2014-15 YEARBOOK

Bowler: CHDCA PLAYER OF THE YEAR Ben Andrews Sawtell CC – –


Club Coffs and Coffs Harbour Leagues Club providing meeting facilities

Service Providers The various business houses that sponsor each of our Cricket Clubs Your financial support ensures a healthy Association

Field Maintenance The management and staff of the Coffs Harbour City Council Sports Unit

Curators Of Fitzroy Oval, Brelsford Park, Rowe Oval and Clive Joass Memorial Field Coffs Harbour City Council Ovals & Stadium Staff for Preparation & Maintenance of sporting fields

Special Thanks to the following:

The volunteers who provided support for NSW Country Cricket Colts Carnival

John Rennie of Sommers Sport for sponsorship of the T20 Competition Kookaburra Sport Pty Ltd for supply of cricket balls and sponsorship

NSW Country Cricket, NCZ Administrator Bob Myatt and North Coast Cricket Council

Coffs Harbour RSL for bus hire

Members of the CHDCA Historical Committee for maintaining records and production of the Year Book.

Steve Meakins & Joan Tolhurst for providing space to house the CHDCA Trophy Cabinets until the Cabinets were moved recently to Coffs Harbour Leagues Club

Joan Tolhurst for ensuring that trophies are maintained

Dallas Hogan of Greg's Trophies for supply of trophies and medallions


Patrons: Messrs L Hartsuyker MP, A Fraser MP, Denise Knight - Mayor of Coffs Harbour City Council

Office Bearers:

President: K Robinson Snr. Vice President: Secretary: Treasurer: B Cunningham J Gilbert M Rose

Management Committee Members: Asst.Secretary/Recorder: S Meakins

P Balenzano (Bellingen), A McKee (Coffs Colts), L McCulloch (Coffs Tigers), K Hoad ( Diggers), G Lawler (Dorrigo), S Morgan (Nana Glen), M Sidhu (Woolgoolga), R Welsh (Sawtell), G Hickey (Urunga), P Harris (CHDU&SA), C Neal (Junior Association)

Other Officers: (Non Voting positions) Jnr. Vice Presidents: B Andrews, K Hoad Honorary Auditor: M Bailey Inter District Weathermen: B Kennedy & Arthur Smart Selectors for Representative Teams: A Byrne, A Garland, M Rose, J Gilbert Inter District Chairman of Selectors: K Robinson North Coast Selector: K Robinson Publicity: Trophy Custodians: Joan Tolhurst & S Meakins Child Protection Officer: S Campbell North Coast Delegates: B Cunningham Coffsac Delegate: S Campbell & P Harris Public Officer: M Rose

Sub Committees:

Historical Committee: P Crofts, B Cunningham, Joan Tolhurst, S Meakins

Code of Conduct Commissioner: Match Committee: S Campbell P Crofts (Chairman), S Campbell

Social Committee:

Representative Captains: SCG Country Cup Country Shield Inter-District First X1 Inter District Over 40s R Gardner & C Haworth D Harris M Rose & D Rootes D Ellis

Life Members: H Lovett*, D Tom*, R Lamberth*, D Easy*, R Cross, A Mainey, J Walker, P Crofts, B Kennedy, Joan Tolhurst, A Smart, K Robinson, B Cunningham Coffs Harbour District Cricket Association Inc President’s Report

It is with great sadness that I ask all present to remember fondly several cricketers who are no longer with us.

The tragic accident which occurred at the SCG in November 2014 and took the enigmatic Phillip Hughes from world cricket has affected so many people not only in Coffs Harbour, or his home town Macksville, but the greater cricket community on the North Coast of NSW.

Peter Symons, player and coach, had given so much to our local sport but passed away in February losing his battle with cancer. Peter left us with a legacy of the many boys that he coached and his love of the game and the spirit in which it should be played.

The voice of cricket, Richie Benaud, left us with the legacy of his commitment to the Nine Network and their superb presentation of cricket in all forms.

My sincere thanks to Justin Gilbert and Matt Rose for the work they perform as Honorary Secretary and Treasurer in addition to the roles that they play to ensure that their clubs continue to be integral members of the Association.

The past season was very demanding not only on a personal health issue but also with the closure of Club Coffs only a matter of weeks after we had installed the trophy cabinets. Hopefully we can find a new long term home for the cabinets as soon as practical.

Coffs Harbour hosted the NSW Country Colts Carnival in November which again proved itself to be a financial aid to our Association. With eight teams and support staff being accommodated at Park Beach and Sawtell Holiday Parks we called upon all clubs to assist with catering and daily ground preparation. My sincere thanks to all volunteers who assisted over the three days whether you cooked breakfast, put out boundary markers, assisted with pitch covers during the inclement weather, or canteen duties as your support was valuable to a successful event.

Coffs Harbour Cricket also appreciates immensely the work done by our own curators at Fitzroy Oval, Brelsford Park and Richardson Park.

Russell Fensom and his crew always provide us with the grounds and wickets in their best possible state each weekend despite the number of other events which take place on these fields. Often maligned by some who are not aware of the political climate within Council, the CHCC Sports Unit provides us with a valuable support service that is continually negotiated, often week by week.

The Regional Skate Park will eventually result in the loss of Brelsford Park. As a further hurdle this year the seating in the grandstand is unavailable due to OH&S risks. With the grandstand to be demolished at a later date CHCC will not spend any funds on its restoration.


I would like to pass on a vote of thanks to the Coffs Harbour Cricket Umpires & Scorers Association for their contribution to our game week in and week out. It can often be a thankless task but also very rewarding when a match is completed without incident.

Congratulations to all our award winners, both individual and team, details of which are in the Year Book which will be available in the near future so I will not elaborate in this report.

Congratulations also to our NSW Country Cup Representative team which lost in a semi-final of the competition. This competition is being revamped for the new season and will be played in a T20 format in future.

Special mention must go to Alec Baldwin and Jamie Bekis both of whom featured in the NSW Country/ACT under 17 team after strong performances. Jamie was the recipient of the Ken Robinson Trophy as the best performed under 16 player in the CHDCA competition and has just returned from a stint with the Darren Lehmann Academy Squad which performed well in England during July. He has also recently received a John McMahon Scholarship from North Coast Zone. Alec was awarded the Ray Kratz Memorial Award for the best performed Colt (under 21) and also received a John McMahon Scholarship from North Coast Zone. Alec has decided to travel to Sydney for the upcoming season and will trial with Western Suburbs following in the footsteps of Phillip Hughes.

I anticipate another busy season in 2015-16 with an agenda full of events both on and off the field. Later this month the NSW under 17 Challenge will be played at Coffs Coast Sport & Leisure Park. The NSW Country Cricket Dinner & AGM are being held at Opal Cove next weekend.

The Association will need the support of every single member to maintain our success in the year ahead.

As stated at the 2014 Annual General Meeting I will not be standing for re-election. I have been at the helm for 13 seasons and it is time for me to spend time with family and travel. I wish the Committee well for the new season.

Ken Robinson



Above L to R: Brian Kennedy (Life Member of CHDCA) Presents

President Ken Robinson with his Life Membership badge on 12 -5-12

Ken Robinson brought a wealth of Sydney first grade experience with him when he arrived in Coffs Harbour in 1986. He was still playing a good standard of cricket in Sydney when finally Bankstown’s loss became Coffs Harbours gain.

So on he was a delegate to CHDCA, and later different stints as Publicity Officer, Junior Vice President , Recording Secretary then Secretary for a short period prior to becoming President in the 2002-03 Season a position he held until his retirement at the end of the 2014 -15 season.

He has dedicated a lifetime of service to the game in a variety of roles and will continue his involvement in the Umpir es Association and North Coast Cricket.

The CHDCA wish Ken best of wishes for the future.

COFFS HARBOUR & DISTRICT CRICKET ASSOCIATION INCORPORATED PROFIT & LOSS STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30TH JUNE 2015 2015 2014 INCOME Balls 10,233.15 16,514 Club Registrations 42,100.00 47,560 Competitions - 20/20 4,499.00 3,020 Functions & Events 12,405.32 13,905 Interest Received 15.49 5 Representative Income Country Cup 3,755.00 2,230 Interdistrict 1,000.00 465 Sundry Income 1,720.00 560 TOTAL INCOME 75,727.96 84,259


Affiliation Fees 50.00 950 Bad Debts 0.00 0 Balls 16,901.60 18,658 Bank Charges 0.00 8 Competitions - 20/20 3,858.00 3,641 Curator Fees 7,200.00 7,350 Depreciation 1,115.00 1,239 Functions & Events 4,536.82 5,604 Ground Fees 17,490.00 19,325 Hire of Plant & Equipment 0.00 440 Honorariums 1,000.00 0 Insurance 1,890.00 2,200 Meeting Expenses 0.00 50 Presentation Night 0.00 34 Repairs & Maintenance 9,488.58 1,055 Representative Expenses Country Cup 3,796.29 1,391 Interdistrict 807.00 275 Umpires Fees 3,950.00 3,555 Sundry Expenses 100.00 0 Trophies 1,501.64 1,112 TOTAL EXPENSES 73,684.93 66,887 NET PROFIT(LOSS) 2,043.03 17,372 ASSETS Bananacoast Credit Union Clubs & Societies S20 21,187.10 13,858 Term Deposit I4 0.00 0 Bonus Share S98 150.00 150

Trade Debtors 4,000.00 6,103 Stock on Hand 2,600.00 1,775

Plant & Equipment - at Cost 15,701.36 15,701 Less: Accumulated Depreciation (5,564.00) (4,449)

38,074.46 33,138 LIABILITIES Deposits Refundable 0.00 0 Trade Creditors 2,893.37 0 2,893.37 0 ACCUMULATED FUNDS 35,181.09 33,138



$ $ OWDV Depn Electronic Scoreboard 1/03/2011 7000.00 5103 510 4593 Trophy Cabinet 31/03/2011 2330.00 1698 170 1528 Toro Mower 12/12/2012 1000.00 100 0 100 Trailer - Scoreboard 24/06/2012 5371.36 4351 435 3916 15701.36 11252.00 1115 10137.00

DEBTORS $ BALLS # $ $ N Districts 4000.00 Fees 4000.00 Regulation 0 69.30 0.00 Club Match 0 59.57 0.00 Tuff Pitch 0 40.92 0.00 Practice 0 20.30 0.00 0.00 $2000 as per Ken R 17/8



Upon the resignation of Brian KENNEDY, I was elected President for the season 2014 – 2015.

Firstly, on behalf of umpires, scorers, administrators, players, and all members of the cricket community in general, I commend and congratulate Brian on his 30+ years as President of the CHDCU&SA. Brian’s dedication and professionalism have established him as an ambassador for our great sport. I, per sonally, have always valued Brian’s assistance and advice – and very much still enjoy umpiring with him.

Secondly, I feel honoured to be elected by my fellow umpires to succeed Brian as President – only the second President in excess of 30 years! Thank you for providing me with this opportunity and honour. I hope I have vindicated my role and responsibilities for this season.

Thirdly, to my Committee, congratulations on an excellent effort throughout this season – Vice President Graham DOUST, Secretary Matthew CAMPBELL, Treasurer Paul HARRIS - your time, effort, and expertise have been greatly appreciated. To ALL umpires: very well done – without your continued dedication, commitment, enthusiasm and expertise our great game would be much the poorer. I hope to see all of us officiating in 2015 – 2016.

As cricket umpires, we are all committed to assisting, advising, and supporting cricket – in particular, on the North Coast generally, and in the Coffs Harbour District specifically. To achieve such roles we need the guidance and mutual support of the various administrative and governing cricket organisations, a special mention and “thank you” to the Coffs Harbour District Cricket Association, and the Coffs Harbour Junior Cricket Association for this guidance and mutual respect and support.

Without grounds and pitches, the playing of cricket becomes difficult. Well done to groundsmen, curators, players, and often parents for their efforts throughout a rain interrupted season.

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Another particularly special mention: to all players, male and female, young, old, and older, to parents and families, to spectators. Without you we do not have cricket administrators, cricket umpires – or, indeed, cricket. Please maintain your enthusiasm and participation.

During the season, I endeavoured to appoint as many umpires to as many grades as possible. As a result, lower grade players were pleasantly surprised to see an official umpire officiating at their match. Umpires have appreciated and enjoyed this rotational approach.

In addition to the local Coffs Harbour Senior and Junior Competitions, our Association continued to provide umpires for both Senior and Junior Representative matches, T/20 Competitions, social “contests”, both Primary and Secondary Schools matches, as well as the Australian Sikh Games – a major cricket (and other sports) tournament held over Easter 2015. A tremendous effort from an organisation with limited manpower!

I wish to acknowledge the sponsorship provided by Club Coffs; this financial support to our Association was much needed – and much appreciated. Further offers of sponsorship would be gratefully accepted.

Umpiring is an occupation which requires regular and on-going professional and educational development and in-service training. One source of this development and training is at our monthly meetings. In addition, members of our Association were fortunate to be invited to attend a formal Umpire’s Training Seminar, facilitated b y Darren GOODGER (CEO, NSWCUSA) in July 2015. As a direct result of this informative and enlightening Seminar, it is with enormous pleasure that I welcome another six fully qualified and accredited umpires into our Association ranks – an excellent outcome for cricket in Coffs Harbour specifically, and for cricket generally. However, we cannot be complacent – we need more umpires, male and female – please consider the opportunity and reward; come and join us.

To the incoming committee – and to all members of our Association – I wish you vibrant health and happiness, and hope you have a successful and enjoyable new season.

Yours in Cricket


Hon President

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STUMPS DRAWN ON SCG COUNTRY CUP By Phil Crofts - CHDCA Historical Committee Member and Life Member

In the search for country cricket honours, Coffs Harbour’s talent has travelled far and wide over the years, but that elusive top level remains just out of reach. Last season 2014-15, Coffs Harbour had their best -ever result, when they reached the semi-final of the SCG Country Cup competition, going down to eventual runners -up Hamilton-Wickham. The SCG Country Cup was launched in 2001 -02 as the NRMA Cup, and in its 14 years, the title was taken out by Newcastle teams on no less than 11 occasions, with Merewether and Hamilton- Wickham sharing the honours with 5 titles each. Last season’s final, at the SCG (where else?) saw Merewether compile 245 for 7, and the Hamwicks fall just short at 235 all out. In the semis, the Hamwicks with 3 for 203 had ov ercome CH’s 200, while Merewether with 9 for 219 were given a scare by Dubbo, who finally succumbed for 208. But now the SCG Country Cup is no more. Earlier this year, the 50 -over-per-side competition was scrapped, to be replaced by the Plan B Regional Bas h, a state-wide T20 knockout played in 2 conferences under the Sydney Sixers and Sydney Thunder franchises. The Coffs Coast Chargers will vie with Central Coast, Hunter, Illawarra, Macquarie Coast, Newcastle, Northern Inland and Northern Rivers, with forme r Australian Test star Doug Walters to be the Sydney Sixers ambassador. The final of the Regional Bash is scheduled for the SCG on 6 December (the semis are also planned for the SCG). As with all changes, it will take time to measure the success or otherwise of the revised format and new structure, but this might be an opportune time to look more closely at Coffs Harbour’s results over the years of the SCG Country Cup. And it certainly has been a mixed bag, although it is a positive to reflect on that semi -final placing last season. The inaugural 2001 -2 season showed promise, comfortable wins over Casino and Ballina taking CH to the final 8. Maitland chased down CH’s 6 for 257 with 7 for 261, but CH then atoned by defeating Goulburn in the consolation playoff. The following few years proved disappointing, but CH bounced back with a QF placing in 2005 -06. A bye, a win and a draw took CH to Dubbo, where they had a strong win over Lake Illawarra. However, Wallsend proved too strong in the QF, scoring 160 and the n rolling CH for just 96. 2006-07 proved the most disappointing season of all: Coffs bowed out of the SCG Cup without bowling a ball. A first -round bye was followed by the scheduled match against Macleay Valley being abandoned due to rain, and CH was gone. However they bounced back in 2007 -08, making the finals at Tamworth, only to find Charlestown were too strong 207 to 181. Again Coffs showed resilience with a 5 wicket win over Maitland in the consolation match.


The 2011 -12 season proved a highlight, CH making the Cup quarter-final. In that match at Wyong, Coffs made a competitive 9 for 203, but Merewether chased it down for the loss of just 3 wickets. The following year 2012 -13, it was another QF loss, this time to Hamilton-Wickham at the Central Coast. CH’s 154 were never enough to challenge the competition heavy-weights, who replied with 3 for 156. And so that brings us to last season’s semi -final loss, again to Hamilton-Wickham. As always, losses at that level are a case of ‘so near, yet so far’, but apart from the team efforts, there are also plenty of highlights to look at with the individual performances over the years. It is no great surprise to see Craig Haworth’s name feature prominently. His 139 against Nambucca-Bellingen at Thistle Park in November 2003 is the highest ever individual score, and part of CH’s biggest ever tally, at 9 for 383. Craig also has the honour of the most appearances for CH at 25 and the most career runs, 810 at an average of 36.82, over the full 14-year history of the SCG Cup. Matt Francis has the most career wickets, 22 wickets at an impressive 21.64. The Record Wicket Partnerships also make for fascinating reading, with the names reading like a ‘who’s who’ of CHDCA history since t he turn of the century. The first wicket record of 192 was set at South -West Rocks in October 2010 by Adam Turner 117* and Alec Byrne 102 and led CH to an impressive 4 for 287, only to have Macleay Valley fall just short at 282 all out. Haworth 96 and Todd Gill 74 set the 3 rd wicket mark at 154 against Ballina in the Cup’s first season, and the same pair hold the 4 th wicket mark of an outstanding 205, with Haworth 139 and Gill 129, against Nambucca Bellingen at Thistle Park in November 2003. All the partner ship records might be worthy of mention, that’s what records are about, but some lower order combinations stand out. In December 2012, Craig Haworth 31 and Joe Willman shared 50 for the 8 th wicket, but Hamilton-Wickham still won; for the 9 th wicket, David Angus 66 and Trent Dierick 17* made 63, but Merewether won easily. However, on the other side of the ledger, that 9 th wicket record is shared by (future South Australian Sheffield Shield player) Joe Mennie 34* and Troy Herbert 31*, with Coffs defeating Has ting Rivers by just 2 wickets in December 2007. And then the 10 th wicket partnership record of 66 is held by Julian Hulbert 30 and Luke Corlis 29*. Their efforts proved the match -winning difference in a win over Tweed in November 2013. Thanks to Hulbert an d Corlis, Coffs made 194, and then rolled Tweed for 129. Space is not sufficient to detail every statistic, although a season average of 150 to Adam Turner in 2010 -11, and a final career average (SCG Cup) of 97.50 (3 innings, aggregate 195, top score 117*) are memorable. The highest batting average (more than 10 appearances) is held by Todd Gill with a very solid 52.62, including 248 runs in that first 2001 -02 season. Suffice to say that Coffs Harbour can well and truly hold its head up for its performances in the history of the SCG Country Cup. We now look ahead to see what the new brigade can produce in the new format of the Regional Bash.




2001-02 Season

1 Casino Coffs Hbr International Stadium Oct 14, 2001 5-211 6-210 Won by 5 Wkts

2 Ballina Coffs Hbr International Stadium Oct 28, 2001 7-334 241 Won by 93 Runs

3 Maitland Lorn Park, Maitland Dec 28, 2001 6-257 7-261 Lost by 3 Wkts

4 Goulburn Blackhill Oval, Maitland Dec 29, 2001 8-164 162 Won by 2 Wkts

2002-03 Season

1 Bye Oct 13, 2002

2 Lower Clarence Barry Watts Oval, Maclean Oct 27, 2002 186 0-8 Match Drawn

2 Lower Clarence Brelsford Park Nov 3, 2002 Won by Forfeit

3 Armidale Armidale Sportsground Dec 1, 2002 131 7-189 Lost by 58 Runs

2003-04 Season

1 Bye Oct 19, 2003

2 Nambucca-Bellingen Thistle Park, Macksville Nov 2, 2003 7-383 213 Won by 170 Runs

3 Manning River Brelsford Park Nov 30, 2003 159 6-162 Lost by 4 Wkts

2004-05 Season

1 Macleay Valley Kempsey Golf Course Ground Oct 31, 2004 6-247 9-243 Won by 4 Wkts

2 Hastings River Brelsford Park Nov 7, 2004 9-285 253 Won by 32 Runs

3 Manning River Johnny Martin Oval, Taree Nov 28, 2004 216 7-217 Lost by 3 Wkts

2005-06 Season

1 Bye Oct 16, 2005

2 Nambucca-Bellingen Thistle Park, Macksville Nov 6, 2005 3-136 135 Won by 7 Wkts

3 Manning River Brelsford Park Nov 27, 2005 0-19 202 Match Drawn

4 Lake Illawarra Victoria Park 2, Dubbo Dec 27, 2005 204 142 Won by 62 Runs

Q/F Wallsend Lady Cutler 4, Dubbo Dec 28, 2005 96 160 Lost by 64 Runs

2006-07 Season

1 Bye Oct 29, 2006

2 Macleay Valley Brelsford Park Nov 5, 2006 Abandoned due to Rain

2007-08 Season

1 Bye Oct 28, 2007

2 Macleay Valley South West Rocks Oval Nov 4, 2007 3-192 191 Won by 7 Wkts

3 Hastings River Fitzroy Oval Dec 2, 2007 8-160 159 Won by 2 Wkts

4 Charlestown Kitchener Park, Tamworth Dec 28, 2007 181 207 Lost by 26 Runs

5 Maitland Riverside No 3, Tamworth Dec 29, 2007 5-159 154 Won by 5 Wkts

2008-09 Season

1 Bye Oct 26, 2008

2 Clarence River Brelsford Park Nov 2, 2008 212 8-288 Lost by 76 Runs

2009-10 Season

1 Bye Oct 25, 2009

2 Manning River Coffs Coast Leisure Park 2 Nov 1, 2009 195 7-199 Lost by 3 Wkts

2010-11 Season

1 Bye Oct 24, 2010

2 Macleay Valley South West Rocks Oval Oct 31, 2010 4-287 282 Won by 5 Runs

3 Manning River Fitzroy Oval Nov 14, 2010 9-239 139 Won by 100 Runs

4 Tweed Reg Dalton Oval, Kingscliff Dec 5, 2010 Abandoned due to Rain

2011-12 Season

1 Bye Oct 23, 2011

2 Clarence River Coffs Coast Leisure Park 1 Oct 30, 2011 3-108 107 Won by 7 Wkts

3 Manning River Tuncurry Oval Nov 13, 2011 8-172 171 Won by 2 Wkts

4 Tweed Reg Dalton Oval, Kingscliff Dec 4, 2011 9-297 90 Won by 207 Runs

Q/F Merewether Baker Park, Wyong Dec 28, 2011 9-203 3-204 Lost by 7 Wkts

2012-13 Season

1 Bye Oct 6, 2012

2 Bye Oct 21, 2012

3 Macleay Valley Coffs Coast Leisure Park 1 Nov 4, 2012 3-144 143 Won by 7 Wkts

4 Tweed Reg Dalton Oval, Kingscliff Dec 9, 2012 9-223 187 Won by 36 Runs

Q/F Hamilton-Wickham Woongarrah Oval Dec 27, 2012 154 3-158 Lost by 7 Wkts

2013-14 Season

1 Bye Oct 5, 2013

2 Macleay Valley South Kempsey Oval Oct 13, 2013 9-305 251 Won by 54 Runs

3 Tweed Coffs Coast Leisure Park 1 Nov 24, 2013 184 129 Won by 55 Runs

4 Tamworth Coffs Coast Leisure Park 1 Dec 15, 2013 76 4-78 Lost by 6 Wkts

2014-15 Season

1 Bye Oct 12, 2014

2 Bye Oct 26, 2014

3 Hastings River Wayne Richards Oval, Port Macquarie Nov 16, 2014 219 216 Won by 3 Runs

4 Tweed Reg Dalton Oval, Kingscliff Dec 14, 2014 9-214 210 Won by 1 Wkt

Q/F Lake Illawarra King George V Oval, Port Kembla Dec 28, 2014 201 167 Won by 34 Runs

S/F Hamilton-Wickham North Dalton Park, Towradgi Dec 29, 2014 200 3-203 Lost by 7 Wkts COFFS HARBOUR DISTRICT CRICKET ASSOCIATION SCG COUNTRY CUP RECORDS

Highest Team Total: 7-383 vs Nambucca-Bellingen Thistle Park 2-11-03 Lowest Opposition Total: 90 vs Tweed Reg Dalton Oval 4-12-11

Highest Individual Score: 139 Craig Haworth vs Namb-Bellingen, Thistle Park 2-11-03 Most Wkts in an Innings: 5-14 Trent Dierick vs Tweed, Coffs Leisure Park 1 24-11-13

Highest Season Batting Agg: 248 Runs Todd Gill 2001-02 Highest Season Batting Avg: 150.00 Adam Turner 2010-11 Highest Season Bowling Agg: 9 Wkts Brad Guthrie 2005-06 9 Wkts Michael Lawrence 2005-06 9 Wkts Peter Bayley 2007-08 Lowest Season Bowling Avg: 6.13 Luke Corlis 2012-13

Most Appearances: 25 Craig Haworth 2001-02 to 2014-15 Most Career Runs: 810 (avg 36.82) Craig Haworth 2001-02 to 2014-15 Most Career Wkts: 22 (avg 21.64) Matthew Francis 2003-04 to 2012-13

Record Wicket Partnerships

1st Wicket 192 Macleay Valley South West Rocks 31-10-10 ( Adam Turner 117* & Alex Byrne 102) 2nd Wicket 99 Manning River Brelsford Park 30-11-03 ( Mark Robinson 53 & Craig Haworth 48) 3rd Wicket 154 Ballina International Stadium 28-10-01 ( Craig Haworth 96 & Todd Gill 74) 4th Wicket 205 Nambucca-Bellingen Thistle Park 2-11-03 (Craig Haworth 139 & Todd Gill 129) 5th Wicket 82 Clarence River Brelsford Park 2-11-08 ( Adam Turner 45 & Joe Mennie 81) 6th Wicket 142 Macleay Valley Kempsey Golf Course 31-10-04 ( Jason Hughes 62 & Brad Greenshields 92*) 7th Wicket 60 Macleay Valley Sth Kempey Oval 13-10-13 ( Russell Gardner 110 & Nathan Gett 30) 8th Wicket 50 Hamilton-Wickham Woongarrah Oval 27-12-12 ( Craig Haworth 31 & Joe Willman 50) 9th Wicket 63* Hastings River Fitzroy Oval 2-12-07 ( Joe Mennie 34* & Troy Herbert 31*) 63 Merewether Baker Park 28-12-11 ( David Angus 66 & Trent Dierick 17*) 10th Wicket 66 Tweed Coffs Leisure Park 1 24-11-13 ( Julian Hulbert 30 & Luke Corlis 29*) C.H.D.C.A. PAST OFFICE BEARERS

SEASON PRESIDENT SECRETARY TREASURER ASSISTANT SECRETARY RECORDING 1930-31 C Walker J Cockle E Elphinston 1931-32 C Walker J Cockle J Cockle 1932-33 C Walker W Bleakley W Bleakley 1933-34 C Walker W Bleakley W Bleakley 1934-35 C Walker F Berriman F Berriman 1935-36 J Cockle J Jones C O Walsh 1936-37 C O Walsh H Lovett W Brigden 1937-38 C O Walsh H Lovett V Crombie 1938-39 C O Walsh H Lovett A Mildenahll 1939-40 C O Walsh R Harris A L Parker 1940-41 A Mildenhall R Harris A L Parker 1941-45 The AGM for 1941-42 was advertised for 11 Oct 1941, however nothing further was reported and with the entry of Japan into the Second World War, competition cricket did not recommence until 1945-46. Some social cricket was played during the war. 1945-46 I Amos J Babbage J Babbage 1946-47 H Lovett N Maddock N Maddock 1947-48 H Lovett G Wright / R Elder G Wright 1948-49 H Lovett A Short / R Hughes A Short / R Hughes 1949-50 H Lovett R Hughes G Wing H Boultwood 1950-51 H Lovett H Boultwood J Babbage J Cook 1951-52 H Lovett O Chapman J Babbage H Boultwood 1952-53 H Lovett D Tom J Babbage O Chapman 1953-54 H Lovett D Tom J Babbage 1954-55 I Watkin W Wright J Babbage G Ginger 1955-56 I Watkin D Tom J Babbage D Tom 1956-57 I Watkin R Cross J Babbage D Tom 1957-58 I Watkin R Cross J Babbage 1958-59 I Watkin D Tom J Babbage 1959-60 I Watkin D Tom R White 1960-61 I Watkin D Tom D Easy 1961-62 J Leece / J Secombe L Cross D Easy 1962-63 R Cameron D Heptonstall D Easy D Easy 1963-64 R Cameron N Goodsell D Easy D Heptonstall 1964-65 R Cameron N Goodsell D Easy D Heptonstall 1965-66 W Withers N Goodsell D Easy R Moore 1966-67 D Tom N Goodsell D Easy R Moore 1967-68 D Tom A Mainey D Easy 1968-69 D Tom A Mainey D Easy 1969-70 D Tom A Mainey D Easy R Cross 1970-71 D Tom A Mainey J Walker R Cross 1971-72 R Moore A Mainey J Walker R Cross 1972-73 D Cockburn A Mainey J Walker T Drury 1973-74 D Cockburn C Mower / J Walker D Brown T Drury 1974-75 A Mainey C Mower / J Walker J Walker T Drury 1975-76 A Mainey J Walker R Cross R Moore 1976-77 A Mainey J Walker R Cross R Moore 1977-78 R Moore J Walker / C Young R Cross M Eggins 1978-79 R Moore A Mainey J Walker M Eggins C.H.D.C.A. PAST OFFICE BEARERS


1979-80 R Cross A Mainey J Walker M Eggins 1980-81 P Crofts A Mainey J Walker M Eggins 1981-82 P Crofts A Mainey J Walker B Kelsall 1982-83 K Fuller A Mainey J Walker B Kelsall 1983-84 K Fuller T Turner J Walker B Kelsall 1984-85 K Fuller C Manz J Walker B Kelsall 1985-86 C Eichman C Manz J Walker B Kelsall 1986-87 D McNally R Ireland A Ferris B Kelsall 1987-88 D McNally R Ireland A Ferris P Miller 1988-89 S Warner G Melouney D McNally P Miller 1989-90 S Warner G Melouney D McNally P Miller 1990-91 R McCauley G Melouney D McNally P Mullens 1991-92 R McCauley P Mullens M Ellis P Monico 1992-93 G Day P Mullens G Melouney P Monico 1993-94 G Day P Mullens G Melouney P Monico 1994-95 G Day P Mullens B Cunningham C Walsh 1995-96 W Ball P Mullens B Cunningham C Walsh 1996-97 W Ball P Mullens / A Jarman B Cunningham A Jarman 1997-98 W Ball A Jarman A Jarman W Irvine 1998-99 W Ball A Mackay (Acting) M Nealand / B Cunningham W Irvine / B Greenshields 1999-2000 W Ball S Manz B Cunningham A Jarman 2000-01 S Manz K Robinson / R Silvy B Cunningham A Jarman 2001-02 S Manz R Silvy B Platts A Jarman 2002-03 K Robinson R Silvy B Platts B Fitzgerald 2003-04 K Robinson D Cockburn M Quirk B Fitzgerald 2004-05 K Robinson D Cockburn M Nealand S Manz 2005-06 K Robinson A Mainey M Nealand S Manz 2006-07 K Robinson A Mainey M Rose K Robinson 2007-08 K Robinson A Mainey M Rose K Robinson 2008-09 K Robinson A Mainey M Rose K Robinson 2009-10 K Robinson A Mainey M Rose K Robinson 2010-11 K Robinson A Mainey M Rose K Robinson 2011-12 K Robinson K Robinson M Rose S Morgan 2012-13 K Robinson A Mainey / K Robinson (Acting) M Rose S Morgan 2013-14 K Robinson J Gilbert M Rose S Meakins 2014-15 K Robinson J Gilbert M Rose S Meakins CHDCA *** HONOUR BOARD


AUSTRALIAN COUNTRY X1 **** 1998-99 v SRI LANKA at Barooga NSW Craig Haworth West Coffs 2000-01 v ZIMBABWE at Bowral NSW Craig Haworth (Capt.) West Coffs 2001-02 v NEW ZEALAND at Bowral NSW Craig Haworth (Capt.) West Coffs

NNSW V WORLD X1 1971-72 at Newcastle Ross Haworth Lower Bucca NNSW V MCC 1950-51 at Lismore Lionel Fowler High School 1954-55 at Newcastle Lionel Fowler High School 1974-75 at Newcastle Ross Haworth Lower Bucca NNSW V WEST INDIES 1975-76 at Newcastle Ross Haworth Lower Bucca

NSW COUNTRY FIRST X1 1971-72 Ross Haworth Lower Bucca 1972-73 Ross Haworth Lower Bucca 1973-74 Ross Haworth Lower Bucca 1974-75 Ross Haworth Lower Bucca 1975-76 Ross Haworth Lower Bucca 1976-77 Ross Haworth Lower Bucca 1977-78 Ross Haworth Lower Bucca 1997-98 Craig Haworth West Coffs 1998-99 Craig Haworth (Capt.) West Coffs 2000-01 Craig Haworth (Capt.) West Coffs 2001-02 Craig Haworth (Capt.) West Coffs 2005-06 Darryl Parmenter West Coffs NSW COUNTRY SECOND X1 1965-66 Bryan Dennis Coffs Harbour 1970-71 Ross Haworth Lower Bucca NSW COUNTRY U/21 COLTS 2007-08 Joe Mennie Northern Districts 2008-09 Joe Mennie Northern Districts 2009-10 Adam Turner Dorrigo NSW COUNTRY U/19’s 2000-01 Damien Webeck Diggers Ex-Services 2000-01 Nathan Munro West Coffs NSW COUNTRY U/17s 2005-06 Joe Mennie Diggers Ex-Services 2007-08 Joe Willman Diggers Ex-Services NSW COUNTRY & ACT U/17s 2013-14 Luke Corlis Diggers 2014-15 Alec Baldwin Coffs Colts 2014-15 Jamie Bekis Coffs Colts


BY CHDCA 2014-15

Above: JAMIE BEKIS – Coffs Colts Cricket Club Selected NSW Country/ACT U17s

Above: ALEC BALDWIN – Coffs Colts Cricket Club Selected NSW Country/ACT U17s




1970-71 Paul Brennan Colts 1970-71 Geoff Lean Colts 1976-77 Paul Tolhurst Diggers Ex-Services 1984-85 Craig Haworth Diggers Ex-Services 1985-86 Craig Haworth (V.Capt) Diggers Ex-Services 1987-88 Derek Beverley Sawtell 1991-92 Daryl Parmenter Plantation Colts 1993-94 Tony Fuller Diggers Ex-Services 1994-95 Stephen Meakins (V.Capt) Diggers Ex-Services 1998-99 Shayne Methven West Coffs 1999-2000 Adam Boettcher Sawtell 1999-2000 Nathan Silvy Diggers Ex-Services 2000-01 Nathan Munro West Coffs 2001-02 Damien Webeck Diggers Ex-Services 2003-04 Jordan Moran Bellingen Dist.CC 2004-05 Jordan Moran Bellingen Dist CC 2006-07 Joe Mennie Diggers Ex-Services 2007-08 Joe Mennie Northern Districts 2007-08 Ben Davis Sawtell 2008-09 Adam Turner Dorrigo 2009-10 Alex Byrne (Capt.) Diggers Ex-Services 2009-10 Joe Willman Diggers Ex-Services 2009-10 Ben Neaves Dorrigo 2010-11 Ben Neaves Dorrigo 2011-12 Joe Willman (Capt.) Diggers Ex-Services 2011-12 Trent Statham Coffs Colts 2012-13 Joe Willman (Capt) Diggers 2012-13 Trent Statham Coffs Colts 2013-14 Trent Dierick Sawtell

PHILLIP HUGHES 30 Nov 1988 – 27 Nov 2014

‘Put out your bats’ tribute to Phillip Hughes went viral around the world

ELLEM OVAL – GRAFTON by Joan Tolhurst


Above THE ELLEM OVAL CLUBHOUSE Photo by Peter Tolhurst


The ELLEM FAMILY can claim to be one of the finest cricketing families to have played within the NCCC. It all started with the Tallawadjah Creek Ellems at Glenreagh where in the early days Andrew Ellem was a prominent cricketer and probably learnt the finer points of the Game in the transitional period between round arm and over arm bowling and was an excellent batsman.

At one stage there were the Ellem’s Touring cricketers and the team consisted of a complete team of Ellems including the Scorer their sister Ina (now Ina Bennett – Woolgoolga). At one time there was a total of 45 Ellems playing cricket in the District.

One prominent son of Andrew’ s was Henry Ellem who was actively involved in the CHDCA and was Captain of Woolgoolga 1 st Grade including being Captain of the Woolgoolga Premiership side in 1949-50.

In 1950 the NCCC accepted “ The Ellem Family Shield ” from the Ellem Family of Cricketers and was for 2 nd Grade Inter- District in the NCCC. The Shield is now displayed in the CHDCA Trophy Cabinet located at Coffs Harbour Leagues Club.

What was once Fisher Park is now Ellem Oval in Grafton where the old Park has been transformed in to a magnificent picturesque Cricket Oval surrounded by a picket fence and complete with a new traditional Club house (shown in the photo above).


CHDCA 2014-15




Above: ALEX BYRNE (Diggers Capt.), Batting



Above L to R: RUSSELL GARDNER & RAJ SANDHU C.H.D.C.A. THE BILL AMOS MEMORIAL SHIELD 1st Grade Minor-Major Premiers ~ 2014-15 Diggers Cricket Club



C . H . D . C . A . ORDER OF MERIT 2014-15


Sawtell 273.29 Diggers 262.70 Coffs Colts 234.11 Urunga 169.51 Dorrigo 127.46 Woolgoolga 86.18 Bellingen 64.29 Nana Glen 51.56 Coffs Tigers 49.62



CHDCA TEAM CAPTAIN OF THE SEASON (Awarded by Umpires) David Angus-Crouch Sawtell




C . H . D . C . A . ORDER OF MERIT 2014-15


COMPETITION LADDER Bill Amos Memorial Shield Diggers 58 Sawtell 48 MINOR PREMIERS - Diggers Coffs Colts 35 MAJOR PREMIERS - Diggers Urunga 32 Dorrigo 27

AWARDS BATTING AVERAGE Ben Andrews 49.57 Sawtell BATTING AGGREGATE Ben Andrews 347 Runs Sawtell BOWLING AVERAGE Ben Andrews 8.40 Sawtell BOWLING AGGREGATE Ben Andrews 20 Wkts Sawtell ALL-ROUNDER AWARD Ben Andrews 59.7 Pts Sawtell WICKET-KEEPING Ricky Welsh 17 Dis Sawtell FIELDING AWARD Daniel Maguire 7 Cts Sawtell


COMPETITION LADDER Noel Brennan Memorial Shield Sawtell 68 Diggers 53 MINOR PREMIERS - Sawtell Coffs Colts 50 MAJOR PREMIERS - Diggers Woolgoolga 29

AWARDS BATTING AVERAGE Terry Baldwin 58.00 Coffs Colts BATTING AGGREGATE Chris Neal 390 Runs Sawtell BOWLING AVERAGE Brendan Cunningham 5.95 Diggers BOWLING AGGREGATE Trevor Bailey 28 Wkts Diggers ALL-ROUNDER AWARD Chris Neal 53 Pts Sawtell WICKET-KEEPING Connor Martin 7 Dis Diggers FIELDING AWARD Chris Neal 14 Cts Sawtell

C . H . D . C . A . ORDER OF MERIT 2014-15


COMPETITION LADDER Fitzroy Hotel Shield Pts Ratio Points Urunga 4.31 56 Bellingen 4.29 60 Coffs Colts Black 3.77 (1.48) 49 Sawtell 3.77 (1.35) 49 MINOR PREMIERS - Urunga Coffs Colts Red 3.57 50 MAJOR PREMIERS - Urunga Coffs Tigers 3.31 43 Dorrigo 3.15 41 Coffs Colts White 2.14 30 Diggers 2.08 27

AWARDS BATTING AVERAGE William Saker 55.00 Dorrigo BATTING AGGREGATE Peter Snow 380 Runs Urunga BOWLING AVERAGE Dale McNellee 9.48 Coffs Colts Black BOWLING AGGREGATE Dale McNellee 23 Wkts Coffs Colts Black ALL-ROUNDER AWARD Jamie Burley 51.1 Pts Bellingen WICKET-KEEPING Wade Erenshaw 14 Dis Coffs Colts Black FIELDING AWARD Bradley Gordon 9 Cts Coffs Colts Red

C . H . D . C . A . ORDER OF MERIT 2014-15


COMPETITION LADDER Max Solomon Memorial Shield Diggers Blue 69 Woolgoolga 67 Nana Glen 66 (1.72) Urunga 66 (1.23) MINOR PREMIERS - Diggers Blue Sawtell Gold 50 MAJOR PREMIERS - Woolgoolga Diggers Maroon 49 Sawtell Blue 47 Dorrigo 45 Coffs Colts 25

AWARDS BATTING AVERAGE Craig Wilson 47.50 Dorrigo BATTING AGGREGATE Craig Wilson 475 Runs Dorrigo BOWLING AVERAGE Trevor Smallwood 5.62 Sawtell Gold BOWLING AGGREGATE Trevor Smallwood 26 Wkts Sawtell Gold ALL-ROUNDER AWARD Trent Cook 59.1 Pts Nana Glen WICKET-KEEPING Scott Jones 15 Dis Diggers Blue FIELDING AWARD John King 11 Cts Nana Glen


Haworth Family Memorial Shield

MAJOR PREMIERS - Diggers Maroon




131 Ben Andrews Sawtell v Urunga Richardson 1 Oct 25 108* Ricky Welsh Sawtell v Diggers Fitzroy Oval Nov 15 103 Craig Haworth Coffs Colts v Dorrigo CCSLP 1 Oct 25 100 Justin Gilbert Dorrigo v Coffs Colts CCSLP 1 Oct 25

Five Wickets in an Innings

7-26 Ben Andrews Sawtell v Coffs Colts Richardson 1 Dec 20 6-23 John Lovett Coffs Colts v Urunga Brelsford Park Nov 15 6-34 Jack Ireland Urunga v Coffs Colts Brelsford Park Nov 15 6-34 Damon Rootes Diggers v Dorrigo Rowe Oval 1 Dec 20 6-37 Trent Mitchell Sawtell v Coffs Colts Richardson 1 Oct 11 5-5 Daniel Maguire Sawtell v Dorrigo Richardson 1 Oct 18 5-28 Andrew Ellis Urunga v Sawtell Brelsford Park Nov 22 5-28 Connor McCoy Coffs Colts v Dorrigo CCSLP 1 Oct 25 5-34 Glen Kesby Diggers v Urunga Fitzroy Oval Dec 6

Highest Team Score

7-250 Coffs Colts v Dorrigo CCSLP 1 Oct 25

Lowest Team Score

29 Dorrigo v Sawtell Richardson 1 Oct 18




162 Terry Baldwin Coffs Colts v Diggers Fitzroy Oval Oct 25 142* Chris Neal Sawtell v Coffs Colts CCSLP 1 Oct 11 102 Taj Dosanjh Woolgoolga v Coffs Colts CCSLP 2 Mar 7

Five Wickets in an Innings

6-36 Trevor Bailey Diggers v Coffs Colts CCSLP 1 Dec 13 5-1 Brendan Cunningham Diggers v Woolgoolga Fitzroy Oval Feb 14 5-26 Trevor Bailey Diggers v Woolgoolga High Street 1 Oct 11 5-28 Brendan Cunningham Diggers v Woolgoolga Fitzroy Oval Nov 1 5-28 Charlie Towells Sawtell v Diggers (Grand-Final) CCSLP 2 Mar 28

Highest Team Score

9-341 Coffs Colts v Diggers Fitzroy Oval Oct 25

Lowest Team Score

37 Woolgoolga v Diggers Fitzroy Oval Feb 14




132 Jamie Ballard Dorrigo v Coffs Colts White Coffs Hockey Field Dec 6

Five Wickets in an Innings 6-27 Marc Harris Dorrigo v Coffs Colts White Coffs Hockey Field Dec 6 6-34 Andrew Trist Urunga v Coffs Colts Black Coffs Hockey Field Mar 7 6-56 Craig Millen Urunga v Coffs Colts Black Urunga Lower Nov 22 5-9 Bradley Gordon Coffs Colts Red v Coffs Tigers Coffs Hockey Field Feb 7 5-14 Lachlan Clark Coffs Colts Black v Diggers CCSLP 2 Dec 6 5-16 Savva Emamon Sawtell v Coffs Colts Black Richardson 2 Oct 18 5-21 Josh Bartlett Urunga v Coffs Colts White Urunga Lower Oct 11 5-23 Cameron Crawford Sawtell v Coffs Colts Red Coffs Hockey Field Feb 28 5-34 Tom McMullen Urunga v Bellingen (Grand-Final) Coffs Hockey Field Mar 29 5-35 Selwyn Manz Coffs Colts White v Sawtell Richardson 2 Nov 22 5-40 Chris Ryan Diggers v Coffs Colts White Forsyth Park Feb 7 5-53 Dennis Ellis Dorrigo v Urunga Connell Park Dec 20 5-55 Mark Coutts Coffs Tigers v Bellingen Connell Park Dec 6

Highest Team Score 4-279 Coffs Colts Red v Diggers CCSLP 2 Jan 31

Lowest Team Score 35 Dorrigo v Coffs Colts Black Rowe Oval 2 Feb 14




120 Trent Cook Nana Glen v Dorrigo Rowe Oval 2 Dec 20 114* Michael Britton Sawtell Blue v Coffs Colts Toormina Oval Feb 28 104* Ben Thompson Diggers Blue v Dorrigo Rowe Oval 1 Nov 1

Five Wickets in an Innings

7-6 Reuben Carey Diggers Blue v Sawtell Blue Toormina Oval Oct 18 6-7 Sean Brown-Dale Sawtell Blue v Urunga Toormina Oval Nov 22 6-12 Adam Foster Nana Glen v Diggers Maroon Nana Glen Mar 14 6-14 Jacob Riley-Hill Nana Glen v Dorrigo Nana Glen Oct 11 6-31 Nisal Bulathgsinhala Coffs Colts v Woolgoolga High Street 2 Nov 15 5-4 Trevor Smallwood Sawtell Gold v Nana Glen Nana Glen Feb 14 5-4 Harkarn Singh Diggers Blue v Woolgoolga Forsyth Park Dec 13 5-6 Trevor Smallwood Sawtell Gold v Sawtell Blue Toormina Oval Dec 13 5-10 Trevor Smallwood Sawtell Gold v Coffs Colts Toormina Oval Feb 7 5-11 Terry Crossland Sawtell Blue v Dorrigo Toormina Oval Feb 14 5-15 Tony Kamphorst Urunga v Diggers Blue Urunga Upper Feb 14

Hat Tricks

4-8 Harkarn Singh Diggers Blue v Dorrigo Rowe Oval 1 Nov 1 4-19 John Barry Sawtell Blue v Coffs Colts Toormina Oval Feb 28

Highest Team Score

7-235 Diggers Maroon v Coffs Colts Jetty Oval Dec 6

Lowest Team Score

21 Diggers Maroon v Nana Glen Nana Glen Cricket Ground Mar 14 C . H . D . C . A . AVERAGES 2014-15 1st GRADE



Ben Andrews Sawtell 11 8 1 347 131 49.57 1 3 Damon Rootes Diggers 12 10 1 331 91 36.78 - 2 Alex Byrne Diggers 10 8 1 257 84* 36.71 - 2 Craig Haworth Coffs Colts 11 6 - 217 103 36.17 1 1 Russell Gardner Diggers 10 9 3 207 69 34.50 - 1 Ricky Welsh Sawtell 12 10 2 203 108* 25.38 1 - Mathew Riddoch Urunga 8 8 1 188 76 26.86 - 1 Jack Ireland Urunga 9 8 - 172 41 21.50 - - Angus Garland Diggers 12 10 - 166 63 16.60 - 1 Justin Gilbert Dorrigo 7 8 - 162 100 20.25 1 - Alec Baldwin Coffs Colts 9 6 - 151 59 25.17 - 1 Tyh Murphy Sawtell 11 7 - 143 59 20.43 - 1 Hardeep Bassi Diggers 12 8 3 139 38* 27.80 - - Brad Lewis Sawtell 10 7 - 124 57 17.71 - 1 Terry Baldwin Coffs Colts 7 4 - 123 38 30.75 - - David Angus-Crouch Sawtell 10 7 1 122 48 20.33 - - Timothy Parkins Coffs Colts 7 7 - 122 51 17.43 - 1 Josh Bartlett Urunga 9 9 1 120 36 15.00 - - Simon Donald Dorrigo 5 5 - 117 49 23.40 - - Trent Dierick Sawtell 11 7 - 115 42 16.43 - - Scott Carpenter Diggers 10 5 - 111 46 22.20 - - Clinton Hayward Sawtell 8 6 - 103 40 17.17 - - Luke Beaumont Dorrigo 6 6 - 103 43 17.17 - - Andrew Ellis Urunga 9 8 1 100 34* 14.29 - -



Ben Andrews Sawtell 11 20 168 8.40 7-26 1 - Hardeep Bassi Diggers 12 18 252 14.00 4-31 - - Glen Kesby Diggers 10 17 179 10.53 5-34 1 - John Lovett Coffs Colts 10 17 237 13.94 6-23 1 - Patrick Myles Sawtell 12 16 185 11.56 4-27 - - Andrew Ellis Urunga 9 15 127 8.47 5-28 1 - Jack Ireland Urunga 9 14 160 11.43 6-34 1 - Trent Dierick Sawtell 11 13 178 13.69 4-18 - - Damon Rootes Diggers 12 13 220 16.92 6-34 1 - Luke Pomroy Urunga 8 12 230 19.17 3-27 - - Matthew Francis Coffs Colts 10 12 249 20.75 3-30 - - Russell Gardner Diggers 10 11 122 11.09 4-11 - - Daniel Maguire Sawtell 12 11 155 14.09 5-5 1 - Finley Wilson Dorrigo 8 11 209 19.00 4-29 - - Josh Bartlett Urunga 9 11 250 22.73 3-29 - - Nii-Amaa Ollennu Coffs Colts 11 11 278 25.27 4-25 - - Connor McCoy Coffs Colts 7 10 145 14.50 5-28 1 - Nathan Secomb Dorrigo 8 10 164 16.40 4-27 - - Eric Moore Dorrigo 8 9 163 18.11 3-4 - - Brad Lewis Sawtell 10 8 99 12.38 3-10 - - C . H . D . C . A . AVERAGES 2014-15 2nd GRADE



Chris Neal Sawtell 14 11 3 390 142* 48.75 1 1 Terry Baldwin Coffs Colts 7 6 1 290 162 58.00 1 1 Michael Nealand Diggers 12 12 2 260 55 26.00 - 2 Kingsley Chapman Sawtell 10 8 - 236 97 29.50 - 2 Taj Dosanjh Woolgoolga 13 6 1 219 102 43.80 1 1 Shaun Marshall Diggers 15 12 2 207 50 20.70 - 1 Harmandeep Sidhu Sawtell 13 13 3 199 55 19.90 - 1 Casey Arendarcikas Sawtell 8 6 1 196 67 39.20 - 2 Mark Maharaj Woolgoolga 11 8 - 157 41 19.63 - - Trevor Bailey Diggers 15 13 4 152 48* 16.89 - - Troy Britnell Coffs Colts 12 8 - 147 31 18.38 - - Liam Watson-Merritt Sawtell 9 8 2 147 47 24.50 - - Michael Benson Diggers 14 11 - 135 55 12.27 - 1 Michael Oates Sawtell 10 7 - 131 61 18.71 - 1 Ty Adams Diggers 11 9 - 113 32 12.56 - - Billy Carroll Coffs Colts 10 8 - 94 51 11.75 - 1 Jackson White Diggers 7 5 2 93 54 31.00 - 1 Addisen Mallett Woolgoolga 11 8 1 87 29 12.43 - - Keeden Corliss Sawtell 10 8 1 84 20 12.00 - - Brett Carlyle Diggers 6 5 - 83 38 16.60 - - Terry Booth Diggers 15 14 1 78 18 6.00 - - Raman Phoonie Woolgoolga 14 8 - 73 26 9.13 - - David Schutt Sawtell 12 12 2 72 33* 7.20 - - Ethan Atkinson Diggers 9 6 2 70 35* 17.50 - - Nicholas Dosanjh Woolgoolga 14 9 1 68 26 8.50 - -



Trevor Bailey Diggers 15 28 306 10.93 6-36 2 - Brendan Cunningham Diggers 10 22 131 5.95 5-1 2 - Anu Grewal Woolgoolga 14 22 305 13.86 4-29 - - Nicholas Dosanjh Woolgoolga 14 21 306 14.57 4-26 - - David Schutt Sawtell 12 16 167 10.44 3-15 - - Keeden Corliss Sawtell 10 15 158 10.53 4-51 - - Wayne Smith Sawtell 11 14 162 11.57 4-21 - - Troy Britnell Coffs Colts 12 13 123 9.46 4-14 - - Kieth Campbell Sawtell 8 13 169 13.00 4-20 - - Ethan Atkinson Diggers 9 13 222 17.08 3-13 - - Jared Baldwin Coffs Colts 9 11 219 19.91 3-17 - - Ty Adams Diggers 11 9 74 8.22 4-16 - - Lachlan Clark Coffs Colts 11 8 210 26.25 3-20 - - Mitchell Weeden Coffs Colts 5 7 80 11.43 4-32 - - Daniel Bottrell Woolgoolga 9 7 87 12.43 3-24 - - Daniel Harris Coffs Colts 6 7 160 22.86 4-36 - - Raman Phoonie Woolgoolga 14 7 219 31.29 3-19 - - Michael Oates Sawtell 10 6 65 10.83 2-8 - - Aiden Statham Coffs Colts 9 6 145 24.17 2-9 - - Terry Booth Diggers 15 6 199 33.17 2-17 - - C . H . D . C . A . AVERAGES 2014-15 3rd GRADE



Peter Snow Urunga 13 10 - 380 69 38.00 - 2 Darcy Balenzano Bellingen 9 9 3 315 87* 52.50 - 3 Tony Glen Urunga 13 11 - 309 90 28.09 - 2 Selwyn Manz Coffs Colts White 13 11 - 308 71 28.00 - 3 William Saker Dorrigo 9 8 3 275 80* 55.00 - 2 Jamie Burley Bellingen 12 12 - 261 53 21.75 - 1 Adam Freebody Sawtell 12 9 3 243 77 40.50 - 1 Brock Dowleans Coffs Colts Black 13 11 1 234 44 23.40 - - Nigel McKee Coffs Colts Red 12 10 1 227 94 25.22 - 1 Payagala De Silva Coffs Colts Red 10 8 - 226 83 28.25 - 1 Asama Radford Bellingen 11 11 5 226 72* 37.67 - 1 Bruce Mackie Dorrigo 9 8 - 224 67 28.00 - 2 David Hagarty Coffs Colts Red 11 8 2 224 55* 37.33 - 1 Jamie Ballard Dorrigo 5 5 - 207 132 41.40 1 - Tony Slaviero Coffs Colts Red 13 10 - 197 57 19.70 - 1 Craig Elphick Coffs Colts Black 11 9 - 188 68 20.89 - 1 Ben Oliver Diggers 11 11 - 188 37 17.09 - - Stephen Dawson Coffs Tigers 10 6 1 174 50 34.80 - 1 Garry Stevenson Sawtell 12 7 1 174 51 29.00 - 1 Dale McNellee Coffs Colts Black 12 7 3 168 52* 42.00 - 1 Savva Emamon Sawtell 13 11 1 164 51 16.40 - 1 Wade Secomb Coffs Colts White 13 11 - 162 40 14.73 - - Mark Coutts Coffs Tigers 8 3 1 162 57 81.00 - 2 Joshua Hagarty Coffs Colts Red 10 8 1 159 38* 22.71 - - Rodney Jones Diggers 9 9 - 155 33 17.22 - -



Dale McNellee Coffs Colts Black 12 23 218 9.48 4-14 - - Billy Swan Diggers 10 21 307 14.62 4-25 - - Craig Millen Urunga 12 18 316 17.56 6-56 1 - Jamie Burley Bellingen 12 17 150 8.82 3-20 - - Marc Harris Dorrigo 10 17 216 12.71 6-27 1 - Vaughan Statham Coffs Colts Black 10 16 138 8.63 4-26 - - Bradley Gordon Coffs Colts Red 14 16 173 10.81 5-9 1 - Chris Ryan Diggers 12 16 287 17.94 5-40 1 - Savva Emamon Sawtell 13 15 264 17.60 5-16 1 - Andrew Thomas Bellingen 11 15 267 17.80 3-32 - - Lachlan McCulloch Coffs Tigers 12 14 184 13.14 3-10 - - Tony Slaviero Coffs Colts Red 13 14 187 13.36 4-31 - - Mark Herdon Coffs Tigers 10 14 204 14.57 3-12 - - Stephen Dawson Coffs Tigers 10 12 147 12.25 4-26 - - Lawson Tinmouth Coffs Colts Red 13 12 275 22.92 4-30 - - Charlie Hopper Urunga 12 11 77 7.00 4-31 - - David Young Sawtell 10 11 121 11.00 3-33 - - Cameron Crawford Sawtell 8 11 124 11.27 5-23 1 - Steven Skuse Coffs Tigers 10 11 152 13.82 4-14 - - C . H . D . C . A . AVERAGES 2014-15 4th GRADE



Craig Wilson Dorrigo 13 12 2 475 81* 47.50 - 4 Jon Fergusson Sawtell Gold 14 11 1 323 89 32.30 - 3 Terry Crossland Sawtell Blue 14 11 3 301 66 37.63 - 1 John Newell Sawtell Gold 15 11 2 293 67 32.56 - 2 Ben Thompson Diggers Blue 13 9 3 250 104* 41.67 1 - Jarod Reeves Diggers Maroon 16 13 - 245 92 18.85 - 2 Mark Davidson Urunga 13 8 2 240 75 40.00 - 2 Trent Cook Nana Glen 14 10 2 231 120 28.88 1 - Rodney Knight Urunga 11 7 1 223 90* 37.17 - 1 Mitchell Clarke Diggers Maroon 12 8 - 217 88 27.13 - 1 Jesse Harrison Sawtell Blue 8 6 - 204 70 34.00 - 2 Shane Mash Sawtell Blue 16 12 2 198 63* 19.80 - 1 Terry Miller Diggers Blue 11 5 1 186 50* 46.50 - 1 Patrick Murphy Dorrigo 13 11 1 183 43 18.30 - - Scott Jones Diggers Blue 15 9 1 179 66 22.38 - 1 Terry Browne Woolgoolga 11 9 1 178 76 22.25 - 1 William Meenahan Urunga 11 7 1 172 42 28.67 - - Nevile Page Diggers Blue 15 9 2 164 65 23.43 - 1 Sakhbir Hayer Woolgoolga 11 10 3 161 45 23.00 - - Matilda Lugg Woolgoolga 13 8 1 161 42 23.00 - - Michael Britton Sawtell Blue 6 3 1 158 114* 79.00 1 - Reuben Carey Diggers Blue 12 9 1 154 36 19.25 - - Trevor Smallwood Sawtell Gold 13 11 1 152 33 15.20 - - Justin Sheldon Diggers Blue 12 9 2 152 55* 21.71 - 1 Alexander Hickey Urunga 14 9 1 146 38 18.25 - -



Trevor Smallwood Sawtell Gold 13 26 146 5.62 5-4 3 - Alisha Phoonie Woolgoolga 12 24 164 6.83 4-14 - - Trent Cook Nana Glen 14 24 215 8.96 4-22 - - Terry Crossland Sawtell Blue 14 22 141 6.41 5-11 1 - Adam Foster Nana Glen 12 20 198 9.90 6-12 1 - David Stretton Diggers Maroon 13 18 203 11.28 4-25 - - Sean Brown-Dale Sawtell Blue 15 18 290 16.11 6-7 1 - Pramod Akula Dorrigo 12 17 280 16.47 4-24 - - Nisal Bulathgsinhala Coffs Colts 12 17 308 18.12 6-31 1 - Reuben Carey Diggers Blue 12 16 180 11.25 7-6 1 - Caleb Schmidt Woolgoolga 12 16 184 11.50 4-17 - - Luke Neal Sawtell Gold 15 16 207 12.94 3-17 - - Dominic Beaumont Dorrigo 13 16 210 13.13 3-15 - - Shane Mash Sawtell Blue 16 16 244 15.25 3-14 - - Harkarn Singh Diggers Blue 12 15 149 9.93 5-4 1 - Angus Hickey Urunga 12 15 184 12.27 4-23 - - Andrew Hoad Diggers Maroon 16 14 237 16.93 3-38 - - Oscar Edwards Diggers Blue 9 13 102 7.85 4-5 - - Noah Pilon Woolgoolga 11 13 151 11.62 3-21 - - Jacob Riley-Hill Nana Glen 12 12 90 7.50 6-14 1 - Samuel Taylor Urunga 13 12 129 10.75 3-19 - -

VALE BRELSFORD PARK By Joan Tolhurst COFFS HARBOUR DISTRICT CRICKET GROUND SINCE 1944 A concrete wicket was built in 1944 and later replaced with the first Turf Wicket in the District in 1964. Brelsford Park has been long remembered as the home of Coffs Harbour District Cricket COFFS HARBOUR CITY COUNCIL HAS NOW MOVED TO DEMOLISH BRELSFORD CRICKET GROUND as well as the long awaited Grandstand that was completed and opened officially by THE SHIRE PRESIDENT THE LATE ARN HANNAFORD IN NOVEMBER 1966

This is a very sad time for all Cricketers in the District to lose their beloved Historic Cricket Ground


CHDCA 2014-15




Highest Team Total: 5-519 Jetty v Orara Jetty Oval 30-10-48

Lowest Team Total: 8 Orara v Jetty Jetty Oval 7-3-36

Highest Individual Score: 273 Len Lynch Jetty v Orara Jetty Oval 30-10-48 Most Wkts in an Innings: 10-49 Merv Jamieson Bucca v Colts Bucca 24-9-66 Most Wkts in a Match: 14-52 Horrie Cameron Jetty 2 v Bonville Jetty Oval 20-2-32

Highest Season Batting Agg: 974 Bryan Bradley Coffs Hbr 1 1960-61 Highest Season Batting Avg: 141 Les Deards Moonee 1959-60 Highest Season Bowling Agg: 137 Horrie Cameron High School 1932-33 114 Horrie Cameron Jetty 1931-32 Lowest Season Bowling Avg: 4.70 Wes Secomb Orara 1956-57

Record Wicket Partnerships

1st Wicket 256 Sawtell v Bellingen Connell Park 7-10-00 ( Chris Neal 167 & David Smart 79 ) 2nd Wicket 286 Diggers Ex-Services v Sawtell York St Oval 20-10-84 ( Geoff Lean 144 & John Rowe 161* ) 3rd Wicket 207 Diggers Ex-Services v Sawtell Brelsford Park 12-12-81 ( Brian Lloyd 75 & Ross Haworth 118 ) 4th Wicket 249 West Coffs v Plantation Colts Forsyth Park 24-11-90 ( Grant Purdy 162 & Greg Smith 99* ) 5th Wicket 201* Bucca v Diggers Bucca 12-2-66 ( John Wear 149* & Neil Goodsell 53* ) 6th Wicket 136 Bucca v Diggers Bucca 9-11-63 ( Merv Jamieson 98 & Bill Wear 54* ) 7th Wicket 156 Bucca v Sawtell Sawtell 1-12-62 ( John Wear 116 & Neil Goodsell 82 ) 8th Wicket 122 Orara v Jetty Orara 22-2-75 ( Roy King 48 & Neale Matten 134* ) 9th Wicket 168 Diggers Ex-Services v Bellingen Brelsford Park 1-11-03 ( Stephen Meakins 116 & Adam Nightingale 91* ) 10th Wicket 98 Sawtell v Diggers Sawtell 21-11-64 ( Ron Bentley 120 & Robert Morrow 25* ) C .H .D .C .A . RECORDS


Highest Team Total: 8-429 Sawtell v Northern Districts Bucca 5-11-94

Lowest Team Total: 2 Coffs Harbour v High School Jetty Oval 22-2-36

Highest Individual Score: 225* George Gould Orara v Bucca Orara 10-1-48 Most Wkts in an Innings: 10-42 Keith Rix Jetty v Nana Glen Jetty Oval 16-2-57 Most Wkts in a Match: 15-46 Peter Balding Diggers v North Coffs York St 6-3-83

Highest Season Batting Agg: 803 Bob Cameron Bagawa 1981-82 Highest Season Batting Avg: 123 Dick Bentley Sawtell 2005-06 Highest Season Bowling Agg: 69 Geoff Lean Plantn Colts 1969-70 Lowest Season Bowling Avg: 3.14 Charlie Gleeson Orara Rovers 1933-34

Record Wicket Partnerships

1st Wicket 207 Sawtell v Northern Districts Bucca 29-10-94 ( Dave Lewis 116* & Matt Wood 76 ) 2nd Wicket 208 Sawtell v Orara Orara 20-11-82 ( Steven Pearce 105 & Paul Gray 136* ) 3rd Wicket 241 Bagawa v Orara Orara 15-1-83 ( Bob Cameron 143 & Peter Teale 90 ) 4th Wicket 216 Diggers Ex-Services v West Coffs Reg Ryan 14-2-98 ( Lachlan Dew 201 & Adam Israel 63 ) 5th Wicket 209 Coffs Colts v Woolgoolga CCSLP 2 1-2-14 ( Troy Britnell 120 & Benjamin Sims 154 ) 6th Wicket 183 Sawtell v Diggers Ex-Services Richardson 2 23-11-02 ( Tony Slaviero 69 & Clinton Hayward 105* ) 7th Wicket 154 Diggers Ex-Services v Sawtell Marshalls Nth 19-2-00 ( Drew Kadwell 112* & Shane Carrall 79 ) 7th Wicket 154* Sawtell v Diggers Ex-Services Richardson 1 28-11-09 ( Andrew Wilson 55* & Chris Neal 101* ) 8th Wicket 166 Plantation Colts v Ex-Services Forsyth Park 11-11-72 ( Ray McCauley 114 & Colin Cowling 56 ) 9th Wicket 109 Diggers v Coffs Colts Brelsford Park 9-11-13 ( Stuart Cowin 27 & Sam Anderson 78* ) 10th Wicket 108 Diggers Ex-Services v Greenhouse Forsyth Park 25-3-01 ( Shane Carrall 104 & Luke Collins 41* ) C .H .D .C . A. RECORDS


Highest Team Total: 5-509 Nana Glen v Langley Jetty Oval 6-12-97

Lowest Team Total: 14 Nana Glen v Plantation Colts Englands Park 29-11-80

Highest Individual Score: 259* Brian Rava Uni-Rugby v Sawtell University 10-10-98 Most Wkts in an Innings: 10-20 Stephen Ide Bucca v Jetty York St 14-2-81 Most Wkts in a Match: 15-27 Brian Bellamy Coramba v Nana Glen Nana Glen 13-1-79

Highest Season Batting Agg: 746 Brian Rava Uni-Rugby 1998-99 Highest Season Batting Avg: 106.6 Brian Rava Uni-Rugby 1998-99 Highest Season Bowling Agg: 75 Tom Ryan Ulong 1978-79 Lowest Season Bowling Avg: 4.45 Brian Bellamy Coramba 1978-79

Record Wicket Partnerships

1st Wicket 328 Nana Glen v Langley Jetty Oval 6-12-97 ( Peter Teale 219* & Bob Cameron 183 ) 2nd Wicket 185* West Coffs v Rugby-Toormina Forsyth Park 24-10-82 ( Jeff Cleverly 71* & Grant Purdy 106* ) 3rd Wicket 242 Uni-Rugby v Sawtell University 10-10-98 ( Brian Rava 259* & Brett Martin 82 ) 4th Wicket 216 Urunga v Diggers Ex- Services Forsyth Park 1-11-08 ( John Leahy 123* & Luke Hickey 103 ) 5th Wicket 210* Diggers Ex-Services v Sawtell York St 10-12-88 ( Wayne Mitchell 178* & Shane Dole 68* ) 6th Wicket 149 Greenhouse v Coffs Colts Reg Ryan 9-11-13 ( Duncan Marchant 142* & Marley Weller 52 ) 7th Wicket 120 Coffs Colts v Greenhouse Reg Ryan 9-2-13 ( Brad Turner 71 & Joshua Hagarty 71* ) 8th Wicket 122 West Coffs v Bucca Bucca 11-12-93 ( Peter Methven 50 & Matt Miner 83 ) 9th Wicket 102* West Coffs v Langley University 3-2-96 ( Peter Methven 40* & Darren Morrow 63* ) 10th Wicket 88 Diggers Ex-Services v Greenhouse Forsyth Park 22-12-01 ( Brett Thear 36* & Ian Wiley 41 )



Highest Team Total: 8-433 Greenhouse Colts v Sawtell Boambee 24-11-01

Lowest Team Total: 13 Ulong v Nana Glen Nana Glen 20-11-82 13 Plantation Colts v Orara Orara 16-2-80

Highest Individual Score: 305* Stephen Parsons Greenhouse v Sawtell Boambee 24-11-01 Most Wkts in an Innings: 9-19 Ian Swan Sawtell v Diggers Forsyth 15-1-77 Most Wkts in a Match: 15-43 Brendan Plunkett West Coffs v Planto York St 21-2-87

Highest Season Batting Agg: 710 Mark Whitfield West Coffs 2001-02 Highest Season Batting Avg: 126.3 Paul Donohue Diggers 2006-07 Highest Season Bowling Agg: 57 Danny Latham Nana Glen 1982-83 Lowest Season Bowling Avg: 4.90 Paul Reeves Sawtell 1 1998-99

Record Wicket Partnerships

1st Wicket 248 Urunga v Diggers Urunga Lower 24-11-12 ( Mark Davidson 144 & Terrence Lindsay 90 ) 2nd Wicket 247* Nana Glen v Diggers Ex-Services High St 2 30-10-10 ( Nathan Klein 102* & Stuart Wearne 153* ) 3rd Wicket 263* Sawtell v Diggers Ex-Services Jetty Oval 12-3-89 ( Matthew Bailey 108* & Phil Buckle 142* ) 4th Wicket 365 Nth Sawtell v Greenhouse Colts Boambee 17-2-01 ( Michael Brown 233* & Steve McCormack 108 ) 5th Wicket 175 Diggers Bandits v Diggers Warriors Jetty Oval 27-11-10 ( Clancy Shipp 115* & Darryl Miller 60 ) 6th Wicket 159 Sawtell v Coffs Colts Jetty Oval 24-10-09 ( David Lewis 107* & Faron Nelson 45 ) 7th Wicket 152 Bucca v Diggers Ex-Services Bucca 5-2-94 ( Rodney Salkeld 133 & Ben Salkeld 20 ) 8th Wicket 184* Coffs Tigers v Sawtell Jetty Oval 7-11-09 ( Denzil Owen 110* & Mark Henry 60* ) 9th Wicket 116 Greenhouse Colts v Sawtell 1 Reg Ryan 14-3-98 ( Faron Nelson 107* & Trevor Woods 64 ) 10th Wicket 103 Urunga v Diggers Jetty Oval 15-3-14 ( Dwayne Kearsley 92 & Angus Hickey 35* ) C .H .D .C . A. RECORDS


Highest Team Total: 5-344 Plantation Colts v Nth Districts Bucca 28-1-95

Lowest Team Total: 18 Nana Glen v Sawtell Nana Glen 19-3-06

Highest Individual Score: 206 Shawn Hope Sawtell v Plant Colts Boambee 24-12-94 Most Wkts in an Innings: 9-51 Nathan Bradbury City Colts v Nana Glen York St 28-10-95 Most Wkts in a Match: 12-63 Robert Swinton West Coffs v Sawtell Sawtell 30-10-82

Highest Season Batting Agg: 579 Scott Bratley Nth Districts 1994-95 Highest Season Batting Avg: 106.33 Trenton Saville Diggers 1991-92 Highest Season Bowling Agg: 69 Trevor Fisher Orara 1983-84 Lowest Season Bowling Avg: 4.62 Derek Beverley Sawtell 1983-84

Record Wicket Partnerships

1st Wicket 149 Nana Glen v City Colts Jetty Oval 9-12-95 ( Mark Bennington 59 & Ben Salkeld 166* ) 2nd Wicket 153* Diggers Ex-Services v Nana Glen Marshalls Sth 4-11-95 ( DamienWebeck 109* & Adam Sharpe 54* ) 3rd Wicket 171 Urunga v Nana Glen Urunga Upper 19-1-13 ( Jessica Marks 43 & Nicholas Hopper 136 ) 4th Wicket 147* Urunga v Coffs Colts Toormina Oval 24-11-12 ( Ben Jenks 81* & Nicholas Hopper 81* ) 5th Wicket 135 Dorrigo v Diggers Dorrigo HS 6-10-12 ( AlexSommers 56 & Rodney Beaumont 80* ) 6th Wicket 105 Diggers Ex-Services v Plantn Colts Jetty Oval 28-11-87 ( Craig Mitchell 154 & Bruce Grant 25 ) 7th Wicket 105 Diggers Ex-Services v West Coffs Jetty Oval 19-12-82 ( Robert Balding 68 & Adam Lisle 35 ) 8th Wicket 121 West Coffs v Sawtell Boambee 2-11-96 ( Trent Fuller 50 ret. hurt, Ken Robinson 63* & Nicholas Rowe 10 ) 9th Wicket 98 West Coffs v Nth Districts Bucca 22-2-97 ( Ken Robinson 69 & Bradley Munro 42) 10th Wicket 67 Diggers Ex-Services v West Coffs Boambee 20-10-84 ( DonBrazel 29 & Wayne Cowen 33* )

CHDCA 2014-15




Round 1 & 2 - Bye

Round 3 - Hastings River vs Coffs Harbour Wayne Richards Oval, Port Macquarie, 16th Nov 2014 Coffs Harbour won by 3 runs

Coffs Harbour 219 all out off 44.5 overs

A Baldwin 61, R Welsh 11, T Murphy 14, R Gardner 72, D Rootes 4, R Sandhu 9, J Ireland 0, H Bassi 5, M Rose 1, J Lovett 0, N Ollennu 1*, D Harris DNB

B Badenock 7.5-1-38-1, E McKenna 10-2-43-3, N Bartlett 6-2-17-1, A Gopalakrishnan 10-1-49-1, J Hyde 3-0-24-0, C Cole 8-0-35-3

Hastings River 216 all out off 48.2 overs

C Cole 39, D Bourke 45, B Larance 2, B Badenock 4, L Coelho 0, B Woodward 24, J Hyde 4, T Harris 12, E Hyde 32*, E McKenna 6, N Bartlett 0, A Gopalakrishnan DNB

N Ollennu 10-1-63-2, R Sandhu 9.2-1-35-2, J Lovett 10-1-41-4, H Bassi 10-1-43-2, D Harris 4-0-11-0, D Rootes 3-1-17-0, J Ireland 2-0-4-0

Round 4 - Tweed vs Coffs Harbour Reg Dalton Oval, Kingscliff, 7th Dec 2014 Coffs Harbour won by 1 wicket

Tweed 210 all out off 40 overs

J Hoare 9, Caleb Ziebell 29, C Nash 0, A Rogers 26, A Williams 5, T Burns 4, J Harrington 1, D Potter 47, B Wirth 40, Connor Ziebell 0*, J Julius 0, L Reynolds DNB

N Ollennu 10-2-38-2, H Bassi 4-0-31-1, P Myles 10-2-29-2, D Harris 6-0-34-3, T Murphy 1-0-8-0, M Riddoch 1-0-15-0, B Sims 4-0-27-0, M Weeden 4-1-20-2

Coffs Harbour 9/214 off 49.3 overs

R Welsh 0, M Rose 5, T Murphy 2, C Haworth 69, M Riddoch 13, B Sims 48, M Weeden 20, H Bassi 2, D Hagarty 18*, N Ollennu 2, P Myles 7*, D Harris DNB

J Julius 10-1-28-2, Connor Ziebell 10-3-28-2, B Wirth 5-0-21-0, Caleb Ziebell 10-1-44-0, L Reynolds 5-0-35-1, T Burns 6.2-0-28-2, C Nash 3-0-23-1 C.H.D.C.A. INTER-DISTRICT RESULTS


Quarter-Final - Lake Illawarra vs Coffs Harbour King George V Oval, Port Kembla, 28 th Dec 2014 Coffs Harbour won by 34 runs

Coffs Harbour 201 all out off 49.2 overs

M Rose 15, A Baldwin 55, C Haworth 0, J Ireland 63, N Gett 10, P Myles 4, J Bartlett 0, M Weeden 0, N Ollennu 20, J Lovett 14*, D Harris 0

G Connor 9-1-36-1, B White 10-1-32-1, M Ulcigrai 7.2-3-20-4, R Smith 5-0-15-0, B Hole 6-0-36-0, J Crowhurst 3-0-18-0, T Panecasio 3-0-22-0, T Biracoski 6-2-18-3

Lake Illawarra 167 all out off 40.5 overs

T McCabe 6, M Ulcigrai 22, G Connor 15, S Ulcigrai 1, B White 36, D Lambert 0, T Lister-Serrano 3, T Biracoski 23, B Hole 8, R Smith 20*, J Crowhurst 5, T Panecasio DNB

N Ollennu 7-1-33-1, J Lovett 5-0-36-2, P Myles 9-3-21-3, J Bartlett 7-0-14-1, C Haworth 2-0-3-0, D Harris 7-1-41-0, A Baldwin 3.5-0-14-3

Semi-Final - Hamilton-Wickham vs Coffs Harbour North Dalton Park, Towradgi, 29th Dec 2014 Hamilton-Wickham won by 7 wickets

Coffs Harbour 200 all out off 46.3 overs

A Baldwin 0, M Rose 6, C Haworth 30, J Ireland 73, R Sandhu 35, H Bassi 2, M Weeden 0, J Lovett 15, N Ollennu 13, P Myles 13, J Bartlett 0*, D Harris DNB

S Webber 10-1-28-3, M Casey 10-1-35-2, M Dries 10-0-36-0, T Dwyer 8.3-0-46-3, M Webber 8-0-52-2

Hamilton-Wickham 3/203 off 41 overs

S Hughes 27, B Balcomb 32, J Trappel 53, M Dries 50*, J Keelan 17*

P Myles 3-0-14-0, N Ollennu 8-2-35-0, J Bartlett 8-0-41-1, H Bassi 5-18-0, M Weeden 4-0-19-1, R Sandhu 5-0-32-1, J Lovett 6-0-21-0, D Harris 2-0-22-0 S.C.G. CUP C.H.D.C.A. FIRST X1 2014-15

Back Row L to R:

Craig Haworth, Raja Sandhu, Ian Slapp, Russell Gardner, Julian Hulbert

Front Row L to R:

Matt Rose, Trent Mitchell, Trent Dierick, Damon Rootes, Trent Statham, Dave Angus, Luke Corlis

I believe Russell was captain




Photo taken at King George V Oval in Wollongong

Gilbert swings into action for Coffs Harbour District - 15th Nov 2014

TALENT: Having Justin Gilbert in the line-up adds a new dimension to Coffs Harbour District’s rep fortunes.

A COFFS Harbour representative cricket team will include Dorrigo's star all-rounder Justin Gilbert for the first time in almost a decade, when tomorrow's visit is made to Port Macquarie. Coffs Harbour District play Hastings River at Wayne Richards Park in a round of the SCG Country Cup from 10am, and the new-look side is tipped as the best in years. "It was decided to really make an effort to put the best possible team on the bus and be really professional in our approach," manager Matt Rose said.

"Every player selected is in form and we're very honoured that Justin Gilbert made himself available after so long away from rep cricket. "Justin does a great job on the executive, with Dorrigo club and his growing business. "He's still a player who can turn a game single-handed and somebody you'd like on your side in a crisis. "Dorrigo has no club game this weekend and Justin's been off the field for a couple of weeks, so I think he's going to enjoy getting stuck in." Skipper Craig Haworth was a century-maker at club level last weekend and Ricky Welsh and Jack Ireland made half centuries in the inter-district meeting with Nambucca Valley on November 2.

CHDCA XI Craig Haworth (c), Russell Gardner (vc), Justin Gilbert, Alec Baldwin, John Lovett, Nii-Amaa Ollennu, Ricky Welsh, Dave Angus, Tyh Murphy, Jack Ireland, Hardeep Bassi, Damon Rootes, Matt Rose (manager)

Through to next round of Country Cup but only just - 18th Nov 2014

Coffs Harbour's representative cricket team will play Tweed River on December 14 in the next round of the SCG Country Cup. Gemima Harvey/Coffs Coast Advocate

COFFS Harbour District fell over the line against Hastings River to progress to the next round of the SCG Country Cup. The Coffs visitors remained three runs clear on 217 when the last Hastings wicket fell and will now play old rivals from Tweed River - probably at Coffs Coast Sports and Leisure Park - on December 14.

At the last moment, skipper Craig Haworth and high profile recruits Dave Angus and Justin Gilbert were forced to withdraw but rather than drop the bundle, manager Matt Rose said the three replacements starred for the side. "Apart from myself stepping up and getting run out for one," he quipped. "Russell Gardner got a late call-up and belted 72 runs Raja Sandhu was involved in taking the last wicket when Hastings needed a boundary off the last delivery to win. "John Lovett took the catch to go with five wickets he picked up in the game and one day after he took six at club level. "Okay, we won but we should never have put ourselves in that position."

Coffs batted first and were cruising until the innings went pear-shaped at 3-160. "At one stage the run rate could have seen us finish up around 290 but we lost our way and limped to 217," Rose admitted. "I was worried when Hastings got to 0-56 before losing their first wicket. "Then, they went as bad as we did and couldn't kick on with any strong bat play. "The last two wickets fell in the last over and we were off the hook." Rose also lamented another statistic which almost wrecked the day. "We bowled 44 wides in the innings. Sundries almost killed us which to be honest is pretty awful and it's something we have to fix before meeting Tweed. "Otherwise, it's going to be another year we fall down at that stage of the series." Coffs Harbour crash dream date at the SCG – 28 th Dec 2014

Lake Illawarra's Ryan Smith gives his best but the Lakers still lost to Coffs Harbour in the SCG Cup quarter-final at King George Oval, tarnishing an unbeaten record in all competitions this season.

Picture: Christopher Chan. Story: Mike Driscoll

Lake Illawarra suffered more SCG Country Cup heartache with a 34-run loss to Coffs Harbour in Sunday's quarter-final at King George Oval. The Lakers have made seven Finals Carnivals in a decade but been unable to win through to the decider at the . Despite having a high seeding of three and unbeaten in all competitions this season, the Lakers were outplayed by a resolute Coffs Harbour, who face defending champions Hamilton Wickham on Monday at North Dalton Park to decide who plays at the SCG.

Batting first the sixth-seeded Coffs posted a competitive 201, led by half-centuries from Jack Ireland (63) and Alec Baldwin (55). The visitors were 2-133 before the Lakers fought back hard with Mark Ulcigrai taking 4-20 off 8.2 overs, while Tode Biracoski responded to his call-up by taking 3-18 off six overs.

In reply the Lakers were 1-54 but lost 5-10 and were bowled out for 167. Skipper Brendan White (36) top scored, with Biracoski, batting at No 8, making 23. Man-of-the-match Baldwin took 3-14 and Pat Myles 3-21 for Coffs. "It's very disappointing," White said. "We didn't do anything well enough and at this level if you don't play well you get punished."

The other three SCG Country Cup quarter-finals were one-sided affairs. Dubbo beat Weston Creek Molonglo by seven wickets, chasing down 165 in just 26.3 overs. Ben Strachan took 5-35 for Dubbo, while Mitch Bower (74) and Jordan Moran (47 not out) led the way with the bat. Dubbo take on Merewether at Figtree Oval on Monday after the top-seeded Merewether beat Wyong by six wickets. Having dismissed Wyong for 147, Simon Moore (81 no) showed his class with the Newcastle side winning with 16 overs to spare. Hamilton-Wickham (5-105) also needed just 18.1 overs to beat Murray Valley (104) at Figtree Oval.

Meanwhile, South Coast side The Rail and defending Country Plate champions Cootamundra advanced to the Plate final after Sunday's semi-finals in Tamworth were washed out. Cootamundra are the top seeds and passed Wauchope RSL, while second-seeded The Rail went through to the final without a ball bowled against Blue Mountains.

Finally, Southern Highlands side Robertson Burrawang, top seeds in the second-tier Country Shield, on Monday take on Tamworth Colts in the semi-finals in Tamworth. Albury Wodonga face Clarence River, with the finals on Tuesday.

So near yet so far away from Country Cup Final - 3rd Jan 2015

ROBUST: Two big knocks by Jack Ireland were not enough to put the district team into the final. Photo: Gemima Harvey

ROBUST batting in both lead-up finals by Jack Ireland was not enough to put the Coffs Harbour District rep team into the final of the SCG Country Cup.

Coffs won the quarter final meeting against Lake Macquarie by 34 runs, thanks to an innings of 63 by the young Urunga star who was ably assisted by Alec Baldwin's knock of 55.

But while Ireland was able to produce an even better 73 in the semi- final meeting with Hamilton-Wickham, he was the only batsman in the top order to fire, once Baldwin was sent on his way without scoring.

That was apart from resistance by Craig Haworth (30) and Raja Sandhu (35) but the total of 200 wasn't enough and the winning side passed the target in the 41st over for the loss of three wickets.

Coffs Harbour District's loss paves the way for an all-Newcastle grand final with Hamilton-Wickham to meet Merewether at the Sydney Cricket Ground on January 18.

SCG Country Cup Coffs Harbou r v Lake Macquarie Coffs Harbour v Hamilton -Wickham Coffs Harbour 1st innings Coffs Harbour 1st Innings M ROSE c S Ulcigrai b M Ulcigrai1 5 A BALDWIN c B Balcomb b M Casey 0 A BALDWIN b G Connor 55 M ROSE lbw b S We bber 6 C HAWORTH c B White b M Ulcigrai 0 C HAWORTH c B Balcomb b T Dwyer 30 J IRELAND b T Biracoski 63 J IRELAND c S Hughes b T Dwyer 73 N GETT c T Biracoski b B White10 R SANDHU lbw b S Webber 35 P MYLES run out 4 H BASSI c B Balcomb b M Casey 2 J BARTLETT lbw b T Biracoski 0 M WEEDEN lbw b M Webber 0 M WEEDE N lbw b T Biracoski 0 J LOVETT lbw b M Webber 15 N OLLENNU b M Ulcigrai 20 N OLLENNU c B Balcomb b S Webber 13 J LOVETT not out 14 P MYLES c B Balcomb b T Dwyer 13 D HARRIS b M Ulcigrai 0 J BARTLETT not out 0 Sundries: (1nb, 15w, 1b, 3lb) 20 Sundries: (10w, 3lb) 13 Total: All out for 201 (50) Total: All out for 200 (46.3) Lake Illawarra 1st innings Hamilton -Wickham 1st innings Total: All out for 167 (40.5) Total: 3 -203 (41) Bowling: N Ollennu 7 -1-33-1, J Lovett 5-0-36-2, Bowling: P Myles 3 -0-14-0, N Ollennu 8-2-35- P Myles 9 -3-21-3, J Bartlett 7-0-14-1, C 0, J Bartlett 8 -0-41-1, H Bassi 5-0-18-0, M Haworth 2 -0-3-0, D Harris 7-1-41-0, A Baldwin Weeden 4 -0-19-1, R Sandhu 5-0-32-1, J Lovett 3.5 -0-14-3. 6-0-21-0, D Harris 2-0-22-0. Coffs Harbour won quarter -final by 34 runs Hamilton -Wickham won semi-final by seven wickets.



Round 1 - Bye

Round 2 - Coffs Harbour Colts vs Lismore Coffs Coast Sport & Leisure Park 1, Coffs Harbour, 26th Oct 2014 Lismore won by 22 runs

Lismore 9/224 off 50 overs

B Cleaver 45, S Martin 23, G Rossington 3, L Cleaver 1, T Fiedler 0, S Gough 0, L Hamshaw 24, S Rose 6, J Seiffert 69*, L Ford 21, R Horseman 0*, B Mitchell DNB

N Ollennu 6-0-30-0, M Weeden 10-1-35-1, J Bartlett 2-0-25-0, D Harris 10-1-38-3, J Lovett 8-3-22-4, S Jennings 3-1-6-1, F Wilson 4-0-25-0, C McCoy 2-0-13-0, R Tolhurst 5-1-23-0

Coffs Harbour Colts 202 all out off 48.5 overs

C McCoy 12, T Parkins 16, N Ollennu 2, J Bartlett 0, F Wilson 0, M Weeden 46, N Gett 30, J Lovett 5, S Jennings 37*, D Harris 17, R Tolhurst 5, H Parker DNB

B Mitchell 10-1-17-3, J Seiffert 7-0-37-0, L Ford 10-6-22-2, L Hamshaw 7.5-0-35-1, S Rose 4-0-29-1, R Horseman 10-1-55-1




Round 1 - Nambucca Valley vs Coffs Harbour Thistle Park, Macksville, 2nd Nov 2014 Coffs Harbour won by 6 wickets

Nambucca Valley 172 all out off 43 overs

B Bartlett 21, A Budd 51, D Marchant 0, M Vernon 2, A Clarke 30, B McNeil 0, J Ingham 8, E Keen 27, C Ellis 14, L Vernon 2*, Jesse Allan 0

N Ollennu 6-2-16-2, H Bassi 8-0-38-1, M Riddoch 8-4-20-0, M Weeden 5-0-26-0, J Bartlett 7-0-38-1, J Baldwin 9-3-27-6

Coffs Harbour 4/175 off 38 overs

R Welsh 60, M Riddoch 0, N Ollennu 7, J Ireland 55, H Bassi 44*, M Rose 5* DNB – M Weeden, J Bartlett, J Baldwin, J Nicholas, F Wilson

C Ellis 6-0-33-1, J Ingham 5-0-21-1, B Bartlett 7-0-32-1, L Vernon 6-2-16-0, D Marchant 7-0-29-1, Jesse Allan 4-0-22-0, E Keen 2-0-18-0, M Vernon 1-0-4-0

Round 2 - Coffs Harbour vs Lower Clarence Coffs Coast Sport & Leisure Park 1, Coffs Harbour, 18 th Jan 2015 Lower Clarence won by 20 runs

Lower Clarence 8/221 off 50 overs

M Farrell 68, D Durrant 21, L Johnson 12, H McMahon 0, B McMahon 39, H Nicholson 2, L Many 14, Z Honeybrook 20, J Moran 14*, D Causley 2*, J McMahon DNB

J Ireland 9-1-34-1, M Weeden 8-1-32-1, T Murphy 3-0-15-0, S Hulbert 10-2-34-0, P Myles 10-0-39-2, D Rootes 8-0-46-4, A Baldwin 2-0-10-0

Coffs Harbour 201 all out off 37.5 overs

B Foote 5, A Baldwin 18, S Hulbert 46, J Ireland 9, D Rootes 14, T Murphy 0, B Lewis 10, D Angus-Crouch 39, B Carroll 2, M Weeden 15, P Myles 14*

H McMahon 7.5-1-39-1, D Durrant 7-1-36-2, Z Honeybrook 1-0-4-1, B McMahon 10-2-47-3, L Johnson 6-0-48-1, L Many 4-0-8-1, J McMahon 2-0-13-1




Round 3 - Clarence River vs Coffs Harbour Ellem Oval, Grafton, 8th Feb 2015 Coffs Harbour won by 4 wickets

Clarence River 9/244 off 50 overs

T Tilse 69, M Dougherty 54, B Cleaver 0, J Kroehnert 15, B McKenzie 13, L Cox 31, P Vidler 3, B Pardoe 5, B Chard 14*, R Green 2, C Cleaver 10*

J Lovett 5-0-26-0, J Hulbert 9-0-53-2, N Ollennu 2-0-19-0, H Bassi 6-0-34-3, S Hulbert 10-2-29-1, M Weeden 1-0-14-0, D Rootes 10-0-47-1, R Gardner 7-2-18-2

Coffs Harbour 6/249 off 47.5 overs

S Hulbert 18, B Sims 3, T Murphy 25, R Gardner 86, D Rootes 65, J Hulbert 27*, D Angus-Crouch 6, H Bassi 3*, DNB – M Weeden, J Lovett, N Ollennu

B Chard 10-3-31-1, B Pardoe 10-1-57-0, B Cleaver 10-2-48-0, J Kroehnert 10-0-54-4, C Cleaver 6-0-32-0, P Vidler 1.5-0- 26-1

Final - Clarence River vs Coffs Harbour Ulmarra Showground, Ulmarra, 1 st Mar 2015 Coffs Harbour won by 130 runs

Coffs Harbour 8/237 off 50 overs

A Baldwin 7, M Riddoch 45, T Murphy 51, C Haworth 12, D Rootes 3, B Lewis 24, D Angus-Crouch 5, H Bassi 9, P Myles 35*, M Rose 33*, DNB – J Lovett, J Bartlett

B Chard 10-2-43-0, N Blanch 10-0-43-3, B Pardoe 8-0-40-0, J Kroehnert 10-0-44-1, M Pigg 10-0-39-4, B North 2-0-24-0

Clarence River 107 all out off 32.1 overs

T Tilse 9, M Dougherty 14, B North 14, J Kroehnert 16, A Lancaster 0, M Pigg 24*, B McKenzie 0, M Kroehnert 16, L Cox 1, B Pardoe 0, B Chard 1, N Blanch DNB

P Myles 4-1-9-1, B Lewis 10-1-37-3, J Bartlett 7.1-2-14-3, D Rootes 4-0-13-1, J Lovett 4-0-14-2, A Baldwin 3-0-19-0 NORTH COAST CRICKET COUNCIL INTER – DISTRICT C.H.D.C.A. First X1 2014-15




Coffs chase inflicts Clarence River’s first rep loss - 9th Feb 2015

PAVING THE WAY: Clarence River opener Tim Tilse scored 69 to help set up a solid total for Clarence River vs Coffs Hbr at Ellem Oval yesterday. Photo: Debrah Novak

COFFS Harbour inflicted Clarence River's first loss of the season in the final round of North Coast Inter-District Cricket at Ellem Oval yesterday.

The Country Shield champions looked to have made a strong start when openers Tim Tilse (69) and Matt Dougherty (54) built a solid platform with a 91-run opening stand for Clarence River to post 9 for 244 off its 50 overs. "It's good batting with Matty because you know he's going to get off to a flyer if he gets in, so it gives me a bit more time to play myself in," Tilse said at the change of innings. "We've got a pretty good total out here. Anything beyond 200 is pretty defendable and we know we've got the bowling attack that can do it." However, a 166-run stand between Russ Gardner (85) and captain Damon Roots (65) highlighted Coffs Harbour's impressive chase.

NCCC CRICKET: Closest finish imaginable - 11th Feb 2015

Jake Kroehnert batting for Clarence River on Sunday.

Photos: Adam Hourigan / Debrah Novak. Story: Bill North

A SINGLE wicket was all that stood between Lower Clarence bowing out of the 2014-15 North Coast Cricket Interdistrict competition and the chance to exact revenge on rivals Clarence River. Clarence River, Coffs Harbour and Lower Clarence all finished equal on 15 points with two wins each after the final round on Sunday. The final standings were determined by a quotient in which runs for, runs against, wickets lost and wickets taken are all taken into account. It takes a mathematician to work out this year's grand finalists after one of the closest finishes imaginable on Sunday.

"I was writing the quotient rule on my leg on the bus trip home," Lower Clarence opening batsman Matt Farrell said. "The impression we had from the phone calls was Coffs Harbour had scored the runs against Clarence River seven wickets down. "We were celebrating on the bus because we thought we were in. That was until I read the paper the next day - they were only six down. We had a shocker in the first game against Grafton. A few more runs against them would've been helpful. "We knew they'd get through with two really big wins. But ideally it would've been nice if they won again on Sunday."

Illustrating just how close the equation was, Lower Clarence similarly would have qualified had they dismissed Nambucca Valley at Macksville for five runs less. As it was, Lower Clarence posted 8/262 courtesy of a blistering start from Brett O'Connor, who blasted 72 off 29 balls, which included eight sixes, before he was dismissed at 1/93. The next seven wickets fell for 57 runs before Matt Ardrey (36) settled the ship and Zac Honeybrook (52no) helped boost the total. "Brett hit a six off the first ball and teed off from there," Lower Clarence captain Ben McMahon said. "Meanwhile, it was the best innings I've ever seen Zac play. He batted really smart and put it away when it was there to hit."

Honeybrook followed up with three wickets, so too did Jacob McMahon, as Lower Clarence used nine bowlers to clean up Nambucca Valley for 113. "I gave all the young fellas a bowl and they did the job for us," the skipper said. "They're the team of the future." NCCC INTERDISTRICT

Round 3, Sunday

Coffs Harbour 6-249 (R Gardner 86, D Rootes 65; J Kroehnert 4-54) def Clarence River 9-244 (T Tilse 69, M Dougherty 54; H Bassi 3-34) at Ellem Oval, Grafton.

Lower Clarence 8-262 (B O'Connor 72, Z Honeybrook 52*) def Nambucca Valley 113 (Z Honeybrook 3-4, J McMahon 3-22) at Thistle Park, Macksville.

Final Standings – Points (quotient)

Clarence River - 15 (1.8492)

Coffs Harbour - 15 (1.3246)

Lower Clarence - 15 (1.3108)

Nambucca Valley - 3 (0.3165)

Clarence River loses to Coffs in North Coast Inter-District Final - 2nd Mar 2015

Tye Murphy on his way to a handy half-century.

Story: Matthew Elkerton

CLARENCE River rep cricket side was not able to reproduce its winning form from the Country Cup and went down in a hard-fought battle against Coffs Harbour in the North Coast Inter-District Cricket final yesterday.

The Coffs Harbour side got off to a blinding start with the bat after opener Mathew Riddoch hit a quick fire 45 off 32 balls to start the innings. His performance was backed up well by Tye Murphy who scored a handy half century for the Coffs side. A mid-innings fight back by Clarence River bowlers Matt Pigg (4-39) and Nathan Blanch (3-43) saw the Coffs side struggling at eight wickets down for 161. However a dogged performance from lower order batsmen Pat Myles (35 no) and Matt Rose (33 no) put together a ninth- wicket partnership of 76 runs to see the Coffs Harbour side to eight wickets for 237 runs at the end of their allotted 50 overs.

The Clarence River team, chasing 238 runs for victory, got off to a handy start with the opening pair putting on around 20 runs before the fall of the first wicket. However, disciplined and attacking bowling from the Coffs Harbour side saw the Clarence River team dismantled and were bowled out for 107, 131 runs shy of the winning target. Best bowler Matt Pigg also top-scored for the Clarence River side with 24 not out, however he was disappointed with his team's performance. "We did it tough out in the middle with the bat," Pigg said. "Their bowlers were really on point. I was happy with the way I struck the ball but I'm not real happy with the fact that I top scored with 24. "We're a far better side than that and we have proven that before it's just today wasn't our day."

For the Coffs Harbour side, Josh Bartlett (3-14) and Brad Miller (3-37) were the pick of the bowlers and shared in the spoils along with John Lovett (2-14).

Clarence River captain Bob McKenzie said the day was very up and down for the Clarence River side and it was tough day in the end. "It was an up and down day," McKenzie said. "I thought we did well to restrict them to 237 after they got off to flying start." "We had a loss today and it was tough one. We just couldn't get any partnerships together. We needed a good 100 run or 80 run partnership but it just wasn't happening for the boys out in the middle. "They played really well. We obviously could have played better and we know that, but unfortunately that's just how cricket goes sometimes."

"I think rep cricket is a great thing; it gets all the good players together," he said. "People can learn things from other players that you don't get to learn from guys in your own club. Even though we're opponents on a week to week basis, were truly friends when it comes down to it."

The Daily Examiner's own Sports Editor Bill North played for the Clarence River side however it wasn't a day to remember for Northy. When bowling North was carted to all corners of the ground and was hooked after two overs with figures of no wickets for 24 runs. With the bat it was a little better as he scored the side's third- highest total of 14.

Haworth goes out on high after victory over Clarence - 4th Mar 2015

CRAIG Haworth ended his glittering representative career as a winner when Coffs Harbour easily beat Clarence River in the Interdistrict Cricket grand final. The former NSW Country captain said he would continue playing club cricket with Park Beach Bowling Club Colts and spend his time helping youngsters achieve what he did at the top level. "It's a great way for Craig to go out in what's been Coffs Harbour District's most successful rep season for decades," club mate Matt Rose said. "Third in the SCG Country Cup, Interdistrict champions and the age divisions have played and won numerous finals with plenty making representative teams."

The victory was more amazing given four changes were made as play began. "I was buying a box of beer to take up for the game when I got the phone call to bring my gear," Rose said. "After getting out for a duck the day before there wasn't much to recommend me for the job, so it was a case of getting stuck in."

Matt Riddoch's late inclusion proved a masterstroke. The Urunga skipper launched a rescue mission when Coffs were struggling at 2-86 after 12 overs. He scored 45 off 42 deliveries to straighten the innings and received huge support from Tyh Murphy's half century. Riddoch's dig was significant enough to earn man-of-the-match honours as Coffs Harbour rattled up 8-237 for the 50 overs. There was an attack of the yips in the latter stages but a second rescue was made by tail-enders Rose and Pat Myles, who put on 76 for the last wicket.

In reply, Clarence River fell well short and were all out for 107. "I can't say we found them easy and the wickets only came every now and then," Rose admitted. The home side's demise came after 20 overs when they lost three wickets for seven runs to be 6-67, with little prospect of rising. "Josh Bartlett shook them up and finished with 3-28," Rose added. "Brad Lewis got rid of a couple and John Lovett and Damon Rootes took care of the last of them."

For Rootes, this will be something to savour years from now when he looks back on his sporting career. Just 18, not many can say they have captained a winning team at this level. As one great rep career (Haworth) ends, perhaps another is just beginning. C.H.D.C.A INTER-DISTRICT RESULTS



Round 1 - Nambucca-Bellingen vs Coffs Harbour Richardson Park No 1, Sawtell, 16 th Nov 2014 Coffs Harbour won on Forfeit

Round 2 - Lower Clarence vs Coffs Harbour Fisher Park Turf, Grafton, 14 th Dec 2014 Coffs Harbour won by 8 wickets

Lower Clarence 77 all out off 25.4 overs

R Hodson 6, R Almond 0, S Hogan 2, R Menzies 6, J Quelch 0, M Vallette 3, J Priddle 27, A Hayward 20, P Richards 5, G Marsh 0, S Winter 0*

D McNellee 3-2-1-1, T Crossland 3-1-7-1, W Smith 3-2-3-2, B Mills 4-0-18-1, J Barr 3-1-8-1, J Leahy 3-0-9-0, H Harris 3-0-15-1, W Saker 2.4-0-10-1, B Mackie 1-1-0-2

Coffs Harbour 2/88 off 20 overs

J Leahy 28, T Crossland 30 ret, C Hayward 8, J Barr 9*, B Mills 10*

R Menzies 3-0-12-0, M Vallette 3-0-7-0, A Hayward 3-1-5-0, P Richards 2-0-15-0, R Hodson 2-0-10-1, J Priddle 1-0-9-0, G Marsh 2-0-5-0, S Winter 3-0-17-1, R Almond 1-0-6-0

Round 3 - Coffs Harbour vs Clarence River Coffs Coast Sport & Leisure Park 1, Coffs Harbour, 25 th Jan 2015 Match Abandoned




Final - Coffs Harbour vs Clarence River Richardson Park No 1, Sawtell, 15 th Feb 2015 Coffs Harbour won by 47 runs

Coffs Harbour 167 all out off 39.4 overs

G Harvey 34, J Leahy 3, C Hayward 22, T Crossland 7, R Barr 5, B Mills 1, W Saker 48, B Mackie 44*, D Ellis 0, W Smith 2, D McNellee 0

M Lentfer 6-2-11-1, R Crispin 6-0-48-0, P Nelson 6-0-21-1, A Chapman 6-1-17-3, A Green 6-0-17-1, R Bender 6-0-33-0, P Ensby 3.4-0-21-2

Clarence River 120 all out off 36.5 overs

S Chard 15, B Pardoe 6, R Bender 18, N O’Connell 5, C Woods 26, R Crispin 0, P Nelson 2, P Ensby 24, A Chapman 4, M Lentfer 15*, A Green 1

D McNellee 6-1-25-3, W Smith 6-0-29-2, T Crossland 6-0-17-1, W Saker 6-1-11-1, B Mills 4-0-10-0, B Mackie 4-1-5-2, R Barr 2.5-0-8-1, J Leahy 2-0-13-0



NAME MTS INNS NO RUNS H.S. AVGE 100 50 CT/ST Jack Ireland 5 5 0 200 73 40.00 - 3 1 Russell Gardner 2 2 0 158 86 79.00 - 2 4 Alec Baldwin 5 5 0 141 61 28.20 - 2 5 Craig Haworth 4 4 0 111 69 27.75 - 1 1 Tyh Murphy 5 5 0 92 51 18.40 - 1 3 Damon Rootes 4 4 0 86 65 21.50 - 1 3 Patrick Myles 5 5 3 73 35* 36.50 - - 1 Ricky Welsh 3 3 0 71 60 23.67 - 1 6/1 Hardeep Bassi 6 6 2 65 44* 16.25 - - 1 Matthew Rose 6 6 2 65 33* 16.25 - - 1 Scott Hulbert 2 2 0 64 46 32.00 - - 1 Mathew Riddoch 3 3 0 58 45 19.33 - - - Benjamin Sims 2 2 0 51 48 25.50 - - - David Angus-Crouch 3 3 0 50 39 16.67 - - 2/1 Raja Sandhu 2 2 0 44 35 22.00 - - 1 Nii-Amaa Ollennu 6 5 1 43 20 10.75 - - 1 Mitchell Weeden 6 4 0 35 20 8.75 - - 3 Brad Lewis 2 2 0 34 24 17.00 - - 1 John Lovett 5 3 1 29 15 14.50 - - 4 Julian Hulbert 1 1 1 27 27* - - - - David Hagarty 1 1 1 18 18* - - - - Nathan Gett 1 1 0 10 10 10.00 - - - Brendan Foote 1 1 0 5 5 5.00 - - 1 Billy Carroll 1 1 0 2 2 2.00 - - - Josh Bartlett 4 2 1 0 0* 0.00 - - 1 Daniel Harris 4 1 0 0 0 0.00 - - 2 Jared Baldwin 1 ------Jake Nicholas 1 ------Finley Wilson 1 ------


NAME MTS OVERS MDNS RUNS WKTS AVGE 5W 10W B-B Patrick Myles 5 36 6 112 8 14.00 - - 3-21 John Lovett 5 30 1 138 8 17.25 - - 4-41 Hardeep Bassi 6 33 1 164 7 23.43 - - 3-34 Nii-Amaa Ollennu 6 43 8 204 7 29.14 - - 2-16 Jared Baldwin 1 9 3 27 6 4.50 1 - 6-27 Josh Bartlett 4 29.1 2 107 6 17.83 - - 3-14 Damon Rootes 4 25 1 123 6 20.50 - - 4-46 Mitchell Weeden 6 22 2 111 4 27.75 - - 2-20 Brad Lewis 2 10 1 37 3 12.33 - - 3-37 Alec Baldwin 5 8.5 0 43 3 14.33 - - 3-14 Raja Sandhu 2 14.2 1 67 3 22.33 - - 2-35 Daniel Harris 4 19 1 108 3 36.00 - - 3-34 Russell Gardner 2 7 2 18 2 9.00 - - 2-18 Julian Hulbert 1 9 0 53 2 26.50 - - 2-53 Jack Ireland 5 11 1 38 1 38.00 - - 1-34 Scott Hulbert 2 20 4 63 1 63.00 - - 1-29 Mathew Riddoch 3 9 4 35 0 - - - - Tyh Murphy 5 4 0 23 0 - - - - Benjamin Sims 2 4 0 27 0 - - - - Craig Haworth 4 2 0 3 0 - - - - COFFS HARBOUR DISTRICT CRICKET ASSOCIATION SECOND GRADE REPRESENTATIVE 2014/15


NAME MTS INNS NO RUNS H.S. AVGE 100 50 CT/ST Mitchell Weeden 1 1 0 46 46 46.00 - - - Scott Jennings 1 1 1 37 37* - - - - Nathan Gett 1 1 0 30 30 30.00 - - - Daniel Harris 1 1 0 17 17 17.00 - - 1 Tim Parkins 1 1 0 16 16 16.00 - - 1 Connor McCoy 1 1 0 12 12 12.00 - - - John Lovett 1 1 0 5 5 5.00 - - - Rhys Tolhurst 1 1 0 5 5 5.00 - - - Nii-Amaa Ollennu 1 1 0 2 2 2.00 - - - Josh Bartlett 1 1 0 0 0 0.00 - - - Finley Wilson 1 1 0 0 0 0.00 - - 1 Harry Parker 1 ------1


NAME MTS OVERS MDNS RUNS WKTS AVGE 5W 10W B-B John Lovett 1 8 3 22 4 5.50 - - 4-22 Daniel Harris 1 10 1 38 3 12.67 - - 3-38 Scott Jennings 1 3 1 6 1 6.00 - - 1-6 Mitchell Weeden 1 10 1 35 1 35.00 - - 1-35 Nii-Amaa Ollennu 1 6 0 30 0 - - - - Rhys Tolhurst 1 5 1 23 0 - - - - Finley Wilson 1 4 0 25 0 - - - - Josh Bartlett 1 2 0 25 0 - - - - Connor McCoy 1 2 0 13 0 - - - - COFFS HARBOUR REPRESENTATIVE CAREER RECORDS


David Angus-Crouch 2009/10 20 17 2 332 66 22.13 - 2 7/1 Alec Baldwin 2013/14 8 8 0 145 61 18.13 - 2 6 Jared Baldwin 2013/14 3 ------Josh Bartlett 2014/15 5 3 1 0 0* 0.00 - - 1 Hardeep Bassi 2013/14 10 9 2 125 44* 17.86 - - 3 Billy Carroll 2014/15 1 1 0 2 2 2.00 - - - Brendan Foote 2014/15 1 1 0 5 5 5.00 - - 1 Russell Gardner 2013/14 5 5 0 270 110 54.00 1 2 6 Nathan Gett 2011/12 5 4 0 70 30 17.50 - - - David Hagarty 2014/15 1 1 1 18 18* - - - - Daniel Harris 2009/10 12 6 2 26 17 6.50 - - 4 Craig Haworth 1979/80 70 62 12 2,251 139 45.02 5 11 44 Julian Hulbert 2009/10 10 8 2 114 30 19.00 - - 3 Scott Hulbert 2009/10 5 5 0 101 46 20.20 - - 1 Jack Ireland 2014/15 5 5 0 200 73 40.00 - 3 1 Scott Jennings 2014/15 1 1 1 37 37* - - - - Brad Lewis 1996/97 20 16 3 293 50 22.54 - 1 8 John Lovett 2014/15 6 4 1 34 15 11.33 - - 4 Connor McCoy 2012/13 6 5 0 61 25 12.20 - - 3 Tyh Murphy 2012/13 7 6 1 153 61* 30.60 - 2 4 Patrick Myles 2013/14 7 6 3 77 35* 25.67 - - 3 Jake Nicholas 2014/15 1 ------Nii-Amaa Ollennu 2014/15 7 6 1 45 20 9.00 - - 1 Harry Parker 2014/15 1 ------1 Tim Parkins 2013/14 2 2 0 21 16 10.50 - - 1 Mathew Riddoch 2014/15 3 3 0 58 45 19.33 - - - Damon Rootes 2011/12 13 12 2 182 65 18.20 - 1 5 Matthew Rose 1992/93 71 66 7 920 77 15.59 - 2 41 Raja Sandhu 2013/14 4 4 0 58 35 14.50 - - 2 Benjamin Sims 2012/13 4 4 0 87 48 21.75 - - 1 Rhys Tolhurst 2013/14 2 2 0 5 5 2.50 - - - Mitchell Weeden 2014/15 7 5 0 81 46 16.20 - - 3 Ricky Welsh 2011/12 11 10 0 199 60 19.90 - 2 14/1 Finley Wilson 2014/15 2 1 0 0 0 0.00 - - 1


David Angus-Crouch 2009/10 20 70 5 356 8 44.50 - - 2-36 Alec Baldwin 2013/14 8 12.5 0 74 3 24.67 - - 3-14 Jared Baldwin 2013/14 3 19.4 4 79 11 7.18 1 - 6-27 Josh Bartlett 2014/15 5 31.1 2 132 6 22.00 - - 3-14 Hardeep Bassi 2013/14 10 54.4 1 260 12 21.67 - - 4-38 Russell Gardner 2013/14 5 14 2 63 5 12.60 - - 3-45 Nathan Gett 2011/12 5 6 1 17 3 5.67 - - 2-6 Daniel Harris 2009/10 12 71.2 8 292 10 29.20 - - 3-34 Craig Haworth 1979/80 70 196.3 30 707 40 17.68 2 - 5-22 Julian Hulbert 2009/10 10 78.5 21 271 23 11.78 1 - 5-18 Scott Hulbert 2009/10 5 27.3 4 94 1 94.00 - - 1-29 Jack Ireland 2014/15 5 11 1 38 1 38.00 - - 1-34 Scott Jennings 2014/15 1 3 1 6 1 6.00 - - 1-6 Brad Lewis 1996/97 20 124.1 20 339 18 18.83 - - 4-38 John Lovett 2014/15 6 38 4 160 12 13.33 - - 4-22 Tyh Murphy 2012/13 7 14 0 70 1 70.00 - - 1-47 Patrick Myles 2013/14 7 45 7 168 9 18.67 - - 3-21 Nii-Amaa Ollennu 2014/15 7 49 8 234 7 33.43 - - 2-16 Tim Parkins 2013/14 2 2 0 12 0 - - - - Mathew Riddoch 2014/15 3 9 4 35 0 - - - - Damon Rootes 2011/12 13 32 2 153 6 25.50 - - 4-46 Matthew Rose 1992/93 71 6 0 42 2 21.00 - - 2-8 Raja Sandhu 2013/14 4 34.2 5 133 6 22.17 - - 3-20 Benjamin Sims 2012/13 4 4.1 0 31 0 - - - - Rhys Tolhurst 2013/14 2 11 1 54 0 - - - - Mitchell Weeden 2014/15 7 32 3 146 5 29.20 - - 2-20 Finley Wilson 2014/15 2 4 0 25 0 - - - -

Note: The above records include performances in 1st Grade, 2nd Grade & Under 19's, by players who appeared in representative matches during the 2014/15 season. Includes performances in NCCC Inter-District competition, Cotten Shield, Country Cup, Country Shield, Northern Star Cup, Challenge Cup, Tooheys Cup & matches against touring sides. COFFS HARBOUR DISTRICT CRICKET ASSOCIATION FIRST GRADE REPRESENTATIVE RECORDS

Highest Team Total: 4-390 vs Lower Clarence Yamba 21-1-07 Lowest Opposition Total: 37 vs Clarence River Fitzroy Oval 20-2-00

Highest Individual Score: 141 Todd Gill vs Lower Clarence, Yamba 21-1-07 Most Wkts in an Innings: 9-27 Horrie Cameron vs Delungra, CH Showground 8-1-33 Most Wkts in a Match: 14-65 Horrie Cameron vs Dorrigo, CH Showground 11-11-33

Highest Season Batting Agg: 306 Runs Todd Gill 2001-02 Highest Season Batting Avg: 233.00 Craig Haworth 1997-98 Highest Season Bowling Agg: 39 Wkts Lionel Fowler 1948-49 Lowest Season Bowling Avg: 5.73 Ross Haworth 1974-75

Most Appearances: 130 Ross Haworth 1965-66 to 1992-93 Most Career Runs: 2,167 (avg 45.15) Craig Haworth 1981-82 to 2014-15 Most Career Wkts: 217 (avg 12.49) Ross Haworth 1965-66 to 1992-93

Record Wicket Partnerships

1st Wicket 192 Macleay Valley South West Rocks 31-10-10 ( Adam Turner 117* & Alex Byrne 102) 2nd Wicket 156 Lower Clarence Brelsford Park 20-12-52 ( Jack Oliver 76 & Ted Adams 103*) 3rd Wicket 154 Ballina International Stadium 28-10-01 ( Craig Haworth 96 & Todd Gill 74) 4th Wicket 205 Nambucca-Bellingen Thistle Park 2-11-03 (Craig Haworth 139 & Todd Gill 129) 5th Wicket 154* Lower Clarence Yamba 21-1-07 ( Craig Haworth 110* & Angus Garland 76*) 6th Wicket 142 Macleay Valley Kempsey Golf Course 31-10-04 ( Jason Hughes 62 & Brad Greenshields 92*) 7th Wicket 162 Lower Clarence Brelsford Park 6-2-94 ( Phil Buckle 103* & David Smith 58) 8th Wicket 119 Lower Clarence Wherrett Park 12-12-71 ( Bob Beattie 64 & Geoff Trimble 63) 9th Wicket 99* Casino Queen Elizabeth Park 28-11-99 ( Damien Webeck 51* & Ashley Cockburn 40*) 10th Wicket 131 Canterbury Country Coffs Leisure Park 8-1-12 ( John Rowe 111 & Jacob Corlis 28*) COFFS HARBOUR DISTRICT CRICKET ASSOCIATION SECOND GRADE REPRESENTATIVE RECORDS

Highest Team Total: 8-324 vs Nambucca-Bellingen Urunga Lower 24-10-99 Lowest Opposition Total: 16 vs Copmanhurst CH Showground 22-1-50

Highest Individual Score: 128* Les Rollins vs Nambucca, Jetty Oval 20-10-68 Most Wkts in an Innings: 9-26 Alby McLean vs Lower Clarence, Harwood 24-10-54 Most Wkts in a Match: 10-51 Laurie Brown vs Bellingen, Brelsford Park 3-2-74

Highest Season Batting Agg: 231 Runs Rod Kratz 1966-67 Highest Season Batting Avg: 111.00 John Wear 1963-64 Highest Season Bowling Agg: 27 Wkts Greg Herrington 1979-80 Lowest Season Bowling Avg: 4.13 Bernie McCann 1952-53

Most Appearances: 41 Neville Haworth 1960-61 to 1985-86 Most Career Runs: 773 (avg 20.89) Terry Crossland 1977-78 to 1986-87 Most Career Wkts: 73 (avg 12.27) Brian Kellett 1960-61 to 1975-76

Record Wicket Partnerships

1st Wicket 108 Bellingen CH Showground 6-2-55 ( Les Rollins 42 & Jim Franklin 67) 2nd Wicket 126 Nambucca-Bellingen Connell Park 29-10-89 ( James Brown 106* & Gary Klein 56) 3rd Wicket 185 Nambucca Jetty Oval 20-10-68 ( Les Rollins 128* & Geoff Trimble 104) 4th Wicket 108* Lower Clarence Lawrence 12-11-61 ( Lloyd Jamieson 102* & Dick Wear 43*) 5th Wicket 111 Nambucca-Bellingen Urunga Lower 24-10-99 ( Mark Robinson 97 & Shane Morrow 48) 6th Wicket 147 Nambucca Fitzroy Oval 11-12-66 ( Rod Kratz 100 & Barry Lambert 58) 7th Wicket 100 Lower Clarence Sawtell Reserve 2-12-62 ( Norm Morton 60 & Bill Wear 35) 8th Wicket 97 Nambucca Jetty Oval 1-12-74 ( Brian Kellett 87 & Tony Mainey 41*) 9th Wicket 81* Clarence River McKittrick Park 15-12-02 ( Ace McDonald 27* & Arno Fourie 47*) 10th Wicket 34 Lower Clarence Woolgoolga 12-11-72 ( Geoff Britten 12 & Maurie Lancaster 26*) COFFS HARBOUR DISTRICT CRICKET ASSOCIATION UNDER 19’s REPRESENTATIVE RECORDS

Highest Team Total: 442 vs Canterbury Kiwis BCU Stadium 11-01-05 Lowest Opposition Total: 7 vs Lower Clarence Illarwill 12-12-65

Highest Individual Score: 130* Matt Secomb vs Namb-Bellingen, Richardson 2 10-11-02 Most Wkts in an Innings: 8-16 Trevor Smallwood vs Lower Clarence, Forsyth 3-11-85 Most Wkts in a Match: 11-35 Kevin Ryan vs Bellingen, North Beach 8-11-64

Highest Season Batting Agg: 234 Runs Richard Seccombe 1971-72 Highest Season Batting Avg: 98.00 Ken Hoad 1992-93 Highest Season Bowling Agg: 34 Wkts Keith Sparks 1961-62 Lowest Season Bowling Avg: 4.69 John Wear 1959-60

Most Appearances: 28 Ross Haworth 1961-62 to 1967-68 Most Career Runs: 544 (avg 28.63) Peter McKenzie 1964-65 to 1967-68 Most Career Wkts: 67 (avg 8.18) Keith Sparks 1960-61 to 1962-63

Record Wicket Partnerships

1st Wicket 165 Nambucca Jetty Oval 11-12-66 ( Peter McKenzie 117 & Robert Alford 100) 2nd Wicket 152 Bellingen Jetty Oval 23-1-72 ( Kyrian Brennan 64 & Richard Seccombe 111*) 3rd Wicket 225 Nambucca-Bellingen Richardson Park 2 10-11-02 ( Matthew Secomb 130* & David Kennedy 117) 4th Wicket 156 Nambucca-Bellingen Urunga Lower 26-10-03 ( Sean Cash 125* & Tye O’Connor 51) 5th Wicket 123* Nambucca-Bellingen Coronation Park 21-2-88 ( Graeme Cleverly 52* & Mark Hawthorne 66*) 6th Wicket 91 Nambucca-Bellingen Biffin Reserve 22-2-98 ( Mark Robinson 81 & Brad Lewis 50) 7th Wicket 47 Nambucca Thistle Park 20-2-77 ( Gary Phillips 61 & Edward McDonald 18) 8th Wicket 56* Lower Clarence Forsyth Park 18-2-90 ( John Kennedy 71* & Rodney Hope 20*) 9th Wicket 172 Canterbury Kiwis Intnl Stadium 11-1-05 ( Jason Hughes 118 & Leigh Mauger 74*) 10th Wicket 66 Nambucca-Bellingen Connell Park 21-2-99 ( Ashley Cockburn 31* & Simon Wall 29) COFFS HARBOUR DISTRICT CRICKET ASSOCIATION INCORPORATED TROPHY CABINETS



CHDCA 2014-15




“A” GRADE FROM 1930 -31 – 1975-76 *** 1ST GRADE AS FROM 1976-77 (DIVISION 1)


CLUB CAPTAINS 1930-31 Jetty II Tom Morris 1931-32 Sawtell Ron Maxwell 1932-33 High School Cecil Walsh 1933-34 Woolgoolga Alf Johnson 1934-35 Coffs Harbour Ike Amos 1935-36 Jetty Cliff James 1936-37 Woolgoolga Jim Jones 1937-38 Not contested 1938-39 Woolgoolga Allan Johnson 1939-40 Sawtell 1940-41 Coramba/Orara Lionel Fowler (Coramba) – Bruce Ide (Orara) 1941-45 No competition cricket played due to Second World War but reports in the Advocate Newspaper indicates that some Social Cricket was conducted during this period. Research is also continuing by the Historical committee as it is thought that competition resumed 1944.



1945-46 Coffs Harbour Jack Babbage (Not recorded on Wales Shield) 1946-47 Jetty Vic Crombie 1947-48 Jetty Vic Crombie 1948-49 Coffs Harbour Lionel Fowler 1949-50 Woolgoolga Henry Ellem 1950-51 Jetty Len Lynch 1951-52 Nana Glen Jack Towells Jnr 1952-53 Nana Glen Jack Towells Jnr 1953-54 High School Lionel Fowler 1954-55 Orara United Jack Towells Jnr 1955-56 Woolgoolga Basil McLennan 1956-57 Woolgoolga Les Deards 1957-58 Nana Glen (Seccombe & Mutton Trophy) 1958-59 Moonee Cecil Hoy (Wales Shield Awarded) 1959-60 Jetty Lance Titcume (Seccombe & Mutton Trophy) 1960-61 Nana Glen Roy Cowling



1961-62 Diggers Dave Heptonstall 1962-63 Diggers Dave Heptonstall 1963-64 Diggers Dave Heptonstall 1964-65 Lower Bucca Neil Goodsell 1965-66 Lower Bucca Neil Goodsell 1966-67 Lower Bucca Neil Goodsell 1967-68 Orara Jim Seccomb 1968-69 Lower Bucca John Wear 1969-70 Diggers Les Rollins 1970-71 Colts Bryan Bradley 1971-72 Colts Bryan Bradley 1972-73 Lower Bucca Ross Haworth 1973-74 Diggers Rod Kratz 1974-75 Lower Bucca Ross Haworth 1975-76 Orara Garry Dew 1976-77 Orara Garry Dew 1977-78 Rugby-Westlawn Paul Brennan 1978-79 Diggers Ex-Services Rod Kratz 1979-80 Diggers Ex-Services Rod Kratz 1980-81 Diggers Ex-Services Dudley Cockburn 1981-82 Orara Laurie Brown 1982-83 Sawtell Terry Crossland 1983-84 Diggers Ex-Services Ross Haworth 1984-85 Diggers Ex-Services Ross Haworth 1985-86 Diggers Ex-Services John Rowe 1986-87 Rugby Toormina John Leahy 1987-88 Plantation Colts Greg Melouney 1988-89 Plantation Colts Greg Melouney 1989-90 West Coffs Robert Jaffer 1990-91 Diggers Ex-Services Ross Haworth 1991-92 Diggers Ex-Services/ Ross Haworth West Coffs Grant Purdy 1992-93 West Coffs Jim Oldman 1993-94 Sawtell Peter Morgan 1994-95 Diggers Ex-Services Paul Fredericks 1995-96 West Coffs James Brown 1996-97 Sawtell Matthew Bailey 1997-98 Sawtell Matthew Bailey 1998-99 West Coffs Craig Haworth/Grant Purdy 1999-2000 West Coffs Grant Purdy 2000-01 Diggers Ex-Services Stephen Meakins 2001-02 Nana Glen John King 2002-03 West Coffs Russell Thompson 2003-04 Nana Glen Andrew Mainey 2004-05 Sawtell Todd Gill 2005-06 Sawtell Todd Gill 2006-07 Sawtell Chris Neal 2007-08 Sawtell Angus Garland 2008-09 Sawtell Brad Lewis 2009-10 Coffs Colts Chris Moran 2010-11 Coffs Colts Matt Rose 2011-12 Sawtell Trent Mitchell 2012-13 Diggers Joe Willman 2013-14 Sawtell David Angus-Crouch 2014-15 Diggers Alex Byrne




1932-33 Orara 1 1933-34 Orara Rovers 1934-35 Woolgoolga 1935-36 Woolgoolga 1936-37 School 1937-38 Not contested 1938-39 Korora 1939-40 Not contested 1940-46 No competition cricket played due to Second World War



1946-47 Sawtell (Inaugural winners of the Shield) 1947-48 Upper Orara 1948-49 Lower Bucca 1949-50 Coffs Harbour 1950-51 Sawtell 1951-52 Sawtell 1952-53 Sawtell 1953-54 Sawtell 1954-55 Orara United Upper 1955-56 Moonee 1956-57 Moonee 1957-58 High School 2 (Rowley Potter Shield Awarded) 1958-59 Lower Bucca (Malouf Shield Awarded) 1959-60 Nana Glen (Rowley Potter Shield Awarded) 1960-61 Not Contested 1961-62 Not Contested 1962-63 Not Contested 1963-64 Not Contested 1964-65 Not Contested 1965-66 Not Contested 1966-67 Sawtell (Malouf Shield Awarded) 1967-68 Coramba B


1968-69 Bagawa 1969-70 Jetty 1970-71 Jetty 1971-72 Jetty



1972-73 Plantation Colts 1973-74 Ulong 1974-75 Rugby 1975-76 Rugby-Westlawn 1976-77 Orara 1977-78 Orara 1978-79 Diggers Ex-Services 1979-80 Sawtell 1980-81 Nana Glen Lizards 1981-82 Bagawa 1982-83 Sawtell 1983-84 Sawtell 1984-85 Plantation Colts 1985-86 Lower Bucca 1986-87 Lower Bucca 1987-88 Rugby-Toormina 1988-89 West Coffs 1989-90 West Coffs 1990-91 Diggers Ex-Services 1991-92 Plantation Colts 1992-93 Diggers Ex-Services 1993-94 Diggers Ex-Services 1994-95 West Coffs 1995-96 West Coffs 1996-97 Northern Districts 1997-98 West Coffs 1998-99 Diggers Ex-Services 1999-2000 West Coffs 2000-01 Diggers Ex-Services 2001-02 West Coffs 2002-03 Nana Glen 2003-04 Sawtell 2004-05 Sawtell 2005-06 Sawtell 2006-07 Northern Districts 2007-08 Sawtell 2008-09 Nana Glen 2009-10 Bellingen 2010-11 Urunga 2011-12 Nana Glen 2012-13 Sawtell 2013-14 Urunga 2014-15 Diggers


KNOWN AS “B” GRADE FROM 1972 -73 to 1975-76 **** 3RD GRADE FROM 1976-77 (ALL 3 RD DIVISION)


THE FITZROY HOTEL WAS THE GATHERING PLACE FOR ALL CLUBS WITHIN THE CHDCA FOLLOWING CRICKET MATCHES – THE CHDCA RAISED LARGE SUMS OF MONEY DURING THE 1970’s and 1980’s AT THE FITZROY HOTEL 1972-73 Diggers 1973-74 Orara 1974-75 Diggers Ex-Services 1 1975-76 Woolgoolga 1976-77 Sawtell 1977-78 Bagawa 1978-79 Ulong-Jetty (Joint premiers) 1979-80 Jetty 1980-81 Sawtell 1981-82 Plantation Colts 1982-83 West Coffs 1983-84 Jetty Rebels 1984-85 Sawtell 1985-86 Sawtell 1986-87 West Coffs 1987-88 Sawtell 1988-89 Diggers Ex-Services 1989-90 Sawtell 1990-91 Sawtell 1991-92 Lower Bucca 1992-93 Diggers Ex-Services 1993-94 Sawtell 1994-95 Sawtell 1995-96 West Coffs 1996-97 Sawtell 1997-98 Nana Glen 1998-99 Langley 1999-2000 Northern Districts 2000-01 Diggers Ex-Services 2001-02 West Coffs 2002-03 Sawtell 2003-04 Sawtell 2004-05 Coffs Colts 2005-06 Sawtell 2006-07 Bellingen District CC 2007-08 Sawtell 2008-09 Bellingen 2009-10 Diggers Ex-Services 2010-11 Sawtell 2011-12 Urunga 2012-13 Diggers 2013-14 Dorrigo 2014-15 Urunga


KNOWN AS “B” GRADE IN 1975 -76 **** 4TH GRADE FROM 1976-77 (ALL 4 TH DIVISION)


1975-76 Diggers Ex-Services 1976-77 Orara 1977-78 Jetty 1978-79 Sawtell 1979-80 Sawtell 1980-81 Orara 1981-82 Jetty 1982-83 Jetty Rebels 1983-84 Sawtell 1984-85 West Coffs 1985-86 Plantation Colts 1986-87 West Coffs 1987-88 West Coffs 1988-89 Sawtell 1989-90 Diggers Ex-Services 1990-91 West Coffs 1991-92 Plantation Colts-West Coffs (Joint premiers) 1992-93 Plantation Colts 1 1993-94 Sawtell 1994-95 Diggers Ex-Services 1995-96 Sawtell 2 1996-97 Sawtell 1 1997-98 Sawtell 2 1998-99 Sawtell 1 1999-2000 Sawtell 2000-01 Sawtell 1 2001-02 Not Contested 2002-03 Sawtell 2 2003-04 Sawtell 1 2004-05 Nana Glen 2005-06 Diggers Ex-Services 2006-07 Coffs Colts 2007-08 Nana Glen 2008-09 Nana Glen 2009-10 Coffs Tigers 2010-11 Sawtell Gold 2011-12 Diggers Ex-Services Bandits 2012-13 Urunga Yellow 2013-14 Coffs Colts Red 2014-15 Woolgoolga



1978-79 Diggers Ex-Services 1979-80 No Competition 1980-81 Diggers Ex-Services 1981-82 Diggers Ex-Services 1982-83 Orara 1983-84 West Coffs 1984-85 Sawtell 1985-86 No Competition 1986-87 Diggers Ex-Services 1987-88 Diggers Ex-Services 1988-89/1990-91 Not Contested 1991-92 Lower Bucca/Sawtell (Joint Winners) 1992-93/1993-94 Not Contested



1994-95 Northern Districts 1995-96 Northern Districts 1996-97 West Coffs 1997-98/1998-99 Not Contested 1999-2000 Sawtell Piranhas 2000-05 Not Contested 2005-06 Diggers Ex-Services 2007-08 Coffs Colts 2008-09 Dorrigo 2009-10 Coffs Colts 2010-11 Dorrigo 2011-12 Coffs Colts Red 2012-13 Urunga Black 2013-14 Not Contested 2014-15 Diggers Maroon


THIS TROPHY WAS DONATED BY ROY KING, DICK IRELAND, BOB MOORE AND WAYNE SHIPMAN (ALL UMPIRES) IN 1977-78 **** WAS MADE THE ARCH AND ISOBEL KAY MEMORIAL TROPHY IN 1996-97. ARCH KAY WAS AN UMPIRE/SECRETARY OF THE CHDUA IN THE 1960’s and 1970’s. HIS WIFE ISOBEL SCORED FOR MANY YEARS FOR INTER-DISTRICT GAMES. 1977-78 Orara 1978-79 Diggers Ex-Services 1979-80 Diggers Ex-Services 1980-81 Sawtell 1981-82 Jetty 1982-83 Sawtell 1983-84 Sawtell 1984-85 Sawtell 1985-86 West Coffs 1986-87 West Coffs 1987-88 Plantation Colts 1988-89 Plantation Colts 1989-90 West Coffs 1990-91 Plantation Colts 1991-92 Plantation Colts 1992-93 Diggers Ex-Services 1993-94 Sawtell 1994-95 Diggers Ex-Services 1995-96 Diggers Ex-Services 1996-97 Sawtell 1997-98 Sawtell 1998-99 Sawtell 1999-2000 Sawtell 2000-01 Sawtell 2001-02 Sawtell 2002-03 Sawtell 2003-04 Sawtell 2004-05 Sawtell 2005-06 Sawtell 2006-07 Diggers Ex-Services 2007-08 Sawtell 2008-09 Sawtell 2009-10 Sawtell 2010-11 Sawtell 2011-12 Diggers Ex-Services 2012-13 Sawtell 2013-14 Coffs Colts 2014-15 Sawtell

CHDCA CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP POINT SCORES The following structure is to be used for the awarding of the CHDCA Club Championship First Grade 2 points Second Grade 1.75 Third Grade 1.5 Fourth Grade 1.25 ( and continuing further in the event of lower grades), and that any additional team’s points in any grade be discounted 50%. Adjustments may be necessary in the event of uneven numbers of games (in any grade) (Amended July 2010 ) CHDCA MINOR PREMIERSHIP SHIELDS


1990-91 Diggers Ex-Services 1991-92 West Coffs 1992-93 West Coffs 1993-94 Sawtell 1994-95 Diggers Ex-Services 1995-96 West Coffs 1996-97 Sawtell 1997-98 West Coffs 1998-99 West Coffs 1999-2000 West Coffs 2000-01 West Coffs 2001-02 Nana Glen 2002-03 Sawtell 2003-04 Greenhouse Colts 2004-05 West Coffs 2005-06 Sawtell 2006-07 Sawtell 2007-08 Northern Districts 2008-09 Sawtell 2009-10 Diggers Ex-Services 2010-11 Coffs Colts 2011-12 Sawtell 2012-13 Sawtell 2013-14 Sawtell 2014-15 Diggers

2ND GRADE 1990-91 Plantation Colts 1991-92 Plantation Colts 1992-93 West Coffs 1993-94 West Coffs 1994-95 West Coffs 1995-96 West Coffs 1996-97 Diggers Ex-Services 1997-98 Diggers Ex-Services 1998-99 Nana Glen 1999-2000 Diggers Ex-Services 2000-01 Diggers Ex-Services 2001-02 Sawtell 2 2002-03 Sawtell 2003-04 Sawtell 2004-05 Nana Glen 2005-06 Bellingen 2006-07 Northern Districts 2007-08 Sawtell 2008-09 Nana Glen 2009-10 Bellingen 2010-11 Urunga 2011-12 Coffs Colts 2012-13 Sawtell 2013-14 Urunga 2014-15 Sawtell 3RD GRADE 1990-91 Sawtell 1991-92 Plantation Colts 1992-93 Diggers Ex-Services 1993-94 Diggers Ex-Services 1994-95 Sawtell 1995-96 Southern Cross University 1996-97 Sawtell 1997-98 Sawtell 1998-99 Sawtell 1999-2000 Northern Districts 2000-01 Diggers Ex-Services 2001-02 Sawtell 2002-03 Sawtell 2003-04 Greenhouse Colts 2004-05 Sawtell 2005-06 Bellingen District 2006-07 Bellingen District CC 2007-08 Dorrigo 2008-09 Bellingen 2009-10 Diggers Ex-Services 2010-11 Nana Glen 2011-12 Urunga 2012-13 Diggers 2013-14 Dorrigo 2014-15 Urunga

4TH GRADE 1990-91 Plantation Colts 1991-92 Bucca 1992-93 Sawtell 1 1993-94 Sawtell 1994-95 West Coffs 1995-96 Sawtell 1 1996-97 Diggers Ex-Services 1997-98 Sawtell 1998-99 Greenhouse Colts 1999-2000 Sawtell 2000-01 Sawtell 1 2001-02 Not Contested 2002-03 Greenhouse Colts 2003-04 Sawtell 1 2004-05 Diggers Ex-Services 2005-06 Sawtell 2006-07 Coffs Colts 2007-08 Urunga 2008-09 West Coffs 2009-10 Sawtell Brown 2010-11 Sawtell Gold 2011-12 Nana Glen 2012-13 Diggers Maroon 2013-14 Coffs Colts Red 2014-15 Diggers Blue

5TH GRADE 1990-91 Not Contested 1991-92 Bucca 1992-93 Not Contested 1993-94 Not Contested 1994-95 Northern Districts 1995-96 Northern Districts 1996-97 Sawtell 1997-98 to 2004-05 Not Contested 2005-06 Diggers Ex-Services 2006-07 to 2011-12 Not Contested 2012-13 Sawtell Gold 2013-14 & 2014-15 Not Contested C.H.D.C.A. 1ST GRADE PLAYER OF THE YEAR THIS TROPHY WAS UPDATED AND MADE BY CHRIS MORAN, JOHN TOLHURST, BEVAN YOUNG AND IS CONSIDERED THE MAIN TROPHY OF THE YEAR

Season Player Club Points

1960-61 Bryan Bradley Coffs Harbour 1 165 1961-62 Don Walter Orara 57 1962-63 Don Easy Diggers 70 1963-64 Ashley Oliver Woolgoolga 66 1964-65 Bryan Bradley Coffs Harbour 95 1965-66 Russell Gabbe Colts 126 1966-67 Brian Kellett Orara 65 1967-68 John Wear Bucca 1968-69 Geoff Trimble Colts 116 1969-70 John Wear Bucca 69 1970-71 Errol Noble Colts 68 1971-72 Errol Noble Colts 96 1972-73 Errol Noble Plantation Colts 64 1973-74 Errol Noble Jetty 1974-75 Brian Kellett Orara 73 1975-76 Graeme Henry Diggers Ex-Services 44 1976-77 Ross Haworth Bucca 79 1977-78 Ross Haworth Bucca 1978-79 Jim Oldman Jetty 55 1979-80 Ross Haworth Diggers Ex-Services 65 1980-81 Neale Matten Orara 1981-82 Ross Haworth Diggers Ex-Services 70 1982-83 Ross Haworth Diggers Ex-Services 48 1983-84 Peter Teale Woolgoolga 1984-85 Selwyn Manz West Coffs 62 1985-86 Wayne Bunker Sawtell 54 1986-87 Wayne Bunker Sawtell 50 1987-88 Derek Beverley Sawtell 52 1988-89 Robert Jaffer West Coffs 51 1989-90 Chris Moran Plantation Colts 50 1990-91 Chris Moran Plantation Colts 63 1991-92 Derek Beverley Plantation Colts 50 1992-93 Derek Beverley Plantation Colts 68 1993-94 Peter Ebert Sawtell 41 1994-95 Glenn Fenton West Coffs 48 1995-96 Glenn Fenton West Coffs 1996-97 Glenn Fenton West Coffs 71 1997-98 Craig Haworth West Coffs 77 1998-99 Glenn Fenton West Coffs 45 1999-2000 Stephen Meakins Diggers Ex-Services 56 2000-01 Craig Haworth West Coffs 65 2001-02 Glenn Fenton Greenhouse Colts 56 2002-03 Stephen Meakins Diggers Ex-Services 42 2003-04 Craig Haworth Greenhouse Colts 101 2004-05 Justin Gilbert Bellingen 54 Todd Gill Sawtell 54 2005-06 Craig Haworth Coffs Colts 44 2006-07 Craig Haworth Coffs Colts 57 2007-08 Craig Haworth Northern Districts 57 2008-09 Daryl Parmenter Coffs Colts 48 2009-10 Daryl Parmenter Coffs Colts 62 2010-11 Nicolas Rowe Coffs Tigers 40 2011-12 Justin Gilbert Dorrigo 72 2012-13 David Langford-Smith Sawtell 43 2013-14 Justin Gilbert Bellinger Valley 54 2014-15 Ben Andrews Sawtell 60 1st GRADE PLAYER OF THE YEAR & WINNER OF THE BILL RAE MEMORIAL MEDAL




1997-98 Craig Haworth West Coffs 1998-99 Matthew Francis Greenhouse Colts 1999-2000 Adam Boettcher Sawtell Glen Fenton West Coffs Damien Webeck Diggers Ex-Services 2000-01 Craig Haworth West Coffs 2001-02 Craig Haworth West Coffs Glen Fenton Greenhouse Colts 2002-03 Craig Haworth Greenhouse Colts 2003-04 Craig Haworth Greenhouse Colts 2004-05 Justin Gilbert Bellingen Dist. Cricket Club 2005-06 Todd Gill Sawtell 2006-07 Troy Herbert Diggers Ex-Services 2007-08 Craig Haworth Northern Districts 2008-09 Justin Gilbert Dorrigo Daryl Parmenter Coffs Colts 2009-10 Daryl Parmenter Coffs Colts 2010-11 Nic Rowe Coffs Tigers 2011-12 Nic Rowe Coffs Tigers 2012-13 David Langford-Smith Sawtell 2013-14 Justin Gilbert Bellinger Valley 2014-15 Ben Andrews Sawtell







RAJ A SANDHU – Diggers Cricket Club leads from the field

Winner of the President’s Trophy in the 1 st Grade Grand Final

with a match performance of 1/21 & 81*

THE PRESIDENT'S TROPHY Player of the Match Award in Coffs Harbour First Grade Major Premiership Decider Season Major Premiers Score Runner-up Score Resiult Venue Man of Match Club Performance 1930-31 Jetty 2 125 Jetty 1 139 Outright Jetty Oval Jack Newton Jetty 2 1/22 & 6/13 & 51 & 12 2-37 22 8 wkts Fitzroy Park 1931-32 Sawtell 91 Jetty 1 32 Outright Arnold Maxwell Sawtell 33 & 32 & 4/12 & 7/35 69 105 Runs 1932-33 High School 132 Coffs Harbour 1 123 Tied CH Showground Horrie Cameron High School 4/42 & 6/36 & 24 & 40* 99 108 Les Fredericks Coffs Harbour 1 4 & 27 & 0/19 & 5/13 1932-33 High School 107 Coffs Harbour 1 138 Outright Fitzroy Park Horrie Cameron High School 18 & 65 & 7/51 & 4/29 REPLAY 150 97 22 Runs 1933-34 Woolgoolga 45 High School 48 Outright Fitzroy Park Sam Ford Woolgoolga 4/11 & 4/15 & 0 & 5 5-72 64 6 Wkts 1934-35 Coffs Harbour No finals series held - Minor Premiers awarded Major Premiership. 1935-36 Jetty No finals series held - Minor Premiers awarded Major Premiership. 1936-37 Woolgoolga No finals series held - Minor Premiers awarded Major Premiership. 1937-38 No Competition due to dispute over Saturday/Sunday play 1938-39 Woolgoolga 98 Sawtell 101 Outright Jetty Oval Noel Ganderton Woolgoolga 21 & 129 354 159 192 Runs C Jones Woolgoolga 5/36 & 5/49 1939-40 Sawtell No finals series held - Minor Premiers awarded Major Premiership. 1940-41 Coramba (105) & Orara (6-80) Drawn CH Showground Bruce Ide Orara 3/24 & 50* 1941-42 No competition due to Second World War 1942-43 No competition due to Second World War 1943-44 No competition due to Second World War 1944-45 No competition due to Second World War 1945-46 Coffs Harbour No finals series held - Minor Premiers awarded Major Premiership. 1946-47 Jetty No finals series held - Minor Premiers awarded Major Premiership. 1947-48 Jetty No finals series held - Minor Premiers awarded Major Premiership. 1948-49 Coffs Harbour No finals series held - Minor Premiers awarded Major Premiership. 1949-50 Woolgoolga 168 Jetty 100 Outright CH Showground Noel Ganderton Woolgoolga 73* & 79 & 4/41 179 98 149 Runs 1950-51 Jetty No finals series held - Minor Premiers awarded Major Premiership. 1951-52 Nana Glen No finals series held - Minor Premiers awarded Major Premiership. 1952-53 Nana Glen No finals series held - Minor Premiers awarded Major Premiership. 1953-54 High School No finals series held - Minor Premiers awarded Major Premiership. 1954-55 Orara United No finals series held - Minor Premiers awarded Major Premiership. 1955-56 Woolgoolga 9-113 High School 33 1st Inns - 80 Runs CH Showground Basil McLennan Woolgoolga 7/12 1956-57 Woolgoolga No finals series held - Minor Premiers awarded Major Premiership. 1957-58 Nana Glen 9-229 Orara 233 Drawn - Toss of Coin CH Showground Jim Secomb Orara 105 1958-59 Moonee No finals series held - Minor Premiers awarded Major Premiership. 1959-60 Jetty 129 Moonee 100 1st Inns - 29 Runs CH Showground Lance Titcume Jetty 14 & 5/24 8-52 1960-61 Nana Glen No finals series held - Minor Premiers awarded Major Premiership. 1961-62 Diggers 109 Ex-Services 95 Outright Brelsford Park David Heptonstall Diggers 10 & 148 303 50 267 Runs 1962-63 Diggers 263 Ex-Services 147 Outright Jetty Oval & Orara Don Easy Diggers 40 & 53 & 2/31 & 4/59 8-201 174 143 Runs 1963-64 Diggers 240 Coffs Harbour 84 1st Inns - 156 Runs Brelsford Park Cyril Coombes Diggers 45 & 3/33 & 1/5 7-203 1964-65 Bucca 145 Coffs Harbour 73 Outright Brelsford Park John Wear Bucca 4/14 & 5/55 & 24 & 18 6-82 9-146 4 Wkts 1965-66 Bucca 238 Orara 61 1st Inns - 9 Wkts Brelsford Park Merv Jamieson Bucca 6/21 Snow Towells Bucca 99 1966-67 Bucca 2-17 Orara 132 Drawn - Rain Brelsford Park Merv Jamieson Bucca 3/45 1967-68 Orara 190 Bucca 179 1st Inns - 11 Runs Brelsford Park John Wear Bucca 4/65 & 5/39 & 54 143 1968-69 Bucca 174 Colts 86 Outright Brelsford Park Ross Haworth Bucca 6/26 & 7/17 & 26 57 Inns & 31 Runs 1969-70 Diggers 209 Bucca 144 1st Inns - 65 Runs Brelsford Park Rod Kratz Diggers 75 & 3/31 1970-71 Colts 358 Bucca 90 1st Inns - 9 Wkts Brelsford Park Errol Noble Colts 4/24 & 63 5-100 1971-72 Colts 215 Diggers 174 1st Inns - 41 Runs Fitzroy Oval Errol Noble Colts 94 1972-73 Bucca 210 Plantation Colts 174 1st Inns - 36 Runs Fitzroy Oval Ross Haworth Bucca 54 & 5/48 1973-74 Diggers 195 Bucca 63 1st Inns - 132 Runs Fitzroy Oval Graeme Henry Diggers 21 & 5/41 1974-75 Bucca 71 Diggers Ex-Services 50 1st Inns - 3 Wkts Fitzroy Oval Ross Haworth Bucca 8/30 & 1/40 & 0 & 34 7-95 7-160 1975-76 Orara 7-143 Diggers Ex-Services 137 1st Inns - 5 Wkts Fitzroy Oval Brian Kellett Orara 0/31 & 42 1976-77 Orara 123 Diggers Ex-Services 115 1st Inns - 1 Wkt Fitzroy Oval Terry Herbert Diggers Ex-Services 13 & 5/35 1977-78 Rugby-Westlawn 76 Orara 73 1st Inns - 3 Runs Brelsford Park Brian Kellett Orara 7/27 & 18 6-139 1978-79 Diggers Ex-Services 168 Rugby-Westlawn 76 1st Inns - 92 Runs Brelsford Park Bruce Grant Diggers Ex-Services 40 1979-80 Diggers Ex-Services 8-244 Orara 92 1st Inns - 6 Wkts Brelsford Park Robert Alford Diggers Ex-Services 3/24 & 77* 1980-81 Diggers Ex-Services 174 Orara 173 1st Inns - 1 Run Brelsford Park Ross Haworth Diggers Ex-Services 31 & 5/45 1981-82 Orara 3-151 Diggers Ex-Services 137 1st Inns - 7 Wkts Brelsford Park Laurie Brown Orara 4/26 & 50* 1982-83 Sawtell 8-178 Orara 9-229 Drawn - Rain Brelsford Park Jeff Beverley Sawtell 59 1983-84 Diggers Ex-Services 4-166 Orara 158 1st Inns - 6 Wkts Brelsford Park Ross Haworth Diggers Ex-Services 5/45 & 37* 1984-85 Diggers Ex-Services 179 Rugby-Toormina 136 1st Inns - 43 Runs Brelsford Park John Leahy Rugby-Toormina 61* 1985-86 Diggers Ex-Services 9-190 West Coffs 179 1st Inns - 11 Runs Brelsford Park Selwyn Manz West Coffs 4/48 & 50 1986-87 Rugby-Toormina 105 West Coffs 86 1st Inns - 19 Runs Brelsford Park Terry Herbert Rugby-Toormina 4 & 6/38 1987-88 Plantation Colts - Rugby-Toormina - Abandoned - Rain Brelsford Park - 1988-89 Plantation Colts - Diggers Ex-Services - Abandoned - Rain Brelsford Park - 1989-90 West Coffs - Woolgoolga 6-200 Drawn - Rain Brelsford Park Trevor Browne Woolgoolga 81 1990-91 Diggers Ex-Services 3-128 Woolgoolga 121 1st Inns - 7 Wkts Brelsford Park Terry Herbert Diggers Ex-Services 5/50 1991-92 Diggers Ex-Services (136) & West Coffs (5-75) Drawn - Rain Brelsford Park Glenn Fenton West Coffs 4/10 & 21 1992-93 West Coffs 7-179 Diggers Ex-Services 8-84 Drawn - Rain Brelsford Park Glenn Fenton West Coffs 23 & 6/28 1993-94 Sawtell 4-163 Plantation Colts 153 1st Inns - 6 Wkts Brelsford Park Peter Ebert Sawtell 5/50 1994-95 Diggers Ex-Services 213 West Coffs 4-80 Drawn - Rain Fitzroy Oval Robert Wear Diggers Ex-Services 104 1995-96 West Coffs 4-85 Diggers Ex-Services 80 1st Inns - 6 Wkts Fitzroy Oval David Smith West Coffs 2/26 & 0 1996-97 Sawtell 137 West Coffs 82 1st Inns - 55 Runs Brelsford Park Greg Piper Sawtell 63 & 4/25 0-62 1997-98 Sawtell 9-195 West Coffs 194 1st Inns - 1 Wkt Brelsford Park Matt Bailey & Mick McCrory Sawtell 31* & 29* 1998-99 West Coffs 257 Diggers Ex-Services 107 1st Inns - 150 Runs Fitzroy Oval Grant Purdy West Coffs 58 1999-2000 West Coffs 8-230 Sawtell 225 1st Inns - 2 Wkts CH Int Stadium David Pike West Coffs 61 2000-01 Nambucca 115 Diggers Ex-Services 100 1st Inns - 3 Wkts Thistle Park Terry Baldwin Nambucca 15 & 46* 6-119 9-170 2001-02 West Coffs - Nambucca - Abandoned - Rain Richardson Park - 2002-03 West Coffs 9-341 Sawtell 251 1st Inns - 90 Runs CH Int Stadium Rowan Dagger West Coffs 19 & 7/49 2003-04 Nana Glen 175 Greenhouse Colts 143 1st Inns - 32 Runs Brelsford Park Trent Jones Nana Glen 33 & 6/44 5-60 2004-05 Sawtell 264 West Coffs 212 1st Inns - 52 Runs Richardson Park Ben Andrews Sawtell 5 & 3/47 2005-06 Sawtell 280 Nana Glen 102 1st Inns - 178 CH Int Stadium Lawson Jarman Sawtell 5/29 2006-07 Sawtell 205 Diggers Ex-Services 125 1st Inns - 80 Runs Richardson Park Ben Davis Sawtell 85 2007-08 Sawtell 236 Northern Districts 168 1st Inns - 68 Runs High Street Simon Landrigan Sawtell 75* & 1/42 2008-09 Sawtell 9-226 Dorrigo 135 1st Inns - 3 Wkts CH Int Stadium Ben Andrews Sawtell 4/24 & 56 2009-10 Coffs Colts 146 Diggers Ex-Services 144 1st Inns - 1 Wkt CCSLP 1 Craig Haworth Coffs Colts 2/28 & 70 2010-11 Coffs Colts 103 Coffs Tigers 78 1st inns - 25 runs CCSLP 1 Daryl Parmenter Coffs Colts 8/26 & 23 4-132 2011-12 Sawtell 8-134 Diggers Ex-Services 132 1st Inns - 2 Wkts CCSLP 1 David Langford-Smith Sawtell 7/36 & 8 2012-13 Diggers 195 Sawtell 104 1st Inns - 91 runs CCSLP 1 Stephen Meakins Diggers 67* 2013-14 Sawtell 144 Diggers 75 1st Inns - 69 runs CCSLP 1 Trent Mitchell Sawtell 45 & 3 Cts 2014-15 Diggers 3-172 Sawtell 171 1st inns - 7 Wkts CCSLP 1 Raja Sandhu Diggers 1/21 & 81* THE RAY KRATZ MEMORIAL TROPHY U21 COLT CRICKETER OF THE YEAR


1982-83 Peter Symons Jetty Rebels 1983-84 Derek Beverley Sawtell 1984-85 Derek Beverley Sawtell 1985-86 Derek Beverley Lower Bucca 1986-87 Brendan Plunkett West Coffs 1987-88 Not Awarded 1988-89 Not Awarded 1989-90 Not Awarded 1990-91 Not Awarded 1991-92 David Smith West Coffs 1992-93 James Brown West Coffs 1993-94 Tony Fuller Diggers Ex-Services 1994-95 Stephen Meakins Diggers Ex-Services 1995-96 Trent Saville Diggers Ex-Services 1996-97 David Smith West Coffs 1997-98 Shayne Methven West Coffs 1998-99 Shayne Methven West Coffs 1999-2000 Nathan Silvy Diggers Ex-Services 2000-01 Nathan Munro West Coffs 2001-02 Damien Webeck Diggers Ex-Services 2002-03 Nic Rowe West Coffs 2003-04 Todd Gill Sawtell 2004-05 Jordan Moran Bellingen Dist C.C Mickey Lawrence West Coffs 2005-06 Joe Mennie Diggers Ex-Services 2006-07 Joe Mennie Diggers Ex-Services 2007-08 Joe Mennie Northern Districts 2008-09 Alex Byrne Northern Districts 2009-10 Adam Turner Dorrigo 2010-11 Ben Neaves Dorrigo 2011-12 Joe Willman Diggers Ex-Services 2012-13 Joe Willman Diggers 2013-14 Luke Corlis Diggers 2014-15 Alec Baldwin Coffs Colts

This Trophy was for the BEST JUNIOR ALL ROUNDER from 1982-83 to 1991-92 **** The Trophy since then has been awarded to the BEST U21 COLT CRICKETER in the CHDCA for Performances in Grade Cricket & Representative Teams for Inter-District, NCCC, North Coastal Zone, NSW Country & the NNSW Emus and does not include Schoolboy representative Performances THE RAY KRATZ MEMORIAL TROPHY U21 COLT CRICKETER OF THE YEAR

Pictured above: ALE C BALDWIN - Coffs Colts Cricket Club Winner of the Ray Kratz Memorial Trophy



2003-04 Andrew Mainey Nana Glen 2004-05 Chris Moran Bellingen 2005-06 Todd Gill Sawtell 2006-07 Craig Haworth Coffs Colts 2007-08 Justin Gilbert Dorrigo 2008-09 Brad Lewis Sawtell 2009-10 Justin Gilbert Dorrigo 2010-11 Stephen Meakins Diggers Ex-Services 2011-12 Mathew Riddoch Urunga 2012-13 Justin Gilbert Dorrigo 2013-14 Justin Gilbert Bellinger Valley 2014-15 David Angus-Crouch Sawtell

DAVID ANGUS - CROUCH ~ Pictured above Sawtell Cricket Club 1st Grade Captain Photo taken when David was relaxing as Captain of the Force team at the CHDCA Sommers T20 Contest



2007-08 Joe Willman Diggers Ex-Services 2008-09 Nathan Hinton Coffs Colts 2009-10 Sam Anderson Diggers Ex-Services 2010-11 Zach Symons Coffs Colts 2011-12 Damon Rootes Diggers Ex-services 2012-13 Luke Corlis Diggers 2013-14 Alec Baldwin Coffs Colts 2014-15 Jamie Bekis Coffs Colts

Pictured at right JAMIE BECKIS (Coffs Colts Cricket Club)



1981-82 Country 1st GRADE PLAYERS ONLY 1982-83 City 1 DAY GAMES (50 OVERS) 11 PLAYERS PER SIDE 1983-84 Not contested 1984-85 Country 1985-86 City 1986-87 City 1987-88 Not contested 1988-89 City ALL GRADES (35 OVERS) 1989-1996 Not contested 1997-98 City GOLDEN OLDIES (SUPER 8’s ) 1998-2008 Not contested 2008-09 City TWENTY20 2009-10 Not contested (rain) TWENTY20



2009-10 Sawtell 2010-11 Sawtell Australia Day (Charity) 2011-12 Sawtell/ Diggers Ex-Services (Joint Winners) 2012-13 Not contested


2013-14 The Devils 2014-15 Gladiators

Pictured ab ove RtoL: Sommers T20 Contest O rgani ser GRANT LAWLER (Dorrigo Cricket Club) presents the winner of the Draft First Pick award to ALEC BALDWIN (Coffs Colts Cricket Club and the T20 Vipers team)


Back Row LtoR: Justin Gilbert (Capt.) Mitch Woods, Marty Kelleher, N athan Secomb, Alex Byrne Front: Damon Rootes, David Szumowski, Jarod Edwards, Daniel Harris, Garth Burley Insert: Glen Kesby


Back row - William Buckingham, Dale McNellee, Craig Elphick, Ken Walter, Wade Erenshaw (c), Brock Dowleans, Grant Nicholas Front row - Aiden Statham, Derek Paulsen, Zane Elphick, Jake Nicholas CHDCA - Sommers T20 Competition - 2014/15

TEAM RECORDS Booma Rnd Total Played Won Lost Points Points Quotient

Gladiators 4 4 - 8 32 1.46 Force 4 3 1 12 31 1.22 Rebels 4 2 2 9 23 0.70 Wildcats 4 1 3 12 21 0.83 Chargers 4 1 3 11 20 1.24 Vipers 4 1 3 8 17 0.73

FINAL Gladiators 7/167 off 20 overs defeated Force 138 all out off 20 overs

Runs Wkts Overs Batting Batting Sixes Scored Lost Faced Avge R.P.O Hit

Gladiators 755 24 85.5 31.46 8.80 18 Force 902 38 98 23.74 9.20 32 Rebels 534 36 74 14.83 7.22 19 Wildcats 573 25 74.4 22.92 7.67 8 Chargers 562 23 72.3 24.43 7.75 16 Vipers 595 24 68.4 24.79 8.66 16

TOTAL 3,921 170 486.5 23.06 6.54 109

Runs Wkts Overs Bowling Bowling Conceded Taken Bowled Avge R.P.O

Gladiators 711 33 98 21.55 7.26 Force 779 40 92.2 19.48 8.44 Rebels 484 23 68.3 21.04 7.07 Wildcats 660 24 66.4 27.50 9.90 Chargers 572 29 72.1 19.72 7.93 Vipers 715 21 76 34.05 9.41

TOTAL 3,921 170 486.5 23.06 6.54


229-5 Force vs Vipers Leisure Park 2 17-Jan-15


87 Rebels vs Chargers Leisure Park 2 17-Jan-15 CHDCA - Sommers T20 Competition - 2014/15


Leading Run-Scorers

Name Team Runs H.S Avge Alec Baldwin Vipers 278 88* 92.67 Alex Byrne Gladiators 257 70 64.25 Jack Ireland Force 240 95 48.00 Patrick Myles Wildcats 150 57* 50.00 Andrew Ellis Chargers 137 82 34.25 Brad Lewis Rebels 118 65 29.50 Damon Rootes Gladiators 114 61 57.00 Scott Hulbert Chargers 98 45 32.67 Duncan Marchant Chargers 95 44* 95.00 Mitch Weeden Wildcats 84 33 21.00

Highest Individual Scores

Name Team Score Opposition Jack Ireland Force 95 vs Vipers Alec Baldwin Vipers 88* vs Chargers Andrew Ellis Chargers 82 vs Force Alec Baldwin Vipers 80 vs Wildcats Alex Byrne Gladiators 70 vs Rebels

Most Sixes

Name Team Sixes Jack Ireland Force 12 Brad Lewis Rebels 10 Alex Byrne Gladiators 9 Andrew Ellis Chargers 6 Duncan Marchant Chargers 6 Matt Secomb Force 6 Alec Baldwin Vipers 5 CHDCA - Sommers T20 Competition - 2014/15


Leading Wicket-Takers

Name Team Wkts B.B Avge David Schutt Force 9 3/21 13.67 Glen Kesby Gladiators 8 4/24 6.63 Scott Hulbert Chargers 8 4/9 11.63 Jack Ireland Force 8 4/31 15.50 Duncan Marchant Chargers 7 3/13 14.57 Finley Wilson Wildcats 6 5/31 17.67 Andrew Ellis Chargers 6 3/40 20.67

Best Individual Bowling

Name Team B.B Opposition Finley Wilson Wildcats 5/31 vs Rebels Scott Hulbert Chargers 4/9 vs Gladiators Glen Kesby Gladiators 4/24 vs Force Jack Ireland Force 4/31 vs Rebels Matt Riddoch Force 3/10 vs Wildcats Justin Gilbert Gladiators 3/11 vs Rebels

Most Economical Bowlers (min 8 Overs)

Name Team RPO Luke Corlis Rebels 3.53 Julian Hulbert Rebels 4.63 Justin Gilbert Gladiators 5.17 Glen Kesby Gladiators 5.30 Troy Britnell Force 5.67 Tyh Murphy Rebels 6.20 Matt Francis Wildcats 6.22 Jarrod Edwards Gladiators 6.44


Name Team B.B Opposition Jack Ireland Force 4/31 vs Rebels CHDCA - SOMMERS T20 COMPETITION RECORDS

Highest Team Total: 5-229 Force vs Vipers Leisure 2 17-01-15 Lowest Opposition Total: 87 Rebels vs Chargers Leisure 2 17-01-15

Most Team 6’s in a Match: 13 Force vs Vipers Leisure 2 17-01-15

Highest Individual Score: 103 Brad Lewis, Stingrays vs Dragons, Leisure 2 18-01-14 Most 6’s in a Match: 8 Brad Lewis, Stingrays vs Dragons, Leisure 2 18-01-14 Best Individual Bowling: 5-27 Ben Heaton, Ghosts vs Stingrays, Leisure 1 25-01-14 Most Economical 4 Overs: 2-9 Luke Corlis, Rebels vs Wildcats, Leisure 1 10-01-15 4-9 Scott Hulbert, Chargers vs Gladiators, Leisre 2 10-01-15

Most Runs in a Tournament: 278 Runs Alec Baldwin, Vipers 2014/15 Most 6’s in a Tournament: 14 Hardeep Bassi, Dragons 2013/14 Most Wkts in a Tournament: 9 Wkts David Schutt, Force 2014/15 Lowest RPO in a Tournament: 3.53 Luke Corlis, Rebels 2014/15

Most Career Runs: 386 (avg 64.33) Alec Baldwin 2013/14 to 2014/15 Most Career 6’s: 20 Brad Lewis 2013/14 to 2014/15 Most Career Wkts: 15 (avg 8.27) Glen Kesby 2013/14 to 2014/15

Record Wicket Partnerships

1st Wicket 158 Stingrays vs Dragons Leisure 2 18-01-14 ( Brad Lewis 103 & Ricky Welsh 46* ) 2nd Wicket 79 Force vs Gladiators Stadium 17-01-15 ( Jake Barr 32 & Jack Ireland 48 ) 3rd Wicket 105 Stingrays vs Devils Leisure 2 18-01-14 ( Ricky Welsh 58 & Troy Britnell 57 ) 105 Sharks vs Stingrays Leisure 2 25-01-14 ( James Bellamy 72 & Michael Oates 52 ) 4th Wicket 104 Devils vs Ghosts Leisure 1 25-01-14 ( Tim Parkins 37* & Ben Andrews 69 ) 5th Wicket 69 Ghosts vs Sharks Leisure 1 18-01-14 ( Vikram Atwal 48 & Ben Heaton 34 ) 6th Wicket 85 Wildcats vs Force Leisure 2 10-01-15 ( Nii Ollennu 29 & Patrick Myles 48 ) 7th Wicket 61* Ghosts vs Brumbies Leisure 1 18-01-14 ( John Lovett 45* & Ben Heaton 17* ) 8th Wicket 41 Force vs Chargers Stadium 17-01-15 ( David Schutt 23 & Lachlan Clark 18* ) 9th Wicket 25* Force vs Rebels Leisure 2 10-01-15 ( David Schutt 19* & Lloyd Lucas 13* ) 10th Wicket 29* Wildcats vs Rebels Leisure 1 10-01-15 ( Josh Bartlett 12* & Cameron Martin 14* ) CHDCA - Lower Grades T20 Competition - 2014/15


Played Won Lost Tied Points Quotient

Colts Green 4 4 - - 24 2.84 Tigers 4 3 1 - 19 2.33 Bellingen 4 3 1 - 19 1.20 Colts Red 4 3 1 - 19 1.07 Diggers 4 1 2 1 11 1.14 Sawtell A 4 1 3 - 9 0.85 Colts Blue 4 - 3 1 6 0.40 Sawtell B 4 - 4 - 4 0.30

Runs Wkts Overs Batting Batting Sixes Scored Lost Faced Avge R.P.O Hit

Colts Green 383 13 45.5 29.46 8.36 8 Tigers 400 16 53.1 25.00 7.52 13 Bellingen 450 27 65.5 16.67 6.83 7 Colts Red 480 27 67.4 17.78 7.09 16 Diggers 420 25 67.3 16.80 6.22 9 Sawtell A 366 26 63.2 14.08 5.78 10 Colts Blue 355 39 56.4 9.10 6.27 10 Sawtell B 331 29 66.5 11.41 4.95 6

TOTAL 3,185 202 486.5 15.77 6.54 79

Runs Wkts Overs Bowling Bowling Conceded Taken Bowled Avge R.P.O

Colts Green 342 33 64.3 10.36 5.30 Tigers 332 31 62.2 10.71 5.33 Bellingen 388 28 62 13.86 6.26 Colts Red 415 25 60 16.60 6.92 Diggers 455 31 64.2 14.68 7.07 Sawtell A 379 23 62.5 16.48 6.03 Colts Blue 457 20 58 22.85 7.88 Sawtell B 417 11 52.5 37.91 7.89

TOTAL 3,185 202 486.5 15.77 6.54


153-8 Bellingen vs Colts Blue Richardson 2 10-Jan-15


38 Colts Blue vs Tigers Richardson 1 17-Jan-15 CHDCA - Lower Grades T20 Competition - 2014/15


Leading Run-Scorers

Name Team Runs H.S Avge Wade Secomb Colts Blue 150 57 37.50 Wade Erenshaw Colts Green 143 91 143.00 Sam Hardes Colts Red 128 55* 64.00 Ben Oliver Diggers 107 42 26.75 Mark Coutts Tigers 100 56 50.00 Derek Paulsen Colts Green 88 33* 88.00 Cameron Crawford Sawtell A 84 56 21.00 Tony Slaviero Colts Red 83 53 20.75 Kyle Smidt Colts Blue 79 40 19.75 Mark Henry Tigers 65 36* 65.00

Highest Individual Scores

Name Team Score Opposition Wade Erenshaw Colts Green 91 vs Diggers Darcy Balenzano Bellingen 63 vs Colts Blue Wade Secomb Colts Blue 57 vs Colts Red Mark Coutts Tigers 56 vs Sawtell B Cameron Crawford Sawtell A 56 vs Sawtell B

Most Sixes

Name Team Sixes Cameron Crawford Sawtell A 7 Wade Secomb Colts Blue 7 Wade Erenshaw Colts Green 6 Sam Hardes Colts Red 5 Kyle Smidt Colts Blue 5 Mark Henry Tigers 4 Rod Jones Diggers 4 Tony Slaviero Colts Red 4 CHDCA - Lower Grades T20 Competition - 2014/15


Leading Wicket-Takers

Name Team Wkts B.B Avge Mark Henry Tigers 11 5/12 6.09 Cain Lynwood Bellingen 7 3/4 6.14 Grant Nicholas Colts Green 6 3/6 4.83 Andrew Hoad Diggers 6 2/10 9.17 David Young Sawtell A 6 2/8 9.17 Wade Secomb Colts Blue 6 5/26 16.50

Best Individual Bowling

Name Team B.B Opposition Mark Henry Tigers 5/12 vs Colts Blue Wade Secomb Colts Blue 5/26 vs Bellingen Vaughan Statham Colts Green 4/14 vs Sawtell B Cain Lynwood Bellingen 3/4 vs Diggers Ken Walter Colts Green 3/5 vs Sawtell B Grant Nicholas Colts Green 3/6 vs Colts Red

Most Economical Bowlers (min 4 Wkts)

Name Team RPO Ben Lansdowne Tigers 3.55 Vaughan Statham Colts Green 3.66 Jack Parnell Diggers 4.43 Dale McNellee Colts Green 4.54 David Young Sawtell A 4.58 Cain Lynwood Bellingen 4.78 Aiden Statham Colts Green 4.83 Ken Walter Colts Green 5.15 Call is out for T20 players - 22nd Dec 2014

SIGN UP: Glen Kesby bats for Sharks in last January’s Sommers Cup meeting with Ghosts at Leisure Park. Photo: Leigh Jensen

REGISTRATIONS are open for the second eight- team Sommers Cup T20 competition to be played in 2015. Introduced to Coffs Harbour District Cricket Association last January in response to the explosion in interest in the shortest form of the game, the league was an immediate hit. Special coloured uniforms are used and new "clubs" are formed such as the Sharks and Ghosts. Matches will be played over the weekends of January 10-11 and 17-18 at Coffs Coast Sports and Leisure Park following gradings on Friday, January 9. Cost is $65 per player. A club-based event for third and fourth grade will be held at Richardson Park on the same dates. Players wishing to put their names forward should contact club secretaries as soon as possible.

It’s T20 at the double - 7th Jan 2015

Stingrays batsman Matt Francis makes his ground in the 2014 Sommers Cup T20 clash with Ghosts. Photo: Leigh Jensen

THE introduction of Sommers Cup cricket to the Coffs Coast last summer was so successful that two T20 competitions will be played in coming weeks. Team grading for the 2015 Sommers T20 Cup will be held from 6.30pm at Club Coffs on West High this Friday with special guest Wayne Seabrook from NSW Cricket. Players and family members attending have an opportunity to win tickets to the next two Sydney Sixers matches at the SCG. Round one will be played on Saturday, with the finals under lights at Coffs Coast Sports and Leisure Park one week later, on January 17. Local supplier Mustang Cricket is providing bat vouchers for the highest run scorer and wicket taker for the Under-20 division. Then, for more social T20 cricketers who just want to have a hit and giggle with their mates during the week, the widest-reaching amateur cricket league in the world, Last Man Stands, is coming to the Coffs Coast. Last Man Stands is a quick, exciting and rule-bending version of T20 played by time- strapped cricketers all over the world. It brings together like-minded individuals from all walks of life, countries, religions, sex, and races, to enjoy this wonderful format of the grand old game. The Coffs Coast League is a social family-friendly competition played for less than two hours on Thursday evenings and it doesn't matter if your ability is more suited to the backyard, or you really do fancy your chances at first class level (if only the selectors thought the same way as you do). Any player or team can join Last Man Stands. To register go to Best in the business will showcase their Twenty20 talents - 10th Jan 2015

HIGH FIVES: Ghosts smile as a Stingrays wicket falls in last season’s Sommers T20 Cup. Photo: Leigh Jensen

TOP level cricket is back at C.ex Coffs International Stadium for the first time since 2007. A partnership between Coffs Harbour District Cricket Association (CHDCA) and the stadium's members group will allow the Sommers T20 Cup to be played today in the Leisure Park precinct with the finals (including commentary) on the stadium wicket next weekend. "It's been generous of the members to provide vital assistance and access to the region's premier sporting facility and CHDCA is very grateful," competition convenor Grant Lawler said. "Making the Sommers Cup, our premier T20 event, a partnership between the two associations moves us forward into a new era with players being able to utilise the best ground in the area. "Their generosity will allow this exciting new competition in its second year to reach new heights. "Without such support local cricket talent would be unable to use the stadium which has been the trend for seven years. "The last final or match played at the venue was between Sawtell and Dorrigo." Grant is certain using the facility again for big tournaments will help attract greater numbers of players and professionals to the Coffs Coast. "This year sees former NSW player Wayne Seabrook attending. "Fans will recall Wayne made 165 runs for the state." This year, the franchise names for teams are Rebels, Force, Vipers, Chargers, Wildcats and Gladiators. The next stage is to link Coffs Coast business houses as franchise owners "Statistics from the 2014 carnival speak for themselves. "In all, 314 fours and 110 sixes were hit. "Not to be outdone, the bowlers took 133 wickets at an average of 26.14." Matches start today at 10am on Leisure Park with lower grades at Richardson Park in Sawtell from 9am.

T20 decider shapes as a thriller - 14th Jan 2015

Gladiators batsman Nathan Secomb just manages to survive a confident appeal for dismissal.Leigh Jensen

OPPRESSIVE humidity didn't stop the anticipated thrills and spills at the opening weekend of Sommers T20 Cup cricket at Coffs Coast Sports and Leisure Park. Gladiators and Rebels emerged as front- runners for next Saturday's finals series by winning two matches to head the table on 12 points. But T20 cricket can turn up or down in an instant. Number one draft pick Alec Baldwin was picked up by Vipers franchise, along with former NSW Sheffield Shield right-hander Wayne Seabrook. Baldwin scored two half-centuries but his team could only win one match and sits level on seven points with the Force. Winless outfits Chargers and Wildcats are on two points and have the job in front of them this Saturday. Best bowling efforts came from Fin Wilson, who took five wickets in a match, while Jack Ireland captured a hat-trick. Final round matches begin at 10am with the full draw in Saturday's Coffs Coast Advocate. Thanks to the partnership with C.ex Coffs International Stadium's members group, the grand final will be played on the main turf wicket under lights at 7.30pm.

Meanwhile, the Last Man Stands eight-a-side social cricket competition is still looking for teams and players to participate in the Thursday evening Coffs Coast League. This competition will now start on Thursday, January 29, to allow participants more time to organise teams. Interested players can contact Dave Szumowski on 0425 297 716, send an email or sign up online. Last Man Stands is a quick, exciting and rule-bending version of T20 played for less than two hours on Thursday evenings and it doesn't matter if you are just a bunch of backyard heroes or serious cricketers. Matches are played at Forsyth, Jetty and Reg Ryan Ovals.

Buckle up for fitting T20 finale - 17th Jan 2015 5:30 AM

STRATEGY: The mind of Vipers bowler Grant Lawler ticks over as he ponders a way to remove the man on strike. Photo: Leigh Jensen

GLADIATORS and Rebels go into today's Sommers T20 Cup deciding round on top of the table. Both franchises ended the opening weekend unbeaten and the onus is now on the four rival teams to end their supremacy and upset the pecking order. For the first time since 2007, cricket will be played on the centre of C.ex Coffs International Stadium. In the three rounds leading to the 7.30pm final, one match will be played on the main turf wicket with one at the adjacent Coffs Coast Sports and Leisure Park. A lower grade Booma match will also be played at Leisure Park. In the spirit of T20 cricket, big-hitting batsmen, tricky bowling strategies and desperate fielding will turn the day into a thrills spectacular. Tournament convenor Grant Lawler revealed that in the six matches played on the opening weekend, batsmen scored a massive 1850 runs while the bowlers took 85 wickets at an average of 21.8 apiece. Among the highlights, Force all-rounder Jack Ireland took 4-25 including a hat trick and contributed 43 runs but in the dramatic nature of the T20 format, his team still lost to Rebels when the batsmen took control. Top draft pick Alec Baldwin had a field day with the bat for Vipers with innings of 61 and 88 not out. However, the first of those knocks was for nought when the Gladiators bowlers got on top and tore through the opposing batting border. Baldwin's 81 runs was the best score for any batsman, while Wildcats bowler Finley Wilson did best for the trundlers by returning 5-31 - again in a losing team. SOMMERS T20 CUP Points table Rebels, Gladiators 12 Vipers, Force 7 Wildcats, Chargers 2 Opening round results Rebels 8/175 d Force 8/169 Gladiators 6/171 d Vipers 5/162 Rebels 7/163 d Wildcats 10/114 Force 7/163 d Wildcats 10/130 Gladiators 7/155 d Chargers 8/152 Vipers 3/143 d Chargers 6/137 Today's draw 10am: Rebels v Chargers, Wildcats v Vipers 1pm: Wildcats v Gladiators, Force v Chargers 4pm: Force v Vipers, Rebels v Gladiators 7.30pm: grand final Gladiator Kesby busts up Force to take Sommers T20 Cup title - 18th Jan 2015

Gladiators tail end batsman Daniel Harris became very aggressive with the bowlers and added a lightning fast 36 runs to his team's total. Gemima Harvey

TOP ORDER batsmen Justin Gilbert and Alex Byrne set the platform but it was the bowling of Glenn Kesby that secured the 2015 Sommers T20 Cup championship for Gladiators at C.ex Coffs International Stadium. Playing giant-killing franchise The Force which had bustled from the middle of the pack into the grand final, Gladiators batted first and posted 167 for the innings, thanks to solid hitting from Gilbert (36) and Byrne (42). Daniel Harris wagged the tail with a rapid fire 36 and Kesby managed 11 in a short visit to the crease but the biggest mark was made by the latter when he took the ball in hand. Force had an early setback with Matt Seccombe sent back with four runs against his name. The run chase then settled down with Jake Barr contributing 32, followed by Jack Ireland's 48 and a neat 21 from ever-reliable Chris Neal. Neal was Kesby's first victim and from there he, turned the match on its head. Kesby clean bowled the last three men in while restricting the scoring and Force was finally dismissed for 138. Fellow bowler Sam Durbidge also played a vital role by first sending Barr on his way and then taking out Dave Angus, the last man who might have been able to pull the game out of the fire.

Season 2014-15

Media Coverage Sawtell and Diggers first winners as cricket blasts off - 12th Oct 2014

Sawtell batsman Tyh Murphy caresses the ball away as he compiles his valuable half century. Gemima Harvey

SAWTELL cricketers have a reputation for liking limited overs cricket. The club added to that record in Saturday's season opener at Richardson Park. Hosting Park Beach Bowling Club Colts, the premiers took advantage of winning the toss and posted 6-232 from their 45 overs. Before the match, president Rod Buckle spoke of expectations surrounding teenaged batsman Tyh Murphy and the exciting youngster answered the call in so many ways. Murphy put on 59 runs at the top of the order including a partnership of 76 with Brad Lewis and 35 with Ben Andrews. In the field he took one catch and returned bowling figures of 1-9 from his three overs. If anybody needed reminding how valuable Andrews is to the club, he top scored with 71 before coming out to open the bowling. Andrews then made the breakthrough by removing Colts opener Tim Parkins when it looked like the visiting side were getting into a comfortable rhythm. Colts' other opener, Alec Baldwin, might have felt disappointed with how his day ended. The youngster punched out 59 quick runs but nobody could match his scoring rate. When Baldwin's wicket fell, Colts were 3-87 and the innings meandered away from that moment. It ended with the last batsman heading to the shed in the 31st over with the total sitting on 124. Trent Mitchell was the destroyer. He smashed the middle order - at one stage taking 5-14 - and finished the afternoon with total figures of 6-37 from seven overs.

Meanwhile, Plantation Diggers and Dorrigo faced off in the first top grade match played at Forsyth Park (McLean Street Oval) in many summers and it's an outing Alex Byrne won't forget in a hurry. Byrne was unbeaten on 84 by the time Diggers moved past the target of 147 set by Dorrigo in the 19th over of their session. The men from the mountain found it hard going once Secomb, Wilson and Gilbert were removed with Glen Kesby figuring prominently in the dismissals. Luke Beaumont produced some fireworks in the middle of the day with a handy 43 but without building partnerships, the innings ran out of steam.

Sawtell dismiss Dorrigo for 29 but it's far from a record - 19th Oct 2014

Dorrigo batsmen Nathan Secomb and Garth Burley put runs on the board at the start of the innings but had no idea how quickly their afternoon would go downhill. Leigh Jensen

IT'S NOT a record but the 29 runs scored by Dorrigo against Sawtell in round two is one of the lowest innings in Coffs Harbour District Cricket history. The Buzzards managed to stay at the crease for 21 of their allotted 45 overs. Nobody was able to get into double figures and Luke Beaumont finished top-scorer with eight runs. Drizzle was falling on Richardson Park as start time approached and neither captain wanted to lose the toss for fear of being sent immediately to the middle.

Fate determined Dorrigo's Justin Gilbert would be the disappointed man and he must have had dark thoughts when Nathan Secomb was first man back to the stands after being caught by Daniel Maguire off the bowling of Pat Myles. If Maguire was feeling on a high at that moment, imagine how he felt later? Tossed the ball by skipper Ricky Welsh, Maguire ended his seven over spell with figures of 5-5. In one astonishing period he removed Garth Burley, Eric Moore and Grant Lawler while the score was stranded on 22, just to confirm which club was having the worst of the afternoon. Trent Dierick made his first appearance of the summer and took 3- 18 in a six over spell. Sawtell picked off the required runs in only three overs with Ricky Welsh (6) and young Charlie Towells (13) unbeaten. In those three over, Dorrigo sent down 10 wides. The batsman showed no mercy to Eric Moore, pounding him for 25 runs in two overs.

(Just for the record, the lowest first grade innings score of eight runs was posted in 1936 in a match between Orara and Jetty at Jetty Oval). Sawtell's 'Mr Versatility' gives 131 reasons why he can bat - 26th Oct 2014

Ben Andrews has such an awesome reputation as a 'break through' bowler it's often forgotten he can bat through to a big score when the situation demands. Rob Wright

SO SUCCESSFUL has Ben Andrews been as a bowler in recent seasons it's sometimes forgotten how devastating he can be with the bat. The brilliant Sawtell all-rounder reminded everybody of his match-winning abilities in the round three clash with Urunga by producing a scene- stealing innings of 131, the biggest so far in first grade this summer.

A batsman's deck at Richardson Park enticed the home side to choose first use after winning the toss and while Andrews was the stand-out, his partnerships proved the real winner. Opener Ricky Welsh posted a personal total of 42 and featured in a 77-run joint effort. Andrews and Daniel Maguire (22) put on 83 together while Charlie Towells contributed seven of the 28-run stand he shared with the man of the moment. Sawtell finished at 6-239 and Urunga were in trouble right from the start.

Openers Matthew Riddoch and Luke Pomroy were removed by Keith Campbell without scoring and while Jack Ireland (40) and Jake Barr staged a mini-revival, Towells, Keeden Corliss and Rhys Watson picked off the rest of the order with two wickets each. The last Urunga batsman walked in the 37th over with the score on 119. Yes, Andrews did pick up a wicket. He removed Barr for 12 and finished with 1-10 from seven overs, plus the attractive statistic of four maidens in his spell.

Cool 'ton' by Ricky Welsh in heatwave leaves Sawtell on top - 16th Nov 2014

Diggers batsman Gus Garland despatches a delivery from former Sawtell team mate Brad Lewis in the grand final replay at Fitzroy Oval. Leigh Jensen

PARK Beach Bowling Club Colts continued climbing the cricketing ladder with an easy win over Urunga at Brelsford Park. Everything fell into place for the big improvers of the competition from the moment the toss was won. Batting first, Colts totalled 192 for the 45 overs and then proceeded to dismantle the host team in the uncomfortable part of the afternoon that provided heat, humidity, lightning and brief showers. Urunga was dismissed in the 29th over for 94.

Just around the corner at Fitzroy Oval it was a similar situation for Plantation Diggers in the grand final replay with Sawtell - or, so it seemed. Diggers won the toss and batted, finally reaching 8-204. Young gun Damon Rootes dominated the wicket for 270 minutes to rack up 76 runs including four boundaries. Comeback 'kid' Gus Garland stayed in the sun for 206 minutes to contribute 63 runs in a stand that produced nine boundaries. As players reached the halfway point, the only bright spot for Sawtell seemed to be Ben Andrews' bag of 4-31 but things were about to change.

Instead of melting in the heat, the premiers again proved a hoodoo side for Diggers. Ricky Welsh - who was been promising something huge for a couple of weeks - carried his bat for an unbeaten 108 and took the bowlers apart. He stayed in the middle for 246 scorching minutes and put the ball past the outfield chasers and across the boundary rope on 19 occasions. There was help from Clinton Hayward (40) and Tyh Murphy (34) but the telling statistic was Sawtell only needed 33 overs to get what was required to win and remain unbeaten after five matches in the 2014-15 summer.

Things all change in a week with the first of the two-day matches. Dorrigo host PBBC Colts at Rowe Oval with Urunga to be visited by Sawtell at Brelsford Park. Cricket rivals 'tied' while Dorrigo causes 'annual' upset - 7th Dec 2014

Not long after offering this shot Urunga batsman Andrew Ellis was put out of business by Duncan Marchant. Gemima Harvey

TIED cricket matches are still rare so what develops from the second day's play between Plantation Diggers and Urunga will be interesting. After Urunga ran up 106 in their innings, Diggers pulled stumps at the end of a rain-interrupted afternoon at Fitzroy Ovals with three wickets down and the same score on the board. Just one more run will put the host club in the box seat. But ... what if there's a washout? Will Coffs Harbour District Cricket Association call it a tie or a draw? The (local) laws of cricket aside, Urunga only just made it into the 32nd over to reach their total after Glen Kesby picked off their best men with figures of 5-34 from 15 overs. Diggers batted for 22 overs to equalise. Batsmen Damon Rootes (31) and Russell Gardner (30) remain not out and if there's a dry track and plenty of sunshine this Saturday, they could still ponder the possibility of chasing more than first innings points.

Meanwhile, Dorrigo again confounded the experts at Richardson Park by causing what has almost become an annual, ritualistic, crazily unpredictable upset of high-flying Sawtell. The home side won the toss and gave the Buzzards first use of the middle. So far so good. Dorrigo was dismissed for 81 on the fifth ball of the 24th over, with only Justin Gilbert (16) and last man out Simon Donald (32) able to crack double figures. That's when the wheels fell off for the Blue Caps. It was all over in the 22nd over with the scoreboard showing 49. After batsmen had dominated for the first six rounds of summer, the week of precipitation leading up to this match helped the bowlers finally get a little of their own back. Nathan Secomb did best with 4-27 but Eric Moore was the man who really mucked up Sawtell's day. His four overs included three maidens and three wickets at the miniscule cost of four runs. The visitors batted a second time for a short period and were 2-20 at stumps.

Another amazing Andrews afternoon with cricket bat & ball - 21st Dec 2014

Sawtell's top-scorer Ben Andrews crunches a John Lovett delivery as he builds that match-winning innings of 57 runs. Gemima Harvey

IF YOU can find a bookmaker shouting odds on which player is currently the most valuable in Coffs Harbour District Cricket, slap a large wad of cash on Sawtell's Ben Andrews. Not for the first time this season, all-rounder Andrews has been the dominant factor in a win by the premiers. Against Park Beach Bowling Club Colts at Richardson Park it was with the bat ... then with the ball.

Colts won the toss and gave Sawtell first use of the crease. That decision was crucial with the home side losing the first two wickets with just six runs on the board. However, the innings turned on a valuable knock of 57 by Andrews and a late contribution of 29 by skipper Dave Angus that helped the side total 135 for the 37 overs in the middle. For Colts, Nii Ollennu was best by taking 4-25 including two maidens in his nine over stint. In normal terms for the 'kings' of 45-over matches it wasn't a fantastic score but that didn't matter when Andrews cut loose with his bowling. He totally destroyed the Colts top order. First Alec Baldwin was dismissed for three runs, and then in order - Nathan Gett (no score), Ian Slapp (2), Craig Haworth (2) and Ben Sims (3) - before Brad Lewis managed to elbow his way in for a piece of the action by removing Mitchell Weeden. Andrews returned figures of 7-26 as Colts' afternoon ended in the 22nd over on 51 runs. Once Lewis chimed in, the tail had no chance. His four overs included two maidens and figures of 2-4 against his name.

Sawtell (again) head into the summer holiday break as unbeaten competition leaders from seven wins and one draw. Plantation Diggers nail bogey side Sawtell in photo finish - 1st Feb 2015

Clinton Hayward looks for the location of the field as he moves towards top- scoring for Sawtell. Gemima Harvey

THE FINISH was a real nail biter when Plantation Diggers overtook Sawtell in the top of the table meeting at Richardson Park. Sawtell went down for the first time in this rain-interrupted summer of Coffs Harbour District cricket.

Play was halted when heavy thunderstorms swept the ground in the early afternoon period and it looked for a while the match could be shortened from the regulation 45 overs but the skies cleared and players got on with it. The home side batted first and posted 9-155 with Clinton Hayward top-scoring with 34. His was the second wicket to fall when the score was on 73 and it sparked a mini-collapse of the top order when they lost 3-0. Brad Lewis was sent back to the pavilion without adding to the total and he was followed by Tyh Murphy. Bowler Hardeep Bassi collected the wickets of Hayward and Lewis and finished the match with 4-31 including one maiden. Skipper Dave Angus, Trent Dierick, Ben Andrews and Pat Myles all made double figures for Sawtell to eventually give Diggers something reasonable to aim at.

Diggers stumbled when Damon Rootes went for two but ever-consistent Alex Byrne knuckled down to the task and the total began to climb. It seemed to take forever to reach triple figures but the visitors were ultra-patient and Byrne formed some useful partnerships. Firstly, with Raja Sandhu and then with Gus Garland who once Byrne was dismissed, was joined by Scott Carpenter to push the score to within striking distance. Things became scary when Rhys Tolhurst became the ninth man down. Ben Andrews took him out with Diggers still 11 runs short of victory but Bassi and Brad Carey managed to hold on and the winning runs came on the fifth ball of the 42nd over.

This win more than any other is going to be a huge confidence boost to Diggers who have found Sawtell - considered the masters of limited overs cricket - their bogey side over the past half dozen seasons.

Low scores let Diggers and Sawtell steal a march on pack - 15th Feb 2015

Russell Gardner puts the 'evil eye' on Scott Hulbert a heartbeat before the stumps are broken. Gemima Harvey

THE expression "a quick game is a good game" is generally associated with the card game of euchre. Plantation Diggers cricketers might have agreed with the saying after sundries euchred Urunga in a low-scoring nail-biter at Brelsford Park. After winning the toss, it wasn't a hard decision for Diggers to send the home side to the middle and with Russell Gardner bowling up a storm, Urunga was all out for 66 in the 33rd over. Gardner took 4-11 including three maidens. His spell sent the opposing side's middle order spinning to earth by removing three batsmen for the addition of four runs, leaving Urunga on the precipice at 5-51. Damon Rootes and Hardeep Bassi wasted no time cleaning up the tail.

Diggers should have cruised to victory but fell across the line in the 22nd over by reaching 7-67. Urunga contributed to its own demise by offering up 10 wides, two byes and four leg byes to make 'sundries' the top- scorer after Alex Byrne (13), Gardner (12) and Gus Garland (11) were the only batsmen to make double figures.

In the match at Dorrigo, the home side won the toss and spent the rest of the day regretting their folly. Sawtell finished up at 8-220 with Ben Andrews contributing 59 along with 48 from skipper Dave Angus-Crouch. Dorrigo would have known their fate early when captain Justin Gilbert headed back to the pavilion with the score on 1-2. Trent Dierick took 4-18 and while four batsmen made it into the 'teens, the Buzzards were all out for 90 in the 32nd over. Carpenter's right stuff rockets Diggers towards minor title - 1st Mar 2015

Scott Carpenter survived this catching chance to Jared Baldwin and went on to put Diggers firmly on the path to victory. Gemima Harvey

PLANTATION Diggers is one step closer to the minor premiership following an easy 60 run win over Park Beach Bowling Club Colts. Second-placed Sawtell had the bye and Diggers' latest victory ensures the two teams have all but given the chasers the slip with one round remaining until the semi finals.

The first bit of good news is ... the weather cooperated for a change and players made it onto Coffs Coast Sports and Leisure Park. Even better news for Diggers was the continuing stability in the middle order that when looking back over the records has probably been the club's greatest strength this rain-truncated summer. With top order men Alex Byrne and Steve Meakins dismissed without scoring and run machine Russell Gardner out for two, Colts must have been feeling no pain with their rivals struggling at 3-19. Instead, the man with the 'right stuff' was Scott Carpenter, the opening batsman with the same name as a famous pioneering astronaut, who steadied the ship with an innings of 46 before being run out. Middle men Damon Rootes (49) and Gus Garland (40) went close to half centuries and with a late slice of razzle dazzle from Hardeep Bassi (38), the visitors finished their 45 overs at a reasonable 9-224.

For Colts, Matt Francis did best with the ball by taking 3-30 and later with the bat in his hand, ran up a total of 33 to be second top scorer. In the end, Colts only managed to put 166 runs on the board. Veteran Terry Baldwin tried a mini-rescue with 38 runs before becoming Bassi's second wicket. Bassi and Gardner each finished with three wickets but Julian Hulbert's contribution was also invaluable. Bowling tight to restrict Colts' scoring, Hulbert kept the pressure on and slowed their run rate to a crawl with three maidens in his nine over spell for figures of 1-15.

Diggers take minor premiership but Sawtell snapping at heels - 8th Mar 2015

Rep cricket skipper Damon Rootes latches on to this Ben Andrews delivery as he compiles a super 91-run innings for home club Plantation Diggers. Leigh Jensen

PLANTATION Diggers collected the Coffs Harbour District Cricket minor premiership with a comfortable 51 run win over Sawtell at Fitzroy Oval. But the pattern of the match suggests a lot more work is needed before Diggers' name goes on the winner's trophy in two weeks as the Blue Caps only need to tighten up a little to send the title right to the wire.

Diggers batted first and ran up 9-187, before Sawtell were bowled out for 136. Similarities between the two performances were uncanny. Both teams fared badly at the beginning and were 3-12 in next to no time. Great middle order batting was the attractive feature of both outfits and the tails wagged in the manner that is going to be needed when the pressure intensifies in the finals. The one big difference and overall clincher for Diggers was the superb 91 run stand from Damon Rootes that included eight boundaries and three sixes.

Brad Lewis chipped in with Sawtell's big middle order contribution - his 57 made up of five fours and a pair of sixes. What hampered the premiers was seeing the run rate slow down at the back end.

Front line bowlers Glen Kesby and Julian Hulbert did the bullocking work against the top order but the next wave of Bassi, Garland and Rootes proved very economical and hard to score off. Diggers through to grand final after weather forces draw - 16th Mar 2015

Brad Carey bowls for Plantation Diggers while Liam Watson bats for Sawtell in the cricket semi-final at Fitzroy Oval. Gemima Harvey

RAIN caused havoc on the first weekend of Coffs Harbour District cricket semi finals but, in the end, did Plantation Diggers a huge favour. With Saturday play impossible in the wake of a deluge the day before, Diggers were able to put stumps in the ground at Fitzroy Oval for a 45-over clash with Sawtell. With more bad weather predicted, Sawtell made the sensible decision after winning the toss and headed for the middle.

Big-hitting opener Ricky Welsh got the show rolling with 31 before being run out, but Tyh Murphy (34), Ben Andrews (24) and Casey Arendarcikas (21) all made handy contributions under the circumstances and the Blue Caps totalled 9-175. For Diggers, Russell Gardner and Raja Sandhu each took three wickets.

The minor premiers stayed at the crease for 24 overs before the skies opened and the game was abandoned and declared drawn. For the record, Diggers were 4-89 at that stage. In that time, Alex Byrne top-scored with 43 including four boundaries and one six. The long run of run-making ended for Damo Rootes who was dismissed for one off the bowling of Jonty Neaves who collected 3-32 on the day.

Park Beach Bowling Club Colts eliminated Urunga at Richardson Park and will back up at the same venue this Saturday as rank outsiders against Sawtell. The winner goes on to meet Diggers in the decider on March 28-29.

Sawtell through to grand final as rain plays havoc again - 23rd Mar 2015

SMASH HIT: Sawtell opener Ricky Welsh goes the tonk on his way to a match-altering 59 runs. Photo: Gemima Harvey

PERHAPS it was going to be this way all along, with Sawtell through to this weekend's Coffs Harbour District cricket grand final to defend the crown against minor premiers Plantation Diggers. While another rained-out game helped give the Blue Caps a leg-up through their higher standing against Park Beach Bowling Club Colts, it was a superb 59 by opener Ricky Welsh that showed they are not going to surrender the title without one last mighty effort.

Vanquished Colts captain Matt Rose tips Sawtell to go all the way. "Rain aside, Sawtell still had to work mighty hard to win against what was easily our best effort of the season," Rose said. "Being around the game a while it told me that's just what they wanted to top off their preparation. "Diggers will have their hands full, particularly if good weather allows a fair contest."

After losing the toss, Colts were faced with only one strategy. "On that ground there would be no sense in going after leg-before decisions, so it was a case of taking your catches," Rose said. "We had them 3-17 and they had the job in front and I was so happy to dismiss them for a total of 131. "We needed a clear run and had 12 runs on the board when the weather turned nasty. "The umpires then called it off for safety reasons but still, I was happy with a great effort."

Rose said the best two sides will be on display next weekend at Coffs Coast Sports and Leisure Park. "Diggers and Sawty have done best of everybody and deserve to be there on the biggest day of the year," he said. Old foes meet in grand final for record fourth straight time - 28th Mar 2015

Plantation Diggers and Sawtell will be facing each other for a CHDCA record fourth consecutive grand final. Photo: Leigh Jensen / The Coffs Coast Advocate Leigh Jensen

IF THE two combatants in this weekend's CHDCA grand final seem overly familiar with each other, it's with good reason.

Sawtell and Plantation Diggers will meet in the season decider for a record fourth consecutive year. Twice before in the association's history two sides have met in three straight grand finals.

Bucca and Orara were great rivals in the mid- 1960s while Diggers Ex-Services and Orara faced off just as flared trousers were going out of fashion for the first time.

So far the grand final record is 2-1 in Sawtell's favour but Diggers captain Alex Byrne believes that might be a positive for his team. "I think it's our turn to win," Byrne said. "The past three have gone Sawtell, us then Sawtell, so hopefully it's us again this year."

This weekend's match might be decided more by who isn't playing instead of who is with both teams missing key players. Diggers will be without strike bowler Glenn Kesby while Sawtell has lost plenty of premiership experience, with Brad Lewis out due to a foot injury and Dave Angus missing after having shoulder surgery.

For Sawtell, it's a case of deja vu, according to stand-in skipper Ben Andrews. "Considering 'Lanky' (former strike bowler David Langford-Smith) had to miss a grand final, it feels like a case of 'here we go again'," Andrews said. "You can't blame Davey Angus, though. He was on the list for a shoulder reconstruction and a spot came up."

When asked how confident his team was ahead of the grand final, Andrews said everyone was aware the result could easily go either way. "For the past four years, it's been neck and neck between us," he said. "There haven't been any games where either team's copped a flogging. "It's only been 10 runs here or the last couple of overs there that's been the difference. "It's created a really good rivalry."

Byrne agrees with his opposite number's assessment. "We're as confident as Sawtell would be," he said. "They're always close games between the two teams where whichever team plays better on the day will win."

While the two teams are meeting for the fourth straight year, at Sawtell, first grade grand-final berths have almost become expected rather than hoped for. This weekend will be Sawtell's ninth grand final in the past 11 years. On seven occasions during that streak, the boys in blue and gold have gone home victors.

Andrews isn't so sure such an abundance of experience is that great an advantage. "At Sawtell it's handy we've got so much grand-final experience," he said. "I'd rather we have it than not but, in saying that, it still comes down to what you do on the Saturday and Sunday."

For Byrne, performing on the Saturday and Sunday could come down to something as simple as occupying the crease. "We should get a full game in so this will pretty much be our first two-day game all season," Byrne said. "It will be good to be able to get out there and try to spend some time in the middle, and hopefully we can bat out our 75 overs."

Last wicket stand could prove the difference -28th Mar 2015

IF SAWTELL manages to claim the CHDCA premiership, it may be a 41 run last wicket stand that gets them there. A disciplined bowling performance by Plantation Diggers, Sawtell looked like setting a modest total when they fell to be 9-130. That was before club veteran Chris Neal and Daniel Maguire combined to push the reigning premier's total to a competitive figure. Neal crafted a well compiled unbeaten 31 while Maguire held up an end to reach 14 before being bowled on what was to be the second last ball of the day.

Earlier in the day the contest was about two opposing teenagers. Sawtell opener Liam Watson-Merritt refused to give up his wicket while his partners were falling around him. The under-16s player wasn't dismissed until late in the day having made a very patient 37 to top score for the innings. Meanwhile with the ball Damon Rootes claimed four wickets with his orthodox spin.

As good as the tennage pair was, in what's tipped to be a tight contest, the talking point at the end of the first day's play was the 41 runs for the last wicket. "They'll be very valuable hopefully," Sawtell captain Ben Andrews said. "It's always good to get 150-plus in a grand final."

Despite the late runs, opposite number Alex Byrne is confident Plantation Diggers will still get the coveted prize by the time stumps is called on Sunday afternoon. "The pitch isn't doing much, it's a little bit slow but it's the same deal, if we bat our 75 overs we should make the score a long time before the 75 overs is up," Byrne said. "If we bat smart and we bat our overs out we'll definitely win this."

He would've preferred to be chasing 130 to 140 rather than 171 and admitted the final stand for Sawtell stymied his plans of having a late afternoon bat. He paid particular praise to Neal for his defiant innings. "It's always frustrating when you play against Sawtell and you've got Chris Neal coming in at about number nine," he said. "He's one of their best batsmen and he's coming in down there. You think you're getting through them then you've got Chris coming in."

For Sawtell, the job is only half done and Andrews said as much effort is needed with the ball on Sunday as the team put in with bat on Saturday. "We aimed to bat 75 (overs) and obviously we did that, or close to, so we got our main goal so now it's just come out tomorrow and hopefully take 10 wickets."

Batting is Raj Sandhu at the cricket grandfinal played at the Coff Coast Leisure Park. Batting is Diggers with Sawtell fielding. Leigh Jensen / Coffs Coast Advocate March 29, 2015 Leigh Jensen

Diggers claim cricket title with strong batting performance - 29th Mar 2015

WINNERS ARE GRINNERS: Plantation Diggers celebrates winning the 2014/15 CHDCA first grade premiership. Photo: Brad Greenshields/Coffs Coast Advocate

ON PAPER it was going to be a tricky run chase but Plantation Diggers made short work of the 172 run target to win the 2014/15 CHDCA first grade grand final. Led by opening batsman Raj Sandhu, Diggers cruised past Sawtell's total to win by seven wickets. Sandhu made an unbeaten 81 and helped lay the platform for victory with opening partner and captain Alex Byrne.

The pair stayed together until the 24th over for an opening stand which produced 63 runs and blunted Sawtell's much vaunted new ball attack. Byrne was full of praise for Sandhu's effort. "He's got a good eye. He looked scratchy early on because he hasn't played of cricket of this quality," Byrne said.

"He went out there though and weathered the storm with the new ball. He started seeing them and started hitting the ball straighter and he was unreal. "At the start I was just saying "keep going" but he was saying "let's be there at the end" and he was."

With this weekend's result going the way of Plantation Diggers, the scoreline between the two teams in grand finals over the past four years is two-all. Byrne encouraged players from both teams to make sure they return to play in the 2015/16 season.

"Best of five? We'll go again next year."

CHDCA GRAND FINAL PLANTATION DIGGERS v SAWTELL At Coffs Coast Sport & Leisure Park No1 Oval B.Andrews (Sawtell) won the toss and elected to bat

SAWTELL 1st Innings

Batsman How out Bowler Runs R WELSH b B Carey 2 L WATSON -MERRITT c D Marchant b D Rootes 37 C HAYWARD b J Hulbert 19 T DIERICK c A Byrne b D Rootes 9 T MURPHY st S Meakins b D Rootes 16 B ANDREWS c&b R Sandhu 2 T MITCHELL c S Meakins b J Hulbert 19 C NEAL not out 31 C ARENDARCIKAS c S Meakins b D Rootes 3 P MYLES lbw b J Hulbert 0 D MAGUIRE b H Bassi 14 Extras: (11nb, 3w, 2b, 3lb) 19 Total: (74.5 overs) All out for 171 Fall: 3 (Welsh), 28 (Hayward), 53 (Dierick), 68 (Murphy), 79 (Andrews), 109 (Mitchell), 124 (Watson-Merritt), 130 (Arendarcikas), 130 (Myles), 170 (Maguire). Bowling: J Hulbert 19-5-36-3, B Carey 9-1-26-1, H Bassi 6.5-0-15-1, R Gardner 7-3-13-0, D Rootes 17-6-42-4, A Byrne 1-0-2-0, D Marchant 2-0-7-0, R Sandhu 10-2-21-1, S Carpenter 4-1-4-0.


Batsman How out Bowler Runs Balls A BYRNE lbw b P Myles 24 72 R SANDHU not out 81 149 A GARLAND b T Dierick 20 16 D ROOTES b D Maguire 20 45 R GARDNER not out 14 14 Extras: (4 nb, 2w, 3b, 4lb) 13 Total: (49.2 overs) 3 wkts for 172 Fall: 63 (Byrne), 93 (Garland), 147 (Rootes) Bowling: B Andrews 19.2-6-42-0, P Myles 13-5-27-1, J Neaves 6-1-32-0, T Dierick 8-0-49-1, D Maguire 3-1- 15-1

Plantation Diggers won by 7 wickets