which have occurred —’The State Department toDayl- HeralD her first public statement on 0 in the city would ^proceed by air ■ instruct^ the American em-' GERMAN FLIERS committee consisting of the Ameri Prohibition. Miss Cheney’s stanD on can Charge D*Affaires, the P>pal plane to confer with him. It was bassy at lim a, Peru, to “take-^ all- appropriate measures to ef-’' the question which has become par Nuncio, the Chilean. A m b M ^ q r sidd the council would Include. CoL feet the rielease of HarolD:' amount in the past year was forth and the German anD Japanese Cerro as soon as he arr^ed in lim a. coming when it became known that ON TRIP TQ NEW Grp-w." The action followeD riecelpt of^ a group of women “Drys” ,3vere ---------- - -4) aDvices from .tlMf Embassy tell-', planning to cut Miss Cheney in the HEAT WAVE KII^ ^ _ i s D n r a E ing bf Grow’s plight. .'He i»^^ coming Primary because they be WOMAN AGED 118 Iieut.-(3omiiiaiiDer in the U. S. \ lieveD her to be a “wet" sympathiz Expect to Land Near Statue Navsfti reserve and has toe rank- er. Lisbon, Aug. 26.— (AP.)—^The of ckptain In toe Peruvian navy. Her Statement of Liberty Before Dark; heat wave which has afflicteD Glasgow A id f of t o s a y The, aviator was capturro" Miss Cheney’s letter'to The Her Portugal for two weeks has kill SunDay after lanDing his plane- ald, the first volley in what seems eD many persons, amonff them at Camana. Destined to be a “wet-Dry” Primary Unpleasant Weather the olDfest woman In the coun MacDonald Honor Guest The Departmpnt's message ■ battle, follows: expresseD appreciation to . toe ' try- . « “EDitor, The HeralD: Faces Them Along Way. She was Quilhermina Row of Conne^cut embassy for toe. reports it has “Will you allow me to use yom MaDeira, 1 1 ?,,.a resiDent fileD D^ng the recent rapiD ; columns to explain my position in vem; near ^ r e , anD had' heeti turn 'In ftvents in the Peruvimi ■ regarD to the Prohibition issue? Halifax, N. S., Aug. 26.— (A P )— vigorous ■ until the: burning heat M iner at Boltoti Lain. revblt. “I was not brought up as a pro- B. Anthony m 1 8 7 8 -i-? e - Captain Wolfgang von Gronaii anD remaineD so I&ng. A number of ! hibitionist, bDt since the 18th others have been DrowneD In Linu^ Peru, Aug. 26 -r- (AP) 1 amenDment became a part of the three companions, flying from Ger rivers anD lakes, seeking to es One of toe most interesting af P(fiitical exile was denieD toDay to after miDmght suDDenly cut short i have thoueht canie Political Issue -in Augusto B. Leguia DeposeD P r ^ the noteD actor’s fight for life after constitution .1 have thougnt it many to the UniteD States took off cape the heat. fairs helD in tblB vicinity in a long . 'i' . ■ . shoulD be uphelD anD have stooD for D«it of Peru who for 11 years ruleD he haD been reporteD on , the roaD to for New York shortly after 8:30 time was a dihnei; held at Osano’r law-enforcement, and supporteD the 1912; Alice Paid Credited Soodi Garolinay Mississippi, this coimtry with an Inm hand. recovery. He was 47 years old. (BST) this morning on the last leg | cottage at Bolton lake last night in YielDing to popvdar , clamor^ Gen Chaney entereD a hospital August Wheeler bill. of the flight. honor of Jaipes. Stuart of Glasgow, eral Manuel Maria Ponce, heaD qf 15 for-treatment of an anaemic con “Now I have come to realize that The big Domier Wal got away at By Marguerite Young. California an j IdsAo are the m ilit^ junta which has re- Dition resulting from' a severe at a law that has not the sincere sup ScotlanD, Labor member of toe xilaced L e g o ’s govenunent, prpinis- port of a large majority of citizens 8:45 a. m., after having been held tack of pneumania suffereD in New British parliament, anD attenDeD by Washington, Aug. 26.—(AP^— eD a mob a t stuDents to a puWic aD cannot be enforceD, and though it up for almost two hours by a heavy C b o o i^ Their Nommees. York early this year. He faileD to more than a score of men from Ten years ago toDay toe right of Dress that the former PresiDent responD reaDily to treatment anD may be a law on paper it is not fog over Halifax. m e n the fog lifteD, the, airmen women to vote throughout toe woulD be Ijtought-barii to lim a to last week three blooD transfusions in effect the law of the land. After HartforD, Manchester, Waterbury took off at once, shaping their UniteD Stetes was proc^meD. facR punislujifiiit for his VioisDeoDs/ were resorteD to. Last SaturDay he observing the growing Disrespect anD New Britain. It was toe first By AssociateD Press . .; The Almirante .Gttlu. Peruvian for the present prohibition laws I course along the Atlantic coasUine ' time that a British M. P. has been The slenDer quiet msm ‘who maDe became critically ill but was thought anD planning to IsinD beside the j The voters of South Carolina;. crtDser on. which Leguia. and his to have safely passeD the crisis. have come to believe that the 18th entertaineD here. valiD toe instrwmerit of annqunce- fa ii^ ' yesterDay left GallaOv-pre- Statue of Liberty in rjew York KiM»wn to lafge circle of firm _____ - __- pilf iW )MU3k- bf YesterDay he was said by hospital amenDment and the VolsteaD act ment—Bainbrl^^ icfe^ .chofnDtog. TO | a u n a ^ for shoulD be repealeD anD after teat harbor late todsiy. j . I friqnDs to-Connecticut as “JuDjge”-— attaches to be resting easy. ^ p ta in von: Qronau ..hopeD toy "nr Bah LPteazb,.iSteVrAoi^Db- Callao Was UnexpecteD..,- the state enforcement laws., shouiD II^^IP'TasDiBer of The Glasgow harbor to await orDers for. dispost- reach York well aheaD of benefit'of news canDeramte. it The hemorrhage which resulteD be repealeD and only such substi New magistrftcy-—Jir. S;tuart, though a two ib^ n eh to, foft the. Democratic tioh of their pHsoneri-Reports from in Chaney's Death came yiDth unex tutes passeD as woulD receive Darkness. ' Seafiih Cpidbrook Wheelhorse of the MacDonfild. gov was a sweltering Day. A mMsen- nohiDhation fridch ip consldsred CJaHao, not immedlateQe susep.tittte or enough support to be really en * Gray Airplane ernment in toe HouBfe,.of Gommons, ger ran up toe v^alk of a spiacioiia' equivalent to eleotic^ in,^th'C)ari}- verification said Li^iuia seri pecteD suddenness. He was dead The DomieD Wal flying boat is in less than 30 minutes, his physi forceable. What form of regulation enjoys in markeD DegKe toe esteem resiDence; toe secretary took toe non® Jreo^oa a as ously ill.