BESPOKEBESPOKE ISSUE #6, SPR I N G 2 0 14 VINTAGE ISSUE EXIT COPPER LET IT REIGN KATE HAWLEY ON GUILLERMO DEL TORO’S CRIMSON PEAK STEAMPUNK & INTAGE A GOOD V IND IS HARD TO F BESPOKE BESPOKE P. 2 ISSUE #6, SPR I N G 2 0 1 4 ISSUE #6, SPR I N G 2 0 1 4 Editor-in-Chief Contributors: THE VINTAGE ISSUE Loretta Chin Jennifer Bunt !"#$%&"'(%'()"'*+,-./'0123'4,5(' Amanda Bone Vintage issue of BeSpoke, our news- Story Editor Loretta Chin letter that celebrates our alliance of Kristen O’Reilly Bernadette Croft 100 plus members and showcases Urs Dierker the talents of our members’ creativ- Copy Editor Ian Drummond ity and craft. Straddling the worlds Kim Harkness Alexandria Goldman %6'4#&7'685)-%.'8.9'9"5-/.7':"*+%;"' Kim Harkness features interesting and relevant sto- Art & Advertising Adam Smith ries on the work of both seasoned Urs Dierker Joanna Syrokomla and neophyte talents, embracing the craft from both artistic and technical Advertising CAFTCAD perspectives with a much needed Jennifer Kelly 65 Heward Ave Building C #223 sense of humour and fondness for Toronto ON M4M 2T5 the medium we’ve chosen to work in. Graphic Design 416 900 0955 This is our vehicle to create aware- Macroblu
[email protected] ness for what we do at home and
[email protected] for the international community. Photo Editor We’d like to showcase the works of Cyana Madsen Correction: In the Portfolio section each and every one of you, so stay of the last BeSpoke Issue (Issue #5 involved, reach out and let us know Fall 2013) Ritta Koleva’s name was what you are doing.