tji '’'d'i’i - m S T P R E SS BUN STERAGE DAU<P OIROULATION for Itie Montb of Julft 1980 5.416 HembenTst tke AnOlt Bar««u of OlTcalMJoa'o p b Ic e t b e ^ e t w e l v e p a g e s SOUTH MANGH£^Sit» CONN*, TUESDAY, AUGUST 2^ 1930. VOL. XLrST., NO. 279. (COaaiifled Adverttoiiig on Page 10) z LON CHANEY DEAD; Trails-Atlantic Plane Is V eter^ of Arctic END UNEXPECTED i Famous Character Actor Had Head of l ^ r y Been Reported as Improv­ Yields to Popidar ing When Sudden Hemor­ TELLSSTAND and Recalls Former ( ^ ; rhage Terminates Career. ON W LAW Wardiip Ordered to Rf* Wasiflngton, Aug. 28.__(AP)—i^Ministers was DelegateD at a meet­ FerDinanD L. Mayer, American ing of the D lp lo ^ tlc Corps tp- call torn So TImf Leguia Lo.s Angeles, Aug. 26.—CAP)— ; charge D’affaires at Lima, aDviseD upon the conunalitee in power anD Lon Chaney, whose gfrotesque screen j ‘ the State Department toDay he had- request assurances, of - protection Supports Enforcement But both for foreign nationals, businesa characterizations won him the so- , granteD asylum to: two Daughters of Face Trial-4l!airtial Lalfr PresiDent Legula and their chilDren interests .and. Diplomatic missions. briquet of “The Man of a ThousanD i A mpift protecrion was -assureD the Believes Change Should in his house. Faces,’’ DieD here early toDay after j AlfreDo Larrinaj^,i son-in-law <w Diplomats by General Ponce, who Pre?ails iuCapRai and R Wolfgang von saiD he haD DeclateD martial law to a valiant battle against anaernia Be Made— Mrs. Burr Out­ AlreaDy a veteran of the Arctic airways, the seaplane PictureD hew^ PresiDent Leguia also sought ahu and congestion of the bronchial the : Atlantic. was granteD asylum In the charge s enforce orDer. ' . is Feared Bloodshed Maf vThe charge cabled to the depart­ tubes. ' home. \ 4. A hemorrhage of the lungs shortly lines Her Position, Too. Simultaneously,' the Department ment ^ translation' of a ministry hearD from American Consul Wil­ statement annoimcing tlie council Follow. f liam C. BurDett that American citi­ of goyermneht. The statement Con­ Miss Marjory Cheney, canDiDate . clude by eagdng . a einmlssion zens in the Lima-Gallao ^strict mm BULLETIN! I for the Republicam nomination as | their property were not enDMgereD. cbaiged with Informing the: inaur- gehti leader, cJolonel Sanchez Cerro Washington, Aug. ,26.— (A P) J Representative, toDay gave to The The charge’s message, which was LAB RHE M P. timeD at 4 p. m. yesterDay, saiD.a of the 'events which have occurred —’The State Department toDayl- HeralD her first public statement on 0 in the city would ^proceed by air­ ■ instruct^ the American em-' GERMAN FLIERS committee consisting of the Ameri­ Prohibition. Miss Cheney’s stanD on can Charge D*Affaires, the P>pal plane to confer with him. It was bassy at lim a, Peru, to “take-^ all- appropriate measures to ef-’' the question which has become par­ Nuncio, the Chilean. A m b M ^ q r sidd the council would Include. CoL feet the rielease of HarolD:' amount in the past year was forth­ and the German anD Japanese Cerro as soon as he arr^ed in lim a. coming when it became known that ON TRIP TQ NEW Grp-w." The action followeD riecelpt of^ a group of women “Drys” ,3vere ---------- - -4) aDvices from .tlMf Embassy tell-', planning to cut Miss Cheney in the HEAT WAVE KII^ ^ _ i s D n r a E ing bf Grow’s plight. .'He i»^^ coming Primary because they be­ WOMAN AGED 118 Iieut.-(3omiiiaiiDer in the U. S. \ lieveD her to be a “wet" sympathiz­ Expect to Land Near Statue Navsfti reserve and has toe rank- er. Lisbon, Aug. 26.— (AP.)—^The of ckptain In toe Peruvian navy. Her Statement of Liberty Before Dark; heat wave which has afflicteD Glasgow A id f of t o s a y The, aviator was capturro" Miss Cheney’s letter'to The Her­ Portugal for two weeks has kill­ SunDay after lanDing his plane- ald, the first volley in what seems eD many persons, amonff them at Camana. Destined to be a “wet-Dry” Primary Unpleasant Weather the olDfest woman In the coun­ MacDonald Honor Guest The Departmpnt's message ■ battle, follows: expresseD appreciation to . toe ' try- . « “EDitor, The HeralD: Faces Them Along Way. She was Quilhermina Row of Conne^cut embassy for toe. reports it has “Will you allow me to use yom MaDeira, 1 1 ?,,.a resiDent fileD D^ng the recent rapiD ; columns to explain my position in vem; near ^ r e , anD had' heeti turn 'In ftvents in the Peruvimi ■ regarD to the Prohibition issue? Halifax, N. S., Aug. 26.— (A P )— vigorous ■ until the: burning heat M iner at Boltoti Lain. revblt. “I was not brought up as a pro- B. Anthony m 1 8 7 8 -i-? e - Captain Wolfgang von Gronaii anD remaineD so I&ng. A number of ! hibitionist, bDt since the 18th others have been DrowneD In Linu^ Peru, Aug. 26 -r- (AP) 1 amenDment became a part of the three companions, flying from Ger­ rivers anD lakes, seeking to es­ One of toe most interesting af­ P(fiitical exile was denieD toDay to after miDmght suDDenly cut short i have thoueht canie Political Issue -in Augusto B. Leguia DeposeD P r ^ the noteD actor’s fight for life after constitution .1 have thougnt it many to the UniteD States took off cape the heat. fairs helD in tblB vicinity in a long . 'i' . ■ . shoulD be uphelD anD have stooD for D«it of Peru who for 11 years ruleD he haD been reporteD on , the roaD to for New York shortly after 8:30 time was a dihnei; held at Osano’r law-enforcement, and supporteD the 1912; Alice Paid Credited Soodi Garolinay Mississippi, this coimtry with an Inm hand. recovery. He was 47 years old. (BST) this morning on the last leg | cottage at Bolton lake last night in YielDing to popvdar , clamor^ Gen­ Chaney entereD a hospital August Wheeler bill. of the flight. honor of Jaipes. Stuart of Glasgow, eral Manuel Maria Ponce, heaD qf 15 for-treatment of an anaemic con­ “Now I have come to realize that The big Domier Wal got away at By Marguerite Young. California an j IdsAo are the m ilit^ junta which has re- Dition resulting from' a severe at­ a law that has not the sincere sup­ ScotlanD, Labor member of toe xilaced L e g o ’s govenunent, prpinis- port of a large majority of citizens 8:45 a. m., after having been held tack of pneumania suffereD in New British parliament, anD attenDeD by Washington, Aug. 26.—(AP^— eD a mob a t stuDents to a puWic aD­ cannot be enforceD, and though it up for almost two hours by a heavy C b o o i^ Their Nommees. York early this year. He faileD to more than a score of men from Ten years ago toDay toe right of Dress that the former PresiDent responD reaDily to treatment anD may be a law on paper it is not fog over Halifax. m e n the fog lifteD, the, airmen women to vote throughout toe woulD be Ijtought-barii to lim a to last week three blooD transfusions in effect the law of the land. After HartforD, Manchester, Waterbury took off at once, shaping their UniteD Stetes was proc^meD. facR punislujifiiit for his VioisDeoDs/ were resorteD to. Last SaturDay he observing the growing Disrespect anD New Britain. It was toe first By AssociateD Press . .; The Almirante .Gttlu. Peruvian for the present prohibition laws I course along the Atlantic coasUine ' time that a British M. P. has been The slenDer quiet msm ‘who maDe became critically ill but was thought anD planning to IsinD beside the j The voters of South Carolina;. crtDser on. which Leguia. and his to have safely passeD the crisis. have come to believe that the 18th entertaineD here. valiD toe instrwmerit of annqunce- fa ii^ ' yesterDay left GallaOv-pre- Statue of Liberty in rjew York KiM»wn to lafge circle of firm _____ - __- pilf iW )MU3k- bf YesterDay he was said by hospital amenDment and the VolsteaD act ment—Bainbrl^^ icfe^ .chofnDtog. TO | a u n a ^ for shoulD be repealeD anD after teat harbor late todsiy. j . I friqnDs to-Connecticut as “JuDjge”-— attaches to be resting easy. ^ p ta in von: Qronau ..hopeD toy "nr Bah LPteazb,.iSteVrAoi^Db- Callao Was UnexpecteD..,- the state enforcement laws., shouiD II^^IP'TasDiBer of The Glasgow harbor to await orDers for. dispost- reach York well aheaD of benefit'of news canDeramte. it The hemorrhage which resulteD be repealeD and only such substi­ New magistrftcy-—Jir. S;tuart, though a two ib^ n eh to, foft the. Democratic tioh of their pHsoneri-Reports from in Chaney's Death came yiDth unex­ tutes passeD as woulD receive Darkness. ' Seafiih Cpidbrook Wheelhorse of the MacDonfild. gov­ was a sweltering Day. A mMsen- nohiDhation fridch ip consldsred CJaHao, not immedlateQe susep.tittte or enough support to be really en­ * Gray Airplane ernment in toe HouBfe,.of Gommons, ger ran up toe v^alk of a spiacioiia' equivalent to eleotic^ in,^th'C)ari}- verification said Li^iuia seri­ pecteD suddenness. He was dead The DomieD Wal flying boat is in less than 30 minutes, his physi­ forceable. What form of regulation enjoys in markeD DegKe toe esteem resiDence; toe secretary took toe non® Jreo^oa a as ously ill.
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