Evening Star. (Washington, D.C.). 1932-07-25 [P ]
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i _._ _ WEATHER. “From Press to Home 1 <U. 8. Weather Bureau Forecast.) •»-. »• T* „ * n an OUr Fair and warmer tonight and tomor- row; gentle winds, mostly south and The Star’s Carrier system covers every southwest city block and the regular edition is Temperatures—Highest. 80, at noon delivered to city and suburban homes today; lowest, 61. at 5:30 a m. today. as fast as the papers are printed. on 9. Full report page _ ___ 7~ .. M Saturdays Circulation, 11844* Closing N. Y. Markets, Pages 10 and 11 circulation. ____ _Sundays m,567_ No. 32,227. Z'THru' "w^hingto” TT WASHINGTON, D. CM MONDAY, JULY 25, 1932-TWENTY-SIX PAGES. **** <*> M..n. Associated Pr**.. TWO CENTS. ^BOYS.IMAY'n RADICAL VETERANS E IN MINORITY have been \ IT” OPENS FIGHT BORAH BCHINDINTHAT \ CHICAGO UNt^JP CLUBBED BY k \ POLICE; LINKED 10 SILVER ON WAR DEBT PLAN. l BUT iWGlFFY* i AGAINST CLOSURE NINE ARE ARRESTED A ON THE S?OT MONEY AT OTTAWA LEADERS HERE SAY p wm.i'y ORDERED BY U. S. Street Fights Mark Advocates of Bimetalism Congress Believed Against Chicago Board of Trade Pre- Attempt to Picket Urging Scheme—Both His Revision Ideas—Hoo- pared to File Briefs Re- White House. in Tentative State. ver Silent on Proposal. sisting Order. DETECTIVE CLIMBS MEAT SALES NOW HOLD FOREIGN VIEWS, EXCEPT “HOOVER’S JOBHOLDERS” TREE AFTER LEADER DELEGATES’ ATTENTION PARIS, FAVOR PARLEY ARE ACCUSED BY CAREY Pace, Chief of “Red” Want to U. Tariff Cut More “President’s Pet Farm Forces, Held on Charges Trade Now Given S. Important, Asserts Board" Is by Britain—Borah Proposals French Spokesman—Official Cited by Head of Suspended of Inciting a Riot Considered Significant. Berlin Tone Cordial. Organization. A series of street fights that began at Fifteenth and New York By the Associated Press By the Associated Press. By the Associated Press. OTTAWA, July 25.—Advocates of Animated discussions of war debts CHICAGO, July 25—The avenue and continued intermit- Chicago remonetization of silver at the Imperial today found some congressional leaders Board of Trade today began a deter- tently down to Thirteenth and E Conference today linked a bi-metalism predicting that if past commitments mined battle to the last legal ditch climaxed an unsuccessful streets, scheme for the British Commonwealth are to be considered Senator Borah may against Federal closure, but was unde- veterans to effort of radical picket of Nations with the idea of a super- find himself In the minority. cided as to the course to follow If It the White House this afternoon. empire bank. The debts question was revived by should lose. the Idaho Nine men, including the leaders Here, as in the United States, silver independent Republican's Whether to lock Its doors for 60 days speech in which he said ‘‘cancellation has Its as a medium of or to surrender the Farm- of the attempted picketing expe- champions ex- of the debts in connection with, and as by admitting a ers’ National Grain dition, were arrested by police as change and it is considered certain that part of a program, including the set- Corporation to the silver question will be presented to tlement of other war problems” would trading privileges will not be dis- a result of the disturbances which be in the Interest of the United States. the conference in connection with a cussed until recourse to courts of law assumed near-riot proportions, as There was no intimation of how the JOHN to stabilize the unit I has been President _ PACE.__ plan of exchange administration had received Borah’s — exhausted, Peter B. the streets were filled with curious —— within the empire. suggestion. President Hoover refrained | Carey said. and traffic was dis- from commenting after reading the pro- He blamed the order. Issued spectators, The question involves many Intricate Own closing posal. The State Department, too, was Destroys Beauty Saturday by three cabinet members, on rupted. and Is still in the un- angles, however, silent as to its reaction. VON PAPEN UPHELD As Husband Resents “President Hoover's job holders, who John Pace, Detroit, and Walter official stage. The Committee on Cur- naturally would not decide the I- Lewis ‘‘Astonished.’' against Eicker, a New York veteran, both rency had no official statement to make Glances of .Admirers subsidiary of the President’s pet Farm But congressional leaders who were Board." the made with leaders of the radical contingent, regarding progress either in town talked the question over. They Order By the Associated Press. Effective August I. a riot the silver or the super-empire bank conceded the proposal was important were charged with inciting 25.—Where WEEK PUN BY SUPREME COURT LOS MAY of idea. because Borah is chairman of the Sen- ANGELES, July Secretary Agriculture Hyde, Sec- and the peace when ate Relations Committee and beauty brings happiness to most retary of Commerce lamont and At- disturbing Meat Issue Is Raised. Foreign women, It bitterness General were booked at the first pre- generally is recognized as an outstand- brought only torney Mitchell said their or- they Delegates had to Mrs. 27. der practically given up ing spokesman on international prob- for Virginia Rae, would be effective August 8. cinct station. Prussian Plea Injunction Her husband was an- 5,532 Employes Are to Be Factories today the notion of an inter-Dominion lems. Henry George S. Milnor, general manager after the demonstra- Reopen Through- by admiring she of the Farmers’ Thirty minutes wheat tariff preference and were cen- Senator Lewis, Illinois Democrat on noyed glances National, said today tion started the police had booked three Borah's committee, found himself "Utile Against Commissioner received from other men and told Furloughed 48 Saturdays the Government-sponsored co-operative tering their attention on meat. "You're too beautiful.” had been others at the Third Precinct station. out New England, With Big less than astonished” at the idea of her, granted clearing privileges in South Africa has joined Australia In she smeared a other They were: placing the war debt question before a Yesterday strong “every important trading mart a plea for a larger share of the British Is Denied. caustic on her face. The Doak’s Order. in the Frank Thomas, a logger of Portland. conference controlled by debtors to the police by United States.” Volume of Orders. meat trade, only 51 per cent of which who attended her said “In all Ore who said he came here with the United States. surgeon their hue and cry about being is now with the Dominions. Much of the will be closed bonus army’s commander in chief, Wal- Senator Smoot, Utah Republican who disfigurement perma- up,” Milnor said, “President the other 49 per cent is with Argentina the Associated Press. nent. and ter W. Waters. heads the Finance Committee, expressed By After having been rejected by all of Carey others of the board overlook By the Associated Press. and the United States. that of Albert Guershowitz of New York an inability to see “why we should LEIPSIG, Germany, July 25.—The the other executive departments, the part the Government’s decision 25.—Business ‘'Geographically,” the South African that would set City, a tailor. BOSTON, July condi- make further sacrifices.” Court declined Prussia’s aside the closing order delegation pointed out in a statement, Supreme today five-day week for Federal employes was if the Farmers a dishwasher, a na- tions are looking up in New “I can’t see what we could gain and National were given George Represas, England. “there is no reason why the Union of for an injunction restraining no address ex- I think our sacrifices have been all request adopted today by the Labor Depart- clearing association privileges. tive of Spain, who gave The New council South England reports Africa, together with Southern Chancellor Franz von as com- “It’s just a case of cept the Communist camp at Twelfth that the other countries could ask,” Papen, ment. plain Carey trying closed mills laid-off em- Rhodesia, the protectorates and South- to lead the and B streets southwest. All were re-opening, he added. from with the board to suicide." west should not a missioner, interfering The plan becomes effective on July back to work and sufficient Africa, produce suffi- Through the Hall-Baker Grain Cor- charged with disorderly conduct. ployes going state cient number of good quality cattle for Rainey Sees No Change. activities of the government. 30 in all of the bureaus of the depart- ! a orders coming into several industrial poration. subsidiary, the Farmers Na- Clubbed by Police. the regular supply of chilled beef to for the was tlonal Others, including Representative The request injunction ment and affects 5,532 employes, of has clearing association facilities plants to warrant capacity production the British market.” on In the first in front of the Na- I House Democratic last week after President Paul the Kansas City Board of Trade, and fight, trade Rainey of Illinois, made which 958 are stationed in Washington. Trust Fifteenth in the near future. Inter-empire in minor commod- has, In Itself, been admitted to tional Savings & Co., leader, stuck to their positions that the ANNAPOLIS **HOIEL such ities now by the United States von Hindenburg, by an emergncy Only the field service of the Navy street and New York avenue, a vet- I The news is best in supplied has not clearing membership in the Minne- good probably and attitude of Congress changed. with and Argentina also figured prominently decree, had installed the chancellor the Government apolis, Duluth. Seattle and ex- eran fought desperately police where the Berkshire They held that failure of President Department, Printing Portland Pittsfield.